Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), September 24, 1831, p. 4

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1 extract from ilcischclls preliminary dis course od ilio study of natural philoso phy of man ttgardtttoirt creature of instinct 5 pouniu of hour in tho bushel moro ill flu ohio wheat and that the flour sells fol fio ccrii and a dollar mnro per barrel thisdiflvrcnce alone is an enriching profit ufteiw md sptcutathncu i whicfi our farmers should endeavour to save jtutnce f scientific pursuits on the mind hy moro thorough cuuivatlonmiow mrk cmuhidrdj i c of intended for wheat crop ant d- when from external objects he turns his view upon himself on his own vital and intellectual faculties he finds thai he pos sesses a power of exarniok anil auayiog his own nature to a certain extent hut do further in his corporal frame he is sensi ble nf a power to communicate a certain moderate amount of motion to himself and other objects that his power depends on his will and that itscxoi lion can he suspen ded or increased at pleasure within certain limits but how his will acts on his limbs he has no consciousness and whenco he derives the power he thus exercises there is nothing to assure him however ho may long know his senses loo inform him of a multitude of particulars respecting the external world and he pcrcieves an appa ratus by which impressions from without may be transmitted as a sort of signals to the interior of his person and ultimately to his brato wherein ho is obscurely sensi ble that the thinking feeliog reasoning i more attention to the quality nf seed wheat from the above remarks it would seem that the ohio farmers are opening their eyes to their true interest it requiring a change of seed and a kumvledgo of the kind of wheat which will succeed best in that climate k u otice the share holders in the ridcau canal steam boat john by arc hereby requited to pay into my hands on or before the is day of october next a 4th installmen of two pounds ten shillings currency on yeacli of their respective shores b order of the committee david john smith trtasurcr kingston 27th august issi- beiog he calls himself more especislly re sides but by whatmcaus he becomes con scious of these impressions aod what is the nature of the immediate communication between that toward sentient being and machinery his outward man he has not the slightest conception agaio when he contemplates still more attentively the thoughts acts and passions of this his sentient intelligent self he finds indeed that he cau remember aod hy the aid of memory cao compare and discrimi nate cau judge and resolve and above all that he is irresistibly compelled from the preceptiou of any phenomenon without or within him to infer the something prior which stands to it in the relation ol u cause without which it would not be and that this knowledge of causes a lid their consequences i what in almost every instance determines his choice and will in cases where ho is nevertheless con scious of perfect freedom to act or not to act he finds too that it is in his power to acquire more or less kuowledgo of caus es and effects according to the degrees of attention he bestows upon them which at tention is again iu great measure a volun tary act and often when his choice has been decided on imperfect knowledge or insufficient attentiooho finds reason to cor rect his judgement though perhaps too late to ioflueoce his decision hy after consider ation a world wiihio him is thus opened to his intellectual view aboundiug with pheoomena and relations of the highest immediate interest but while ho cannot help perceiving that the insight ho is ena bled to obtain into his iuternal sphere of thought and feeliog is in reality the source of all his power the very fountain of his predominance over external nature he yet feels himself capable of entering only very imperfectly into these recesses of his own bosom and analysing iho operations of his mind in this as in all other things in short a being darkly wise sceiog that to let and possession given im mediately the fulling mill al napane for terms apply to a macpherson napane 25th aug is f5i t lithography from canadian stone he subscriber begs io announce o he public the establishment of a lithographic press in kingston by ilic name of william iv press where will be executed all kinds of work ap plicable lo that useful art such as maps plans views circulars music head- ex is ence of iig of merchants bills and steam boat notices with the sketch of the boat if reiiuiictl blank deeds and memorials funeral novices embellished whhuh- ablc emblems bills of exchange c c c persons wanting any kind of copies ot their own hand writing will be supplied with prepared paper and che mical ink lor that purpose s o tazewell n b cairicaturcs printed by the sketch being supplied kingston august 12lh 1831 caxada company tlavt for sale in upper canada about two millions five hun dred thousand acres of land of the following description viz first crown kcskkvcs being lots of 200 acres each scattered ibrougli llio older townships of the province- second uttieks of lana of from 1 000 lo 40000 acres these are si tuated in townships of the western district mid in the township of wil- niot in the gore district third n town and township call ed guelphuuhe gore district a- bout24 miles north west cf dundns in which there arc upwards of s00 settlers among whom are almost every kind of tradesmen and mechanics also ta verns stores schools saw- mills a brewery and distillery and one of the hest grist mills in the province this is a desirable location for small capital ists as labourers and servants are easi ly procured lots partially improved may he purchased at a reasonable rate fourth the huron territory con sisting of 000000 acres in the shape of a triangle the base resting for up wards ot go miles on the east bank of luke huron the town of coderich con taining at present about 30 houses with stores taverns blacksmiths and carpenters shops a school and a branch office of the company over- i hangs a harbour foimed hy the basin of the maiilanrf a large stream which falls into lake huron and is the centre of the settlement a saw mill is in ope ration nd a crist mill in progress roads have been run to duuutu and london which this year at a very great expense will be rendered equal to fifty ill the province and the commu nication by the st clair with lake e- ric and thence by the wetland canal into lake ontario gives a most advan- s alt riletm this inveterat disease which has long hallled the art of ihe must experienced physician has at length found a sovereign remedy iu dr la granges gonuiuc ointment row cutaneous diseases arc met with rnorcrc- uctnnce hy the physician none io which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessel so the skiu aud its original colour and smoothness- numerous recommendations might he obtained of its superior efficacy hut the proprietor chose that a fair trial should he itsouly commentator it has io three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once rives immedi ate relief iu sail rheum hut cures tinea capitas commonly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to on- ealthy children 1 there is nothing of a mercurial na ture eontaiucd iu it and it may be used on infants ov others uudcr any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle vor sale by wm lltnley kingston john musson quebec and ceore bent mon treal sole agent for the canadas kin nth july 1828 for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this office kingston th august 18 28- removal the subset- ber begs leave to acquaint his iricnds and the public generally that he lias removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr wm binleyi diuggist wjiere he is now receiving a very general assortmentof staple and fancy goods well adapted for the season which he intends to sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit he lias also on hand a great variety of school rooks nnd stationery and a case of i hristys best waterproof hats w dkiscoll kingston october 9th 130 meous mode of sending produce w otice a third dividend will ho payable at the office of john kirhy esq in kingston oa wednesday the 15ih day of june next to the creditors of the late allan taylor esq aod to the late firm of taylor and parker john kirhy a o pejrie tparker trustees kingston th may 1631 t all the longest life arid most vigorous iolel he proprietors of the undurmniimmil steamboats beg to inform uw pontic that they have established the following hates fur the season 1831 for passage from prtscou to brockvitte and rice vtrsa lect cau give hi in power to discover by his rnm v owa research or time to koow by availing for each cabin passenger z0 himself of that of others serves only lo breach passover 0 1 3 place him on that very frontier of knowledge vom prescott brockviuetohmlonuctver for each cabin pa5sengcrincludiny tare j 0 for each deck passenger 0 and afford a distant glimpse of boundless realms beyond where no humnu thought ha penetrated but which yet lie is sure must he no less familiarly known to that in telligence which he traces throughout crea tion than the most obvious truths which ho himself daily applies lo his most trifling purposes it is wooderfol that a being so constituted shoulil first encourage a hope aud by ilugietftt nvfcuuwlwlu uu nuruucu that his intellectual existence will not ter minate with the dissolution of his corporal frame bni rather that io a future state of be ing disencumbered of athousaud obstruc tions which his present siiunuoo throws in his way endowed with acutjr seoses aod higher faculties ho shall drink deepat that fountain ofhenificeut wisdom for which the alight taste obtained on earth has given him so keen a relish agriculture in russia it is usual to preserve the na tural verdure of hay as soon as the grass for each deck passenger without beinn spread formed 2 ti 6 3 from prtscou brockvitu to coburg pvrlllopr and vice versa forcaebcabinpascnjerincludingfarc 1 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 10 0 from prtscou s brockvitte to for burlington batjt fy mtagara and rice vtrsa foreachcahiiipassengerincludingfarc 2 0 0 fm wit wk phnpt 0 12 d prom kingston tocoburg y pwttipc km perm for each cabin passengerincludmg fare i 0 g for each deck passenger 0 7 0 from kingston lo york burlington boy putt magara and vict versa for each cabin pascngertincluding fare t 10 0 for each deck passenprr 0 tu u fyotfl coburg 4- port hopt to york burlington btnj yiagara and vice versa fir each cabin passcncrtincludiufare 0 i i 0 for each deck passenger 0 7 ti from york to burlington buy tj jftflsnt and vice versa for each cabin passenger in eluding fare i 12 c for each peck passenger 0 5 1 from burlington bay to niagara for each cabin passengcrincluding fare 0 10 0 0 5 0 a notice ll notes or accounts die to the estate of the late frederick keller are to ho settled with j h samson admr bcllvilc pec 1823- tiie mansion house hotelfc the suhscriher having rented this extensive and well known establishment has now opened the same for the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly situat ed on store street being the principal and most central street in kingston and no establishment of the kiud in the province cao surpass it in the excellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which are fur nished io the very hest style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience io that line and he trusts that with unre- mtting attention to the comforts of his guests he will merit a share of the public patronage io rear yard in which there is an extensive aod commodious range of stable3and where a livery stable will he constantly kept for the accommodation of the public s carmino kiossions4ih october 1630 1eiichant the board of education for the johnstown district give notice that from the prenent time it u their intention strictly to eoforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited and the masters are directed to confine themselves to ueh works of llenientary instruction as aro compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion to dr hubbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school iu the morning and at its clnse iu the evening a form adapted to general use may te found in imavorsspelliughook and is re commended for this purpose by the hoard printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to he signed by two trustees may be had on application to a did sherwood esq hrockville july 1829 of the mansion house is a large is cut it isi into a rick io the centre of which has been previously placed a kind of chimney made of four rough planks it seems that the heat of the fermentation evaporntes by the chimney and the hay thus retains nil its leaves its colour and its primitrie flavor cow cabbage this is the name of a vegetable recently introduced into this couotry it grows ftom six to twelve feet 1 high and affords an abundant supply ofj green fodder for cattle the stalks live four years iu france they are permitted to stand out all wiuter hut io this country tbeyshnutd be defended from the frost by a sheaf of straw well secured at the top the new england farmer states that sixty plaots are said to afford suffiricot proveuder for a cow a year aod as the side shoots ouly are used it lasts yoarly without fresh planting a square of 60 feet will contain 25g plants 4 or g feet a- part more than 4 cows require for a yoars provender mass yeoman smut in wheat a discovery has beeu made hy a alleo a respectable far mer of this country which we think may be important to farmers and therefore give it publicity mr aldcirgivcs it as his opinion from experiments he lias made that smut is produced from small shrivelled kernels of wheat he made the discov ery by washing ooe part ami screening the other part of ihe wheat that he sowed in the same field and by sowing each part by itself on that part of iho field with washed wheal there wa smut on that pan sowed with screened w heat there was notie at his suggestion the same expe riment lias been successfully tried by others bedford settler zamsvillki july 20 p lou it h should be generally known hy the agriculturalists of our reiou that lour mnnufnetured from our wheat is deemed iu the market to he much inferior lo thai made from wheat in the wcastcrn parto the slate o now york aud also thai it has been found ou epermieotfat kohclei unll hut voik wheat uwike for freight from burlington bay niagara york porthitfte ifcobourgjobrockvitte fitcscott forcvery barrel of ashes l0 2 ti for every bblofpork bccliirdc 0 1 10 for every barrel of flour 0 13 all other articles in the same proportion for every horse 15 0 for every ox or cow 10 0 for every parcel loo small lor weight 0 1 6 from the above places to kingston for every barrel of ashes 0 i 10 for every barrel of porkbeeflardc 0 i 6 for every barrel of flour 0 10 all other arliclcs in the same proportion for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 15 0 from prescott and brockville to cobourg york porthoye burlington bttv niagara for every cwt weight of merchandise 0 i 3 for every horse 15 0 for every ox or cow 10 0 fur every parcel too small for weight 0 i 6 from kingston to the above places for every cwt weight of merchandise 0 i 0 for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 15 0 for every parcel too small for weight 0 1 6 ivn diuiripau csleemboat groat britain jn0 hamilton j sfcam qiernrfml r hamilton prjh steamboar alciupe john mosikr stoamboat niagara prescott may 2 1831 to the narkel and this year the ridcau na vigation will be completed when pro- juce may be shipped in a sloop at co- jcrich and delivered without breaking lulk at montreal or quebec the land to say the least is equal to my in the province and greatly supe- lior to the average of either upper ca- istdii or the opposite coast of the unit- m states the climate owing to the vicinity of the lake is more mild and equable than any not possessing simi lar advantages it abounds in brick earth lime and building stones and holds out every ptospect of becoming the most prosperous settlement in the province settlers coming by the way of que bec will proceed by montreal and la- chine to prescott where an agent of the company will forward them to port dalhousie and thence to bulvalo those coming by the way of new- york will tike the route by the erie canal to buffalo from that they are ibi ward ed lo detroit whence they will proceed in a smaller steam boat up the st clair at lite head of which a vessel belonging to the company will transport them u- hftill six lv milrs to goricfmh should ihey wish to proceed to any other pan of the companys lands any of the a- gonis mentioned in the way ticket a long the line of iload will give them tw necessary advice and information canada comjianys office yorl mayi i83l s offices of ihe canada company vokk uuelfh and liodfkich quebec montreal kingston bttotnt l qriginalf perth btlkviih napancc cohourq ihtndas port eric buffalo v it tar in n kw stereotype k- ditiofi ot mayors spoiling book the subscriber lias in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors english spoiling book stereotyped from the 32stb london edition a d l2t this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of voik will be afforded much cheaper llian the lormer edition- storekeepers anil others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas mack rlak agents john davidson esq messrs hart logan ifr co james sampson esq charles shirriff esq c p treadwcll est alexander eraser esij james ii sampson es allan macpherson estjj j g heilume esq andrew t kerhyestjj james kerby esq e johnson esq duncan ross esq port talbot col dui well amborv john macfurlanc eq amherstburg wm ticrczy esq sandwich joseph woods esq baltiiwn wrojonesj esq new york j c buchanan esq bosfotiy robert manners esq pa i fi s g ibers beg leave to re- to their friends ftd the public of kingston and vicinity for the encouragement they have sepa rately received during their residence -a- momjst tinin they alo wish lo inform thorn that they have opened an establishment in quarry street opposite mr d pren- i tiss drv wood store uiulnr the fnin of an extract from the rrgulations of upper cwfj fjhfr the college quarters are order ed as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about the 4th of january and ends on tie 20th of march second quarter begins on the 20th march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on ibe 10th june and ends al the commencement of the summer vacation about the lcth of august fourth quarter begins imnediately after the summer vacation aboit the 1st october and ends at iho eminence mem of the christmas vacaticu about the 21st december at whatever period of either of the above quarters a scholar is adnhed into the college or preparatory si hool his dues for instruction are payable fiom the hegining of that quarter teamboat hotel m rear of ihe market and ti few rod west of the stwimbuat wharf the subscriber begs leave to return his sin cere thanks to his friends and the public for their very liberal support during the last eight years of which he hopes to merit a continuance hy a strict attention lo business his house nviitg under gone a thorough repair has placed it more than ever in his power tu contri bute to the comfort and accommodation of travellers q7a few hoarders can be accommodated the tabic and bar will be llirnlind willi the best the market affords and on the most reasonable terms n b extensive stables and sheds together with a hirge and secure yard thos bamford kingston feb 1 1s31 book binding kstabljshmlnt at the kingston chronicle office xiik subscriber having engaged an experienced aud regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf joujf booth m tailor most respectfully begs n copperplate press a first rate copperplate piinting press has just been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office juhjatk 1830 wi luam johnson barber and hairdresser nextdoor to the london tavern t lenders his grateful- acknowledgements io the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and be hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patro- v- rtt nfvtrn j vifnlj tna thfjrwh- hc iliat he ius removed to market street next door to mr v binlcy druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and the public his sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former stand and now solicits a continuance of that sup port with the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom lie likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large and fine assortment of cloths cassimeres ves- tingsj trimmings of every description sfcfyche is enabled to furnish anyquan- tily ou the most reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston nth november 1830 m4wtmmfm tiafa aa m a 2 g webster begs most res- pectively to inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that he has just returned from london with a slock of cloths cassimeres and vest- ings of the most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the most ap proved and latest patterns and having succeded in making purchases at some of the first establishments he is enabled 0 execute orders for cloathing at ex- vciiii low prices iml hrgs o aiiiit gentlemen entrusting him with their orders that they shall be executed agree able to the present fashions and in the first style of workmanship at the same time he begs to return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for the sup port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g w has made arrangments with one of the first houses to supply him with the latest fashions ainjwkm 4th december 1830 the subscrii turn thanks folio full bound nicdied quarto do octavo do l2mo do ldmo do in calf orna- do do do do 1 0 0 o 0 0 10 5 3 o 0 i 0 i kerb a hevrileufrs ornnmrntat in carriage iy house paint crs glaziers pupetkattgerjt c c from their well known abilities and nructicg i kingston with a rlulcrminattou to he punctual they liupe ge ias kki joskp1i hkatiiers kindlon mrv hh istfi half binding in calf folio half bouud and orna- men ted 0 17 0 quarto do lo 0 7 0 octavo do do o a 8 2rnn do do i i s ldnio do do u 1 3 binding ix sheep folio full bound and orna- mented j 0 17 6 quarlo do do 0 7 g octavo do do o t 4 ln do do u 2 3 blino do io 0 1 8 io meet still with a shaie ol patron hum a discerning and generous pub i also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio and fancy biuding separate charge james nlacfarlane kingston 13th april lp2l the house near the hurch at present occu pied by lieut cameron 79th hrghhin- dei apply to thus kirkpat irk to let scokli t jpl iien seeds for alo xlft the subscriber a larsc mian u no ton d md is jo i t lof tii ilji i iuli garden seeds warranted to towlh of sx willi diicl luauiu juhn mow a i by be uakmoia in roulwri iog this buuk is bow ti 10 i liiv to tle act inrorporut- coiupany a subscription ojicu at the nflice of os khtkkpatrllk kinr iu titi yuis ityi dissolutionthe co-part- nership between the undersign ed under the firm of john macpher- son fy co is this day by mutual con sent dissolved the subscribers are se verally authorised to settle the nflar of the late copartnership all person having demands are requested to prcsen them at their ollicc signed john macpherson alexr mcmillan samuel crane prescott jaouary 12th 1831 the forwarding business wil be continued by john macpherson and samuel cranc under the firm of mac pherson and crane here and at mon treal under the old firm their stores and wharves at the upper end of the town where their bu siness will be transacted are to be con siderably enlarged and will be conveni ent for receiving and shipping wheal in bulk prescott 12th jan 1831 the subscriber having been ap pointed agent to the alliance assurance company begs leavo to an nounce to the public that he continues to assure agaiust loss or damage occasioned hy lire iu any part of the provinces of up per or lower canada from the liberal conditions aod extensive scale ou which ihe business of the company is conducted lie iiusi ihe public will liud it advantageous io assure ai their office c tait alliance oltice st gabrielstreet montreal 11th july 1881 j the following geutleuieu are agents in ippcr canada james macfarlane esq juntos g bethune esq samuel ridout esq guv c wood esq mrs parmentier offers for sale at the horticultural botnn- garden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a line collection of the- most desirable kinds of table and wine crapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenbouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection of jtbnihly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished to purchasers mr james macfarlane editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and or namental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will he carefully pack ed aud forwarded wirhout the slightest de lay catalogues can he obtained gratis post paid at the otlice of the chronicle reference juhn macaulay jolio kirby john marks stephen yarwood allan mclean esquires 24tb march 1831 n b- it may he proper to mention that the necessary directions will he sent along with the different trees as to the man ner of treating them trees received iu the fall can be safely buried iu the ground until the spring when they can he plaoted without receiving any injury from the frost provided that they are eutirely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will he received and care shall be taken that several orders will be made up into one package with a view to savo the expense of carriage tito ulisrriler haviuj- lieuu h a agent iu this province for mrs parmen- tier is now ready lo receive orders agreea bly to tho above advertisement james macfarlane kingst 24ih march 18 for sale lot no 3s8 ia grave street kingston aoply to the editor of this paper quarrystreet kenrty opmite mr prentiss store the subscriber begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that she has lately arrived from england and commenced business io the following line leghorn bonnets made to any pattern old ones slovd aud altered chip straw boooets made cleand c according to the latest english fashions aod on reas n- able terms m 1ialdenby kingston cooaurg york cornwall mcsms avvav iuitisoicciwwc the kingston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by james macfarlane at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpence pernnnum sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price op advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and and 7a each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and lod each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per lino for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted tilt forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on the day of publication ic produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bignoll esq onebto daid chisholme esq three flirt is andrew porteous esq mno- treat james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq lochitl rclinc esq cornwall georjre browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq iresclt henry jones esq brockvitte jonah taylor esq perth h whitmarsh esq ricltnnut j k llnrtwell esq bostand mesa c j mdonnld cauumnie john dean esq bath allan mcpbcfson esq japane thos parker esq lieltcilte joseph a keekr esq cramahe james c bclhin esq hamilton david smart eq pari hope william allan esq york dauiel rous esq yittria john crooks esq magara charles bigar esq mvrray j d gilbert esq jdolpusuwii iv kubciioii esq ktrtr trtnt i

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