kingston ft mil ten shillings and sixpence per annum if sent by mail twenty shillings vol 13 no 14 nec rege nec populo se1 utroqle chronicle published every saturday hy janus macfarlmt at his office in frontstrcet kingston l c saturday october 1 1831 venetian barcoral moonlight 0 speed thee ninetta the night is so fair in our boat let us hasten to puff the coo air for oh it is soothing along the bright sea all silvered with moonbeams to float silently how blissful the soft hour the moonbeams how bright oh smiling laguna im mad with delight t come come my sweet nina 1 the boat let us glide and meet the cool breezes that sigh oer the tide why stand ye idle bt bishop bkber the god of glory walks his round from day to day from year to year and warns us each with awful sound u no longer stand ye idle here u ye whose young cheeks are rosy bright whose hands are strong whose hearts arc clear waste not of hope the morning light ah fools why stand ye idle here oh as the griefs ye would assuage that wait on lifes declining year secure a blossom for your age and work your makers blessing here and ye whose locks of scanty gray foretell your latest travel near how swiftly fades your worthless day why stand yo yl so idlo here 1 one hour remains there is but one but many a shriek and many a tear through endless years the guilt must moan of moments lost and wasted here oh thou by all thy works adord to whom the sinners soul is dear recall us to thy vineyard lord and grant us grace to praise thee here to ae editor of the morning chronicle cholera morbus some weeks since there appeared io your paper observations on the origio history and progress of the spasmodic cholera a new pestileoco now unhappily raging in poland writteo in connection with a simi lar communication which recently appear ed in the englishmans magazine and as the further discussioo of this subject appears to me well calculated to elucidate the ori gin and progress of contagious and epide mic diseases acd may prove at the present emergency of public advantage i bope you will find room for what follows the present pestilence bears in many respects a stroog aoalogy to the great pes tilence of the 14th century mezaray iho french historian io bis life of philippe devaloisstaies that it was general through out fraoceinthe year 1349 aodthelearn- dr meade suites that it commenced io the kingdom of cathey to the northward of china alhanasius klrcher the jesuit in his chronology of remarkable plagues sens- tinum phys med contagione luisqve pes- is dicitur records that during the ponti6- cate of clement the sixth charles the fourth being then emperor a cruel pesti lence raged which destroyed two thirds of the bumao race vimauns the historian of florence says also that it commenced iu upper asia id calhey io 1345 from a most glib v smelling vapour supposed to proceed from ft certain fiery body which either fell down from the atmosphere or was undated from the earth that this vapour like a fire consumed all that stood io iu way animals houses trees c for the space of fifteen days journey all around md some most juthy little beasts furnished with feet and tails as also worms and a email sort of snakes in a numberless multi tude fellat the same time from the atmos phere upon the earth the stench and putre faction from which infected the very air and all the regions circumjacent a pesti lence having arisen from thence spread a- round depopulating the whole of asia and afterwards egypt greece and italy thence it passed into spaio france and england and at length into germaoy io the city of florence alone villauns says there perished 60000 but anthony says 100000 many strange prodigie are said to have preceded this plague in asia such as horrible openings and gulfs in the earth xaing a poisonous vapour c kirche ri strut tc p 247 now the present pestilence according sir to your history entered moscow at tended or preceded by dense swarms of email green flies and those u filthy little beasts in that of the 14th century appear to me to have been no other than the rat- tailed larva of a beelike species of fly which iobabit dungbills and cesspools and are known to entomologists under the name of chrisatu tenax kirbys ent and described by all writers on insects as being the most disgustiog in appearance of all created thiogs and that these larva do sometimes appear in the most extraordi nary multitudes i can myself vouch for about the year 1790 beiog then a pupil at the high school of edinburgh i witness ed such an irruption which proceeded from the back of the north angle of the new col lege there they came out of some dork vaults that were connected with common sewers and the dissectingrooms of the uni versity these larva in countless myriads proceeded down the horse wind ao alley leading into the cowgate and passed along that last street until they reached nearly to the south bridge and then turned suddenly to the left and ascended towards the north hy a rising street entered into hunters- square by the iron church where the gaz ing multitade soon destroyed the head of the oolumo with sticks and stones and by tread ing them down they resembled an army on its march three or four abreast and as their procession was a quarter of a mile io length and continuedfor at least threedays their numbers must have exceed many my riads of million 1 have no doubt there are many persons now liviog the present dr monro io the number must remember this very strange phenomenon io an essay on the plague by sir a b faulkuer is to be found the case of a pri- vateioldier who while standing centry at the great gate of the city of valetta malta was fatally stung in the foot by some in sect proceeding from o cart ladeo with the bodies of victims of pestilence on their way to be interred this fact is known to be authentic and in further illustration of the opinion that insects generally are the in culators or active agents commissioned by divine providence todissemioate pestilence and contagions amongst mankind it is re corded in kirbys entomology that in in dia while the mangoes are getting ripe which is at the time of the greatest heats in that scorching climate there come swarms of very minute black flies which fly into the eyes and are exceedingly troublesome to strangers this species is called the 41 eyefly but at this season theeyes are attacked by a disease supposed to be occa sioned by eating the mangoes but more probably says mr k the result of the ir ritation produced by the fly in questioo which however they admit carries the in fection from one person to another hence i presume we must admit that there seeius iu be but little chuuee ut keep ing away the present pestilence spasmo dic cholera from this island merely by the enforcement of quarantine laws for nisi dominxiscxatoditturbemfnistraifibilantcus todes seems to be a truth in this case not to be disputed the prophet joel says that insects are the ministers of di vine vengence thoy proved to be so in egypt at the court of pharaoh in syria in the person ofherod agrippa io africa in the case of queen pheictima in the desert in the case of the children of israel disobedient to jehovah and in rome in the case of sylla the dictator let us therefore be prepared to suffer this divine vengence should it as sail us fori much fear that come it will i remain sir your obedient servant adam neale m d retired physician to the forces london june 6 1831 rujt angles but other forms had supe rior properties at lower velocities in oth er words the prow of icnl resistance at a hib velocity was obt that of least resist ance at a low oue on mephitie air in ships extract of a letwr dated ii m s alfred 26th may ll it being uecessary to air the maga zine before getting iu the powder we plac ed two stovesio it which were kept burn- infcfor a whole day then removed aud thtniagizine shut up about three days afar upon itsheiugrcopeoed and a party ofipoo sent down to work in a short space of rme three of them were hauled up in a sttf of insensibility two wind sails were no put down and after they had remain ed some time the guooer went down wiih tuft men but soon one of them was hauled upseoseless aud the gunner himself just retfhed the upper deck when he fell dowo itbesaine state there was some diffi- cuffcy as to the next proceedings fur we coftld not try to purify by fire several ca ses of rockets being already there wheu off of the officers luckily thought of fish er watering engine the suctioo hose of which was pointed out of the bow port a it j the other into the magazine nor had it en worked above four hours wheo the air was found perfectly pure the use of thft which can be easily worked by tn men is highly serviceable forventi- laripg ship a aoy cases where windsails ca bo had recourse to with advantage f instance when batterod down in a fafa of wind united service journal au- artificial port hine the russians make their port wine thus cider three quarts french brandy one quart gum ki no one drachm and the french restau rateurs imitate successfully old hock by the following mixture cider three quarts f reach brandy one quart alcolizcd nitric ether one drachm ttp restore wine which is becoming sour take dry walnuts io the proportion of one ao every gallon of wine and burn theni over a charcoal fire when they are well lighaeri throw them into the wine sf bung it up in 48 hours the acidity will have been corrected journal des connaisances anecdote or a polish envoy the german historians relate that in the year 1103 a battle ensued at breslau betweeu henry v emperor of germanyand boles- las iii king of poland in which the latter had so much the worst that he sent an am bassador to the emperor with overtures of peace the name of this ambassador was scrobios henry received him very haugh tily and gave him to understand that the poles must not expect any peace from him unless they submitted to his conditions and became tributary at the same lime he led him to bis treasury to exhibit his wealth and pointing to the gold told him these were the weapons with which he would reduce the poles to subjection to this the ambassador made no answer but taking a ring from his finger threw it into the heap saying with a smile m there is something to augment the store a bat tle ensued io which the germans were completely routed and the emperor then gladly accepted the offer of peace which was afterwards strongly cemented by the marriage of boleslas with henrys sister fletchers hiitory of poland quantity of soft metals raised in eng land duty performed by steam engines according to the tables of the produce of the soft metals raised in great britain as given in a new work entitled records of mining the quantity raiflpd io a year is as follows copper 12635 tons lead 47 000 tons and tin 5316 tons the same paper in examing the question of tbe a monnt of improvement which has taken place at various times in steam engines shows that as much power is now obtained from one bushel of coal as io the earliest periods was to be had from seven bushels the following extract from a tabeshow- ing the average duty reported in each year of all the engines working and the average duty of tbe best engines at oach periodgives the improved results after an interval of fifteen years years engines average duty average duty working of the whole of best engines 1813 24 19456000 26400000 tons 1828 54 37100000 76763000 napoleon in his youth it cannot be denied that napoleon in bis youth was a charming young man his look and par ticularly the sweet expression which he so well knew how to give his face when do ing an action of kindness always gave that impression his auger was indeed terrible and although accustomed to it i never regarded his fine face wheo in auger without experiencing a sort of shudder wheo animated his smite was equally cap tivating and the disdainful play of bis mouth made one tremble and to all this afore- head worthy the crown of a world and hands of which the most captivating co quette might feel proudtbe soft wbiteskin which covered muscles of brass and bones of diamond all this did not make him proud wheo a child or presumptuous when he grew up a fine and elegant young man from the memoirs of the dutchess d abrantes just published in paris bestforrnfor steam vessels according to the results of recently made enquiries into the prow of least resistance for steam boats it appears that the greatest velocity fourteen miles an hour was acquired by a boat modelled nearly like the bowl of a spoon with a very raking cutwater rising up in a uniform curve and all the curves upon the bottom regular and without ab- for the kingston chronicle concluded from the chronicle of ioth ult the editor of the christian sentinel has given his traders a biographical notice of robert hall a celebrated nochurch and state preacher has he nothing better to treat his readers with can he nt be more profitably employed than in pip ing the praises of a eulogist of such deists as priestly nd wolstoncraft ace at the expense of the dearest rights of every enlightened and honest briton permit me to offer an extract from an english periodical concerning the same robert hall may 1 be permitted through the medium of your magazine to express both the surprise and pein which i feel on seeing the pages of a certain publication avowedly conducted by members of the established church devoted month after month to the dissemination of dissenting princi ples i allude to the insertion in the christian observer of sermons of the late robert hall of bristol a man avowedly opposed to the church of ilgland has it been forgotten by thosepra- fesstd members of the established church that mr hall wrote and published the 4 apology for ill freedom of the press in which he re viles with unchristian sarcasm and even im pugn he moral conduct of such men as pitt horrfey ac while he commends such deists as priestly wolstoncraft c and when the christian guardian another professed church of england magazine took the liberty of re viewing that pamphlet and to point out the im propriety of republishing it the contemptuous language used by mr hall and his coadjutors in disseminating the principles of civil and religi ous anarchyclearly showed the spirit hemrr was of in a leicester journal feb- 15 1822 appeared a letter from mr hall to the editor of the christian guardian in which letter he ap plies to that periodical such tcrmsas falsehood malignity gothic barbarity reptile mean ness c such is the language of a person held up by the christian observer as a model of a minister of the gospel of chribt and as a pat tern of christian excellency what had the christian guardian done to provoke the ungovernable ire of robert hall 7 it contlined a cool and able review of his mis chievous production and in that review exhibited the inconsistency and evil tendency of such pub lication as halls apology and fordischarg- ing a conscientious duty to the reading public and to the religious public especially the editor must he subjected to tbe frowns of robert hall a toltitbty good specimen of the civil and reli gious liberty which this country would enjoy under the dominion of such men as hall and his fraternity christian remembrancer for july 1831 i suppose it was dr priestleys importance of fret p n which he threatened to explode the constitution of church and state by means ofsoinian infidelity that attracted mr hall towafds him as a brother in the faith of demo cracy and anarchy and hence it is plain that those worthies imagine the absolute prostitution of the pss to the unrestrained dissemination of every thing ihat the infernal ingenuity of unprin cipled nien can invent a tolerable idea of which may fc gathered from that unparalleled vehicle of filth rascality the colonial advocate for th whole term of it existence and now lieutenant general to the christian ginrdtan as essential to civil and religious li berty but suppose the people ore excited to that point of impious frenzy which the writer in bells life in london deems requisite for them to count and reckon with that old prostitule the church as the immaculate and excellent egerton would call her what kind of reckoning is it to be would any thing short of proscription plunder and massacre as in the good time of the protec torship satisfy the patriotic hearlsof those pious prompters who infuse will and motive and opi nion and feeling into the people the bloody times of the reign of terror and proscription in france are still fresh in the memory of many and the sober among them naturally enough re call them to mind on hearing threats of this kind held oqtjjtnd the people taunted and insulted un der the apprehension that they will not be wrought up to the due point of savage ferocity against the clergy by the time that the intended reckoning comes and we are to suppose that this is one of the contemplated measures of re form that this is a means of quieting that high wrought excitement which has pervaded the whole united kingdom that this is the sum and substance of civil and religious liberty the rights and dictates of the consciences of u denominations of christians except the suffer ers egcrton has taken very great pains to collect the evil deeds of the church in the west indies and elsewhere and to interlard them with the most opprobrious and insulting language that his evil pnins could bttbhtt the arcomta from the west indies 1 regard with great suspicion i because 1 have been informed by an officer who was in that part of ile world at the time an insurrection of the blacks was stopped at the point of explosion who declared it his belief that they had been instigated to it the officer is well known on the ridcau canal 2 because the account comes from thte avowed political ene mies of the church namely those who are seek ing to destroy the constitution of the empire 3 because i have the means f knowing to a cer tainly almost theconductnf someof thcwcsley- an missionaries to canada who have mani fested a spirit towards the church worthy of egcrton himself one p pe and perhaps two tried every means of getting into the service of the church in this dtocesc but they failed to gratify their spite on a failure they leflnoarts of annoyance untried upon certain persons and boasted that they had u faith to remove jtfoui- tains one of them sail one day to a young churchman and of his own mere motion and choice too that he loved and venerated the church of england that she was lusmotherand had nursed him in her lap within the same wttk he told another young man who knew no thing about the church that she was the very whore of babylon and the mother of all abomina tions this his holiness did witha view to gain a convert but the young man soon after happening to seethe young churchman to whom p pehad spoken of am mother in such terms of filial piety told him what a filthy church he had the misfor tune to belong to who told you so 7 says the other mr p pe he replied on which the young churchman related what had passed with him which so wrought upon the other that he refused to turn methodist the other anecdote which i shall relate is concerning one catharus which i hap pen to have on good authority having learnt it from one who saw and heard it catha- rus held a love least one morning near a church the clergyman who officiated at that place was persuaded to go in which he didtp gratify some of his neighbours- to amuse item catharus told his experience and called on bis people to tell theirs for his amusement- tlis they seemed backward to do with the eicepttn of a few sil ly fellows who knew neither relignn propriety nor modesty catharus accmefi displeased at their backwardness and said wiifca peculiarity of expression and significant sidfc motion of his head towards the clergyman thrt mrwesley had laid it down as a fixed rule ttet their expe rience meetings should be kept tfmet because that the lords people felt intinidated when any of the devics people were present and therefore in future hef should takcare on uke occasions to have the devips pcajle shut oui so that the lords people might hwe liberty and free their minds this tbe cleiman tells as a good story i heard him relate when 1 was once in montreal now if stfb good and praiseworthy men have boen sent the west indies which is not at all improbfcme what reli ance is there to be placed on their accusations of the national clergy 1 or if theyare animated with the lying and slandering spfl of egerton and his reckless hardihood in ftmgfcngt- ml even under repealed calls to cleat up wa malici ous falsehoods who is to believe tbm at so great a distance 1 beg toremark thrft i relate these facts as illustrative of the spirit t airays itself against their insulted and injured pother and i have no doubt that much of their boasted zes and piety in great britain consist in such dirty electioneering arts to deceive tho people and in duce them into tho sin of schirt against the church and conspiracy to overthrow bothchurch and stale- but admitting that abuses have been perpe trated by the national clergy dot that prove them useless and pernicious and bc authors of all national calamities as egcrtoh tells us they are the jewish clergy were faf worse at va rious times on ever ours were siil the refor mation yy did not the people count and reckon with them on the modern pl- why did there not arise iu the jewish church such ijood and zealous men as egcrtoi atd wflfiwn lyon mackenzie and dr baldwin poor man c and erectan alldenomination religious liber ty association for the purpose of purifying the church by destroying both it and the state 7 or can any reasonable man believe that the yankee democratic plan of religious liberty and trying their sectarian strength at elections and in their legislative bodies and in as many opposite and hostile factions as he will of the people can bring into the field of competition would be more con ducive to the real interests of society and good fjovernment than has been the case in england since the reformation which is more bible like one church in a country or one thousand churches one thousand that is a great ma ny who could invent names for them all and furnish them all with powers to marry every bo dy but remember kind reader religious li berty and alldenomination equality would mur der the government thai would dare to interfere with the rights and dictates of the peoples con sciences even though every single individnal should claim to be an independent church and demand the rights of marrying himself and bis neighbours this is a new way to build up a catholic and infallible churchand universal liber ty and equal rights all over the world in the guardianof aug 13 egcrton has gi ven a long article to prove the propriety and usefulness of ministers of all denominations interfering with the politics of the country and as ifconscious of taking some new position he cgins thus many of our readers will ier laps ik eiuiucu at ilic heading oi ilu aruilv let not this however deter any of ihm from a careful perusal of it for under formidable ap pearances are sometimes concealed the richest treasures c i for one will promise not to be startled at any thing the fellow may ad vance since his character for a brazenfaced liar is so well established no man who has watch ed liim for some time past can change his code of bye laws and expedients as often as there was a prospect of gaining some dirty end by it for the chief article of his hypocritical creed is that the will of the people is to be followed im plicitly in every tiling let it change as often as it may i should not be at all surprised to meet him with a turban upon his head if a colony of turks should come into this province he is perfectly at home professing any thing and dis seminating any falsehood and when he turns io congratulate the editor of the watchman and the people of upper canada on this noble resolution of commencing hostilities against the british constitution in aid of democracy and a- narchy for which ezra expects a liberal remu neration hy means ol the public money paid to his supporters he deserts no principle for he professes to hold none he declares that tho will and opinion of the people are the sole arbiters in everything and therefore it is asl suppose that he and his lieutenant general the brutal and traitorous advocate cut and dry in con clave dark and midnight caucus whatever the people are to will and believe but if it is right and good for forty or fifty different kindsof sec tarian teachers to be pulling and hauling at the politics of the country and interfering at elec tions and cramming their own creatures into the assembly and other public places where they may exercise sectarian influence over poli tics and respectively trying their strength in the legislature as they lately did in massachusetts i cannot conceive the sin and abomination and this indiscriminate street walking harlotry namely for the state as suchy to interfere in turn with religious sects and prevent its own ruin by protecting a church which would second its own endeavours and support the govern ment instead of tearing it to pieces and making it the gambling kcuiel of sectarian demagogues and the inventors of new religions and new churches the saint has here mostmaivcllons ly outwitted himself for his scheme for all sec- tarisn teachers to commence the trade of po litical demagogues for the purpose of intimidate ing the government and dictating to it on all oc casions is too gross and barefaced to deceive a- ny who have not in the true notion of implicit faith given uptheir whole mental economy to his uncontrolled direction ifit is lawful for fif ty different denominations ofreligious faction teachers to interfere with the government at the same time and instruct it how to conduct itself in order to avoid their displeasure how can it be unlawful for the government to act in self de fence and unite itself to a religious friend that will abide by it both in prosperity and adversity answer me that but his drift now is sinco the kirk people cannot be seduced to turn traitors to tbe british constitution and assist iu its contemplated des truction to make room for the yankee plan as developed in the legislature of massachusetts to slander and abuse the kirk and court the assistance of the heroic watchman and his sup porters- so his apology for religion and politics is got up as an excuse for the irregujar curvetting of factious pegasus and for the fur therance of his political projects and if his turning upon ezra could serve his views he would tomorrow abuse him and his employers as grossly as any one else i should like to see bis definition of the ex tent of religious liberty namely of division and subdivision or what is the lowest numerical term allowable for the constitution of an inde pendent church how many different deno minations docs the bible authorize as ma ny as thero are individuals i wonder that book talks of men being mdcr obligation i use ihc word in its strict legal sense to obey their ecclesiastical superiors but ihc scrui-in- fidel ofldenomination dogma absolutely kilu every argument by which the obligation of even hoo inditiduds agreeing together in religion can be supported for where the will and the choicn of the people is made the rale of ecclesiastical obedience obligation has no existence and the sin of schism so severely censured in the scrip tures is utterly impossible and yet ryan and jackson and their friends have been perse cuted with systematic and persevering maligni ty for lcbclhon against the ecclesiastical power of the ryersons his common sense fled the world in confusion and dbgrace that soch self condemning and insipid nonsense and hy pocrisy should find hearers and followers 1 on one occasion egerton belches ont an c- ruption of pious anathema at the british gov ernment for having protected itself and people from the bloody tyranny and political intrigues of the court of rome in securing a protestant succession and putting it out of the power of the pope to exterminate by fire and sword the roots and the branches of protestantism and re proaches it for having employed in its armies proscribed and persecuted roman catholics see guardian no 86 this feeling declama tion however was vomited out with the hu mane motive of keeping colonel hagerman out of the next house of assembly simply because he is an honest man pray mr egerton had it not been for that u mystery of iqiquily the 5burch and state of protestant englanddo vou lilt t t i fi j e i jyij vilcgeyou now enjoy of disseminatmgyourtrea sonabtc designs against the very thing that has secured you from the gallows or the rack tell mc you presumptuous and reckless demagogue pray excuse mr chronicle the desultory tex ture of this communication and believe me yours in sincerity one ofthejpeople p s since noticing miltons charitable prayer for the disposal of the souls of all prelates 1 have been running over a few tracts which i got at one of our church depositories and found one on the church by the famous u trinity jones published i believe about forty ycrs s go at page 43 be gives a note which i beg leave to offer as applicable in some degree to present times and as authority for milton prayer for the benefit of bishops an author who put out a syllabus of lec tures in the year 1773 on the principles of jvett- conformity speaks in the person of jesus christ upon the tribunal of judgment at thelandayand supposes him presenting to the world on that tremendous occasion his faithful servants the nonconformist ministers as the great objects of his favor and at the same time sending off those holy tyrantsy the bishops of the church of england into everlasting fire with that dreadfu sentence depart and what are they to be damned for because they could not approve of jfonconformity a religion of negatives they saw enough of its fruit to dislike it in for mer times from its first appearance in thia kingdom but they did not see as we do now that its end is infidelity to which it hath been tending for many years past and hath now attained to it in the writings of dr priestly and the unitarian association these lectures with this dreadful sentence of damnation to tha bishops by brofaer robinson were approved by and recommended to the sister churches by or der of all june 18 1778 of what character must these sister churches be if they are of the same spiritwith brother robinson surely they are not chaste virgins preeenjabfald t meek and merciful saviour who ffljpmjjmmi murderers but unmerciful harlots cuttbg and damning the established church for retaining episcopacy had there been no non-confora- ity the poor bishops might have escaped like o- ther meo and have been entitled to their chance of mercy thro the merits of their redeemer who died for them and for all men and sent forth the first bishops by his own immediate au thority what would such pfonconfonnisu do if they had it in their power who are provok- edto eucb uncharitable ravings under the pre sent most mild and moderate state of the church of england but the most superlative instance of tannic malignity i ever yet saw isto be found in the works of jtftjton whose malignity was rendered more malignant by the depressed and afflicted condition to which the church was then rcduo ed he was a man of a bright and perfect ima gination and gifted with a wonderful choice of beautiful and descriptive expression but the weapon is the worse for its sharpness when ma lice hath the handling of it and imagination is a mirror which can reflect tbe fires of hell as well as thelight of heaven of which i think we have an example in the following invectivo against the bishops of the church of england but they that by the impairing and diminu tion of the true faith the distreascs and servitude of their country aspire to high dignity role and promotion here after a shameful end of this life which god grant them shall be thrown down eternally into the darkest and deepest gulph of hell where under the despiteful con trol and trample and spurn of all theothcr damn ed who in the anguish of their torture shall have no other ease than to exercise a raving a bestial tyranny over thorn as their slaves knd ne groes they shall remain in that plight forcver the basest the lowermost tbe most dejected most underfoot aud down trodden vassal of ittrdition