m a yvivwm heart with f he fear of death by famine that charmiog scat which old j r s would sometimes facetiously deuoiniualo vinegar hill may seem more as the resi- to the cravings of his appetito or regulate the measure of his movements on the old system we know whom we deal with and hnd ids right ami dictates dcfiued gree deuce of a venerable patriot uoderat least and circumscribed m sumo tolerable de a life insurance of unhunger bitten oc- by the laws of the empire but those which cupancy n b please sir to state under depoad on the consciences of unprincipled your own name that i have sent you the i and ambitious demagogues and the wilt of above mentioned orriginol utter i an abased misguided and subservient rah nlrhunw oracular response defines that ble he that koowall things can only tell their number and their character their measure and their consequences still i think there is ground for hope truth is mighty and will prevail and therefore it were foolish to despair thotruefrieuds of england are unmasking the sophistries imposed on the people for the purpose of whetting their appetites fur the plunder and spoliation of tbo church and showing them that true liberty consists in theuuiou and mutual ktndlycooperatiuuof religion government aud education and that those who would separate and arm them against oach other are the enemies to bo feared and avoided they are opening their eyes to the difference between reform and destruction 1 wish the people of eng land were aware of the state of things among our neighbours of u a free country whose all-jcnomioaiioo- highpressuresys tem is rcommeoded to our adoption by mr hume yours ohe of the people for the cause of education generally and alike to all sects and classes of thecomimuiily assist ance should be given as in the new england states of the united n a states in particular to educate all but preference must be avoided as well for the injury religion will receive as for the evils which all established sects brinz in the community mr hume does no prohibit religious instruction it appears he decrees that assistance should be given alike to all sectsand iirefermees must be avoided to avid the injury re- igion would receive by teaching christianity under one creed as it was taught in primitive times before every individual obtained the inali enable right of making his own church and creed snd prescribing his own system of rcligi- ousor scientific instruction but since the will of the people is recognized as the true source of authority in every thing and the only valid rule of right the people here must have a claim to as great and free an exercise of their inherent rights as they have in new england if u all the different denominations tho it were ten thousand could each muster a theological se minary mr hume deciees that our provincial government should give them assistance with out preference or partiality here wc have au thority for endowing a universalis academy a unitarian academy a jewish academy a dc- istical academy or according to the religious liberty rights and blessings scale of brother hood in the faith laid down by that evangelic board the canadian watchman our govern ment must moreover forbear on pain of assassi nation from interfering with the craft of politi cal stockjobbing to be carried on by w all sects and classes of the community it must aflbrd them every facility of filling the house of as sembly til particular with the most unprincipled rogues who can succeed in becoming popular among the different sects and if any should fellow the pious example of the late secretary of state and bargain with st peter for a seat in the assembly or any other desirable place it is all right one sect is to have no favor shewn it by government nor are the nhlsand dictates of its conscience to be interfered with all sects sre accountable to none but their maker for their religious opinions and practices and should their piety need incentives from political cabals and foul and factious intrigues let it be indulg ed the example also of new england in re gard to the trying the strength of the three great religious interests of the commonwealth in the louse of representatives as detailed in the forepart of this communication may safely and praiscwurthily be followed by any future assembly in this province and u every religi ous denomination which can furnish u political party in the house sufficiently strong maybe gratified in having an all denomination rotation evangelical religious liberty chaplaincy but it is ardently to be hoped that should mr humes evangelical plan succeed and a future house take his advice and copy new england in particular thai none of the members would wvtrfhe inipiutyto iftlmf out ul tuelluuc ml clic morning till the chaplain had done his part as was done by some religious liberty folks in a former house under such a state of things the baneful influence of a privileged clergy will be completely annihilated power and pa tronage and influence will be distributed accord ing to the prevalence of this or thai religions faction their quarrels and squabbles for the supremacy will meet with no tyrannical checks from any privileged order but roll on in all the beauty and harmony of lawless mobocracy instigated by fhc pure spirit of love and peace a sw tor mrld wiih hi cnniniunn uiuni- it sup- aain is d ply and dannuislv tusnltrd v umi purt5 and bears him out in the full lumt and j ikcm public crierfl of religion play luv tlffumer and llio cuftj and become volunitts in nfttmy- motm calumny and ironical mock quotations of tho scriptures extracted from suppositious private letters if this is religion will the watchman bo 0 pood as inform the country what kind it is and if this i the kind of j ritual warfare and wrestling winch it prescribes 7 wc think a fair ami lloncffuy nnductcd ito- p of his rcon aud penetrating remarks on the sign of the times and might justify a more extensive application of them without hold ing it a r ulc to give our opinions on the princi ple of rosc communications with which wc arc honmxj we cannot but direct public atten tion to t momentous subjects on which onr oorrchikrtmiobt has shown such perfect know icdgc arid such mastery over the ways and means jgjous journal of any creed entiled to respect of designing men all may not unite with him on ccrtiin points or in his particular iudoctrino- tion of iii questions but wc are convinced even those who do so differ from him will not be the less simtrly satisfied with so able an expos of society ib these parts of die world the kingston chronicle saturday august gf 1831 exemplified at those saintly carnivals yclept anxious meetings enquiry nuetings religious li berty electioneering caucusses antimasonic meetings ace c and the golden ago twicetold will be restored the tyranny of regular cog nizable government will be utterly demolished the majesty of the people will fill our land with unheard of dignity the will of the people will give law tmd the opinion of the people will set tle all controversies and archdeacon slra- riuuft and hi rvltaagw of the k t jdi ciaa may perhaps be permitted the privilege of pining away with secret envy in the contemplation of bo much national religious liberty and all deno mination glory such an unparcllcd exhibition of all that is fine and harmonious and grand and affecting and ennobling and imposing and magnificent and infernal and degrading and damnable these are tho few of the blessings we poor oppressed provincials are cheered with in anticipation as far as the promise of joseph hume esq member of the imperial parliament and the long tried friend of the colonies can be an anchor of hope to us perhaps we who u live on the borders of a free country that which he sets before our eyes as the pattern of perfection to be imitated by us and sec the ele ments of terror and desolation rising in folding ridges like the piled up clouds of the distant tempest and hear the far off rumblings and the sirophetic detonations of the skirmishing pre sides of the mighty conflict may belter appre ciate the full magnitude of the blessings bis vas- titude of philanthropic effort would bestow up on us but yet the few of us who retain our senses in the midst of so much wilful and me lancholy in sanity cannot took at the advancing scene either with unconcern or silence- but wo may yet have hope all is cot lost that is in danger our would be bene factor as he has the presumption to fancy himself may not yet be couimissioued to empty upoa us the paodoreao box of de mocracy and anarchy i still think that some kind interposing power will avert the contemplated mischief and snatch from their danger even those who receiving iv on id embraco tbo mortiferous treasure and like semelo in tbo embrace of jove sink under the very conaomation of their blind and infatuated ambition i confess idoootlike the quarter whence this boasted message of encouragement comes timeo danaostl dqxaferentes or whatever they may call such the belly of the wooden horse they are now pressiog upon our grateful acceptance is filled with the hungry wolves and the fierce hyenas of democracy and we may be well excused if we decline ihe proferrcd benevolence our old sys tem had as they assure u it is and false nod wicked as they affirm its principles to be wc are confident cauuot be replaced by a hotter though it may ned a few repairs we think tsafer to make these and keep the aparatus in operation than to demolish it and substitute in its placo tho ail deno mination many headed monster of our doighboure to my apprehension this wild indomitable beast i hother wo con template him at bis gambols or his meals is equally an object of terror and depreca tion his aspect is as forbidding as the fun and frolickof a lord mayors illumioation on the dissolution of parliament or in de molishing theurs dt lis from the public hujldiugs of paris aud the crow u of france as in the more serious employment of burning and plunder like all beasts nf irregular ami ho will wantonness wtu uot nu ouc edu act bouudi intelligence from london to the 19th has been received by he president at new york- farther details of the late engagement in po land and the patriotic movements in other paru the kingdom are calculated to encrease our hopes in that just and heroic cause the slow and unaccountable caution of the russian lead er forms a singular contrast with the former pro ceedings of these barbarous invaders if there is any policy in it and he seeks thus to lull the patriots into confidence and security to give enthusiasm time to cool and then by a fell swoop to crush down every hope in one over whelming victory it is to be hoped his scheme will have a very different effect and result the fabian skill which skr2ynccki has already dis played shows that such designs would produce only improved discipline and increased force the people of poland have made too many efforts towards freedom to be influenced merely by a fit of patriotic enthusiasm and we must believe that in the present they have set about it with a deliberate reckoning of its dangers and sacri fices vla itlljuivhir milt iaihititltivmnn x ntoj of our intelligence from poland and the general unacquaintance with its goography c takes away much of that interest which would be felt in the operations of the war the rclrogadc movement of dicbitscb after the last battle with an army represented as immensely superior is inexplicable and when the journals tell of the exhausted state of his troops we arc at a loss how to account for such condition seeing their past inglorious inactivity and supposing their commander possessed of his allowed ability if wc may judge by the article weextractjfrom the st- petersburg gazette the emperor has inherited from his predecessor the doctrines of the holy alliance the paris journals state that itt sentiments have given great offence to the french ministers and of course to their outjuufc if iredap nol say imifcing tlksfyjr of the article has all the cloudy imzy sublimit v of the holy alliance j and unless the french begin to show themselves more acquainted with the everyday use and sense of freedom we fear the sarcastic predictions of the muscovite ga- zctccr are not improbable the belgians remain in the unenvied possession of liberty thrown back into their hands but the social compact can get no one to contract to do their business it is a curious fact that the itrfttrmadoes as we would distinguibh the false reformers pro pose in every country the same awtrt schemes and in all countries give some delusive argu ments for the changes they advocate as being called for by the particular circumstances of each at the time the demagogues of upper canada arc railing at one branch nf our legis lature indispensable to the nature of the constitution because the country docs not afford a precisely similar and homogeneous class with those of the parent statewe find the parisian constitutionmongers arc preparing a new con flict of opinions or worse in order to discontinue their house of peers because they have not sufficient wealth and influence th broaching a singular doctrine that a ginan cannot love his country and desire its prosperity and the full and perfect dispensation of its law unless he is affluent and powerful the south american framcbreakers too have been at this in brazil where the two deliberative assrnbics wc suddenly corporatcd into one although by the evidence of history and of all regular go vernments and the sentiments of tlu profoundest statesmen two legislative bodies nrc as surely requisite for the just exercise of pmrcr as there is truth in the saying that two bflftda arc bet ter than one wherever a country ruled by one set of men of the same inurtttmsiimand htwf it becomes a despotism diflcriug from individual tyranny only in the nutuser of its 06- scjuus and the manner in which thry preserve that power and obtain their ends they become a political osmanli without the snic of justice and honesty which the algerinc assembly dis played for this reason that as tlwy have sub stitutcd intellectual craft and filsirood fur bo dily force aud the riban on their clar they find it necessary to bring tbo whole syem under a lawless and faithless cunningdclcttiri to their members a commission to dividi corrupt and rule each iu his suction we should like to learn vhtsutilitulccxistj between paris upper canada am brazil it is utterly ridiculous to bear certain of the american journalists break forth into moral la mentations on the sad and unprincipled corrup tion of the press whenever a new faustus starts tip with his moral escinemorcdespcrate worthlfvb and undaunted than his predecessor by lb altitude of a chiopincscorning all decency and reason a tittle more than his worthy amrenr all the opposite party journalists fall down on their knees and lift up the yellow of their eys at the wickedness of the age and the degradntion of the moral engine now is it not clear that if their system is good he is the best man who gives liberty its fxdt swing and as none but old european tyrants fear the mora engine tl will deal the deadlier blow at all who deny its omnipotence and impeccability besides do not these backsliding republicans who thus grieve at the supremacy of the un restricted and ungaggsd moral engine not know that tlwir most enlightened and all accomplished fellow citizens require these patriotic modes of testing their great mcn characters by accusing them aiul their families and connexions and an cestors i if they know themjof every crime in the statute hook besides n sortedcargo of peccadillos suited to the times is not this rational and universally benevolent and utilitarian age en titled to enjoy this refined pastime in reward for its phitanthrophy and missionary labours if a man ruins his neighbours reputation or des troys his hopes he can easily prove a cosmopo lite alibi as his philanthrophy was at that very time knocking down the emperor of all uussias or dealing the sultan to the earth disturbing a poor hindoo bathing in the g anges or eating his ricr or evangelizing a south sea savage by shoving him the brotherly love of squabbling missiomrics how can these recreant repub licans ttlk of restraining the moral engine or can tlnv for a moment doubt that these pure patriot are doing all ibis from disinterested lovfl unite grtitittutijjfj iuhiiulii4i ttiimdi mum tors who did not read coopers notions and american messages and 4th of july orations miglt have had some suspicions but no true damcratical and enlightened american of the present day can for an instant hesitate in his bclitf of republican optimism and that uni versal evil is mfatnal good wc will give a short extract in order to warn the readers of certain christian and purely-pa- trioic people papers in this province not to give into this schism against the press from the washington globe 41 wc blush for tho degradation of the press out newspapers arc filled almost entirely with discussions of private character private quar- rcu and personal abuse an elfort seems to be making to decide every election by such contro versies nothing is sacred wnilc peculators are lauded honest men arc loully tnuhrccd the most faithful public service the purest mo rals arc no shield they seem to attract the most violent assaults the feebler pcx arc dragged into the arena and they whom even barbarians defend with the last drop of their blood arc brutally stabbed by our political gla diators the confidence of private intercourse in violated honor among men is hooted at as out of fashion no man knows when he writes but his professed friend will thrust his private thoughts before the world no man knows when he speak but the hearer like a spy will retail it in the streets or whisper it to an enemy for the honor of our country for the sake of its influence on foreign nations for the peace of society for the love of honor truth and iustice wc intend to make an effort to change the tide of these discussions wc will thrust aside this angry foam which the cataracts of passion and revenge roll upon us and attempt to call the attention of the country to the principles which guide 4cc bah uud though wc arc only the clirorjclors of mans erring sayings and doing we would and do humbly recognise in such the beticrhalf of the press of the particular whims as lord bacon says of sectarians which the journals in question may have tortured out of that abus ed and misunderstood volume the bible wc know nothing it is the violation of all religions by falsehood and hypocrisy it ia their alliance with equally hypocritical demagogues which wc maintain subjects them to every degree of public animadversion wc should be happy to sec a religious journal of nnysect of christians if it confined itself to its doctrines to a calm and rational evidence of the neeesityand bene fits of religion to mankind views of the moral and social state of nations and the power and certainty of good by discipline and a ritual education how different arc those with vhom wc have now to speak intended as a watch cloak for certain grateful and honest political partialities they arc directed to encourage false and hy pocritical sentiments and excitements totally exceeding the humble and contacted capacity for good in man but the schem is so abso lutely knavish and the opacity if the heads of some of ftieir votaries or victimsis so great that they are obliged to play a pretu open game delicate hints and sly allusions vould scarcely rouse these torpid intellects tiey must deal therefore in low and broad deception with no art but the usual nasillard twan they must use other means equally false aid stimulating to keep tip the temperate habu of mind they require some harmless and iutiffercnt matter of instruction or amusement might among mo derate christians relieve th weariness of well doing which the best vtll sometimes experience the french missionary who dis trusting his theology took his jnitar with him a reinforcement was in our muds not much the worse christian the scheue we speak of goes on a very different view of hings it is the itighrnessure principle of scent malevolence and violence and outward mfcneu which wrapped up in world ty lusts an pride aud dis eased envy walks a if not of in world and while thiv recognize in their iblhwcrs cither ri- 1 such performances ai ano petty assistant clival u dupca aitu vic tims of delirious error they bravi outtheirapos- tolical mission with all that efrontery which they venture to assume from the negative re spect even those who know thcinpay to religi on and its professors generally he who cre dits that such a mode of spiritual stimulation could ever reform the hearts or lives of men may easily believe that galvanism can recall the soul to its forsaken mansion they ally themselves with all selfgendering sions they fear nothing but cool reason and common sense and a just fear of the delusions to which sense and imagination may lead ex citement is all in all with them sanctity allies itself with slander purity must call in prurient confessions to give zest to its immaculate insen sibility charity must invigorate itself with a cup of calumny tkj rnurf keep tip all arontilia obedience and restless discontent and envy by furnishing some flattering unction to hi slande rous sneering and sulky propensities oftheir pious votaries they must keep up the jaded appetites and exhausted evangelical nihilities of their followers by false and distorted views and hints of public evil and erotic aid erratic narratives of backslidings in their saintly hands every thing becomes of spiritual benefit they u- surp the power of the divinity the colonial advocate or as we think the editor should call it accuser appears to be re newing his youth and activity of course in pro portion to lite number of ins fabrication is the number of his defeats and accunmlating honors the following is tlte last laurel he has carried oif in this quarter the colonial advocate having stated hat the erection of the court house of the district of prince edward was finally settled to be atpicton being bound to oppose every thing that is deter mined on the editor falls foul of the legislative council the magisiratca of the midland district and all those who think that the affairs of the province should not he quite undo the self con stituted demagogues and noncontents of which there is probably one or two in every 20 by census in all countries of the world the herald of thursday thus relates the unvarnished facts of the decision of the 22 magistrates 19 of whom voted for picton the law fixed it atpicton unless a majority of the justices of the peace of the midland district at the last july sessions should by a resolution declare that site ineligible in order to give a fair and unbiassed opinion on the subject nearly all the justices we believe visited the place and afterwards without the slightest regard to the private interests of any person or persons what soever pronounced the decisiou which is record ed in the herald of the 20th ult two petitions were presented to the sessions one fur and the other against the village of picton and had the justices been governed by the majority of names appended to them respectively their decision must have been precisely the same of thethrec justices whose names appeared in the minority two signed the petition to the legislature in favour of picton and we have reason to believe that the three are now quite satisfied with what has taken place indeed the result is satisfac tory to every person save the meddling editor of the advocate and his approval or disapproval- we imagine i a matter of very little importanc to the good people of prince edward his excellency sir john colbornc and suite arrived at myers hotel on wednesday evening on thursday morning sir john inspected the 66th regiment and expressed high satisfaction with ihe discipline and appearance of tins dis tinguished corps the detachment of artillery was also inspected his excellency travelled from york partly by land and t kingston returning by land on friday the advertisement in this days chronicle of mr wiess we hope will serve as attractive to the public as wc arc convinced it will prove to those who favor a long admired and deservedly patronised species of amusement it marks in an extraordinary manner the power of habit and practice in attaining perfection mr wicm request his thanks to be returned to the gentlemen who kindly oflered the useof the theatre the distance and position of the boxes ac are unfavorable to the exhibition of for the kingston caronicj the poles all is not lost it cannot he that they who strive for liberty with such untiring zeal can drink the bitter cup again or wear the heartless tyrants chain or freedom fail to seal although the tempest rage amain and cover the ensanguined plain with carnage far and near yet from the dread and awful strife shall rise in renovated life your poland doubly dear the plant your blood has watered will your country with its blossoms fill and tell in future time that suffering virtue never fails tfwigrh fbrx pression bgjpmpi to triumph over crime see we the sun of freedom ric bright bright he beams from yonder skies and lights to victory then cheer ye warriors in your toil- sweep far the tyrants from your soil your poland shall be free thai too by a large and overwhelming ma jority for on what occanioo has tho upper house of parliament ever pooled the gen eral voice of public opinion the lord will do honor to themselves and maintain those institutions which they profess to re- vere and which only gross misconduct ft sort of treason indeed against king ami people coutd ever seriously endanger wo shall see a patriot king a patriot house of peers a patriot house of com mons unitiog cordially iu the great work of political regeneration and prepariog for a grateful posterity blessings and enjoy ments of which we may only see the blos som but which in their time will be in full fruition london june 15 canada company ameetingof the proprietors of shares in thi undertaking was held yesterday afternoon at the london tavern for ihe purpose of declariog a divideol and other matter the governor c itosaoquet esq in tho chair tho governor having stated the objecu of the meeting said that the sales of land to emigrants and others in the first threo months of the present year amounted to 25904 acres producing x12g75 in the same period of last year 9807 acres wero disposed of producing 4824 the pros pects of the compauy were therefore fa vourable the ship general hewett 1 000 tons bur- then left london docks yesterday after noon at high water with 300 passeogers oa board bound for canada a majority of whom consist of chelsea prisoners with their wives aod families who have recei ved four years pay from tbe british govern ment his majesty the king of the french wn graciously pleased to confer on vicead miral sir edward codriogton g c b- during his late visit to paris the distinguish ed order of the grand cross of the legion of honour the duke of wellington and the king on saturday next the duke of welling ton will go to windsor to present to his majesty on the anneversary of the battlo of waterloo tho annual tricoloured flag the presentation of which is the tenure by which hit grace holds the lands and manors purchased for him by tbe people tho lords of the admiralty paid the tttonel a visit the day before yesterday they were conducted over the v orks by m r burnel who explained the peculiar mode in which the tunnel has been constructed aod regret that means were not found to complete the work tho whole of the brick work remains as solid as a rock the number of visitors to view the tuuncl has been very considerable within a fow months 12000 persons have inspected the works the hamburgh steam boat brings tho the coast of the baltic we understand that this vessel left several passengers behind her on account of their not being able to procure bills of health from the london courier it is very unfair to conclude from the executioo of the two men last week a pro ceeding forced apon the executive that the members of the prescot government are friendly to the sanguinary character of our criminal code they are deeply im pressed we believe with a conviction of tho worse than uselessness ofsucb laws and many months will not pass ere the hu- mane writer whose horror of legal cruelly and blnodshed carries him rather too far iu his comments will have an opportunity of thauking the ministry for a rcforroaiionof laws which are repugnant to reason and itumaoity england prey htb habits are destroy from intra lircued byhungei afwablc to ihe viu of oiu one t jus ftofv- wc ln wc insert the following with some regret but the watchman has courted altercation wc think very unadvisedly communication for the kingston chron icle by a friend to the principles of one of the people and versus those of the canadian watchmamj we beg to inform the pious person who ma nages the religious engine called the watch- has that he ties wilfully m under a mistake in regard to the communications which have appeared in this journal signed one of the people wc suppose that as the christian guardian guessed one falsehood the christian watchman thought he must try a gi also in his lower and more vulgar style of sanctity without interposing any judgment of our own on the parts of these communications which have enraged the saints wc cannot help remarking that they have had the effect of throwing these two pious periodicals so fur off their watch and guard as to make them display a little too much of the inwnrd man and the will and disposition to falsify and slander all those who will not how their necks to their spiritual dominion ami with what an exterminating joy they would deal damnation round the land if they had power on all who suspected their ghostly cheat wc say this from the point in question if u journal claiming tho hih and holy name of chrsu tan and holding itself up to the province as a spiritual adviscraiid as acting from purrly christian motives shall descend to low vulgar falsehood and abqbclhon wc consider no expressions or recrimination too hot for tllttfti arrant knftvethoc pirates in the tpcvkl pimuciul dugubtu ul fishermen sciukir and dutfiil as wc nitty in wc bluh to inuuouridca destruction of her etupito in v ill miii iiimi a kuith which in ltul invu w nulvi tttllmic aud rvtih rtof commissioned by their sovereign will poisons shall cm and balm can ku l like their fellow labourers and dearly beloved brethren the demagogues their way of propa gating truth and freedom is by falsrhood and imposture and the never failing cheat cf succeed aneanism that is substituting one pission for another introducing a universal syslen of hypo crisy among men and making us belies they are seeking the lord when they are 30rking the corkscrew as oliver cromwell or u grease or gow pelf and power or the gratifications of en vy and malignity i shall at no distant time inform tht public of certain american religious papers anil the poli tical way in which they indulge thnr readers with pious statements of all the misoncs of en gland of every poor weaver out of enployment and every visitation of providence against that country because lord north put a tai of 2d on tea also ihe dreadful influence which the wicked royal provinces of british ntrih ameri ca may have on the innocence and sinplicity of the united states the case with witch any of the rare prodigals or rogues of the utitcd states can get over the lines a certon paratits in the ztouv herald and the m reorder and teugraph c some timcback told tin universal yankee people the provinces couu never be come cvangcli2cd while they bclomed to the british empire and that the salvuion of the canadas iu particular depended on their sepa ration as no doubt the pious watilwnan has these treasures of religious knowledge will he bfi so good as to favor the public with sonc extracts from the writings mentioned one nf thcml remember took up six columns of z tots herald devoted of course to kcligion moraity and the kingdomcome wc arc quite well acquainted with lie subject and miy for the edification of the watchman furnish him some additional hints ye remem ber they kept certain agreeable little relikioos intelligence about the political declne of en gland the ruin uf her manuiactuim and the always iu ypc to be inserted at regular intervals ho uttch fot the prcscutj lv fiittunt bfpottiih in m pfaro the new parliament assembled on the 14th and was engaged in swearing in the members up to the 18th the rt hon c s- manners was reelected speaker of the commons without opposition his majesty was to open the session formally on the 21st it was said that the royal speech would contain a direct recommen dation of a reform bill but dot of that be fore the house of commons in tho last par liament tome alterations having bceo made by ministers they are said to have abandoned tbe division of counties york shire excepted the gazette of the 15th contains tbe names and tbe titles of foor krsoos who are created british peers rd fingall lord scfton lord kinoaird with tbe new title of baron rossie and mr agar ellis with the title of baron do ver- the peerage intended for lord lei- trim is not yet recorded the only business yet done in parlia ment was the presentation of mr maooers sutton speaker of tho house of commons at the bar of the house of lords for the ap proval of his majestys commissioners the usual demands on tbo part of the com- mous for tho exercise of free liberty of speechp and all those rights and immunities guaranteed to tho commons by the consti tution were put in and allowed it is said tho stamp duty ou newspapers is to be further reduced the two landers have arrived to eng land from africa by way rio janerio mrs siddons died iu london on tbe loth ult prince louis napoleon bonaparte se cond son of louis bonaparte has arrived in london and staying with his mother hortensia duchess of st leu formerly queen of holland also achilles mural son ofmurat is in town aod these eminent foreigners paid yesterday a visit to earl gray we do not say that the lords will pass the bill as it now is because on the minor points there aro defects which can easily bo excused when wo consider how short a time the ministers took to prepare that great and glorious measure but which the houe of commons will amend so that when it shall reach the lords there will be no ground for opposition but we do say that the lords will pass the bill in theshape in which it shall leave the commons aud france the london albion of june 17th re marks that as m france is the first in tho career of revolution she properly takes procodence of all her rivals in the race of disorder paris is night after night tho scene of riot and although no resistenco has hitherto been offered to the national guard there is reason from the regular recurreoco of the tumultuary meetings to believe that a want of consistency and arrangement a- mong the roob is tho sole restraiot the fabourg st denis has beeo the principal place of action almost every night tho mob assembles there destroys property aud maltreats individuals by the time tho mischief has been completed the national guard turns out and no further disturbances occur these nightly assemblages augur very little for the permanency of existing institutions io france and taken in con- nexino ftitb what has occurred in la ven dee the schooling hoth by the citizens aod tho soldiers which the king of the french was forced to enduro at mentz there is decidedly great reason to dread tbe con sequences from the messager des chambers of monday a letter from colmar june 1st states that the roads of tho austrian states are covered with troops an army of from 60000 to 80000 moo is now forming oa the frontiers of bavaria and linden b en cumbered with soldiers the emperor has called to arms tho inhabitants of the part of hungary bordering upon turkey tbe accounts from aucooa mention that several french men of war had entered the adriatic with the inteution of cruizing a loogthe coast of italy with the presumed object of adding weight to tho negotiations of the french government with tbe court of rome the freoch papers say that don pedro upon his landing at cherbourg wrote a letter to the king saying that he intended to escort his wife to munich where she was to remain for her accouchment and that afterwards he was desirous of residing in france incognito a private letter adds don pedro rolates with a good deal of mildness the events which led to his abdi cation although the revolution was con summated in onedayit watbe says prepar ing for more than a month after a jour ney in the provinces i returned to the ca pital on tbe 12th of march and from that moment until the 7th of april the inhabi tants were io a complete stale of agitation i did not quit the port of rio until the loth of april leaviug to the batziliaos jour ot my dear tfiildrcnv