the kingston chronicle saittr june 4 1831 tar arrival of the napoleon bringing london 4atc3 to the 24th has enabled ua to fill our co lumn with matter of the most interesting and important character that it perhaps has ever been tmr lot to i ay before the public the minority of his majestys ministers upon the aluabsorb- ing question of reform and the consequent dis solution of the imperialjparliamenl the bold manlyjdecisive stepdopted at this momentous crisis by his majesty must ever secure his po pularity as a king while it will afford an exam ple to future monarchs replete with instruction when involved in similar circumstances it appears quite natural that considerable op position would be shown to this bill by those who had purchased seats from boroughmongers notwithstanding the example to the contrary ex hibited in the conduct of lord john russell messrs peel stanley and other nor should the example of sir sandford grahame be omit- led who by his vote on that question deprived himself of the enormous sum of l25000 pur chase of the representation ofludgershall poland seems to be carrying on her atroggle vriih increased success as will be seen by ac counts in another part of our impression whilst ireland is now universally plunged into an abyss of anarchy atrocity and moral turpitude that the prospect of a general election is but badly calcu lated to redeem her from kingston comb factory we have been guil ty of great neglect in not having previously at tracted the public attention to the enterprising pirit of mr packard who has added to the im portance of our town by the establishment of a comb factory at the corner of brock and rear streets we believe the only establishment of the kind in either of the provinces- we visited his factory a few evenings ago and consider it not only a most useful appendage to the commerce of our town but also most ingenious and scienti fic in the machinery made use of in theconstruc tion of these important articles of ladies attire the horn and imitation combs can scarcely from their elegance and clearness be distinguished from the finest tortoise shell mr packard de serves every encouragement and wo cordially hope that the merchants of the town and others employed in selling these articles will givea pre ference to a home manufactory and thereby en courage the prosperity of our town and the en terprising spirit of the proprietor w recom mend those who have never seen the skill re- miraj m tw openboo of redociop filing gpfit- ting and preparing the uncouth material from which these elegant articles are manufactured to visit this establishment this being the day appointed for training the mi litia the several regiments formed in considera ble numbers upon iheirrespectiveparadegrounds and having gone through the usual evolutions upon such occasions were dismissed by their colonels who expressed their approbation of the numerical strength and teapcctable appearances of the regimenta under thehr command wc attended mr ryans concert on tuesday evening when the admirers of music we high ly pleased by his performance on the flute the selection of pieces were calculated to display mr ryans almost unrivalled execution upon that iustrument he was assisted by the 66th band the powers of the french bom was most conspi cuously developed by messrs zigler the father and son we had no idea that this instrument possessed the capabilities that in such hands were exhibited on this occasion the room was too small to admit of that justke that the whole of the evenings performance merited col nicholl 66th regtarrived here on wed nesday evening from europe andhaa assumed the command of the garrison commodore barrie c b sailed last evening in h m schooner cockburnupou a cruise through the upper lakes wc are happy to be ablo to contradict upon the authority a the york courier the miuhievons statement regarding the loss of the steamboat between buffalo and detroit one oe thepbofle is unavoidably postponed thomas ross a m who has been recently appointed by doctors lee and carson of edin burgh to the classical and mathematical aca- demy lately taught here by the rev john cruickshank arrived here on thursday we observe that mr rosa will open school on tuesday first see advertisement for tht chronicle had you pleasing youth been as good u your word and nut bid friendship defiance i might hold my tongue and the public not heard a word of episcene alliance but since im put up tho twill be austere like a womans resentment 111 hide and wait the bleat moment in which lahall hear whero i may you privately chide your sense not your person i hold in esteem your virtue and honour i prize frail beauty will soon wash away in times stream but merits a fruit that neer dies forgivcthe effusion that glows in my breast a bosom thats prone to commend i aim not to flatterlet chance say the rest remember im always your friend f jmtoticesteamboatqicon xt the public are respectoily in formed that the steamboat qtmenston capt meneille with mr t w corning sailing afaster has commenc ed her regular trips and during the season will leave prescott every sunday morning after the arrival of tlie stage which leaves montreal on saturday morning touching at brockville king ston cobourg port hope yoit bur lington bay and niagara will leave niagara for prescott every thursday morning at 9 o dockj touch ing at kingston and brockville and ar rive at prescott the following afternoon where as usual stages will to in at tendance to convey passengers tto mon treal the rates of passage and frright the same as are chawed by other steam boats may 1831 steamboat notice on lee on tario the splind1new steamboat great britain copt joseph tvhitney propelled by two low pressure enghes of 90 hope power each the public are respectfully irformed that the following arrangements have been made jfor the month off june will leave prescott at 6 oclodton the morning of the following days friday the 3d wednesday sth monday 13th saturday 18th thursday 23j tues day 28th touching at brockvife king ston york and niagara will leave niagara at 6 oclock on the afternoon of the following days sundiy the 5th friday 10th wednesday 15th monday 20lh saturday 25th thurs day 30ih touching at kingston brork- ville and prescott the arrangements for the remainder of the season wilt be advertised as soon as it is ascertained if the great britain will be permitted o call at oswego no expense has been spared in fi nishing and furnishing the above boat in the most comfortable manner the rates of passage and freight are the same as charged by other boats june 1st 1831 tb1homas ross a m begs leave to acquaint the inhabitants of kingston and is vicinity that having been appointed to conduct the classi cal and mathematical academy lately taught by the rev mr john cruick shank he will commence teaching on tuesday the 7th instant at 9 oclock am terms and other particulars wilt be learned by applying to mr ross at the academy in lhalhouse in storestreet belonging to mr owen macdougall kingston 4lh june 1331 c parsons s dentist by request of several individuals he will remain at the kingston hotel for a few days longer those who may desire ny operation on the teeth had better apply soon reference mny be given to several persons in this village who have recently experienced his ope rations s birth on the 30th insl mrs james m- donald of a son married at hull at the residence of the rev a anslcy on the 26 instant by the rev john bethune rector ot christ church montre al the rev abraham fuller atkinson assistant minister of same church to anne youngest daughter of the late amos ansley esquire of pittsburgh upper canada died at quebec on wednesday kenelmina caroline clara daughter of t trigger esquire ag ed 8 mnnths al quebec on friday mw eliza simpson wife of mr ja simpnu of garden street aged so yeu ttotice a third dividend will bo 1 payable at the office of john kirhy esq io kingston oo wednesday the j5th day of june next to the creditors of the lute allan taylor esq and to the late firm of taylor and parker john kirby a- o petrie t- parker trnsteea kingston 9th may 1831 contract for building an kpiscopai- church in the town of york upper canada tenders will be received until tuesday the 12th day nfjnly next for the erection of an episcopal church in york agreeable to a plan and specifications which may be seen by persons desirous of contracting for the building onjapplication to r stan ton at the gazette office york length 140 feet exclusive of the tower breadth 80 feet height 41 feet from the ground line the building to be of stone the bo dy of good solid rubble work front and pilasws to be of coursed work dressed fair and straight window sills jambs c to windows and steps of cut stone the 6tti up to be of black walnut and the carpentry and plasteringto be agreeable to the speci fications in every particular informa tion respecting which will be given on application as above approved security for the perform ance of the contract will be required york 25th may 1831 oj editors of the york and king ston papers the niagara gleaner wes tern mercury the montreal gazette montreal herald and quebec mercu ry are requested to give the foregoing three insertions and forward their ac counts for payment to the gazctae of fice ttotice is hereby given that the 1 subscriber will receive tenders at john s mcdonalds innkeeper at gananoque until wednesday the22d day of junnext at 12 oclock noon from such person or persons as may be willing to contract for the transport of the whole of the engine of the steam- boat william the fourth of about 100 horse power from the foundry of messrs j d ward co montreal to prescott and gananoque the tenders to specify the rate per cwt to each of the above places with in the following periods viz from hence to 1st october from 1st october lo 1st of november and from 1st november to the close of the navigation the building committee are re quested to attend at the opening of the tenders at the place and on the day above mentioned a mcdonell agent sccy treas gananoque 20th may 1831 i the i canada company have for salt in upper canada aiiaut two millions five hun dred thousand acres of land of the following description viz first crown reserves being lots of 200 acres each scattered through the older townships of the province second blocks of land of from 1000 to 40000 acres these are si tuated in townships of the western district and in the township ofwil- mot in the gore district third a town and township call ed guelph in ihe gore district a- bout24 miles north west of dundas in which there are upwards of 800 settlers among whom are almost every kind of tradesmen and mechanics also ta verns stores schools saw- mills a brewery and distillery and one of the best grist mills in the province this is a desirable location for small capital ists as labourers and servants are easi ly procured lots partially improved may be purchased at a reasonable rate fourth the huron territory con sisting of 1000000 acres in the shape of a triangle the base resting for up vmlk ttt wite q at eft teak 9f lake huron the town of goderich con taining at present about 30 houses with stores taverns blacksmiths and carpenters shops a school and a branch office of the company over hangs a harbour formed by ihe basin of the maitland a large stream which falls iiflo lake huron and is the centre of ire settlement a saw mill is in ope ration and a grist mill in progress brads have been run to dundas and london which this year at a very great expense will be rendered equal to ay in the province and the commu nication by the st clair with lake fi ne and thence by the welland canal into lake ontario gives a most advan tageous mode of sending produce to the market and this year the rideau na vigation will be completed when pro duce may be shipped in a stoop at go- derich and delivered without breaking bulk at montreal or quebec the land to say the least is equal to any in the province and greatly supe rior to the average of either upper ca nada or the opposite coast of the unit ed slates the climate owing lo tho vicinity of the lake is more mild and equable than any not possessing simi lar advantages it abounds in brick earth lime and building stones and holds out every prospect of becoming the most prosperous settlement in the province settlers coming by the way of que bec will proceed by montreal and la- chine to prescott where an agent of the company win forward them to port dalhousie and thence to buffalo those coming by the way of new- york wiil take the route by the erie canal to buffalo from that they are forward ed to detroit whence they will proceed in a smaller steam boat up the st clair at the head of which a vessel belonging to the company will transport them a- bout sixty miles to goderich should they wish to proceed to any other part of the companys lands any of the a- gents mentioned in the way ticket a- long the line of road will give them the necessary advice and information canada companys office york 7 th may 1831 offices of the canada company york guelph and goderich quebec montreal kingston by town agents john davidson esq messrsharljloganico james sampson esq charles shirrift esq voriginal c p treadwell esq perth alexander fraser esq belleville james h sampsonesq napanee allan macpherson esq cobourg j g bethune esq dundas andrew t kerbyesq fort erie james kerby esq buffalo e johnson esq vittoria duncan ross esq port talbot col burwell aldbora john macfarlanc esq amherstburg wm berczy esq sandwich joseph woods esq baldaon wm jones esq new york j c- buchanan esq boston rubcit manners esq the new steamnoat charles carroll calvin case master will leave kingston for sackets har bour every tuesday thuisday sa turday at 7 oclock a m cabin passage 5s steerage 3s 9d the subscribers hare constantly on hand an extensive and com plete assortment of the following arti cles in the hardware line english russia and swedes iron tin plates sheet iron boiler plaies steel of all sorts wrought and cut nails deck spikes ox and trce chains iron and copper wire spades and shovels vices anvils patent shot gunpowder of all sorts hair- seating pius while and tarred cord age white and red lead spanish brown paint linseed oil c c and by the first arrivals from london and liverpool will complete their assort ment of groceries consisting of muscovado afauritius and refined su gar jamaica coffee pepper allspice cassia ginger molasses gallipole seal and florence oil vinegar pick- hs and sauces brandy hollands dun bars porier and ale afustard figs raisins currants ate c and ihe following wines of various qualities 3fadeira port sherry tenerifle fi- gureas port claret champaigne c c in wood or bottles all which they will sell by wholosale at the lowest market prices and on a li beral approved credit smith lindsay montreal april 30 1831 bank notice public notice is hereby gi ven that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the bank of upper canada will be held at the bank in the town of york on monday the sixth day of jane next at ten oclock in the forenoon for the purpose of electing by ballot directors for the ensuing year as provided in the act of incorporaiion thos- g rwovt cashier bank of upper canada york 15th april 1831 j n b editors of the several news papers in the province are requested lo publish ihe above until the day of elec- woyr chambly canal the undersigned commissioners of the cbambly canal appointed under the authority of an act of the pro vincial legislature 3d geo iv cap 41 hereby give public notice thnt they will receive sealed tenders uoiil the 15th day of june next to he addrected to the hon ourable samuel halt at cfcambly for con structing and finishing cntuplclcl y in a sub stantial aod workmanlike saaoner the said canal the dimensions of which are as fol lows viz about 11 15 miles in length 36 feet wide at the bottom and of sufficient depth for boats drawing 5 ft of water the banks tobe formedn ith a proper siopethere will be about 75 feet of lockage all of which with the exception of the guard locks may be located within a mile and a half of chambly basin tho locks to be 20 feet wide and 100 feet long the lioc intended for the canal passes through a fertile and populous couatrywhere provi sions and labour are abundant and cheap- no tenders can be accepted without the approval of his excellency the gover nor in chief and good and sufficient secu rity will he required for the due perfor mance of ihe codiract plans and sectioos of the canal maybe seen by applying to samuel hatt esq at chambly where every information will be given that may be required samuel hatt rene boileau jr gab marchand wm macrea t franchere chambly 16th april 1831 jlor sale that valuable pro- perty lately owned by mr picar it lies about 3 miles below the kingston mills and about 9 miles from kingston t is a farm of 100 acres on which is erected on of the best barns in ihe two provinces it is 100 by 40 feet also a good dwelling house 80 by 24 feet stabling for about 30 horses and sheds almost beyond measuring the land is of the best quality and well wooded and watered the above property will be sold low for cash or short appoved credit for further particulars apply to michael brennan n b independent of the above there is 30 acres on a lease of 16 years on which is erected a substantial black smiths shop and other buildings the whole will be sold together april 20th 1831 o be let for a period of three or seven years from 1st june next subject to be resumed by govern ment if required the government store and wharf at queenston the tenant to undertake to perform all repairs a reasonable compensation for which will be given provided ihe ordnance require the premisos within the term tenders will be received at this of fice to ihe 20ih may nddiessed to the respective officers who will require tworespectable person as security for the due performance of the lease the rent to be paid quarterly in british silver to the oidnance store keeper at this place for further particulars apply to the barrack master at foil george office of ordnance kingston will april isol boarding school for young ladies at bath under the superintendence of mrs bickertojf in this establishment young ladies arc in structed in the following branches of education viz grammar geography history writing arithmeticmusicfrench drawing landscape velvet oil painting embroideryond n variety of fashionable and ornamental works mr bs experience as a teacher in england renders her well qualified to impart solid instruction with decant accomplishments on plan calcu lated to make study agreeable and ensure the progress of her pupils tkrms of mrs bickertons school- board including washing use of linen beds c 10s per week board without washing the bed linen c being found by the pupil cd per week half of the quarter to be paid in advance common education including writing arith metic grammar geography history plain mtedu work 10s per quarter common education with fancy needle work 158 per quarter extras music 8 0 0 french 1 5 0 s per quarter drawing 1 5 0 velvet painlings lessons i 0 0 these are sufficient to perfect a pupil oil painting according to agreement ct 12 weeks to the quarter bath 18th april 1331 t painting the subscribers beg leave to re turn thanks to their friends and ihe public of kingston and vicinity for the encouragement they have sepa rately received during their residence a- mongst tlicm they also wish to inform them that they have opened an establishment in quarry streel opposite mr d pren tiss drv good siore under the firm of kerr heathers ornamental sign carriage r house paint ers glaziers paperhangers c c from their well known abilities and practice in kingston with a determination to be punctual they hope to meet still with a shate of patronage from a discerning and generous public jas kerr joseph heathers kingston may 4lh 1s31 the o be sold by auction on the 10th instanl the beautiful cot tage occupied intel by lieui kay of the royal engineers wiib good cellar garden stable sheds and enclosed yard also three building lots joining the cattage- the situation of this cottnge and lots is such as render it worthy the atten tion of the purchasets rhy person wish ing to see ihe premises previous to ihe day of sale apply to thn subscriber peter mcdonald kingston 4th june 1331 d aniel caffry soap boil- er and chandlor returns his sincere thanks to his friends and the public of kingston and its vicinity for the encouragement he has received dur ing his residence among them and wish es to inform them thai his factory is on the premises formerly occupied by the late john dimming esj where by strict attention and punctuality he hopes io merit a continuance of patronage from a generous public d c feels it necessary at the same time to caution all persons crediting any individual whatever on his account without a written order as debts other wise contracted will not be paid kingston ma 25 1s3i r to let the house near scotch church at present occu pied by lieut cameron 79th highlan der apply to thos kirkpatrick 30th april 183 upper canada college mr- brxrftea ifll huff pared io receive boarders on the lothof june the commencement of the ensuing quarler terms payable quar terly in advance including the college dues and contingencies board wash ing and mending for each pupil in the preparatoty school 37 10s per annum for each pupil in the college 42 10s per annum entrance for each pupi 3 10s in lieu of bedding and those articles which are usually furnished by board ers books and drawing are extra charges york april 23d 1881 mr b would feel obliged by an ear ly communication from any gentleman who may intend placing a pupil under his care the copartnership between the undersigned under the 5rm of john mcpherson co is this day by mutual consent dissolved the subsciib- ers are severally authorised to settle the affairs of the late copartnership all pei- sons having demands are requested to present them at their office at prescott sioed john mcpherson alexb mcmillan samuelcrane prescott 12th january 1831 new forwarding establish ment the subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of upper canada and the public in general that they have entered into copartnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonell co at prescott and ogdensburgh and that of mcmillan link co at montreal they will be prepared on the opening of the navigation with good durham boats and bateaux manned with experienced masters and conduc tors to transport any produce or mer chandize that they may be favored with on as favorable terms as that of any res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgh will be carried on at the old stands for merly occupied by the late firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mcdonel matthias link issolution thecopartt nership between the undersign ed under the firm of john macpher son co is this day by mutual con sent dissolved the subscribers are sc verally authorised to settle the affar of ihe late copartnership all person ha ving demands are requested to presen them at their office signed john macpherson alexr mcmillan samuel crane present january 12th 1831 the forwarding business wil be continued by john macpherson and samuel crane under the firmofflfac- pherson and crane here and at mon treal under the old firm their stores and wharves at the upper end of the town where their bu siness will he transacted are to be con sidcrably enlarged and will be conveni ent fur receiving and shipping wheat in bulk prescott l2tn janlh notice iarmora foundry companv n conformity to the act incorporat ing this company a subscription book is now opeo at the office of thos kirkkpatrick kingstoo 16th may 1831 larden seedsforsale by jf the subscriber a large quantity of fresh garden seeds warranted to be of the growth of 1830 with directions for gardening john mowat public contract j office of the clerk of the peace i uc 9th may 1831 tenders for building a new market house in the town of york upper canada according to the plans and specifications deposited in this office will be received here until wednesday the eighth day of june next inclusive the terms of the contract and every other information connected wiih the building can be had uri ilpilifeuiioirto ihe xlbsyfttter b tender will be attended to unless ac companied with the real signatures of two responsible persons resident in up per canada as securily for the con tract the estimated cost of the build ing will be about 6500 currency by order of the building committee s washburn clerk of the peace tt the kingston herald and kingston chronicle the montreal he rald the montreal gazette the ro chester telegraph and the buffalo journal will each please give the above three insertions and send their ac counts to this office for payment and also one paper containing its insertion s w c p mrs parmentier offa 8 for sale at the horticultural botan- garden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a fine collection of the most desirable kinds of table and wine grapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection ofilfonthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished to purchasers mr james macfarlaoe editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and or- oamental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangement that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully pack ed ami forwarded without the slightest de lay cataloeues can be obtained gratis post paid at the office of the chronicle- reference john macaulay john kirhy john marks stephen yarwood allan mclean esquires 34th march 1831 n b it may be proper to mention that tho necessary directions will be sent along with the different trees as to the man uer of treating tbem trees received in the fall can be safely buried io the ground until the spring wben they can be planted without receiving any injury from the frost provided that they are entirely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received nnd care shall be taken that several orders will be made up into one package with a view to save the expense of carriage the subscriber having been appointed agent in this province for mrs parmen- ticr is now ready to receive orders agreea bly to the above advertisement james macfarlane kingston 24th march 1831 ttotice all persons having il just claims against the esiate of the late rodolph couchc of camden are requested to present them duly au thenticated with as little delay as pos sible and all those indebted lo said es tate will please to call and settle the same with the subscriber who is duly appointed administrator to the said es tate william bowen a dm in istra tor richmond 13th sept 1830 ktotice tho stockholders in ill the steam boat william thr fourth arc requested lo pay twenty per cent on each share on oi hctorc the jilt di of june iss1