tablk of methodist i m i 1tpe cana how long in cunada if naturalised loycor naturalize place of pifidiscr- f amckasbotj saltflccl stamford do thorold st catharines ancsster wood house nelson ancaster wood house london westminster westminster amheraiburgh brantford canboro bellvillc frederickaburgh do bellville do halloweji do col bo me do whitby do cavan oianobce yodgestreot do albion lake simcoe majaduik york toronto toronto river credit lanark kingston do- brock vi lie do augnata do cornwall ottawa do ridnml perth miasissipi richmond bytnwn bonshire york river credit name w case j rversoii j mcfftinorc i willd e stoncy e evaw w griffis j gatchell j s atwuwl a prindlc i iliirlburt i bnilcy s bellun s m u i w g g huntingdon whin rycnron phclp ryerson fciguson biwl u beattie v patrick r heyland t bevtlt d wright d mcmuhcn ii biggar c vannuzen g miliar i evan adams noma 3 pool c- r allison j currie iv smith it corson h slialcr d yunmans p mctcalf j richardson r jones green w william p madden waldron i black g pool s church r ilcaicy i carroll c wood j il huston f c davidson a adams k kycrson p jones colonic u canadi 0 canad ireland ireland jfrrland uvro ildticatcll u states v canada aiiaoj ireland ireland of the amounlrouurd for thin purport ilic ummittionors attach io their reported i ihfy trust that uiftlcglslature willreadilv i perceive the justice of hir claim all which tsuiottl respectfully submitted ilutiioafioi jill n stb axu ft aiicho mcdonclt kingston jan it 1331 3 answer to tho address praying u xcelhncy to suspend the attorney gcd- kowkr can ida canadcanada b slates u states canada canada irrlaud ireland u stoic canada n kcoiia u states n scotia ireland canadu ireland u canada ireland england canada n scotia canada canada cannda england t- canada ireland ireland canada scotland canada canada u states colonic u stntcs canada canada u slates u slate colonic dm ad a ireland ireland canada u states canada l canada canada 21 ii years vcai naturalized 1 years not naturalized tnkoowa naturalized u state u staler canada canadu inland ireland u state canada canada u states u canada ireland canada ireland u canada ireland england canada n scotia canada canada canada england canada ireland ireland canada anada canada canada u state u state u stales canada cafiada states state canada canada ireland ireland canada ju slates jj vcart naturalized canada i 1ituvlnclal 1mrmamlnt wiunksdat match uirj 10 oclock a at two ovhck mr speaker and at the the castle of st 16 wi addretc to hi li excellency and being urned mr speaker reported the fnllou rntttftn thereto answer to ilm address to mis excel- ehey pniiu him w transmit the addre hi majesty on the subject of tho state home wiht up in whit their several jestv ninl io 1 1 is itit to 7 ii years year year 11 years naturalized natuialzcd not known ireland ireland canadi canada native indian ireland ireland canada canuda list of baptist ministers in upper canada southwold townsend westminster malahide do bayham clinton do charloltevillc do goaheld dumfries do oxford do do chatham dundas krramosa caledun york york township pickerinp gananoque clarence bcckwith shcibrooke do tilenarry do cramahc ameliasburgh sidney thurlou- winlby do haldimand darlington chinguaconsey w mderman john harris abraham sloot samuel baker austin joseph merrill hill d weirs g ryerson john finch charles stewart ft crandall l griffith s mabee n french g harris thomas shippe d ohphant lames black d mlaren a stewart james mitchell george barclay w carson john edwards john mewen mcalpin goorfite watwi a mcdeaimtd p medoogill p meeiven k scott j will ilctlse sherd w marsh israel marsh jartner d burke w cook new brunswick canada 1 believe not known do nova scotia not known england canada do slates 1 behevj not known do canada i believe not known do canada i believe not known scotland do do d do do d do do do do i do do england vot known do do u slates do do not known do time ilkfcz more than 10 ycais more than 12 do rrived this year here 12 year yrrived last year here 42 yew more than is ytar do known 12 year do do yl the province yjr sproker and tstnttfmen oflhe house of assembly i shall not fail to transmit without de ly to the secretary of sinte fur the colo dtnl departmeot your petit iou 1ft tho kitp nnd as it will no doubt he expected hy hi mnjcsty fjovcrnnicni ilifl my comiumii critton shall be accompanied hy some nb servations of my own referring to the vn rious subjects emhraeed in the said petition i thick it necessary ou the present occa mon to make a few remarks to which solicit your serious attention morceipe ctally usic may be that i have yet some thiur to learu regarding the ulterior view of the house of assembly i run assure you geutlemon that i liavn derived satisfaction hy listening to the pe- litioo which has just been read by mr speaker because he subject matter nf i is distinct add tangible nnd because i feel aured that of the causes of complaint therein set forth many will be evidently re moved nnd others modified in the mean while it is very agsrcoahlo to me to httvu it in my plllm lnl llmt nma n iiikou rrimhcfl of complaint have been already put by me in a train of amelioration hi least if oot nf removal altogether nnd i i6e the hnuso of assembly to believe that my ef forts hh ho unremitting in pursuing the same ronrso to the uttermost extent of my authority as tho king representative thin far i can with a safo conseienee ihplan that tho present cnmmunicaiion is satisfactory to mo hut i ennnot conceal t eral ml xpeaktr and gtnthmtn of the house of i heg ufyou to he nssurecl that it is qui m impossible thnl you can take n deep er interest ilmo 1 tlo in whatever concerus the pliiy nf the mlininistratimi ufjnstiee ill iiih lloviwce for it i a tnattur which nflerta no less the irhnrflclor of thogororo- ment ihnii tho interests of the public concurring with yon as uo most ful ly on his point and equally nmiou with you to see the contemplated charges rgainsl i the atturuev general brought to a hearing tables are tho houtc of assembly ou their part will i nm siiiv iinicur with mo in opinion that to suapend from his fuoctious one of the highest law officers of the crown is a iteij which nushl ot t0 precipitately adopteil and i must therefore iiespam on the patience of the house for a day or two before i enn return a definite auswer to the prayer of this address callius upon me to suspend tho attorney general fiom the exercise of his functions uuiil his ma jesty pleasure be known atlmkr gov in chief casilo of st lewis quebec murch 23 1831 four oclock p m mr qaesnel reported the reasons rivcii by tho council for persisting in their a- m end mo ota to the montreal incorporation uill and ihe said amendments was agreed to by the house a motion to revive tho order of the day upon the bill or tho staostead county jiank was lost for the motion 12 agaiusi it jj the roads rill was read a second time the house in committee on the esti mates passed several kesulutiuiis the methodist question a largo portion of this days chronicle is occu pied with certain documents whirh were laid before the select committee of the house of assembly to whom was re- feirudthe petition fiom kingston com plaining ofthe increasing influence of a forttign priesthood c we publish iltese papers by request and it certainly appears to us that the methodists have made out a pretty good case the n our estimation interesting it important it appears that out of 57 methodist ministers in this province 48 are british horn subjectsand the remain der with the exception of two have ta ken the oath of allegiance to his ma jesty the london aoe says that earl grey was very anxious to learn ilis majestys wk hive rut later dates from knglnod we have perused with unfeigned disgust some recent speeches of a mr ieewho represents the lower town of quebec in the house of assembly of the sister province the effusiens in question were called forth in a debate on the state of the province which subject for se- from tho house ha it would have been vcri occupied the attention of the finitfly moro so could i febl assurer thai j louse in one of his seditious rhapso dies mr lee says m the liberality of england had been cried up in giving us aconstitutionjohiek we should have been better off tcithvut the constitutional act ought to be repeated and we ought to go and draw pkom the pure sources op our neighnouns the known 14 10 yen 10 m m 44 14 h 44 41 4 li 14 4 m 44 44 m 44 ii 20 is 1 13 ii u 5 4 or 5 do 15 lo ii yeara hvto anj s or c in it ii i ii iho wlftto matfer of ilicir complatui u cnmpiwed in the petition gcoltemen i must 0 a step further than this and con- fc lhat i cannot divest my miiul f anxiety no ihis suhjoct it i with a view of hei relieved from this stale of anxiety that dow come forward to entreat you writ frjmit me to your confidence and bc- quaiatlaa whether 1 am to expect any and what further communication ou tho suh- jeers nf complaint nod grievances chink i havceveu a claim upon you fori amixicans the true mincirles of the couftttoce i now solicit j liucrty it s jeally amazing that the th propositions which upon a recent honourable house should have listened occasion i was commanded ly tlie kiojs w make to ym on tho rulgort of finance tosuch infiiraous trstsli hut it seems theie n ere ifihl before j in the plainest nntl j nothing loo gross for that body to mom ilraifthlfwtrard manner oorhins xxt t r w we venlure 0 3av lhal f and i even belief e that 1 should have hecu mr lee were a jtutilled had i made those repositions more palatahlo to you than i have dune hut i considered that any thins which could liftar even for a moment tho fit trick or naoofuvrc on so rave an uc caiun ivas puwotsliy of his majesty liiiwuiiteitl autl an injustice mr of assembly use say member of our house and to presume to make opinion upou the proliablu dissolution of the prcseot parliament ia the spring should tltey prove hostile to tho measures of the minister upon which the king is said to have very fraukly expressed himself in nearly the following words 4i look ye my lord the present parliament brought you in and by the present parliament you must steer your course so keep a rood look out ahcad forsqualls my lord go whistle for a tradeviod put out your i-ing- tnils and watersniu and hoist your sky scrapers fur if you should ho run upon the rocks of dissnlutiooit i my opinion the whig ship cabinet may go to pieces commerce on the lakes the follow iog is an extract fium the british act on this subject referred to in our last number toow appears thai all totidagc nud tn- vauce duties are done away with by both countries and we may therefore expect a nucb more general intercourse thu season thn formerly u and whereas u hath been made to ap- vear to his majesty in council that the re- frictions heretofore imposed hy the lawn of he united states aforesaid upon british easels navigated between the said states iud hi majestys possessions io the west tallies and america have been repealed md lhat the discriminating duties of ton- iagcand of customs heretofore imposed iy the laws of the said united states up- m british vessels and their cargoes enlcr- h ports of the said states from his ha estys said possessions have also been re ealed and lhat tho ports of tho united elates are now open to british vessels and their cargoes coming from hismajesiys pos- tetsions aforesaid his majesty doth there- j tho advice of his privy couueil fc ra puriuancc and exercise ofthe powers so nested in him as aforesaid by ho sail act o passed u the sixth year oflho teign of ilis said late majesty or by any other act r acts of parliament declare that the aid recited orders in council of the twentylint day of july one ihousand eight hundred and tweiuyilirec and of the rwentysevcntli day of july one ihotisaud i vlu hundred and twcntsix and the said 01 inch inngoago he woul wiihoni in e sixlcnl appearance i ceremony have been kicked out of the uf july one thousand eight hundred and house so far as such last meotion- s luajcftiys ipi k s d order relates to the said united stales to ihe frank i r ab and pirilcu answer ol lord acter of tho caoadiun leu- new diunsvick mere long do do 20 or 30 year do 10 or 12 years long here do avh ascml7 hum to ihe autlrussoi iikji prating lhat mis excellency might the new enland cuinpanys agent to indians note this list was furnished by the rev mr stewart who states it io be im perfect as he could oot find some documents necessary for him to refer to to make it accurate mr stewart says moreover that ho knows of do baptist minister iu tho province who is not hy birth or otherwise a british subject the ministers of this persuasion are neither directly uor iudireclly under tho con- troul nfan foreign body letter from the rev james harris of tfit presbytery of upper canada to the chair man york february 9th 1831 sir i have the honor to enclose to you as chairman of the committee appointed by the house of assembly to enquire in and report upon the petition of donald be- thune and others c a list ol the mem bers ofthe presbytery of upper ca with the places of their birth and present residence i am sir your obediedi and humble servant james harris christopher a hogeman eq chairman c fyc tc j list ofthe members of the presbytery of upper canada mtk the places of their birth and present residtnet member a n residios ia i rcvwmllell h g buchanan geimnim w jeokens andrewbell t fer seotlaod scotland scotland scuilaud scothtndj scotland icrth heekwith lanark markhatn turouto nguillimbury iid loyal cha pie what nw i ah in return for thin fair dtilitj i l corresponding jirnocctling on ihe partof homo of assembly am i to understand that tho petition which 1 have just heard read convey all that tho house nf assembly have to enm- plnin of up to this day or nm i to uudcr- j stand that there remains something hfrhiud soino unripe grievance or complaint which it may be intended to brin furwnrd he rfi- 1 after when ihocoow produced shall have been disposed of j this is the information i thlroentlrmcn is the inforramioo canadas new souih wa w pleased io transmit to his majesty 1 1 petition ui the subject of the state of lie province will be found in anothur ct lurnn and which doubtless will bo pt- j ruscd with pleasure by our readers a liverpool paper says that the british government has determined r to make any further granlsof land in the es or van bo md the sanje are hereby re-spec- krl it it kingston baax report robt ituyd ireland irescnlt rnherrlyle t jmatdda wm- king irclaod veuno james harris york wm smomeoglbddjbrockville jtiojti jniiigeuliiuil mount pleaaut rm 0 eagtmanustateijorimsby note mr mcdowsli has resided in the province nearly 30 yean sir east man upwards of 20 the ministers com posing the presbytery as above uamed de rive their sole support irmn the congrega tions in which they respectively labour with the exception of mr well uf pcirh who receives r yearly salary from tho home jovcrnment- isince thai period the 9uin of i34 10s has to hit excellency sir john colboun awarded to different individuals and borne for c re commissioners have redeemed their in presenting their annual report certi6catestu cht amount of 1295 leaving i your excellency the kington bank coma i against the institution at this missioners liavc to regret that their efforts dale of 589 see statement marked b to settle the aoairs of tho late bank havj tuo sum now due on awards is 3030 not been more successful 13s and there are other outstanding debts during the past year several debts have to the amount of 5050 of the latter been referred to arbitration in the manner chss uf debts the greater part are decidedly pointed out by the fourth clause of tho ta- lad and thy remainder doubtful tote and the decision of the arbitrator will during the operations of the year the be found in the paper marked a commission have received only forty on reference to statement no 4 attachshillings in current money and they are edtolhe commissioners report of last year therefore again compelled to solicit from the it will be seen that the amount of claims a- legislature a small sum to discharge the which willcveu implore you to afiord me in the name uf the kiog our sovereign who issiocerity itself and iu tho namo of the brave honest people of canada who arc so well entitled to expect fair dealing in every quarter and now if there ho any stray complaint any grievance however inconsiderable iu itself which may have been overlooked wheu this petition was adopted by the house i beseech you gentle men to take it back again iu order that tho deficiency may bo supplied nnd that ihus both king ang people may be enabled at one view to see the whole extent of bat complain of and what you require whether this appeal to yourcantlor shall draw from you any further dcclrttuilitj stating that your petition conlaitia the whole manor uf your complaints and grio- vauccs or thut you shall maintain ftiltmeo i shall equally consider that i have requir ed a full and distinct knowledge ol the whole of ynur complaints and grievances up to tho present period your petition will hoacrompauicdhy nn assuraoco from me to that effect and my most fnrvnni wishes that it may bo productive ef such measures hsshall rcstnro perfect harmony to this favored land where i firmly believe a larger haro of happinhss ami prosperity ii found ti id amougst auy other pcoplo iu the uuiveibe atlukr coventor in chhf casile if gt tcwix quebec march 23 1831 2 ansner to the address praying hi excelleucy totraumit tho address to his lajesty playing hi majesty tndunii tho lively and hi majesty doth further hy the ad vice nfuresaid and in pursuanco ol tho powors nfuresaid declare that the ships of and belonging to tho said united state of america may import from the united states aforesaid iuto the itritish posses sions abroad goods the produce of thu6 suttm and may export goods from ihe kntish possessions abroad to be carried i to any foreign couutiy wbatovcr and the right honourable the lords commissioners of ilis majestys treasury and the right honourable sir geurgo murray one of his majestys principal secretaries of state arc to give the nc- diemens land in future only to j cessary directions herein as to them may give an extension of possessionsto tho j who have the means and inclination i uo jas duller cultivate them the land must be purchased but the rates will be extreme ly moderate tnr ice still liogcra in the ray and rivtv in front ofthe town part ofthe channel g now however open and there is every pros pect that in a few days this obstacle v ihe free navigation of our waters will lo iutirely removed that beauliful steamer the alciope is m present undergoing a thorough repair n this place and will make litr grst trip i york and niagara as soon us the ico di appears the sir james kempt is also ready o commence her trips from tho bead of tle ray to preacott the dnlhousic captain mcdonell w launched on wednesday at prescott afi having undergonoa thorough repair aurf will make her appoaraucc here as soon and the regular annual returns of the ice will permit the mabkiagp act a correspondant nf the canadian watchman of last week makes the following judicious remarks the new marriage act has not annulled the authority to marry heretofore obtained under the former act hy clergymen of he church of scotland lutherans aid cal- viohsts but it duesnntexrend that autho rity toose clergymen therefore iq or der to be authorized to marry others than members of their own societies should apply at tho next or some subsequent court of general quarter sssions io their respectivo districts with the documcutary or other proof of their ordioaiioo and ob tain certificates of license under the new act it is hoped and reasonably to be expect ed that the reverend gentlemen of all do- nominations who may exercise the au thority conferred by this beneficial act tvill give it a fair aud faithful execution nod will carefully comply with its provisions respecting the publication of bands the solemnization of marriages before withess- eeni- commercial bank at a numerous meeting of the inhabit- ant of the town of kingston held at the court house on the 28th march 1831 pur- suautto public notice hugh cthoiasox esq in the chair moved by mr f harper seconded hy mr yarker that the loss ofthe c inmcr- cial bank bill in the legislative council ia unjust towards the town of kingston injurious to the best intertst of the pro- vincc and calculated to weaken thu coft- fidetue ofthe people in the wisdom and jus tice of that branch ofthe legislature 2nd moved by mr archm mcdonell seconded hy mr truax that we shall persevere tfiui renewed energy in our at tempts to procure an act of incorporation for a hank in kingston to he railed the commercial rank of upper canada and that the gentlemen appointed at the last rank meeting to manage the affairs of the proposed institution be a couiimuc to re ceive subscriptions for stock to prepare pe titions to be presented to both houses cf the provincial parliament at its next session and otherwise io regulate the affairs of tho mid rank until a general meeting cf the stockholders be called 3d moved by sam shaw esq second ed by geo mckenzie esq that should our just endeavours to procure the raid act of incorporation during the next sejiul of the legislature supported as we are in such endeavours by a great majority ol tho representatives of the people as well as the public generally prove unavailing that an application he immediately after made to his majesty humbly praying lhat he may be graciously pleased to giant a royal charier for the said ijank 4th moved by geo mckenzie esq sc conded by james mckarlane esq that to encrcase the capital of the flank of up per canada without establishing such a check on that institution as another bank would create would he greatly adding to the danger weich may be justly apprehend ed from any monicd monopoly and that to increase the said capital cotempora cously with the establishment of the proposed conimprcinl rank would he unjust t ivahis lite latter as ifiereiy too grunt a quuhuij el bank stock would at once be thrown in the market and the bank of upper canute from its conn ecu on with the government and being so long established would pos sess an undue advantage over the new e ablishment 6th moved hy mr yarker seconded by geo mckenzie esq that the rule of the house of assembly disqualifying mem bers from voting on any measure in which they have a personal interest is a wise and constitutional check on the strong natural bias which self interest seldom fails to pro duce ovk the human mind and is worthy of imitation tn every legislative body 9th moved by mr leslie seconded by mr mowat that while we retain a grate ful sense of the assistance afforded to the commercial bank bill by such members of both houses cf the provincial parliament at afforded it their support our thanks are in an especial manner due to our representa tive c a hagorman esouirc and the honourable george l maruunlaud that the secretary to the bank committee be di rected to convey to those gentlemen the high sense which this meeting entertains of the ability zeal and patriotism evinced in their endeavours to procure for kingston an independent rank the chairman having left the chair the thanks of the meeting were unanimously voted to itiin for his able conduct hi the chair h cassadv secretary mn arvht 131 i iik litlviiteuo m macfarlank i jh from york an on- nnonytiiout friend ofnt fm itruulm uill not find my proximity iu him in liell- ville excredinftly pleasant lam unfchle iunv- ever to fix wild certainty nn any diameter here as tho author of thai tiuthcwl com munication hut mr- maefarlniio i call upou him thus publicmy to avow himself aud afford mo an opportunity of satisfying his scruple as welt relative to the appoint ment he alludes in a- to the evrn af the in terest 1 bold in the midiaod district and in thi county panicularsy may thcu have an opportunity nf rbavtuibff the va gabond forclse i rannut well account hint fur ihe istjtofhis his spleen contained iu tho chronicle of ihe 5th iott- if he dues not so i must call upon you for ihe ma nuscript so lhat i may be ensured the means of fixing firmly upon the right charac ter- i am mr macfarlaao your humble servant a manauan the great britain this noble vessel which has lately hecu built at prescott he the lion john hamilton wo understate lis now completely finished and will cum i mence her trips early iu may she is sai mr i6vhonri ofthe ihuseof lll asstmllu jy i ihai not fiil m transmit without delay to tl secretnrrof smie for ciouial it auorm jeneruf steam vessel in america beg to d kiae gaiost the late baak x7 158 125 tji rontittgewicscf their office au ostiicate quebec h iry ol litto lor the enarimrnr vour pclitjoil to thu pravinj thai his majevty will he graejottslv pleased to tlismitts the attnrii ueoorali tifihia province from hi oil a tlmkn gotermr in chief f st icwif j aw the attculiun of our lit friends to the advertisement of mi liurckle of oswego j fied lists of their marriages to tho clerk of j tho peaco in the proper districts and that j they will guard against the marriage of i penooi under auy legal disqualification j we beg to call the attention our rcad- ers to mrs parmcntiers advertisement any orders in that line left at this office will be promptly attended to icy icc wk have much pleasure in giving insertii to the spirited resolution ofthe friends fjtllis subject the commercial bank- the john by steamer wt have great pleasure iu drawiug the atteotion of our readers to mr- smiths advertisements nn we learn that col ity mas castlo 3 i ji a looker on ii upa u ict ft nn aged a seanibont to come on the ca- tlittauce of u nahnsfaras smiths talis a 75 tnilei from bytov by the ut of june for the chronicle continued from our aat 4th class jtrtiary rocks tneame reason which induced us to ar range the secondary rocks iu a 3rd cla reuders it necessary to place the tertiary io a 4th this class iucludes certain deposit of clays tuarlcs sandstones sand limestones and somctimesgypsum which aremet wiih above the chalk and which commencing with a plastic clay terminates with a fresh water limestone from the want of induration in some portions of this class and the low degree of consolidation in o- thers tho members of it were for a long time and iudeed are often still confounded with the much more rcceut alluvial and diluvial deposit lying above them they are however in general readily distinguished from tho latier by throo characters viz stratification alternation organic reninins their consolidation is also in gencrahgreater stratification and alternation mo very important character iu distinguishing the members of this class from those above thorn as the latter seldom exhibit even au approximation to such features but tho most valuable character is derived from consulting the orgauic contents of the strain by which they are distinguished from nil formations both above nnd below as re gards tho latter distinction ii not only con- sists in the fact that the shells are usually of a different species and genera from thftse found iu the chalk c hut also in iho it sliuuid have been staled in out luai paper that chalk has not been discovered hitherto in any portion of north america assertions to the contrary have not borne the test of examination in describing the green sand below ihtchalk wc hinted th u owed its colour to the green tiit oftm hv rtt uosuchoxid i- buomcq