for the lut 15 years has u ith one excep lion been ihe most distioguished for tbe success of its scholars in the university and from aresideuce of 10 years io tbe u- niversity of cambridge nod occasionally taking part in classical examinations there must be allowed perhaps in some measure to be competent to judge oo such subjects and ftom tbe proficiency made by some of the prcseot scholars of college since its commencement he does not think that io any public school in england a greater progress would have been made in the same time tbao in this whilst in addition to the acquirements learned at such schools ihe college pupils may ba thoroughly and soundly instructed in english writiog arithmetic mathematics and french highly then as the college is flourishing as a place of classical and liberal educa tion and appreciated by those who avail themselves of its advantages the course of iostruction will not be found less useful for the general purposes of life on account of its liberal complexion it was with deep regret that we heard of the destruction of mr paierons saw mills at the falls of montmorency not on ly from the extensive nature of the esta blishment but principally on account of the loss wbich the highly respectable ow ner as well as others will susuio by the immense destruction of property it is con jectured we are informed that this fire was caused by an incendiary if this should prove correct we hope for his speedy ap prehension and conviction we copy the following particulars from tbe qfcfrec mtr- ciry the montmorency mills the most ex tensive establishment of the kind in north america were totally destroyed by fire io the course of sunday night the origin of the fire is not ascertained there were in the immediate vicioityof the mills a- bout 150000 deals few of which have been saved ofthese a number we learn had been sold t6 different merchants in town themills and by far the greater part of the timber belooged to peter patterson esq the insurances are 3000 no the mills one half insured at the quebec office and the other half at tbe alliance office and 3000 oo the deals also insured in e- tjual proportions io the same offices tbe value of the property lost cannot be much under 20000- on monday eveniog the steamer riche lieu capt morin took down a party of dtxty men of the itoyal artillery with lieuts cockbum aod itcauchamp and the engine belonging to that corp to the fire at the montmorency mills the troops recommendation is given most urgently oi the occupiers of factories it is highly need ful that they should be frequently cleansed and some chloride of lime should be daily hrowq into them wbich will take aw ay the toffensiveness of the smell although the re commendations above named are more particularly addressed to the occupiers of large establishments where considerable numbers of workpeople are congregated to gether it is particularly desirable thatthe owners and occupiers of cottage property as well as the occupiers of all other houses should adopt them as far a practicable in their respective tenement or places ofa- bode as a general rule cleanliness io per son and in every part of the bouse or manufactory is of the utmost consequence the cholrideof lime may be had if wan ted iosmall quantities from aoy respect able druggist irish yeomanry a second edition of the sun has just reached our office contain ing a report of the proceedings up to the hour of post in the house of commons a very important debate in which messrs ocoouel stanley browulow newport rice gordon grattan horf lambert blakeney bodkin percival end wyse took an animated part oo the presentation of the petition from the city of waterford for the disarming the irish yeomanry by sir richard musgrave mr stanley iq reply to the boo harts observations said he was not prepared to promise that the yeomaory should be dis armed but thatthe affair of their conduct at newtowoharry was still under the con sideration of the irish government and that a measure connected with their orga nization was in course of preparation he would oppose the printing of the petition mroconoel referred to the speeches made by the protestant gentlemeu of the county at the waxford meetiog on tbe subject and mentioned the case of cabtain y arcy who he said had not only march ed bearing an orange flag in a procession of orangemen ou the 15th of july but had distributed tho arms delivered by go vernment in the yeomaory he commanded only to the protestants in the corps while he refused them to the catholics the hon and learned member also stated the names of tbe catholics so refused and of the wit oesses prepared to prove tbe facts he called for regular troops whenever an ar med force was necessary io irelaud in preference to the yeomaory who were an atrocious force he accused the marquis of angleseys government with reanima ting religious bigotry io ireland mr brownlow while he defended the cha- and engi ere landed on the hew wharf j racier of the people io his neighbourhood uear the rails at halfpast y at the top ot high water too late perhaps in the day to render material assistance but had their services been asked in the morning proper ty ofgreat value might doubtless have been saved the steamer returned to port be fore midnight too much praise cannot be given to the officers of artillery the steam boat ageut mr ryan and captain moriu of the richelieu the requisition for the troops was ooly made at six oclock in the evening and the men were collected hy adjutaot cockburo aud embodied tra der bis orders with astonishing despatch captain morios exertions are particularly worthy of notice although unacquainted with that part of the river and having no iilut for below the port on board be hand somely volunteered with the concurrence of mr ryan to make the trip- the night was very dark but by judicious manage ment and sounding frequently the steam er was laid along side tho wharf atmont- inorency without once touching ground or meeting with the slightest accident we havo heard that the engines of the fire society were applied for aod refused as they could not consistently with the tulea f the society go beyond the limits of the city- if such a narrow selfish rule real ly existit ought to be rescinded and we therefore feel it our duty to notice the circumstaoco as it ivas stated to us english miscellany lossofuusleamtr rotksay castfapasscn- ptrtand crew we have received the me- laaeboty iuieuigece of lb total lo oc the steomer rothsay qtastle from faeoce to beaumaris she struck oo the dutchmans bank off puffin island at twelve clock on wednesday night io a heavy gale of wind at nn w upwards of 120 passen gers must have been on board including tbe crew and many female passengers our first account states that qioe passen gers only and three of the crew were sa ved but subsequent communications say 20 telegraph office liverpool aug19 wemvejust learned that among the suffeiers in the above dreadful accident was a mr tionie of the largo firm of sambbatcb tiooie co ot liverpool the steamer was lost at the entrance of menai straits near tho suspension bridge our correspondent says that upwards of a hundred persons were on board of which jmly twelve were saved no other intelli gence than that received by telegraph had reached liverpool on thursday night despatch office saturday morning preservation of the health of the working classes tfao followiog circular has been lately issued in manchester to the inhalitant of manchester we the boroughreevo coostahles and churchwardens of 5iaochester being fully impressed with the necessity which exists at the present juncture of using every pre cautionary measure lo prevent the spread in our own neighbourhood of such conta gious disorders as are now raging in foreign nations aod may by possibility bod their way into oor country do recommend the occupiers of all factories and other places where labourers are employed to adopt and require from their work people a strict adherence to the following directions that all factories and workshops be white washed the floors frequently swept and that all dirt which may havo accumulated thereto be carefully removed and that they be as well ventilated as possible that the teople employed be required to wash tbeir andt and faces at least twice every day and that they change their liuen frequently and that they also whitewash their hou ses and keep them cloan and well venti lated the attention of the inhabitants generally to the state of the water closets passing hrough some liquid procured dur- io the mutilation of pitcoal in tho ordina ry proctf f s makiog the requisite apparatus much more simple than that used at p tho new gas is very su perior h- lwer and may he obtlnetl al a much lower price if such be the nature f l process nod if no ser ous diffi arise when tried on a large scale it cv the invention will he considef a io invaluable binning court s chancer y on the 20th of aug the last appeal io the list for trinity term was on the paper and disposed of- lord brought has thus accomplished what uo chaocel a to effect since the day of p thomas more no chancellor ever yet despatched io the two best years of bis chancellorship so much business as lord bl ba 6 hrough since the heginnihs a december and it may ww be p l his judgements have m wilh he approbation of the suit ors and profession as not more than on- hasbeeri tvhicli would hard ly have k l case h his decisions noi giveo i4 wantin w in truth there are no i1 r law lords in the house of peer ho ww he glad enough to have an op portuniw ad enormous decree of lord brougham london svn st jffdnghr cell has now execut ed a trirj io favour of the gentlemen in whose he originally invested the 1200 three per cent stock giving 50 000 he erection and endowment of of scbdpfc io andrews and 10000 the ioc lhe improvement ofthecitf l r 60000 to a- wait lw directions although this rangemp ma be luokec u bwvtuttumqe the original grant yeiu hen ar- as some what citf viewed 1 s proper hgnt it must bo con sidered 8 most magni6cent boou to st- an- comtf t0 slugs caterpil- tasand ollr prom the journal des cdp usuelles put in an iron poi q and a pound ofsulpli stir them about quickly aod whilst dp p io si puuds of water wbich it lo boil snails will immediately leave ah p walered tf- this compos lion ah f rees are watered with it any caterpill lhem w die instantly first p of mozarts don gio vanni sfftnwt a ocrmao acquaint auce ha wrought over with him a score of the don giovanni mozarts operas were a unknown q his country a 0 united to copy out now party the budgff of fun a weekly fapjtr devoted exclu sively to fun fosbbn flash and all that pleasant by george siegfried no 106 bcekinan street new york each number embellished with a number of axquisitefly humourous en gravings from the lct american de signs and the inexhaustible stock of london and a glwious collection of ncive working secracking care- destroying songs anecdotes and co mic stories desigiud for the votaries of moniusi gleaned sroni the most tor menting and laugaitragravaiing he roes of the present uy our plan is such ithat the most rigid moralist cannot contemn our pages will ever be unsulliul by a sentlmfrnt which would call uy a blush into the cheek of female loveliness neither shall we sneer at stored things or by dabbling in the politics of ihe day stain those columns which are intended to be given to wit and lwghter for 4 mak every dish a feast and f that crowts a welcome the second volume will commence early in suveraber when it is contemplated to enlarge and conside rably improve it od our zeal for im proving our humourous embellishments and matter shall keep pace with public patronage the first vol will contain upwards of 400 cuts and the second will contain still more terms published every satur- dny morning at 3 per annum in ad vance the uncommon expense of wood cuts and the determination of the publisher to do a cash business renders advance payment necessary new york oc 1831 to let the house near the scotch church at present occu pied by lieut cameron 79lh highlan ders apply to thos kirkpatrick ijlor sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship oflouffhboro for particulars en quire at this office tinzston 9th august 1828 hum whom the yeomaury hu ce was drawn deprecated the system of religious exclu sion on which they were organized aud condemned the force as unnecessary aud injurious to the peace of the couhtry captain gordon opposed tbe reception of the petition and mr spring rica con demned in sharp terms tbe language and tone of the gallaot member- mr blakeney said tbe yeomaory of carlow particularly the corps which act ed at newtowoharry were a most disre putable body many of them being sheep- stealers and pickpockets mr stanley withdrew his opposition to tbe priotiog of the petition aud mr lefroy was left speaking dub reg dreadful accident m of fe- on tuesday morning tbe hoo captain brown high sheriffe of the county wesloieath with his brother the rev mr brown rector of mullingar iter fishing on the lake of bewidere in that county wheo by some accident the boat was upset aod both geotlemen were unfortunately drowned other accounts state that lord kilmaine had been of the party early in the moruiog hut had left the boat after having been out with bis brothers a short time he became alarmedupon bearing nothiog of his com panions after a considerable period of time had elapsed servants were dispatched by him in quest of tbe party aod they dis covered that the boat had been upset one of the bodies it is said has been fouod it is about twelve months since that the hoo mr leeson brother of lord miltown was drowned in the same lake that la mented gentleman was also out on a fishing we have reason to believe that the hon captain brown mentioned in the above article was quartered in this towns subaltern in the 37th regt editor african discovery another victim most of oor home readers are aware that a deep cloud has buog for years over the fate of our couolrymao dr dickson a na tive of annan and a man of very excel lent abilities who at the request and sug gestion of the indefatigable clapperton be came a fellow labourer aod sufferer in tbe interesting cause of african discovery we are at last enabled te clear up the mys tery on the authority of a private letter written by mr george irving london to the deceaseds brother late provost of ao- npn in substance tbe letter runs as fol lows i had a long conversation yester day with lander the african traveller re lative to the fate of poor dr dickson there is now no doubt that be fell a sacri fice to his own enthusiasm the villian who was tbe indirect cause of his death was one de sousa a portuguese aod a great slave proprietor in an uogarded moment aod when about to proceed into the inte rior be mentioned to this man that ooe main object of his journey was to put an end to the barbarous traffic in human aesb this was sufficient ere long he wasdesi- sired to kiss ihe poiolof a poisoned spear by the son of some petty kingoovbichhedrew his sword and stabbed him to the heart environed with perils a devoted victim- all be could do was to die the death of the brave and it need hardly be added that he was attaked instantlyby the chiefs follow ers and literally cut to pieces courier gas lights from water k highly inter- resting discovery is about to come before the public resulting from the experimeots of professor donovan and mr dowe of rricklaoo gas works- letters patent have been obtained for the invention the subject is very much talked of aod the question generally asked is how is the as made at prcseot oo satisfactory infor mation respecting the process can he given but we understand the hydrogen as ob tained hy the decomposition of water is is also particularly recommended and this j with ao illuminating principle by united to copy out the orchest ral art m distribution of which either the seen horn or teorir tromhorue or muitiutjifmfy important instrument fell o my share au amateur whoso name shnll be rescued frorrt oblivion if these lines can jo it mrllayard lent us his floorcloth manufactory w perform iu and with the exception of ihtf ckmenza di tito brought j out hy mrs blington for her beoelit iu 1806 the first opera of mozarts ever heard in this country was got qp by a party of a- meteurs and performed oratorio fnhiou without action amidol tho mingled eflluvta of canvass oil aud turpentine jarmom- con for jvne wi city bank jfr6erivo are credibly informed says the new york journal of commerce that a compromise has been made by the city bank with parkinson hy virtue of which he was relieved frou the custody of the police oo monday evening the terms of tho arrangement are under stood to have been that tbe prosecution should bo abaedooed aodthesum ol three thousand dollars together with bis stock io trade left in hi possession on condition of his restoring ml the stolen property in bis haods and ronbig a full and free disclo sure of the inoc and mariner by which the robbery was wtected the amount ac counted for hy parkinson is upwards of tliinysevcti thousand dollars immediately pohisdischarge from crimi nal process he ls s taken ioto the custody of the sheriff t the suit of s m allen in the sum of ed thousand dollars and being unable td procure hood was com h mined to the debtors prison the object k of tbe messrs alen undoubtedly is to com pel him to mat- restitution to them out of the boaus ivefi by the i aod bis other property for tbe ttttdl9covred remainder of their money the cabinet cyzudia two more volumes of this highly joterresiing publica tion containing a porfjpo of the history of france have just issued from the press of messrs cary lea the uniform neat ness of these volumes tletr very moderate price and the quantity 8 information which they contain derived from the best and most attractive sourccj have given them deserved celebrity and bo one who desires to possess such informrfw should hesitate a moment in adding tfru- to bis library baltimore gazette painting the subscribers beg leave to re turn tlnmks io their friends wld iliu public ot kingston tuid vici lily for the encouragement they have sepa rately received during their residence a- inongst tliem they also wish to inform them that they have opened an establishment in quarry street opposite mr 1 pren tiss dry good store under the firm ol kkhk heathers ornamental sign carriage fy house paint ers glaziers paperhangers sec c from their well known abilities and practice in kingston with a determination to be punctual they hope to meet still with a shaie of patronage from a discerning and generous public jas kerr joseph heathers kingston may 4th 1331 the copartnership between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson co is this day by mutual consent dissolved the subscrib ers are severally authorised to settle the affairs of the late ropartnershipall per sons having demands are requested to present them at their office at prescott signed john mcpherson alexr mcmillan samuelckane prescott 12th january 1631 the subscribers faave to announce to the merchants of kingston and its vicinity that they fcave now received a part of their goods among which are the following articles z old jamaica sprfts loaf sjgar olive oil in boxes of one doz tobac co pipes window gfass in half boxes 7x 9 and a general assortment of dry goods adapted to tfce season which shall be sold uncommonly low for cash or short approved credit they daily expect large quantity of fresh teas and als champaigne and other wines with a general assortment of other articles mckenie cjeddes co kingston 8th october 1831 if this notice should meet the eye of william mcaodofi who left the isthmus rideau caati in the month of may last and is supposed to have gone to albany ny he i earnestly request ed by his distressed wife and faroil who have come out tw season from scotland and are now residing in by- lown uc to inform luem of his place of residence editors of newspapers in the stale of new york w doing the cause of humanity asoirvice by giving the above an insertion kingston 29tll september 1831 ijlok sale lot no 30a j grave street kingston apply to the editor of this paper totice the share holdeis 1 in the rideau canal steam boat john by me hereby required to pay into my hands on or before the 1st day of november next a 5th instalment of two pounds ten shillings currency on each of their respective sharts by order of the committee dj smith ticsurer kingston 1st october 1831 gjtray cow came inb the c5 enclosure of the subscribtronor about the 1st september instanta small red cow the ownerby rroving the same and paymgexpensesctn take her away daniel walker glenburnie 27th sept 1831 to let and possession gen im mediately the fulling ftui at napane for terms apply to a macpherson apttne 25th aug- 1831 jtotice is hereby given tlnat ten- jt ders will be received by tbe sub scribe untiljmonday tfiejlotb of octo ber next for the building ofa wkrf and emoval and erection of the store house rnwater lot no 26 in the twn of kingston the plan may bo seei and other particulars known on application to john s cartwrigkt kingston 16th sept 1831 no t i c e subscribers to the midland district agricultural so ciety can each receive a copy of the pro ceedings of the institution from the pe riod of its commencement to the quar terly meeting held in april last inciu- ive on applying to the secretary h cthomson secretary kingston july 20th 1831 to let and possession given immediately lots no 13 and 14 in the 5th concession of pitts burg on the leading road to perth nnd 12 miles from kingston containing 350 acres with 100 acres of cleared lund on the premises is a superior two to- ry log house with the other houses necessary to complete a farm it if al so in an excellent situation for a ta vern the farming stock together with the present large crop can be given by appicved security the term of lease is such that it can be taken from one to ten years further particulars can bo obtained from mr joseph bruce merchant kingston or to the proprietor on the premises john lavery pittsburg september 7th 1831 to sell or to let and im mediate possession given the loborough distillery situated within a mile and a half of mr mcgregors mill with 4 acres of land dwelling house c c there is also an excellent garden and a promising young orchard attached to the premises the dis tillery is supplied from an excollont head of water by means of pipes and has never been known to fail for fur ther particulars apply to joseph bruce kingston or on the premises to john cochran sept 23 1831 1 overnment contract jl notice is hereby given that seal ed tenders hearing lite names of sure ties will be received at tbe commissa riat office until 12 oclock on monday l be 17th day ol october next from itlicll persons as miy be capable of supplying lor the use of the barrack department at this station 80c0 bundles of the best oaten or wheuten straw each weighing 12lbs and to be delivered as follows viz 2000 bundles by the sist march 1832 2000 do do 30lh june do 2000 do dc3lst october do 2000 do do 3lst dec do a contract willhave to be entered into and the payments for the straw will be made by the commissariat in british silver or in other cunent coin at the rate of 4s 4 sterling per dollar upon producing certificates and receipts signed by the barrack master jno hare a c g commmissariat kingston 14th sept 1831 new forwarding establish ment fhh e subscribers beg leave to in- j form the merchants of upper canada and the public in general that they have entered into copartnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonel co at prescott and ogdcnsburgh and that of mcmillan link co at montreal they will be pr rn the opening of the navigati with good durham boats and bate manned with experienced master an conduc tors to transport any produce or mer chandize that they may b f wilh on as favorable terms as that of res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogde will be carried on at the old stand for merly occupied by the late firm of mcpherson co alex mcmillan wlif oswego canal packet boat line a boat will leave oswego and syra cuse every morning sundays excepted throughout the season one of the boats is constructed on brom wells spring deck patent her days of leav ing are as follows oswego mondays wednesdays and fridays and syra cuse tuesdays thursdays and satur days the other boat will leave each place on the intervening days passengers taking this line will meet with every attention and no delay as it runs in connection with the erie pack et line to and from schenectady and buffalo and the lake ontario steam boats the elegant british steamer great britain capt whitney touches at oswego on her trips from presscolt and kingston to york and niagara and touches also on her return from those places to kingston and prescott oswego july 1st 1831 the new steamdoat charles carroll calvin case master will leavo kingston for sackets har bour every tuesday thuisday sa turday at 7 oclock a m cabin passage 5s wffftie fcs joticestearaboat queenston i- the public are respectfully in formed that the steamboat queehslon capt meneilley with mr t w corning sailing waster has commenc ed her regular trips and during the season will leave niagara for prescott every wednesday night at 12 oclock touch ing at kingston and brockville and ar rive at prescott every friday afternoon where as usual stages will be in at tendance to convey passengers to mon treal will leave prescott every sunday morning at6 oclocktouching at brock- villo kingston cobourg port hope york burlington bay and niagara the rates of passage and freight the same as are charged by other steam boats may 1831 wholesale establishment kingston the subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of kingston and its vicinity that they will in a ew days open a wholesale store in a part of the premises owned by mrs mcleod in front street they will constantly have on hand a large and well selected assortment of dry goods gro ceries liquors c c which they will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or short approved cre dit as they will confine themselves en tirely to selling by wholesale and at montreal prices they rely confidently on the support of the mercantile por tion of the public t7 further particulars on the arri val of the goods which are expected daily mackenlegeddesco kingston 17th sent 1831 upper canada college the business of the college will recommence on friday the 30th sep tember instant the dues for instruction are 2 per college quarter for scholars in thecol- lege and l 5s for scholars in the preparatory school with an addition al payment iq each case of five shillings per quarter for the contingent expenses of pens ink fuelc fttke necessary books are furnished hy the collcgeat the expense the scholars the college quarters are ordered as follows first quarter begins immediately after the christmas vacation and ends on the 20th march second quarter begins on the 20th march and ends on the 10th june third quarter begins on the 10th june and ends at the commencement of the summer vacation fourthquarter begins immediately after the summer vacation and ends at the commencement of the christmas va cation tvie vatatiom uril be the following at christmas from the saturday preceding christmas day to the monday fortnight following at whitsuntide a week instead ofjsuter week ns hitherto in the summer from the saturday nearest the sixteenth of august before or after to the friday six weeks follow ing it is intended after christmas to make instruction by the drawing master in the principles of mensuration and perspec- tive a part of the ordinary course and scholais who have not been less than two years pursuing tho regular college course or who shall have passed thro the fourth form may on ihe notifica tion ofa wish to that effect by the pa rents to the principal and on condition of previous good conduct have the op tion of discontinuing the generaucourse and confining their attendance to tfie departmentsofthemathematical dry ing and french masters joshharrisda principal n bthe trustees anddirectors are desirous of giving notice that a bearding house has been erected on the college premises with the view of affording facilities to those who live ata distance from york and would wish to avail themselves of the advantages of the college but to whom it may not be convenient to incur the expense of boarding with aoy of the masters the annual expense of the boarding house including all charges of board and education except books will be 25 currency payable quarteijr tbebobrrietswlll bemirlwwwrb stant charge of a gentleman residing in the house and the arrangement and discipline of the establishment subject 10 the superintendance of the principal and viceprincipal the house will be ready to receive boarders on the 1st october aneut is expected that they will furnish them selves with bedding york september 1831 two insertions of the foregoing to be given by the editors of those news papers who have been before directed to insert the college advertisements contract for englneerwork mtotice is hereby given that seal- 1 w ed tenders with the names of sureties will be received at the com missar ia office at this post until 12 oclock on the 1 0th proximo from such personswho will undertake to perform the undermentioned service for the royal engineer department viz to ttskingle the roof of officers barrack at point frederick do do do do of the quarter occu pied by the officer commanding royal artillery kingston of the old hospital in kingston and to paint the exterior wood work of the quarter occupied by the officer commanding artillery the commandants house in king stonthe ncn hospital at point henry and the officers barrack within the tcte du pont at kingston all particulars will be made known on enquiry at the office of the royal engineers the several sums will be paid in british silver after the rate of 4s 4d sterling per dollar upon drafts drawn by the ordnance storekeeper and the tenders must express the rates in ster- linmoney jno hare acg commissariat kingston 28th september 189 l 0