Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 30, 1831, p. 2

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wcch wis then iiu namely attemurt anil presented lb rn ut extraordinary appear m a from it crowded tate beame clunoriu for a division stranger- eagerly enough withdrew the division took place and the numbers were for the bill 302 against it 30l majority 1 thai wai considered a having resulted from mr calcrafts adhesion blt fr lhl fact shcre wmm htve been eotial imtmher and the speaker would have had to tfive casting vol the result wa immensely cheeredwhich w rtekleuded to l ml j r i- aell as he parsed from the houco the bill wa read a second time ami ordered in a committee on the 14th of april and the house adjourned at four oclock one day later from england by the ship untied slates liverpool papers of the 25th march and london of thu evening of th 2ji have ben received gnit britain the globe of the eve ning of thi 2jj siys there was reason to be lieve that after the transaction of some spe cial business in parliament that evening the parliament would be dissolved this strikes u as beta rather improbable since not withstanding the meagre majority by which the raform bill was ordered to its second reading the ministry had announced their determination to bring it toils third reading on the 16th of april u is possible however that in the course of this 23d the ministers found themselves so weqk as to render an ap peal to the people advisable foreign intelligence the london morning papers f march 24 were received by the ship united ute arrival of which was mentioned yesterday the parliament was not disolvt on the night of the 23rd as whs predicted by the globe but from the tenor of the article which is copied from the morning chroni cle of the 24th that event very probably took place within a day or two after our l-i- cal intelligence of any moment the ge neral impression seem to be that the min isters will content to do modification of their project whatever but that appealing in the people for a new pailirtment it will he carried by the next house of commons ml rejected by the lords will follow lordship we tutwt lw constantly tinkeviiv the constitution hisltmuhip tiitysrtn tit t the peopk have hhveiniil to find ntehmoi livintr and ihattiie wlftde nation oaunoi lie constantly bcmutvintg their attention il or e i- i relorins lord lnnjtowi limit ted ugflilml ihe keeping the country in i foil- slum state irf exeitinuiiiwiihotuiimmi d mmngniisinsttichanichr tin- hjrd chan cellor in h liapiost roaiiiui rltikwurifcnl the opptwilloti ih lord gaitiinrvoii and w arc inunlt mwiuke ifntoivifl iwi iiiwmii iiisb meets the ear in his nitiitiun of a mfcpnmfitm he hmj still in the noble ear to ntluck tin ministers ever since they came htln iifftcc- 0 ambition ambition ihusrious princes are not ilironly persous who mistake lliiilhtlvc 1 ed who pttltl nub i m rale in tl k tv m ehtt itnrl many years afterwards i ho accession of i uwe iilhlt po- hhi particularly in his portion ol cl- rendered i proper to divide the pvo- ilii lor eiw lent upp iff in males- optialum ill the lord chancellor added hr lord caernarvon hail opened his ire on them not by platoons but by n pop pop 1mm hia popgun it was a bit and bit sttftck laugli he had rather be opposed by those who openly and frankly avowed that they wanted no reloim than by the bit and bit reformer was he confessed very suspicions about those who now qualified their opposition by saying that they approved of some relorm sal hough before they had been against all e- lonn the people are not to b- deluded by ihsc paltry urtifires ministers may leailtsly m ain on the whole bill and nothing hut the bill and it they cannot dinvohlnh thai throw themselves on the country morning citron we are to ee what london march 24 the all oriprossipg subject of conversatnn yesterday was the division on the reform bill the prevailing opinion was that a peat victoiy had been gained because al though the majoiity was small aft thai ma jority could be increased by a dissolution the success cf the measure became demon strably certain several members divided in favor of the second reading with the intention as they expressly iitcd of endeavoring to alter it materially in the committee it was how ever significantly observed by lord john russell in his reply that r he did not say the run of minute rt iniglil not be altered but he wished to give those who would con sent to go into the committee with a view to alter it notice that if they were i make the smallest alteration in hie bill neither lienor any one else would think himself precluded by the measure so altered passing from bringing forward at any future time that part of the plan which might be reject ed in fact ministers arc determined that the measure shall b0 bealercd and per haps tile wisest course would be to proceed forthwith to a dissolution in order that no unnecessary prolongation may be given to the excitement of the country it m we talimte ifoyniiiopjniion tnskfnosiirtftf it said that several leading individuals had determined to be governed in their fnlnre conduct by the division on the se rend- poland the following impoitnnl nd affecting addrrslo the ivlish nation has been pub hhed by the government of poland address to the people op poland- countrymen already the c0ltbat for our exttinee for util hberiy and tor our independence has begun it i perhaps the last our fir ut fixed purpose is gloriously to conquer ur to die j and wc have sworn that il it shouhl please proridence to per- rml its to be snbiloeil like the jews after ufki4 i a c j rniii wlwlli thvft cease t be poles we will wear mw that we will hide our nationality deep in our hearts from the eyes of our enemies bat that never will a member of our great but unfortunate nation unite himself with tur enemies either by blood or by friendship that never shall want or contempt bring iis or out latest descendant to deny poland- hut that we will look upon one another as brothers help n another in toll aid in the midst f misfortune and in tncriy live upon he rei ullttiions nf ihc put and pre kentj ir preserve the nnrat preseuee fore ver and rather dispone over the facv liie earth than ungnlsb in slivery my those powers who are favourable to u l least ob tain this much that afur our fall we may be permitted to leave the sacred lahd of out fathers with nur possessions and diet fhall preeribt the form f the diet hall lake it with the pie and shall enter ittobe read from the pulpit the minister of foreign aluirs shall eddrets llutei l england and traure exhorting thoe pawers that ijlhc event rf a defeat the renmins of ohr iwtton as well is the iirwoner ihati be set at liberty pa tib the r oatli lish peu- md to nuthe provision for two sepa- fjnverilinollthi li majesty in a mrs- to parliament cxprcskly recommendeil tin to uf such provtsitili as hohi hu necessary nuke a permi i is in the said prvinte the terms of the loyal meesats0 and they secured it by t so direct and jjusitivts uiid o in their details that there can he li l empire in which a niihl pfovisionfortheuiainiennnce otreli- l stands on plainer ground then in the pru f canada n was not until after tins provision had ex without complaint or remonstrance rtf ttioro than thirty years that an v attempt was inado to excite a feeling of dissatisfac tion reapcctlo it- amongthe objections whir heen ured against the prov ince l wjhlrti and inaiulenauec of a p clergy within thesauie fsiacurrinj in this lecottiniondatlnn of hi mujwly tno parliament of great unlain statute 31tgeo 3d chapslst made a tor the support of a protestant clergy l i against it sinco that l xt heeil stated that the re- gervv y iniainins waste obstruct the set- ttont of the province and that the quail- lii luid reserved is excessive in propor tion tr oljst illi respoct to the first objection it has a been exaggerated anil the reason inni support of it was daily becoming iffllcerin consequence uf the occupation 0 ifh reserves by lessees even before the mtri which have lately been taken tr t under the authority of a recent oc the imperial parliament since they iiat heen tluis placed in acoursc of gradu al ac there not only remains no lair option ni that kind hut it is in reality a g benefit to the country that respectable grants coming at this late period from kur1 ara enabled by the opportunity of mviiiujiiig these mercy keservcs to ob tain lands in eligible situations upon con venient and tatoderale terms with regard to the argument that the al lotment fur religious purposes is excessive and dispropoirtfoned to the object it is easy to set at rest any question on that point and to atford ihc most conclusive assurance that nothing unore than an adequate provi sion s desired this province is divided mtotownships cacli of which contains about one hundred smtaro miles and in many of whirh there lllk kinfjstox chron1clr nul itnhiji slpril 30ia lil the cni i of general quarter sessions in ad for ihe midland district was operied in this place ou tuesday lasl john mnraulay eq cbairuiiuk the court haa nee been vurybu- rily encaged oiid ba tfone thmuyh a gteui deal ut borioetei it will dose tw evening are and u prnih en ttedtfl leave our ft t her ian 1 pro by the enemy soaked by the liloud ol thepidtfsj andsrewfd with their bones tliii wc iosiv sell witiiuuthiiidmhceourpjs fessious am pcodsand cirrv willi u what we ewi lake awy those pwers wdl uot rpulc the prayers of nope who fr te centuries have guarjed europe on the eit ami in tie north and the conqueror will rejoice to be rid if a geneialitm wlih must ever hale him if he pogesc8 the magna liiniily which he prulewcsto the w lid he will ivillinelv d- a deed rohlributins 1 kc tnnng u whom provhjenco shall permit to survive or who shall be wflonded ami in raft leennng all further opposition in the event of a majority to lie wiihout an object and that it might be prudent therefore to wait a little to see how far the result may correspond with the anticipation uut we doubt whether there u any good foundation for expecting any material diminution f the number of the opponents of the bill and as lime i of consequence it might be as well not to waste it oo discussions fruin the result of which there is little lo hope in the house of lords inst night in spite ol the vt elimination to avoid discussion as much as possible on the presentation of pe titions some of their lordship agitated no doubt by the vote of the preceding eveninjr were unable to contain themselves lord roden in particular said he whs one ol those who were not hostile to all reform but he was for a safe change and uot a re volutionary reform and it would be a re volutionary reform that would he effected if parliament were to p iss the present measure this called up lord grey who said he could not hear that assertion lor assertion it was and not argument without mooring it with a contrary and most confident asser tion that the measure in question had men tendency his eo u that if hands now should be dissolved sequence would terward breed a reform and uhwi umu v there was great reason to fear that then the relurm would indeed be revolutionary uy the peenl plan ministers have ralli ed around them almost every man in thel country who has not an intelligible sinister interest promoting him to opposition ii iv imj thus secured the nation it would be the height of imprudence to submit to any such alteration ol the meagre a miht render it generally unacceptable they have wisely therefore determine i to carry uirougii the measure in its iuter ly willi the support of the nation they have nothing tn fenr from political opponents or no rninuttrv can be fmoded in this country on a princlide hostile to reform ministers have therefore firm ground to stand on and may confidently set their enemies at defiance the bait jifofieringan illusory reform now that some refrm niut ik- coiienled will not take if alterations said lord john rusrl u were iuide essentially altering the chanic- ter ol the measure if those interests were excluded which the bill rtlffiltled into the ri prejualion it would only lead in a pro- ui2id trujgiflo and wnulil end in hmirina tin triumph while it alienated ihe atiectlmr jfihe people lm lord caernnrvou lit liiirht was ready to reform the imisiiiutlon iii h tit as he phrased it to watifv prun will eyes full of uatv anil with bleeding lieart the und of mtr father with the priest of our holy filth and re pair to those distant region of asiau afrita already populous villages besides the cultural population generally dispersed over the whole surface it can easily he determined whether the support of two clergymen of the church ol england or of any given number beyond thatj would form a reasonable provision for the religious wants of such a subdivision oftha country having in view what uuit ha the future condition of this colony there can be as little difficulty in deter mining what stipend would assure a lre- lv adequate maintenance to such clergy men ami il parliament were to place at the dis posal of his miajcstv the surplus of the en dowment hi amy township that may re main after thiw adequate maintenance shall have been secmrcd such a measure must ne cessarily rcniiove the apprehension of those imkona who conceive the provision to be improvident and lavish it is not ouir intention on this occasion to express any opinion respecting the claim which iheohttirch of scotland has preferred to a jiarttcipaifion being content that it rests with your majesty and with parliamci to decide llpoin it wo regret itliat it was ever thoiihlad ltf from england- kx arrivals at nw vulforuirli london date ifmvti m tin- slsl uf marvit wtliavo odv roitw to malic iiie rullowintj extracts from ihe supple meat to the albion llu inoiuenl received thu prmpects of war between prance ami austria is somewhat increased in con- sequence ol the military occupation of lo- lotiini by thu hitter power which took placft on j hi tilt the remarks ofcassi mer perrierou ibis auhjecd which we uive tieluw are not chqcilisivo tot opinion pre vnilcd in paris that his w opinion of the en ministry kitrl jrey has iteclareil in ihe house of lord hi itetenniuanou to carry the re form hill in is present shape atnl without any modification and intimated l ditto- ititit h uf rarrihdicul in ease uf ftiiloriun us third rending his lordship hm yone further ami hinted at the pondhriity of ihe calhulic hecointng lilo eitahlished cbuirb of ireland i from this perhaps we inny infer thtt ihe noble lord has other pro- jecta of reform in view c sec lif nothing tlul violence ami tuijinidntioo reported tti in order to carry the present measure lord pahnerstuoj who renreceiin ihe uni versity tifcmnbiidge fraitiluleuily retain ed a petition from the cniveiity agaiusi icfortu nine days io his pocket before he presented it to the lluusc count diebilteh h nm inactive before prngn it is clear that this lhaw has tie stroyed nil the advantages he expected iu reap from his previous virtiries euoral dwernirki has gained lunher ndvnutapes over krutz- the ituiuui arc still on the right bank of the visltllfl and niur remain there until the roads becomo pas sable great disturbances have taken place in belgium the country is the victim of umbtiioui patrcuas eud n i yei uuieiimu which i the strooett- the friends uf the prince uf orange are still active but ivc thiuk they arc iu the miuority war ah the accounts njrec that war between france and aoitria is no lunger a matter of duubu in coucqucuce of the austrian having entered llohtgna in relation to the probability of a war the london courier of the 3kt hold the fulhiting lauguste u it will be seeu by our extracts flom ihe paris papers of tues day that the probability of war between fraucc aud austria has for the first lime assumed a serious aspect the anstnans have it is said in cnteriug holonu vio lated uot only the principle vf nouinter- veinimi but also hroketi their promise to the french joveiotncot not to interfere for the suppression of revolt beyond those states over which the riaht of interference hnsheeu recognised by the french ministry cummer perier slated to the chamber of deputies on monday the iith march thai it wis necessary to provide for the fu- rp on the break iug u srvcmiartieles prepared for tluu days paper are nec anlj delayed to make room lor the lb- reign new n just received mr j 111 v lord advocate of scotland ha lost hiscatin the imperil parliament and bin opponent caot ogih iv hae been duly elected it wuuld appear that the committee on the eon- rated election found that dundee had not the power v vutiui and inconsequence the honmi of commons i dpiived of the bqrvicmoftm eloquent and aecwnplished exedkor of the d ih iteview ulbil b awaitlue the 1 xo ra the attention of our readers to mrs parrneniicis advertiwm any otdfrlf in that line left al this office will be poaiptly at tended to ftmttd tdiliun vf tht statutes in annvcrlo somi ontjolliea by our friends al a distance we ibtfi to tfate that the new edition of the sialutes wdl embrace all the statutes from thcconuneucc- incnt including the constitutional act and other british acts connected with this rrovince tnc lfirftbimior or qcssec this honor- abe and right rcveitlid pielaie who dwv bj umpliatieally terni the apistle of the cauade say4 the new yok churctmmn of sslh match ha lately visited litis city tj his way to england on business relalins- to his tarcand itnportftiil dioecsc the removed oppnriuiitty thus aldib ed of personal irilificoune with tldn truly werllty member of the bpisiopiicy ofourmotherchtircb had confirmed tlt iinpwssioll lcng entcramed of the ihsonynihcd poniy and rxecllencv of his character and the ptwinm wal with which he devuic duaiclfto ihomivxcot his divine master- ih tordhip preached on sunday uf rt si john chapel in the owmirig nod at si paul in the evening qndaaain in s philips church on the evening oftucedavf with the orderly urd do- vout sppcannco ami deportment of the hire congregation f which aai church which is composed o coloured peisons he expressed bilr self much pleased we regret to uarn that a man named john donoghue was this rooming found deed in bi hed in the house ol dcvid leahy innkeeper in thia town the deceased un tetiiing larl night eoitipleined of a poin in his chest he v us by trade a looper ami lias a wife and family itbi- dine slcwherinoe hearrivcd intown ys iciday by one of uio ba steam boats the siamese tcins for sate at the chronicle office we announce with regroi that michael spmtt ir miier intendnut uf our nnvy yird bod stephen yurwood tsq secre tary lo commodore hnrrie will iu all probability soon he required to bid us a long farewell his very pniulul to be separated from frieodjeodeared by a louu tudinniddc iutercoiircc ihe future destinies of lbee uierilnrtuu oinccrs will euac the watch ful solicitude of thu iuhubtautsof kiugaiou patriot the stanzas by ii- g f next tvft caxai canals mr alexaader thutnp son has politely fa vout cd m with a perusal of lie documents relative til the c ailtl conununi- catlini in canada transmitted to the house of commolisou ihfl 10th february in answer to an address cftbat hon house requesting co pics of eorrespmdraee between the treasury ordnance on tile sulijvctanu oidercu 16 hi printed by that hon body thea doliinicnt which are one hundred and thirtyone in nuiu- ber fonn a lae volume and are uhlsltatedby six beautifully executed maps and sections of the carillon and krjcuu cnnal the docu- inentsconist of the reports of the commissions of which sir james carmichael smyth and 5ii james kempt were respectively the presidents of letters from lord dalhousie to sir james kempt to the colonial minister and of reports from colonel durnford lieutenant colonel ii and lieutenant colonel duvernet to the head uf the ordnance on the progress of the woik we frhau be enabled io mcke txthclfl frwm the volume tn our next and in the mtantimc sui join the three last documents which posseftd someinte rest at the present moment ivttgaz lttttrfrom tf w hay esq- to the hon jomes sttitart tfc c fyc loss of the stum boat llaterho this vessel left montreal on saturday last nuk ou sunday niftht gut among the floating ieoofsr- nicholas the ice going dowu with the ehh anil closing u upon that sta tionary nicaniuge ou monday moraine the boat received mj mueli dninage that she was annildoned- tito vessel has since drifted near shore and sunk in about four fathoms water neither the vessel nut a- uy thing no board was injured cargo bejonging to different individuals and chiefly aaltd pruvitions and rider estimat ed at 1000 value uf boat gooqtfr son a cttttue icr i sir wi am directed by rich to transmit to you tli of the chanibet lloiognn by the narki jmwt- v vfi we and america which the providume of god and hospittliiy shall point outiunkful to the giver if an asylum where our nation ality liny still be permitted to survive the offiiil journal nf warsaw to the 8th inst contains the following of the actions between the poles and tiie uunsians up to the 20 h tilt the harrntive i highly interesting i j proves decidedly that the poles have in effect obtained a complete victory the rnsian i0atnander- inchief bavin been utterly foiled in the object which lit sought to attain domestic address of the legislative oockcil of up per canada- fib st fesbi03 hbo- pa ria3lb2rt to the kings most excellent majtsty most gracious sovereign x ik i tmtri ih ttf r uy where it could not he deterniined ami wc earnestly hope un tile sake of it elision itevlf that it may he sjedily set at rest by a final decision in the mean time we can not forbear to express our conviction that the rulers of the church of scotland arc more sincerely attache to the principles of christianity than to desire that the only permanent provision tot rctipous instruc tion which exists in this country sdiouhlbc entirely abolished because it has appeared doubtful whether that funicular hutch had ti rient to share in it they must he aware that it is not with thosse feelings that the support of their venerable eslahlislmienl is regarded in scotland by their fellow suh- jects of other denominations and we do them the justice to believe that they would be lonvard to disavow an uch sentiiueuls in retard to this province- we find that the neossity of providing by public aiil for the education ofthe various classes in society is fell and acted upon in this province as well as in other countries land we can hy no means admit that their religious instruction can he treated as a mat ter uf less important concern and one that may with greater safety he left to the preca rious liberality of individuals on he contrary when we consider that the security of lite and properly and all turfi on the breal lie continued this future dc not wear a less fttyoil- rahlo aspect but it draws dearer a uew ireumtanco which hai taken place io ihe miilst ofthe negotiations which irere iu fooiiho oecupatimi ut hoiona vutriftn irjspi jkvideoi m trntiotijvcalls for explanation lo noltfoubl will prove calefactory to the r of the two ciuutries anil for a sfartmlomvpioioo we may hk the hxifiiy ul1 w our firit overtures were rrcvitfvu iionittfti aniwfirtuiv y iviiv veo w it h thit hope the loverntuent should advance a 5tepujon even in order not to risk the chance of being left behind for as you know it m only by foreseeing them that we are enabled to direct ihetn v marks of co uowniok street feb 2 1881 viscouni tiodc i copy of a letter from mr ryham itatingi by desire of the mastergeneral aod hoard of orduaure thai the uudermeutioued suui sxill be re quired for carrying on the work ol the ri deau arid grenville cauals ia ihe present year viz for the rideau 230789 for the jrcuville and other couauou the ottawa 40000 pout of quebec april li i he tivfe lic umiuti irom pmil 24lh murrlito lllemeui iuil co in hnllml- lih whiwih c1iins from i 22a march to ii g itovylti sc ucrl enrgo menipc rlaoilfnril 24ih do- poo if- linu5riir co halljim y2ml uric caimimttn unnihion s4ilt imjucii ivoin liverpool to gcvrgc liws co fiiera cftru i ship artohitf h crnou lo- c- sparks 26li do friiin fil caro n t frih brig cherub millar greeooek to koherr hau ceuert rarpo 23rd dark candims grevi 27th do from loudon to wmkaltoii iu htllat- hark airthy custte hurliu 25th do from kiistnl tuw liuddcu c gcueral caro 250 i tiers- ship oiiftdnukoi laird from loudon lo j s- catnpbelday of sailiug uu known- passengers in the hibcruia 21st march from liver pool al new york mesr- claike hamil ton g blew art j and uciftcrjtcu of cue bec 296783 i am to request that you will lay ihe same before ihc lords commissioners of the treasury acquaiutiue their lordship that lord goderieh indisposed io recoup meoil that kttimettfti for the whole icttin proposed ly the orduaure however lairti uve hfttortnf should 1 l xiitonhuu to fmlm mem and thus the ncesity miy be a- voided of cootiouin the expenditure of public money not voted hy parliament oo work which from iheir advanced atnte may be expected to bo completed in at usi next i ato sir vour obedient ier t fron the been tl ti d uannnnu inaiks ut concurrence let us prove to them that by leaving t vaot doth in j to chance in our preparations of it v h-tt- uttcrfrom r byhom esq to r w hay defence iherc shall be nothing equivneal in the guarantees of peace cheer m the country is already aware that the government is uot disposed to sacrifice its interests to its passions let it know al so that its security is our principal ohjecl and that we am determined to procure by every other means if peace suffice unanimous applause the warhke disposition of i has quieted the country poland german papers to he 23d marrh testify to the further success of the 1 entrant the army under dcveroicki the province of podolia is likely the perplexity of the russians the r bility and their dependant having ar eu masse and mumbled 15000 cavalry which forre advanced to katniuicz the ca piml nod disarmed a russian regiment o inffimrv the news of this event has al 57 c c e office of ordnance jan 24 1831- sir the master general and board of ordnance having taken into consideration the oueitinn as to the sums which will he il required for carrying 011 the works of the should 001 1 rideau canal and oreuville canal in the preseut year for which services the mo- miuistry ney is not voted io ihe ordaaoce esii- i am directed to acquaint you there with forviscouot godeiirhs information and to request that you will submit to his lordship that upon considering the ueces 10 increase j sary reports and documents upon this sub- jject the tiro following sum are those which tho mailer general and board sug gest should be voted io the colonial esti mate for tho year 1831 the works being all io progress aod reported lobe indispeu- sably necessary viz for ihe rideau 250762 for the greovjhc and other canals 00 the ottawa 40000 ulcs the into sen shipping intelligence captain collins of tho william which is the first vessel that has sailetl iroui liver pool fur this country report the artenih margaret unicorn and sir joliu utitaford to sail thence for ibis port on the 6b marrll the vessels arrived saw no ice ij the suldi or civcr 1 iod ni company with lic attftmx iiixu march tlialnu actcnui h- received there up to the time cf ins sailing cf the dissoluiion of iarliameut hut that letters had been received from tho members of that place which staled that ftijfll an event was peuerdly expected to take place ia the course bin few dis a fine ship called the royal william was launched from mr campbells ship yard at moutreul ou monday last the merope klandford from tooje when lying in the stream of ihc town on tuesday hfternunn iu eonscquence of not riring aiong 6idc the w of ico were detached fr struck by n field of iwoor forced dowu th river ir md author she retbro ncslay the william from liverpool goes up to moutrcal iu tow uf the first steamer lo take wheal a larjie uhip abandoned and loaded part ly uith rlflvesi drifted ashore near oprlo portugal feby 1st supposed by some lo he ihe mitchell by others thu llibberts from quebec ha rf wl ten pieces oin 1 tarouge i wal r three heres aod ith loxs of chain ed mjvii i on wed- forts wit id citlcalc tho incnt epresrnt are niakirir in tins colony toin- majcstfv that within the fortv vears which opinion thai it is an infringe- h e lapsed since thi etnlnwiiienl was al- nt o iidpriy to niake provision fur the loml ho population of upper canada has ort or thu christian reiigion hy main- 1 encrimseit from ttn tliouaikl to two hnndrt tanin some form ol public worship even ouj twenty thousam allliuiigii such a provision soilm be made comprises within it us in this province it has lieen made tikis a eountrv not without imposing a hurthen upon anv class kiiigcfuin of kngland ami wales the fcrlil- of the people anl without btibjocting lo ity if ue soil r the t xclleiiee any civil disnblhtv those persons who pro- mate are favorable to ihc niort fess a different faith vs ou ol he branches of ihe legislature hiirhs army is sufivrin severely from scapciiy f provisions the severiiy of the reason ami the haduess if the roads it is even imagined that he will soon he nlii- the ru inuiiaijii m io 1 1 unn leu n i tml minis the province 2uisil i frnl etimii ir sent orinie a tl hmuob would he etima t k in ement mian the i exrcm ierou and the war may he oal t 2ig7t2 i have c r ryham a statement of th amount grantta and aji- ylied umlrtquirtd to be granted for com pleting the canal communications in ca nada rs i fsthnato for the rideau cana le for ihegieuville ca- 693 44 jos of this colony we fuel it to lie our dutv to declare our dissent from such a position us being directly repugnanttu principles which have been ions and firmly established iu every part of the british kmpiie an i ex pressly at variance with the original con stitution ol this province and wilh the a- cred pledge given by jonr majestys late royal lailur wlien canada became a iiri- lish province ill the first arrangements made hv his late majesty ul hv parliaiiieut filr tl government of cauad pal care to mli prntr of iiccii- rapid ad- j aucement in population and wc persuade j sa j fro ourselves thai your majesty will not con siiler il expedient or richt that the millions of people who are to iniabit this country at no very remote period si mil be left depen dant upon chance for die religious instruc tion thev are lo receive on the contrary we fully trust that your majesty and the imperial parliament main taining one ofthe lirst principles of tlic bi- uliauieut lor tnej lbcoiintitutiinwillptreservetoiheinhab- it was ihelr princi- ilants of upper canada the a ivaulagrofan and assure lo he carillon canal and rted lor several campaigns some the cbuie a bloodeau rolislt romniiinders nf corps have i emely active and soceessfull a i granted and applied on account ofthe rideau canal grained and applied on aceouut of ihe grenville canal the clanllou canal4 the chotc a blundeau m warsaw are of ihc rfci was acriiiuily ill at wl geu chlop craeow there had been n sitting of ih 1ict fur some time previous the meuib uly have prjv cra meet ns ue umi assure 10 the m- 1 act iwhilaiits unit provimoi whiuh the kreneh coverniaent bo maou f religion an laceor lingtv roman catholic cbui jlweixecukd iij irmenl ot all their logi1 and a rnstera mil iiie r lite support ol the liivv filu- equate and permam aiipport of public worl hy such means the hes videil ibr the mural cm d for the peace and t it pro ision lor the iip convinced thai enirily will be pro- luel of the people ppinos vf shrictv trouble in the whjwam or rnotiier jos a- thx general javkwns cabinet is fallen t pives the four secretaries of stolo have c mr ni ijurtiioiitl mr eaton led ltc and mr inehaui and mr uanch ibhowcd and tli niallopxt ucumeattf 2s227i 075722 43c66g 169099 c057gs ragned wav mr vau rureo letter of redlgnatio ioidrii answer av nnbisheit i tn psm nur rradera with these d fumo feraitc t s i tisiniemhd a ioaitiie halifax command ri jaimej ourivn hoist hit liui incbicfou hi north imckaa ar admiral ioiii a cuiuiaandvr probable sum required to com- plete these work j j60 957 1 lio loregoliig i exclusive f he bt ann i rapids of wbiel esiimaie has jei been rceeivetl aid txcluaivo also ol ldoekhoues and other wflrki for the de fence ofthe liideau canal on account of nhiehau iftstiuiale cf gu3u has bceu reeeived w biicliall treasury clhambcrs clruary ivyo t sata rce f for the chronicle the clergy reserves mt attention has been drawn to this question by observing in your paper of saturday some re- notations moved by mr solicitor general haper man on ihc suhjoct during the laic session of our provincial pafltanent and which of voure con vey to the politic thai pentlemon scnlimcni on tins very important and long agitated nuekmnl ecnlinun which i have no hesitation inwjin reflect much credit on the leanntl gtnihiian notwithstanding the lare luajniitv vho voted against him on the occasion nnlhing in oiy o- piiiion canbp fairer than to fulmiit the matter to the imperial pmhainenl lei that power which originally made the crant declare its nyu inten- uoilfllet it define its own meaning it the boon was meant io he coifcrred on the two catobtilh ed protectant chinches of the empire let boili chinches enjoy tlic prant and if only ont of these way meant let thai our ictm unmolested poceion d ihe dpucd popcrty ul no ed riphts hevioluud a contrary cccdhct hcud be unjust and dislmnoiabtr thoc is however mr editor a ppiiit abroad i fear exclusively hostile to the chinch of eng land a spirit altogether in cp0ion to ftich settlement of the tietinn and lhcrrfutc rathe f than lisqne the possibility of that chinch being coullinnd in th possession of the whole icser- vatiun even those scotchmen who were once foremost in contending for the rights of thekirk are now ready to give litem op aliogihcr and are luudeh and mom zealous ill the rflhrtc niak- mpto drp ic the province of the otily mcara t that can bccurc the bltaiiips if mijjicttia in i stnicrmii to fuhire pt iiiratiois lltwuph lbrc cy of men of fcammp nitfv and itfhs lahihiy no rational man can loi a moment duibl hut thai it pninonefil provision be not mrtle luy hie sup noil of the cleiy font snmepihjc fuud thcic liious inlriielimii of the country niil fall i the hftttib nf ihcluiv aid uncdufited no j0 nr il tverrhik cffeffaksttffciiseb to ii r a

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