Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), October 1, 1831, p. 3

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just done- in the view which the graod jury had taken of the case in considering it not to be one of murder he concurred on the trial the testimony was of such a conflicting nature on some points that the petty jury took a very considerable time before they returned their verdict ofthe verdict which tbey had finally returned he did not disapprove nor yet of iheir previ ous doubts aod long deliberation mr blake had received an excellent character and he hoped he would profit by the lessoo which this trial was calculated to give and endeavour to justify the favourable testi mony he had received he could imprest upon him the important coosequeoces re sulting from a rash transgression ofthe law by a person o his responsible situation a rashness involving many others who acted under bis command and would be likely to follow his example the point aa to the responsibility of those committing ao illegal act by the command of their superior officer had long since received a taogible decision as an irishman the barou was sorry to have occasion to state that one of the most abundant sources ofthe disturbed state of ireland was that instead of look ing to the law as a protection the people regarded it with disgust and something like aversion and therefore all persons in authority should endeavour to disabuse the lower orders by demonstrating kindly aod in practice that the law is what it pro fesses to be he did ootkoow whether he was merely consuming lime by indulging in these observations but he could with a safe conscience say that he did as well as he was ablo a great deal was io the pow er of the police towards reconciling the people to their authority although it could not be denied that they had some bow or other incurred a certain degree of odium which yet a a body he did not believe them to have deserved it was the more incumbent upon the constituted authorities to reconcile the people to the law because he was afraid the people were not only lia ble to be misled but that not a few were endeavouring to mislead and to withdraw them from their trust io and allegiance to tbe law aod to discourage their submission to the constituted authorities of the slate this case dad naturally excited considerabl sensation aod had received as it was en titled to do ao attentive aod large discus sion the grand jury at the very mo ment they ignored the bills had done a very merritorious act which io strictness tbey need not have done had they out been disposed to act quite fairly- they had at once expressed their readioess to entertain bills for a man slaughter and agaio the petit jury not cousisliog of persons ofthe lower orders had b the length of their de liberation offered proofs of their readiness sasratfuftitbefpfelhfl tfggtef- eioo the trial too was had before a judge inferior to many of his brethren io judicial attainments but yielding to oomao on or off the bench in his desire to cherish the humbler classes and guard them from all oppression he thought the verdict a merciful one the propriety of which was not to be censured- the doubts which the jury for a time entertained had terminated properly he believed in an acquittal the law had entrusted the police with deadly weapons which he was sorry to say the slate of this country required but if the police abased the powers given them by making an ill use of their arms they would disturb instead of preserve the public peace and aggravate be ovils which tbey were in tended to remove most happy should he be if any observations of his could have the eflect of putting bis deluded countrymen on their guard against those who were cn- deavouriozto mislead and furnish them with plausible pretexts for illegal cooduct he was far however from recommending to the police to abate or relax in their firm ness io the performance of their duty it was esseotial to the public safety that they should he firm but it was equally essential that thoy should never outstep the bounds of legal authority but temper their firm oess with inildocss and discrimination there was one topic which it might per haps not be inopportuoate to mention the soreness of the public mind was perhaps the only mischief that could be anticipated from this acquital he heartily wished that this could be obviated a coocilitary wmjt uu tft pact vt i ui puttee atfen h thought contribute to produce this effect the recent trial had been imperatively call ed for without it the feelings ofthe lower orders would have been deeply wounded aod agitating mischiefmakers furnished with a dangerous topic ofdiscontent but in aii unhappy country party feeling sooo- eror later insinuated itself into every ques tion and had he feared for example in fused itself into this he wished from his heart this could be banished where op posite party feelings came into conflicting contact each party was loo apt pertinaci ously to puruse its object as if a failure to attain it touched its dignity and honour those who prosecuted with zeal were zeal ously defended the censure was retorted aod party spirit heightened its veoom on both sides but age aod experience had taught him to see things in a different light zealous prosecutors hu could well conceive he concluded by declairing tbat ho would render an inestimable benefit to thecountry who should reconcile and attach the peo ple to the law he thought much was io the power ofthe police in this respect and hey would do themselves great honor and the community eminent service by temper ing their cooduct with a mixture of firm ness and forbearance and without com promising their doty cultivate the good will ofthe people dublin register miscellanies england in the 17th century england is undeoiably the queen of islands the empire and arsenal of neptune with this she is the peru of europe the kingdom of bacchus the school of epicurus the aca demy of venus the land of mars the resi dence of minerva the stay of holland the scourge of france the purgatory of oppo sitionists and the paradise of freemen the women are fair but their beauty is a- rid her son are brave but their bravery often degeoerates into savageoess wit aod wisdom prevail to ao extent which is probably unknown in other couotries but insupportable pride abstracts from their merit it may well be said that fortune has here distributed her largesses in profusion but these insular beings know not the prl peruse of them where the stranger isie question their laoguage is an admixture of almost every tongue io europe but thy combine it with the drawback tbat itay set it above every other in short the en glish are a people who want for nothieg that can conduce to happiness excepting wisdom io the art of enjoying i l by cowtt oren8tein of sweden infivenve of habil during the dreadful days of napoleons retreat from moscov every bivouac around him was raarktri with its circle of dead there were pru miscuously assembled men of all nation ranks and ages ministers generals com misiaries one most remarkable in rhs group was a nobleman a relic of the gap and brilliant days of the french court- as soon as the day broke this general ofti cerof sixty was seen sitting on the snow- covered trunk of a tree employed with mv alterable gaiety upon the details of his tot let io be midst ofthe hurricane he dress ed and powdered his head with thegreatoa care as if in mockery of the miseries aril the adverse elements which assailed him near him the scientific men almost cut b pieces by the north wind were eogaged w enquiries into the causes of its direction a reft on the danube the foundatioi is of the trunks of enormous trees so firmi- attached that there cannot he the re mo las fear of their separation when the whob cargo of planks is put on board the surface is covered with them aod there becomes i smooth and level walk of above 150 feetiu leogth an extremely acceptable change foi those who have been long pent io coaches the proper way of enjoying the excursion is to order a hut of planks to be pot togeth er on the raft for your own exclusive en joyment for your fellow travellers awr chifly artisans seeking employment anl the common hut in case of rain or heat is crammed with old great coats hats2fc preparation of coffee at ftosetta a ftei rosting the coffee it is pouoded io immense mortars three arabs work at a time with enormous pestles each as large as a man can raise the capacity of the bottom eft the mortar being only equal to the reception of one of them at a time the pestles are raised according to the measure of an air sang by an attendant arab who sits oear the mortar the main purpnrt of this cu rious accompaniment is to prevent tte hand and arm of a boy trembling near the mortar from beiog crushed to pieces tht boys arm is always within the mortar which alloivs room for each pestle to past in turn without bruising him if he placet it in time against the side ofthe vessel bua after every stroke he must stir up the pow- dey at hpbptn of tjkf were not marked by the measure of the song bis arm would be struck off a sight of this process is sufficient to explain the cause of the very impalpable nature ofthe coffeepowder used io turkey where the infusioo more resembles the appearance of chocolate than of coffee as we piepare them for beverage in england an indian juggler who astonished loo- don two or three years since while swal lowing a sword on the contineut recently wounded the ventricle of the stomach io consequence of the sword taking a wrong direction and he died almost iostantaoeous- ly io stroog coovulsons a stupendous custom house is building in liverpool to contain under its roof also the dock office exciseoffice post office and stamp office paganini has been engaged at the grand musical festival io dublin for 1000 gui neas he is said to have made moro mon ey io england than from bis youth upwards on the continent 4i gentlemen said a member of our le gislature who rose to ive his opihion oo imprisonment for debt gentlemen my opinion is that the generality of mankind in general are disposed to take the disad vantage of the generality of mankind in general and another member wbo sat near him observing his distress gave him a pinch on the knee saying you had bel- lersit dowo my friend you are coming out at the same hole you went in at bos ton transcript at a late meeting of the wine trade io the city of dublin the following important fiwts reslrr poo partinmennrj tfoevmeois were disclosed lo 1775 the consumption of french wine in irelaod was 3000 tuns 1824 it was under 100 tuns from 1789 to 1828 the duties on spanish and portugal wines were raised io ireland from 22 4r 8rf to 78 18s 4rf the tuo aod the duties on french wines from 33 7a to 139 lis id the tuo and within those periods the coo- gumptioo ol french w iocs bad fallen from 482210 gallons to 24022 gallons the pal try increase to the revenue being about 30000 although the duties were more than quadrupled and the rental and popu lation of thecouotry more than doubled dublin morning register proportion of power to velocity in steam ifoafs the following table of the power necessary to give a steam boat differ ent velocities has been published by mr tredgold 3m p hour 5j b power 7 m p b 69 h p 4 13 8 102 5 25 9 146 6 44 10 200 neto and improved material for sculpture casts for some years past the societed encouragement of pans has offered a pre mium of 6000 fraocs for the composition of a material for casts to supersede plaster of paristhis premium was lately adjudg ed to messrs briaoaod st leger accor ding to the report of h merimee their composition consists of chalk clay aod flint calcined and ground it hardens in the air and even under water is easily work ed takes with facility every possible im pression aod if it does not so quickly as plaster of paris it is io coosqueuce the more durable and withstands the vicissi tudes ofthe atmosphere for a great length of time when mr bolton the partner ofthe ce lebrated james watt waited upon george iii to explain of the great improvements of the steam engine which tbey had effect- ted the kiog said to him what do you sell mr bolton and tbe honest engineer replied what kings sireare all fond of pottwr workingman companion population of russia by the official census made up to the year 1829 it would seem that the human resources of this gigan tic empire have been greatly overraiod this doccumcot shows that the whole a mount of its population at 49000000 iu- cluding 17558898 serfs and free labourers aod 243548 clergy and io that amount poland finland the tribes beyond the cauasus the civil and military services and some siherninn hoards are comprised there are 315809 families and 18761842 individuals who pay taxes to the state independently of the regular troops wc fiod 757557 liable to do duly in the field namely 189870 peasants aitarhed to the military colonies or regimental settle ments 262105 cossacks j67 259 bash- kirs 31159 meuhfrjaks 28454 namadic kalmuks and 68810 kirghises auction to be sold on mon day the 3d october at the resi dence of colonel roberts r a the whole of his household fur niture and other effects among which are dining breakfast and other tables chairs sofas and sofa tables chests of drawers book oases and writing desks cupboards and ward robes brussels and oilier carpels and hearth rugs mahogany and cherry bedsteads feather beds and bedding curled hair mattresses a pair of ex cellent globes sets of merino chintz window and bed curtains ladies work tables china and bronze mantle orna ments cruit stands and looking glas ses pair of dinner lamps with glasses complete dinner and dessert sets breakfast and tea setts of china dish covers cut flint decanters tumblers and wine classes wine coolers and fmgei glasses dinner napkins silver edged table and bedrooui candle sticks silver edged coasters silver edg ed tea and coffee pots plate and plated ware ivory handled knives and forks mahogany liquor stands and guardivinesmedicine chesttableco- vers wash stands basins and ewers fenders and fire irons several doz of scotch ale about 150 vols of valua ble books cooking and other sioves pipes with aquantity of kitchen uten sils also a pair of excellent horses carriage sleigh and harness ladies and gentlemens saddles c an excellent milch cowand many other articles too numerous to detail sale to commence at eleven o clock a m and io continue from day to day until the whole are disposed of contractfor engineer work mjotice is hereby giventhat seal- l ed tenders with he names of sureties will be received at the com- misswiat office at ihis post until 12 oclock on the loili proximo from such persws who will undertake to perform the undermentioned services for ilie royal engheer department viz to tmngu the roof of officers barrack at point frederick- it iper canada college the business of ihe college will recommence on friday the 30th sep tember instant the dues for instruction are 2 per college quarter f scholars in ihecol- lege and l 5s for scholars in ilie preparatory school wilh an addilion- al payment in each case of five shillings per quarter for the contingent expenses of pens ink fuel c the necessary books are furnished hy i he collegeat the expense the scholars the college quarters are ordered as follows first quarter begins immediately after the christmas vacation and ends on the 20ih march second quarter begins on the 20th march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on the 10lh june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation fourth quarter begins immediately after the summer vacation and ends at i he commencement of the christmas va cation the vacations will be the following at christinas from the saturday preceding christmas day to the monday fortnight following at whitsuntide a week instead of easter week as hitherto in the summer from the saturday nearest the sixteenth of august before or after to the friday six weeks follow ing- it is intended after christmas to make instruction by the drawing master in the principles of mensuration and perspec live a part of the ordinary course and scholars who have not been less than two years pursuing the regular college course or who shall have passed thro the fourth form may on the notifica tion of a wish to that effect by the pa rents to the principal and on condition of previous good conduct have the op tion of discontinuing the general course and confining their attendance to the d epartments of themathematical draw ing and french masters jos hharrisdd principal n b the trustees and directors are desirous of giving notice that a at a meeting of the committee of management john by it was of the resolved s tea me that un less the stock subscribed by the persons who have neglected paying the same be paid to the treasurer on or before the first of october wxi the same shall be forfeited lo the company by order david john smith treasurer ktnsrston sept 1 wikolesaletstabusaiueut kingston the subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of kingston and its vicinity that they will in a few days open a wholesale store in a part of the premises owned by mrs mcleod in front street they will constantl y have on hand a large and well selected assortment of dry goods gro ceries liquors c c which ihey will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or short approved cre dit as they will confine themselves en tirely lo selling by wholesale and at montreal prices they rely confidently on the support of the mercantile por tion ofthe public gt further particulars on the arri val of the goods which are expected daily mackenziegeddes co kingston 17th sept 1831 government contract notice is hereby given that seal ed tenders bearing the names of sure ties will be received at the commissa riat office until 12 oclock on monday the 17th day of october next from such persons as maybe capable of supplying for the use of the barrack department at this station 8000 bundles of the best oaten or wheaten straw each weighing 121bs and to be delivered as follows viz 2000 bundles by the 31st march 1832 2000 do do 30th june do 2000 do do 31st october do 2000 do do 31st dec- do a contract willhave to be entered into and the payments for the straw will binding hous has been erected on j be made by the commissariat in british da do i do do of the quarter occu pied by the officer commanding royal artillery kingston ofthe old hospital in kingston and t paint the exterior toood work of the quarter occupied by the officer commanding artillery thecummandants house in king stonthe nen hospital at point henry and the officers barrack within the tete du pont at kingston all particulars will be made known on enquiry at the office of the royal engineers the several sums will be paid in british silver after the rate of 4s 4d sterling per dollar upon drafts drawn by tbe ordnance stoiekeeper and the tenders must express the rates in sier- lingwoney jno hare acc commissariat kingston 28ih september 1831 mf o t ice the shareholders a in the rideau canal steam boat john by are hereby required lo pay into my hands on or before the 1st day of november next a 5th instalment of two pounds ten shillings currency on each of their respective shares by order ofthe committee d j smithtreasurer kingston 1st october 1831 if this notice should meet the eye of william mclndoe who left the isthmus rideau caaal in the month of may last and is supposed to have gone to albany n y he is earnestly request ed by his distressed wife and famil who have come out this season from scotland and are now residing in by- town uc to inform them of his place of residence fl editors of newspapers in the state of new york will be doing the cause of humanity aservice by giving the above an insertion kin 29th se 1831 stray cow came into the enclosure of the subscriberonor about the 1st september instant a small red cow the ownerby proving the same and payingexpensescan take her away daniel walker glenburnie 27th sept 1831 tfvfotice the share holders lm in the rideau canal steam boat john by are hereby required to pay into my hands on or before the 1st day of october next a 4th installment of two pounds ten shillings currency on each of their respective shares by order of the committee david john smith treas k 27th august 1831 to let and possession given im mediately the fulling mill at napane for terms apply to a macpherson the colleee premises with the view ot yffording facilities to those who live at a distance from yiwk and would wish io avail themselves ot the advantages ot hhe college but to whom it may not be convenient to incur the expense of j boarding with any of the masters the annual expense of the boarding house including all charges of board tnd education except books will be 25 currency payable quarterly the boarders will be under the con stant charge of a gentleman residing in ihe house and the arrangement and discipline of the establishment subject to the superintendaoce of the piincipal and viceprincipal the house will be ready to receive boarders on the 1st october and it is expected that they will furnish them selves with bedding york september 1831 two inset tions of the foregoing to be given by the editors of those news papers who have been before directed to insert the college advertisements 1st of letters remaining ua in the post office at napanec 13th sept 1331 john krookmyro andrew d p bar- els bartels samuel clark 2 i beojamio carscalleo john cuthtutson isaac carscalleo henry campbell yhe- odore dickinson joseph duon samuel petlor senr benjamin file joseph v foster wm fallow eliza grant hi- iain hauley lewis leoawyue wm han- wmztil wary jeokius dnvul tlohimtstii henry jennings david kimmerley 3 henry kimmerly sardus king j b- lewis richard lowe jnor johu miller john macdonell john mirier john mac- ewen hugh ohare jan perry mi chael piercey david pringfe henry pad die ford henry spencer junr james sweet matthias switzer j- b taylor thomas wild junr zary warner john welsh eliazar yeomans n b such of the above letters as are nor relieved within six weeks from ihi- date will be sent to tbe beat letter office at quebec signed allan macfherson pm silver or in other current coin at the rale of 4s 4 sterling per dollar upon jftortrirtte rvvrrri-v- wtfwv signed by the barrack master jno hare a c g commmissariat kingston 14th sept j 831 mjotice is herebygfren that ten- jt ders will be receivetfby the sub scriber untiljmonday thefiloth of octo ber next for the building of a wharf and removal and erection of the store house on water lot no 26 in he town of kingston the plan may be seen and other particulars known on pplication to john s cartwright kingston l6th sept 1831 no t i c e subscribers to the midland district agricultural so ciety can each receive accy of the pi o- ceedings ofthe institution from the pe riod of its commencement o the quar terly meeting held in april last iuclu- ive on applvine io the secretary h c thomson secretary kingston july 20tb 181 tmotice the stockholders in 1 the steamboat william the fourth are requested to w 20 per cent on each share subscribed on or before the 23rd september next a mcdonell sec a- treas rrescott27th august18gl to let and possession given immediately lots no 13 and 14 in the 5th concession of pitts burg on the leading road to perth and 12 miles from kingston containing 350 acres with 100 acres of cleared land on the premises is a superior two sto ry log house with the other houses necessary to complete a farm it is al so in an excellent situation for a ta vern the farming stock together with the present large crop can be given by approved security the term of lease is such that it can be taken from one to ten years further particulars can be obtained from mr joseph bruce merchant kingston or to the proprietor on the premises john lavery pittsburg september 7th 1331 mrotice all persons ha- j ving claims against the subscri ber are requested to present their ac counts for liquidation and those indebt ed to the same to make immediate pay ment or their accounts will be put into the hands of an attorney for collection thomas mo l son ki 2 september 18sj to sell oe to letamf im mediate possession given the loborough distillery situated within a mile and a half of mr mcgregors mill with 4 acres of land dwelling house c c there is also an excellent garden and a promising young orchard attached to the premises the dis tillery is supplied from an excellent head of water by means of pipes and has never been known to fail for fur ther particulars apply to joseph bruce kingston or on the premises to john cochran sept 23 1831 jd cameron latt ofthe 79th regty tailor opposite the store of mr moffat quarry street res pectfully acquaints his friends and the public that he will at all times attend to their calls with tbe utmost readiness and punctuality to costkactors he undersigned commissioners appointed to superintend the e- rectionof a gaol and court house in the town of cornwall will receive at the sheriffs office in this place propo sals for the same until 10 oclock a m on the 1st day of november next such proposals to contain the names of two good and sufficient securities for the due ful6llment of the contract when at the same place said proposals will be o- pened and the lowest accepted provid ed the same be approved of by a majori ty of the commissioners for a plan and specification of the building apply to either ofthe undersigned donald 3cdonell noah dickins guy c wood george s jarvis philip vankoiigiinktt cornwall 20th sept 1831 the new steam-roat- charles caruoll caioin cast muster will leave kingston for sackets har bour every tuesday thutsday su- tuiday at 7 oclock a m cabin passage 5s steerage js 9d ttotice steamboat quecustoti 1 the public are respectfully in formed that the steamboat queenstnu capt meneillky with mr t w corning sailing aster has commenc ed her regular trips and during tliu season will leave niagara for preseott every wednesday night at 12 oclock touch ing at kingston and brockville and ar rive at preseott every friday afternoon where as usual stages will be in at tendance to convey passengers to mon treal will leave preseott every sunday morning at 6 oclocktouching at brock ville kingston cobourg port hope york burlington bay and niagara the rates of passage and freight the same as are charged by other steam boats may 1831 ttniversity of mgill u college the lectures ofthe medical department will commence on monday the 8tb novem ber next materia medica and dietitics 11 a m a f holmes m d chemistry and pharmacy 11 a m a f holmes mo theory and practice of phytic 2 p m w caldwell m d anatomy and physiology- 1 p m j stephenson m d midwifery and diseases of women and children 3 p m w robertson esq principles and practice of surgery 1 p m j stephenson m d hospital visit at noon every day practical anatomy during the season by j stephenson m d n b the tickets of this sahool rae received at the universities of edin burgh and paris montreal august 25th 1831 oswego canal packet a boat will leave oswego and syra cuse every morning sundays excepted throughout the season one of the boats is constructed on bromwells spring deck patent her days of leav ing are as follows oswego monday wednesdays and fridays and syra cuse tuesdays thursdays and satur days the other boat will leave each place on the intervening days passengers taking this line will meet with every attention and no delay as it runs in connection with the erie pack et line to and from schenectady and buffalo- and the lake ontario steam boats the elegant british steamer great britain capt whitney touches at oswego ou her trips from presscottand kingstou to york and niagara and touches also on her return from those places lo kingston and preseott oswego july 1st 1831 the copartnership between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson fc co is this day by mutual consent dissolved the subscrib ers are severally authorised to settle the affairs ofthe late copartnership all per sons having demands are requested to present them at their office at preseott signed john mcpherson alexr mcmillan samuel crane ftescoth ititihjfabuary ftfirl t new forwarding establish ment the subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of upper canada and tbe public in genera that they have entered into copartnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonel co at preseott and ogdcnsburgh andthat ofmcmiilan link co at montreal they will be prepared on the opening of the navigation with good durham boats and bateaux manned with experienced masters and conduc tors to transport any produce or mer chandize that they may be favored with on as favorable terms as that of any res pectable house in upper canada the business at preseott and ogdensburgh will be carried on at the old stands for merly occupied by the late firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mcdonel matthias link painting the subscribers beg leave to re turn thanks to their friends and the public of kingston and vicinity for the encouragement they have sepa rately received during their residence a- mongst them they also wish to inform them that they have opened an establishment in quarry street opposite mr d pren tiss drv good store under the firm of kerr heathers ornamental sign carriage r house paint ers glaziers paperhangers x from iheir well known abilities and practice in kingston w h a determination to be punctual they hope lo meet still wiih a share of patronage from a discerning and generous public jas kerr joseph heathers kingston may 4th issi

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