m song- ai johnny copt hey booapnrte your race ib mil thy baonors flro struck the bailie is won the sua of your glory has dow gone down never more to rise iu iho moroiuj so rapid was your flight from waterloo stuood at brithli courage which you ne- ter could subdue the battle wp lost off to pnri you flew to proclaim thy disgrace iu the morning lley bonaparte c napoleon as youre crossing tho maio youll think of your crimes aod the blood of the slain tho thy heart were as flint yuuml languish ici pain then vanish liko mist io the inorniup- hey bonaparte c now bonaparte as you leave europes shores the seabirds will scream and the ocean loud roar the mermaid will lour you far far from tbe shore and youll die in st- helena in tbe moroidj iey bonaparte c mungo park an indian s prayer- an indian who was overtaken by a tremendous storm somo distance from land in his canoe thus invoked the deal spirit 0 goody gody jis let poor injurn get on shore agin and he never ask no more favors j circular office of american and foreign agency jot claim id ivuu-st- sew york jan 151 public notice is bertbyfiivsoia all persons whom it may couccrn immix claims debts inheritances c payable or recoverable abroad that this agency has established under um special auspice ami patronage of duiinguithcd individuals io this country a regular correspondence with eminent hankers c io llifl priuci- pal ports and capital of foreign govern- i mcnis ii commercial relations with the j united slates j through tho mediation whereof such valid claims as may he con fided thereto will he expedited for settle- i ment and promptly and effectively rcco- vered wheu furnished by iho claimant j with the suitable legal proofs and vouch ers together with the requisite power of attorney to be taken aod acknowledger before any judge of a court of kocnrd or other competent civil magistrate munici pal authority ornotary public aod the whole duly authenticated by the governor of the stale or territory in which the same i maybe perfected nod legalized by the ap- i propriate foreign consul- having also established a similar corres pondence throughout the united states aud british america the like claims for rccove- ry io any part thereof respectively trill j he received and efficiently attended to io behalf of americans as well as foreign claimants orders for the investment of funds on mortgage of freehold property or in the purchase of public securities of the unit ed states canal loans of the states of n york pennsylvania ohio c punc tually and faithfully executed- applications addressed to this agency junk koticjb fijfict of the bankofupptr canada kingston vilh sotrmbtr ltf30 b i sco l nt wav satuh- da v or 1 vbr y wek nois ollbruil lor discount anil inidc iiyic ai nol nunc limn ninety days ailti itiiic ninsi be put muter cover i the cashier ami let at this office iho diy icforc john macaulay liishipr a notice ll ties or accounts due i ino esiaoftlie tele fred kr1ck ketler are to be settled with j ii samson rdmr tust run jsiue at the curonlclk ofiui c1s iif llit k t i v t it sol i ik kur iflm p1kd80lv bussed leather with hound in cm- t leaves coniing twelve highly inished en gia figs u steel by the first artists kingston 25d oi- 1830 oppekpfcate pukss a first ratecoimkkilate ide press has just been received c two drovers meeting on the road each having a flock of sheep one said to the other give me one of your sheep and ill have as many as youll have no said the other give uie one of yours jg ay lhe preliminary charge and jh1 have wtt as mrpijf vouu atwouvak tlju eamc have quere what was the number of each flock answer five and se ven of laughable blunder affairs more particularly of the heart make up always a good many pages in the history of early life i took it into my head that a little girl who lived in the neighbourhood was absolutely and to all intents and purposes an angel that she had no equal in the world was the most beautiful bewitching elegant eiheriauminded being that ever was sent below the clouds i was sincere and confident in this i took every op portunity of seeing her and if by dint of courage and ingenuity i succeeded it af- forded me a weeks happiness these were all necessarily sunday occasions when people look as pretty as possible at last an extra opportunity of seeing the fair creature occurred i was to go over to the farm on an errand an ambassador on his first introduction to the presence of a sovereign could not have made a greater display of his ward robe titan i did of mine every hair was exactly adjusted my hat put core- fully on a pair of clean shoes under my arm which were to be canicd to the farmers bars and in short i went as every lovesick blockhead goes the first time to see his mistress most particularly fine and feeling most particularly fool ish i gained the awful bars that brought me in view of the mure awfitl presence of my angel stuck my old shoes care- in cases requiring tho investigation claims search of records or the iuterven lion of legal proceedings should be accon paoied with an adequate remittance tode es and disburse og rue eamc aou an tetters must be post void aaron h palmer counsellor of ihe sc of the u s actuary the iiaxsio house iiote l the subscriber having rented this exteosive and well icdowq establishment has now opened the same for tbe accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situat ed on store street being the principal aud most central street in kingston and uo establishment of the kiud iu the province can surpass it io the excellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours aud bed rooms all of which are fur- oihed in the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience io that line and he trusts that with nnre- mtting attention to the comforts of hi guests he will merit a sbaro of the public patronage a large iu rear of the mansion house is yard iu which there is au extensive aud commodious range nfstables- and where a livery stable will be constantly kept fur the accommodation of tbe public s cakmino kingston 24th octoher1830 came into the subscribers enclo sure some time in august a brown heiflbr supposed to be eighteen months old the owner is requested to come prove property pay charges and take her away hm moore fifth conof the townsnipof kings ton december th 1s30 the subscriber begs leave to in form the inhabitants of kingston p at the chronic la oflicc where visiting carf will be ptinted and all other copper- plate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at lie chronicle office jhf 130- rjti m oval-niesubscri- ber begs leave to acquaint his friciids and ihe public generally that he us removed to tho comer brick buibjing recently occupied by mr vm biniey diuggist where lie is now receiving a very general assortment of ntapfck avi axcv uoods well adapted for the season which he intends to sell nnusttallv low for cash or short approved ciedit lie has also on hand a gteat variety of school books and stationery and a case of christys best waierpioof hats d it is coll kingston october ffth if30 tmj3w stereotype je- 11 dition ok mayors spelling hook the subscriber has in tlic pres n extensive second cdi- lion of mitvors englih spelling book sereoivpi from ihe 32sih london edition a 0 1s2 this edition which will be primed on good pnpei from the mills of eastwood and skinn of york will be ajlorded much chcrjor wan ihe former edition j storekeeper nnd oihers wishing for supplies wl please give in ilieir naides without deny j as macfarlane kinizstoa 22d may ls30 mllvilc24th p 1s2s an extract from the regulation of l canada college the college quarters arc ctdcr- ed ns follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about the lib of january and ends on the olh ot march second quarter begins on the 20th march and ends on ihe 10th june third quarter begins on the loih june and ends at the commencement ol the summer vacation about tbe lgih of august fourth quarter begins immediately after the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at the commence ment of tbe christmas vacation about the 21st december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is admited into the college or preparatory school his dues for instruction are payable from the begining of that quarter blislicd hy caret lea anil corn of lhilinlclphiajhe pimj voi uhk witt continued at mtcrvau of three scisawa americana a popular y m arts sciences lit- jtl htoru awl po2jicawughi down and locludin f fcttgtton undersigned wjk the public notice that we rt t o mlejikjts milhr would fum a second employment by inimediaie anoiicaiion io tnanoquc mills c06jucpoaldgo ivay 29 lsso and the neighbourhood that be bus fully under a log put on my new ones commenced business in the dry goods and dtficorv line in tbe fihnn foinfru occupied by mr thos wilson in storo street whore he respectfully invites them to call and examine bis stock trusting that the quality of bis goods and the reasonableness of his terms will induce them to favour him with a share of their patronage and support william mackenzie k 1st december isio i wessreii bt n7 mlm pectivelyio inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicuy that he has just returned from london with a stock of cloths cassimeres and vest ing of the most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the most ap proved andlatest patterns and having succcded in making purchases at sonic of the first establishments be is enabled bumper when the english were to execute orders for cloathing at ox- good catholics they usually drank the ceeding low prices and begs so assure glass every day gentlemen entrusting him with their orders that they shall be executed agrce- arul nceilt forward after haviiinntctised a bow or two walking leisurely down the lane as near the fence as possible i met a drove of cows and a giil dressed in a dirty linsey frock bare foot and with her mouth and bosom besmeared with mush and molasses diiving them forward with sticks and stones i met the company heavens the driver was my sunday flame aud what an angel i threw my hat down in the road rum pled my hair stuck both my shoes in f the mud and thought that i was going crazy i was never afterwards a very enthusiastic lover pretty gooi what do you pic up dere sambo dollar pompey wcll just leifem down again i only putem dere to try you ttoticc all persons having de i melds ngainst the estate of the late doctor i oli n st kkucynfsopliiasburgh deceased ait requested to present them duly authenticate io idc subscribers for settlo- mculand ol prrsuti indclited u the estate arc request to make immediate payment to die subscblierj who arc duly authorised to grant disimirgcs kiciid soimks samuklsckonk executors stiphiasburi nlvoniiicr 2d tto midland 1mstk1c7 saik of lands i do hereby give notice that i shall attend and oiler for sale such pinion iltim i umis are advertised hj the treasurer of the district aud contain ed in the warrants ofiheclerkoftna peace as may he sullicient losatity the arrearages of assessments due ikereou at the folloiv- ios times end places via pittsburli lifi april at stratabans inn at 10 oclock a kiueston i olh do court house vz o clock a m louahborougli i2ii do at mcgrteors mills 12 oclock a ft frnesi town ihth do at kor wards no is oclock am portland 1 ll tlo at jacob shiblys m adam cowers a popes health in a full after dinner aw bon pert whence the word bumper john booth merchant tailor most respectfully begs leave to inform ins friends and the pub lic that he has removed to market street next door to mr w binley druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends aud the public bis sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former stand and now solicits a continuance of that sup port with the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large aud cmu assortment of cloths cassimeres vts- tings trimmings of every description qccn is enabled to furnish anyquan- tity on ik- inysl reasonable terms n ii constantly on band a very fashionable assortment of ready made cluthino kingston llth november 1s30 able to the present fashions and in the first style of workmanship at the same time he begs to return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the sup port be has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p- s g v has made arrangments with one of the first houses to supply him with the latest fashions fcinpsion a dece ltt catirnaui iiidge office kingston janmst 1331 at a meeting of the directors of the cataiaqui ttridgo company held this day for tbo purpose of chous ing by ballot a president agreeable io the act of incorporation john it jin- ver esq was unanimously reelected for the ensuing vear 0- f corbett scctrcas c- p co esquire 12 oclock a catndeu 15th do esq 2 oclock 1 m lrodericksburgh ludido at clarkvillc 10 oclock a m richmond ictb do a xanaoe mills 1 oclock r m i tycmlanaga 17th at tyendaoasa milu v oclock am madoc 19lh do at uarmora iron works 11 oclock a m siilncy 30ih do at thrashers 12 o clock a- m rawdoo 20in do m fidlars 2 oclock thurlnw 21stdo o muoros ino 11 o clock a m amcliasburgb 22d do at john belyons iuu looclork am ilillicr 22d do hi clock p m sophiasburgh 24th ville 12 oclock a m blhrysharph 2th 10 oclock a t johv maglrar november 3d 10 m d hcrringtods 3 o- do at demorcst- ly at stoue mills clinitft1asnewykar uilts tst rewiwil nnd for sale m p the uhronulu office treatise onthc stttim hngmi with plates by prgfcgsorrenwick colombia col- ncwork nee lboo ijiok sale lot no 338 in grave street kingston apply to the kdiior of this paper the token the atlantic souvenir the pearl aaections otvoiin with a number of other litcrarv r ulegantly done up fur the present sea son for salo at ussin c soki store sine kingston dec lt totickt subscriber hav- n- been app administa- irix oi the latu hdwuj ukkw deceas- id rrqmvs all tl d iiisainu ho bstate t adjuslmfcut iil tho estate to call and sc1 tlmir neeooaw kij kiiiot 0li n avtng claims present ilieni fur indebted to tv l mickey jo otice all persons in ivintj j just claims against the estate ot the late kodolph couche of camden are requested to present them duly au thenticated with as little delay as pos sible and all those indebted to said es tate will please to call and settle the same with the subscriber who is duly appointed administrator to the said es tate william bowen administrator richmond 13ih sept 1830 p givcd cult iug ublic notice is herein that any persoas uuod inking away or injuring the titnhcr on ilia lands belonging to the ctiada cntupany without a special authority from tin of lice will he prosecuted with iho utmost rigour of the law canada companys office york jllb ocu 1830 i notice ll persons having demands against the estateof the late abruhuin uurker of llullowcll deceased arc requeued to present tlicni duly authenticated to ihe uabsctibcrs for sottlcmcnfi and all persons indebted to the flstalo iirc re quested to make immediate payment to the subscribers who aic duly authorised so grant discharges p b stevenson benj hlbbs f hallowre may 1 1s29 book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle office the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred hook- binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this lino will be perform ed at his oflice with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in hy the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf a iu calf oruu fulio full hound memed quarto do octavo do 2itio do mo do do do do do i i 0 0 0 5 0 i 0 3 ll 0 i 0 17 half binding in calf folio hair bound and orua- memed quarto do do octavo do do l no do do 18diu do do orua- 0 i 0 0 n binding in s folio full bound and ineuted quarto do do octavo do do lumo do do 81mo do do o 7 0 0 ii 8 0 1 g 0 1 i 0 17 g 0 7 6 0 3 0 0 i 10 0 1 3 h alf binding in sheep bound aod orua folio half meotcd quarto do do octavo do do 12ino do do isuio do do o o 0 4 0 it 1 7a ii l y 0 0 i also ledger blauk work and ruling to any sizo or pattern for fort folk aod faucy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13tli april 1829 kingston dock yud llth socemler f10 the kingston mills reserve con sisting of lots no 36 37 3s 39 40 in tlic 4th concession of lc township of kingston in the midland district having been purchased on he- half of the commissioners of his ma jestys nuvy notice is hereby given thai all persons are warned from cutting down or taking timber or lire wood or in any other manner deteriorating the said property and all persons found so tiespassing will he proceeded against with the utmost severity of the law and further notice is hereby given that no person is after this date to urect any hut house or building whatever without permission from tho respective officers of the dock yard j0 kclovkr nval slort niicr nic1iakl hk att ufaxttr itteiulant- roisfrt moouk cratun 1 tutor y to the present time and minding a cop ous collection of original articlcsm amkhi- ta riookamty on thehasis of the sev enth edition of tho german conve rations lexicon to he completed in twelve large volumes octal- rt persons wishing to subscribe to the alhve work will please apply at the chron icle ojice where tho 1st vosotfei may be sec n price tiro dollars and a half each james macfattlane 24 7c ltfy ercby give will not be accountable or liblc s for warders or common carri ers on the river st lawrence for the hazard and danger of the naviga tion hence to montreal and vice versa we promise the public to employ none but sober experienced men as musters of our lioats we will tt all times when it can be done effect insurance on property con signed lo us with some respectable of fice for its safe delivery at montreal it the lowest premium tobe obtained in cases where no instructions arc given with respect to the amount to be insured on tho different desciptions of property we shall ensure such amount as we conceive will be for the safely and interest of the owners the property will be made subject lo the premium paid for its insurance persons who consign property io us tor iianspon and object to this course will immedi ately signify it by letter in which cose they must consider themselves subject to all the liabilities of the navigation hence to montreal signed h sjones james mccotchon uookekfruexdekson john mcpilbksoxco prescoii22d march 1628 n b owners of goods desirous of insurance against ilic dangers ef the navigation from montreal to prcscoit will direct jucrchants from whom they purchase to furnish us or our agents in ifootren with the value of each and every package signed john mcphersox co h s jones james mccutcuon hookers henderson prcscoit 10 september 1s29 salt riieum thir ittvvlotat disease which has ong baffled the art of the most experienced physiciaus has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la granges genuine oinrmeut few cutaneous diseases arc met with morcie- uctnnceliy tho physician none io which he is so nniversally unsuccessful- this ointment has stood he test of experience nod justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs svesa healthy action io the vessels o the skiu and its original colour and smoothness numerous recommendations might be obtained of its superior efficacv hut the proprietor chose that a fair triu should be usonly commentator it has iu three or four ivceks cured cases f fifteen and twenty years standing thathvlie- mcd the poncrf every remedy that tiicl ltmoolyat ou giv i capitas commonly called aod all scabby eruptions liealthv children 05 there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and it may be used ou infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by yvm bid icy kiugslon john musson quehecand oeorgc llent rlou- ircal sole aeoi for the canada kings uthjuly 1828 the board of education for the johnstown district give notice that from the present time it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years hack by which the use of american books iu teaching is prohibited and the masters arc directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as arc compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the hoard on applica tion to dr huhbell that the compliance of tho school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the morning aud at its close iu the evening a form adapted to geucral use may he found in mavors spellingbook and is re commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed hy two trustees may bo had on application to a die i sherwood esq brockville july wx scfl ild head peculiar to uo- f 1 or satjk a very valuable farm in the township oftlnulow situated within four miles of ihe town of belleville and within aijiiarterola m of the river moifec containing two hundred acrosof land of which there aie enc hundred acres in the highest state of cultivation on the lurn there is u very neat substantial frame dwell ing house well finished in from ol which rnnsa handsome stream of excellent water there is akti a barn of fifty feet in length by thirty five feel wide a shed and other out buildings finished in the best style and nearly new toge ther with a good orchatd well stocked with fruit trees forming ilioetler one of the best farms in the country indisputable title will be given for further particulars apply io the propi- ctor on the premises ronald mcmicuall thurlow 1 ma 1830 aeejaxvce british and funign life and firr assur ance company oflondon established by i pf parliament capital five n iions strntina he agents lo is company beg leave to iiiutunce to he in habitants of ipper canada lliit they continue to assure against loss or thm by fire and ihal thoy have fvr the convenience of ihe public appointed the following gentlemen as their agents in the county towns ofihc different i is- iricts viz guy c wood esq messrs aw morris 4c james maclarlane esq james bethuue esq tfllllluul itldoill i91j john ro esq to either of whom parlies desiious vi eflecting assurance will please apply the agents lake leave to remind ihe public of the following imjionam nd striking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuilng with tbe alliance com pany lt perlect security 2d honor and liberality in the sctitc- inent of losses 3d moderale premiums of assur ance 4th a participation of profits oih panics who obtain tho settle ment of losses from fire are no rherebv deprived of their right to participate iii the profits of tlit companv gih losses by lightuiug will be made ood 7tl ihe agents have the newer of comic all urotmut j iitsluii ciifiimrj niagara settling losses m this countiy wi limit referring to the board of uireclionsiu louden bth reasonable expenses incurred in the removal of property fotn iie will be piiid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on property f a lhanthe real value ihoreof tho compa ny wfll whatovehoss is sustained not exceeding ihe sum asmjred 10ih the extended sca on which the society is formed warrants the is- pcctaion ihalthc prolits to be divijcl will be inpr imcklnle bethukeaco montreal 2sth sep itt acknowledgements to the public fnriho liberal support lie has met with since he eoimnciicod business and he lie by close attention nnd industry io me rit a continuance of the public patro nago kingston solb may 1s29 a d encouragement will be given removal the sub scriber begs leave to inform his friends and iho public thai he has remov- od his wholesale nud retail hardware establishment to the store lately occupied by mr a truax store street where he has on hand as usual a very general assortnicut of hardware paints oils cordage fitc c and is in daily expectation of a further supply direct from birmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol and liverpool tho whole of which ho will sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit 50 doz pollansbys crass scythes 2u doz english crass aud cradliu- do fur salo uucomuioidy low geo wyarker kingston dth june 1610 rs two apply mttn shifiriiht i much 1 waktfiu imnwditte journeymen piinlc ai lltu ansrlocanndinn olvicc 1t5l for sale tit the chronicle oflice wanted imikiiatkly t ihe long falls sonili hiosby on ilie itiffcmi onnnl aloul 20 uooi stoke masoiss to whom liber apily lo mackayredpatii april 1629 for sale lui no 17 in ihe ninth concession of tku town ship of lottgliboro for part iculrs en quire at tliis office kingston 9th augusm828 the kingston vtstyxichb is printed and puhi ivery satlkday by james macrarlakkj ill his oiiicfr uk front street kingston terms seventeen shitliups sixpence peronnnn if win by mad twenty siiillijigs sbbscriptton lo be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d liri inscriien nnd nod 7 j each eubeqiifnt inserlinn ten lincsord under 3s ld first insertion anil iod rucb ub- kqtietu iusrrliou above ten linen m per line for tltctiist insertion and id jht line f every subsequent insertion advertisements without written di rirons ecrtcd littjbrbid and chfttgc ttccottilnply- ordfri tor discontinuing advertymnenta irt ht in iprij and delivered by vy cdksiax koox at the latest no udmtiscmrntrrciivcd after tcv ovlork on tlicday ofpublicaliou tc produce received in payment at tiiti mar ket pi ice aokm john bignrfl esq quebec duvid chujwime esq three riven andrew portnuw vno- treat james mclnlofrh isfu lwtcashr john cumcrun kgq lochkl kcime kfl cowtvail ueorjfc lijowse km mamdtu alphew joir e prttclt llonrx jojh k- broditu jogitth tajlnr perth huiiiuuarsh e liichhxnd j k hurhvell eq vistanj ftiew cxmdonaldj gamntme joiin deaui ks- jlatl allan meimhtson bsij parker esq httiue jotftpli vnmqkr jmnv j uihunv km rfiklffw datij shim t ftm twl t wilfiant alan esq rrfc nniel u ej viliriu j lul ivdok k5 m i uarh difipaft nuxtjf j imiiiufit ijii iuvtpkttjteki mfkihir tlnus a kin lwi esq