vswtfwvoatfm vakikty dementi at eighteen ho not onlysur- passed nil his contemporaries id executmu tasie and expression but had alrcndy com posed though it wasjiot published till three years afterwards his celebrated opera 2 a work which by tho common consent ol all musicians is entitled to the credit of be ing the basis oo which he whole fabric of moderu piano forte sonatas has bceo found ed aod which though it is oow from tho immense progress which manual dexterity has made iu the last go years within tho powers of even secood rate performers was at the period of its production the despair of such pianists as jc bach aod schroe lor who were content to admit it but de clined tbe attempt to play what the latter professor declared ooly to be executed by its own composer or by that great perfor- merofall wonders and conqueror of ail difficulties the devil harmonicon for au gust 1 at the time that quio was the hero of drury laoe ao underliogof the name of white used to play the unimportant pari of siward in mackbeth one evening when that tragedy was beiag performed white knowing that he should not be wauted un- liljtho fifth act was enjoying himself over a pot of porter in a neighboring public house two friends of his entered and oo seeiog him there one of them exclaimed so jack how is this 1 thought you said you were to act to night well said tbe other aod if he is i suppose he has only got to carry on a message a message cried white indignantly a message id have you to know sir that i play the english general adding contemptuously quia does tbe scotch lord edward fitzgtralds dagger in tho desperato resistance which ho made when capturedlord edward had no other weapon than a dagger and the maoy wounds that he inflicted with it on his two adversaries exceeds belief this dagger was given by lord clare a day or two af ter the event but mr brown a gentle man well kuoivu aod still living in oublio w ho has by some accident lost it lie des cribes it to me however as beiug about the length of a largo case knife with a a common buck handle the blade which was two edged being of a waved shape like that of tbe sword represented in the bands of the angel in the common prints prefixed to the last book of paradise lost moores life of lord edward fitzgerald dr goldsmith os goldsmiths tra veller dr johpson used to speak in terms of high commeodation a lady who had the pleasure of hearing dr johosoo read it from the beginning to the end on its first coming out to testify her admiration of it exclaimed i never more shall think dr goldsmith ugly in having thought so however she was by no means singular an instance of which may bo mentioned because it involves a remarkable one of dr johnsons ready wit for this lady one eve ning being io a lai e party was called up on after supper fov her toast aod seeming embarrassed she was desired to give the ugliest man she knew aod she immediate ly named dr goldsmith on which a lady on the other side of the table rose up and reached across to shake hands with her ex pressing some desire to be bolter acquaint ed with her it being the first time they ev cr met on which dr johnson said thus the ancients on the comencementof their friendship used to sacrifice a beast betwixt them ancient price of labour in tho year 1352 25th edward hi wages paid to hayma kers was id per day a mower of meadows 3d a day or 5d an acre reapers of corn in the first week of august 2d in tbe se cond 3d per day aod so on till the end of august without meat drink or other al lowance findiog theirowo tools for thresh ing a quarter of wheat or rye a quar- master carpenter 3d a day other carpen ters 2d a master mason 4d per day other masoo3d and their servants ltd per day tilers 3d aod their knaves 1 a thatcher3d per day and their knaves lj plasterers and other workers of mud walls nnd their knaves in like manner without meat oo drinki and this from easter to michaelmas and from that time less ac- cordiug to the direction of tbe justices churchmen and dissenters in england and fata the number of cathedral dignities is 855 of church livings 10872 of the latter j014 are in the gift of the government 3760 of the church 794 of tbe universities 194 of public bodies 503 of tbe nobility and gentry and go of the inhabitants of respective parishes the total number of dissenting congregations is 7904 of these 389 are roman catholic 258 presbyterian 16c3 independent 940 particular babtist 107 general baptists 396 quaker 2827 wesleyao methodists 424calvioistic methodist 660 methodists of other descriptions and 240 belong to the home missionary society and to other connections in the public schools in the two countries there are 274569 children in tbe national society 53298 with the british and foreign school society and 609497 with the sunday school union mentaland personal qualifications of a wife great pod nature aod a prudint generosity a lively look a proper spirit aod a cheerful disposition a good per son moderate height but not perfectly beautiful young by all means old by do means a decent share of common sense and a small modicum ot wit but no learn- iog noarmigeither ancient or modern relt but not critualty skilled in herowo tongue- a proper knowledge of accounts aod arithmetic not always in the parlour but sometimes io the kitchen ready at her needle but more devoted to plain work than to jinc fooder ocountry dances than quadrille or icaitung add a tittit given to whist decently but not affectedly silent tbe glascow chronicle states that influ enza is raging id edinburgh and very pre valent io other parts of scotland it will scarcely be believed that iu the present age ofeulightment that many of the lower or ders at ediuburgh have within the last ten days actually forsworn the eating of fish under the impression of tbe sea being io- fested wiih cholrea morbus from tbe dead bodies thrown over board of those dying of that discaso to our fair readers it may not bo uoiu- ttttiag to bo iuformed that tho cholera morbus is much moro civil in its treatment i of women than of men of the 403 persons attacked in dquuc previously to the will ulittlti were males and 97 females and of the ths that died 235 were males and oaly 53 females a moorish heauty- the moorish ideas of female beauty dilfer from our english notions on that point io ono considerable respect with us a slender waist aud grace ful figure add very greatly to other person al charms aud fat people though much respected are not much admired this is the very atuipodes of moorish criterioo a really handsome womau ought not to be able to walk corpulence and comeliness being synonymous aod tho extreme of the one beiug considered the height of the other a woman of a tou weight is iu the opinion of a moor a morsel fit for the sultao and instead of tho waspish propor tion of a modern waste which is laced iu as tightly as the stomach liver and other superfluous parts will allow a moorish shape ifshapo that can be called which shape hath none is considered io the opinion of these sen sual cooooiseurs as nearly approaching to perfection when it resembles or rather ex- exceeds tho circumference of a but pipe or afty other large measure brookes sketches prince talleyrand related to the family of stanley earls of dcrry the maternal grandmother of prince r was the princess orsini la princesse des lvsins as the french style her who acted so distin guished a part io tho court of philip v of spaio and whose first husband as appears from archdeacon coxe history of the kourbon kings of spain was adriaii blaise de talleyrand prince of chnlais she was of tho illustrious family of latre- mouille from which sprung the heroic countess of derby who in her husbaod absencedefended latham mouse against the parliamentary forces under gcnfair- fax io 1645 that the talents of tho prin cess orsini have desceuded to her graud- soo few will doubt and it must also he al lowed that he has inherited her courtly and insinuating manners if uot all her high spi rit her frankness and her disinterested at tachments literary gazette extraordinary application of human fat in the year 1813 a discovery was made in the schools of medicine io paris which stroogly excited the at icntiou of the profes sors the servants of one of the anatomi cal theatres were informed against fur truffi- cing in human fat they were watched by tho police and detected in the fact a communication was made to the miuister of police aod at his desire a medical re port on tho subject tvas drawn up iu which the principle was laid down that this fat might propigate diseases a judicial in quiry also look place io which it was pro ved that there existed amongst the servants of the faculty of medicine and of the pri vate theatres a kind of association for the purpose of trading io the fat of the subjects dissected and the fat was also used to greese tho wheels of their waggons that several quacks purchased it as a remedy in various diseases and it was used in e- normous quantities by the enamellers and false getn makers who bought it under the i game of dogs or horse fat the proprietors of the undermentioned stcanicoats beg to inform the public that they have established the following rates for the season 1831 for passage from prtscott to brockviut end vice versa for each cabin passenger l 0 2 6 for each deck pasonjjcr 0 13 front prescott brockvitte to kingston vice versa for each cabin passengerincluding fare 0 12 g for each deck passenger 0 tl 3 from prexcott fy brockvitte to goburg porthope and v tec vfrtf foreachcabinpasscnyhincludingfarc i 10 0 for each deck pas5rnjr t t jiti m huh i- l ckt i tj xv bay niagara ftnd vice the mansion house hotkli- the subscriber having rented this extensive and well kuoivu establishment has now opened the sauio lor the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly ritunt- ed on store strett being the priurjpal and most central street in kiugstoo and no establishment of the kind io tho province can surpass it iu the excellence aud comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed rooms all of which arc fur nished in the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience io that line and he trusts that with unre- mtting attention to the comforts of his guests ho w ill merit a share of tho public patronage iu rear of the mansion house is a largo yard io which there is an extensive aud commodious range of stables and where a livery stable will he constantly kept for the accommodation of the public- s oarmino kingston24th oct 1830 kmoval- the subscri ber begs leave to acquaint his r friends and the public generally thai lie has removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr wm dinley diuggist where he is now receiving a very general assortmentof staple and fancy goods well adapted for the season which he intends to sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit he lias also on hand a great variety of school cooks and stationery and a case of christys best waterproof hats w driscoll kingston october dili 130 john booth merchant tailor most respectfully begs steam boat hotel in if ar of ilie ilin kt uul a few rod west of the steamuot wharf the subscriber bees leave w return his sin cere lhanks to his frienjs and the public for their very liberal snpjioit during the last eight years of winch lie hopes io merit a continuance by a strict attention to business his houtt having under gone a thorough repair has placed it more than ever in his nower to contri bute to the comfort and accommodation of travellers eta few boarders can be accommodated the table and bar will be furnished with the best the market affords and on the most reasonable teinis n b extensive stables and sheds together with a large and secure yard thos damford kingston february 1 1831 not1ck marmora foundry company n conformity to tbe act incorporat- og this company a subscription book is now open at the office of thos kirkkpatrick kinystno hth m 1h notice 4 ll notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frederick keeler are to be settled with j h samson admr bel wi 24th dec 1s28 william johnson barber and hairdresser nextdoor to the london tavern tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry lo me rit a continuance of the public patro nage kingston 30th may 1s29 jh rs parmfntipr arsfor sale at the horticultural bolan- garden brooklyn l i two miles leave to inform his friends and the pub lie that he has removed to market 1 street nextrwr io mr w bittloy druggisi where he continues his em ployment in ill it varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions fr new york a fine collection of the he nso embraces this medium of mosl desirable kinds of table and wine conveying to his friends and the public grapes pears apples cherries his sinctf thanks for the patronage he peaches plums nectarines apricots neitced at his former stand and also forest and ornamental trees i expei now holies a continuance of that sup- trees and shrubs greenhouse and port wii the assurance that his utmost herbaceous plants a choice collection eflbria wh be used for the satisfaction of jonihly and hardy roses print- ill who favour him with their of all oo may custom he litewise begs leave to intima te that laving received a large nnd fine assortment of cloths cassinures ves- ed directions for planting are furnished to purchasers mr james macfarlane editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and or- nameotal trees from her collection mrs tings fam i p- ill make arradeinents that whatever mmmug of every descpton ordereil from b f vyciycrie isenabled to tutnisli anyqunn- r tily on le most reasonable terms n b constantly on hand a very fashionable assortment of ready made clothing kingston llih november 1830 o in o jliifl erso o exece orders for cloathtog at ex ceeding ow prices and begs so assure gentlencn enti listing him willi their oiders hat they shall be executed agree able to i- present fashions and in the hi ol oltl v ri i 5 ih tout lime he tegs to return hissincere tharjks forcachcabinpasnieicmcludingiiiie 2 0 0 i lo f and the public for lliesup- c or each deck assliisc q1g j 11 forcaditabiiipnsienicriiiciutliiiait ioc years aid it will always be his study to forcachdcck fasscnt 0 7 0 merit a continuance of their favours from kingston to yorh burlington bagpno ffo aj military uniforms amxvtw mdviti versa no r i s forcachcabinpenycuincludinfave i 10 0 v s- wjias made airnngments for tch deck fcneitfftt 0 10 oi with one of uie fust houses lo supply fmmgobiirgq potllapc to yorl eurlfogton him wtlll the latest fashions bay fy niagara and vice wm for each cabin pjisscngei including far 0 15 for each deck passenger 0 7 from york to burlington bay fy jfiagan and vice versa foreach cabin passenger inducing fare 0 12 for each deck passenger 0 5 from burlington bay io jsingara for each cabin passcngeriuclucliiig fare 0 10 for each deck passenger 0 5 gwkbster begs most res pectively to inform the inha bitants of kingsiomand its viciiy that he has pist returned from london wiih a slock o cloihs cassimeres and vest- ings of i most fashionable colours and ofthelirest qualities together with an assortment of liuttons of the most ap proved fiud latest patterns and having succcdeifi making purchases at some l lt of the m establishments he is enabled l b jfm l-ij-m-f- nik z will be made up idio one package with a ed aod forwarded without the slightest de lay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid at the office of tho chronicle reference john macau lay john kirby john marks stephen yartvood allan mclcao esquires 24th march 1831 n- p- it may be proper to mention that the necessary directions will be sent aloog with the different trees as to the rnan- uer of treating them trees received iu the fall can be safely buried in the ground uotil the spring when they can be plaoted without receiving aoy injury from the frost provided ihat they are entirely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received p r vjcw to save the expense of carriage the subscriber having been appohted agent in this province for mrs parmcn- ticr is now ready to receive orders agreea bly to the above advertisement kingston 24ih ft arch itfyi kingston 4th december 1630 dissolution the copart nership between the undersign gjed under the firm of john macphcr- 0 to is thisday by mutual con- 0 dissolved the subsciibersates c s for flttilgut from burlington bay niagara york portuope fycobourgjobrockvitle kpntcott 6 10 3 0 0 6 10 6 0 forevcry barrel of a sties 0 2 for every bblof pork bccf 0 1 for every barrel of flour 0 1 all other articles in the same proportion for every horse 15 for every ox or cow 10 for every parcel too small for weight 0 1 from the above places to kingston for every barret of ashes 0 i for every barrel of poikbeeflardc 0 1 for every barrel of flour 0 i all other articles in the same proportion for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 lo 0 from prescott and broelcville to cobourg york jpo t hope burlington bay fur every cwl weight of merchandise 0 i for every horse 15 for every ox or cow i 0 for every parcel too small for weight 0 i from kingston to the tbok places for every cwt weight of merchandise 0 i for every horse 9 10 for every ox or cow 0 15 for every parcel too small for weight 0 j jno hamilton 110 r hamilton pr jh steamboat alciopc john mosikk steamboat niaaia prescott may2tl 1831 3 o 0 c 0 ii 0 be wtotick a third divideol will l payable at the oftice of john kirliy ksq iu k nrom oa wedoesday the j5th day of june oext to the creditors of the late allan taylor fsq aad to tho late firm of taylor and parker jc kiftry a- o iitmic t imxicsjt trudtcw kictocotbmav 183l verally juniioiisod to settle he afiar of the la te copartnership all person having demands are requested to presen tlicni at ilieir office signed john macpherson alexr mcmillan samuel crane prescott january 12th 1831 the forwarding business wil be continued by john macpherson and samuel crane under the firm of mac- pfierson nnd crane here and at mon treal under the old firm their stores md wharves at the upper end of the town where their bu siness will be transacted are to be con siderably enlarged and will be conveni ent for receiving and shipping wheat in bulk prescott 12th jan 1831 t he subscriber having been ap pointed agent to the alliance assurance company begs leave to au- nouoce to the public that ho coutinucs to assure against loss or damage occasioned by fire iu adypartof the iroviuces of lp- per or lower canada from the liberal conditions and extensive ccalo on which the business of the company is conducted he trusts the public will find it advantageous to assure at their office c ta1t alliauce office st gabrielstreet montreal lltb july ig3l the following gcntlctueu are agents iu upper canada jimcs macfarlane esq kingston james bethune esq cobourg samuel uidout esq york uuv c wood esq cornwall messu asaw morrisdccijrwawy lt rheum this inveterai disease which has long baffled the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la oranges genuine ointment few cutaoeotu diseases arc met with morere- uctanceby the physiciao none in which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointment has stood the test of experience and justly obtained an uuparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessel so the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous recommendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but tbe proprietor chose that a fair trial should be its only commentator it has io three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once gives immedi ate relief io salt rheum but cures tinea capitas commonly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to uo- ealthy children t there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained io it and it may be used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john alusson quebec and george lient mon treal sole agent for the canadas kingstou llthjuly is28 li thography from canadian stone the subscriber begs to announce to the public the establishment of a lithographic press in kingston by the name of william ivpress where will be executed all kinds oi work ap plicable to that useful art such a maps plans views circulars music head ings of merchants bills and steam boat notices with the sketch of the uoat i- requited blank deeds and memorials funeral notices embellished w ah suit able emblems bills of exchange c c c persons wanting any kind of copies ol their own hand writing wit he supplied with prepared paper aud che mical ink for that purpose s otazewtxl n b caricatures printed iy he sketch being supplied kingston augubt ltlt 1851 the provincial statutes the undersigned beg to inform the public that their revised edi tion of the provincial statutes will be teady on or about the 1st of november next it will contain all the british laws which relate particularly to the canadas the ordinances of quebec pioclamations issued by lord dochester and governor simcoe and the whole of the provincial statutes now in lorce from the year 1792 to 1831 inclusive with such notes of relercnce as circum stances appeared lo require and a most copious index in preparing the work for the press the utmost attention has been paid to correctness the paper is of the best quality and the publisbeis trust that its typographical execution will equal if not surpass that of any work ever pub lished in canada none but the most competent printers being engaged in the office from which it is to issue it may not be amiss to add that all persons who subscribe for this edition will be annully furnished with the suc ceeding provincial enactments at a mo derate price and printed in the same form as the work now in the press h c thomson james macfarlane kingston june 14 1881 books for sale the following books are for sale at the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of 7 he history of the jews from the ear liest period to the present time by the rev h h milman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon buonaparte by j g lockhart esq villi cop- mfplfifle tbgnatvags itcw oi 2d london edition 3 vols 13 mo life of nelson by robert south- ey esq with a portrait the life of alexander the great by the rev j williams with a map natural history of insects illus trated by numerous engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by john gait esq 18 mo the life of mohammed t founder of the religion of islam and of the em pire of the saracens by the rev george bush a m with a plate 18 mo letters on demonolojy and witch- raftc by sir walter scott ban 18 mo with a plate flistory of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols is mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven- book binding establishment at t1ik kingston chronicle ojfite the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public ihai all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity n small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf s io calf oroa- folio full bouud meoted quarto do octavo do 12mo do 18mo do do do do do 1 0 0 10 0 5 d 0 0 0 3 2 0 0 a o half binding in calf folio half bouud aud oroa- luentcd 0 17 0 quarto do do v 0 7 0 octavo do do 0 3 8 l2mo do do 0 1 6 lsoio do ndinc do sheep 0 1 3 bl ins folio full mented bound and orna- 0 17 6 quarto do do 0 7 6 octavo do do 0 3 4 12mo do do v 0 2 3 blmo do do 0 1 8 also ledger blank work and ruling to aoy size or pattern for port folio aud fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1s29 turein the polar ceas and legions with illustrations of their climatege- ology and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and hugh jurray esq with maps c 18 nio life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george croly with a portrait 18 mo new andimpioved edition narrative of discovery end adven ture in africa from the cailiest ages to the present time vith illustra tions of the geology jlfineralogy and zoology- by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh mur- iu rij wall a uj and wooo eu- gravings 18 nio lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq i- 3 vols 13 mo with portraits history of chivalry and the cm sades by g r james esq is mo with a plate mary qneen of scots in 2 vols by hgbell esq the continuation of the family libra ry will be regularly received at tho chro nicle office immediately as the volumes are issued from the press of tbe messrs harpers of new york to render the family library still more wortby of patronage tbe publishers pro pose incorporating in it uch works ofio- stere and value as may appear io theva- uriost libraries and miscellanies now pre paring in europe particularly the na tional aod the edinburgh cabinet libraries all these productions as they emanate from the press will be submitted io a committee of literary gentlemen for inspection aod none will be reprinted but such as shall be found calculated to sustain the exalted character which this library has already acquired also bourrieooe4 private memoirs of napo leon sketches of naval life with notices of men manners and scenery on tbe shores of the mediterranean with maps by a ci vilian annals of the peninsular campaigns by the author of cyril thornton correspondence of admiral colling- wood with memoirs of bis life a year in spain by a young american berthas visit to her uncle io england the grooms oracle and pocket stable directory- lawrence on tbe horse the boston revised edition of the wa- verley novels with plates the heiress of bruges a novel by t c grattao maxwell a novel by the author of sayiugs aod doings the barooy a novel by miss anna maria porter the talba a romance by mrs bray- new stkreotype e- dition of mayors spelling book tbe subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from lh 22lb hfld edition a o 1s27 this edition which vill be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than tbe former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without tlclay jas macfarlane kingston 226mvlay 1830 copperpiiate press a first rate copperplate pointing press lias just been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office july 24th 1s30 the board of education for the johnstown district give notice that from the present time it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some years back by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited and the masters are directed to confine themselves to such works of klementory instruction as aro compiled by british authors ouly a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion to dr hubbell- that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulations eojoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the moraing and ai its close in the evening a form adapted o general use may be rt hvv4vwjiyl hi i it- commended for his purpose by the board primed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to be signed by two trustees may be had oo application to a dhl shemvodesq brockville july 1829 quarrystreet fiearty opposite ai prentiss store til fc subscriber begs leave to inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that she has lately arrived from england and commenced business in tbe following line leghoro bouoets made to aoy pattern old oues stovd and altered chip straw bonnets made cleaud c according to the latest english fashions and on reason able lerms m haldenby the kingston chronicle ss printed nnd published every saturday by jakes ttucrafttass at his office in front sireet kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpence per tnnum sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price op advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and and 7 each subsequent insertion ten lines and under is 4d first insertion and 10d each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on the day of publication cp produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bigncll esq qi6 david chiaholme esq three rivers andrew porteous esq mho- treat james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq loehiel k cline esq cornwall ccorge browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq presctt henry jones esq brockville josiah taylor esq perth hwhiimarsh esq richmnj j k harlwell esq busland mess c j mdonald gananque john dean esq bath allan mcpiutsoii esq vapane thus parker esq bettvitle joseph a keeltr esq cramahe james g bethune esu hamilton david smart esq port slope william allan esq york daniel ross esq vittria john crooks esq jsiagara charles biggftt esq murray j d j i hurl esq idvlpustotcn w uobertson esq river trent