Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), October 8, 1831, p. 1

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kingston eeveixteen shillings and sixpence per annum i if sent by mail twenty shillings vol 13 sro 15 chronicle nec rege nec populo sed utroque published every saturday by joints mnearlmn at liia office in frontstreet kingston u c saturday october 8 1831 for the carontre ma chronicle when i undertook these iaborain the cause of truth and righteousness the way before rae was dark and dubious and i felt a deficiency of passing acts of the right stamp to prove palpably by the testimony of jthe living moving world around me the eternal and immu- table truths which i have the honor to advocate against an apostate and unbelieving age truths in the abstract may be stated and established by the clearest and most rational testimony and proposed as the rule of mans conduct but un less a parmanent sense of proximate danger urge home the necessity of their adoption the most trifling calls of sinister passion will induce the majority to trample them under foot and pursue the phaotasims of their own unbridled lusts eutthanks to a superintendingproyidence these desiderata 1 have formed they have sprung up at my side and fallen into my lap as felicitously as the rooet sanguine heart could have wished and as opportunely as though prepared each for the day and the hour when i had leisure to pur sue the course i had marked out you w ill easily understand that i allude to the documen tary evidence which of a variety of character i have laid before your readers one of a most singular description and of so simple and undis guised a character ftl to be out of the reach of mistake respecting it was two days since recei ved by me from a friend at new york this i regard as the most tangible and most important document as regards certain things in this pro- l j i vt mi jw tut 77 i rt ij w ftritetaplated is afihtl importance not onlj to the prosperity of religion in that particu lar part of the country but to the province at larre especially an there is no public seminary in toe province where young men as preabyte- riars cam be trained for the work of the aospel miiistry in the intended institution at pleasant bay prevision will be made for such pious and devoted young men as may give themselves to the work of the lord in ihe public ministry of iris word in canada an nstitution such as is contemplated by the friends of the redeemer at pleasant bay is es sentially neceseay to the spread of the gospel in upper canada yet however desirable and im portant such an institution is believed to be it cannot be carried into effect without tue kind aid anl cooperation of the friends of science and rdigion in the province and the united stttes mr cory and theobtect of his mission are therefore commended to tne care and bless ing of the great head of the church and to the kind dfices attention and liberality of all good tion generally and their claim upon the old states for aid is perhaps equally great it i plied with evangelical ministers it cannot be done in any way so economically so surely and so satisfactory as by encouraging its inhabitants to erect institutions on their own soil for the edu cation of their pious young men this is now regarded as a settled principle in relation to all countries the location of the proposed institution is well selected and the management of it will be in the hands of men who are probably as well fitted for such a tnist as any who could be selected in the province we hope that mr cory will meet with success in the prosecution of his agency among our citi zens the philadelphian and other newspapapers of a religious description arc respectfully re quested to insert this appeal the extracts below are taken from a printed esccasa r wok placein iedwithevan troy siime tour or five years ago under the a- gency of messrs beeman and finney evangeli cal presbyterian ministers such as are propos ed as the only hope of the province as it re gards th means of grace in their purity perma nence ftd general diffusion mr beeman it appear ly the pamphlet had been declining in the estimation of most of his flock he was very disorderly in his family and had sought a legal separation from bis wife and failing he hit upoh the expedient of getting up a revival in order w p his sinking reputation he even declare to a respectable member of his church who ws warning him of his dangerous situation that if a successful revival could be matured un der his auspices it would place him beyond cen sure fr ther himself or his wife must be sa- crificesjthatifthelot fell to him it might beofdlfi to the cause of religion he appear conceive that in the choice of the victim tfc guilt or innocence of the parties were not to hp taken into consideration and it rfaswith this strange logic in his mouth thathepp to his friends for assistance a reviv raus be commenced and he must be its auul u beeman first began by in fusing greater warmth into his discourses and several persons probably in the secret were the first sufj f l grace thus singularly im parted d r araatus bobbins the one men tioned fl conversing with a gentleman settled among us and to the officers of govern ment and our church missionaries c if he men dated at brockville upper canada this 16th june 1831 andrew bell moderator william suait clerk of presbytery whatever may be the duty oitlu reader giv ing orwhholding to the application of m cory i consider it mine to say first that hit testimoni um s are ample and unexceptionable every way and second that his object is very excellent very worthy and very urgent in its claims the pro vince of upper canada is a great moral waste conterminous to our own territories and inhabited by civilized men and nominal christians the portion designed to be affected by the ob ject and appeal of the united presbytery is on the borders of lake ontario central salubrious and commanding in its relations mr dry will be happy to give my explanations of amiruter sort to gentlemen who may wish them donations in suitable books money or subsections payable at set times or in regular instalments will be very thankfully accepted failhfujy appropriated and duly acknowledged it is off deliberate opinion that this effort of the this it appears is corysjig on the opti- mismic scheme of preestablished harmony but how shall i tread its mazes and lead the read er through the field of observation that it opens before us at first it struck me as a thing in capable of demonstration as to its object because it is so palpably self evident i might as well at tempt to demonstrate the existence of the sun at noon of a clear day as to pursuade any one of the true evangelical character of this most singu lar state paper it is equal nay by far superior to general halls proclamation when he invaded the town of sandwich in the western dis trict inasmuch as it comes to us carefully wrapt upin thejeavesof the biblejikefirc and brimstone in gilt velvet cartridge paper or fine silky bank bikvrrkkftdldbjehfthemksim comes recommended by names not unknown anditisworthy of particular note that the whole document appeal recommendations and com ment take it for granted that this province now is or soon will be an ecclesiastical appendage of the joint stock company of the revival and tract firm in nassau street for this act of condescention we poor hitherto neglected and forsaken canadians ought as in liege duty bound to be abundantly thankful it furthermore appears from the premisses laid down and the reasons assumed that in this infant and overlooked country there are none who ever heard the sound of christianity but thoss who have had the principle to hear the united presbytery because it recognizes none and seems to know of none who have ever at tempted to teach it in this benighted country but the united presbytery that the province of forge being agreat moral waste and only conterminous to our own territories and inhabited by etvthwd men and nominal christians and only privileged at present to catch the distant bowlings of the great revivals going on in the conterminous parts of u free country we must therefore remain in heathen darkness and ignorance till this great object is effected and a race of yankee canadi an finneys and becmans c are raised up to go forth in the spirit of those great evangelists as wme of them are called to convert the ca- ians and save them hence the projected n institution is essentially necessary to the spread of the gqspel in upper canada and here i deem itfmportant to give your readers an idea of what the genuine fenneyism and becmanism airiounts to by a few extracts from it is uff wiucwb upmiuu mm am enorc ol me itd nanpm nrxw wma hfnp mp god ne best and comparatively thconly hope of the province as it regards the meana of grace in theirpurity permanency and general diffusion samuel h cox nyork aug 6 1831 tnere are few objects which can be presented to tie religious and benevolent mind more im portant than that in which the bearer mr cory is en barked tipper canada is a great moral waste and what can be more important to the cultivation of that waste and the makingof it a fruitful field under the blessing of god than a faithful gospel mnistry and how can uppercanadahave such a ministry without a theological seminary to obtain funds towards this is the object of mr corys visit and as a great proportion of the settlers in hat part of canada is from our own states sure ty our american christians will feel deeply for heir children and their own flesh and blood i do most cordialy wish all success to mr cory in bis present most laudable and allimpor tant enterprise w c brown lee new york aug8 1831 the settiersin upper canada occupy a strip of country along the st lawrence and the nor thern shores of lake ontario and lake eric 600 miles long and on an average 15 or 20 wide and they are fast extending into the interior the population is composed at present almost wholly of emigrants from the united states who are as favorably disposed towards our literary that have been under strong convictions and have grieved away the holy spirit and are giv en up of god for such o god we do not pray but there are impenitent sinner in this house that are ptill within the reach of mercy save them o god save them from going down to hell do not in thine anger send them as suddenly down to hell as thou didst the young man yesterday thou knowest o god that be was a vile sinner the above language was used by dr bobbins of troy at a prayer meeting of the first presbyterian church the personal allusion here made referred to a young man a son of mr kelscy a highly respectable and valuable citizen and one of the aldermen of this city tray gospel anchor of july 21831 we have heard often of the unfounded claims of the romish communion to infallibility and while wc arc far from yielding our assent to such claims we see no stronger objections to them than to the assumption of some individu al who pretend to a perfect knowledge of the hearts of others and to so much participation in the divine counsels as to say with their watclus in thtir hands 1 1 give you five minutes to sub mitto god and repent and if ynu do no not do so in this space of time you will go to hell have been prajjitfferiyyeffrs ttuttoeehvdy a clear idea of the revival spirit and to show the nominal christians of this province the beauty of real pl hall give a dialogue which took place between beeman finney and two old women mr b wef yoii ever converted mrs m i nnot say c mr 3 ww i the state of your mind now mrs m mwh as heretofore mr b mert wear off their convictions by fre quenting tipplitfg houses itc and women by going into gay pompany mrs m i atn of a domestic turn mr b you b worse then than others for you con stay ithome and wear off your convic- tions mr f doy0 god mrs jtf i tfr i d mr f shifcng his fist at her you lie what reason f hw you to think you love god 7 jtfrj m wtl i look upon the works c pi th wl to ffe hfl hi jwwwwrt repent mrs jtf i oonot jtfrj agail putting his fist in her face you lie mrs jtf rw can i get the new birth unless god gives it ttme mr f yoqqught to be damned mrs w mrfinney you have told mrs mo- bier that she culd regenerate herself and give herself the newbirth now if you inform herit will edify me mr f arejou a christian and ask euch a question mrs vt ituat i am and would like to have it answered mr p hon can you loveyour husband mrs w ldw is a passion i have never heard described mr itanon mrs weatheriy you have said you are a chrfttian and dare you to ask two of gods minissrs such a question 7 afterwards ae following took place between mrb and mraws husband mr b i sufpose you want to talk on religion a should corys jig be well darned to among j ply to the numerous halfpay officers who have the evangelicals in the land of jonathan and this heathen land be substantially added to the jurisdiction of the nassau street jlational insti tutions i wish your readers totook over the mass of important matter i hae laid before themand compare it with the lingular docu ment now under discussion i wh them tore- fleet seriously on these things ot the immense labours of the jesuits in the states and sotcnt tone they have lately assumed under a government that cannot ask hm what they are doing without departing from one of itfl fun damental principles on the host f these politi cal knaves driven into the states by the down fall of charles x on the furiousaewspaper op position they meet with from the notional pres byteriansand also on the rabid fection in this province under the ryersonian dyoastypulling in another direction and building wp a separate and hostile interest u it possibte that any man in his senses can contemplate tfcese eloquent and trumpet tongued signs of the times without dismay i confess that i cannot i fain would i believe and hope for better things but i can not simply because i see the principles of false hood fraud disunion and anorttoy influencing and directing the movements of forge masses o men towards collision and conflk and i again defy tho whole world to point otf a single in stance where bodies of men ha voluntary re traced their line of march until dtfy first have abjured the principles on which by set out in a preservative influence upon society and to that hated and persecuted church they will yet own their recovery from mobocratic despotisnt presents them with the recommendations he and their restoration to a stable form of civil and religious institutions as our wesatern popula- miiwh gospd nltttngtr fori talk on nothing else mr w ntfton that in particular i want to talk with youtonceming aconversation youhad with my wife rfid sister at mosiertl mr b clerflhing his fist and shaking it with in a few inches of mr wjs face capt weather- by you will goto hell j god will send you to hell this as repeated several times mr w mrernon jou must not say that again for i catflot bear rt mr b in a imder voiceyou will go to hell mr wcthertjf uwb seized and floored his re verence who fiarcd out you will go to hell god will send hou to hell and finally after getting up ami finding the door lockedhe raised both hands an bellowed murder i am thus pirticular mr chronicle in regard to the ecclesiamical affairs of our neighbours iu a free country not only to shew that 11 their ctristian enterprise is great but that these provinces of british name u jtyh c htst rights and btestings cfcrim hi iscahtfifsuwtersfkhd itr affllfte bflbffifi8j ment is still more broad and taoclamatort when it says that the population ofuc is composed at present almost wholly of emigrants from the united states who are a favorably dis posed towards our literary end religious tn- stitutions as our western population general ly and their claim upon the old state for aid u perhaps equally great how govern mental is this sectarian fio church if state language what a broad and shameless lie what a broad insult upon the british govern ment and that of this province what a taunt ing slandcrupon ourttopultion where slum bers the spirit ofunited empire loyalty which incited our fathers and many of the present ge neration to reject a false freedom the fruit of rebellion and carry their children hundreds of miles on pack horses through the dark and drea ry wilderness for the privilege tilling a bri tish soil and enjoying their loyafty under the wing of british protection 7 what have wc so soon forgotten the laurels weflucked so late ly from the brows of our republican emancipa tory when they dared to defife r shores with hostile tread manes of our atoughtered fa thers and brothers arise and tell w 1 ye ashes of brock and his compatriots ion ye sleep in silence and repose when the saw insidious for who shrunk from your prowess iflff thus insults over your memory and comes to the guide of the religion of truth peace anfl good will to plant the upas tree of derooctacyand anarchy in the soil which once your valour ffd from their grasping ambition bat our pqjulation is al most wholly composed of emigrafrfft from unu nited states i are as favourably fla to their religious and literary institutions as their own people truly they would perstad that the britsh empire is a colony of thfcunited states and that all the forty thousand htho have this year come into the canada ihfl the british islesare ipso tcto uncle sams jects and then our veneration for and attthmenttoair literary and religious institution have we then none of our own 7 ah btf they are all nought with oil our mbsionafm from eng land with all the labours of the church and the kirk we are destitute of christitftity and little better than savage heathens wioor college is only a school of infidelity nd therefore i how can upper canada have fathful gospel ministry without a theological seinaryto train up another army of brother beans and fin- neys to invade the land with rfflkand t over the blasphemous farces thut have bo deeply dis graced the slate of new york in special man- ncr certainly our more intelligent british e- migrants and the sons of the aflny and navy that have settled all over theproinc mustfeel highly honoured at being informwhy thepres- byterian sect at new york that they are emi grants from the land of jonathan and firmly at tached to his national literary and religious insti tutions which send forth such luminaries as be- man finney c of course mr cory as pro vidence may direct hira in this province will ap- procured io new york the halfpay officers may- fancy themselves the pensioners of uncle sam and call to mind the years they have spent in gathering laurels in his army and navy the of ficers of government will perhaps fancy them selves the servants of general jackson or univer sal suffrage and the nominal christian clergy may possibly become so far enlightened on reading that valuable state paper and ameri can missionary bulletin to desire being plac ed under the instruction of the only hope of the province in order to become evangelical mi nisters and above all let mister cory exhi bit his credentials to the children of those tones whose fathers looked through the halter for their profane attachment to british rule and principles and preferred the risk of life to rebellion while the evangelical puritanministers were plying the people with the turkish doctrine that whoever was killed by the kings troops in battle was sure of going to heaven to all the classes of people above enumerated the institutions of the united states literary and religious must be objects of the tenderest and most affectionate re collections and the very mention of them when coupled with revivals and anxious and en quiry meetings and the seducing whole schools of young persons to attend them in order to be converted and born again must operate on their eiiflfl ntrilimimovjml sv up an uninterrupted fire upon all such ftamtop christianity and in place of them recommend the gospel of bcman and finney he had bet ter invite the rev mr finney over as he goes about in the character of an evangelist exciting revivals and setting congregations by the ears mr ely had moreover as i think better publish in the canadian watchman the proceedings of the famous ecumenical council which met a few years since at new leabanon as they would well compare with the proceedings of the council of trent had i room i would give a few extracts from them it must alsobe borne in mindthat prelacy and the book of common prayer which by this curi ous state paper arc not recognised as existing in canada have suffered their full share of perse cution by the national churches of our neigh bours such as in a few instances putting the frames intended for houses of worship into the river the night before they were intended to be raised villifying the episcopal church and her services both in newspapers and at revivals and anxious meetingsand a thousand little dirty acts of annoyance some have undertaken to prove that prelacy is wholly inconsistent with civil and religious liberty and has a leaning and tendency towards monarchy and wherein do you ima gine this tendency consists in its fixed and permanent character not holding itself depend ent on an annual vote of all the people or the trickery of demagogues in its provisions for a rtiuol education by which the young mind will be bound up in unchanging formularies of reli gion and properly instructed and biassed io fa vour of truth and order and fortified against the delusions of that many headed monster fanati cism in its maintenance of the primitive pyra- midal form of society the spex of which is the bishop and the base the people a bare shadow ofwhicfi is preserved in the american govern ment but which is shadow only because there is but one grade in society namely the majesty of the people these frightful characteristics of the episcopal church are the constant fear and dread of the national sect and others not less so than popery they fear that the steadysober discreet plotting scriptural argumentativecom mon sense and common honesty policy of the episcopalians and their assiduity in planting certain definite and at all times cognizable and plain principles in the minds of all their children and teaching them that a departure therefrom will invariably tend to the destruction of human society and all denomination anarchythey fear that such a policy will eventually supplant uni versal suffrage and anarchy and bring jonathan back to those old british principles against which he has been so long in rebellion and therefore the church in the stated is the common point of hostile attack for u all the different denomina tions in all their different modes of warfaie and also for this same pious purpose thechurch of england is brought before the public in much the same style that saint egerton has adopted the fact is the episcopal church is the only means now in operation in the stales which has and social existence the reason is plain she contains in her institutions the seminal powers of religious and civil life unity activity prosperity and true freedom but wc shall never see pro ceed from her an ecclesiastical invasion of chris tianity in this province under pretence of being the only hope of the province as it regards the means of grace in their purity permanency and general diffusion we have here under british protection her identical moral system as a constitutional means of moral influence and therefore religion can never incite them to interfere with our literary and religious institu tions and insult us by telling us we are not christians and that we are or ought to be an ecclesiastical appendage of the diocese of ne york episcopacy in the united states of a- merica will never and can never give birth to political factions against the british constitu tions in this country as methodism and puri tanism have done it is democracy and anar chy that stand in fear of episcopacy and not true religion and rational liberty it is worthy of observation that this curious state paper seems to lake for granted that we are a part of the western population of tho united states and that they have only to dis play their stars and stripes before oureyes and call religious liberty and onxioua and tm niwpwiw unci mttairlntyfraicind pronounced both his eulogy and benediction am the glorious undertaking but certainly i opine that every principle of honor and independent fact and feeling must now call upon him to dit- patch a ramification of a branch of his dispo sable forces to the vindication of his insulted honor how he can spare a large forces can not say as he appears to have both hands full already and aa the news of the decision at home respecting the clergy reserves must hard smitten him underthe fifth rib and penetrate the diaphragm the consequence it is ardently hoped may be a locked jaw but perhaps it will only stimulate his howling propensities and call forth new expedients to raise an echo in tho voice of the people will i wonder these things tend to sweeten vinegar hill 7 will they send mackenzie to his old trick of mounting the little wagon and playingthe mountebank speech- ifier around the country as he has so often done he boasted some years ago of having by means wfrtfr ye m wftwtw wft durandandcol burwell out of the house of assembly and after his distribution of his types by the boys of york he and ambassador ran dal mounted it and drorerouod the obscure part of niagara district with printed libels on the go vernment which he read to the ignorant dutch farmers telling them that he was prosecuted fo securing to them the peaceable enjoyment of life and property by which means he raised a cha ritable contribution of six hundred dollars e happened to meet him but knowing me to bo on eld ton he did not lay me under contribution the dirty waning obesity of the major formed a striking contrast with the goggle eyes and lean wildcat countenance and mercurial action of the okmkttm in concluding this communication mr chro nicle i beg leave to again call the attention of your readers to the dangerous consequences of separating religion government and educa tion from each other and erecting them into in dependent dynasties for each to take care of ha own interests the fact is they have but owe interest and cannot have more and if they are separated they will mutually destroy each o ther he therefore who seeks their separation is a traitor to truth and the best interests of mankind- i conceive that the mass of informa tion on the subject which i have laid before your readers amply justifies me in using such language and mustby this time have convinced every one open to conviction true the princi ple lays the axe at the root of the modem ac- miinfidel doctrine of religious liberty and the rights and dictates of conscience and puts an extinguisher upon the disorganizing process of all denomination enterprize j but it is calcu lated to restore peace among men to banish from society such shameless squabbles as have within two or three years ftaken place among the church militant methodists and to prevent the hypocritical humbugand disgraceful sectari an influcncefroni foreign countries which i have aimed to expose and wliich cannot but threaten

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