Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), July 30, 1831, p. 4

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f mnc herat wbt is artu 1 he ted wine is glowing the moments arc flow- iul like naves into gono light ulicn lie darkiigjg m and the troubles of joys nigio is ocija bri1il hopes aic before us ami ever thro life iiiuy lliey welcome tuf oil i ami row nl tliu gay circle which binds us logo tber while wit love and friendship flash warmly and last oil who would nol smile at the storms he can weather and quench every sorrow which darkened the past if wisdom be wccpinp while folly is sleeping mid visions of liuppincss false though they he if wisdom be siyhinwhilefouy is trying to mingle elixirs then fully for mc oh who would exchange for this earth and another for glorys false glare pride one howl mich as this and the friend and the hrothcr who brightens his life and would die by his side then let every sorrow go sleep till tomorrow tis noonday with us fiom the cast to the west and with us the blessingmost dear in possessing thcsoftcnd remembrance of those we love best for the red wine is glowing the moments are flowing like waves into light when the darkness is gone joys magic is oer us bright hopes arc before us and ever thro life may they welcome us on e b in lroprictom of ihc wwlvmntiiliwicu sluinlluits luff to ililinin the llllir that they lmv rplablishcd the following uat1s for ihcstaon w3i from ircscoli to brocloiltr and rice vena for each cabin passenger 0 2 c for each deck iassenirer 0 13 from prrstattf bnckviot to kingston tictvena for each cabin pnngorinclndmgfarctj 12 c for each dei k passmgcr u c 3 from prescott v brockville to coburg purtlhjn ami vice vsit poroach cabin posscmgertiiiciudrngfaio i 10 0 for uacli deck puflacngor 0 10 0 from preseoll sr uruckvillc to york burlington bag jihgam ottso forcflchcabinpasscdgerircludingfuro 2 0 n for each deck pacsengcr 0 12 c from kingston tocaburg portnj rice versa for cacluabiiipasscngerincludiiig fare i u c for each deck raswnqcr 0 7 o from kingston to york burlington bag pw jiiagara and vcc vrs for each cabin paenyerlimhidiiig fare i 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 10 0 from coburg port hope to york burlington bay 3- niagara and vice versa forcachcabiiipasscngerincludingfare 0 lf 0 for each deck passenger 0 7 0 from york to burlington bay niagara and vice versa for cachcahinpassengcriocluding fare 0 12 for each deck passenger 0 5 from burlington by to niagara forcach cabin passcngcrincludinglare 0 10 for each deck passenger 0 5 hawick wc are happy lo state on the authority of a correspondent that this spirited little town is now lighted with gas notwithstanding one adverso circumstance the high price of coal consumed in the reports wc un derstand costs neatly 10s per ton this suspicious circumstance occurred last week to the utter amazement of livers jitl tirones who were uoara ex claiming na the like o that i wonder what jthe world will come to at last cas light they cat but elf light wad be a better name an im jalous ie that the chield that pat our magis trates up toot is somebody that had been stown awa wi the farics fioo he got back again he kens best himsel my certy but theres an unco difference atween a low that needs tallow nor wick an a bawbee cannelanauldcrui- zie or a bit o fire stick taen out o a peet moss my author honest woman was weel eneuch pleased wi sic a taper at een an im doubtcn whether she wad hae been very fond o reading her bible at a witch light cut a things are changed now yes said betty cameron if its no onchantment its unco like it in place o being fashed wi wicks an creesh ye just turn a bit spigyt thing an out pours a licht like sour milk out o barrel changed times indeed atween manchester and li verpool they hac coaches that riii their lane or as im tellt flee as fast ower something they ca a rail road as a coo- shydoo flees through tho air an noo we line a bonny looking light rinning like water in pipes under grun an that ill spoot out onypart ye like if ye on ly bore a hole nae bigger than the head o a preen only look woman at the windows o mr nixtons mill glancln like stars in a frosty night altho its half a mile from hawick an im tellt mair betoken that the gas just lights as cle verly and burns as glegly yonder as it does in the middle o the town weel weel i wish them muckle luck ot but itll be a while afore our john sees me rlniirniiifrlii stofkiihra wi i witch lipht at the chumleylug the brownies lung syne were very helpin but wo havena need o brownies noo mr nixton telld ane of his spinners wha telled our john again that theres na a man about dumfries wi a highland name that says the only salamander kept noo is the spa- bred in a smiths throat an a gye droughy spark it maun be if they be like sandy grieve an the only brownie fok freight from burlington bay niagara york portllope ccobourgtojrockviltt prescott for every barrel of ashes 0 2 c for every ubl of pork beef lardc 0 1 i0j for every barrel of flour 0 13 all other articles in the same proportion for every horse 15 0 for every ox or cow 10 0 for every parcel loo small for weight 0 1 6 from the above places to kingston for every barrel of ashes 0 i 10 for every barrel of pork beef la rdc 0 i c for every barrel of flour 0 10 all other articles in the same proportion for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 15 0 from prescott and brockville to cobourg york porthope burlington bay f niagara for every cwl weight of merchandise 0 i 3 for every horse 15 0 for every ox or cow 10 0 for every parcel too small for weight 0 i 6 from kingston to tlit above places for every cwt weight of merchandise 0 i 0 for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 15 0 for every parcel too small for weight 0 i g inrt himittnm sleamboai ureal britain jwu hamilton j steam q it hamilton pr jtf steamboat alciope john mosirr steamboat niagara prescott may 2d j831- mrjew steueotvlee- jl dition of mavors spelling book the subscriber has in tho press an extensive second edi tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from the 32sth london edition a d 1827 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingst on 22d may 1330 f or sale a neat cabinet piano forte apply toftlr tazewell february ii 1s31 new goods j wi armstrong co respectfully announce their first importations for the summer season received per different arrivals from london liver pool and glasgow comprising a gene ral and very extensive assortment of su perfine mid common black clue brown olive claret and oxtord cloths cassimeres fancy vestings black lasting say and shalloons printed calicoes mus lins jeans and sattcens irish linens linen drills diapers catragans and fustians russia sheeting osnabrugs and sail canvas ginghams domestic and steam loom cottons hosiery gloves and braces townscnds stipc- a steam engine sic as they have in the r london hals and patent leather infirmary at liverpool that pumps wa ter kirns milk washes claes and may be dishes too minches turnips and champs potatoes and wud even niak the beds wi its iron arms if they wud let it every things done wi machinery that can be done and a great deal mair than should be done thats what i say an john wha can look as far afore him as the maist o them says he wad na be surprised to see hammers lifted by steam nappingstane on the road side and even coaches wi fire in their guts scouring past as fast as hounds after a hareor the races over the course of kelso you and me jenny may leevc o see it but its my opinion therell soon be no use for poor folkava dumfries courier mtoticesteamboatqmtfinsron lil the public are respectfully in formed that the steamboat qucenston capt meneilley with mr t w corning sailing ilastcr has commenc ed her regular trips and during the season will leave niagara for prescott every wednesday night at 12 oclock touch ing at kingston and brockville and ar rive at prescott every friday afternoon where as usual stages will be in at tendance to convey passengers to mon treal will leave prescott every sunday ihomiii ato oclocktouchingat brock ville kingston cobourg port hope york burlington bay and niagara the rates of passage and freight the same as arc charged by other steam boats may 1331 caps leghorn flats imitation do and tuscany bonnets childrens sniped jean and fancy dresses ladics cor sets and london shoes ribbons shawls silk and gairxe handkerchiefs italianetts bombazctts and bombazins crape de lyon figured causes and palmerines india silks satins and gros de naples silk fringes and parnsolls thread laces edgings and quillings muslin collars robes and trimmings haberdashery andgeneral furnishings fcc c c tc j v armstrong co in soliciting country merchants to call and examine their stock feel convinced the advan tages they possess of an extensive and habitual acquaintance in the home mar kets enable them to offer goods in their line on lower terms than they can be purchased in cither of the canadas kingston 4th june 1s31 nmtotoie a third dividend will be i payable at the office of john kirhy esq io kingstooon wcduesday tho 1 5th day of june uoxt to tho creditors ofthe into allan taylor esq and to the lato firm of taylor and parker john kirby a o petrie t parker trustees kingston fth may 1831 tfotlce the stockholders in jl the steam boat william the fourth ate requested lo pay ten per cent on each shareo or before tho 27th day of july 1s31 a mdone1x sccy cc trote prescott 23th june 1s3i vii v canada company if avi for sale in upper canada about two millions five hun dred thousand acres of land of tho following description viz first crown reskuvrfl being lots of 200 acres each scattered tlitoiili the older townships of the provincf second illocfs of land of from 1 000 io 10000 acres these are si tuated in townships of the western district atld hi lite township ofwil- inot in the goro district third town and township call ed glklph in ihc gore district a- boui2l miles north west cldundas in which there are upwards of soo settlers among whom are almost every kind of tradesmen and mechanics also ta verns stores schools sawmills a brewerv and distillery and one ofthe best grist mills in the province this is a desirable location for small capital ists as labourers and servants are easi ly procured lots partially improved may be purchased at a reasonable rate fourth the huron territory con sisting of 1 000000 acres in the shape ofa triangle the base testing for up wards ol go miles onthe east bank of lake huron the town of goderich con taining at present about 30 houses with stores taverns blacksmiths and carpenters shops a school and a branch office of the company over hangs a harbour formed by the basin of the maitland a large stream which falls into lake huron and is the centre of the settlement a saw mill is in ope ration and a grist mill in progress roads have been run to dundas and london which this year at a very great exp w be rendered equal to any in the province and the commu nication fcy the st clair with lake e- rie and thence by the wclland canal into laks ontario gives a most advan tageous rrde of sending produce to the market and this year the rideau na vigation fh he completed when pro duce may he shipped in a sloop at go- dcrichaifl delivered without breaking bulk at mnlreal or quebec the laj to say the least is equal to any in tic province and greatly supe rior to irv average of either upper ca nada orhe opposite coast ofthe unit ed state the climate owing to the vicinity o the lake is more mild and equable han any not possessing simi lar advnrmgcs it abounds in brick earth li ud building stones and holds out every prospect of becoming the most prosperous settlement in the province settler coming by the way of que bec will proceed by montreal and la- chine to prescott where an agent of the company will forward them to port dalhousi and thence to buffalo those coming bv the way of new- york wiil take the route by the erie canal to buffalo from that they are forward ed lo detroit whence they will proceed in a smaller steam boat up the st clair at the head of which a vessel belonging to the cempany will transport them a- hout sixtv miles to goderich should they wis to proceed to any other part ofthe companys lands any ofthe a- gonis motioned in the way ticket a- loug the i ne of road will give llieni the noccssan ndvicc and information canado companys ojice york tth may 1831 s offices cf tho canada company york glelph and oodkkicii napa nee t cobourg dundas fort erie buffalo vittoria ace nts quebec john davidson esq montreal messrs hart logan s co kingston james sampson esq bytown charles shirriff esq voriginal c p treadwell esq perth alexander fraser esq belleville james h sampson esq allan macpherson esq j g bethune esq andrew t kerbyesq james kerby esq e johnson esq duncan ross esq port talbot col burwell aldboro john macfarlano esq amhcrstburg win bcrczy esq sandwich joseph woods esq batdoon wm jones esq new york j c- buchanan esq bos on robert manners esq painting the subscribers beg leave to re turn thanks to their friends and ihc publico kingston and vicinity for the encouragement they have sepa rately received during their residence a- moncst them they also wish to inform them that they have opened an establishment in i quarry street opposite mr d pren tiss dry good store under tho firm of kkhr heathers ornamental hign carriage house paint ers glaziert paperhangers c c from thcir well known abilities and practice in kingston with a determination to be punctual they hope to meet still with a share of patronage from a discerning and irenerous public ias kekr joseph heathers kingston may 4lh 1s3l gardhn seeds for sale by the subscriber a largo quantity oflicsh garicn seeds warranted lo he of tho growth of is30 willi directions ja1t rheum this inveicrai j5 disease which has lig baffled the art of the most experienced physicians lias at lonjih found a sovereign remedy in dr la graugcs geuuino ointnut row cutnuoous diseases are met wiih inororo- uetaiicc by the physician rjoi iu which he is so universally uusucccmui- this ointment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately remove the scabs gives a healthy action to th vessel so the skin and its original iolour and smoothness numerous recommendations might ho obtained of iis supeiur efficacy hut the proprietor chose thai a fair trial should ho itsonly commentator- it has iu three or four weeks cured casos or fifteen aud twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of very romely thl was tried it notodiy at once gives immedi ate relief in salt rheum but eures tinea capitas commouly called hcald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to uu- calthv children qj there is nothing ofa mercurial na ture contained io it and it may be used on infants or others under auy circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and george bent mon treal sole ageot for the caniidas kin llthjuly 1828 for sale lotno 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship of loughboro for particulars en quire at this office ziingston 9lh august 1828 notice a lli notes or accounts due to the estate ofthe late frederick keeler are to be settled with j h samson admr bellvile 24lh dec 1828 an extract from tlu regulations of upper canada college the college quarters are order ed as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about the 4th of january and ends on the 20th of march second quarter begins on the 20lh march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on the 10h june and ends at the commencement the summer vacation about the lh of august fourth quarter begins immediatdy after the summer vacation about the 1st october and ends at the comraenej men of the christmas vacation abcut the 21st december at whatever period of either of te above quarters a scholar is admited irio the college or preparatory school us dues for instruction are payable ivun the jcfining of that quarter cjteamboat hotel in rear of the market and a few rod west of the steamboat wharf the subscriber begs leave to return his sin cere thanks to his friends and the public for their very liberal support during the last eight years of which he hopes to merit a continuance by a strict attention to business his house having under gone a thorough repair has placed it more than ever in his power to contri bute to the comfort and accommodation of travellers ttta few boarders can be accommodated the table and bar will be furnished with the best the market affords and on the most reasonable terms n d extensive stables and sheds together with a large and secure yajd thos bamford kingston february 1 1s31 ook buftitftvu irtiafclittiimevjr at the kingston chronicle ojflce the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on tho simde volume binding jn calf folio full bouud in calf orna mented quarto do do octavo do do 12mo do do itfiuo do do loi gjidei ml john ho wat c s- d 1 0 0 ii 10 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 j 2 0 half binding folio half bound and mooted quarto do do octavo do do l2mo do do lsttto do indint do m jin s folio full bound and memed quarto do do octavo do do ismo do do slmo do do orna- 0 17 0 0 7 0 0 3 8 1 j 0 i 1 oroa- 0 17 6 0 7 0 3 0 1 10 0 1 3 6 0 half binding in sheep folio half mentcd quarto octavo 12ino ismo bound aud orua- 0 9 do do do do do do do do 0 0 i i 4 i i o 7 3 0 10 also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio aiul fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston kith april 1829 to let the house near the scotch church at present occu pied by lieut cameron 79th highum- dctb apply to thos kirkpatr1ck removal tlcsubscri- brr btrs leavo to acquaint his friends and the public generally that he lias removed to the comer brick building recently occupied by mr wm binley dtugglst where he is now receiving n very general assoiimentof staple and fancy coou8 well adapted for the season winch ho intends to sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit lie has also on hand a great variety of school books and stationery and a case of christys best waterproof hats w driscoll kingst oclobergtl 1830 thk mansionhouse iioel the subscriber having rented this extcosive and well kaown establishment has now opened the same for tho accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly ntuat cd on store street being tho principal and most central street in kingston and no establishment of the kind iu the province can surpass it in the excellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are fur nished in the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that hue and he trusts that with unre- mtting attention to tho comforts of his guests he will merit a share of the public patronage in roar ofthe mansion house is a large yard io which there is an extensive and commodious range of stables and where a livery stable will be constantly kept for the accommodation ofthe public s carmino kingstoo24th october 1830 new academy the rev thomas handcock a c trinity college dublin begs leave to inform tho lohahitauts of king ston that having now sorao icisuro to de vote to the iostruciioo os youth be pro- poses openiog an academy on tuesday tho 6rst day of march next io this town his system will embrace english aud classical literature reading writing cyphering geography ancient and mo dern history c and will bo conducted io conformity with that of the college at york in every respect a circumstance which will afford such of his pupils as may be transferred to that establishment a ma terial advaotage terms 7 10s per annum further particulars may be known on application to mr handcock personalty kiogstoo feb 12 1831 john booth merchant tailor most respectfully begs leave to inform his friends and the pub lic that he has removed to market street next door to mr w binley druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and the public his sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former stand and now solicits a continuance of that sup port with the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large and fine assortment of cloths cassimcres ves tings trimmings of every description fyccycuc is enabled to furnish anyquan- tity on the most reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston i lth november 1r30 f1 meijstcii k s8 wt7t7 ik poctivelyio inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that he has just returned from london with a stock of cloths cassimcres and vest ings ofthe most fashionable colours and ofthe finest qualities together with an assoriment of buttons ofthe most ap proved and latest patterns and having succeded in making purchases at some ofthe first establishments he is enabled o execute orders for cloathing at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure gentlemen entrusting him with their orders that they shall be executed agree able to tho present fashions and in the first style of workmanship at the same lime he begs to return hissinccre thanks to his friends and the public for ihc sup port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g w has made arrangments with one ofthe first houses to supply him with the latest fashions kingston 4th december 1830 dissolution the copart nership between the undersign ed under the firm of john macpher son a co is this day by mutual con sent dissolved the subsci ibers are se verally authorised lo settle the aflar of the late copartnership all person having demauds arc requested to presen them at their office signed john macpherson alexr mcmillan samuel crane prescott january 12th 1831 the forwarding business wil be continued by john macpherson and samuel crane under the firm of mac pherson and crane here and at mon treal under the old firm their stores and wharves at the upper end of the town where their bu siness will be transacted arc to be con sidcrably enlarged and will be conveni ent for receiving and shipping wheat in bulk prescott 12th jan 1831 a board of kitveationfit the johnstoivn district give notice that from the present time it i their intention htricuyto enforce tho regulation made sumo years hack by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited aud the masters aro directed 10 confine themselves to such work of elementary instruction as aro compiled by british authors ouly a copy of mayors pcliingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates havo passed tho board on applica tion to dr hubhcll that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the morning aud at its close iu the evening a form adapted to general use may be found in mavors spellingbook and is re commended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be sigaed by two trustees may bo had oo application to adiel sherwood esu brockville ftily 1820 copperplatepress a first rate copperp late printing press has just been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and ail other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office july 24th 1830- thomas ross a m begs leave to acquaint the inhabitants of kingston and is vicinity that havin been appointed to conduct the classi cal ana mathematical academy lately taught by the rev mr john cruick- shank he will commence teaching on tuesday the 7th instant at 9 oclock a m terms and other particulars will be learned by applying to mr ross at liic academy m that house in storestrcei belongingto mr owen macdougall kingston 4lh june 1s31 william johnson barber and hairdresser nextdoor to the london tavern tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patro nage kingston 30th may 1s29 mrs parmentier offers fo sale at the horticultural botan- garden brooklyn l i two milos from new york a line collection of th most desirable kinds of table and wine grapes pears apples cherriese peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection of jfonthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished to purchasers mr- james macfarlano editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and or- oameotal trees from her collection- mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will bo carefully pack ed aud forwarded without the slightest de lay catalogues can bo obtained gratis post paid at the office of the chrouiclc reference john macaulay john kirhy john marks stephen yanvoud allan mcleao esquires 24th march 1831 n is it may bo proper io mention that the necessary directions will be seut alodg wiih the different trees as to the man- ucr f treating them trees received in until rbe spring when they can be plumed without receiving any injury from the frost provided that they are cutirely covered branches and all withcanh tho smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken that several orders will be made up iutu ooe package whh a view to save tho expense of carriage the subscriber having beeu appointed ageut iu this province for airs parmeu- tier is now ready to receive orders agreea bly to tho above advertisement james macfarlane kiugston 24th march 1831 the kingston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by james macfarlaxe at office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpence per annum i sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price op advertisements six lines and under 2s gd first insertion and aud 7 each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and lod each sub sequent insertion above ton lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted tulforbidy and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisement to bo in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at tho latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on the day of publication cr produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bigncll em quebec david chisholmc esq three rivers andrew forlcouj esq mho- treat james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq lochiel k dine esq cormaill george browse esq matilda alpheus jone esq rttsctti llcnrv jones esq jsrockritu josiah taylor esq ptrlh h wlutmursh es- rkhwnd i k hartwell esq bastautk mcs c j mdonald gmmmti john dctm esq bath allan mcpherson esq jfapant tims paikcr esq bctlvute joseph a- keeler eaq cramnht james c bethune effct iuwu david smart esu port hope william a nan esq york darnel ross esq vutriu julin crooks esq a iurn charles bipgor ki murray j d gilbert eq ufjiuitoicji w itobcrtowj esq ktva tftnl

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