wuiur laropy ltutcgmht print ttfcev a hutnu nut a ftitiwd ww iienrd nor a farewell kick as ihtfcrtnm rats w deporting nol a suil hi tha household suspected the trick or kid them adieu at starting they sill ctrurrd out in the dead of the niyht their ratws in a terrible scratching for sudden and abort were they put la dishf ere they sinclh lhe plot that was hatching good luck loyour journeywas all wc con id ft though wo rait a slight twinge of sorrow fur he rats who were strutting in slate today arc skulking in holes tomorrow nol half their nobbling task was done nol a soul had thought of retiring when they heard a cry distant of itun rogues run and cramperd without inquiring fvlilk kev thomas iliitnlcork a trinity college dublin begs leave to inform tho inhabitant dfkiiir ttoa hat having now some leimirc m dc- vote iu the instruction of youth he pro pose opening an academy on tdiiy the first ihiy of al nrch next in thi town his system will euibrnce i owlish and classical literature ii ending writing cyphering geography ancient find mo dern llisinry c- anil will ho conduct ul in conformity with that of the college nl york in every respect a circumstance which will nflord such of lis pupil nsmuy he transferred to that establishment a ma terial udvnutie tfiftmsi 7 10s per annum further particulars my he known on application lu mr ilnndcock jitrsontdty kingston feb 12 1881 htilihed vjii toh of the sta tes rgillk subset b have in prepnrn- b partition i i will speedily u- put in press a rovixml edition of the provin cial siamtrs fj ec 8 cr copy as the edition will he rutliei limited persons wishing iecurc copies wll well logivo in llirir n lay 11- c no uselcs compliments smoothed their disgrace but all cried m a vengencc conlbmid them and they scrambled like donkeys all running a race with a mighty dust around them and wc had a sad thought of the hem that he should the billows of trouble he tossed on while we naughty rogves iu such jovial glee were chuckling ovr it in boston we crackd not a joke and wc spoke not a pun concerning this comical story but we laughd who could help it to witness the fun as the rats gallnpm offin tltcir glory hunting extraordinary the fol- the riansiox house hotel tlio subscriber having rented this extensive and well known establishment has now opened thesarao for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly fituai- ed on store street being the principal and most central street in kingston and no establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the excellence and comfort i of its apartments in regard both to parlours ami bed rooms all of which are fur nished in the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that hue and he trusts that with unre mtling nttentinn to the comforts of hie owing curious occurrence took place a lgue3ls he wm meric a share of tho public mies without de- thomson j mackaiihank xoti thcilbvfl edition will include all the statutes ol rhi province the coo- shtulioual act ill ordinances of quebec and hii other b ac of parliament which relate paiiaolary fti lhe province iciiut ifiih april wh ilpiiaterukhs rjcofpkimmate pi inline pros hi just been ircvivecl at the chronicle iac whm lltttlug cunts will he printed and all other copper- plate ork peifunned tth neatness anil dealch a vaiieiy u fu1tinmo cards for tnleni the chronicle jufti 24th lfe0- cioppe a tint i office tsiuns arge s- cakmino kingston 24th october 1830- s little time ago not many miles from spils- patronage by a wellknown foxhunter was t in rear of the mansion iiouc is a shooting in the fields when in a hedge yard iu which there is an exteusivc and bottom he fancied he espied a fullgrown i commodious range of stables and where fox and so much was he pleased with j a livery stable will he constantly kept for thediscovery that he hurried through l the own to the kennel for tho purpose j of turning out the foxhunrersthe ru- mour of the unexpected occurrence soon spread itself throughout the parish every lover of fieldsports was on the tiptoe of expectation even snip for- j sook his shopboard and crispin his stall each anxiously enquiring of the othej in whose field the fox had been seen v neither were the equestrians of the place less elated with the pros- depend on the sumo punctual peel of an unexpected run in lhe words of the poet there was hurrying to and fro and mounting in hot haste one rode without a saddle another with out his boots with all the impetuosity of high- wrought expectation on enter ing the field in which the supposed fox had been discovered the most lively interest in the joys of the chase might be observed on the countenances trfjtl t twrt takk notice ylvester 130 broadway n y my distant friends are most respectfully informed that i am regularly licensed by the state to vend auihoiied lottery tickets and that 1 devote my undivided attention 10 orders fjumabjoac those mvoprillg mo may attention as on personal application i can refer to some of the first houses among ihc rest loilie managers messrs yaiesand mclntyre a lottery is drawn every thursday those who icniit funds will be supplied in the first good scheme ml the letter wilh tickets mailed some days ere it is drawn at the nmo time tho 44 reporter and counterfoil efwor will he sent gratis it contains ihe ofli- e h ox a i j the subscri- btt bes leave to kctymiltt lis friends and lie public generally tlmi be ins removed o the corner brick building recenth occupied by mr wm liinley diuggis where lie is now receiving very general nssorlmentul staple am fancy coods well adiipled lor lhe season which he intends lo sell uuusually low for cash or short approve crcdi he has also on hand n girat variety of school books and siationery ami a case of christy 3 best watcrpioof hals v driscoll kingston october 9lh is30 notice a lij notes or accounts du he jm estate of the late kredihick keeler are to be settled with j ii samson ad nil bdlvilc 24ih dec 1828 an extract from the regulations of upper canada college the college quarters are oider- ed as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation tiboul the lib of january and ends on the 20tb of march second quarter begins on lhe 201 march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on the loih june and ends at the commcncient ol i the summer vacation about lhe igth of august fourth quarter begins immediately s the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at the coumence mint of the christmas vacation about the 21st december at whatever period of either of the ubove quarters 9 scholar is admiied into the college oi preparatory school his dues for instruction are payable fioni the begining of that quarter tktotice all persons having il just claims against the estate ot the late rodolph couchc of camden are requested to present them duly au thenticated with as little delay as pos sible and all those indebted to said es tate will please to call and settle the same with the subscriber who is duly appointed administrator lo ilw said es tate william bowen administrator richmond 13th sept 183ft just p nblishal ly carey tea ami ol tliiltadclpiriiithe first vol to ie continued ai intervals of three cyclopaedia americana a popular dictionary of ms mnwm lu erature hutory and politic brought down to the present time and including a copi ous collection oforigina anclcs amkiu- can biocrariiv on the basis of ih sev enth edition of the uernjaii conixtsttttons- lexicon to be completed m twelve large volumes octavo ct person wishing to subscribe to the above work will please apply at the chron icle ojjice where the 1st volume maybe price two dollars and a half each james macfaklane affjrtftm 34gee 182 for sale atthe chronicle oflicevac water witch or ie skimmer of the s separation by lady charl bury 6lt sale lot no sso in grave street kingston applv to the editor of this papery t f wew strkeotype e- i dition of mavuks spelling book the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors engl st spelling book stereotyped from lhe s2stli london edition a d 1827 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood mill skinner of york will he afforded much cheaper tlun the former edition storekeepers aid others wishing for supplies will pletse give in their names without delav jas macfarlane kingston 22c may isjd p ibl1c notice is hereby giveo that any persons founi cutting utkioc a or injuring the titncr ou the luods beluoging to the caunda company without a special authority froti this of fice will he prosecuted with te rigour of the law- canada companys office york lltfa oct 1830 uluiost run l j j 1 otjck all icions j having mi- tniiwi fl 1- of lit notick ail persons having dcmauls against the estate of the late abrajuin barker ofllallowell deceased are rciiested to present them duly autlienticaud to the pubsciibors for settlement and all persons indebted to the uste are re- ptcstedto make immediate piymeill lo he subscribuin who aie duly luthoriscd he subscriber begs leave to in form the inhabitants of kingston and the neighbourhood that lie has commenced business in the dry goods and grocery line in the shop formerly occupied by mr tlios wilson in store street where he respectfully invites them to call and examine his slock trusting lhat the quality of his goods and the reasonableness of his terms will induce them to favour him with a share of their patronage and support william mackenzie kingston 1st december 1 jcjalt rheum this inveterat 55 disease which has long baflled tbe art of the most experienced physiciaus has at length found a sovereign remedy iu dr la granges genuine ointment few cutaoeous diseases are met with morere- ucianceby the physiciao dooe iu which he is so uoiversally unsuccessful this ointment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessel so the skin and its original colour and siboothu8s numerous recommendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be itsonly commentator it has iu three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen or salka vry valuable farm in the township of thmhiw situated within four mihs of the town uf belleville and within a quarter olft mile ot the iliver mouec containing tun hundred acres of land of which ihero are ene hundred acres in lite highest state of cultivation on the farm there- is a very neat substantia frame dwell ing house well finished in front of whit li runs a handsome stream of excellent water there is also a ham ol fifty fuel iu length by thirty five feet wide a shed and other out buildings finished in lhe best style and nearly new toge ther with a good orchard well stocked with fruit trees forming altogether on of the best farms in the country indisputable title will be given for further particulars apply to the proper ctor on ihe premises ronald mcmfciiael thurlow lolh may ljo alliance british and foreign life and fire assur ance company of london established by act of parliament capital five millions stfrunc thise agents for this company b beg leave to uivncuncc to lh in habitants of upper canada lhat they continue to assure against loss or damage by fire and that they have for ihe convenience of the public appointed ihe following gentlcnun as ibeir agents in the county towns of the different dis tricts viz cuy c wood esq cornwall messrs aav morris c brockrilk kingston cabourg york niagara dosiitoui of ami sctamjerd without inquiring no useless compliments sniootld their ilisifracc but all cried a vengcuce conlbiiiul triem and they scrambled like donkeys all running a race willi a mighty dust around them and wc had a sad thought rf lhe hero that lie should the billows of trouhle be tossed on while we naughty rogues in such jovial glee were chuckling oer it in boston wc crackd not a joke and wc spoke not a pun concerning this comical story but we laughd who could help it to witness ihc fun as the rats gallnpd offin llieir oforv t havioc hunting extraordinary the fol lowing curious occurrence took place a 3iulc time ago nol many miles from spils- by a wellknown foxhunter was shooting in the fields when in a hedge bottom he fancied he espied a fullgrown fox and so much was he pleased with livery siahle will he constnoily kept fur thediscovery thai he hurried through ihc acconirnodation of the public the town to the kennel for the purpose of turning out the foxhunrersvthe ru mour of the unexpected occurrence soon uk mansion house hotel the subscriber rented this extensive ami well known establishment has ijow opfiticd ihc same lur the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly ritr-u- etloa stnro street tains ihe priaripnl tm most central itrcet in kidgsrou and no establishment of the ktud in the province can surpass it in the excellence and cnmfoit ufits apartments in regard hmh to parlours and bed rooms all of which are fur nished in the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for scvernl years has acquired experience iu lhat line and he trusts that with unrc- mlling attention to the comforts of hi guests he will merit a share of ihe public patronage u rear of the mansion house is a large yard in which there j an extensive and commodious ranpe of stables and where pirniing press has just btm iiocjvimi iti thci chronicle oiucts wlnre visiting fanfs will bf ptinted and all other copper- tatc voek kfj ivtftlied w iili neatness and despatch a vbilctv of ftshiofialrlr visiting cards v sultsil ih chronicle ofiico- jlitilath lts0- s cakmix0- kingston 24th october 1830 f aiii notice spread itself ilroughoui ihe parish gjylvester iso broadway every lover of fieldsports was on lie n y my distant friends are tiptoe of expectation even snip foi- sook his shopboard and crispin ins stall each anxiously enquiring of the othci in whose field the fox had been seen neither were the equestrians of the place less elated with ihe pros pect of an unexpected run in tlie words of the poet there was hurrying to and fro and mounting in hot haste one rode without a saddle another wiih- n most respectfully informed that i am regularly licensed by the state to vend authorized lottery tickets and thill i devote my undivided attention to orders from abroad those favouring me nmy depend on the same punctual attention as on personal application i can refer to 66110 of the first houses among the rest totlic managers messrs yates sunl mclntyre a lottery is drawn oven ejioval- the subscri- bcr bees leave to iiccpiainl his friends and the public ccnoraily that he ins removed to the comer brick hllilding recently occupied bv mr wiik liinley t diujgist where he is now receiving a very general assortment of staple and faxv coodsj well adapted for the season which he intends to soil unusually low or cash or short approved credit he lias also on hand a great variety of school hooks and stationery and a case of christys best watcrpioof hals v driscoll kingston octobcr9tli 130 u and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation about the lgtli el august fourth quarter begins immediately lter the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at tho commence mint of the christmas vacation about the 2lst december at whatever period of either of the hove quarters a scholar is admited inio the college or preparatory school his dues for instruction are payable fioni the begining of that quarter out his boots with all tbcimpetuosity of j thursday those who remit funds will highwrought expectation on enter- be supplied in the first good scheme mid ingthe field in which the supposed fox bad been discovered the most lively interest in the joys of the chase might be observed on he counenunccs of every one the equestrians prepar ed themselves for a gallop some of the more bumble pedestrians vowed thev could scent old rcnnard tally hoi hark away cried the huntsman out bolted the enemy and tiler a splendid m burst of two minutes and 2 seconds the hounds had the singular honour of wor- lying a fine yellow lorn cot in ihe most gallant style luhh ilikk tlie falioviflj misfw epigram was addressed by his lordship to a french lady who immediately on its receipt had recourse to how- land katjdor by which the poets prediction was negatived j for ihc ten thousand unseemely features were re moved and she shone as the firstrate beauty of venice if for silver or for gold von could molt len thousand pimples into ludf a dozen dimple then your face we inicht behold looking doubtless much morcsnucly yet even then would be d nd ugly moor llf op bvkonj vol ii singular cmenmstance a cir cumstance of a very singular nature oc curred at the bull inn in this town on friday amongst the great number of commercial travellers who frequent the house is one who kept a favourite ter rier and it was the custom of the dog to sleep in the stable with the gentlemans horse on friday night the horse and dog were left together as usual but it should seem that the poor terrier in re posing himself for the night had some how crept over the horse so that the chain by which it was fastened to the manger lay across the quintals neck jt is supposed that in the morning the horse on risiug lifted the chain with him and heffigod the dog which on the stablekeeper going in in the morning was found suspended accordingly and quite dead uy the marks on the hor- ses neck it was plain that the poor creature had not died without a severe struggle eng pap be the letter with tickets mailed some days ere it is drawn at the same lirno th 11 reporter and counterfeit d erector will be sent gratis it contains the ofli- cial drawings and full schemes besides other useful information i would further state thai i attend as usual to lhe exchange stock am commission business- tboc intrust- ing business of any description to me may depend on the utmost care and confidence monies invested and col lected letters to he addressed to sj sylvester new york every paper in canada will in sert this for three months and send their accounts to sylvester march 21 1881- 6 1 a i booth mnneiiant vm lor mom respectfully lu leave if inform lis friends and tin pub lic that he has removed to markcl street next door to mr- w uiuley druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions lie also embraces ibis medium of conveying to his friends and the public his sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former stand and now solicits a continuance of that sup port wilh the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction wkw stekeotvpe r- 1 dition of mayors spelling took the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of flavors englsi spelling book stereotyped from the sslb london edition a d 1s27 this edition which will be printed on good pajrfiom the iwills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing lor supplies vsu please give in their names without tidav jas macfarlane kingsun 22d may 1sj0 persons having itotice ah persons having just claims against tbe estate of the late rodolph couche of camden are requested to present them duly au thenticated with as little delay as pos sible and all those indebted to said es tate will please to call and settle the same with the subscriber whis duly appointed administrator lo the said es tate william bowen administrator richmond 13th sept 1831 public notice is hewby given that aoy persons founll cutting taking a or injuring the timler oo the lauds belonging to the canada company without a special authority fronuhis of fice will be prosecuted with tlu utmost rigour of the law canada companysolfice york 11th oct 1830 and twenty years standing that had re sisted the power uf every remedy that was tried u not only at ouce ives immedi ate relief iu salt kheum but cures tinea capita commonly called scald head and all hamty eruplious peculiar to un healthy children qjr there is nothing of a mercurial ua- mjjfitwfliw willuww ulqflv lajd water witch or the u skimmer of the seas- also separation by lady charlotte bury 1 james filacfarlane esc james g bethune esq samuel ridoul esq john ross esq to either of whom parties effecting assurance will please apply the agents take leave lo remind the public of the following important and striking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuring with the alliance coin pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the settle ment cf losses 3d moderate premiums of assur ance 4ih a participation of profit- 5lh parlies who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not thereby deprived of their right lo participate in the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made nod 7th the agents have the power o settling losses in ilirs counti v without ttff lm 111 i hi in ll x rvf s notice afl persons having dcmanls againsl i ho estate of the late abralian barker of hallowell deceased are revested lo present them duly aiithcnticuul to the pubsciibers for settlement and all persons indebted to the csiau are re quested to make immediate ptyment lo ihc subscriber who aie duly mthorised mi the kiuxo of ihc j so gruut discharges d b stevknson benj htbbs hallowell may lgth lsj mruiue ai tj mauds ain hue doctor i uhtitickueyorseplnasliurli deceased are requested to present them dclv authenticated tu the vuhseriber for settle- 1 merit aud all persons indebted 10 the estate are rccpicsted lo make immediate payment to thosubcribers who arc duly authorised grant discharges riciid sojmep samuel sckonk kx ecu tor a i november 3d uu iu soph in shut i1ment j leave most respectively to tel urn tiinks tor the support he has hither leceivedand to inform his cusiofl treneial oaiirtnkmh ol goods suitable to the present ah r scnjfi0ns such as lad w m genllemcns eng lish and kruch clogs ladies cork soled boots- prunella stuff and cord walking buts and shoes dress and halt dress shoes dress and olhcr cloves gentlemens kidinit or mud coots glo braccs uajs portmanteaus and all kinds of trimings and material used ivt manulaclming in the shoe lin the crcittur part of the above were of all who may favour him with their imported la i fall but were not receiv- liook binding b stab li at thk kingston chronicle offce te subscriber having engaged an experienced aud regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds 0mlimiflf4t i till iii will t tyis i his office with neatness aud des- palrh and on moderalc tonus the lollowing is a list of the price when hooks are brought in by the i quantity a small advance will be made oil the single volumo- b1nding in calf for sale lot no 308 grave street kingston apply to the ediior of this paper the subscriber begs leave loin- form the inhabitants of kingston and the neighbourhood that he has commenced business in the dry goods and grocery line in the shop formerly occupied by mr thos wilson in store i street where he respectfully invites them to call and examine his stock trusting that the quality of his goods and the reasonableness of his terms will induce them to favour him with a share of their patronage and support william mackenzie kingston 1st december 1830 alt kheual this inveterat disease which has long baflled the art of the most experienced physiciaus has at lengthi found a sovereign remedy iu dr la granges geuuine oiutmeot few cutaneous diseases are met with more re- uctance by the physiciao nooe iu which he is so universally unsuccessful this oiutmeut hasstood the test of experience and justly obtained au unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessel so the skin aud its original colour aud smoothness numerous recommendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy bul the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be itsonly commentator it has iu three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen aud twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it oot only at ouce gives immedi ate relief in salt kheum but cures tinea capita cornmouly called scald head aud all scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children 0 there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained iu it and it may be used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by win biuley kiugston joiiu musson uucbec and george bunt mon treal tiolc agent for the canada kingston 11 th july 182tf further particulars apply t the proper clot on the premises ronald mcmlciiael thurlow 10th mav 1s80 t iom of the board of education for the johnstotcn district give notice fwlhat from lie present time it is c n 1 1 iiii i kii f 11 hi i some m wr r folio full bound metiteil quarto do octavo io iqmo do i61110 do ia calf oroa- uo do dt do 1 0 0 0 ii 0 5 0 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 which the use of american books iu caching is prohibited and the mauler rw lirccicd lo coufinc themselves to such works of kleiitonlarjr instiuciion as are compilod by british authors only copy custom he likewise bogs leave to intima te ibat having received a large and fine assortment of cloths cassimcrcs vcs- tings trimmings of every description veiycllc is enabled to furnish anyuin- tiiy on the must reasonable terms n tl constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston 11th novembe 1s30 old kings heai mn- ket squaubj kingston janus a smith bess to acquaint his friends and the public that be lias lately made considerable alteration in bis establi meiit in market square which c liiiii to add much to the comfort of travel lers he has lately erected extensive ed here until wltliin i few weeks past and are just now unpacked also on hand as usunl ladies and gentlemens bootsand shoes of his own niaiiufacture sole uppci leather and calfskms c orders ftotn all parts of the province will be thankfully received ami punc tually atlentlcd to parcels ent lo all parts of the lake bay or river free of expense during the navigation kingston warcli 23th 1831 ust received and for sale at ihe chronicle o fli co l treatise an the sttftl4 engine with plates by inbles jrofeysor hoiiwicfc of colombia col- ew oru dec is30- half binding in calf folio half bound aud orna- incnted 0 17 0 quarto do do 0 7 0 octavo do do 0 3 8 liuo do do 0 1 6 isuio do do 0 1 a binding in sheep folio full bound aud orna- incnted s 0 17 6 quarto do do 0 7 6 octavo do do 0 3 0 i2uio do do 0 1 10 slujo do do 0 1 3 half binding in sheep stabling and piovidcd ihc means of in suring the besi accommodation foi hor ses the largest iron bridge in llio world is in china near kingiune where it forms a perfect road from ihc op fl lton dccmocr oih issth one iminence mountain to the other i whjjam bfoomn ii is formed of chains twentyone in bj xpkcts by ihc first sjihng ur- loeeilivr by other jc lv a largo assoriment ol lege folio half mcuied quarto oetaro 12mo ldmo bouud aud orna- do do do do do do do do 0 0 0 0 0 74 a 0 i ip by is more in number and bound iogc rross chains thisbnd 100 years old adepts in oology foimerly tliey were electrified at incicly seeing a lion btli now thev want tokuowihu latin ibr si1jsffjkld and nikmixumam shelf oous- which lciu purchased fur csh enn bo sold as low as by any iluusc in canada he will have iu addition his usual ex- tensive stock of it call ht felis icoi inquire into hisirussia swedes c enollsu genus and retend to understand sys tems they examine the skulls of mon keys according o the most uppiovcd cnmiotogiciii llicories and ascertain their close ftpproximatiiin to he htmuin luccf niid usually discover strong family iecmublancts tin nails 1ix glass guujoudcr sec 5c- a constant supply of cut kails from ins w y aboui 10 ill ibis olvlo 28tli ajtrll n k da kcttsery maid 10 ncecomirany n iun- vuil quebec knqiure beavkk nail wukk having cniiikcd first rate workmen from ihc united suites aimjtrjil itlih march 1831 i s l fine let fliut two siory sionu jt3- iuiin uiriiick stlccl hticlv occupied hv ieorgo mackenzie kmj ioseaion given iiiiiucuinteh- apijlv r a ualtlek kjiioi1 miv i j x ej3stek beys iviust rcs- 9 nclivelv lo inform ibfl inha- kinjion biiunu of kingston and its vlclty that be lias just returned from london with a slock iif moths cassimcrcs and vist- iiils of the most lushionablo colours iind of the finest qualities together with an assoriment of dultons of the most ah- proved hndlulost palletns and having micccdcd in uiakine purchases at some of tile first estiiblishiikfiiis he is enabled o execute orders ibr clontliing at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure gentlemen cutiusting him with their orders that ihey shall be executed a-iee- also ledger blauk work and ruling to any sie or pattern for port folio and fancy isiuding separate charso jam12s nacfaillane 13th april 1820 able to the present fashions and in ihc first style of workmanship at the same time he beg to return ins sincere thanks to his fliemh and the public lor the sup port he has received for the list nine years md i will always be his study lo merit a coir nuance of their fuvotuv naval ani al iliiiry tnifuiois v c has mad u ui run in cuts ilb one of ie liisi utilises lo supply hint with t li lntisl fashiin- kmivn i lit iru 1 ivjy fejtkamboat hotel in 3 roar of the market and a few rod nest of tho sientndvut wharf the subscriber beqs leave to return iiih sin cere thanks to his friends and the public for their very liberal suppuit during last eight yoars of which he holies to merit a coiuinuancc by a strict attention to business his house having uiidpr- gone a thorough repair has plactj it niore than ever in his power to coutn- htito 10 the comfort and accommoihuion oi travellers tsa few boarders can he accommodated tbe table and liar will be furnished wilji the best the maiket affords and on lhe most reasonable terms k 1 extensive stables and sh lojuther with a large nno secure vard thos bam ford kingston february 1 1s31- ejn ii s a lka neat cabinet 1 11 yxo fokte apply imi 1clik fcbruaiy u a copy of mavors spcllinhook may be obtained by each master whose cortifi catcs have passed the board on applica tion to dr- hubhell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining tbe use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the morning and at its close in tbecveuiug a form adapted to general use may be found in mavors spelliugbook and is re commended for this purpose by tbe board primed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may be had on application to aditt sherwood esq brockville july 1659 removal the sub- scribcr begs leave to inform his fricuds and the public that he has remov ed his wholesale and retail hardware establishment to the store lately occupied by mr a truax store street where he has on hand as usual avery general assortment of hardware paints oils cordage c c and is in daily expectation of a further supply direct from birmingham sheffield wolverhampton bristol aod liverpool the whnle of which he will sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit 50 doz follausbys grass scythes 20 doz english grass and cradling do forsalo uncommonly low geo w yarker kingstonvth june 1s30 wanted immediately two journeymen pi inters apply at the an jlo- canadian office morgans masonry vorsuleat the chronicle office allianok british and foreign life unit fir assur ance company of london established bj act of parliament capital five millions sterling he agents for this company beg leave to announce to ihtf in habitants of upper canada thai ibcy continue lo assure against toss or damage by fire and that they have for the convenience of the public appointed the following gentlemen as tlieiradnts in the county towns oflhc different dis tricts viz cuy c wood esq cornwall messrs avmorrisc drockrillc james macfarlane esq kingston james g bethune esq vabottfg samuel ridoui esq vork john ross esq niagara to either of whom parties dc effecting assurance will please apply tbe agents take leave to remind the public ol the following important and striking advantages that will be deriv ed from assuring with the alliance com pany 1st perfect security 2d honor and liberality in the settle ment cf losses so moderate premiums of assur ance 4tli a participation of profits 5th parlies who obtain the settle ment of losses from fire are not ibrrtbv deprived of their right lo participate in the profits of the company 6th losses by lightning will be made ood 7tb the agents have the power o settling losses in this country without referring to the board of directions in louden sib reasonable expense incurred in the removal of property iiom lire will be paid 9th in the case of an assurance be ing made on property lir a bsssum than tho real value thereof the compa ny will whatever loss is sustained not exceeding the sum assured 10th the extended senlo on which pccialiou thit the piolik to lu dhhluu will be lare mckenzie bitjmm co agents montreal 2tll sept i2fi william johnsoliibcr and hairdresser nextdooi to the london tavern tenders bis ralrlid acknowledgements to the public hrtbu liberal suppott he basinet with siiiec be commenced business ami be hopes by close attention aud industry to me rit a continuance ol the public pauo- nage kincston 30th mav 1820 march 1 m bank notice ojftce of the bankof upper canada kingston 13th jiqkjnltr 16j0 discount day satuk- da y oj e ver y week notes offered for discount and made payable at not more than ninety days after date must be put under cover to the cashier and left at this office the day before john macaulay cashier came into the subscribers inci sure some time in august a brown heificr supposed to be eighteen months old the owner is requested to come prove property pay charges and lake her away v mooue tilth con of the townsnipof on december dih rju a crosby ubmu 20 to horn vaiteu ima1ku1atj v tltts long falls souiii on ihc ridcthi cfinal good stone masons liberal encouragement will be given apply to mackay redpatii april 1629 for sale ljtnotj7rm tho ninth concession of the town ship of lough bpro for particulars en quire at this office kingston 9th aucnsu2 intrs- the kingston chroxmie is primed and published every satihpav by james micfattuxbj at ha gllico ia front strwtj kingston terfs seventeen litllinirs sixpence prrnnrnnnif scntliy mail wcuty shillings subscription to be paid in advance ppice of advertisements six liiica and under 2s cd rirst inscttinn uxhx aud 7a each tuliqucnt insertion un kite uji under 341 iirst inwrtion al id cndi i wquciu insertion oboveknlines ul pw liiw for the first insertion and id per line for erj subsviuuut iuscrtton advert iscmenta witbouttrrifn duvclion in serted tilt forbid and chars d aclntinriy orders iwdikontlnufaig advcaiutils to he in writing and delivered bywecncii4t ron at the latest nu advertisement received after ten oclock on ihc day of loblicalioiu jc produce received in payment at the mar ket piice agents john bigncll esq quebec david chishohne est three rivers andrew porteous kiljllfi- trtai james mcintosh esq lancaahr jjm cameron esq lochicl it clint- kmj cortuntu george browse esq matilda alpiiviw jon esq presclt henry jones eft bmkfitlr josiah taylor eq perth hwhltmarli kij richmnd j k hartwell bq hnstond hie c j mdonahl gtuuatqut john lian i rttfh allan mipherdon esq jmiwhc lr parker esj kdlvitu jofliph keel- r tlxfr cramflhe jahte g bctliunr kq uunrtvtt davtd smart eq port witliaiu aiml esq wa daniel ko km j ittruu jim crocks eij singowl charii unijiir i q murray j dtiillwrt ldtfpuithm kubcllftlt lr ati jvilrf