i from the englishmans magazine for jidy he comes ko more he comes no more the flowers are blooming their fragrant breath the bower perfuming gvcil as of yore bui he who ww in gaze enchanted upon e when those flowers were planted tic comes no more no more he comes no more willi voice of power still thrills tny lute at evening hour pwect as before ah me us now the mournful token of plighted faith forever broken- he conies no more no more population of poland- upon au ex amination of the official returns of the pop ulation of the kiugdom of poland made up to theeod of year 1826 we find that ex clusively of the army the number of its in habitants was 4088289 exhibiting ao io- crease within the space of five years of 383983 souls in that interval the num ber of births exceeded tho deaths by 281380 it is remarkable that io the same period of five years as many as 102623 strangers had settled in the country of the whole population io 1828 there were 837392 in dividuals living in towns and 3200697 out of them- the average number of persons located within each square mile was 1 694 the catholic population was 3471282 protestant 232744 hebrew 384263 of the latter class it maybe remarked that there were three- fourth namely 308578 were resident in towns accordiugto the preceding rate of in crease the actual population of the king dom of poland would be 4280000 souls but this amount would form too weak a state o maintain its independence or that of western europe agaiost the fifty milli oos of widely scattered muscovite vassals it might not therefore be inconsistent with the interests of austria and prussia to disgorge their illgotten spoils the best and most politic expiation which they could make for their robbery in this evenr we shall have a state composed of the follow iug efficient and compact materials kingdom of poland 4280000 gallacia 4317 000 posen 730800 broniberg 333600 extension nf civil and religious liberty ed ucation aud civilization all over ilie world j m ur ihe nearly iwo years which has now elapsed since i first wrote to the chronicle 1 have seen myself described in english amcricau french and other for eign journals as first a member of the extreme gauche of the french chamber m j 830 second as an ivx member of a certain wellknmvn english borough 3d as a celebrated translator of foreign poets and one of the ornaments of the age in which wc live i oced dot mention names 4 as an americau secretary of an ame rican i fnbassy- 5 as a chaplain to a foreign ambassador in this capital 6 as a pole who has lived for some years in paris and o whom both the english and french reviews are indebted for many de lightful article on that country 7 as a belgian who had pastsome years in italy and in england and who is well knowo and justly admired for his classical taste and talents as au amateurarlist and 8 as an english physician who has spent mapy years io portugal and knows something a- bout all europe in all cases the names has been published and of many of them i should justly be proud but i am obliged to reject the list and beg the guessers to begin again though i promise them not to reply to their inquiries the real auth or of these letters is oot and will oot be known except by the initals or your obe dient servant o p q 9660400 the erection of such a dominion is not however likely to follow but upon the success of the insurrection in the polish possessions of the russian crown that success would almost inevitably emanci- bite the people of gallacia posen and romberg and in such a case regenera ted poland would command the following human resources kingdom of poland with aus- own inn trian and prussian poland j provinces of wiloa grodno witepsk mohilew minsk u iift mn volbynia podolia and by- f alystock the proprietors of the undermentioned steamboats beg to inform the public that they have established the following rates for the season 1831 for passage front prescott to brockvut r and vice versa for each cabin passenger l 0 2 6 for each deck passenger 0 i 3 from prescott fy brockvilte to kingston vice versa for each cabin pasengerincludingfarcj 0 12 6 for each deck passenger 0 6 3 from prescott fy brockvilte to coburg fy portiiope and vice versa foreachcabmpasscngerincludingfare 1 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 10 0 from prescott brockvilte to york burlington bay fy niagara and vice versa foreachcabinpassengerincludinglare 2 0 0 for each deck passenger 0 12 6 from kingston to coburg 4 porthopesf vice versa for each cabin pflssengerincluding fare 1 0 6 for each deck passenger 0 7 0 from kingston to york burlington baypuv magartt and ict versa forcachcabin piscngerincludiny fare 1 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 10 0 vom cvburg ty port hope to york arlington bay jiagaraj and vice vera fr each cabin passcngeriucluding fare 0 15 0 far each deck passenger 0 7 6 from york to burlington bay fy avgoro and vice versa forcachcabin passengevncludingfare0 12 for each deck passenger 0 5 from burlington bay to jtfiagavi for each cabin passenger including fare 0 10 for each deck passenger 0 5 the imassiox house hotit t subscriber having rented is wteowve aud well kuuwn cjlalli- uow opened ihe tamo for t accommodation of the public the mansion is pleasantly rituat- ed on store slit heltfg the principal and most central tftol io kingston aud uo establishment dthekfud in the province can surpass it if excellence aud comfort of its apnruncrip regard both to parlours aud bed room all of which are fur nished in the vy lol style the subscrih having kept tavern for several yean acquired experience io that line and be trusts that with unre- utttiiig ntieni i the comforts of his guests he will rcrit a share of the public patronage in rear of thi mansion house is a large yard in which there is au extensive aud commodious rasc of stables aud where a livery stablt be constantly kept for theacconimoda of the public s carmino kingstop 24 ocioher 183 jejho v all the subscri- ber boj leave lo acquaint iiis friends and i public generally thai he lias removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr wm binley drought where he is now receiving a ery general assorimcnlof staple ni fancy goods well adapted r the season which ho intends to sell unusually low for cash 8 r or short ipprf ved credit on hand a great variety he has also of school books and salionery and a case of c hristys besi waterproof hals w driscoll kingston october dili 130 ohn booth merchant j f 18108400 io every point of view whether as a mere military diversioo or as he result of a deeper estimate of reflects it was a master ly policy which led to the polish govern ment to seek for ao allay io the revolt of their fellowcountrymen on the eastern tide of ibe vistula utters of o p q aeir series no l to the editor of he loodoo morniog chronicle paris july 23 sir in commencicg a new series of letters to the morning chronicle you must allow me co avail myself of the opportuity vbich w ihu presented for saying a few words relative to this correspondence today we hegin a new era in the his tory of france and i will add in the his tory of europe 1 have taken the necessa ry means lope informed with even greater exactitude and promptitude than lias hither to beeo the case of all that shall pass in belgium poland italy spain portugal russia prussia austria and even turkey either in the event of war or of peace i shall never announce an event of which i am not certain and for the sake of niakiog the ignorant stare and the newsmonger wonder shall never condescend to catch the passenger by clapraps and give a fact today which we may or rather must be de nied tomorrow my opinions are known by my correspondence i belong to the earty which desires the greatest possible appincss of the greatest number fur the greatest period of time my past correspondence has made some stir in the world my files of newspapers apprise me that my letters have been and are still translated ioto the french ger man spanish polish and italian landgua- ges 1 attribute this to the fact of my being the sincere and zealous advocate of the greatest happiness principle and not to any merit either of style or phrase in the letters themselves i am truly sensible of all their defects and many of them i shall seek to remedy there is certainly no reason why the ear should not be pleased as welt as the heart warmed to my friends the journalists of the united slates of america 1 offer an un feigned expression of gratitude for the many obliging proofs they have given of the interest which my correspondence excites in that happy and highlyfavoured land and for the kindness with which they have received even the errors of my pen one word more when firstl commen ced ray correspondence with the chronicle i informed your readers that i should main tain my anonymous character and should probably never divulge my name this desire of privacy 1 then stated as i now repeat is grounded on personal consider ations with which the public has no cou- cero i attack no one lam no liheller nor raker into other mens secrets if j were disposed to tell the thousandth part of what i knew of the public aod private characters of most of the leading characters io europe i might fill the chronicle with slander aod instead of serving the great est happiness principle i should be pan dering to the most of appetites aod en couraging the most dangerous and destruc tive of pastiou i have to do with princi ples and oot with men and with factory and facts and my object is lo promote the for freight from burlington buy niagara york porthope ifcobourgjobrcckville sfprcscott forevcry barrel of ashes la 6 forevery bbl of pork beef lardc t 1 10j forevery barrel of flour 0 13 all other articles in the same proportion for every hors 15 0 for every ox or cow 10 0 for every parcel too small for weight 0 16 from the above places to kingston for every barrel of ashes 0 1 10 for every barrclof porkbeeflardc 1 6 for every barrel of flour 0 10 all oilier articles hi the same proportion for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 15 0 from prescott and brockvilte to cobourg- york bay t niagara for every cwt weight of merchandise 0 1 3 for every horse 15 0 for every ox or cow 10 0 from kingston to ihe above places for every cwt weight of merchandise 0 1 0 for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 15 0 for every parcel too small fur weight 0 1 c jnq hamtl ton steamboat great britsiio stcumboat quecntou r hamilton pr jii steamboat aleimc- john hosier steamboat niagara prescotu may 2d 1831- mthograpi1y from canadian slonc the subscriber begs lo announce lo the public the establishment of a lithographic press in kingston by the name of william iv press where will be executed all kinds ot work ap plicable lo that useful art such as maps plans views circulars music head ings of merchants bills and steam boat notices with the sketch of the boat i- requiied blank deeds and memorials funeral notices embellished with suit able emblems bills of exchange c c c persons wanting any kind of copies ol their own hand writing will be supplied with prepared paper and che mical ink for that purpose s o tazewell n b cairicatures printed by the sketch being supplied kingston august 12lh 1831 otict a lainl dividend will be payable at the office of john kirhy esq iu kingstoooo wedoesday ihe i5ih day of juuc oext to the creditors of the late allan taylor esq and to the late firm of taylor and parker john kirby a o petrie t parker trusleea kingston 9th may 1831 to let the house near ihe scotch church at present occu pied by lieut cameron 79th highlan der apply to thqs k notice marmora foundry company in conformity to the act iocorporat- iog ihis company a subscription book is now opeu at the office of tiios kirkkpatrick k kith may 1831 for salje lot no 358 in grave street kingston taj lor most respectfully begs leave to infoi his friends and the pub lic that he has removed to market street next door to mr w binley druggist where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends aud the public his sincere thanks for the patronage lie experienced at his former stand und now solicits a continuance of that sup port with tin assurance that his utmost ellorts will be used lor the satisfaction of all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large and fine assortment of cloths cassimcres ves- tings trimmings of every description tcchc is enabled to furnish anyquan- tity on the must reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston 11th november 1s30 webster begs most res pectively to inform the inha bitants of kingston and its vicity that he has just returned from london with a stock of cloths cassimeres and vest- ings of the most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the most ap proved aud latest patterns and having succcded in making purchases at some of the first establishments he is enabled o execute orders for cloathing at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure gentlemen entrusting him with their orders tliat ftiej siiatiue executed agree able to the present fashions and in the first style of workmanship at the same time he begs to return his sincere thanks lo his friends and the public for the sup port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p s g w has made arrangments with one of the first houses to supply him with the latest fashions aingsion 4th december 1630 g teamboat hotel in ear of the market imi a few rod west of the steamboat wmrf the subscriber begs leave io return bis sin- ceic thanks lo his friends umi the public for their very liberal suppoit during the last eight years of which ht hopes lo merit a continuance hy a stri attention to business his house bav under gone a thorough repair ha placed it more than ever in his power io contri bute to the comfort and accommodaiion of travellers flca few boarders can be arcommoditcd the table and bar will lye furnished with the best the market alfods and on the most reasonable terms n b extensive stables d sheds together with a large and secure yard tiios bamford kingston febiuary 1 lfii or sale loi no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro for particulars en quire at this oftice kingston 9th august 182- notice 4 ll notes or accounts jie to the estate of the late frederick keler are to be settled with j h samson admr beuvile 24th dec 1828 william johnson barber and hairdresser riextdoor to the london tavern tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patro nage kingston 30th may 1829- mrs parmentier ofiers for sale at the horticultural bolan- garden brooklyn l i iwo miles from new york a tine collectiou of the most desirable kinds of tabic and wine grapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental tress and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection of jonthly and hardy roses print- od diroptinna inr ihmiiwjir fiwwl to purchasers mr james macfarlane edtor of this paper will receive orders for luit and or namental trees from her colledion mrs p will make arrangements chit whatever is ordered from him will bo cawfully pack ed aud forwarded without toe slightest de lay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paul at the office of the chronicle reference joho macaulay john khby john marks stephen yarwood allan mclean esquired 24th march 1831 n b it may be proper to meolioo that the necessary directions will be sent along with the different trees as to the man lier of treating them trees received iu tho fall can be safely buried in the ground until the spring when they can be plaoted without receiving any iojury from the frost provided that they are entirely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will bo received aod care shall be taken that several orders will be made up iuto ooe package with a view to save the expense of carriage tho subscriber having been appointed bt dissolution the copart nership between the undersign ed under the firm of john macpher- son fy co is ibis day by mutual con sent dissolved the subsciibersaresc verally authorised to settle the afiar of the late copartnership all person having demands are requested to presen them at their office sigued john macpherson aler mcmillan samuel crane prescott january 12th 1831 the forwarding business wil he continued by john macpherson and samuel crane under the firm of mac pherson and crane here and at mon treal under the old firm their stores and wharves at the upper end of the town where their bu siness will be transacted are to be con siderably enlarged and will be conveni ent for receiving and shipping wheat in bulk prescott 12th jan 1831 agent in this province for mrs parmen- tier is now ready lo receive orders agreea bly to the above advertisement james macpaklane kingston 24th march 1831 the provincial statutes the undersigned beg to inform the public that their revised edi- lion of the provincial statutes will be icady on or about the 1st of november next it will contain all the british laws which relate particularly to the canadas tho ordinances of quebec proclamations issued by lord dochester and governor simcoe and the whole of the provincial statutes now in torce from the year 1792 to 1831 inclusive with such notes of reference as circum stances appeared lo require and a most copious index in preparing the work for the press he utmost attention has been paid to correctness the paper is of the best quality und the publisheis trust that its typographical execution will equal if not surpass that of any work ever pub lished in canada none but the most competent printers being engaged in the office from which it is to issue it may not be amiss to add that all persons who subscribe for this edition will be annuity furnished with the suc ceeding provincial enactments at a mo derate price and printed in the same form as the work now in the press h c thomson james macfarlane kingston june 14 1881 books for sale the following books are for sale at the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of ihe history of the jews from the ear liest period to the present lime by the rev h h milman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon buonaparte by j g lockhart esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2d london edition 3 vols 18 mo life of nelson by robert south- ey esq with a portrait the life of alexander the great by the rev j williams with a map natural history of insects illus trated by numerous engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by john gait esq is mo the life of mohammed founder ot the religion of islam and of the em pire of the saracens by the rev george bush a m with a plate 18 mo letters on demonology and wih raftc by sir walter scott bart 18 mo with a plate history of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols is mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions with illustrations of their climate ge ology and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and hugh jfurray esq with maps c 18 mo life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george croly with a portrait 18 mo new andimpioved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the earliest ages to the present time book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle qffct the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business iu this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf in calf orna- do do do do folio full bound meoted quarto octavo 12mo ismo do do do do e s d i 0 0 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 half binding in calf folio half bound and orna- meoted quarto octavo l2mo 18mo 0 17 0 do do do do do do do do o 7 0 0 3 8 0 1 8 0 1 binding in sheep folio full mented quarto octavo 12mo lino boudd and orqa- do do do do do do do do i 0 17 6 0 0 0 0 7 2 1 6 4 3 s also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio and fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston i3th ap 1829 i1jew stereotype e- lf dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from the 32sth london edition a d 1827 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane coppekpate press a first rate copperplate piinting press has just been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office july 24 1 a 1830- the board of education for the johnstown district give notice hat from the presecu time it is their intention strictly to euforce the regulation made some years hack by which the use of american books iu teaching is prohibited aod the masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtaiuedbyeach master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion to dr hubhell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulatioo with itlustra- j enjoining the use of prayers at the cora- lions of the geology ilineraloev and i meocemeni of school i the morning aod t t he subscriber having been op- poinled agent lo ihe alliance assurance company begs leave io an nounce to the public that he continues to assure agaiost loss or damage occasioned hy fire io any part of the provinces of up per or lower canada from the liberal traditions aod exteoaive scale on which the business of the company is couducted he trosti the public will find to assure at their office- c tait alliance office st gabrielsireot montreal 1mb july 1831 j the foltowiog gentlemen are agents iu t advantageous vppcr canada jimes macfarlane esq j nines g bethune esq samuel ridout esq tiuy c wood esq aply to the editor of l paper mklsis a mo kingston coboarg york cornwall alt rheum this inveterat disease which has long baffled the an of tho most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la granges genuine ointment few cutaneous diseases are met with more re- uctnncehy the physician none in which be i r so universally unsuccessful this ointflieui has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessel so the skin and its original colour aod smoothness numerous recommendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that ifaxr trial should be itsonly commentator- it lias iu three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried- it not only at once gives immedi ate relief iu salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commonly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to un- ealthy children there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and il may he used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle vox sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and george beut mon treal sole agent for the canadas kin ilthj 1s2s an extract from the regulations of upper canada college the college quarters arc order ed as follows first quarter begins immediately af ter the christmas vacation about the 4tl of january and ends on tlklfe 20th of march second quarter begins o she 20th march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on ilfie 10th june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation about ithe lgth of august fourth quarter begins immediately after the summer vacation abouit the 1st october and ends at the ou ment ot the christmas vacatioj about the ist december at whatever period of cither of the above quarters a scholar is adm i j the college oi preparatory school his dues for instruction arc payul fiym rockciltc the begiulng uflhut quatter tv rotessor jameson jamestvilson esq and hugh mur- ray esq with a map and wood en gravings 18 mo i avi s of eminent painters and scttlp tors by allan cunningham esq i- 3 vols 18 mo with portraits history of chivalry and the cru sades by g r james esq is mo with a plate mary qneen of scots in 2 vols hy u g bell esq the continuation of the family libra ry will be regularly received at the chro nicle office immediately as the volumes are issued from the press of the messrs harpers of new york to render the family library still more worthy of patronage the publishers pro pose incorporating io it such works of iu stere and value as may appear in theva- uriost libraries and miscellanies now pre paring io europe particularly the na tional aod the edinburgh cabinet libraries ah these productions as they emanate from the press will be submitted to a committee of literary gentlemen for inspection and cone will be reprinted tut such as shall be found calculated to sustain the exalted character which this library has already acquired also bourrieanes private memoirs of napo leon sketches of naval life with notice of men manners and scenery on the shores of the mediterranean with maps by a ci vilian annals of the peninsular campaigns by the author ofcyril thornton correspondence of admiral colling wood with memoirs of his life a year in spain by a young american berthas visit to her uncle io england tho grooms oracle and pocket stable directory lawrence on the horse the boston revised edition of the wa verley novels with plates the heiress of bruges a novel by t c grattao maxwell a novel by the author of 11 sayings afld doings the barony a novel by miss anna maria porter- the talba a romance by mrs b ra a form adapted to general use may be found iu mavors spellinghook and is re commended for this purpose hy the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to he signed by iwo trustees may he had on application to adiel sherwood esq brockville july 1829 t quarrystreet nearly opposite mr prentiss store ii e subscriber begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that she has lately arrived from eogland and commenced business in the followiog line leghorn bonnets made to any pattern old ones stovd and altered chip straw bonnets made cleaod c according to the latest eoglish fashions and on reason able terms m haldenby the kingston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by james macfarlane at his office ia front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpence perannum sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion snd aod 74 each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and lod each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line forthe first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted tiltforbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing and delivered by wednesdat noom at the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on the day of publication ic produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bignell esq quebec david chishoime esq three rivers andrew porteous esq jtino treat james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq lochiel r cline esq cornwall george browse esq matilda alphcus jones esq presctl henrv jones esj brockvilte josiah taylor esq perth h whitmarsh esq richmnd j k hartwtll e bastand mess c j mdonald gananque john dean esq batlu allan mcpherson esq jtopme tboa parker esq bttlvitlc joseph a keeler esq cramaat james g bethunc esq hamilton david smart esq port hope william allan esq york daniel ko5 esq vmria john crooks esq niagara charles biggar em murray j d gilbert esq jldclpustvwu w rubcrtton esq river trent j