Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), June 4, 1831, p. 2

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to the magistrates ok the midland district in quar ter sessions assembled f the committee who have been directed by tho sessions to examine into the district accououfor the last year beg leave to report that the treasurer ha complied with the first and second articles of tho order in ses sion dated iu january 1831 and has brought forward the balance as due to him 157 17s lld as per statemeot marked a in the general report dated 3uth april 1630 instead of the balance of 204 2s as per treasurers account rendered io april 1831 the treasurer has not furnished the books agreeably to the directions contained in the order of sossions dated january 1831 the 3d article no list of nonresidents as menti oned io the 4th article of the said order has been laid before the committee nor are the accounts for tho passed year made out agreeably tu the forms marked c i e- in ihe general repoit dated 30th april 1830 and directed to be used io future by the or der of sessions dated january 1831- the treasurers account from april 1830 to april 1831 appears to be correct and reg ular vouchers have beeo produced for all ibe disbursements except three viz 26th march 1831 d g charoberlio order of session 1 2 6 do do 2 5 0 do do 1 17 6 n b these are now returned by the treasurer the balance due to the treasurer ap pears to be 171 lis 6 there appears from a careful examina tion of the several assessment lists the gen eral report dated 30th april 1830 and the treasurers account of monies received that there was due a few days since from the several collectors as per list herewith the sum of 1786 17s 11 a a great part of which however particularly from the townships iu the county of prince edward the trea surer has slated to the committee has beea paid io sioce he closed be account now be fore the committee the committee haveexamioej nod re- commend for paymeot sundry claims for services c amounting to the sum of 656 0 9jas per list herewith the committee beg to state to the court that there have beeo submitted to them a great nnmber of claims for services of con stables c some of which the committtee have deemed it a duty to reject and the committee beg leave to suggest that specific instruction should be issued to the consta bles that they might be well acquaioted to whom they are to look for payment that neither may demands he made oo the dis trict but under the most particular circum stances or the constables lose their pro per remuneration for want of the necessary information anxious enquiries have beeo made res pecting the detail of the sale of wild lands nnd the appropriation of thejrooniea received to which the committee have been unable to give satisfactory replies and therefore beg leave to recommend that the subject of the sale of wild lands and distribution of the proceeds be referred to a committee who may report for the public information the committee have taken the case of william griffiths crier of the court at adol- vhustown into their consideration and having found that he has faithfully served for a period of thirty years and is now worn out recommend that the sum of ten pound he paid to him and that ho be allowed tc jetiro the committee have taken the subject of expending a sum of money io the repair consideration and are of opinion that io the present state of tho finances of the district and of doubt where the court will in future be held it would not be prudent io incur ao expense which may prove of oo beuet to the district the report of the committee appointed to examine the accounts of the gaol aod the court house is annexed hereunto and tho committee recommend that the con tractors be called on to refund tho amount which by some extraordinary mistake bas been overpaid to them the treasurer has just handed to the committee an account of monies received iince the opening of the sections amount ing to 630 6 114 and which is herewith submitted to the court s yarwood jp committee room chairman co 1626 t committee room tun house kingston 20th april 1831 11 1827 1 1828 ii 182 t i if 14 u it h 1830 ft if h i l ti fl if ff if own and township of q to knglon w island s wmcmullen thurlow 37 4 7 pittsburgh 9 5 2 camdeti 10 lfl gj erresttown 57 ig 7 kingston 132 c 8 loughbnro 4 4 1 pittsburgh 8 3 loughboro 10 0 g camdcm 8 14 1 thurlow tyeudeoago t adolphustowo 4 fi 5 ameliasburgh 2 17 marysburgh 12 15 4 fredericksburg 10 11 6 wolf bland 2 9 8 richmond 48 8 10 loughboro 22 9 84 marysburgh 30 7 114 camden and 1a sheffield j 2 10 i adolphuslown 23 1 2 ernest town 93 18 5 fredksbiirgh 167 1 1 wolflslaod 18 4 10 pittsburgh 29 2 84 kingston 222 2 7 portland 25 18 7 hallnwell 240 4 9 ameliasburgh 104 5 6 sophiasburgh 155 12 10 4 hillier 101 5 0 178ti 17 in the police of the town of kingston in ac count with thos marktand esq treasurer dr from may 1830 to may 1831 to cash paid sundry premiums to carters for water 15 5 0 to cash paid for hose for en gines c 8 ig i j to cash paid e crane and j hewton for sundries 5 3 7 to cash paid for printing viz ii cthomson 13 5 8 j macfarlane 33 15 9 j 47 l 5 to w reynolds and others for paving c 167 4 10 to thomas rogers for repairs to fire engines 4 5 0 to thomas rogers for cleaning streets 10 0 0 to commission on 248 2j 9 19 2 267 15 u 1831 may 1 to balance due the treasurer 18 4 10 signed thos markland treasur er en 1830 may 1 by balance from last acconnt 26 17 0 by cash from the clerk of the market 21 18 2i by sundry fines for offences un der the police regulations 17 2 6 by rates for 1824 in full 15 7 5 by do 1826 in part 11 19 7 by do 1s29 in full 57 5 31 by do 1830 in part 104 10 3 by balance 18 14 10 267 15 14 examined and approved in adjourned ses sion 16th may 1331 signed j macaulay chairman q s m d 1830 the town of kingston with thos rogers surveyor of nn 1 to cash paid sundry persons lor labour 330 days as per voucher 2 to cash paid sundry persons for team wo k as per 60 3 to cash paid for breaking 4981 bushels tl stones as per do 4 to cash paid for lumber to re pair the bridge between kingston and wallaces ta vern as per do 5 to cash paid for books and stationery as per do 6 to cash paid wm davey for blacksmith work as per do 7 to cash paid wm chesnut for blacksmith work do 8 to cash paid geo oliver for blacksmith work as per do 9 to cash paid joseph tbirkell as per bill do 10 to cash my salary in account streets 41 5 0 20 10 0 21 4 3 2 7 3 1 4 6 1 0 s 2 17 10i 1 10 0j 6 16 0 50 0 0 147 15 7i to the magistrates of the midland district in quarter sessions assembled the committee to whom was referred the accounts sec of the gaol and court house beg leave to report that they t diligently examined tho vouchers of the secretary of tho committee and find that the sum of nioe thousand three hundred aod twentytwo pounds fif teen shillings and seven pence three far things has been expended io erectiog and furnishing the said building as will bo seco on referring to the statement which accom panies this report of this sum seven thousand two hundred and seventy three pounds six shillings and niocpeoce balf-peo- ny have beeo paid to the contractors being beiog one hundred and seventyfour pounds even shilliogs aod eight pence halfpenny over the sums awarded by the arbitrators aod allowed by the committee the committee have also examined tho etatomeot of monies paid by the treasurer on account of the gaol aod court house by which it appears that he has disbursed the sura of seventeen hundred and sixty pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence halfpeony fifteen hundred and tbirtytwo pounds fif teen shillings and eight peoce being towards the liquidation of the principal and ioterest of the district debt and the residue for sun dry services performed and the payment tbereforauthorised by the building committee all which is respectfully submitted h c thomsonchairmao committee room f april 18th 1831 s statement of balances due by collec tors of the mullaud district april 1331 1894 w mcmuuen thurlow 10 1 i adphustowu i 2 rt 1323 w ml mullen thurlow 51 11 3 abia steel marysburgh 5 10 0 en by the balance due the town from last year 11 17 3 by compound money received for statute labour for the year 1830 from persons that were as sessed seven days st above 936 days 117 0 0 by compound money received for statute labour for the year 1s30 from persons that were assessed six days and under 37 days 4 12 6 by fine received from henry smith esq 4 0 5 0 by cash received fromt mark- land esq as per order in ses sions for cleaning the streets 10 0 0 sec the list received from the clerk of the peace deduct for one who left the town before he could be summoned deduct for one that has not been as yet recovered balance in my favour 143 14 9 4 0 10 e e 147 15 7 thomas rogers surveyor of streets kingston 25th april 1831 total of labour stated on the list of persons exempted commu tation add for amount of labour per formed by persons not assessed 2053 days 162 2215 deduct for persons who had already per formed their labour elsewhere for persons who had left the town before they could be sum moned to perform their labour 14 189 202 2on thomas rogers total amount f inborn rom- pounded lor m the yeai lj30 950 1 7 14 936 makingat2s6d adav 117 thos nogers kingston 25th april 1831 examined and appioved jno macatuay chairman us m d adjourned seminns 16lhmy 1s31 thomas markland sq in account current with midland district upper canada from jpril 1830 to april 1831 dr 1830 april 27 9 d atnt of balance pr act to sundry persons assessors 157 fi 17 d m ci u li f f it ff ft 1825 1829 1830- town clerks1829 1830 1831 bonds 1829 1830 to george hill overcharge in assesst 1826- 1 li i 1826 2 ti ii 11 it 2 1826 3 1826 4 18265 1826 6 1826 7 18268 mill creek- 21 129 62 5 4 0 a 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 so may 1 3 5 6 7 6 13 14 15 to francis gagnon to hugh gordon t george bolte to william walker to john tuttle to colimackenzic esq bridge at mill ore to m clark esq bridge at mounts creek to daniel hare road surveyor to john hess coll loss on silver tophilipj roblin to william bell esq coroner to john ashley gailor salary from jan to april to samuel shaw coroner to james macfarlene esq for printing to john ashley repairs ot gaol to crier of the court to for services to charles wiley to john maclcan esq sheriff to purfe proywion to for necessaries purchaeu to peter perry esq m p 1830 to john lockwood m p 1830 to robert garrett for services to benjamin leary to e h lane to william diiscoll fur bedding to to charles mccolum water furnished gaol to john lambert for services to henry ashley constable to to william chesnutt for services to paul peterson m p 1830 to doctor geddes physician to john hewston for services to luke carscallen to elias dulmagc to moses wells to h c thomson esq m p 1880 to for printing to john moore for services to moses wells to loss on silver allowed to george mcguirc road surveyor to wm ketchison road surveyor to neil ferris constable to prentice fitch road surveyor tos morley for services to wm wilkinson it 14 3 0 5 0 10 0 5 10 13 2 0 6 2 4 3 6i u 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 9 6 11 1 0 9 7 212 17 101 9 15 0 4 5 0 1 1 1 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 11 42 43 44 45 46 25 to ale ip june i to morris dennison to benjamin leary to paul wright for wood fur court house adolphstn 47 to george scriver constable 48 to thomas markland esq for books and postage 40 to simeon washburn esq coroner ll court house 51 2 15 27 2 1 0 9 31 36 19 11 10 1 5 70 u 33 31 2 1 2 13 0 2 1 0 0 5 29 26 2 4 3 5 26 19 1 1 0 3 6 1 a 0 0 0 0 2 0 3 6 4 3 0 0 12 13 8 0 5 0 6 u 0 17 0 0 ro 10 0 9 0 3 9 12 0 7 i july 21 f aug ix 1 r 2 30 sep 1 oct 15 is 1 dec 14- 1331 jan 29 xander ross sundries lor co 1 u bunkil and luaiii 101 doi t iuj to peter mcgill esq for bridge ovcrcrows rivcrmarmoraoo to daniel dailey constable 64 to wm cougar road surveyor 55 to john griflis crier court adulpustovr n 56 to john frederick constable 57 to win chesnutt work for gaol and court house 58 to john ashley paid cleaning privy 59 to thomas rogers 60 to henry ashley taking prisoners to adolphustown 61 to steam boat for the same 62 to thomas dalton m p 1830 63 to james wilson m p 1830 61 to wm mckay esq coroner to luke carscallen road surveyor 66 to john ashley gaoler from april to july last 67 to james bowie searching for kain 68 to scrgt mccurdy evidence against ruwel 69 to robert mcwain cutting weeds round court house 70 to peter bowers for taking r sproul 71 to martin cameron for services 72 to jacob jackson constable 73 to john ashley gaoler salary from july to oct 74 to do for services 70 to harvey knox for white washing court house 76 to laughlin morgan for services 77 to wm ellerbeck for taking priboners to adol- town if i 17 17 5 10 0 6 17 5 0 10 18 0 19 3 7 11 1 12 13 14 19 2 0 18 3 0 9 1 1 2 0 6 5 11 0 0 34 27 2 3 31 1 6 0 1 0 0 31 7 6 3 tt t it 1 11 n to james olcott to charles wright to john ashley to john lambert to thomas burnet feb22 to william randall constable to benjamin leary to francis bertrand for services to james ferris to mr jarvis proportion of lands in hallowell to elijah hunter for apprehending kain each 5 to daniel poinroy to john kingsbury 10 tojames foster for apprehending kain ach 5 to samuel foster 11 to luke carscallen road survevor 12 to john ashley gaoler salary from october lo january to f h smith apprehending teiwksbury to gedicn turner road surveyor to william wright for services to francis brasscau evidence at adolphustown to louis fourncau ig to john jackson settling millar wallaces accounts 17 to james nickalls clerk of the peace from jan 1830 to feb 22 march u 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 8s 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 3 1 0 s 1 3 1 1 11 1 6 0 15 10 0 12 8 0 16 10 14 0 10 5 0 5 5 0 12 0 ii 9 5 17 0 15 0 5 15 11 11 15 5 7 16 0 1 5 0 0 6 4 2 0 0 0 8 0 0 6 0 0 j 0 0 10 0 2 0 0 10 10 0 0 3 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 10 0 10 8 6 3 8 6 6 2 6 6 0 6 3 0 9 0 0 0 0 6 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 6 2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 0 0 6 2 0 10 15 0 0 10 january 1831 21 to george emery road surveyor to neil mcarthur dedubtion on money to theodore brocket for goal and court house to daniel hare road surveyor to daniel dudley constable 22 to george chamberlain order of sessions i 99 100 101 102 103 104 it a i to to to 55 wolf scalps to amount credited maryshurg 1829 to amount ol disbursements for jail and court house to live copies schedule of lands tor rates in asrearup to 1828 5 each to treasurers commission on 3596 to amount of balance carried down 11 1 at 4 per cent 2 31 0 7 16 0 0 14 s25 3 0 8 3 1 1 2 i 55 1 133 35 13 171 0 s 5 11 2 5 7 7 17 13 7 8 17 7 15 2 5 17 0 16 5 0 17 11 0 0 10 6 0 g 6 6 7 6 7 0 6 0 6 0 6 0 3 85 0 3 6 i396 u 1 ctt 1 townships rates abskwtkks collectors ami cr town aod township of kingston pittsburg and wolflslaod township of marvsburg township of hillier towoship of pittsburg township of sydney township of hallowell township of hillier township of a mcliasburg it 1 rates in full 1824 39 in full 1828 8 in full 1828 in full 1828 in full 1829 in full ibsfl io full 1829 in pnrt 1b2 iu full 1829 error in full 1829 iu full 1820 in part 1829 in full 1820 38 13 i i t in part 1829 in part 1829 iopart 1829 in part 1829 pa pa 1 49 18 0 15 14 2 18 135 2 2ig 1 88 8 92 17 54 9 a in h 3 u 3 13 11 ii ii ii i 44 ii ii i in part1830 in full 1830 error io full 1830 in part 1830 in full 1830 in part 1630 in part 1830 io part1830 io pan 1 830 in part1830 inpart1825 6 10 0 18 towoship ofrichmond township of ernestnwn township of sophiasburg towoship of marysburc towo towoship of kingston towoship of fredericksburg towoship of adolphustown township of wolfe isladd township of loughborouph township of thurlow cctyandioago iu part 1829 towoship of camden and io part 1828 sheffield error township of pittsburg in part 1s2 town aod towoship of kingston io part 1830 township ofthurlow io full 1830 towoship of pittsburg io part 1830 do of rawdon huntingdon io foil 1830 township of adolphustown township of sydney amherst islaud towoship of ernestowo township of marmora madoc township of caraden sheffield township of maryshurg towoship of richmond township of loughborough wolflslaod township of marysburgh amouot received from john maclean esq she riff for lands sold for taxes amouot received mr thomas molson fioe as pound keeper amount received s washburn fine for drunkeuuess amount received from david watt esq for breaches of the sabbath amount leceived the clerk of the peace fine for swearing mouot of bnlnncfof absentee kates received up to april 1831 as per accouut 04 4 220 2 40 10 9 80 0 0 88 10 14 48 2 21 ig 2 7 22 12 74 135 10 0 0 fi u 7 8 1 0 0 1 0 15 8 1 18 14 74 44 84 8 94 6 5 3 g 8 5 1 3 7 c 0 18 3 16 104 44 0 0 5 6 5 15 0 10 0 ii 221 2 157 11 7 1 2g 0 o 22 4 o 30 0 0 139 9 2 17 3 iso 17 i 4 0 by amouot of balaoco brought down kingston april 1831 22 5 72 6 g 0 0 25 5 0 38 s 0 3 13 0 37 10 0 1000 0 3 2 0 0 0 7 0 1 c 8 0 2 0 3j 11 1 171 ii j thomas markland treasurer account of monies received from different townships since the opening of the ses sions f 1831 frcderiekaburgh 1829 in full absentees 4 8 11 collectors fees 8 3 2 fredericksburgb 1830 in part 91 10 0 richmond 1830 hijpt 0 0 adolphustown 30 in full 19 4 6 absentee 14 8 collectors 2 12 0 ernesltown 1s30 in pt 33 8 9 portland 1830 in full 23 6 3 abfleentee 0 5 3 collectori fees 15 8 error in assessment 115 loughborough 1829 in full 7 1 8 absentee 1 12 4 collectors fees 2 is 1 hillier 1830 in part 73 12 6 hallowell 1830infull 220 14 i absentees 4 13 01 collectors fees 11 12 3i full 147 9 0 absentees 0 6 0 collectors fees 7 15 0 full this was rare sport for the company every thing having been prepared for the curious feat nat look from his trousers pocket a haodful of small shot under which he had dexterously placed a littlo hunch of lead about the size of a pistol ball in rather an oblique shape aod tho whole mass he put iu hit mouth commen cing with the necessary grimaces of the countcnaoco c in amomeot he open ed his mouth aod out dropped the little piece of lead appnreotle just melted he having swallowed the shot the assem bly were amazed aod the credulous aod incredulous with eyesstanog like saucers were wooderiug how iho duco he did it a part of thm concluded that he must be lengued with old nick hiniself and all a- kreed that he must he at least a trifle rela ted nat could hold no longer hut hurst out mtn an immoderate roar of laughter and offered io bet 10 that he could swal low a criodstooe without choking but none would bet nod nat strided into the bar room called loudly for a gin cock tail and crackius his whip to the tuoe of yao schuylers lottery herald ameliasburgh 1830 april 1831 jc630 15 0 juggling tn 4 little village up country livod one nat davis better known by the apppella- tioo of jumping nat for he often de clared he could outjump outhop oulruu outwrestle and outcrackawhip any man io the district and lick the best fel ler wilhio ten miles square nat was one moruiog sunning himself io front of the village hotel and as usual soon at tracted a comfortable audience eager io the hope tbat ho would amuse them with a sample of slightohand tricks sometimes black art iq which business he was more celebrated about his little neighborhood thao ever was the renowned bagdad ma gician ll now says nat ill bet a silver dollar tbat 1 cau blow this sixpedce exhibiting it to the bystanders into sara jones boot clean over tother side of tho road well ill bet you exclaimed a johnny raw and the raooey was imme diately put up nat commenced ope rations by sundry distortions uf the face and crossings of the forehead and giving a hearty blow with his mouth signified that the work was accomplished hal loo sam said nat u here sam jonos jist come over here will you sam ap parently hesitated to wade through tho mud for bis particular accommodation hot finally started and when arrived was asked by nat if be would just pull his left boot off pull off my boot says sam irather guess i shaot dn that by gosh for aoy body but the reason for so strange a request having been explain ed by the company sam consented and to the utter consternation of the astonished group the sixpence was found in the bot tom of the boot nat now pocketed the dollar but as sam went soacks in the af fair he of course was entitled to half tho proceeds as the sixpence had been placed a short time before aod the whole matter aranged between them after an exulting grin says nat why that are now is jist ootbiog at all for me if aoy oo you is a mind to bet me two dol lars that 1 cant melt lead in my mouth let them come on and ill plank the pewter for a moment a stillues ensued and all eyes were gaping at nat when he inquir ed m where thatdarned spuoky feller was thatbet afore he concluding that a bird io the hand was worth two io the bush bad backed out but the crowd by ibis time was much eularged and directly a six footer walked up aod coveted the two doliai the proprietors of the undemncntionpd steamboats beg to inform the prout that they have established the following rates fur the season 1831 for passage from prescott to brockviuc and vice versa for each cabin passenger l0 2 d for each deck passenger 0 13 from prescolt fy brockviue to kingston fy vice versa for each ealinpasscnpcriacludmgfarejo 12 6 for each deck passenger 0 c 3 from preseolt brockzilu to cobttrg porlhopt and vice versa forcachcabinpassengerincludingfarc i 10 0 foreachdeck possenger 0 10 0 from prescott 4 braekvitte to york burlington bay 4 vragara and vice versa for each cabin passongcrincludiitg fare 2 0 0 for each deck passenger 0 12 6 from kingston tucoburg 4 fort hope 4 vice rem for each cabin passcngerincluding fare i 0 6 for each deck passenger 0 7 0 from kingston to york burlington baypv jriagara and vice versa for each cabin paengcrincludinc fare 1 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 10 0 from courg port hope to yorfr burlington bcty 4 vwgnm and vice versa for each cabin passengerincludingfarc 0 15 0 for each deck passenger 0 7 6 from york to burlington bay vmgoio and vice versa for each cabin pas9engerincudingfurc 0 12 s for each deck passenger 0 5 0 from burlingtonbny to niagara for each cabin passcngcrincluding fare 0 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 5 for freight from burlington biy niagara york porthope bcobourgtobrockvitle iiprescs for every barrel of ashes lo s for every bbh of pork beef 0 1 101 for every barrel of flour 0 13 all other articles in the same proportion for every horse i 5 p for every ox or cow t 0 0 for every parcel too small for weight 0 1 f from the above places to kingston- for every barrel of ashes 0 1 1 for every barrel of pork beflardc 0 1 for every barrel of flour 0 1 0 all other articles in the same proportion for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 15 0 from prescott ond brockville to cobourgr york bay tf niagara for every cwt weight of merchandise 0 i 3 for every horse 15 0 for every ox or cow 10 0 for every parcel too small for weight 0 t 6 from kingston to the above places for every cwt weight of merchandise 0 t o for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 15 0 for every parcel too small for weirrh 0 i fi ton s sicamboat great britain jno hamil steamboat queenaton r hamilton pmh sieamboat alcmp john hosier steamboat nts prcswit matjtti 1631 i i

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