there can be no part of the british empire to which a public provitioo for the mainte nance of religion stands on plainer groupd than in the provinces of cauada it was not uotil after this provision had existed without complaint or remon strance for more thau thirty years that any attempt was made to excite a feeling of dissatisfaction in respect to it 11 among the objections which have been urged against it since that period it has been stated that the reservesby remaining waste obstruct the settlement of the pro vince and that the quantity of land reser ved is excessive in proportion to the ob jfect wih respect to the first objection it has always been exaggerated and the rea- roning in support of it was daily becoming weaker in consequence of the occupation of the reserves by lessees even before the measures which have lately been taken for ibeif sale under the authority of a recent net of the imperial parliament since they liate been thus placed in a course of pra- lua1 alienation there not only remains no fair objection of that kind but it is in re ality a ureal benefit to the country that re spectable emigrants coming at this late pe riod from europe are enabled by ihe op portunity of purchasing these clergy re serves to obtain lands in eligible situations bpoo convenient and moderate terms for the chnnicte mb chronicle since the editor of the christian sentinel a paper published in lower canada has advanced bis to my mind unaosworable arguments in fa vor of religion being supported aod pro tected by the civil slate 1 have been led into a tram of reflections on the rise and progress of certain political factions aod i think i can cloarly trace them to sectaria nism in religion- these political factious are composed for the most part of sectari ans whose religious notions are as demo cratic as their politicks and as contrary to the scriptures as their politics aro contra ry to the principles of the british consti tution which we deem as the standard of perfection iu civil freedom they are fu rious against the abominable sacrilege there is in the state providing for the de cent maiutenanceof the clergy aod the protection it extends to them against the intrigues of selfmade preachers which they are constantly practising to induce the people to desert the real clergy and la vish on these impostors the means of sup port which ought to go to thern alone and they form political combinations for t hce purposes under the hypocritical assump tion that it is unlawful to mioglo religion with politicks so it comes to pass that egertoss is the organ am rcngious port of quebec arrived april 23 ship hern campton 30th march from bristol to g symes son in ballast jtrig new felix souligny painehaud 25 do from liverpool to j ross co geueral cargo bark coo- cord johos hi do from bristol to h lemesurier 6c co in ballast brig isa bella donaldson 26 do from greenock to a gilmour co general cargo- ship superior brown 27 do from bris tol to w budden co general cargo brig albion isaacs 1st april from cork to w price co in ballast brig robert wro harris fcrrie 29th march from lancaster to h gowen co goods schr tropic of cancer whiteman 14 days from guysborough n s to h dubord with sugar macka- rel fcc- bark dominica bowman 1st aprii from cork to w prico co ba last brigsmaiestyers 20th march from whitby to h lemesurier co in ballast 31 settldrs ship canada allan 1st april from greenock to capt allan general carco 45 scalers may i shiplatooa gallilee 31st march from limerick to h ghwen co ballpst bark town of ross evans 1st apsil from ross to j b thirwall ballast 250 set tlers- buig elizabeth moon 31st mar from plymouth to t stott co ballast may 6 brig ontario arnold 25th march frombriitol to w budden co general cargo brig john esdaile wright 29 do from liverpool so w price and co ballast schr lady 14 days from ha lifax to m shortis rum aod sugar 7 schr elizabeth babien 20 days from halifax to h dubord with fish mer maid bootront 14 days from do to mu- rison and mobia rum and sugar 4 settlers brig grenada tuzo 2d april from grenada to j leaycraft rum christian paper mouthpiece of a politi cal faction organized out of the remnants of the late most infamous and wicked central committee and other kindred ingredients which but for this uew guar dianship of democracy and factioo would hardly have exhibited themselves before the public as i am a matter of fact man aod fond of tracing effects to their causes and down from their causes into their pre sent standing i propose to show how de mocracy in religion produces democracy in politics and bow they both tend to the destruction of human society a thidg well worthy the attention of nil sober men particularly those iu public life in doiog this 1 may have occasion to refer both to tho christian guardian and the christian seniuel on account of the one being the furious calumniator of these doctrioes as recognized in the british constitution and so ingeniously maintained by the other 1 shall also have occasion to refer to things rs they aro aud have been in the land of jonathan where theological democracy has so vast ao influence on politicks and where the principle of mingling religion with pnlitics is cordially cursed hy nearly all parties as the most dreadful of abomi nations since mentioning the christian senti nel i beg leave to drop a word of advice to its editor who i trust is not too wise to receive instruction and whom i wish all thesnecew hw labours deserre he seenis to be fuhy aware of his measure of ability not that a man who defends principles should lack a reasonable confidence in do ing so but that he should not make a needless display especially if he he a clergyman i could point out several in stances whore he has manifested an un seemly pettishness and a little of prevari cation or something like it by way of tak ing an unworthy revenge of the guardian and also of the watchman your puritani cal fanatical hypocritical neighbor for some of their abuse aod misrepresentation let such do as tbey list but a church editor and a clergyman too is letting him self down t be retorts in their style and answers a fool according to his folly- jf he cannot reply in such manner as to retain the esteem of the discreet aod judi cious of his own friends and to give no occasion to his enemies to take advan tage of him in this way which they never ail to do he bad better maintain a digoi- ficd silence nothing would please them better than tn be able to provotui him to nssume the attitude of a streetboxer hat they might bring their mud engines to bear upon him and defile him from tieadlo fooc so that his own friends would loathe him let the sentinel take ihis as the advice of a friend eider than frimself and bear it in mind when bis ire js raited by the slanders of the guardian or watchman and be may in future avoid past errors having announced 4oyou my intention 1 am for the present yours sincerely one ol the people- died at montreal on the 2d instant the rev robert easton aged 57 years mr easton was a native of harwick roxbouroughshtrc scotland and of respectable family he receiv ed the first rudiments of his education at the grammar school of his native town and went through his collegiate studies at edinburgh af ter completing his university course he became a theological student at the divinity hall in falkirk then under the superintendence of the eminent doctor lawson after completing his professional studies mr k was licensed as ami nister of the gospel by the burgher presbytery of edinburgh being at that time about 20 years of age he subsequently exercised his ministry for a short time in england and came to new york with the late dr mason and from thence to this city where be received a call from the congregation of st peters street church over which lie exercised his ministerial functions for twentyone years when increasing infirmities and a disease in his ees which almost deprived him ofsight rendered it necessary that a colleague and successor should be appointed mr e nas resided in this city twentveicht years and was generally esteemed by all who enjoyed his ac quaintance in the numerous labours and trials which so long a ministration in the service of his divine master produced mr e ever preserved a mild and conciliating disposition which has caused his removal from his earthly friends to be deeply lamented at cornwall the2d at halifax the infant son of sir p maitland lately in london mr john bell proprietor of bells weekly messenger aged 86 years t removal the sub scriber has removed his office to the premises belonging to thomas turpin esq in store street lately oc cupied by the rev thomas handcock geo mackenzie may 14 1831 for l he chronkle editor it must be ihe diffidence mr editor it must be ihe diffidence of the author of the beautiful verses on the last etge f the chronicle of the 7th that prevented im from inserting hia name in full instead of ihe initials only h g f we presume from this alone however that he wished hta name to be known and we therefore think there can be no harm to make a plain matter of fact explana tion we would say h means hunter means hia game f is surely fowler and one must bo his name fowler please insert the above nd oblige yours truly jic0gmta may 10u 11 auction to be sold by auc tion on thursday the 19tliinst at the residence of lieut baddcley r e in rear of the scotch church the whole of his household furniture con sisting of dining breakfast and com mon tables bedsteads feather beds and bourdetts rush bottom wind sor and common chairs merino win dow curtains sofas carpets hearth rngs bureaus mirrors a piano forte a dinner sett and a breakfast sett of china cut flint decanters tumblers and wine glasses lamps and thermometers butlers trays brass fenders and fire irons and chimney ornaments a number of books cooking and other stoves and pipes a quantity of kitchen utensils with many other articles too numerous to state also an excellent horse and side saddle and a milch cow saleto commence at 11 oclock a m and to continue each day till all are dis posed of m moran a b kingston 11th may 1831 boarding school for young ladies at bath under the superintendence of mrs bickerton in this establishment young ladies are in structed in the following branches of education viz grammar geography history writing arithmetic drawing landscape velvet oil painting embroideryand avariety of fashionable and ornamental works mrs bs experience ss a teacher in england renders her well qualified to impart solid instruction with elegant accomplishments on apian calcu lated to make study agreeable and ensure the progress of her pupils terms op mrs bickertons school board including washing use of linenbcds c 10s per week board without washing the bed linen c being found by the pupil 7s 6d nerweek half of the quarter to be paid in advance common education including writing jlrith mtticy grammar georaphy history fy plain needle work 1 0s per quarter common education with fancy needle work i5p per quarter extras music 0 0 1 french 1 5 0 per quarter drawing 1 5 0 velvet painting s lessons i 0 0 these rilhe proprietors of lb undermentioned steamboats lrjr to inform the public that they have established the following rates fur the season 1831 for passage from prescott to brockvitlt and vicevirso for each cabin pas5ecer l 0 2 g for each deck passenger 0 13 from prescott fy brockvulc to kingston fyvice versa for each cabin pascngcr including fare 0 12 6 for neb deck pafsenycr 0 6 3 from prescott brockvulc to coburg port hope and vice versa forckh cabin passengerfincluding fare i 10 0 for ech deck passenger 0 10 0 from prescott brocknilu to york burlington bay fy niagara and vice versa for etch cabin passenger including fare 2 0 0 for mch deck passenger 0 12 6 from kingston tocoburg porthopc vice versa forotchcabinpassengerincludiiigfure i 0 0 for each deck passenger 0 7 6 fwn kingston to york burlington bay and magaray and vice versa for esch cabin passenger including fare 1 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 10 0 from coburg fy port hope to york burlington bay 4 niagara arvd vice versa for each cabin passenger including fare 0 15 0 for each deck passenger 0 7 6 fvm york to burtington bay fy niagara and vice versa forokchcabinpassengerincludingfare 0 12 6 for each deck passenger 0 5 0 from burlington bay to niagara for rach cabin passengcrincluding fare 0 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 5 0 for freight front burlington bay niagara york porthopt tfcobourgtobrockvult sf prescott forcry barrel of ashes lo 2 6 foretery bblof pork beef lardc 0 1 i0 forctery barrel of flour 0 13 all other articles in the same proportion for every horse 15 0 for every ox or cow 10 0 for every parcel toosmall for weight 0 1 6 from the above places to kingston for very barrel of ashes 0 i 10 for every banelof pnrkbccflardc 0 i 6 for every barrel of flour 0 10 i other articles in the same proportion for fvcry horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 15 d fro prescott and brockvulc to cobourg yor bay fy niagara for very cwl weight of merchandise 0 i 3 for every horse 15 0 for ifvcry ox or cow 10 0 forvvcry parcel too small for weight 0 16 from kingston to the above places forvery cwl weight of merchandise 0 10 forgery horse 10 0 foruvery o or cow 0 15 0 fr every parcel too small for weight 0 i 6 j hamilton i camboat great britain 1 j steamboat queenston rsiamlltonj pr- jh stcamboatlalciope 1dhn mosier steamboat niagara pwcott may 2d 1831 c parsons surgeon dentist from new york and just arrived from york respectfully informs the ladies and gentlemen ofingston and its vicinity that he has taken rorms at the kingston hotel and will remain forthree or four weeks if sufficient encourage ment is received his practice embraces all the naiesary operations on the teeth and gums and the insertion of teeth from one to a full set the porcelain teeth inserted which will last for life also teeth cleansedfiled and plugged in a style not surpassed decayed teeth and the gums poisoned by the tartar remaining a long time on teeth are admitted by eminent physicians to be very pernicious to health he will destroy the painful sensation of the teeth and plug them to last for life decayed teeth cut olt and sound ones placed to the roots without oain the most difficult teeth and roots extracted with the most possible ase and safety childrens teeth regulated suitably to give room for lhepucceeding growth if any arc desirous to feaftheir teeth pur in complete repair for life thytfmay now avail themselves of thcopportu- illii practice for 20 years past he trusts basen general satisfaction and convinced many who have been afflicted with painful teeth or have had the misfortune to lose them that it is the most advisable to apply to an experienced dentist in due time he will attend at the dwellings of parties so requesting him recommendations from s l mitchell m d tttoyd md n y dr mcnaughton and dr james albany revdrgriffinpresident of wil- lianvs college hon edward livingston senator in congress and dr henry rochester n y reference may be had to the venerable arch deacon stuart doctors sampson armstrong n b mr p has with him a supply of the most celebrated dentifrice for sale also dr hull patent hinge truss also may be had an essay on the disorders and treatment of the teeth byscparsonss d kingston may 3 1831 brown h e subscribers have constantly on hand an extensive mid coin- plete assortment of the following arti cles in the hardware line english russia and swedes iron tin plates sheet iron boiler plsites steel of nil sorts wrought and cut nails deck spikes ox and trace chains iron and copper wire spades and shovels vices anvils patent shot gunpowder of all sorts hair- seating pins white and tarred coitl- wliilc and red lead spanish paint linseed oil c c amd by the first arrivals from london and liverpool will complete their assort ment of groceries consisting of muscovado jfauritius and refined su gar jamaica coffee pepper allspice cassia ginger molasses gallipole seal and florence oil vinegar pick- lts and sauces brandy hollands dun bars porter and ale jlustard figs raisins currants c c and the following wines of vaiious qualities jfadeira port sherry tenerifle fi- gureas port claret champaigno c c in wood or bottles all which they will sell by wholesale at the lowest market prices and on a li beral approved credit smith lindsay montreal april 30 1831 bank notice ublic notice is hereby gi ven that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the bank of upper canada will be held a the bank in the town of york on monday the sixth day of june next at ten oclock in the forenoon for the purpose of electing by ballot directors forth ensuing year as provided in the actoflncorporation thos g riooutcosater bank of upper cannrfa f york 15th april i83m n b editors of le several news papers in the province are requested to publish the above until the day of elec tion may tea sales issi he agchlsdflhc honorable east india company ih canada givo notice that there will be put up to pub lic sale at their warehouses in quebec t p i take notice sylvjbsh3 u 150 broadway n y mjf distmil friends tire j niosi respectfully informed thai i am i regularly licensed bv tho state to vend on saturday the ftb of may a quantity aul u tickels an that i ol teas rrual to about 1l00 chests- devote my undivilcl attention lo ordes nd at montreal on saturday ihe 2 1st anu at montreal on may about 3200 chests catalogues will be ready for delivery and showchests open for inspection al each place from monday morning until thursday afternoon of the week of sale the sales to commence at 11 oclock in the forenoon forsyth richardson cv co agrnts to the hunblt east india company mootieal 20ih april 1831 m are sufficient to perfect s pupil ou painting according to aarrcment ct 12 weeks m the quarter batii i8iu april 163l painting the subscribers beg leave to re turn thanks to their friends and he public of kingston and vicinity lor the encouragement they have sepa rately received during their residence a- mongst them they also wish to inform them that they have opened an establishment in quarry street opposite mr d pren tiss dry good store under the 6rm of kerr heathers ornamental sign carriage if house paint ers glaziers paperbangers c c from their well known abilities and practice in kingston with a determination to be punctual they hope to meet still with a share of patronage from a discerning and generous public ms kerr joseph heathers kingston may 4th 1331 ante d a nursery maid to acccompany a fam ily about to visit quebec enquire at this office 28th april 1831- to let the houso near the scotch church at present occu- piedjby lieut cameron 79th highlan der apply to thos kirkpatrick 30ib april 1831 w chambly canal the undersigned commissioners of the chambly canal appointed under the authority of a act of the pro vincial legislature 3d geo iv cap 41 hereby give public notice that they will receive sealed tenders until the 15th day of june next to be addressed to tho hon ourable samuel halt at chambly for con structing nod finishing cflmpletely in a sub- stantial and workmanlih maooer the said canal the dimensions f which are as fol lows viz about 11 15 mto j length 36 feet wide at the bottfch- ad of sufficient donth for boa dmwjrig 5 f- pf water the banks tobe formed itft apfopef slbpetneffi will be riout75 feet of lockage all of which with the exception of the guard locks no be located within a mile and a half of chambly basin tho locks to be 20 feet wvle and 100 feet long the line intended for tbe caoal passes through a fertile and populous countrywhere provi sions and labour are abundant and cheap no tender can bo accepted without the approval of his excellency the gover nor in chief and good aod sufficient secu rity will he required for the due perfor mance of the contract plans aod sections of the canal may bo seen by applying to samuel halt esq at chambly where every information will be given that may be required samuel hatt rene boileac jr gab marc hand wh macrea t franchere chambly l april 1831 ijior sale that valuable pro- potty lately owned by mr picar it lies about miles below the kingston mills and about 9 miles from kingston it is a farm of 100 acres on which is erected on of the best barns in the two provinces it is100 by 40 feet also a good dwelling house 80 by 24 feet stabling for about 30 horses and sheds almost beyond measuring the land is of the best quality and well wooded and watered the above property will be sold low for cash or short appoved credit for further particulars apply to michael brennan n b independent of the above there is30 acres on a leaseof 16 years on which is erected a substantial black smiths shop and other buildings the whole will be sold together april 20th 1831 to be let for a period of three or seven years from 1st june next subject lo be resuraeetby govern ment if required the government store and wharf at queenston the tenant to undertake to perform all repairs a reasonable compensation for which will bogiven provided the orduance require the premises within the term tenders will be received ait this of fice to the 20 ih may addiessed to the respective officers who will require two respectable persons as security for the due performance of the lease the rent to be paid quarterly in british silver to the ordnance store keeper at this place for further particulars apply to the barrack master at fort george office of ordnance kingston 19th april 1831 c ame into the subscribers inclo- sure some time in august a brown heiffer supposed to be eighteen monlhs old the owner is requested to come prove property pay charges and take her away wm moore fifth con of ihe townsnipof kings ton december yth 1830 pper canada collkuk r barber will be pre pared io receive boarders on the loihof june ihe commencement ef the ensuing quarter terms payable quar terly n advance including the college dues and contingencies board wash ing and mending for each pupil in the preparaloiy school 37 10s per annum for each pupil in the college 42 10s per annum entrance fof each pupil 3 10s in lieu of bedding and those articles which are usually furnished by board ers books afd drawing arc extra charges yorkf april 23d 1831 mr b would feel obliged by an ear ly communication from any gentleman who may intend placing a pupil under his care m dock yard kingston 3th april j831 wtotice is hereby given ihnt jj tenders will be received at this office until the 20th may next from such person or persons as may be will ing to contract for the conveyance to and from montreal to this place of all such naval stores baggage c as may be requited from time to time the tenders to specify the number of days they will guarantee will deliver the said stores as also the amount per cwt in sterling payment to be made at tho rate of 4s 4d sterling for each doltr the tenders will be opened at it o clock a m on the 20th may and res ponsible sureties will be required for the due fulfillment of the contract jno r glover naval storekeeper begs leave most respectively to mm ihmiitfbf to wjprt te has hitherto received and lo inform his customers that he has now on hand a genera assortment of goods suitable to the present and approaching seasons such as ladies and gentlemens eng lish and french clogs ladics cork soled boots prunella stuff and cord walking boots and shoes dress and half dress shoes dress and other gloves gentlemens riding or mud boots gloves bracestraveliing bags portmanteaus and all kinds of irimings and materials used for manufacturing in the shoe line the greater part of tho above were imported last fall but were not receiv ed here until within a few weeks past and are just now unpacked also on hand as usual ladies and gentlemens boots and shoes of his own manufacture sole upper leather and calfskins c orders from all parts of the province will be thankfully received and punc tually attended to parcels sent to all parts of the lake bay or river free of expense during the navigation kingston jtarch 28th 1831 mrs parmentier offers for sale at the horticultural botan- garden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a fine collection of the most desirable kinds of table and wine grapes pears apples cherries peacfees plums nectarines apricots x also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection of jtfonthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished to purchasers s mr 5m macrtljadfc editjj ofhttm ndur wiffroceive ortjesror fruit and o ffitrftental trees from hffr collection mfl p wilt make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully pack ed aud forwarded without the slightest tie- lay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid at the office of the chronicle reference john macaulay john kirhy john marks stephen yarwood allan mcleau esquires 24tb march 1831 n- b it may he proper to mention that tbe necessary directions will be sent along with the different trees as to tho man- uer nf treating them trues received in the fall cau be safely buried in the grouod until tho spriog wheo they cau be planted without receivioj any injury from the frost provided that they aro entirely covered braochesaod all with earih the smallest orders will be received aod care shall be taken that several orders will be made up into ope package with a view to save tho expense of carriage the subscriber having been appointed agent to this provioce for mrs par men tier is now ready to receive orders agreea bly to tho above advertisement james macfarlane kincstod 24th march 1831 from abroad ihusc favouring me may depend on the siime punctual attention as on personal application i can refer lo some of the first houses among tltc rest to the managers messrs yates and mclntyre a lottery is drawn every thursday those who remit funds will be supplied in the first good scheme and the letter with tickels mailed some days ere it is drawn at the same time the reporter and counterfeit detector will be sent gratis it contains the offi cial drawings and full schemes besides oilier useful information i would further state that i attend as usual to the exchange stock and commission business those intrust ing business of any description tome may depend on the utmost care and confidence monies invested and col lected letters to be addressed to s j sylvester new york- every paper in canada will in sert this for three months and send their accounts to sylvester march 26 1831 issolution the copaht nership between the undersign ed under the firm of john macphcr- son 5 co is this day by mutual con sent dissolved the subscribers are se verally authorised to settle the affairs of the late copartnership all persons having demands are requested to presen them at their office signed john macpher30n alexr mcmillan samuel crane prescott january i2lh 1831 the forwarding business will be continued by john hacphtrion and samuel crane under the firm of mac- pherson and crane here and at mon treal under the old firm their stores and wharves at the upper end of the town where their bu siness will be transacted are to be con siderably enlarged and will be conveni ent for receiving and shipping wheat in bulk prescott 12tb jan 183l the copartnership between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson co is this day by mutual consent dissolved the subscrib ers are severally authorised lo settle ihe affairs of the late copartnership al pei- sffflf mlfl ffinfe ffi tomtit w present them at their office at rrescdtt signed john mcpherson alexh mcmillan samuelcrane prescott 12tb january 1831 t new forwarding establish ment h e subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of upper canada and the public in general that they have entered into copaitnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonell co at prescott and ogdensburgh and that of mcmillan link co at montreal they will be prepared on the opening of the navigation with good durham boats and bateaux manned with experienced masters and conduc tors lo transport any produce or mer chandize that they may be favored with on as favorable terms as that of any res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgh will be carried on at the old stasis for merly occupied by the tate firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mcdonel matthias link t new academy he rev thomas handcoclca b trinity college dublin begs leave to inform tbe inhabitant of king stoo that having now some leisure to de vote to tbe instruction of youth he pro poses opeoiog ao academy oatneaaay the first day of march next in this town his system will embrace english and classical literature rejjngi writing cyphering geography ancient and mo- jlalhistoryfic and will be conducted in conformiff with that of the college at york in every respect a circumstance which will afford such of bis pupils as may be transferred to that establishment a ma terial advantage terms 7 10s per aotaunu further particulars may be known on application in mr handcock personally kingston feb 12 1831 g vrden seeds for sale by the subscriber u large quantity of fresh garden seeds warranted to be of the growth of 183q with directions or gardening john mo wat the mansion house hoteii the subscriber having rented ibis extensive and well known establishment has now opened the same for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situat ed on store street being the principaland most central street in kingston aod no establishment of the kind io th province can surpass it io tho excellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are fur nished io the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with unre- mtting attentioo to the comforts of his guests he will merit a share of the public patronage id rear of tho mansion house is a large yard iu which there is ao extensive and commodious raugc of stables- und whero a livery siahlc will bo constantly kept for iho accommodation of tho public- s carm1no kinsstou 2ub october 6w-