rirf unisiaoca that they aro never petrified but possess all ihe characier of receot thelh with the excepiioo hat in general they hae lust their colour and have bo- come brittle and blenched these shells ar for the most part marine and analo gous lo those found in the present sens there is however a singular alternation in the higher portions of thi class of strata cootainiri marine shells and the skeletons or portions of the skeletons of marine and amphibious aoimals with strata holding imbedded fresh water mohiscte and the re mains of unknown genera of quadrupeds and birds the cmly analogous instance is the oc currence in the oolitic series of strata coo- lainioj fresh water shells and the remains of land animals before mentioned a douhifu case has been stated of the ap- jearanee of fresh water shells unio mytil- lus cflusfls in the coal formations of the 1st division of the 3rd clas but if it be true as it is conjectured with considerable probability that these deposits took placo in ioscdatcd basins surrounded by a fern and reed bearing soil it is a matter of sur prise that animal remnios indicating the same geological fact of tho occurrence of fresh water io the vicinity at the time arc not more frequent particularly as remains of the vegetable kingdom are so ahcrndaot this alternation of marine with fresh water strata has been observed iooolytiro places as far as we recollect viz uear pa ris aod in the isle of wight where they aro however well developed nod it has been tfie study of these localities which has thrown so much light on this class and for which we are principally indebted to tho cxortiios of baron cuvierand mr- webster the former individual in particular asso ciated with h broigpiprr explored thegyp- sum formations close to para members of this class peculiar to thai spot and their published researches will afford tho reader both instruchou and amusement while they offtr n remarkable instance of how much information may he derived from an unexpected and apparently a barren anurco when a persevering band is joined to an enlightened mind it is in the upper portions of this class that the remains of viviparous rotmmlfl appear for the first time with the exception of that ano malous formation in the oolitic scries the stooe field slate hose vertebral auimals which are met with below being oviparous or such as instead of hearing their progeny alive produce them under the form of eggs- it is supposed lyjeologutsthai after the last of the upper marine formation was de posited the sea retired to uearits present le vel which was never afterwards changed but for comparatively a momenthen fhcnoa- chian dhuge swept resistlslyovcr almost thewhole suifaco of the globe dislocating nod abrading tho rocks and scattering their fragments and particles over its surface as u memento of that awful event and a proof ifso obvious a fact require proof that he tcho could create con likewise destroy tho tertiary rocks in canada arc pro bably of frequent occurrence but little no- lice hasbeeu taken of them up to tho present lay they have indeed experienced renter neglect than any other series- this hn doubtless ariseu in a great mea sure from he circumstancethat as in gene ral i hoy aro usually of au uuindurated aud often of a loose aud unconsolidated charac ter they have been in consequence mis taken for alluvial or diluvial soils it must bo remembered howover that alluvial sniu are seldom if ever trati6ed and always occupy low positions or such as are situ ated ocnr or an tho bhores of rivers lakes or sen while diluvial soils although found nt almost every level have k confused and niixod appearance and such as we should a priorii conceive would he the aspect of suits brought often from great hut variable distances consisting of the abraded frag ments and particles of perhaps fifty different locks tertiary formations we believe have been uoticed m the vicinity of montreal and point aux tremble at beauport near quebec thero is a very conspicuous portion olthi clas which it is believed we were the first to publish any account of as tho information however respecting it was contained in a meagre note it u proposed to give a fuller detail io our next paper to hiscompaoion to eoterthe garrison in disguise nod by stealth buc could not pre vail upoo bim to conseor he therefore resolved to go in alone and the object of his doing so was io procure a supply of money by n letter of credit which he brought with him from cadiz his companion more wise thao he chose the gafer course he knew tho neutral ground was not con trollable by the laws cither of the spaniards or english and although there was not much probability of his being discoveredhe resolved not to trust lo cliance in so great a stake as his life aud be proved to be right io his judgment for had he gone to gibral tar he would have shared tho fate of his chief soto secured his admission to the garri son by a false pass and took up his resi- deuce at an inferior tavern in a narrow lane which runs off the main street of gibraltar fe kept by a man of the namoof basso- the appearance of this suited well with the as sociations of tho worthy benitos life i have occasion cays the author of letters from gibraltar to pass the door frequent ly at night for our barrack tho casemate is but a few yards from if i never look at the place without feeling a vivid aod invo luntary sensation of horror the smoky and dirty nooks tho distant groups of dark spaniards moors and jews their sallow countenances made yellow by the light of dim oil lagips the uncciled rafters of he rooms above eeeo through unshuttered win dows aod the consciousness of their hav ing covered the atrocious soto combined ibis effect upoo me in this den the villain remained for a row weeks and during this time seemed to enjoy himself as if he never had committed a murder the story he told basso of his circumstances was that he hadcomo to gi braltar on his way to cadiz from malaga aod was merely wailing the arrival of a frieod he dressed expeusivelygeoerally wore a white hat of the best english quali ty which hat had been the property of the captain of the morning star silk stock ings white trowsers aod a blue frock coat his whiskers wero largo aod bushy bis hair very black profuse long aud naturally curled- he was deeply browned with the sun aod bad ao air aud gait expressive of his hold enterprising and desperate mind- indeed when 1 saw him in his cell and at his trial although his frame was attenuated almost lo a skeleton his face palo yellow hi eye sunken and rtts hairctosttty stlorn be still exhibited stroog traces of what he had been still retained his erect and fear less carriage his quick fiery and malevo lent eye his hurried and coocise speech and bis close and pertinent style of remark he appeared to mo such a man as would have made a hero in the ranks of his coun try had circumstances placed him in the proper road to fame but ignorance and po verty turned into the most ferocious robber one who might have rendered service and been an honour to bis sunken country the circumstance that led to his arrest was as follows wearied of the dull mono tonous life he was leading and determined to pursue his former iniquitous calling for the purpose of escaping from the garrison be nttired himself in the uniform of ao offi cer in the spanish service on passing a sentinel at one of the outposts he was com pletely thrown offliis guard by the soldier like manner iu wbicli the sentry struck the stock of his firelock in carryiog arms so purpose of adding suicide to his crimes and seemed io wish far the moment that wfli to bim before bis creator 1 witnessed his execution and i believe there never was a more coutritn mao than he appeared to be yet their was nodrivei- ling fear upon him he walked firmly at the tail of ihe fatal cart gazing sometimes l coffin sometimes nt the crucifix flrs parmentier offriafor 1tjl sale at die horticultural lfotan- caiden brooklyn l i two miles from new york h fine collection of the most desirable kinds of table and vine grapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines a c prifots also finest and ornat rt ilskstfjsffi ihcrbo plnmva choice mhm of ivomlily nnd hardy roses print ed directions for plaining are furnished repented the prayers fpokeu io his ear ity tlio intending clergyman and seemed re gardless of every iling hut the world to come the fallow was erected beside the water and fronting the neutral ground he modiited the cart as firm as he had walked behind it and held up hi face to heaven aod the boating rain calm resign ed but unshaken aod finding ihe halter too high for his neck he boldly stepped upon h coffin and placed hi bead iu the noose ihen watching the first turn of the wheel be murmured adios todoj nnd loaned forward to facilitate hi fall his body was qunrtercd nnd hung on tenter hooks at the gaies of gibraltcr as u warn ing to pirates the hack slave of the pirate stood upoo the battery before his dying matter to be hold the termination of a herieft of events the recital of which to his african coun trymen when he shall return to his home will give them no doubt a dreadful picture of european civ farewell all 1 55 b- the aideau canal steam boat mmit wt at a meeting of he building com mittee for the above boar it wns resolved tlintan instalment of iopor cent on the capital subscribed be paid the treasurer of the company on o before ihe second day of may next david j smith treasurer kingston 26th march 1831 notice the bazaar ball for the benefit of the frmait benmoknt socity will law place uu the cvonitig of the dlti april next managers- john r clover esq naval ptorekeftper jtmc johns 100 ejmeiical staff jobti s uartvrrifthi eq donald eetliiinb eq ii dupty esq treasurer kingston igili march 193l 1st of letters ing in the post office at beltv n b the subscription ihe montreal bank office list can be steed at to purchasers mr jamea inaefnrlde editor of this paper will reerivo ordrrs fur fruit noil or namental trees from her collection mrs p will niako arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will ho carefully pack ed and forwarded without rite slightest de lay catalogues can he obtained pratis post paid at the office of thu chronicle reference j oho macaulaj john kirhy john marks stephen yanvoud allan mclean esquires 24th march 1831 n b it may he pmpcr to menion that the necessary directions will he en along wiih the diflerem trees os iu the inno- uer of treating them trees received in samuel crane the fall can he safely buried in tho ground prescott jnuuarv 12th 1kjl dissolution the co-part- nersliip between the undershot u0i under the finn of john marpher i0t co is ibis day by muiual con sent dissolved the subset ibers arose- verally aniiioiisnd to settle the noairs of thu lite copat tnorship il persons hi hiii demands arc requested lo present tlion at their oflicc signed john macpijeroon alexa mcmillan or the r1deau canal steam boat at a meeting of the building com mittee for the above boat it was until the prin ivheo they can he planted without receiving any injury from the frost provided that they are entirely covered ihmmsc branches and oll with earth the smallest order will be received and tare shall be takeo that several nnlers will be made up into one pncknjc with a view to pave the expense of carriage the suhseriher havtoj been appninted ajpllt io this province for mrs rarmen- tier is now ready t receive orders agreea bly to tho abuvo advertisement james macfarlane kingston 24ih march 183 l w otic is hereby given thai tenders will be received at iliis office until ihe 24th april next fiom any person or persons willing to rent the property well known as the kings ton tannery containing upwards of 3 acres and a quarter of land now the resolved thai sealed tenders be re- property of government situate ad- ceived on the second day of may next i joining the town of kingston compris- iii itaifdiii the snid floh by cutitrdel irjt siibotwlficr4t dwjjtnlwm the forwarding business will be continued by john macphcrsau and ranty under the firm of mac- pherson and crane here and at mon- treat under he old firm their stores nnd wharves al the upper end of the town where their bu- simss will he transacted are to be con siderably enlarged and will be conveni ent for receiving and shipping wheat in bulk prescott 12ih jan 1831 tenders to state the price per ton ac tual measurement by length breadth currying shop stables sheds bark- mill sixtytwo vats 25 of which are to turned round touched his cap aod said ho was much obliged the soldier suspec ting all was not right would not allow hirn to proceed but reported the circumstance of spanish and american he will al and depth the contractor to furnish under cover with an excellent garden all materials and to givo security for j a constant run of water through the pre- thc due performance of the work spe- i mises laid out and adapted to an exten sive scale of business in the tannciy and currying line the above properly will be let from the 1st jtfay next for a term of seven years subject to be resumed by go vernment during any part of the said term should it be required for the pub lic service upon giving twelve months notice and it may be rented either cifications and a plan of the boat may be seen at the oifice of the treasurer david j smith treasurer kington 26th march 1831 tobacco manufactory at osiccgo iv y christian burckle has established a tobacco manufac tory in the village of oswego where here he manufactures tobacco andj with he dwellinghouse which is sepa- suufofall kinds and of the very best from the tannery premises or qualty and flavor the establishment without as may be required or it will be beinj on an extensive scale lie is enaj id for gardening for which the ground bledto offer his tobacco at new- york s well calculated or for any other pur- piicis and warrants the quality cqual pose for which it may be suitableshould the copartnership between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson av co is this day by mutual consent dissolved the subset ib- ers are severally authorised to settle the alluirs of the late copartnership all pei- sons having demands are requested to present them at their office at prescott signed john melherson alexr mcmillan 8amublcrane t if ntf superior to any of tho most ap- prowd fabricks of newyork be- sidcthis own manufactured segars both for the chronicle coscivsios of the career op benito de soto the pirate chief soto and his accomplices had beeo ubserv- rd io frequent the low taverns and gambling houses which abound in the byestreets and there to squander and lose money to creator n mount than shipwrecked sailors cnuld possess by fair means tbey nere ufion seen in close converse atid mauy words diopt from them which tended io confirm the suspicions which had already arisen about this time also intelligence of the piracy committed on the morning slav had reached cadiz and as to mo boxes were picked upon the beach which had drif ted from the wreck having the passengers names on thorn the authorities wore almost convinced that those meu had heen con cerned in tho piracy twelve of them were immediately arrested but soto and several of the crew had tho good fortune to scape and instautly disappeared from ca- cliz evidence was procured from england and the twelve men who had been appro- beaded wero tried convicted nnd execut- hc was then secured could give no satis factory account of himself was proved to be onoof the piratosand throwo into prison when i visited him cootmucs the same aothnr iu tho moorish castle where he was coufined he was sitting iu his cold narrow miserable cell upou a pallet of straw eating his courso meal from a tin plate i thought him more an object of pity than venpeance ho looked so worn out wlthdittiwe so crushed with suffering yet so affable frank aud kind in his address for he happened to be in a commuoicativo mood a thing that was by no menus com mon with bim lie spoke of his long con- uuomtnitttilllil liluugtlttitluiuura wuiw ioiiram to start from his eyes and alluded to his approaching trial with satisfaction but his predominant characteristic ferocityap- steared in his small black plerciogeyes be- ore t left him as he alluded to his keeper the provost in such a way that made me suspect his desire for blood was oot yet ex tinguished when he appeared io court on his trial his demeanour was quite altered he seemed to have suddenly risen out of the wretch he was io the cell to all the qualities i ever heard of him he stood erect and uuembarrassed spoke with a strong voice aiteoded closely to the proceedings occa sionally examioed witnesses and at the conclusion protested against the justice of his trial he sometimes spoke to the guards around him and sometimes affected an air of carelessness of his awful situatioowhich however did dot sit easy upou him even here the leadiog trait of his mind broke forth for wheo the interpreter commenc ed bis office the language he made use of beiog pedantic and affected soto interrup ted him thus while a scowl sat upon his brow that terrified the man of words i dont understand man speak spanish like others and ill listen to you when the dirk that belooged to mr roberstoo the truokaodcloathestakeofrom mrgoodwio nnd the pocket book cootainioi the illfated way have a supply of the best havan- na segars chis tormi arc 90 days credit or 3 per cent discount for cash a regu lar price curnnt will be furnished whenever requested april 21831 cd so deep was the impression of tho captains hand writing were placed be- vjllains countenances on the memory of llie evidence that notwithstanding the pi- rales were seen in prison where there were an ejual number of men incarcerated for crime of various kinds they were co a man identified indeed some of thcoi called ou by name us tho plunderers of ihemorn- inx star we must now rcturo lo soto who with one of his crew succeeded in arriving at ibo neutral ground bsfore gibraltar tho others made their escape io the carcecas none are permitted toaster iho fortress of gibraltar without permission from tho go vernor or a proper passport solo aod his coiikinioo therefore look up their quar ters ai a pasada on tho neutral ground and resided there in security for several days the busy and daring mind of tho former could not loni remain inactive he proposed by die ists with the exception of chencvix ior did wc mean lo say it was as the term in advertantly escaped us as dsscripivc ofcolor not of species imu bim nod proved io havo been found in his room aod when the maidservaot of the tavern proved lhat she fouud the dirk uodorhis pillow every morning on arraog- ing his bed and when be was confronted with his own black slave between two waxlights the countenance of tho vilhiin appeared in iu true uature not depressed or sorrowful but vivid and ferocious aud when the patient and dignified govcruor sir george don paed the just sentence of the law upoo him ho looked daggers at his heart aod assumed a horrid silence oiore eloquem than word the criminal persisted up to tho day beforo his executiou in asserting ids inno cence and iuveighing agaiosl tho injustice of biatrial bat the certnioty of his tate aod the awful voico of religion at length subdued him he mado on enswerved confession of his guilt aud became truly peoiteot cave up to bis keeper tho blade of a razor which ho had secreted between thckolcvof bj hco for the at koov edged becs leave most respectively to return thanks for the support he has hitherto received and to inform his customers that he has now on hand a general assortment of goods suitable to tfle present and approaching seasons such as ladies and gentlemens eng lish and french clogs ladies enrk soled boots prunella stuff and cord walking boots and shoes dress and half dress shoes dress and other cloves gentlemens riding or mud boots gloves bracestravelling bags portmanteaus and all kinds of trimings and materials used for manufacturing in the shoe line the greater part of the above were imported last fall but were not receiv ed here until within a few weeks past and are jost now unpacked also on hand as usual ladies and gentlemens boots and shoes of his own manufacture sole upper leather and calfskins c orders fiom all parts of the province will be thankfully received and punc tually attended to parcels sent to all parts of the lake bay or river free of expense during the navigation k flfarch 28ih 1831 wanted a sieady active man lo take charge of a small farm and otherwise make himself useful a- bout the premises if married without a young family his wife would also meet with employment as house maid a boy of about 14 years of age would be comfortably provided for with ihe benefit of an education on engaging af ter trial for a term of years enquire of the editor of this paper april2 1831 alexander gray co beg to notify that bavin leased suitable premises in st jean baptute street they propose commencing early in spring the business of auction eers and brokers and respect fully solicit a share of public ptronge and support montrea february 131881 wanted immediately a wet nurse apply at the chroniclo office kiuwo loili march ww no eligible ofler be made lor it for a tannery for further particulars apply at the ordnance office point henry or at the royal engineer office kingston the rent to be paid quarterlyto the ord nance storekeeper at this station in british silver the names of two per sons willing to become security for the due performance of the conditions ofihe lease will be required to be inserted in the tender office of ordnance kingston arch 25th 1831 j welland canal public notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the wolland cnnnl of fice at st catharines on the 20th day of april next for enlarging the canal from the deep cut to helms about four and a half miles thence to about the centre of the large cranberry marsh 12 miles thence to lake erie about one and three fourths miles an entire cut and for the completion of the harbor also from near helms to lake erie about leven miles an en tire cut and foi the completion of the harbor after receiving proposals for both routes the directors will deter mine on the one they intend to adopt and enter into contracts accordingly plans and specifications of the differ ent sections will be exhibited at the canal office by order wm hamilton m err itt agent w c co ftt the different newspapers in york kingston and brockville and the montreal gazette will giv tbis three insertions 15th march 1831 t a jlyon young english bull imporied by commodore barrio last fall will servo a limited number ofcows this season at one dollar each lyon is two years old and is allowed by competent judges to be a remarkably fine animal he is part ol ho real durham and ptfft ofihenoied lancashire breed he was selected by a firsl rate crazier and recommended as better calculated lo improve the slock in this climate than uio thorough dur ham kind point frcdorirk march 25th 1831 iarden seeds for sale by yf tho subscriber t large quantity of fresh garden seeds warranted to be jf the growth of 1330 w directions for gardening loiff mow at march is31- new forwarding establish- ment he subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of upper canada and the public in general lhat they havo entered into copartnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonell co at prescott and ogdensburgh and that ofmcmillnn link co at montreal they will be prepared on tho opening of the navigation with good durham boats and bateaux manned with experienced masters and conduc tors to transport any produce or mer chandize that they may be favored with on as favorable terms as that ofany res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgh will be carried on at the old stands for merly occupied by the late firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mrdonel matthia li l1 kings head mar ket square kingston james a smith begs to acquaint his friends and the public lhat he ha lately made considerable alteration in his establish ment in market square which enables him to add much to the comfort of travel lers he lias lately erected extensive stabling and provided the means of in suring the best accommodation foi hor ses kingston decrmbcr fith 1830 new academy ill rev thomas llanduuek a b trinity college dublin begs leave to inform the inhabitants of king ston that having now some leisure to de vote to the instruction of youth he pro poses opening ao academy on tuesday the first day of march next in tbis town his system will embrace english and classical literature reading writing cyphering geography ancient and mo dem history c and will bo conducted in conformity with that of the college at york in every respect a circumstance which will afford such of his pupiu as may bo transferred to that establishment a ma terial advantage terms 7 ios per annum further particulars may be known on application to mr haudcodt personally kingston feb 12 1831 william budded expects by the first spring ar rivals a large assortment of sheffield and birmingham shelf goods which being purchased for cask can be sold as low as by any house io canada lie will have io addition bis usual ex tensive stock of russia swedes c english iron tin nails glass guopowder c c also a constant supply of cut nails from bis beaver nail works having engaged first raw workmen from the united states montreal huh march 1831 nf0rmat10n wanted mrs brindy formerly the widow foot iscarnestl requested lo write to herdanghier in kingston as something has lately transpired io her advantage it is supposed lhat she now lives in the tolbert settlement william and mary ann foot children of mrs brindy are also desired to write or if any person seeing this notice and knowing the in dividuals wanted would favor by acquainting them of this address to walter gow caro of mr finer mcqueen frontst kingston li ville march 5tb 1831 mary ashley lyman ashley stephen bull2 james r bish eliza beth blancher james clowes 3 dnntel cluro2 lawrence conley 2 mrs case james cavcrly thomas coleman john co vert james clegg a denny 2 david dafoe george dettlin john dougan lieut ii eliot 2 thomas ewing miss edsull george fry james flood john a fellows demy fay john finklc jonas garrison james graham isaac gilbert george german pier gagnon daniel huffman ira p harington levi homan a harriss oald mcjohnston tabei kellogg 2 oliver lifluro augustin lacagad r 0 a mclean esq 2 josiah mccortey copt c mckennon ed- mund meachuib dennice macaulay barnard murphy 2 john ogilvy francis proux john pentice noah powles o m patrick dr g n ridley aron rose john reed junr william g rimmington margaret rickley robert smyth esq john steel pctter swerdsfigan h samson esq william stoughton levi st thomas jonas smyth john exter thompson william thrasher john iaumeer jr aldin b west john witt lewice panton t parker p m n b such of the above letters as are not called for within six weeks from this date will be sentto the dead letter office at quebec etters in the tom office at ai hallowell on the 10th march 1831 it wealthy tusiinp vft c burker geo baxter james braooso ard benedict k g chile joho cairns david donaldson james deacon mary krwin publius v blmore hezekiah ferguson arra ferguson margaret gerom isaae garratt jan david bhill robert hill joseph jacobs charles kellogg edward kehy robert leavens robert mcfnrland samuel molinoaux timothy nihaoe thos nash jas rankin thomas rohinson abrain snyder richard sayers phillip shorts jacob vandusen bartholomew walsh jas wilsoo john welter wm ycrkes if not redeemed io six weeks they will be sent to the dead letter office quebec wm rorke p- m charles ateer auraaam bull i confer a groat list of letters remaining in the post office at napaneo 14th march 181 mamell auant william bradshtfwj 2 ezekiel benson 2 isaac carscallen john glendenan anthony dubai r demsey michael daple john fair field andrew ferrin joseph jackson francis macnoal daniel maclaugh- lin john miller william martin jo seph martin daniel pringle thomasi ii powers william pringle jmir charles ranken jeme smith john steel paul wright allen wells sa muel williams john whrimp n b such of the above mentioned letters as are not relieved within six weeks tveiu this dale will asuent le tha dead leiiet office at qumiet allan macpfiiison p m list of letwrs remaining in the post office at adolphus- town 5th march 1831 isaiah k boyce willet casey gi deon daton ebeneaer doil rev g ferguson mrs mary garrison wm a griggs burger huyck able huyck ricketson daighl 2 elisha hill nox- en harris royal c hicks edwin mallory wm martin daniel ruttan win m roblin owen roblin jacob ruttan neaj shannon charles st charles joseph trumpoor 2 job wilson mary wilson paul wright n b if these letters ate dot tkn up or redeemed wiihinsix weeksvtfeey will be sent to the dead letter ofte john d gilbert p m notice for the twuship of pittsburg a special session will be bolden nt mrs petiies inn in the village of bnrriebeld otktmonday the 28lh day of march next at 12 oclock for the purpose of receiving from tbe overseers of highways of the different divisions of the township of pittsburg their accounts of statute labour pet form ed during the last year nad to assigs di visions where statute labour is mo bo performed by the respective overseers of highways for tho present year by order of the magistrates james cordon town clerk barriefield 9th march i8s1 christmas newyear gifts the token the atlantic souvenir the pearl affections offering with a number of other literary gems elegantly done up for the present sea son for sale at lesslie sons store street kingston pec i 6