Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 30, 1831, p. 2

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the kingston chronicle saturday july 30th 1831 bt the sylvanus jenkins from liverpool the ivew york journals furnish us with lontlnndates i t the 8th and from the former port to the uth ultimo it is with regret bat not without hope that we refer to the contents of these although for mer successes and their interesting details lose their interest in the immediate pain and abated hopes for the polish heroes we must not forget them in our anticipations of the future the leaders of these valiant and devoted men must know what ulterior or ultimate reliance is to be placed on the european powers they must therefore either have the dictates of unassisted despair or the confidence of a future and condi tional aidance we cannot we will not per mit ourselves to dread that the barbarous and heterogeneous tribes of muscovy are to be per mittcd with one hand to paralyze the energies of an anticnt and honourable empire such as tur key has proved itself and with the otherto crush the long cherished and we trust imperishable love of freedom in poland it is impossible that europe can be so insensible as to be the specta tor of scenes and aggressions which will become precedents of future passive principles of policy and which threaten the extinction of every se condary and protective power the simple and magnanimous despatch of skreyncckt isto our minds the germ of hope and confidence until all is lost we will hope against hope and even then wo will say with francis the first all is lost but honour in proof that these expectations are not quite visionary we beg to quoto from the paris jour nal des debats of the last date the following i we can vouch for tho authenticity of the fol lowing news the stales of several counties of hunaaiy taking pattern by that of bartz have riaa ine boldness 6 address representations o their king francis in which they remind him of the services rendered to hungary by poland in the wars against the turks and of the great mis take committed by austria when she sacrificed that country which protected her against russia to a sordid and momentary interest they now call first for the instantaneous revocation of the ordinances prohibiting the exportation of arms and provisions to poland secondly for the con vocation of the diet to deliberate upon the best means of assuaging the sufferings of the poles ooa readers will perceive that the crown of belgium is still in the market we are tired of the subject and cannot bnt think that a crown must be of little value when it wants the aliquid infinitum which would make it acceptable and then make its claims and powers good england as of old during its parliamen tary vtitrrcgnum gives us no point on which we can establish the smallest prognostications the painful circumstances regarding the distur bances in south wales merely excite regret at the distorted calculations which misguided and misinformed minds under passion indulge them selves in wo trust our next arrivals will enable us to contribute to our readers not speculative hopes but settled and authenticated assurances boundary question the question of the north eastern boundaries begins to be viewed in tradiction to the former protests against the de cision of his majesty of holland tho worth ame rican review comes forward to shew the neces sity of abiding by that royal decision and to point out tho advantages of the award to all this wc can only say let us keep well when we arc well the maine papers say the dutch mo narch has cut up their yankee state in order to throw on increase of territory to the half j hitch i- fied state of jvcw york the maine legislative committee philosophically conclude that even a dutchman may have sentimental sympathies therois no nation lhat officially dares to pass such insulting sarcasms as the cosmopolitical republicans of tho united states thtweatherup to the 16th of july has been remarked for drought and for continued if not gnat heat in the lower province much com plaint has existed from this circumstance since that date the changeable weather which we find to have extended over the united states has we fear been severely felt in some portion of the upper province on tuesday afternoon a thun derstorm of considerable violence here was ac companied by a hail shower a circumstance not common at this season we are disposed to hope that the various crops may yet have sus tained but an inconsiderable injury from the rains we are happy to give place to the following notico in the york courier there is some de lusion or deception hanging over the emigrating population which we cannot fathom we do not cay something mud bt done but we say some thing should be tried wetland canal an adveitisement will be found in another part of this paper for 500 hands at the wetland canal we have a letter from mr mcrritt dated yesterday expressing his sur prise thar so few emigrants find their way to that neighbourhood and authorising us to say that they are quite destitute of hands and that immediate employment will be given lo the a- bove number ol persona at ttotfve dollars per months with boarding c surely no complaint of want of labour ought to be made by any one while such a source of profitable employment is open to every labouring emigrant who is willing to work we have ourselves sent over 50 or 60 persons to the canal but we have found the emi grants generally reluctant to proceed thither un der the apprehensions that they might not be able to gut employment when they arrived the present notification will remove all doubts of thai kind and with it all excuse for loitering about the country unemployed we would suggest to the emigrant agent for this place the propriety of sending fo the welland canal thu unemployed irish lubourcrs who are oral least were a day or two ago hanging about the emigrant asylums in tins place unemployed shipwreck on lake ontario the henry clay on her first voyage from oswego to cleve land in ohio was upset in a squall off niagara on the 20th july and immediately sunk she had goo barrels of sulfas cargo of nine person on iiiml three only vre saved and these solely by the exertions of cap richardson of the steam packet canada the passengers of the canada by a just and involuntary call upon their feelings have in a letter to captain ihichardson expressed their ad miration and praise at the pcrscvciance and skill he evinced in rescuing these individuals which from the violence of the gale and the roughness of the lake nothing short ofhis humane and re solute activity and that ofhis brave crew could have accomplished the society for converting and civilizing the indians propagating the gospel among tllfjdot- titute settlers in upper canada held their quar terly meeting at york on saturday last the 16th ult the rev j obrien and mr jd cameron were appointed to certain stations and sufficient sums voted for these missionaries to be increas ed according to the funds of tho society the examination of the midland district school will lake place on friday the 5th of au gust at 10 oclock a m mb weiss this celebrated performer we have just heard has returned to kingston his extraordinary exhibitions and feats of dexterity c in this town about three years ago will be well remembered as he has at present we understand a more complete equipment towards the display of his professional talents and powers we regret lo hear that he has not yet been for tunate enough to find a suitable place for his performances wo will be glad to learn that he has met with such as may afford accommodation both in regard to number and fashion mr weiss has received and preserves a variety of complimentary testimonials of his singular me rits and surprising execution of the feat he ex hibits he has travelled much and thetsc tes- gttioam tncwe hose of kings both of europe and asia the governors of india and the ame rican colonics c suicide on the 17th instant a blacksmith by the name of louis dupuis who lias resided in this place for some time past put an end to his existence by stabbing himself with a knife in the breast and cutting his throat with a razor belt- viltc phaniz it is this day our painful duty to record the death of john small esq clerk of the execu tive council of upper canada in his life time mr small was universally and deservedly res pected and his decease is a source of deep re gret to all who had the honour of his acquain tance herald about 200 chelsea pensioners from london and 100 from watcrford have arrived at quebec they have commuted their pensions for a sum of money and a grant of land in canada to tht editor of the kingston chronicle assemblage at york g n if tho political effrootoryigooraucc and falsehood of tbe present day shall be handed dowo to future times it will eclipse by a display of its useless aod mischievous extravagances all tho absurdities of the schoolmoo and thoiocohereot and injurious zoal of the polemical divines with this extraordinary addition to human weakness or wickedness that they were exhibited on subjects oq which every man might be tolerably informed nod supported by hypo- critical professions which every man must have known to be false that portion of the community in upper canada who rcok tocroatc vaguo ami un founded dissatisfactions iu tho province rany certainly claim tho merit of the most singular perversity aod opioiativecess nnd their existence can only he accounted for by the individuals concerned being in stigated by those base aod obstinate degrees of malevolent eovy which always attend a sense of inferiority and a self-reproach- iog feeling of incapacity when these aro united with an inordinate desiro of distinc tion and an avaricious ambition as to the succoss of their various arts aod schemes it is difficult to form a very perfect calculation my respect for the in telligence and good sense of the canadian fartoerswili not allow mo to suppose that any marked or lasting influence has been acquired over the public mind indeed i have reason to know that theirdevices and falsehoods although addressed to mens interests and passions against supposed evils and neglects have been so manifestly malicious so laboriously treacherous and tangibly counterfeit that they have been very frequently read or discussed for sheer amusement it is well known to those who observe mankind that these possible abuses and fictitious wrongs form with many a kind of intellectual gratification as rom ances and ideal scenos of distress do with the effeminate and idlo but let us see the result of mr mkon- ziea gatherings aod bis to horse to horn in the township of scarborough contain ing upwards of one thousand souls the speed malice speed was only resfionded to by fortynine j if from this we deduct 10 spectators 8 quizzers 5 loungers aod 1 traveller wo will have 25 i cannot however trust to their numbers for i find tbey have already acquired that coundeit by which demagogues reckon their mobs the general rule to add from a heavy unit to a cypher or two and to tack to such number gross exaggeratioofouud- ed on the associating principle and practice of the miod which will or may coufouod these statements and this at the same time supplies tbeir veracious assistants with falsehoods suited to their brass and lungs thus we fiod by the colonial ad vocate that in the public square of york in the fact of day we are not surprised they boast of tins last circumstance there assembled 350 or 450 applying the same political arithmetic as above we may easily discover what number came bt the summons of the republican heir apparent of upper cauada tho address to his majesty read from a wagon iu tho market square iu the true thcbpiau style marking the infaucy of such political harlotry is considered su perfect that the country must not attempt any oilier it has exhausted tho vis dema gogical of the whole province enncentiatctl by the tact and science of their leader it sets off by expressing in the most un- bnuuded manner their attachment to his majtsty persongovernment and family their confidence in his ministers and their belief that such confidence is felt by an effi cient majority throughout the empire its composers and future subscribers embrace the opportunity to ackuowiedgeisw6sfun- tiat blessings enjoyed by upper canada un der its established constitution and to make known their heartfelt hopes that they and their posterity may enjoy the inestimable blessings aod privileges which a healthful climate a fruitful soil and a well ordered constitutional government are calculated to insure to a free and grateful people now if this were signed boart and hand by every man io upper caoadn without mental reservations or ambiguous givings out leaving all petty jarrings and curtnio lectures and little witty sorts of bitterness which my lady townley knew must happen in the best regulated families to he settled in the old way wo really think it would have required neither m the servile spirit which the address fears may arise nor tho smallest admission of the juredivino right of kings it would have been only tho honest effusions of u a free and grateful people and it would have been merely necessary to add in the language of our great bard as a moral a grateful heart guid by owing owes not but still pays at once indebted and discharged rut who could dream after this just and fair ackoowlodgmcot that all these attach ments reliances loyalty aod substantial bussings avail nothing and have only cloy ed these pampered political patriots like tho dog in the fable the substantial hunch of beef wont satisfy them they must be eyeing and snuffing at the deceptive image of that which they possess but raorocuo- oing than the poor gallant creature of in stinct they will bo the last animals to take to the lakes they will not deliver tho country of its only real evil and still we must bo doomed to see the constellation fj 0rtfyywiy jihratrtfui jrfllili cal horizon wc have odo substantial proof however that if their preliminary professions are insincere they fere oot the less truths which they have thua expressed the 108 indi viduals who called tbe meetiog are stated by their proletarian historian to be worth five hundred thousand dollars and these gentlemen it h to be observed are neither placemen nor pensioners totally uncon nected with and opposed to government being farther told by the address of the original poverty of the u c settlers we infer ver naturally that tbe good people of this province do de facto enjoy the prosperity and social blessings set forth in the prologut and that for these m free aod grateful jeople should feel substan tially and homstly thankful and turn tbeir backs on the demagogues who for secret or selfish mmmmfc to create a spirit of jealousy aod discontent which by habit degenerates ioto apathy or dislike even when tbe causes are in the courso of events exposed aod disproved as fabrications who could credit that at this time with unmeasured confidence in the principles plans aod energy of the present ministers and in the support of his majesty the re- solutioners of york market square have in a list of 14 grievances demaoded such changes and interference by bis majesty as would render him an absolute monarch and the house of assembly of upper canada an absolute democracy ruling under him o rnthpr limit- w lvilliom hiviue ih jvar of tho british parliament before his c will not enter into any such bargain 0 if he does it certainly will he with prin- ct with the concentratod wisdom of 1 1 pper cauada not with tho pigmy crack- hi fagot who3e name is now ou its mus- t roll aod whoso existence is oxtremcly problematical we have not the least doubt bt that deao swift in one page could pcovo that do such person existed it would be only matter of ridicule to give the 14 humble suggestions of tbe upgontrain tho following may amuse a specimens paraphrase 1 his majesty will please to disallow artoul and make void an act passed last session for vesting in trustees tho market square in york for tbe benefit of tbe in habitants of said towo 2 the rpsolutioners are desirous that c east india company may not obtain the reoewal of their charter 5- that the law of gavelkind male and female be established throughout upper canada by which the authority of parents the government of families and the ener gies of tho country may be completely overthrown and bewildered 4 also that the spiritual instruction of the province be left to be scrambled for by any body that chooses to invent eraogeli- cal exhibitions comic or tragical and to show that there is more liberality io their proceedings than oq tho racecourse they neither require that they shall be bred in the provioco or that they shall bcof any given age but thoy sball carry saddle bags 5 also that as they wish to raise the uit of education by putting down all attempts to improve any portion of the community who could improve the other portions thoy desire the college at york to be intrusted to mr david wilson the friend of ignorance seo col- ad- july 21st and that the present professors be sentenced to teach tivoyearolds till they can tell how mauy demagogues make one patriot and how many debates make one argument thoy are the more inclined to this because they have beard of an old prophecy which says that colleges on bounteous kings depend and never demagogue to truth toas friend they will therefore add mr wilsons pntua also lo make surer of these gcutlo- incti how many learocd quarrels will niftko a uiilleoiuin and subjoin ns a rider how many of mr wilsons milleni- miiv will be able to stleuce petit entn- mtvtur of york lut euough of theso absurdities which can ouly bo tolerated as bciog got up in tbe political jargon of the day and the verbiage of philauthrophy lc each man having a littlfl of the kuavc or enthusiast about him associate with this unmeaning trash his own secret wishes or crude imaginations it is generally supposed by thinking wri ter that mau is iicapable of dtsinlcrtsttd aiuutc aud unprofitable mischief hut uu- less iustigated hysome absolute advantage or temporary passion ho is naturally anx ious for the good of his fellow creatures and of that commuoity of whch 1 forms a part with this opinion i entirely coin cide provided man is correctly instructed io his duties and io the lasting interests ol that society of which ho is a niember mr locke the great master of modern wisdom has not admitted reason unaided to be the of man he argues the necessity and truth of pre judice or a customary aud fixed set of opi nions aod habits of thought tn which the virtues and principles of justice can alone bo founded mau is not a pure emanation of reason nor is his reasoorffone capable of preserving him from one evil hie dis position to habits and opinion was givenjto counterbalance bis momeotarypassioiis and selfishness this i venture to say i a l moostrable as a proposition of euclid but man may be so greatly ueglectcd io these primitive instructions that adjust sense of moral aod social obligations will be exceedingly imperfect their natural good and ooblc tendencies perverted and such false ideas of their right substituted and inculcated that society will present only a base and selfish uoioo barely pre serving those laws the violation of which would mako human life intolerable such icoosidcr the political and moral tendency of the scheraesof the demagogue either all honest men must abandon pub lic life or they must contend agaiost him with his own base weapons for reason is no match for the impostures of falsehood unless with those who are firmly armed a- gaiost itsdelusioos which cannot be ex pected with a great portion of society if society will not listen to truths banded down from ages i cao tell how it may bo convinced of their certainty and constancy it may discover them by tho rapid aod irresistible decrease of social faith and res pectby the progress of iosiocerity aod injustice and io the approaching finale of calculated depravity and refined and un principled selfishness i call upon the people of upper canada to look at that paper wl ilwm m the prime actor io this heme lei me analyze its principlesof action it is filled with direct falsehoods fonfuiedeliwhere aod never retracted sf nuscooslruc- tioos never afterwards ratified exaggera tions and cavillj upot indifferent things for with the demagog lhcro oothing indifferent iosinuatinp ioterrogationsne- ver answeredbut by en individuals sus picions or iguorance godoubts aod hints to keep up the jalousies created truisms and natural s of justice vamped up aod preach as il ai1 raed io authority were dead toc sedsc and equity declamations t improvement as if the country was ffj ba into bar barismvisionary aod abstract proposals of changes in the admi useless or contrary to more irafp aod higher principles aod interests a tbese exhibi ted io varied and eodle forms couched in violent and attractive phrases of passion unintelligible apprehtf of future ag gressions ridiculous al impossible fears insulting allusions and disrespectful terms here is a brief but far from sufficient display of the uses and resources of these apostles of freedom d patriotism ad- dressiogcoromtmifies they profess to believe candid enlightened end loyal is it requisite to poitf out tbe nature of their ends when such ar iheir m can any treasonable man crcdi bat the principles and objects f these impostors ami uuack thu diuv ftoneaf mining that the cods justified alt mnt5 are tho people of upper caoada so inoraut and degraded as to render it oocessary that thoy should he informed and stimulated to know and assert their rights by falsehood folly and malignity q p o for the chronicle mr chronicle on again glancing my eye over the benighted compositions of one of the many in his second epistle i am induced to point out the benighted state in which his intellect soeros w bo in volved after adducing tho testimony ff some most renowned names to the superior ex cellence nf the english church and the in valuable fruits of the labours of her clergy above all others he appears toexult rather io being a nortconormist thus fulfilling a saying of antiquity ideo mcliora proboque deteriora seuor but i should hope that the age does not yet very explicitly call for such ktwjbseau- ean confessions at his bands i may however be mistaken one patriot of temperance cooapicuity guess as they say in the native land of a certain phito- bracton you know that bracton was a not ed jurisconsult was promoted fronn an ex- treasury bench by the will of tbe people into the houso of assembly another sbarod the same fate in cooseqtueoce of having so far outraged the feeling of hu- maoity in his religious liberty newspaper as to run away like a thief scaredi at tbo shadow of his own crimes aod ano ther was awarded with a scat ou tbe same form as a small remuneration aod mark of respect for robbing one evans oot tbe corporal nor ephraim the preacher of his wife aod being tarred and feathered for it perhaps this confession of ooe of the many is meant as a first step of the lad der of promotion but i should say such a one ought to be very humble as ho says he is and not boast of such a derelitction of principle he tolls us on somo distinguished authority that religion and government modify themselves themselves to the progress of time refine and perfect themselves and even precede the advancement of krumctedgc does he mean to assert that revealctd religi on must be rclioed and perfected in hu man hands the same as imperfect laws ri sing out of the emergencies of huiman af fairs perhaps he does for tine same reason that he is ao 4t humble nomconfor trust to what he acknowledges the bost system of religion kut how issucth a pro- jess of rcouemeot and perfection fco cede the advancement of knowledge v if religion aod government aro huonan con trivances 1 canuot conceive how rhcy cao tefiuo and perfect themselves jaster lhau the march of human tutellect and ex perience especially on the grouod of the omnipotence of the people but if reli gion be a revelation to mau tho m irreve- rcuce of treating it io this profane man ner is not the most inexplicable he bad just said that the works and designs of providence ore all perfect from their pri mordial yet this benighted one quotes au thority to prove that religion wbieh derives its efficiency from the will of the people must refine aod perfect itself before it can bo adapted to the intelligence of the age hence it can be neither a work oorade- sign of providence and then on the heels of this benighted composition he as serts that m this is oo new faogled doc trine borrowed from auarchists and im postors god be thanked continues this pious flortconbrniisf bis is no exotic io the soil of england or the hearts of her sons so it would appear from a cu rious circumstance which has come to light concerning a tax which the english pa triots have imposed oo the people nnder the style aod title of infidel bent to serve as a developer of what saint egerlon would call the will or the opinion of thepeo pie but since the ever officious egertoo has crossed my path allow me to illustrate and enlighten this m benighted one of the many aod his subject by his politicahhe- ology a appears in his learned exposition of the kings reply to tbe archbishop and clergy of tbe diocese of canterbury namely that i consider the established churches one of the main defences of the civil aod religious liberties of my people as long as my people think so for no gov ernment canoe considered as defending the civil and religious liberties of the people which is not founded upon and administered in accordance with the opinion of the people let us see how many counts t hero are in this indictment 1 the will pf nhe people creates tbe abstract principles of truth and falsehood good nnd evil it metamorphoses them alternately ono ioto the other whenever it becomes expedient from the shifting of the wind or the rascally designs of some unprincipled demagogue ly described 3 the will of the people is amply competent to decree the almighty ioto uoneiistence and death into an e- ternal sleep as they did forty years ago in france 4 the will of tho people ought of right to be obeyed by tbeir rulers when ever the majority become infidels 5 e gerton acknowledges that the principle of church and slate is right and just if the people wilt iu 6 the majority in englaod now wil its continuance therefore eger too is guilty of blasphemy agaiost the god that he worships under tbe imago of the will of the people for 7 he edifies his lock with the bitterest of maledictioos a- gaiost church aod state and treats it just as if it were an intervention of the devil and suitable only for the government ec clesiastical of the ioferoal regions 8 e- gerton lies about tho editor of the chris tian sentinel he bishop aod clergy of this diocese with his chapter oo total depravity have a wonderfulness of con formity aod speciality of particular adap tation to aod congruity with his doctrines of the supremacy of the totally depraved people and the religious and political io- fallibility of their totally depraved sove reign and independent will i might ex patiate upon the purity of saint egertoos motives in flattering tho base passions of beiogs under the inflnence of m total rfe- pravity and bis object io teaching enforc ing and impressing upon them contiuually tbeir jus divinum over religion govcro- monts and kints- but i suppm that liv ing un tho borders of a froo country nud holding in their hands all power pulitical and physical they are to he cured in this provioce of total depravity by the tyrtce- ao exhortations of the saint in conjunc tion with tbe infidel scheme of national ed ucation but i forbear 0 egerton ought to be at least regius professor s 7 p of our national academy now rising with mushroom increment at cobourg which on principle banishes the name of the doi- ty from its system of national education 10 fanatacism aod infidelity are much nearer neighbours than is generaly imagin ed ii if egerton and his squire and one of the many go to eoglaod on the threatened expedition agaiost church and state they may arrive at groat preferment and honors 12 this last count for tra velling out of the record which since he informs me that i am the solicitor gene ral i claim io order to lengthen my list of fees as a lawyers privilege but to re turn it is exceedingly mulish in this one of the many to quote lord chesterfield to prove that tbe chorcb of england whose religion is part of the laws of engtandj is no part of tbe british constitution sup pose i should say tbe same of each sepa rate law of the realm with a view to prove the nonexistence of the constitution and government how could such a stupid felo dese method of argumentdefend them i have said nothing in contradiction to tbe position that the british constitution has grown by degrees to its late consisten cy and perfection i know it hasdone so aud that many pieces of it bare by the exigencies of tho times beeo from a state of abstract aod primordial existence but i sball maintain that the christian religion under which it grew up to manhood was ever its nursing mother the tost of political truth in its beneficial influence on those minds which a know ledge of its pure faith enlightened and re fined aod 1 caooot think it at all impro bable that such men as our alfred and our burke would consult the pages of holy writ with a view to be imbued aod inspired with the true spirit of laws montesquieu himself might have written better than he has done had he kept near er to tho spirit of the bible some of your roadcrs may fancy that i am a stiftoecked ultra tory and antire former i have given them no sufficient clue however to my sentiments oo that subject but purposely kept them in re serve but they see that i am a decided antirevolulionist and aolidestructiooisc i am no mob patriot bnt when i think proper i will declare my sentiments in full upoo that poiut yourfl one of the people p s i hope you can manage to de- cypher my chinese characters and give a faithful print of their mianing poland rkpoktofthecommanderinchiei theencouuter of general lubieoski oo the 23d instant with the mass of the ene my apprised me that field marshal die- bittch was with his principal force on the right bank of the bug and thatatany mo ment he could rejoin the guards on the other hand general chlapows- ki intrusted with conveying support to our lithuanian brethren having joined them bad secured the object of our expedition i then gave an order to commence our re- trogadc movoment before forces so superi or to our own on the 24th the reserve under general pac was at stocryn ge neral jtubinski occupied the position of crerwin general lubieoski with the second corps of cavalry and thedivisioa of general kamienski was posted near the kodborg and general gielgud marched upon lomza to occupy it on the 23d gen lubienski was attacked by tbe guards from tykocin and from chorecre at tho same time the army of the field marshal arrived from the nur i gave orders for our troops to pass to the right bank of tbe narew which wag effected oo the evening of the 25ih over both bridges io the most perfect order gen lubieoski commanded the rear guarj and to cover the passage of the army ho occupied the heights of zekun of lawy in the morning of the 26tb the positions of geo lubienski were attacked with great impetuosity by tbe field marshal in per son gen lubienski retreated upon os- trolenka making a most vigorous resist aoce his march was stopped by the city itself which had been set on fire by the mortars of the eoemy but after having passed to the right bank of tbe narew our army attempted to destroy the bridge- placed however under the fire of the eoe my their success was imperfect and they could not prevent the rusitans from re pairing it this circumstance enabled the division of grenadiers under prioce pza- kowskoi to pass over the right bank of tho i rmv tho 6n6niv divwionnrotecte by a numerous artillery placed on a po sition on the opposite bank commeoced a vigorous fire this protected the division aod presented a serious obstacle to our at tack nevertheless several of our regi ments of iofaotry aod other divisions char ged the enemy with intrepidity the combat was for a long time one of real slaughter we were unable to drive the enemy across the river and on his side with the greatest efforts he could not reach its right bank and the enemy who had ad vanced in numerous columns was obliged to retreat finally the russiani exhaust ed towards night retired from the other side of the river leaving only tome sharp shooters on the right bank who also re trograded as far as the bridge thus we remained matters of the field of battle the battle ended at 12 oclock at night i ordered the army to proceed to pultusk this march was effected without the least interruption on the part of the enemy wo havo nut been able to ascertain our loss but it is considerable oo both sides both in killed and wounded we have taken aome hundred soldiers aod several officers the report concludes with praise of tho officers and men and a promise of a moro detailed report signed commanderinchief skrzynecki pultusk may 27 it will bo observed that the polish com- mnuduf makus nu oaliruaw m lira cither side farther than to admit that m it was considerable oo both sides tho privato accounts making the russian loss 16000 aod that of the poles only 401hj arc scarcely to believed so great a dis parity io the numbers slain where both sides fought with such desperate obstinacy aud bravery is incredible some of tho papers givo the fullowiog bulletin in addi tion to thodospateh last quoted it docs not appear to be vouched as an official pa per and vol it wears ao official aspect bulletin on the 26th ft sanguinary battle was fought at ostrolenka malevolence will no doubt be ready to exaggerate our loss it is our duty to anticipate the false reports which it will endeavor to propagate we therefore hasten to announco the results of this battle we have sustained a reverse our troops ore retreating uboo pultusk they fought the whole of the 26th against the whole united forces of diebilsch the attack of the enemy was vigorous the re sistance nf thu poles most obstinate cou rage however was obliged to giro way to number ostralenk was taken by asseult and our troops repassed tho narow if the russians have obtained a success in causiog our retreat they have paid dear for it the death of the brave general klick and general kaminski grieves us several superior officers aro severely wounded all have done their duty podolia has already risen the insur gents are advancing in volhynia balia tubergz are in their hands the ranks called forth of the volhynian patriots will increase daily the check which we have experienced has not altered io the least our military po sition from this day all the poles will form only ooe army and those who pe rish on the banks of the narew will find a- vongers on the banks of tbe niemen aod on the dwioa belgium the proceedings of tho congress on the fourth day ot june when prioce leopold was elected king of belgium by a great majority of voices will be found below but in consequence of the refusal of that body to accept the protocols of the fivo powers and thoir determination to attach limburg to thefr territory the eleclioo is nugatory aod the affair nf the couotry are as unsettled as ever the moroiog herald of the 8th ult says prioce leopold we are assured has made up his mind to refuse the offer of the crown of belgium and it was made a condition that he should swear to preserve to belginm the province of limburg a pledge which the ministers of the great powers signified to him it u as impossible be could make sa

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