txijl tttt ont of t tu marty intimated in hi last that tmldaris and conciliation in diicusaiona like these would be likely to do ntorc good than the plan i have adopted i perfectly agree with him fhovidid however that the kind of beings i had to deal with had any disposition to listen to reason or be won by kindness but i am too old not to know perfectly well that the more kindly euch persons as egerton his redheaded secrrtary diego ac are dealt with the deep er witt ihey set their determined course of vil lainy when they mock and scoff at reason and insult and defame dignity and authority and trample good nature under their feet there is no way of treating them but by a discipline suited to a madhouse aware of this disagreeable necessity i sot out with this expectation full in my eye and i shall keep to it while i see cause to alter ray practice they have set out with a determination to carry all before them and to turn the world upside down i shall opposethem and expose their iniquity with an unsparing hand as long as it hath strength to wield a pen or there is a prospect of doing good and i have yet to say if no misfortune happens meenough of the same class with what 1 have already said to furnish you with a weekly page for a twelve month so i hope the saints and patriots and promoters of religious liberty will not be dis couraged i assure them that i can hold outaa long as the whole gang with mr hume at their head and preestablished harmony in their hands yours c one of the people for the kingston chronicle mr chronicle last saturday afternoon while passing the methodist church in a vil lage not a hundred miles from kingston i was surprised to see our worthy representative and the parson sitting within the holy altar such a singular anomaly induced me to step inwhen i found a squire on his lcgsaddrcssingsomeso or 60 persons about the injustice of them praying to be taxed for a countycourt house and gaol the resolve however passed for the tax after which our m p p proposed a tax upon horses carriages and so forth for the improvement of the roads which was lost then a smoothfaced looking simpleton got up with some slips of paper in his hand and jonj ceremonie began reading his first resolve thank- uigiaia lytuil muiflfinwbnfclot uicir iiucuu measures since they came into power the parson without waiting for any discussion put it tothevote in such a manner as showed that he was deep in the secret a show of about 20 hands was made which was declared by the parbon as an unanimous vote but several voices rose and said they did not vote and im mediately began to discuss the propriety of such an obscure part of the country addressing his majesty at the present time upon such a sub ject among the speakers were the m p and nnd the squire the poor parson was seeming ly sadly vexed he got up and preached about the duty of loving subjects addressing his majesty the vote was again colled for when 10 or 12 hands were held up which sadly dis turbed his unanimity then the smoothfaced gentleman as before began reading their second resolve which went to thank his majesty for conferring the power of marrying upon the me thodists in fact tic tenor or their resolves was too palpable they were tho same series as the mackenzie meeting of the york market place upon the second resolve being read the squire stood up and quite apropos recommended the meeting to be broke up and retire to their res pective places of abode and in their prayers they might recommend the king and his mi nisters to the care and protection of god and render thanks for all the benefits received which was seconded and the meeting forthwith broke up now mr chronicle i would ask you if you think it becoming a clergyman to preside at a political meeting and that too within the holy of holies in the very altar where i have found him calling upon sinners to come before they would sink into hell and where many a weak penitent would kneel and cry save save or i sink this same gentleman married two ii ui ui uadvj in re ajftimmbkulud the counter where he is daily in the habit of selling tobacco and snuff for he is also a mer- chantand carries on a very successful business did you ever hear of such a medley of trades but all this would be nothing if he would abstain in hid discourses from slandering others especi ally the episcopal clergyman of the same place ho is a thorough reformer in church state j he is to be found at the elections drumming up votes for the good cause and threatening their friends if they vote for any other than a metho dist that they will be turned but of the socie ty 1 have a thousand anecdotes of the most monstrous absurdities which i may probably furnish at a future time if the above has not its proper effect but enough for the present i am so thoroughly convinced of tire danger that is arising in this country to its peace and prosperity by allowing those enthusiasts their sway that i consider it the duty of every good subject to stand forth and gut down their inter ference with the affairs of the state as a body let them follow their calling in calling sinners to repentance in promoting piety towardsgod peace and good will among men and refrain from the affairs of the state then they may he- come useful and respected by their fellow sub jects x birth on monday the 15th inst in hal- dimand the lady of b f ewings esq of a son at montreal on sunday mrs cronyn 15th rcgt of a son marrieoon the 17th inst by the rev doctor harkness george brown esquire to sophia maria third daughter of the late dunbar jameson esq of dublin at york on the 25th ult by the rev mr harris mr john neil to mies mary graham both of that place died near whitehall statcofncw york on the morning of the 18th inst georcana youngest daughter of tho hon georgo moffatt of montreal on saturday last henry russcl gildersueve young ion of captain gilderalieve september tea sales 1831 the agents to the honorable east india company in canada give notice that there will be put up io pub lic sale at their warehouses in quebec on saturday the 10th september a quantity of teas equal to about 1000 and at montreal on saturday the 24th september about 5000 chests catalogues will be ready for delivery and shewchests open for inspection at each place from the monday morning until the thursday afternoon of the week of sale the sales to commence at eleven o clock in the forenoon forsyth richardson co agents to the hon e i co montreal 20th august 1821 a card mr wood invilesall who are suffering from defective teeth to call at his rooms at myers hotel with out further delay as he is to stay in town but a very fow days longer kingston 26th august 1831 otice the share holdas l w in the rideau canal steam boat john by are hereby requited w pay into my hands on or before the 1 day of october next a 4th installment of two pounds ten shillings currency each of their respective shares by order of the committee david john smith treasure- k ingston 27th august 1831 ttotice the share holders j the rideau canal steam botf john by are hereby required to pay into my hands on or before the 7th day of september next a 3rd instalment f two pounds ten shillings currency fl each of their respectiue shares by order of the commiitee d j smith treasurer kingston 6th august 1831 totice the stockholders jl the steamboat william tfce fourth are requested to pay 20 pf cent on each share subscribed on e before the 23rd september next a mcoonell sec treas prescott27th augustl881 auction to be sold without reserve on the premises on friday the 16th day of september next at the hour of 12 oclock if not previously disposed of a farm of land being the north half of block letter i in the township of pittsburgh situated on the rideau c nal four miles from the kingston brdga on point henry side of the river tbe farm contains 100 acies of good lansl with from 30 to 40 acres of clearing a comfortable square logged house anj a barn and sheds with one of the best fountains of water in upper canada being a good stand for a house of pub- lie entertainment the house is licen sed for the current year the laui crop stock farming utensils carpeto ters tools and household furniture will be put up and sold under one asd no credit can be given crop 5 acres wheat 2 acres oat 2 acres peas 1 acie indian corn 2 excellent potatoes gardens contain ing vegetables a quantity of hay furniture 4 bedsteads 3 table 12 chairs 3 cupboards 1 dutch oven 1 iron pol stock i good and well trainded yoke of oxen 3 good milch cows 1 steer 1 breeding sow and two or three small hogs fainting utensils 1 new wagon 1 oxyoke and chain 1 plough 1 drag 2 spades 1 shovel 4 hoes 3 rakes 1 iron rake 1 dung fork 1 hay fork 2 scythes and stone 1 ox sleisb s 9 hx4ett carpenters tools 2 axes 1 adze 1 in auger j in auger 1 spike gimlet 1 small gimlet 1 cross cut saw 1 hand saw i saw set i draw- knife 1 spoke cheaf 2 chisels 1 rasp 1 two foot rule 1 pair com passes 1 hammer 1 pair nippers 2 files 2 planes 2 gouges any gentleman wishing to purchase this property would do well to call at the premises where he would receive more information before the day of sale an indisputable title and immediate pos session will be given m moran a b kingston 22d august 1831 to let and possession given im mediately the fulling mill at napane for terms apply to a macpherson napane 25th aug 1831 lithography from canadian stone the subscriber begs to announce to the public the establishment of a lithographic press in kingston by the name of william iv press where will be executed all kinds of work ap plicable to that useful art such as maps plans views circulars music head ings of merchants bills and steam boat notices with the sketch of the boat if requiied blank deeds and memorials funeral notices embellished with suit able emblems bills of exchange ate c ate persons wanting any kind of copies ot their own hand writing will be supplied with prepared paper and che mical ink for that purpose s otazewell n b catricatures printed by the sketch being supplied kingston august 12th 1831 important kvp pxtfn33ve sale of dry gooos by the package and lot on monday morning the twelth day of septem ber next and following days will be sold at the stores of messrs wm peddie co old distillery the fol lowing goods received upon con signment the whole of which will be sold offpcremptorily without reserve c bales west of england snperbuecloihs alt colors at j 5s- to 24s sterling 2 bales double milled w of e cassimercs 10 do middling cloths colours blue black drab brown olive mixed 1 hale assorted milled forest cloths 3 do grey mixt int ktnfle du pays 6 do rose whitney and point blankets 3 do white and colored flannels 2 do drab blue nnd olive flushings 6 do super and fine kidderminster car- pe tings 1 do wilton and brussels rugs 4 do quills and counterpanes assorted 2 cases sik toilinett valeotia veil ings 20 do garment and furniture prints 2 do new style striped ginghams 4 do irish linens and diapers 3 bales im russia sheetings and ducks 2 do lineu and cotton bed ticks 10 do grey and white loom shirtings 1 do brown hollands and linings 5 do stripes checks dersies c 3 do bombazettesbombazeens crapes 12 cases 44 5464 74 84 printed shawls 4 do assorted britannia handkerchiefs 6 do priated super merino shawls 2 trunks plain and figured silk shawls i do ladies fancy silk handkerchiefs i do gentlemens silk bandana 1 do black and colord grosde naples 2 do bobinetts luces veils caps c 2 do handsome ribbons assorted 4 cases muslins cambrics and lawns 2 do- corduroys bangups and velvets 6 do cotton balls threads sporls c 2 do gingham umbrellas 2 bales stripedwhite greycottoo shirts 500 dozen hosiery and gloves assorted 300 lbs assorted sewing silks 1000 lbs cotton cord and cotton yarn 20000 aborted quills- 100 reams foolscap and letter paper 300 do grey wrapping paper 200 gross buttons assorted m dw cuirinitnfy f 150 do scarlet and berlin cravat 25 cases mens plated and stuff hats all in excellent order the brokers are authorised to state to intending purchasers that there will be no reserve whatever with any part of the goods here advertised and such packages as are unbroken will be sold entire or in lot- at the option of the buyers catalogues will be ready three days pre vious to the sale when the goods may be examined condi ions of sale purchasers under 25 cash 50 to 100two months 100 to 200 half in three and half in four months 200 to 300 fourfive months 300 and upwards six months approved endorsed notes will he required or interest for cash will be allowed at the rate of7s percent to purchasers of 100 and over that amount at the rate of 10 per cent per annum sale each morning to commence at nine oclock precisely scott montgomery co montreal 8th august 1831 public sale of marmora wares y auction will be sold at mr archd mcdonells store- house on tuesday 20ih september next the following marmora wares viz 10 tons lion superior to swedes 2 double stoves 39 inches long let a 8 single stoves 39 lake ontario b b 3 c 3g d7 f 3 m 1 do do do do do 30 39 39 30 26 u 4 fl 4 if 41 it 4t 14 arrangement for 1831 niagara pallsostvego montreal tf quwrt the splkndid new 5teamboat great britain copt joseph whitney propelled by two low pressure engines of 90 horse power each boilers on the guards 10 pairs andirons 17 coolers slc cvc sale to commence at 12 oclock noon kingston llth august 1s31 adjourned sessions kingston 1st of august 1831 it is ordered that the following altera tion amendment be made in the27a folks regulation respecting swine viz iitead of shall on conviction forfeit andjtayfor each offence a fine of twenty shil- lingt to be as follows shall on conviction forfetand pay a fine of twenty shiuiung fortich swine and it is also ordered tbattjie fidlowiog rnles and regulations be tfjded and numbered as under nf 40 it is ordered that the owner of anyox cow or horse found running at large in the town of kingston contrary to the ws passed at the town meetiog in ja nuary last shall forfeit and pay the sum of five shillings for each offence n- 41 it is ordered that the master of any steamboat or other craft or vessel from which any ashes coals or cinders maybe cast iu tho harbour of kiogstoo shaft forfeit and pay for each offence the yum of forty shillings iv 42 it is ordered that moses wells be appointed as an assistant to the police officer in order to carry into effect the po lice regulations no 27 28 and 40 by the court j n1ckalls juor clerk of the peace md quarrystreet pearly opposite mr prentiss store the subscriber begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vteioity thm she has lately arrived from kuini and commenced busincs in the followioglioe leghorn bonnets made to any pattern old noes siovd and altered chip straw bool made cleand c according to the latest english fashions and on reason able terms m haldenby rj an early call will be osteemed will leaveniagara at 4 oclock p m every fifth day viz july 5th lotli 15th 20th 25th 30th august 5th 10th 15th 20th 25th 30th september 5th 10th 15th 20th 25th 30th calling at oswego on the following mornings al which place canal packets and stages leave daily for utica also kingston and brockvillc the same e- vening where stages are always in rea diness to convey passengers to mon treal will leave prescott at 1 oclock a m every fifth day viz july 3d 8th 13th 18th 23d 23th august 3d 8ih 13th 18th 23d 28th september 3d 8lh 13th 18th 23d 28th calling at brockville kingston and at oswego on the evening of the same days also at york and niagara the great britain was built in the fall of 1330 by messrs brown bell of new york is 162 feet in length promenade deck 148 feet extreme breadth 60 feet the ladies and gentlemans cabins are 6nished in the same manner as the new york and liverpool packet ships with state rooms no expense has been spared in furnishing the boat io the most comfortable manner and every endeavour will be used to accommodate passengers and ensure regularity by this conveyance passengers from buffalo can arrive at oswego in 24 hours passage including fare from niagara to oswegol 10s stage fare from oswego t utica 10s the copartnership between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson co is this day by mutual consent dissolved the subsciib- ers are severally authorised lo settle the jflairs of tht laip ofrartnrsrtipxam pp- sons having demands are requested to present them at their office at prescott signed john mcpherson alexb mcmillan samuel crane prescott 12th january 1831 new forwarding establish ment the subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of upper canada and the public in general that they have entered into copartnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdoncll co at prescott and bgdcnsburgli and that of mcmillan link co al montreal they will be prepared on the opening of the navigatim with good durham boats and bateaiet manned with experienced masters and conduc tors to transport any prodnze or mer chandize that they may be favored with on as favorable terms as thst of any res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgh will be carried on at the ou stands for merly occupied by the late firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mrdonel matthias link noticesteamboat queenston the public are respectfully in formed that thesleamboat queenston capt meneilley with mr t w corning sailing flfaster lias commenc ed her regular trips and during the season will leave niagara for prescott every wednesday night at 12 0dbck touch ing kingston and brnrkvllf and ar rive at prescott every friday afternoon where as usual stages will be in at tendance to convey passngers to mon treal will leave prescott every sunday morning ai6oclocktoodiingat brock villc kingston coboutg port hope york burlington bay and niagara the rates of passage tmi freight the same as are charged by other steam boats may 1831 oswego canal packet boat line a boat will leave oswego and syra cuse every morning suirfays excepted throughout the season one of the boats is constructed o bromwells spring deck patent her days of leav ing are as follows oswg mondays wednesdays and fridays and syra cuse tuesdays thursdays and satur days the other boat ill leave each place on the intervening feays passengers taking this line will meet with every attention ani no delay as it runs in connection witfcihe eric pack et line to and from schenectady and buffalo and the lake ontario steam boats the elegant british steamer great britain capt whitney touches at oswego on her trips from presscott and kingston to york and niagara and touches also on her return from those places to kingston and prescott oswego july 1st 1831- notice 4ll notes or accounts due lo the estate of the late frederick keelerare tobcsetlled with j h samson admr bellvilc 24th dec 1858 ti1f provincial statutes the undeisigned beg to inform the public that their revised edi tion of the provincial sumies will be iijdv on or iliiiu th ll of november next it ill contain nil the british laws which relate particularly to the canadas the ordinances of quebec ptoclamaiions issued by lord dochcster and governor simcoe and the whole of the provincial statutes now in lorce from the year 1792 to 1831 inclusive with such notes of reference as circum stances appeared to require and a most copious index in preparing the work for the press the utmost attention has been paid to correctness the paper is of the best quality and the publishers trust that its typographical execution will equal if not surpass that of any work ever pub lished in canada none but the most competent printers being engaged in the office from which it is to issue it may not be amiss to add that all persons who subscribe for this edition will be annuity furnished with the suc ceeding provincial enactments at a mo derate price and printed in the same form as the work now in the press h c thomson james macfarlane kingston june 14 1881 books for sale the following books are for sale at the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of i he history of the jews from the ear liest period to the present time by the rev h h milman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon buonaparte by j g lockhart esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2d london edition 3 vols 18 mo life of nelson by robert south- ey esq with a portrait the lift of alexander the great by the rev j williams with a map natural history of insects illus trated by numerous engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by john bait emj io ma the life of mohammed founder of the religion of islam and of the em pire of the saracens by the rev george bush a m willi a plate 18 mo letters on demonology and wiich- raftc by sir walter scott bart 18 mo with a plate history of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols 18 mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions with illustrations of their climate ge ology and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and hugh murray esq with maps c 18 mo life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george oroly with a portrait 18 mo new and improved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the eailiest ages to the present time with illustra tions of the geology m ineralogy and zoology by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh mur ray esq with a map and wood en gravings 18 mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq i- 3 vols is mo with portraits history of chivalry and the cm sades by g r james esq 18 mo with a plate mary qneen of scots in 2 vols by h g bell esq tun iajjj4iwu ut w wfjrw vwa4- ry will be regularly received at the chro nicle office immediately as the volumes are issued from the press of the messrs harpers of new york to reuderthe family library still more worthy of patronage the publishers pro pose incorporating io it such works of io- stere and value as may appear in theva- uriost libraries and miscellanies now pre paring in europe particularly the na tional and the edinburgh cabinet libraries all these productions as they emanate from the press will be submitted to a committee of literary gentlemen for inspection and none will be reprinted but such as shall be found calculated tosustaio the exalted character which this library has already acquired also bourrioudoi private memoirs of napo leon sketches of naval life with notices of men manners and scenery oo the shores of the mediterranean with maps by a ci vilian annals of the peninsular campaigns by the author of cyril thornton correspondence of admiral colling- wood with memoirs of his life a year in spain by a young american berthas visit to her uncle in england tho grooms oracle and pocket stable directory lawrence on the horse tho boston revised edition of the wa- verley novels with plates tho heiress of bruges a novel by t c orattan maxwell a novel by the author of sayiogs aod doings the barony a novel by miss anna maria portor the talha a romance by mrs bray fob saxe lot no 3s in grave street kingston apiy to the editor of this piper kngtcn iaxl races at a meeting of the subscribers to the kiucstnn races held this day al lie kingston hotel it was resolved that tho above races should take place on friday the lgih day of september next stewards- john r glover esq r n hugh c thompson esq john marks esq r n- j b smith esq ordnance john r- forajth esq george vv yarker esq secy sf treat trial stakes of to bo ruu for by horses bred in the pro vinces or owned in the same forfi months prior to the day of racing that never won match plate or sweepstakes one utta heats entrance eight dollars weights 3 years old 7st 21b 4 8 10 5 9 5 6 9 12 aged 10 kingston stakes of 30 free to althorses two milo heats eu- tranct twenty dollars weights 3 years old cst 121b 481 5 8 10 6 9 0 aged 9 7 stvecpstakes of ten dollars each to which the stewards will add dollar one mile heats weights 3 years old 6st 121b 481 5 8 10 6 9 0 aged 9 7 mares and geldings allowed 31b riders to be dressed iu jockey style no horses to be entered by others tbao sub scribers to the amount of 20s the deci sion of the stewards in all cases to be final and who nre authorised to postpone theday of racing in the event of rainy weather all horses to be entered by 4 oclock v m on thursday the j5th september nt the kingston hotel or pay double entrants at the post the amount of the trial and sweep stakes will be made known fifteen days previous to the day of racing kingston 3d august 1851 the quarterly meeting of the general board of the midland district agri cultural society was held at adolpbustown on wednesday the 13th july 1831 present john macaulayesq president samuel casey john uhurcyt bouiwaters and philip roblin esqrs directors letters from john marks esq and allan macpherson esq vice presidents and frpm mr nathan fellows one of the direc tors having been read the following reso lutions were adopted 1 resolved that the bulls belonging to the society shall be sold at public auction on thursday the 28th of july 1831 at mr daveys inn bath at 12 oclock 2 resolved that a meeting of the gener al board shall be held at kingston on the third day of the assizes in september next to make arrangements for awarding pre miums c the ensuing autumn 3 resolved that messrs marks fraser davey and church be appointed the com mittee to make purchases c it was suggested that the clover seed on hand should be distributed in premiums hcth0mson secretary agreeably to the amended constitution of the midland district agricultural socie ty authorising county meetings the first quarterly meeting in the county of fron- tenac was held at waterloo on saturday the 20th august 1831 present john marks v p in the chair lambert vanalstinc thomas a corbett dr yeomans wm lattimore samuel aykroyd dune beath esquires j 1 resolved that a secretary be chosen and mrthoaias a corbett was unanimous ly chosen 2 resolved that divisions be assigned to each director to collect subscriptions for the year 1831 and to collect subscriptions in arrears and that all persons wishingito become members most pay their subscrip tions on or before the 1st day of october noxt subscription lists delivered todirec- 3 that the following gentlemen be a committee to make a quarterly report of the crops and of the state of agricultural la bour proper for the season john marks thomas a corhetr and samuel aykroyd esqrs the report to be sent to the secrcj tary of the general board 4 resolved that a cattle show be holden at or near the village of waterloo on the 2d thursday in october next agreeable to the 5th article of the constitution judges to award the prizes robt beath anthony mcgiiin sylvester holden 5 rcsolved that the ploughiog match es shall take place on the same day as the cattle show judges of the ploughing malchessaml aykroyd james reed george baillie 6 resolved if any of the judges should be candidates for a prize on cattle or plough ing be is to resign and another chosen to judge his cattle or ploughing when be is to resume bis station 7 resolved that a list of cattle for which prizes are to be oflered shall be submitted to the general board on the 3d day of the assizes in september next for the purpose of then affixing the amount of prizes 8 resolved that a scale of the plough ing matches be laid before the general board for the purpose of regulating the amount of prizes 9 resolved when the amount of prizes have been averaged by the general board a list of cattle on which prizes will be giv en and a scale f the ploughing matches shall bo published with the amount of pri zes ordered 10- resolved tint the judges of the cattle show shall makesu h arrangements for tho stands of cattle as they may see proper and that tho judge of the ploughing shall select and mark off such ground as they may think fit 11 revived ini the thanks of this meeting be given i thy chairman for his able conduct in the chair by order of theunty board thomas a corbett secy directors