x isfcw uefimtios s 3ngrm fu fcl idler jf lotidlt niv falsehood explain a simple x candy uuceitainty of life grateful a good coil fuc awaits the first letter in the alpha bet stopping for the others lesson th youngest boy receding sowing wheat a second time fellow a man dropped in a well sillabub a foolish brother fortitude twice 20 in couples thinki a lean mo a- bahytonian marriages an auction of unmarried ladies used to mfco place in babylon annually i every dis trict the assembled o certain day in every year all i virgins of marri- gible ae tli bewtifiu was first put up and ou to the highest bidder thesecopj personal beauty followed and so on i he purchasers furnishing themselves villi beauty according to the depth of their respective purses bui alas it seems that there were in bu llion some ladies for whom no money was likely to be offered yet these also were disposed of so provident were the babylonians when all the beau tiful virgins were disposed of the crier ordered the comely and deformed 10 stand up and after having optinly de manded who would marry them for a small sum were at length adjudged to those who would do so for the least sum and thus the money arising from the sale of the handsome served to make up the premiums of those who were of a disagreeable look or had any other defeci importation for a ueirkal winter trade by j- t armstrong h co l their wholnalc and retail woolen auu fancy warehouse aftek considerable linn spint in the different roamifiutiliing coitn- tiediu buglm in the purchase of good for a peneral fall ami winter trade the suurrilve bva with mtieh care selected the chicet and cstcwive nfiburiineiil mrodud to ippcr canada this df ihid comprizes almost ahuve line deserving bask notice ojirt oflu bank of upper canada kingston uitu svnmur lc3u discount day satuii- oa y of ever y week ever ftlogimt btk every jiiclr rn tho and w now respectfully submitted isniis itllcicd lor diciunn antl iu ptiyablo not more ihmi ninety d sifter date must be put under rover til cashier and left at this oflicc day before john macaulav cashier d- lys to at for sale thk lhroniclk office i jin pits vl tht atkiatic solvinier iv i ssi lexdidiv bound in cm- bossed uatlicr with gill loaves and contiting twelve highly finished en giuviugt in sure by thv hist artists kingston ijd oct 1s30 c utmjcc tu public i ujiudiun their cslijtluhnieot will be found re plete with the finest fabric in saxony ulack blue rrnnn olive aud medley cloths double milkl olive and drab rtrrtoui cloth ladie fancy pclise ami utietns in uaih coatinn gctiiltituen french nnp printed table cloth single bod double milted caasiweres assorted qua lities nd colours flushiurs yorkshire heaver ami treble millet pilot cloth fancy silk tflilturttei valcotih nd mar seille vcstiogs satined cititttctt and tartan phnu brussels kidderminster and venetian carpeting heard kus moreens damask antl chintz furniture superfine meriooi unmhazcite bomha- zins mid norwich crapes printed cflli coca londoo chintz and cliimz muslin cray dntnewic and steanvluom cottoo i apron checks turkey stripes nod strip- 1 eel gioliadu checked horse cloths i r counteinams nod marseilles quilts silk j and generally that cotton woisied nod limbs wool ho- 1 hm removed to the comer brick stxky coves nod braces ltok ja- building recently occupied fay mr wm couel camiric and mull muslius gen- binley diuggist where he is now tleincus receiving n very general ussortmcluof flr caps ktaplk and fancy iooih chamois waistcoats and pantaloon draw- well adapted lor the season which lie ers silk and coitoo umbrellas fringes intends to jell unusually low for cash india tafleues and baodaunas oipd and 0 short approved credit he has ulso a notici ll notes or iiccos 0 tslnieoniirlnlinkdeulck kltlizkare 10 in- s wiih j h samson admr cmvilc 24th dec 123 of uppei just can y oltiil oppeuplate press aliisi raiucopplkplatk i i lining press has just been received at tin chronicle office where ihiting cards ffill be primed ami all oilier cvfper- plate work performed willi neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visitin cards for saleat the chronicle olliee july l is0 re slljvalthesuuacn- btr begs leave to acquaint his circular- ojiceof american qjid foreign agency for claims 49 walttt nm york juu 131 pchlic notice in hereby given to all persons wliom it may coocern havin glaitimi debtf inheritances c payable or recoverable abroad that this agency ban estaldished uoder lbs special auspices and pairouagcof diiiiosuislicd individuals in hi couurrv ft regular correspondence uiiicicu ujauihr im jci stand up and aficr having openly de manded who would marry them for a small sum were at length adjudged to those who would do m for the least sum and thus the money arising from tho sale of the handsome served to make up the premiums of those who were of a disagreeable look or had any other defecr painted biize tabic covering shoe thread duich twine looking glasses i on hand a great variety books and stationery and of school a case ol an extract from the rrgmtwhi canada cvttg- the college qtttti arc order ed as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas varou about the lib of january and end onuwsoulof march second quarter hh on lie 20l march and ends on te 10th june third quancr beg oil ibe loili june and ends at the ccommment ol the summer vocation 10ui the lgtli tf august fourth quarter begins immediately nfter ihesunmiur vacain ui october and rnds at he commence- meuinfihe cliiistmas vacation about the 21st december al whatever period of eiihei oftlie above quanersa wltou adniitcd info the college oi preparatory school his dues for instruction art payable fiom the beginlng of that oofler pnrttnents ire largely supplied with the fioesttettum autl choicest material low rrowu aod bleached hollands table nap- frrncii cambrics iluckabatk iowlas osnalmrg and oll kingston october 9th 1m0 tkw stereotype e- xl dition of m avoids it ll circular ojjice of american qnd foreign agency for claims 49 watut new york jan 1831 public notice is hereby given i to all persons whom it may concern having claims debt inheritances c payable or recoverable abroad that this agency has established under h special auspices and pairouage uf diriouisiied individuals iu this country a regular correspondence with eminent bankers c in the princi pal ports and capitals of foreign govern ments in commercial relations with the united slates through the mediation whereof such valid claims as may be con fided thereto will be expedited for settle ment aod promptly and effectively reco vered when furnished by the claimants with the suitable legal proofs and vouch ers together with the requisite power of attorney in be taken and acknowledged before nuyjujgc of a court of record or oilier competent civil magigirate munici pal authority or notary public and tho whole duly authenticated by the governor of the stale ortenilory in whioh the same maybe perfected and legalized by the ap propriate foreign consul nendence throurhoot the uoucii staieiauri british america the like claims fur recove ry in ny part thereof respectively will he rerewed and etrcieuily atteoth to iu hehttlf of americans as well as foreign claimants order for the investment of funds on mrfrtjcarft of freehold property or in the purchase of public securities of the unit ed suites canal loam of thq states of n voik pennsylvania ohio c punc tually and faithfully executed applications addressed to this agency in cases requiring iho investigation of claims search of records or the interven tion of lecal proceedings should he accom panied with an adequate reuiiitaucc to de fray the preliminary charges and disburse ments aliendinp the came and all letter must be post poid aaron h palmer counsellor of the sc of the s- actuary webste r begs most res- pectively to inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that he hnsjuil returned from london with a stock of cloths cussliiiercs and vcst- inqs of the most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the mot ap proved and latest patterns and having succcded in making purchases at some of the first establishments he is enabled to execute orders for cloathing at ex- sheeting siil cnnvas no 2 7 ed tiinghadt clieckeb llurm counterpanes nod marseilles quit coiiuu vvorsied sod lambs wool ik sikry gloves and braces beok ja- couet cambric aod mull muslins geo- tlcmcus fir caps chamois waistcoats and pantaloon draw ers silk and cotton umbrellas fringes india taffeties and bnndaonas oild and paioted baize table covering shoe thread dutch twine looking glasses and stationery their linen diaper and flannel de partments arc largely supplied with the finest texture and choicest material low brown and bleached hollands table nap kins french cambrics huckaback dowlas osnaburgs and sheeting sail canvas no 2 7 blau- mibscriher li ttotice all persons having jj just claims against the estate ot the late rodolpll couciie of camden are requested to preset hem duly au thenticated with as little delay as pos sible and all those indebted to said es tate will please to call and settle the samcwiih the subscript who is duly appointed administrator to the said es- william bowen administrator richmond i3th sep- 1830 published by carey lea and adelphiathe first vol umk to he cutitiuucd at iuicrvali of three mouths of the lincycloplha americana a popular diciiouary ofrj stuncs lit erature history and politic brought down to the present time and including a copi ous collection of original articles in amkiii- can biography on he basis of the sev enth edition of the german convtrsatons- ltiiton to be completed in twelve large volumes octavo qpcrsoos wishing to subscribe to the above work will please apply at thecarou- klt ojict where the 1st volume may be seen- price two dollars and a half each james macfarlane- knest 21 dec la e the undersigned hereby give public notice llint we will not be accountable or li ble ts for warders or common carri ers on the river st lawrence for the hazard and danger of the naviga tion hence to montreal and vice versa we promise the public to employ nunc but sober experienced men as masters of our boats we will at all times when it can be done effect insurance on property con- w for sale avery valuable larm in the township of thurlow situuled wiihiu four miles of the town of belleville and within a quarter of a mile of the river moirce containing two hundred acres of land of which there hie tnc hundred acres in ihe highest slate of cultivation on the faun then is a very neat substantia frame dwell ing house well finished infroniof ulrcb runs u handsome stream of excxllfnt water there is also a barn ol fifiy feet in length by thirty five feet wide a shed and other out buildings finished in the bent style and nearly new ioe- iherwith a good orchaid well slocked with jruit lrec forming altogether one of lite best farms in the country indisputable title will be given for further particulars apply to die propri etor on the premiers ronald mcmicilael thurlow may 1s30 alliance british and fortign life and fire assur ance company of london established tj act of parliament capital five million sterling the agents for this company beg leave to announce to the in- signed to us with some respectable of- habitants of upper canada llint ihey spelling book the simscnucr nos i in the press an extensive second edi- ltntlii i cib friendj and the public cenerally that he has removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr wm binley druggist where lie is now receiving a very general assortment of stapli and fancy oodm well adapted for the season which be intends to sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit he has also on hand a great variety of school books and stationery and a case of christys best waterproof hals w driscoll kingston october yth 130 kcii serges flaouelsand baizes c c public notice hereby given that any person found cutting takinpaway or injuring tle timber on ihe landi belonging to the ouada company without a special authority from this u f- fice will be prosecuted ith tho utniot rigour of the law canada cfhnpilliyvo flier ihe late rodolph couehe of camden are requested to present them duly au thenticated with as utile delay as pos sible and all those indebted to said es tate will please to call and settle the same with the subscriber who is duly appointed administrator to the said es tate william bowen administrator richmond 13th sept 1830 ladies who honour thi establishment with a preference will find anions the fancy part of theirstnek many new aud fashionable articles figured palmerines crape de lyon crape hoyal aod gauze de athen lodia silks satin levantine crepe lisseand iialiaoctts canton crape cyprus rock bpoui aod real thibd shawls artificial flowers thread lares ldgingsand quillings lace caps bmihiaua aod lace veil fftocy oiled silk cumlirtc apron black aud colored lk velvets tortoise shell combs windsor and fancy snap visiting message aud toy cards heaver tionncis fur tiimmiii muff and pelerines a choice collection ofcrosde naples of very superior texture aud prevailing colors the principal parr of ibis splendid and beautiful stock living been parcllttscd for cash cimhlcsiho proprietors to offer tlcir friends and ihe public every advihuc that enn be derived from the prcseut tc- prctfcdftlale of the english market their woollens are particularly recim- meoded to tho uotive of country mer chants as uell as the coosumor spotial care having been taken iu every intttwe to procure cloths calculated for servue also 50 crates well assorted crockery which will bo sold at a small advance by the package or lot j w armstrong co kingston 30th october 1630 revised edition of the provincial sta tutes the number of subscribers for this woik not being equal to the expectations formed by the subscribers ceeding low prices and begs so assure and having intimation from ft source of gentlemen entiusting him with their j undoubted authority that the legiria orders that they shall be executed agree- mure at its next session is likely to e able to the present fashions and in the about the undertaking he is for the pre first style of workmanship at the same j sent reluctantly obliged to abandon ids time lie begs to return hissincere thanks titew stereotype e- lyi dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors englili spelling hook screotyped from ihe s23th london edition la d 1327 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much chciper than flic former edition sorekerpis and oibers wishing for supplies n11 please give iu their names without tfcloy ja8 macfarlane kincstin 22d may is20 public notice is hereby given that any persons fuund cutting taking away or injuring tho timber on the landj belonging to the cnuada company without a special authority from thi of fice will be prosecuted h ith tho utmost rigour of the law canada companys office york 11th oct 1 630 rwm i ft milllks w a second miller would find employment by immedicitc application to cauanouuc mills cjjfcdonaldco jst z clc the otice all persons hav in nods agniftsl the etato o late doctor john st ickney of sophtashtrcli deceased arc requested to present them duly autlicuticateil to the suhscrihers for tf ule- meutaod all persons indebted j iho eriulc arc requested to make mtmojintq paymeut to the subscribers who are duly authotiscd to graot discharges riciid soutbs samuel crunk executors sopbiasburgb november 2d isiiu g 1 midland district salk of lands 0o hereby give notice that i shnll attend and ofler lor sale such portion oftlio lhiicis n arc i criinl by the treasurer of the district imd comnin- cd in the warrants of theclerkof the peace as may be sufficient to satisfy clio arreamcs of assessments due thcrcou it the fullotv- ior times aud places vix pinsburgh dlh april at stratabans inn at iu oclock a m kingston 40th do court house l2 o clock a m ioiikhhoroush 12th do at mcgrerors milk j2 oclock a- m ernest town 13th do at forwards notice all persons having demands against the estate of ihe late abraham barker of hnjioweli deceased oe requested to present litem duly umluiuicated to the pubsciibcrs for settlenont and all persons indebted to thl es are re quested to make inimcote payment to the subscribeiswho ate duly authorised so grant discharges d b stevenson benjhubbs i nnllowell may lgth 1s29 book binding kst blishment kingston oironi of thi siibrilht igtnifljjicd an cxicricnccd md rignl- brcj hook hinder informs the pu1 lhal in knuh ofbusinefis in this line bc perform ed at lus office with n llcss and clc palrh and on moderate lcinis tho following i or 10 price when hooks are brglt by lie quamiir a small advai wl bc mildc on the single volumc- binding in calf fiee for its safe delivery nt montreal at the lowest premium to be obtained incases where no instructions are given with respect to the amount to be insured on the different desciiptions of properly we shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for the safety and interest of the owners the properly will be made subject to the premium paid for ils insurance persons who consign property to us for transport and object 10 this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case l hey must consider themselves subject to all the liabilities of the navigation hence to montreal signed h s- jonrs james mccutchon hooker henderson john mcpilttsonco prescolt 22d march 1828 n b owners of gorjls desirous of given with respect to the amount to be insured on ihe different desciiptions of property we shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be forthe salety and interest of the owners the property will be made subject to the premium paid for ns insurance persons who consign property to us for transport and object to this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which case they must consider themselves subject to all the liabilities of the navigation hence lo montreal siloed hs jones james mccutchon hooker fr henderson joiin mcpherson co prcscoll 22d march 1s2s n b- owner of goods desirous of insurance against the dangers of the navigation from montreal lo preicott will direct jlerchants from whom they purchase to furnish us or our agents in montreal with the value of each and every package signed john mcpiierson co ii s jonks james mccutchon hooker v henderson prcscoll 15 september 1829 n7rrheumthis disease which has cornwall jircckvittc kingston cubtury york niagara folio fill bouod nieutod quarto do octavo do 12mo do 16mo do i ca i do do do do s j 1 0 0 0 10 0 5 0 3 o a 0 0 0 0 at jacob m at adam sbiblyy bowers to hts friends and the public for the sup port he has received for the last nine years and it will alwiy be hu study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g w has made uirangmenis with one of the first houses to supplv him with the latest fashions kingston ath december 1830 thk mansion hotel the having rented house subscriber this extcosive and well knono establishment has now opened the same for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasaotly rituat- ed on store street itetur the principal and moi central street in ktugstou and no establishment of the kind in tlit niuivince l can surpass it io the excellent mltoinfori m art ur of its apartments in regard ijslh nud bod rooms all of whig ibhscriber having kept tavern for sflvenears has acquired experience in that liuc and he trusts that with unre- ratting attention to the comforts of hi gacis he will merit a share of ihe public patrauage lu rear yard in which there is an extensive and cummotlioug range of stahlesand where a livery stable will he constantly kept for the uccoinmodaiion of the public s carmino kuptoc 2tib jf of the mansion house is a larc design it will he some cons olal on to h m for bringing the matter before the pun- itcjos well as for the trouble he his al ready had some progi ss having al ready been made in the revision that he fans been instrumental in foi wardios a measure which must prove ofgret ulility to the province jas macfarlane came sure brown heifld months old nto the subscribers incl some lime iu august a supposed to be oiglilen the owner is requested to come prove property pay clinrj and take her away vm moo it fifth con of the townsnip uf king ton december 0th 1830 inn 12 oclock a- m portland mth do esquire 12 oclock a camtlen i5ih do esq- 2 oclock pm fredericksburgh 16th do at clarkvilje 10 oclock a m kichmoud 16th do- at xapane hills 1 oclock pm tjcndanaga 17th do at tyeudanaira mills 12ov1uck a m- alailnc 10th do- at marmora iron works 11 oclock a m- siduey 20th do at thrahers 12 o clock am kawdon 20th do at fidlara 2 oclock pm thurlow 21stdo at muiiv lun 11 o clock a m aiiielittsihirj s2d do at john ilyons ion loovhtrb a m ilillior 22il do at hvrrinstous i o dock p m sopltiashurh 24ih do at demoret- viltcjo oclock a ft maryjiurh 25th do at stoce mills 10 oclock at joiin maclean sheriff md- nnvember3tilb30 t 10 lgst he subscriber begs 1 form ihe inhabitants w and the neighbourhood thai he li commenced business in the dry goofc and grocery ine in the shop lonuci y occupied by mr tims wilson in store slfcoi wlirte he respectfully invu litem to cull and examine hts toe trusting thai iho quality of his gnoct and the reasonableness of his terms w induce them to favour him with a sha- of their patronjyc and support william mackenzie j ust received and for sale nl the jhronicle oaiee tmafisr m the steam engine f will plates by professor ken wick uf colombia u 6 ge nework dec 1j0 tktotick- the sulwerlber hav- yi iiighccn appointed adminisda- rd hickcy deceas- obo havine claims krp i t iri o h0 liu edw tri rcqutsis all i ninonsi iho estate to present ibem lor tiljusimcnt and those uulcbtcd ii tlio fsiio io call arul sciilo their accounts ellen iiickev li half binding in calf folio half bound mc tiled qunrio octavo 2mo 18mo do do do do and do do do do uroa- 0 17 0 0 7 0 0 3 8 0 i g 0 1 0 folio mcdtcd quarto octavo i2no 81mo binding in pheep full bouud aod orda 0 17 6 do do do do do do do do 0 7 6 0 s 0 0 1 10 0 a ii alf binding 1 sheep folio half memeil quarto octavo istdo 18ld0a bound and orna 0 9 ilo do do do lo do do do 0 0 0 0 4 1 1 0 0 n 3 10 also leder blank v flnfl idling to nny size or pattern- f r foll ao1 paney biadine separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1in fwnfiv 3i 40 suni in kinssi dock yard fltft november 1630 iiffftton mi reserve con- of lots ko sg 37 3s the lih concession of the mvelerat sense which has long baffled the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la graogcs geuuino ointment few cutaneous diseases arc met with more re lit is jo universally unurctmhil 1 nfiitmcnt hassmud the t of cxiierience him i justly ohtaiucd an unparalleled hriiy it immmltftnljr rcuiove the scahs givea t healthy aclioo to the vessels 0 the skin aud its original colour and smoothness nuincrous rccomnicudaliuu miht ho ohtained of its superior cfficnry hut the proprietor chose llint a fair trial should he ilsonly commentator it has in three or four weeks cured case ffiftccu and twenty year standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried- it uot only at oiko rives immedi ate relief iu salt rheum hut euros tinea capitns commonly called scald head aud all scahby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children jy there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it aud it may ho used nn infants or others under any circumstances prick one dollar per bottle fur sale by win itinlcy kingston john mthaoui quebec and geprgomt mon treal sole agent for the canada- king llthjul 1828 the board of education for the johnstown district give notice 4 that from the present time itis their regulation which the use of american hooks in teaching is prohibited and the masters arc directed to cnufiuo themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained hy each mnier vhose certifi cates have passeil tho hoard on applica tion to dr lluhbell that the compliance of tho school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining ihe useof prayers at the com mencement of school iu the morniug aod at its close in the evening a form adapted to general ue may he j found iumavorspelliughook and is re- i commended lor this purpose by tho hoard printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to he signed hy two trustees may he had on application to adiet sherwood esq julij 165 continue to assure against loss or damage by fjre and thai they have for the convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns of the different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq messrs aw morrisc james maclarlane esq james g beihmw esq robt wm prentice esq john ross esq to either of whom parties desitous of effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind ihe public of the following important and striking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuring with the alliance com pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the settle ment of losses the lollowmg gentlemen as then uefilils in the county towns of the different dis tricts viz guy c wood esq cornwall riessts aw morris c fircckvitk james macfarlane esq james g beihunc esq robt wni prentice esq john ross esq to either of whom parties effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave to remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuring with the alliance com pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the settle ment of losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits 5th parties who obtain the settle mem of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right to participate in the profits of the company 5ih losses by lightning will be made ood 7ih the agents have the power of settling losses in this country without referring to the board c directions in lordcn sih treasonable kingston cabuurg york jmagara desitotis of intention strictly to enforco the made some years hack by expenses incurred in the removal of property from fire will be paid till jltinfc o mipif w than the rril valm ihereol ihe cmripn nv will vlialovci loss is sustained not ex the son assured lotls the extended scale onwhich ihe siety is fur mod wnrrattt il- pecttion that the piofus lo ha divided will he large mckenie cetiuneco agknts montreal 2mb sept 120 tll1am jollnson tim ber and hair- dresser next door lo carminos lenders his grateful acknowledgements o the public for the liberal suppoil he has met with since he comnicncetl business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patro nage kingston j0lh may 1520 wanted y m k it ateiy at the long kails south crosby oil ihe kideau canal about 20 good stone masons to whom liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpat1i april ifiso or sale lot n ml 17 in the ninth concession of the towll lip of loughboro forparlicularsen- qirc at this office fingston ith august 1s28 the kixtisto chbomcle is fruited and published every saturday by james macklake at his olhce in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpence perannunv if sent by mail twenty shillings subscription lo be paid in advance itiuckvjlle removal tho sub- scriber beys imive io inform liis korkmto ita hum j sjsx5i h rc district having been purchased on he- luiirofihc commissioiers ofllisma- jcstyn niivv notice licreby given thai all persons are waiicd from cutting down or taking timber or fire wood or in nny other manner dotcrioniiing he said properly and all persons found so lictpassing will be ptocecded against with ihe uimoit severity of the law and further notice hereby given that no person is after w daio o erect any hut mouse or uiildin whatever without permission fro he respective officers of tho dock d j0 r gtover sovnt stvrekfptr micual svratt matr attuntnnt robert moork tad hardware estnhlisbmedi to the store lately occupied by mr atrunx store sttcet where he hits on hand as usual a very general assortment of hardware paints oils cordage c and is in daily expectation ofn fnrtlicr supply direct from birmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol and liverpool the whole of which ho will sell unusually low for cash or shun approved credit 60 doz follanshys crass scythes 20 doz english crass aud cradling do for sale uncommonly low cio w yarker 1830 fchigslondlh june w anted immditicly two journeymen printers amlv i the andocnnmlinn oil ce u r- gtc v s m sau u h arsueal the chronicle office h is price or anvkktisemexts six lines and under hh gd first insertion and aod 7a each subwqucnl insertion ten lines and under 3 id first uimliion and lod each 5uh sequent insertion olvove ten lints 4d- per line ftr the liisl insorlion and id per line lor every subsequent ineition advertiscmenlb without written directions in scried tilt forbid and ehared accordingly orders tor dicnitinning advertiemenis to kc in writing and delivered by wednesday noojc i tht latent naadcrlii6tflcn1 received after ttk ocgca on the day of publication jtypioducc received in payment at the mar kct price- agents john bignrlh esq qnrbcc david chisholme esq three rivtrs amtieu fortfout eaq -vii- trtal- jatnus mlniosh esq laneushr jhn ciuiirron ksq lnchid r cline eq cwnwdl george browne usq mttudtu alphrus joiw eq prttctl henry jonej eq brociriwe juiftb taylor emk ptrtlu hwbltnwnfc tq itichmnd j k hart mil eeq bastenj mc- c j npdonald cnnanquc john dead k bath ahm mitheison eq jwrtft i hi ratkcr lidlvitlt jowph a- kcdw rpq camnkt james 0 eethune eto lluuiitv david smart esq port hope william akan esq lw daniel bos esq vitlria jvhn cibt kq isiagtr charier biprar e j r t r ik tva