vtti m neckege nkc popllo sbl utkoqkk saturday aprils 181 poetry onytnoi j i for the chronicle to iuc v iu fay a wager lucy dear i 13t you can play more trick th rvn many iv wea y mjn um f mi i he i a tear and in a minute gay as any awl i have seen your bosom heave willi throbs that might disturb the world and all you said i did believe until i saw your nose was curld tlicn how my pulse began to beat and how 1 dreaded to bo near you therefore i now resign my seat and trust again ill never hear you k h varieties the following passage is from a otter ad dressed by lord to lady byron but not km we both made a hitter mistake but bow it is over and irrevocably so for at thirtylhrco on my part and a few years less on yours the habit ami thoughts ore generally so formed as to admit of uo modi fication and as wz could not agree when younger wc could with difficulty do so now i say all this because i own to you th it notwithstanding every thiug i cun- sidgivd oar reunion as not impossible lor mnr i in a year after 1 1 e so paration but then 1 gao up tho hope entirely forever p 0l ow p i am vio- lenthut doi malignant for only fresh provo cations eao awakca diy reseoimoot to you who are older and morecorherifrafca 1 would just hint that you may sometimes luistako the depth of cold anger fordigoity aud a worse feeling for duty i assure you iliu 1 hear you now whatever i may have done no resoutment whatevor remem ber thai if you have injured me io aught this furciveuvss is something and that if 1 have injured you il tssmmevtofrgrnwwll if it be true as tho moralist says that the most offending are the least forgiving whether the offence has been solely oo my side or rfciprocnjor oo yours chiefly i have ceased to reflect upou noy but two thiugs viz that you are iho mother ol my child and that we shall oevor meet aguiu flloss readings lost a ladys reticule cootaining a new dry good store with a complete as sortment of ironmongery the child of mr was made very tick bv swallowing twelve dozen of warrens liquid blacking just received mr mcready appeared in the charac ter of hamlet aud recommended to the dealers in west india produce to hop pur chasing for sale 20000 best white oak staves one to he taken every inuroiog on an empty stomach a certain remedy for in- even now been too brief o do justice to a numerous religious community i beg leave to offer one word of explana tion qq the difference between a general and annual conference terms which fre quently occur in the accompanying state ments tjje former meets once in four year and possesses legislative powers the lat ter meets annually and possesses executive powers only the jurisdiction of an annu al conference is confined within a certain prescribed territory the jurisdiction of the genera conference extends over the whole connexion or church an annual confer ence consists of ministers who have been received into the connexion within its boun daries the gene rat conference is compos ed of delegates from all tho annual confer ences elected by them one for every four teen of their members in the accompanying table of ministers i have taken no notice of what are called lo cal preachers they are about 120 in num ber and are generally settled residents in the country from the very kind manner in which 1 was received by the honorable committee i have been emboldened to state the whole case with the utmost freedom i have the honor to be sir your most obt hutnblo servt egerton ryekson to c a hagerman esq chairman of the commit tee c 4c 4c a faithful allegiance to the british govern ment as soon as it was understood by the me thodist societies in upper canada that these representation though gratuitous and utter ly unfolimredk made an impression upon the mind of the colonial government unplea sant to the executive arid prejudicial to them they sought to dissolve in an amica ble way all connexion with the conference in the united states they accordingly pe titioned the american general conference which held s session in baltimore may 1824 for a separation- that body fw rea sons which appeared satisfactory to them daclined granting the request of the peti tioners intimating however that a compli ance with the request of the methodist so cieties in upper canada might be expedient at a future period the methodist conference in canada anxious to terminate as soon as possible a union which now seemed to excite suspi cions in the dband of the government began immediately ho renew their exertions to ef fect and expedite a separation from the a- inerican conference accordingly at their next session held at hallowell midland district august 1824 they drew up adopt ed and signed a memorial to be bid by the dtsesiiuqi late french writer state that drunkarks may he cured by eating 11000 pounds of raw silk just iinpmtcd two year old milch cow has been uonniinriuttly elected colonel of the regi ment of the flying m tiuery- agenilemau undergoing the operation of an emetic t the surprise of his physici an threw tipthe steeple of st pauls church which hod been recently repaired one at three year we love our mo ther at six our fathers at ten holidays at sixteen dress at twenty our sweet hearts at twentyfive our wives at forty our children at sixty ourselves among the singular inventions oftheday is one called darbys fire and burglaryalarm for which a patent has been taken out io england it has the appearauce of a wardrobe wires connecied with it are nt- tnrhed io the various doors and windows nod in the oveut of thieves breaking io or fire taking place alioll alarms the inmates of the house and at tho same instaot it lights a candle and presents a tablet show- in the name otihe apartment where either of those disagreeable agents are carrying on their work of destruction we have heard of a traveller who put up at an inn but who being too long for any room in the house was compelled to raise n window immediately at the foot of his bed through which he let his feet io the mnrniog as the tale goes a flock of lur- kies were found quietly roosting on his legs lynckburgfypuuican this petition rifers to several subjects on each of which i will with pleasure give such information as i possess agreeably to the request of the honorablo committee the petitioners in the first place com plain of the daily and increasing influence of a foreign priesthood a foreign priesthood 1 take to be in tended to mean a body of ministers who have either emigrated from the dominions of a foreign government or are under a fo- jwnumvhwrvft iluttilibtha foreign resources for their subsistence or are under the controul of a foreign interest by more than one of these circumstance i know of no priesthood in this province that may be considered foreign in ahy of these respects unless it be the roman cath olic priesthood which according to tha best of my knowledge of the polity of that church is mediately under the jurisdiction of tho pope of rome as far as it relates to the priesthood with which i have the happiness to be immedi ately connected il is not according my belief foreign in any of the above significa tions of that term iu regard to the place of the birth cfthe minivers of the methodist church tu an nexed table the statements of which have been collect d from authentic sources will shew that there are at present fiftyseven methodist itinerant ministers in upper can ada that fortyeight of these fiftyeven have been born in the british dominions that six out of the remaining nine who were born in the united slates have taken the oath of allegiance to the british govern ment and that most of these have been res ident in tins province a considerable num ber of years in this table five superamial- ed or wornout preachers are not included two if these were born in the brituh do- ley urew ial to be general supejrintcndant before the several annual conferences in the united states praying theim to concur in a petition to the next generaiconferencetobeheld in pitts burgh pa im 1828 in favor of organizing the methodise societies in canada into a separate and independent church aslhismermorial illustratesone important object ofthemonorable committees inquiry namely the fioclingsof tho methodist priest hood in canaida towards the government i beg leave to jay a copy of it before them transcribed freom the original which is at the disposal of ihic honorable committee the difficulties of intercourse between this country and the united states would ren der it extremely hazardous if not totally impracticable as we are now situated lor the superintendents todicharge their duties in canada 5th to us it appears expedient that the societies here should lecome a church sep arate from the body in the united stales in order to secure privileges which arc of importance for the prosperity of religion here at present we are not permitted to perform the rites of marriage to our mem bers nor indeed have we any legal security for any of our numerous chapels in this pro vince and we have been assured that in on r present relation we must not expect any extension of privileges though we can not assure ourselves of such advantages by becoming a separate body yet we can ap ply for those privileges with more confi dence ami we think we have reason to hope that when petitions shall be presented to tho government from an independent church in this country our privileges will be granted and our property secured these brethren are the reasons which have been presented to our minds and which appear to us of weight and moment in favour of a separation and in order to preserve the body of methodist in this coun try from the most disastrous of all events that of divisions among ourselves this memorial is signed by win case and 29 others it waslaid belbre the seve ral annual conferences in ihe united states and received the concurrence of a large ma jority of them in the mean time the methodist confer ence in canada at its session held in ham ilton gore district 1827 adopted a simi lar memorial to the american general con ference and elected five delegates to attend that conference assembled at pittsburg may to the bishojps and members of the annual ls3 wt instructions to use their best ex- confertncex of the mlhjist episcopal ertions to obtain a favourable answer to the caurca in mieir several conferences assent- lhe p n bhd the memorial of lhe preacher in can- 1 ge nferencc after cueexain- ada in conference assembledal halloweu ma of llc s adopted the lollow- respectfully sheweth that petitions to the late general con ference having been forwarded from a nu merous body in this country praying for a separate connexion in canada that the ge neral conference did not think it expedient to grant the prayer of the petitioners and offering their reasons at the same time leav ing the petitioners yet to hope for such an event by saying that however expedient such a measure may he considered at a fu ture period the proper time for it has not arrived and that the canada conference being of opinion that the plan of becoming a separate body ought at a future period to go into effect they beg leave to submit the same to the deliberate examination of their respective fathers and brethren in the several sister conferences with a view to a favorable decision at the next general conference and that the reasons which have influenced the canada conference in favour of such an establishment are as fol lows 1st tho state of society requires it the first settlers having claimed the protection of his britannic majesty in the revolution ary war were driven from their former pos sessions to endure grat hardships in a re mote wilderness time however and a friendly intercourse had worn down their asperity and prejudice when the late unhap py war rfevived their former feelings afford ed what they considered new and grievous iteigiinours me prejudices thus excited would probably subside if their ministry were to become permanent residents in this country as would be the case in the event of becoming a separate body in canada 2d a separate establishment appears to be expedient and necessary on account of e insulated and extended situation of the octeties in this country from the general uperintendency the national line is parked by a vast sheet of water stretching ihewhole length of the province either in ing preamble and resolution copied from the i otrgvnall mhidh i two 1it twww cfl proline- ing for the perusal of the committee when i was personally before them resolved hy the delegates of the an nual conferences in general conference as sembled that whereas the jurisdiction of the metho dist episcopal church in the united states of america has heretofore been extended over the ministers and members in connex ion with said church in the province of up- years ago per canada by mutual agreement and by gom rally the consent of our brethren in that provlthe charter by which it was incorporated j j 1x1 ion with tho american coufcreoce been dissolved since october 1828 no kin of ecclesi astical mnnoxinn has existed hetivcen the methodist conference in upper cnnada aud chiii itmlic united states no kind of recpoosibilif f oh cirher aide n kind of onion rxcept that christian fellowship which exists between tho several branches if the militant church of christ in every part of lhe world fa respect to the methodist cnnfercocoin cannda receiving support from foreign sources i beg to observe tlmt ur metho dic itinerant ministers receive the wmlc of their support from the voluotory contri butions of the societies amoug whom they labor the philadelphia female missionary socioly tins presented for two or three years pasiadonation of 100 to the metho dist musiodary society in canada- the committee in new york of the mctho dtsl missionary society one article uf the constitution of which is to appropriate its fnncls wherever ihry are iitcelv to do the most good without auy regard to political boundaries has made a donation of175 each year for lha last two years to assist in promoting the christianization of the a- hnrigines of upper caoada some dona tions have heeo received by the methodist missionary society in canada from private individuals in the united states these contributions however aro tho gratuitous offerings of benevolent individuals or vol untary associtaioos and arc it no respect connecied with any political influeuee or ecclesirtslical jurisdiction they aregtvea and recfived in accordance with tho spirit of that divine injunction go and teach all nations in accordance with thospirit oftbnse noble societies in great britain whose hcnovolonco aod exertions aro uot confined io one country or to one kingdom but ire benefitting almost evety nation up on iho face of the globe all monies received by the methodist mifcsinnnnv swimify nro ilttly nek now- j ledged in the published annual reports or that society together with the applications of them a sum hns hern annually received by tbo moihndut confereoee in caoada from a general bonk concern in the city of new york the circumstances of which i beg to explain to the honourable committee this concern was established maoy by the methodist conferences tho proceeds of it recording to ince and whereas this general conference is satisfactorily assured that our brethren in the said province under peculiar aud pres sing circumstances do now desire to organ ize themselves into a distinct methodist episcopal church in friendly relations with the methodist episcopal church in the nilcd slates therefore be it resolved and it is hereby resolved b the delegates of the annual conferences in general con ference assembled minions aud three in the united state but they have taken the oath of allegiance to in this province from ten to fifteen years a it respects the methodist ministers in upper canada heing under a foreign juris diction i would observe that this was nev srany other than an ecclesiastical jurisdic tion and i believe never in the slightest degree alienated the affections of the me thodist ministers or people in canada from the british government as is manifest from the loyalty and faithfulness with which they assisted in defending this province against the invasions of the united states j lakes or rapid rivers so that in our insulated situation and the difficulties in as also the 7th section part second of the book of discipline aro equally divided a- mong nil the annual conferences iu pro portion to tho number of their members aud are exclusively applied to the relief or worn out distressed preachers and the wi dows and orphans of those who have died in the itiuerant ministry and to the geofi- nal spreadius uf the gospel consequently it its separation a portion of tho property f that hook concern would he due to the conference in cannda but its affairs io h being in an unsettled state a large if the annual conference in upper ca nada at its gnsuing session or any succeed ing session previously to the next general i imount of iinnk being scattered io different conference shall definitively determine on pars m lhe j state large debts cx- this course and elect a general supenntcn- uti insl lhc c aud others ant or the methodist episcopal c lurch in j co it was thought ll ilj eaaa tttli ka tt tt ii ti a m government during the late wir this ec clesiastical jurisdiction however ceased in a great degree to be exercised iu the y 1s24 when the methodit societies in can- nassing it was nearly thirty years after the introduction of our ministry before one of t bishops visited thiscountry twooth- ada were organized under the control of t cr bishops lived and died without setting ditifict conference and ceased to exist in foot in canada and if two others by forced 182s win they were constituted inton dis- labour have kindly stepped over these vi- tinct and indepemlant church entitled i sits have been few and transitory conse- the methodist episcopal church in can- quenuy inconveniences have been felt for ada i want of ordinations and a more particular in order that the committee may be able and immediate oversight of the general su- to appreciate the correctness of this stale- penntendency a supnntendant there- ment and understand the whole subject to f fore to reside in una country to attend to which it refers i will here take the liberty j those important duties would greatly rem- to mention briefly the circumstances which edy those inconveniences and haye a most gave rise to and were connected with the termination of this ecclesiasticaljurisdiclion which the conference in the united states i the methodist qtlestion tub following documents accompanied the report of the select committee of the house of asicmblyto whom was referred the peti tion of donald bethune aod olhersof kings ton complaining of the increasing iofluence of a foreign priesihood ate tho report in questioo appeared in a late number of the chronicle aud we nnwby request publish these ducuracots for the information of the public letter from the reoegertonryer8onoftke methodist church to the chairman yorkfeb 9th 1831 sir the accompanying statements may ppear at first thought unnecessarilyminule a id tflmsbit a iheiunmstance appa rently alluded to in the petition have been represented a enveloped in inexplicable uytrry 1 i bought i could not place them pin inly befue tho honorable committee witiimt detailing them with oin degree of miuucness andiosomopartilfcarihavo formerly exercised over the body of aletho- i in jealousies lately awakened in i ni nj 1 eminent of this province on the disls in upper canada salutary influence upon the cause of religion 3d a separate establishment appears ne cessary and expedient on account of exist- the gov- e arrival of tne first methodist itinerant prechfln we2s2 kuope efforts were visited this province in about the year 1790 or 1791 and came here in the cforaclerand capacity of missionaries they organized societies and son formed regular circuits after the first year or two ihee missiona ries derived their principal if not their whole support from their scattered flocks in the province the number of preachers increas ed in proportion to the demand for their la incurs some of them wcie sent into the province by the united states conferences and others were raised up in the country but all were employed under the authority of the american conference- this state 01 things continued until the year 1820 when several english missionaries visited thtk provinceand an unfortunate misunderstand ins took place between them and certain preachers who had long laboured in the country this miunderstndinc which t believe originated primarily in individual ioaloihy gave rise to many reproachful ep ithet by which the methodist preacher snd societies iu the province were repre sented as america in their feeling d under a foreign inltucncv at rarilbitf with made to establish them in our cities and so cieties by raising objections to our ministry as coming from the united states these objections were urged to the people here and to the committee at home but when the measure proved unsuccessful and the british conference refused to sanction the requests made tothemfrom political motives these objections wore then urged against us by thegovernh of this country natural as it was for political characters to listen to alarms on such subjects some excitements were produced in the minds of men high in the executive department and some late events have rather increased than allayed these excitements to us therefore it ap pears proper to apply forascparation that ny yielding to what might be thought to he the reasonable wishes of tho government we may obviate objections and remove all suspicion of tho purity of our motives in preaching the gospel in this country 4th to us it appears expedient and ne cessary that the societies hern should he set off as a separate body because that in the united states with the assistance of any two or more elders to ordain such ge neral superintendent for the said church in upper canada provided always that noth- i ing herein contained he contrary toorincon- stiejii vith the laws existing in the said pro vine and provided that no such gene ral superintendent of the methodist epis copal church in upper canada or any ot his successors in office shall at any time exer cise any ecclesiastical jurisdiction whatev er in any part of the united states or of the territories thereof and provided also that thin article shall be expressly ratified and agreed to by the said canada annual conference hefure any such ordination shall take pliee pursuant to the authority given in the resolution of the american general confer ence tw methodist conference in canada at its wxt session held in ernest town midland district oct 1828 took the subject of separation again into consideration and after rdiearsing the above preamble re solved tdtat it is expedient and necessary and thai the canada conference of the me thodist episcopal church do now organise themsfitees into an independent methodist episcopil church in upper canada with a gcneal superintendent to be known by the nane of the methodist episcopal churchin canada 2d rmolvtd that we adopt the present discipline of the methodist epis church as the bass of our constitution and discipline except fltch alteiationsas may appear ne cessary from our local circumstances 3d icsotued that the twenty third ar- itclodlour religion he expunged and the followoi ho inserted in its place we bclievi it to be tho duty of all christians to he suljpct to the powers that be fur wo ars cuuinaoded hy tho oricles of god to respect aud obey the civil government we slnuld thereforo notuuly fcur god but hoiiotr tho king thecooforcuco then proceeded to mnke altcrtfinnsio several parts of the discipline and omhipkm whole aud parts of sections as thrlncnl cirrumstantos of the lrnviucc soomol tirequio sofflo uf ihesc altera tions i had the honor ofsliewttig iho com mitter by coniprin the discipline uf the luethnlisl ljiixcopm church in canada with hithy which the methodist church iu tieluitid states u trverucd as he id section of the book nfflkcj pliiiofthc american methodist church provtfh that alterations in tho rultufthe chunh cannot take place except by th pelejrtte of the aunuil confrrrqce assem bled vill appear obvious to the commit tee tint such altcraiiou could pot have been nadcin the discipline of the me ilio- the event of war between the two uatiim i dial 0urch io canada had oot allcoruc advisable by the delegates of the canada conference to defer the final adjustment of their claims until the eusuiug scasoo of the general conference which will he belli in pltihtdelplihti ahy 1833 iu order to bo prepared for this final settlement tho general conference urdered all the old stock of books io tho hands of agents to he sold at 50 percent discount aud those which could uot he sold to be returned to the establishment in now york similinr arrangements ware made to ad iisi all the other affairs of the coocero the general conference resolved at the same time thatuntill there shall he an redjustmeotof noy claims which the cana da church may have on this connexion the book ageotsshall divide to the said canada church an equal proportion of aoy annual dividend which may be made from the book concern to the sever annual con ferencesrespectvey this annual di vidend apportioned to the canada church has never to the bestof my knowledge ex ceeded thirtyseven pouuds tea shillings which has been carefully applied to the pur poses specified in the discipline this is i believe the true state of the case respect ing tho general book concern and ihe only dependence which it appears to me the cauada church has upon the american conuoxioo is that the former has a leal claim upon the bitter for a certain amount uf property in books c- which the latter has agreed to adjust a year from next may there are two circumstances more which have been represented as indicating fo reign infiueuce that 1 heg leavo to no tice tho noc relates to the election of a general superiuteudant and the other to nrdinatiens having been performed by a bishop of the methodist church in the united states as to iho former the methodist confer ence in 1823 on its determining on a sepa ration unanimously elected godllctnnu for that responsible office wbow gifts ac quirements nnd graces preemiutly qualifi ed hint for its duties and who ivm kuuuu to eujny in the highest degfmj the coo fidince and respect uf lhe british as well a the american connexion aod was also nndflfttood to he an iwilihitian by birth this gentleman who is now principal of ihe wwleyan university in couuccticut from the peculiar circumstauces of hi health aud situation declined nccepliugjof the office to winch the methodist confer ence in the ivoviucc had invited him since that rime the attention of the mem bers of tho methodist conference has bouu drawn to cverttl gentlemo both iu great unuiii ood tin coiled statvs e ko 40 suiialily qualibcd co fill the office of a ge neral superinteddnn bul to none in either couofry to the beet of my knowledge ex cept british born subjects in rcsperl to an americao bishops or daining preachers lo canana since their separatum from the united slates con ference one of the honorable committee was present on the occasion and doubtless recollects all the circumstances of the case i may however observe that at the time of the separation it was expected that a ce- oeral superintendent would be obtained hut failing to succeed in the accomplish ment of this desirable object do ordinations were performed for any preachers in caoa da for the space of two years and at the conference in august last in kingston they were still left either to continue with out ordination or to infringe upon the es tablished order of our prudential regula tions by performing the ceremony after another mode or to invite a bishop of tho american methodist church to perform their ordinations the last of these alter natives was considered preferable to either of the other two but requesting the perfor mance of such ordinations by a bishop of the american methodist church implied no acknohedgcmentonthc part of the metho dist conference in canada of a foroign ecclesiastical jurisdictino for the eng lish bishop by request ordained dr white bishop of the protestant episcopal church io the united states without pre- tnuding to possess or exercise anv jurisdic tion over that church and bishophedding who performed tho ordinations referred to staled in the presence of the congregation and io the presence ofone member of the honorable committee previous to the per formance of the ordination service that ho possessed no ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the cwnada church that this juris diction ceased in 1828 by tho mutual con- seat of the canada and the united states conferences but that he consented to per form these ordinations 1st becauso tho persons prosed ted for ofittfluionv duly erected to the sacred office liy the con ference anil he had been invited to ordain them 2udly he felt himself virtually au thorised by the american general confer ence to do so in the resolution which em powered him to ordain a general super iuteudant should the canada conference see fit to elect one 3rdly that bishop as- bury one of the first bishops of the metho dist church in america ordained euglish missionaries for the wost indies and tho province of nova scotia places over which he assumed oo ecclesiastical jurisdiction 1 may also nddihai an american bishop ordaining our ministers in caneda is not considered in england in the light of their being under the coolroul of a foreign jurisdiction the rev richard recce a leading minister in the euglish connex ion in a letter addressed to francis hall esq of new yorkshuwn me hy that geo- tlemanand dated london feb 29 1829 speaking of the separation and the difficul ties under which the methodist confereoee in canada laboured in not being able to procure a general superintendent io all respects suited to their circumstances ob serves they tho methodist conference in canada must as you say 6froggle on for a while aod your bishops must visit them and ordain their ministers until they can do without them i would likewise remark tbat there is at tlm moment the most friendly feeling existing between tho canada end the eng lish connection that there is frequent friendly correspondence between ministers of both connexions that oo less t kan five eoglish local proachers have joined the canada counexioo during the last year immediately on their arrival in this country joined in the same standing which they had in the english connexion tha at the last conference held in kingston the president and secretary were directed to open a correspondence with the presideot of the british conference and that i have no doubt whatever that the union between the ca nada and british connexions will at no distant period bo as intimate as the circum stances of the two countries will render practicable in regard to circulating books which may be considered as haviog a republi can tendency i am not acquainted with any instances of the kiud the books and publications at the de pository of the establishment placed under my care are i believe entirely the produc tions of european miiior i have several winds of bibles which have heen obtained from the british and foreigo bible society i have a quantity of sunday school rooks which were all published by the london sunday school union i have between one and two hundred diflcront sorts of traels all of whicb have been issued by the lon don tract society the prayer of the petition to prohibit any religious bodies assembling that acknowl edge aoy eonuoxion with n foreign church and all persons from oxercising their eccle siastical functions who are not british sub jects i believe will not interfere in the smallest degree with the methodist confer- ouce nor with the functions of any of the preachers employed by it except hose of two young oicn but 1 believe however tbat euglish missionaries exercise their functions under almost all governments and that english societies send their pub lications amoog almost all nations nor do i know of auy government that has in modern times attempted io adopt tho prin ciples of the prayer of d bethune esq and others except those of china and ja pan should the honourable committee thick it necessary to request aoy other informa tion that i am abio to give i shall ot all limes bo at their service egerton ry erson york february 9th 1831