Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 23, 1831, p. 1

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kingston seventeen shillings and sixpence per annum if sent by mail twenty shillings vol 13 wo 4 nec rege nec populo sed utroque to the editor of the kingston ghronkk 27- mr chronicle i am labouring in the field of public duty to convince your readers that men of ambitioui minds will make religion a stalking horse for political purposes and by means of it seek to effect their own parly views and designs that they will their protestations to the contrary notwithstanding court the favour of such sects as they find convenient aud bring their creed to bear upon the objects of public or private ambition or faction and that therefore the only decent way to prevent the complicated mischiefs ibat would naturally grow out of such a state of things and to lay seasonable restraints upon that source of influence id the cause of faction is for the civil state to take under its own direction aod to engross to itself ihatwbicb in the hands of demagogues might prove dangerous aod ruinous to its own existence in the very nature of thingsgoveroment has an indefeasible right to the means of public influence tbe same a the bead of a family has in bis own x bouse aod to the entire possession of all those efficient causes which work such wonders among mankind and mould them into whatsoever they please the govern ment is sole proprietor of tbe public soil the sole disposer of it to individuals the sole power inat secures them in its posses sion aod eojoymeot because it would be dangerous to the civil state for individuals to acquire and hold lands without limit by public authority as tbe history of the ba rons of england before the crown suc ceeded in reducing them to tbe proper con dition of subjects ampsy proves the same doctrine is trueof all the sources causes and means of public or extensive influence rihftftflf rfftftt tlltfuhuwdrttiwpropmny of the state that tbe state may not only use them in selfdefence and selfpreserva tion but turn them to the wellbeing aud good government of its subjects that government which does not possess resour ces and strength superior to all the internal factions which may assault it is in no very enviable condition now there is nothing within the range of buroao power so potent in its operation on human creatures as religion but io making this assertion 1 roust not omit the important fact that men are more divided on that subject than on any other and that there are falsifications of religious truth in which are mingled detacbed portions of it wbicb only serve to give tbem currency and mischievous efficiency wbicb falsifications while they freely allow the predominance of some evil ruling passion urge on to a blind and infa tuated zeal in the pursuit of a darling object and that object is generally tbe predominance and supremacy of its own how mrfpy made in p adors h sect we see this now before our eyes in the case of the ryerson faction we see it strikingly io the conduct of the presbyte rians of the united states detailed io my last letter i mean their deceiving and swindling other denominations out of their influence aud money aod labor for a number of years for their own exclusivo benefit aod 1 shall in this letter shew you another remarkable instance of the same kind now in most active progress io the world it is also to be remarked that i regard the ostensible professions of respect from one sect to another aod the utuhpf fpgltfl fwf tfrtf ttfihto b4 dwtoies of one anothers consciences and the religious liberties inherent in each sect as little better than so much hypocrisy aod entit led to the same credit for sincerity ibat we usually give to tbe professions of those am bitious potentates who under pretence of keeping the public peace are only subju gating their neighbours if they speak the truth why do they proselyte if they hold the rights and dictates of mens consciences so sacred why do they electioneer among them in order to seduce tbem to their own party 1 it is honest aod consistent to say you aod your sect are io error i and mine are in the right and therefore i wish you to strengthen mine and since all questions of this sort necessarily involve political in terests and embrace political questioosand give rise to trains of political opinion and action i maintain that it is tbe first duty of tbe civil state to fortify itself with reli gious truth aod take under its management tbe religious interests of its people that religion faction maj be swallowed up as far as possible and enlisted under the law ful banners of the state for tbe good of tbe whole political family let us now mr chronicle take a short excursion to the land of jobathak that birthplace and cradle of liberty and equal rights civil and religious where our no ton- at watchman informs us that papist pro testant deist hindoo musselroan and jew are all a band of brothers in the faith aod that their religion is rendered incorrup tible by tbe m worldly lurch of state and church in consequence of the athe istic character of tbe general government perhaps we may stumble upon something to strengthen our position io regard to the necessity of a national religion for the pre servation of public liberty and peace bear- iog in mind that rational freedom consists in the greatest attainable degree of public and private prosperity in connection with the means of produciog the greatest at tainable degree of public and private virtue the protestanu a paper published in new york of june 4 1831 gives the following roost singular and interesting paragraph from the vermont chronicle it is said that the secretary of tbe state addressed a letter through our con sul at rome to the late pope assurioghim of the protection of his subject residing io the united states in all their civil and re ligious rights his political opponents say that the letter was an artful appeal from the secretary to the pope with the view of enlisting the influence of tbe latter on the consciences of the roman calholicchurcb vernraent provided the overture accepted we wish to call attentiorf xo the fact that the possibility of iofluenf our election by tbe assistance of tbe pfip is seen aod acknowledged by our poiio managers the next step isforsoraecvn- didate for the presidency to purchase is favor when one election has been pur chased in this way it will soon becorrip practice for candidates to get their ntrf natioo approved of at rome io ordef t0 secure the influence of catholic voter aud when rival candidates seek his fa he maybsrgaio with them for any assistap which the patronage and influence of he general government can render to popery- when this comes to pass popery will in come tbe fashionable religion of our politi cians w believe that greatest danger of a union of church rf nj state io this country arises from the dispo sition of political aspirants to bargain fhis with sectarian leaders fas est et ah hostc doceri aud therefp i say let the goveenmkht and p ple op upper canada read irr thi a lesson or instruction election bargains have been province with sectarian lead not egerton laid down this system of flm fie as tbe foundation of his conterapldpd republic when it is to be taught and f pressed and enforced both in private tit to public at election meetings and at eff c lions both to electors and candidates t aod who can doubt that it is to form tff of tbe courses of instruction in our rirlps national academy why mot it is l0 he our national faith and of course it mtf be the very basis of national instructi0p under the new order of things a man c not be fitted to hold any public station tf lto itu irpropbtod tu db lite willi off mfi people as expressed in the dictates of their 41 sectarian leaders and therefore to act tbe defaulter in a point of such vast im portance would be a most abominable de- relictioo of principle but let us examine the probability of such an offer being made to st peter and of it beiog accepted and acted upon if made we canadians at least many of us well know the unprincipled character of ame rican politics and politicians a slight readiog of their political journals for ten years past is enough to coovjoce any man of common observation that the aspirants after place and power in the land of jona than are as unscrupulous in regard to the means of obtaining tbem as any people in tbe world tbey care not what toe ladder is nor who holds it for them provided they can ascend it we well know the political game that was played on the cbessboard of antimasonry and how the respective partiesof adamites and jacksonians sought to turn tbe morgan business to their politi cal advantage and in particularthe cha racter of tbe late secretary and of the president and in short the disgraceful scenes lately acted at washington amply justify the belief that tbey would not scru ple to bribe st peter and buy over his sub jects now residing io the united slates also the atheistic character of the consti tution is highly favorable to such iniquitous proceedings it imposes no manner of check on tbe disposition to traffic in foreign influence through the medium of the reli gion of persons resideot in the country for knowblgh do system of faith it is bound to protect none and has abjured the right of selfdefence against the en croachment of any ambitious sect the heretical doctrine of allegiance also which has been adopted by the americans is fa vorable to the ambitions use of religious factions to serve political purposes as to the probability of such an offer beiog accepted by the holy st peter bis character has been too well established for more than a thousand years past to permit the shadow of a doubt of it he is too old in the traffic of kingdoms and states and bas been too long a dealer in human blood for us to suppose that such a veteran in wholesale iniquity would for a moment he sitate at the offer of such a bargain for it must be remembered that he is infallible that in ages bygone he claimed as bis pa trimony all the kingdoms of the world and the glory of tbem that he in consequence deposed and set up kings took aod gave kingdoms like toys compelled emperors to hold bis stirrups when he mounted his horse and to kiss bis great toe in token of abject vassalage ibat be absolved subjects from their allegiance to their lawful sove reigns whenever it suited bis views and transferred tbem to others and that none of these amazing powers have ever been surrendered by bis holiness nor can be surrendered on account of bis infallibility he must therefore regard the diminution of his power as effected only by rebellion against himself and what is the cause of wonder il be should now seek to gain in the new world a part of what he has lost io the old if he should purchase the united states of america aod add them to the imperial crown be would only be laying up his own property hence i conclude that there is not only nothing to hinder his holiness from trading with the political stockjobbers of the united states but every thing to induce him to enter heart and soul into such a speculation it will here be expedieot to enter some what into tbe history and character of tbe holy order of the jesuits those most de voted servants of the see of romeand the instruments of ber unbounded ambition october 10 1572 f borgia tbe general of the order left this dying declaration concerning them h intravimue ut agni regnaviraus ut lupi expellemur ut canes renovabimur ut aquila fublhwtci- cry saturday hy jmne macfarlan intf kingston u c saturday july 23 1831 ly so profoundly so successfullyso fatally played ashy those wolves in sheeps cloth ing there was no art nf dissimulation but they perfectly understood no mask but they knew to put on at pleasure no proteau form but their dexterity could as sume aod no enterprise but they had the courage to undertake they had their arts reduced to a perfect system and they worked in perfect coocert wherever they were they spread themselves over the face of the whole earth thoy insiuuated themselves like the frogs of nile into the kneading troughs and the oveos into the confidence of tbe employment of all man kind thev kept the consciences aod the purses of the rich and were the confessors and counsellors of princes and great men and they engrossed the education of the youth wherever they obtained a footing- but their reign as wolves met with sad reverses and they were literally expelled as dogs from the various countries of eu rope as the most pestilent wretches that ever afflicted mankind they had served the papal cause and upheld the papal power for a long period but even the pope him self at last found it necessary to defend him self against tbem and on august tbe25th 1773 clement tbe fourteenth formally a- bolished tbe order it is notorious says he io assuming a reason for so doing that the germ of discord and rebellion against thoso princes who have received them into their states bas io every way been nurtured by the society of jesus from its very infan cy that the heaviest accusations have been brought against its members at all seasons and that tbey have contributed in no slight degree to disturb the peace aod tranquility ef christendom at tbe close of the sixteenth century the accusations fff mw tbem hettmo lender aod lender and were chiefly directed against their ava- riciomsuess this was the source of all ihosestorms aod disorders with which every one r familiar they were the occasion of the bitterest pangs and deepest sorrow to the apostolical chair and called forth the proceedings which were bad against the society by a number of princes this language beiog uttered by the mouth of infallibility can admit of no dispute and 1 thereifore oo this occasioo use it with the great freedom but siuce the successor of st peter is thought to possess the power of transubstantiatioo our virtue and vice good and evil and to be able reciprocally to convert ihem one ioto the other as may best tfjit and serve his apostolic views and ioteris clements infallible successor piusuie seveotb in the year 1815 restor ed luts wolves that bad reigned their day and lad been driven out like dogs aod re novtfpd them like eagles in fulfilment of tbe fflophecy above recited and traosub- stanfted the gang of seducers and traitors notomy into a very harmless but a very the owdsand form stations for their ope rations and commence the trade of poli ticians in thocausoof his holiness in newyork city there are snid to he 45000 from the protestant of june 11 i take the following extract we have re ceived a most important vnme entitled 1 ancient and modern jesuitism hy mr de pradt formerly archbishop of malices who has lately borne so great a part in tbe belgtc commotions it contains a mass of the most important facts which we pro pose to translate for our friends the fol- lowiog may servo as aspecimco papal government in ireland holland and the uoirod states every thing is managed by vicars apostolic this system gives tbe court of rome ihe power nf being master every where the roman priests in the united states like those in ireland are most devoted slaves of the pope they are extremely vigorous aud indue season they wilt embarrass the government of the united states as those of ireland have disturbed the english government aod as those of belgium have done their sove reign this is a roman archbishops accouot of the popish priests in this re public now no reasonable man can for a mo ment doubt that the definite object of the jesuits is the erection of a papal empire in america aud the entire subjugation of the american people to the dominion of rome we know the boundless ambition and the untiring perseverance and the proof and hypocrisy and the bloody mur derous spirit that have ever marked the operations of the holy court rf the apos tolic see wherever she has been permitted to act herself avherevershe lias had suf- ficient influence she has erected her racks and heated ber tvh ami m vut i w tootves on the work of desolation and death ever groans not only of europe have told of herdeeds of cruelty but the half of ame rica also and even iodia where her faith ful portuguese erected an inquisition at goa for the conversion of the christians of st thomas who never before had beard of her corruptions and her crimes at this moment she is securely and uomolest- edly achieving the conquest of the united states her emissaries and agents un derstand their business to perfection as no truereliginn from their own ranks aod in the same degree preparing the soil for the reception of popish superstition when the fire of fanaticism cools down ooe ex treme generally paves the wny for another so the jesuits uow find succoss in thoe districts where those fevers have subsid ed but had the americans when thev settled their federal government settled and established the christian faith as the law of the land on a reasonable fouodatioo and provided the new and destitute settle ments with religious teachers as they were formed and filled with inhabitants as the souodest policy ought to have dictated things would now have been far different the americans also adopted a policy of receiving with open arms all the european runaways and giving them the rights of citizenship on the easiest possible terms they boasted that tho material of their go vernment was of so peculiar a temper as to neutralize and render harmless all those things which io europe would attract tbe notice of government and thoy cautiously abstained from enforcing a wholesome aod moral quarantine oo tho importations from foreigo countries and atone lime the dis ciples of paine and the french philoso phise found a ready admittance to all places of honor aud emolument in the eye of the government no species of moral falsehood cau be regarded with the slight est displeasure aod the writer of those columns has heard subjects of the united states government boast of it as a privi lege that they could blaspheme god re gardless of tbe fear of man now is it too much to suppose that some protestant sect will enlist itself in politicks for the purpose of counteracting the influ ence of the jesuits and meeting them with fftwftl pnch r enfmnciiiofi m cvieesvfe robable aud it is even more han suspect- blood has marked her path wher- j ko jftk lh the has freely moved and lhe regard to ihetr defrauding other le- pominntioos out of their money laheur 9od influence for their own party purpos es assure us that they would not be over scrupulous io adopting the policy of the ryerson faction iu this province namely of supporting nooe but their own creatures at elections ooe sect is as likely to do it as aoother they chaoge the romau catholics with it and no doubt with rea son it is believed too that tho system of religious excitements is kept up by the m in plain english we entered as lambs we have reigned as wolves we shall be expelled as dogs we shall be renovated as eagles aud their history has useful race of beings even the common bulwk of every kind of authority whe ther 9t not his holiness bas authorised tbe kingston catholic to recommend in tbe word just quoted these reoovatcdwolves to tbs good opinion and confidence of our canadian people i know not but i should fear were 1 to recommend them that i should be suspected of endeavouring to briogfhem into notice and influence with n view to distracting tbe country aod in volving it in difficulty and seeiog on the other hand that tbis pious catholic has takeaotne patus toipesautiue hie wwijlle nfl the country that all the men without dis tinction who effected the reformation io england and established the government of great britain on a secure foundation wertf even worse than his holiness clement tbe fourteenth declared the jesuits to be whom he is recommending to our kind consideration i should think that com mon prudence would advise him to be cautious of conduct so calculated to raise suspicion of bis motives we enjoy bri tish liberty by tbe labours of these men wboflb the catholic occasionally so basely tradtftei and at the price of their blood shed by those wolves and we cannot but fcl the indignity offered to their memo ry by those very wolves whose jaws still reek with their blood aod for ought we know thirst for ours- though newly fledged since they have assumed the pini ons of the bird of jove and though they are now marshalling their forces on this side the atlantic yet there is even here a bri tish lion eouchant whose eye can trace them in their flight and the thunder of whose voice may keep them at bay but the jesuits are renewed like the ea gles aud have spread themselves ool ooly over europe but america by a return laid before tbe british house of com mon june 14 1830 there were 118 of these wolves in eoglaod and wales and ftfiin ireland making a total of 176 thuir occupation we may divine from our knowledge ol themselves how many there may be io the united states is impossible to conjecture and if tbtre should he an enquiry instituted tbey would io all probability conceal their numbers but this is certain they arc at this moment fortifying themselves in e- verf corner of the united states and ex pending money in as great profusion as if they grew it in tbe earth like potatoes at pittsburg they have completed a mag- nificsot cathedral tbey have colleagues and convents under their controul aod but a few months bygone the austrian consul purchased and paid for an expensive edifte for thtm in the city of hartford whence comes the money these common buluhtrksto every kind of authority expend america cannot furnish il for they are now merely proselyting among people io general too poor to pay tribute to st pe ter 1m ch a style the answer is short the jesuits all over the world are the popes taxgatherers and he is emptying bis trea sure into tbe laps of the silly republicans amply i of tho western hemisphere and purchas- body he bas al men are better versed in human nature or l with aview to their carrying better calculated for proselyiism they day at ejections aud certainly the as- perform their work without that silly boast- l of the times is by no means uofavora- ing in the public prints for which various loto s a supposition there is no sectarians render themselves conspicuously t of surprise if they should feel them- ridiculous aod so to know the extent of f callcd u rs a religious body to theireuccess with certainty requires some recourse to political influence and examination at the same time it must be p in ord l0 aoother religious remembered that tbe see of rome has ne- rj oa e 6 who have resort to ver recanted ofber doctrines nor abated sesame moans indeed tbey have alrea- ooeiotaof her enormous aod shocking x donethat which is equally inconsistent p she isin with their professed abhorrence of church claims at various times set up- ne is in fallible and that settles all cavils for to acknowledge a fault would be to pierce her own heart with a poisoned arrow she cannot chaoge because she is unchangea ble aod therefore the burtheu of her ini quities must accumulate till tbey crush her body ioto dust she retaios lo the full the amount of all her former claims she looks back oo the sunny centurios of her flowing prosperity she remembers the kings who have cast their crowns at her feet and beg ged tbem returned on the terms of vassal- -ttge- jhercriltertuminhittlrehrotk hhnt hfr st peter fled for refuge from fl myrmi- aod slate in regard to the outcry raised against sunday mails aod their interfer ence with the geoeral government to have them stopped thn government acted on that subject io perfect consistency for acknowledging no religious obligation to set one mans creed before another it ve ry properly refused to wound the conscien ces of jews seventhdaybaptists and in fidels or any vho chose to desecrate that day notwithstanding the goveroment io other matters has recognized aod acted on mount cf hctond dispute tbe fall nranunt cf the pi ciplcs of tuodritilicoubiuliouorcllu rin rcli the against aftueht and state and yet no one has raised dew of the conquering usurper an f i cry 0 persccutioo and priestcraft aga refuge oo board the fleet o a w k or p fj aod wounded and buinwlejod rte bilrari n arnr spirit of revenge goad her on v lh con quest of a new world to repair ne lo in the old aod perhaps lead f jack to her old patrimony- but wne0r her do minion is fixed thence must rif dora at once depart the anh cannot bear two suus neither could asa be two kings soil ever bas be wltn papal rome she caonotsharc ber glory with a rival she never can fllraceastep that she has taken like hdr m09t worthy beckelshe must perish j ow altars or she must come fovf fro the contest crowned with victory ip as ber hand can achieve but america independetfp can american is now the therff of amb lion a country whore it is de1 short of sacrilego io the first de5 jjjlfte state to interfere with the creifl of indivi dual the state can bring therefore no opposing influence in tbu case croachments it is now too n lhe dav to attempt any thing by restrain ute as such a measure would moiilf followed by insurrection and besides ambitious political asrjr do creed of which there are numv wouu re sist measures calculated to int ere their traffick at the roman mdrv m sure which would prevent ll bu promotion from st peter al h see tbe want of a previously m faith which occupying the qr he hood and holding for the gov j indefeasible right to public iru ad patronage on tbe exclusive sy co boldly and fearlessly and legifft 8av j country from this jesuitical inj ij j a remedy cannot now bo do be- midst of their dancer which if gin to see feel and dread aw many already loudly com lerally abhor the only thing it in operation could save their suits well know this and the to take every advantage of i generally abhor the only thiogj j cannot fail a party jc necessity is growing up which enforces jj q power to of making a more decided rcsis jesuits than the country ha r make but the jesuits laugh ride tbem- the american rpuc tract and sunday school s c their labours into the jrl tn but the jesuits consciences ni the s iogibem both soul and body he has al- weapons also with which y been arresledby the executive nf the u nupportorhooorgnrljackod bmgiemubonw mmjjwgw so ome hick directed he irih u tad dwcnpuod o jo g ofmciliog e chwo ministration jii emigrate to america who gather about their fanatical jevivauysteni kioducss towards them oa tho part of go- andcrime uai never peeu so lwjjiw i pushing mississipi that they are twenty years t0 weapons afco with which h a had description to resist jes 5 bible aod cieties are of the them the are of al craft chaplains on the soldiers aud sailors with out tho least respect paid to the rights add dictates of the pour fellows consciences and they take the peoples money arbi trarily aud tyrannically to pay tho chap lains for the equal ioiquity of teaching the sailors aod soldiers in a way that either each one has not invented or selected to suit himself this is as completely chain ing down conscionce for a part of the peo ple as is done by the british constitution and yet no voice is raised in defence of these persecuted beings the same ini quitous policy is pursued io their statu pri sons noither do the tyrants consult each one of the people who furnish the money expended io this way j and certainly ac cording to the current doctrines uot one cent could be legally eipeodod in this man ner without the authority of the particular individual who paid it into tho public trea sury- this method of procedure is cer tainly more reprehensible than the appoint ing a chapluin to our house of assembly under the british constitution and i would ask what superior privileges of conscience our legislative demagnguos possess over those enjoyed by the soldiers aod sailors of brother jonathan or the in mates of a penitentiary the dnctrioe is that the conscience is free and wholly indepeudeut of any human ioflucoce nod control and if the soldiers sailors and criminals of a free country arc robbed of its privileges rights aod dictates and the people plundered to pay for it i seo no excuse for tho disgraceful conduct of a cer tain body of men in expelling a dotent chaplain and supplying his place on the religious liberty scheme with a rotation chaplaioccy wbicb several of the same patriots cod not stomach io it official duty it is also to be uotml that somo of the state governors in that couutry enforce re ligious fasts and festivals upon the people without the least respect paid to the rights aod dictates oftheir consciences which is an express violation of their doctrines of religious liberty and as such ought lobe met by disobedience aod rebellion be cause it can be dono ou no principle hut that which recognizes thu rigntofthc civil magistrate to enforce religious observances and religious uniformity it appears furthermore that sevoral mn- thodist and moravian miesiouaries have been arresledby the executive of the i kee indians to resistance against the unit ed states government and that two more in tho service of the american national board of missions m have oach received notice to quit the territory in ten days that somo of them are guilty is probable ifwecousidcr how the government bas been reviled on account of these lodians and the fanatical and headstrong character of many of the sectarian teachers tho government is thus at war with religion at least with religious societies aud is per secuting them for the exercise of the rights and dictates of their consciences and by consequence at war with a source of in fluence and power which ought to be en grossed exclusively by itself under a rea sonable established church with the na tional religion such a dilemma eould oot occur for if an individual should be found guilty it could only implicate himself and not ihe church because tbe church would be a part of the government as it is their cooduct is charged on the system or bodies uoder which tbey act it involves really a most serious political question pardon me sir for being so tedious indeed i trust that the importance of the discussion and tho decided bearing it has on our canadian affairs will plead my ex cuse but suffer me now secundem ar- tem to sum up the evidence the 11 address to the jury i shall postpone or leave it to their own good sense the constitution of the united states of america declares itself neutral on all ques tions of a religious nature aud freely ad mits the eligibility of jews turks hea thens and atheists to all places of both tho legislative and kxecuiive the great majority of the people of the united states regard a national religion as context rtirso tha aim fall itann ro in defiance of its own priociples the go vernment arbitrarily imposes religious in structors on thro classes of its citizens soldiers seameoaod criminals and pays them with the peoples money without the authority oftheir sovoreign majesty and meets with no resistance and state gov ernors appoint religious fasts aod festivals aod the people do not assert their inherent oatural rights thus trampled under feet by their menials religious bodies have interfered with iho principles of the geoeral government with a political question and endeavour ed to prevent tho transport of mails on sunday o the ground that the state ought to interfere in mattors of religion and pre vent those from receiving letters and pap ers on sunday who might wish it the country is composed of powerful religious factions in violent enmity against each other and straining every nerve to gain he numerical ascendency and some of them guiliy of gross dishonesty in fur thering their own party interests ooo faction draws its support principally from foreign countries and it is under the ma nagement of a combination of men who for ceoturies have been universally exe crated and feared as the most dreadful pesta that ever infested human society of these men the protestant of juoe 4th remarks u 1 am warraoled to say that if they in crease in the same proportion for the next 50 years the population of these states be- iuk say 50 millions ibekomau catholics will have a majority in the west then comes a catholic government and the ovcituruw ol yuur tree lusmuriuus iun is the very idea advanced by the exbishop pradt in his admirable volume on jesuit ism written io french the jesuits says he expelled 37 times from the european governments turn now their zeal ro tl united states of america and soon will it be seen whether they shall not emhairus tbegovcrnmont of the united states other sects manifest a disposition to op pose these jesuits by political power and nothing is more rational than that they should the government has put it out of its own power by declaring itself neutral in affairs of rctigiou to lift a finger in preven tion of its own destruction by the slaves and emissaries of st peter who keeps in his pay a regular army of jesuits in tho united states ambitious men are publicly charged with buying their elections to office under go vernment from tho holy st peter and thus surrendering the administration ioto his most clean hands this will produce a reaction aod religious parties at homo will combine for the purpose of counterac tion and rotainiug tne power of nomina tion to office among themselves tbis is certain to follow though the enbrges against the pope he groundless for maoy will ful ly believe it aod maoy will pretend to be lieve it from motives of political or sectarian ambition thus the governments properly speaking is io a fair way to become extinct and every new administration of public power to be a new revolution effected by tho prevalence of this or that religious faction what a field for corruption and violence i the administration has already become jealous of the interference of religious bo dies with its measures aod policy and haa visited them a la mode jackson there are numerous elements of confu sion now iu active operation among our neigh hours especially ihosodroadful religi ous exciteraeots which only serve lo increase the violence of the threatening tempest a national religious establishment faith fully put into operation 50 years agowould have consolidated the nation and anchored it safely on the rock of fixed principlcsaod roadeit indeed a city at unity with itself and lastly let bw province listen to the wahninu roicr nr one ok the people p s my dear chronicle plonu to inform mr e plumbus unnu that i think hissgcond development unworthy of further notice and say to him that one of fheteople bas plus ultra at his service

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