Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 19, 1831, p. 3

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itooe of phillips a namo net very appli cable to it as wherever it occurs ns the uppermost rock no bituminous coal need be sought nil ettensive deposits of tmi useful mineral being geologically ibove it the term mountain limestooe however which has also been applied to it js perhaps even less applicable as although in europe this formation generally holds an elevated position its strata together with those of the red sandstone and transition series below appearing to have been thrown op at a considerable angle with the hori zon since their deposition yet this is jot the case io some countries canada for iustaoce where most of these rocks hold u position which is nearly original and ho rizontal how for is this owing to the lit- 1 tie tlevation which the primary rocks attainl in this country and corroborative of the opinion that in general wherever this high dip of the former rocks is observed it has been owin- to the comparatively recent elevation of the primary class mouutain lioicstooc occurs also at beau- port pear quebec supporting tertiary formations of plastic clay and sand and in many other places io the caoadas it is koever often difficult to distinguish it from the transition limestone beneath the old red sandstone when that excellent geo logical horizon is absenf it must be remembered that redness is pot always characteristic of the sandstone io qucstioo ns it is sometimes almost while and is so on the st maurice above the carboniferous limestone ibereisa course grained sandstone called millstone grit which with shale usually form the partings and floors to the different beds of coal met with in iosolated basins in this lowest division of tbo 3rd class of which we now take our leave to c a hagerman esq solicitor gene ral sfc and mtmber for the town of kingston 61ft i have several reasons which satisfy my own mind for thus publicly addressing you i am sorry to see your constituents thwarted in every measure for the well be ing of their town contrary to all reason and fair dealing kingston has been com pelled to forego many important privileges and institutions to the rival claim nf york this n ill be traced to the doings of interest ed men and has its origin io the heads of our provinces executive i have for somevoms been an inhabitant of kingston aod ohserved its progress with a keen interest from nature it possesses very important local advantages and un der the fostering hand of the mothercoun- try now presents a general appearance ifci a i i aj wjuj u i vui a tavaiot for midable rock of defence for the rights of r upper province it is the centre of the provinces commercial relations tho largest and most populous ofherlownsand at enterprising leader in nil public improve ments it fears no rival io loyalty and poo- he spirit and being already the most eli gible object in public opinion it only re quires a fair and unbiased hearing from his majestys ministers to be elevated to the seal of government in upper canada you are now a public officer of the co lonial government nnd at tho same tiraea member of the legislature for this town from the former situation you will have an opportunity nf pressing on the minds of the executive the injustice hitherto dono to kingston and ns its representative you will uaturally feel an interest in tho prospe rity of your constituents both iu a literary and commercial point of view you are aware sir that kiugston was many years ago intended by thoso then at the head of the executive iu thu province for thescito of a public grammar school that a sum of money was appropriated for a suitable building with salaries for a prin cipal and submasters that a master rev mr wilson was appointed for it with a suitable salary who for a short time exercised his functions as teacher but was mnn removed and tho salary and other funds were transferred for the support of n school at york as 1 understand now i should like to know by uhat autho rity this was effected i believe by no o- thcr than t0 ruling party at york aud the education again we must look to york with all its cxpeosive accompaniment otherwise submit to have them educated in a foreign republican seminary aod thus nurtured io principles to which we nre strangers i shall oot at present advert to the con duct of a majority of the executive coun cil in refusing a charter to the proposed commercial bank for this place after hav ing passed the house of assembly in two different sessions by a large majority but shall conclude in the hope that you will he able to convince the cxecutivegovemmeot of the injustice hitherto done to kingston by opposing every effort towards her im provement i am c radical kingston 12th march 1831 8 v mr chronicle i beg you will ex- cose me for not sooner living you the se quel of my first letter but really the re peated calls of ray goad customers requir ed my presence so much behind the coun ter flint i have had but little time to de vote to our itinerant philosopher now proceed the magistrate observing so large ft crowd collected among which were a good dumber of respectable yeomen felt him self forced into the attitude of a public speaker he therefore summoned his for ces in the best manner to suit tho occasion and went on as follows gentlemen what i have already soid to yon has merely been a brief reca pitulation but now i find myself pledged to sustain in some degree the orator and to attempt a regular speech the respec tability and the number of my audience seem to require it i shall therefore do the best i can nod beg of you to regard my efforts on this occasion purely as flowing from a sense of loyalty to the kiog and of justice to ray fellow subjects let us then follow up the isms owenisrn we have dispatched i will next call your attention to wrightism iu touching nu this most detestable ism 1 am most happy to observe among you several fathers of families aod several fine lookiog young men who io all probability intend sooner or later to commit matrimony this strolling philo sopher professes himself an admirer of tho filthy and execrable doctrines of this beastly female atheist no doubt he fan cies that you would he honorod by listen ing to a phillipic against the tyranny of lawful wedlock but you fathers whose chaste uauphtcrs are an honor to their pa- swuts ami a credit ie the neighborhood is it possible that you could so tar degrade them and yourselves as to give the least possible countenance to the ruthless mon ster who would instil into their minds the deadly poison of the principles of fanny wright and you youog meocoum you consent to take wives from a common bro thel heaven forbid tho supposition could you then tolerate the wretch who would drive female vittue out of the world aod plunge mans better half into the foul sty of indiscriminate debauchery 7 i will not insult your good sense by supposiog it possible but look ye here these wor thies cannot perform their assassin ma- cbinatioos without attacking the princi ples of religion they know that while a person lives by the bible it is in vain to preach up to him their accursed doctrines free inquiry therefore must first free you of religious belief then of religious feelings then of a repugnance io actual vice and lastly of the sense of shame this is thesole object offree inquiry aod you see what reason you have for imbibing tho damnable doctrides of robert dale owen nothing will sooner contribute to this than the destruction of female virtue flndtlienco infidelity never fails attacking it by means of loose principles let us next pay our respects to universal suffrage and equal rights they assure ns that all men are equal and that government and freedom cannot exist together but how arc all men equal are all equally know ing equally capable of gaining informa tion and nf getting and keeping property i gvery thing of the kind among those who n proue to iodolcncc it presents to him o motive to that laudable ambition to be io owner nf a farm which i have so often bjitnessed with the highest satisfaction in upper canada with us o right to vote is j certificate of good character but n here univorsal suffrage prevails a vote is no re- commendaiiou whatever and it is no cre- jjit to a man to he voted into office by per- on destitute of character the snvcreigo majesty of a gang of ragamuffins cannot certainly confer very high honors on any one i would far rather have the voles of jen freeholders who became such by ho nest industry than of all the paupers io preat britain ireland nnd america here the audience gave three hearty jtheers i have often thought that the levelling tjoctriues of universal suffrage aud equal rights ought to he classed wiih univeraal- sm in religion they all seem to me to ave originated in the same manafactory iow lniversalism claims eternal happi ness nn a scheme much like thatofuui- iersal suffrage it requires no character mean nn good one it assures solvation ijp the most desperate villains in existence od nothing can be too filthy to he the ob- ct of its kind regard it makes all men qual namely it recognizes no bad ones jjnd makes provision to encourage no good ones it was got op in new england to jlbate the nuisance of too much respect as some noted philanthropists feared paid to iroighty god by which people were op pressed with the fearofhellfortheircrimes hich was thought to he a heathen super- t i i ion and a gross iofriogement on the fights of the people to fear god and ho- or tie civil government is in that hap py land by mniy accounted the worst of jeresies every thing roust be oo a level ns flat as the dead sea and the method ibey take to produce that envied stale of appy tranquility is to make uoiversahsts a atheists of the people and pamper and call forth their most diabolical pas- ions these apostles and angels of light favc not yet become the majority io the and of jonathan but they spare no pains o secure the vantage ground god grant hem a total overthrow our philosopher is also an agrarian be binks the people have a right to an equal distribution of property eveo the most pro fligate aod worthless this is of a piece with parcelling out the kingdom of heaven n the universal plan among thieves iars adulterers idolators whoremodgers 3lasphemers murderers aud abusers of hemselves with mankind for as uoi- versalism holds out a premium to wicked ss awl 4 4moufmtmeat to virtue so agrarianisra and equal dnw besl possible method for eocoirr lazioess and for discouragiog indue j a bycon- sequeuce as a plan for e abhshog politi cal aod moral equality it musl nd first on the list of patent medieff jonathan however seems to retain p x mucb of the blood of john bull it n ve t0 ac cede io these schemes of rtumj s dizement many of his j w1 hold fas their old rusty prejudk madv par ticularly those who mftwk p2ryi be for securing it to iu i ow von though the voice of w p decide otherwise as w right gentlemen do we ft al1 feelhat we have the best right id proceeds of our own industry yesl but our philo sopher here declares that 0u to abolished aod ho pretend 1 s o hc scoro of equal rights hi c ho ever to forget the trcm ta propose to inflict on the inous for the support of scamp saod tfffjsz grarian system and the distribution i william budded expects by the first spring ar rivals a large assortment of sheffield and birmingham shelf goods which being purchased for cash can be sold a9 omas by any ilouso in canada he will have in addition his usual ex tensive stock nf russia swedes c english iron tin nailt glaas gunpowder c c also a constant supply of cut noils from his ijeavek nail works having engaged first rate workmen from the united states montrenl 10th march 1831 w otic e the stockholders in l 1st of letters ing in the post office at thinks that ho of property perhaps he tnssuisv- cause it is the will of the ppl be no burdeo the iodusv however and die rightful owners rf property even in the land of jonathan w fa henv selves a very important f art f tl lo- of all the mp ldiuouhv m the world and they will ews jmkmw wok svjpkd tv lilalu are mil equally it and ospcet 1m- which in a majnry of the executive evi dently exists at this moment i know that there are a few members of an independent and patriotic spirit but these disintersted men are uniformly kept io a minority by the ruling party kingstoo is placed under the same dis advantages with regard to her petition for a chartered bank presently lying before the executive many are the objections pro- pused by the interested party against the prayer of this potitioo it may not there fore bo amiss to advert its a few words to thn history of the bank question thele- pislature passed an act in the year 18 incorporating a bank to bo established at this place but in consequence of the ca pital being too large the measure being opposed by the officers of government at york aud tho inhabitants of this place at that time not being able to raise sufficient funds the period allowed by tho charter forthe bmk to go into operation expired before the necessary arrangements were completed the officers of the civil go vernment then took the bank under their special protection as they had formerly done with our school funds it is almost needless to trace their steps they frst procured an act of the legislature to reduce tbc stock of the bank by onehalf the governoroo be half of theproviocewas next authorised to take one quarter of the tock thus reduced upou which tho bank was forthwith put in operation from the above statement it will appear llint the officers of goverumcntactuated by selfish moiives used tho influence with which they were invested to supplaot tho founder of the bunk which they effected that the bank under its present direction and possessing such a stockholder could not tail to succeed now had the people of kiogiioo beeu afforded tho same facili ties their object would havo been gained nnd the value of their property enhanced ju an equal ratio with property iu york iu fact sir your constituents are sub jected to the caprice of a lew ruling men who apparently ihiuk their nwn interest indemnified with the death of ours do vie require u few pounds from the bank we are left at the mercy of its directors o majority of whom belong to the said party jo we wish io sio our ihildreu d jtbera charge all the doties oriifo both public nnd private 1 tbo assuraptinn gentlemen proves itself lobe a lie if all men were bv their maker intended to be equal why has he made soch amazing diversity a- moug them why is not every human being a perfect match in all respects for every other human being that so they might balance their equality nnd settle down like a peol of slagoant water but they say there is no god chance is their deity yet he has not chanced to produce the claimed equality aod it is a great chance if he ever does we own that all meu havo rights but that all have equal rights we must deny till we see all men reduced to a perfect level our just rights consist io each one getting what he can by honest industry and having its enjoyment protected by public law but i never cap believe that every beggar has an equal right to my farm with myself they con nect universal suffrage with their equality they assert that every man ought to havo a voice and a hand in the affairs nf state and make and unmake government as of ten as the majesty of a mob of beggars might wish it but let us see if a restrirtcd suffrage is not more compatible with tho puhlic good you all know gentlemen that a spur to industry is a good aud valua ble thing property and respectability are generally found together we will go no farther than to our town meetings nooo but freeholders can vote at them- if eve ry body could it might happen that a few persons not worth a shilling might pass town laws affectiug the properly of free holders in which they would uot have a word to say no freeholder would relish this he could not feel his earoidgs secure ho could oot fiod mutual insurance with those who like himself would take care of his neighbour in order to have his neigh bor take care of him- our pioseot system of restricted suffrago is a great eocourage- meut to enterprise to havo a voto at au electiou is in some sense to have a cha racter it proves that a man has the spi rit of a man especially if bo began with ooihiqg but his hands it is a recommend ation tphira amoog the fair sex because an industrious and economical man is a more valuable husband thau a uizyotie but universal suffrage is e haui blow lo pie in spite of all the fia phhowphy maintain what they call therights of pjif alc pprty if there are poor they will wp laken f quite as well by the assist of r as they would if the rich wera rejuced w the loweu dpooinuuttioa one of the ffl to be concluded in our next remain- bcil- villc march 5th 1831 mary ashley lyman ashley stephen bull2 james r bush eliza beth blanchcr james clowes 3 dnniel glum 2 lawrence conley 2 mrs case james caverly thomas coleman john co vert james clegg a denny 2 david dafoe george deuling john dougan lieut h eliot 2 thomas ewing miss edsall george fry ames flood john a fellows ilemy fay john finkle jonas garrison james graham isaac gilbert george german pier gagnon daniel huffman ira p harington levi homan a harriss oald mcjohnston taber kellogg 2i oliver lrflure augustin lacagod r c a mclean esq 2 josiah mccortey capt g mckennon ed mund meachuro dennice macaulay barnard murphy 2 john ogilvy francis pioux john pentico noahpowles o m patrick dr g n ridley aron rose john reed junr william g rimmingion margaret rickley robert smyth esq john steel potter swerdsfipan j ii samson esq william siougbton levi st thomas jonas smyth john exter thompson william thrasher john vnornrer- aldin b west john witt lewicc panton t parker p m n b such of the above letters as arc not called for within six weeks from this date will be sent to the dead loiter office a que f istof letters retrimtni mj in the post office at nuponec 14th march 1831 mamell aussnnt william sradshaw 2 ezekiel benson 2 isaac cnrscnllen john glcndenan anthony oubal f dcmsey michael daple jftn fair field andrew ferrin joseph jackson francis maoneall daniel maclaugh- lin john miller william martin jo seph martin daniel pringle thomas h powers william pringie junr charles ranken jemo smith john steed paul wright allen wells sa muel williams john whrimp n b such of the above mentioned letters as are not relieved within six weeks from this dale will be sent to the dead letter office at quebec allan macpherson p m list of letters remaining in the post office at adolphus- lowu 5lh march 1831 birth at barriefield oo monday last mrs wm allen of a son di ed on the 16th inst at warwick near kingston after a long and painful ill ness samuel hillyard cameron aged 10 years 4 months and 16 days youngest soo of angus cameron esq qr mr 79th or cameron highlanders oo moodny last robert james aged 6 years and 9 mooths and on thursday morning isabella aged 2 years children of john strange esq at hallowed on the 14th inst after a short illoess mrs hannah washburn re lict of the late ebenezer washborn esq aged 76 years she was a native of eog- laodand one of the oldest and most respec table settlers io this colony the sieain boat william the fourth are requested to pay ten per cent on each share on or before the 1st day olmay 1831 a mcdonnell agent dj- treat prescott 4lh march 1831 1 1st of british letters remaining jsli in ihe post office at kingston on 8th march 1831 john allen william adair alexander anderson mr arnold m yckroyd william burrow abraham boice brier bull eliakcm brown l boyes william bowclcn mary blyth stephen boice wil liam boice john brewer peter 11 brown john bates henry bander andrew bal four john baker tyler barret philip bayj alva beooot peter h brown alexaodorcnwan denis crowley da vid courier joseph clement jeorgo clark francis d cochrane william cunningtun johu grafts jobu coylo a mos culler archibald chambers samuel campbell peter case thomas caotwell john cassan timothy calahan william caswell nathan caldwell bridget calag- hao margaret carr catharine doran elias dulmage john duncan cornelius donoghue james doyle john w dorn bartholomew dig- nan charles demers henry davis hen ry diamond eliza deois john egan thomas emery patrick egan james p fraser william frost tho mas fraser james forsithe beojaraio fralick willet ferries james graham william gordon john grunisen susannah griswold abraham cramer john grindle owen gilroy william gibson abelhawley william hawley james harrison valentine heelin daniel hickey john heams john hourigao john hall 2 robert johnston jobo johuston jacob jacksou 2 jesse kenward joseph kerr a kerr mrs kyle edmood kirby michael kil- leen 2 joho kilboro michael koen alex ander ketcbum pat lrfuigao j- b lavigne frances la- timore james lairde johu lyons daniel lyon nicholas lake nancy long ro bert love mrs a leonard lieut mucdonell andrew mcwaio duocan macdoocll joseph mark captain mackcnzie 2 william mcgruer william maclean mary mcclusky john mccan 2 james mckcuzio airs mculeam mi chael matthews bernard mason anthony mcguin roderick mcsween william mairns john mncheau dauiel mctc- 4u jvmu xwrwfxwiw fv 5s i ann maciiamara william miller alcxau- der mnyberry john morrow james mur phy david morton thos mcguoy mary nettles warham noble jean f ouellcttjoho oconnor hugh on william omeara robert owens jonathan pipes joseph prcstler mica- jah purdy joseph pitan william presley or stephen w brown johu proudfoot james powley lawrence quin james raffeity josoph rea william richardson jacob richards rebecca ri chardson rev james richardson michael rally jacob richards john rikeley william steeoson 2 mary shea sa muel smith alexander smith jacob h smith g w smiihs james sprout 2 jacoh scerry ridqnlocum john strag- han 2 jacob ftniileytalexandr scott john g savago james scott peter shel- den william scott davis shortell gorge strachan benjamin slytes alex ander shaw dauiel squier william ijmith michael susee sblby sheriff ma ry shook michael smith henry tully isaiah vaaordcr thomas wiliamson george williams james ii wiuou mrs whealley joho ward william a weston 2 margaret wafer silvester a watson william a welles george willson james h wilson henry wood henry wolser robert wright alexander woods david yeomans johu yourex n b such of the abovemeulioned let- wwawivo ff wffl i we from thisdnte will be transmitted to the dead letter office at quebec john macaulay pm the copartnership between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson co is this day by mutual consent dissolved the subset ib- ers are severally authorised lo setile the affairs of the late copartnership all pet- sons having demands are requested to present them at their office at prescott signed john mcpherson alexa mcmillan samuelcrane prescott 12th january 1631 t it notice the bazaar ball for the benefit of the female benevolent society will take place on the eveoiog of the 8lh april next- managers john rgiover esq- ordoance storekeeper james johnston esqmedical staff john s cartwright esq donald bethune esq h dupuy esq treasurer kingston 18th march 1831 n b the subscription list can be seen at the montreal bank oftice fxarden seeds for sale by jf the subscribers large quantity of fiesli garden seeds warranted to be of the erowth of 1830- with directions for gardening john mowat march 1831 isaiah k boyce willet casey gi deon daton ebenezer doil rev g ferguson mrs mary garrison wm a otnjgsly rfttfev tfuyelv- ame ifoft ricketson haight 2 elishahill nox en harris royal c hicks edwin mallory wm martin daniel ruttan wm m roblin owen roblin jacob ruttan neal shannon charles st charles joseph trumpour 2 johq wilson mary wilson paul wright n b if these letters ate not taken up or redeemed within six weeks tbey will bo sent to the dead letter office john p gilbert p m 1st of letters remaining ma in the post office at bath 1 lift match 1831 abraham amey peter babcockisa bela brown ntthan bicknal frederick baker andrew d p bartels john c clark wm clough edward cressell mr jos can timothy chapman chns clark matthew claik w ro church lovina davy samuel doty george davy mrs thomas dugless mr deck- ler charles dollar lucretia fmc notice for the township of pittsburg thomas fraser daniel fraser 2 ed- i a special session will be ward j freeman joseph file george i holden at mrs petne s inn in s gordon john gressanjohn giif- the village of barrterieid on monday fin joseph huffman robert harj the 28th day of march nextat 12 o clock son jacob huffman william oanos fur the purpose of receiving from the cyril james adam krein 2 faxse overseers of highways of the diflerenl knowlton joseph kellerjohn zacha divisions of the township of pittsburg ria keller david lillies joseph lose their accounts of statute labour p tom- wm afcdonclif ohn jcconnel jas mitep states letters re maining in the post office at kingston on 8th march 1831 joho ash george atkins james w brown william blair aaron brower stephen bull alvey aun cooy matthew cooly sidney dyer2 john a fellows thomas fergusoo samuel hinckley richard jones 2 john mcllaig 2 samuel or charles mer rill wm mccrackio johu murpby sa rah myers w r payne jane smith edward swayne john walsh those letters if not released will be re turned to the dead letter office at wash ington on 1st april next john macaulay p m new forwarding establish ment he subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of upper canada and the public in general that they have entered into copartnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonell co at prescott and ogdorisburgh and that of mcmillan link co at montreal they will be prepared on the opening of the navigation with good durham boats and bateaux manned with experienced masters and conduc tors to transport any produce or mer chandize that they may be favored with on as favorable terms as that of any res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgh will be carried on at the old stands for merly occupied by the late firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mcdonel matthias link old kings head mar ket sauabe kingston james a smith begs to acquaint his friends and the public that he has lately made considerable alteration in his establish ment in market square which enables hira to add much to the comfort of travel lers he has lately erected extensive stabling and provided the means of in suring the best accommodation for hor ses kingston december 6th 1830 justipublished and for sale at the different booksellers in montreal and quebec new academy the rev thomas handcock a b trinity college dublin begs leave to inform the inhabitants of king ston that having now some leisure to de vote to the instruction of youth he pro- re ifllhbtdw his system will embrace english and classical literature reading writing cyphering geography ancient and mo dern history c and will be conducted in conformity with that of the college at york in every respect a circumstance which will afford such of his pupils as may be transferred to that establishment a ma terial advantage terms 7 10s per annum further particulars may be known on application to mr handcock nersonally kingsto feb 12 1831 information wanted7j mrs brindy formerly the widow foot is earnestly requested to write to hejdaughlerinkingstonas something has lately transpired lo her advantage it is supposed that she now lives in the tolbert settlement william and mary ann foot children of mrs brindy are also desired to write or if any person seeing this notice and knowing the in dividuals wanted would confer a great favor by acquainting them of this address to waller gow care of mr peter mcqueen frontst kingston the editorsof thecoionial advocate and courier will have the kindness to publish this notice three times kingston march 4th 1831 ants a place as woman cook who is also capable irbere coofciag is mot cxdosirhy in quired to perform any household work whatever the highest credentials as to character and capability can be fur nished from montreal new york cvc- t where cooking is done by the day- the same person will be happy to comply witb those who may wish her services enquire z t ihe chronicle office kingsion march 4tb 1851 w the montreal almanack or lower canada register for 1831 important additions and alterations hav ing been made to the work ibis periodical presents soperior claims to the patronage of the public than any of the previous aura- bore montreal gazette office january 3 1831 a few copies ef the montreal almanack nre for sale at the post office kingston apply to robt deacon kingston 9th feb 1831 christmas new year gifts wanted immediately a wet nurse apply at the chronicle office kingston ldtb march 1831 ivbrris john afcdonell samuel neiu son 2 abraham potter e palmer jaigaret rickly robert ronnie alex ander ross 2 thomas robertson d c smith catharine snider jacob stover john storms itfary slieuter rev john sreyghieen for tho ma shuhan lewis stover samuel vroo raon gilbert van valkenburgh stephen warner sidney warner albert wiu liams buckley waters william wil cox calvin wheeler the above letters if not redeemed iu six weeks will bo sent to the dead let ter office john dean p m ed during the last year and to assign di visions where statute labour is to be performed by the respective overseers of highways for the present yeur byordorofthe magistrates james gordon town clerk barriefield qih march 1831 alexander uray co beg to notify hat having leased suitable premises in st jean baptiste street they propose commencing early in spring the business of auction eers and brokers and respect fully solicit a share of public patrongc and support montreal february 12 1831 the token the atlantic souvenir the pearl affections offering with a number of other literary gems elegantly done up for the present sea son for sale at lesslie cv sons store street kingston dec 1 830 rxffjle to be raf fled when a sufficient number of subscribers is obtained a handsome bay mare 7 years old and a single bodied dennet with all its appurte nances the number of subscribers to be thirtytwo at 6 dollars each the best of three throws of three dice subscription papers wilt be left at the mansion rouse hotel tho kingston hotel and the chronicle office kingston tilth december 1830

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