the kingston chronicle soffjftfov ottober 15 18si the latest dates from europe are to the stith draught by the favourite of greenock lo quebec tbey furnish nothing material in ad dition to the intelligence conveyed by the ns- pdifon of the 23d august with which our co lumns arc this day supplied no very characteristic feature of russian per- everence appears in the polish warfare from which it may with some justice be inferred that the former arc awaiting the interference of the allied powers cither in the way of amicable ad justment or hostile interposition the main bo dy of the russian army however were march ing upon warsaw and then in all probability polish independence may be established either by thesword of the brave or the councils of the great on the subject of parliamentary intelligence we cannot furnish our readers with the least flat tering expectation that the question which agi tates europe zt this moment by the diversity of opinion that pervades all classes of the commu nity and which has checked in the house of commons the ardour that in its earlier stages existed amongst the auvocatcs of reform is likely to arrive at any probability of a successful conclusion the ministers have been defeated by a motion that eventually will nullify the whole system and to this they have submitted notwith- etanding their positive and frequently expressed intention of m rising or falling with their idol such a violation of their boasted adherence may at first sight appear immaterial and trifling but the public anxiety is stretched to the highest pilch of distrustand impatience begins to evince itself amongst those whose interests are set a aide in the agitation of this one topic the commercial and agricultural prospects of great britain are paralized while the voice of the irish fwtf ifr vf r 4 and support under their persecutions drowned by the clamour and confusion of parliamentary tumult and discord we confess that however ardent our expectations might have been a month past on the success of the bill we are now dis posed to consider lord chandoias amendment as an absolute defeat to the measure and that if even it should come under discussion again it must emanate from ministers more consistent and we would add more capable than the pre sent cabinet is composed of notices of amend ments to th number of 31 are yet standing for discussion the irish papers announce the death of the archbishop of dublin the brightest literary or nament of the episcopal bench his grace had been long labouring under mental aberration occasioned by that pressure of intellectual exer tion which i inseparable from the duties of that extensive sec and which terminated the exist ence of his predecessor dr cleaver- drmagec long possessed the mathematical chair in the university of dublin was one of those distin guished characters who rose by his own merits and from the deanery of cork to the bishoprick of raphoe was from thence translated to the see of dublin which he found in consequence of the incapacity of his predecessor in a most ca lamitouscondiiion to a natural petulance of tamper was added a houghty and overbearing address to his inferiors while he exercised the most obsequious deference to his superiors his mind was in everlasting ope ration- spiritu ally politically and controversially engaged till at length the barriers of reason burst from their boundaries and reduced his gigantic spirit to the lowest level of infantine simplicity hc has left an ample illustration of the transccmlaulgrcatncss mtdilfc ujuife atttittaimiiit u wuvk unnvqlfed for its irresistible and convincing arguments up on that important subject and distinguished by references to no less than 292 theological and controversial productions including those that emanated from the press from the year 1564 to that of 1810 mum his majesty has not extended his royal licence to donna maria beyond the simple do nation of a bratelet upon which as a security gainst the roguery of her new subjects he has tamped the loyal initial of w and to supply the absence of a fellow for this appendage to fe male vtflity her majerty has added another to which her cognomen has been most graciously affixed with these perquisites and a positive though ungallant refusal on the part of his britannic majesty to assist her in ascending the slippery steps of her throne has don pedro and this precocious queen embarked for the shores of portugal nearly two columns of the new york courier newspaper are occupicdwith a comparative state ment of the speed of the respective boats which arc owned and employed by the several journal ists of that city in order to meet the london and liverpool packets on the coast and convey the british papers to the nearest harbour on fri day the messenger arrived at new york hav ing boflred the napoleon 70 miles below sandy hook the packet did not arrive for 24 hours after the intelligence conveyed by her was immediately published in the courier and en quirer and arrived hereon monday evening 6uch industry and exertion is well worthy of a people justly proverbial for both and while it reflects the highest credit upon the gentlemen of the press confeis upon the public in general ad vantages of the utmost importance and conve nience- the royal william ntcamer from halifax has made her second voyage to quebec she arrived there on the 7th after a moat tempestu ous voajreof 10 days having weathered on the cwtt of nova scotia the most violent gale that the oldest mariner can remember lieutenant colonel roberts who has for tho last five years commanded the royal artillery in this province left hereon monday inst forwoou ich his period of canadian service having termu natcd wfl believe that we speak the feelings of the kingston community in expressing the universal regret that his removal from our gar rison has occasioned he is succeeded in the command by ltcol mitcheliof the same corps who arrived here on saturday last with his fa mily in the alciope a very flattering address has been presented to colonel durnford of the royal engineers by the magistrates of quebec previous to his de parture for england the colonel has estab lished for himself in the erection of the citadel and the numerous other public works which dis tinguish that city the most durable monuments to his professional memory i whilst the long projected works at kingston arc slumbering like the stones which cover so many acres on thego- vcrnment quarries at point henry in a state of torpidity which leaves but small hopes of future operation or utility wc would recommend a public sale of the thousands of pounds worth which arc carved and squared and numbered so mechanicallyand which form one of the wonders of our vicinity and the profits if any to be ex pended in the completion of the rideau a work by the way which was conducted by the milita- lary officers upon the whole line with a spirit and energy that bids defiance to the most capti ous and with a liberality of their own personal labours and inspection which the certainty of premature old age and the contraction of dis eases unfortunately too incidental in this climate to such employments were incapable of res training we understand but cannot vouch fx- ii- imttrfftfev tftmfki4 h nvurc of the stones wc have alluded to is of a perishable quality and that they arc now unfit fat tli pur poses they were intended to accomplish provincial from the ifiw-scomiii- tub noriu eastern bounpakv- lirnnced outrgt fru tht state of waffle report of fi im- hat uuplcasiiut nimre have been poiiani rn ftrculntio d since sunday i st ml lave the last number of the u catholic w pub lished yesterday the respectable editor that journal has been compelled from the prasure of his professional duties to discontinue lis la bours in the office wc understand ihtt the m sentinel published in three rivers ins for the present suspended its appearance warm ly believe that the objects of christianity vould be most effectually promoted by a general au prcssion of all religious controversy mens invicta manct we were induced to visit this week an assort ment of spectacle audspectacleglasscs brought to this place by messrs bernard and snullger- man opticians and manufacturers and were highly pleased with the scientific skill displayed by these gentleman in adapting by a simple ob servation of the construction of the eye a glass suitable to the subject requiring such assistance these gentlemen have obtained diplomas in the optical science and appear perfect masirrs of their profession we would recommend auch as require their aid speedily to avail themselves by an application at carrols hotel of the present opportunity of visiting their establishment and supplying the deficienccs that naturetimu or ac cident may have occasioned in that useful organ the admirer of brass harmony have now an ample opportunity of gratifying their taate for that martial style of music every evening at s oclock when that part of the admirable hand of the 6gth under the immediate charge f mr zialer jun- mv be heard on 1 ced on thursday evening and though quite un expectedly collected great numbers by the no velty and grandeur of the attraction the weather for the early part of this week was extremclycold and uncomfortable onmon- day morning the ice was of a most unusal thick ness for october we have since been amply repaid for the inconvenience by a more rational and autumnal season of sunshine and warmth madawaski we have been at no inconsi derable trouble in selecting from the journals that camtf into our possession the various ver sions relative to the facts of the madawaska af fair but at this distance and the contradictory statements which have appeared wo can onlv submit them to the public and kavcthe misery for time to unraui desertions from this garrison hare been of frequent occurrence and in but few instances have the guilty persons metwith the punishment due to their crimein con sequence ofthe facilitywhich our contigui ty to a foreign country affords for escape on saturday lasthovevertwo soldiers of the 66thregimenlvere presented to the commandant colonelnichol who prompt ly paid the reward which the law allows namelytive pounds sterling for each de serter the captorsve understand were twoyoungmenwho happened to be engag ed in a shooting excursion on the water we really cannot imagine why a british soldier should so far forget himself as to leave theervice of his king in a clandes tine manner lie is well fed and clothed and treatedwith theutmost kindnesswhile his conduct is deserving whenever just causeof complaint against a superior arises he must be heard and redress is neverwith- held- how british deserters are received in the unitedstates we know not but in uppercanada an american deserter istreat- ed with thegreatestcontemptby everywell regulated mind and we hope this feeling will long be cherished by our population herald jjrn rim to various speculations ns to ihn probable tendency of the measure from ivhichthey take their nue the next mail ur bring us more correct information ipeatnvhilo we give to our readers all that 194 have been able to obtaiu it appears thfft the authorities of the statu of maine displeased with the award of the king of holland have marched four companies of jr ooprf into the british division of the ma- tiawaflka territory and hnve tnkco posses- mmjj nf it hy inaiu force one account says foiir regiments of united states troops this raotiot ho correct nod we are per- su that the whole affair will be disa vowed nod discountenanced by tho geoe government after both uations had contented to leave ihe matter to arbitration aol after ao award had been given extreme ly favorable to the inerrciu claim it was to have been expected that tho state of ftfriine would have peaceably acquiesced in the decision if ou the contrary she chooses to rebel against the confederacy of which she is a member and to insult a people aoxious for peace but well prepa red for war si- must expect to reap the consequences of her own violence aod had faith despatches have been forwarded to quebec from the seat of government in nefbrunswiekwdespatrhes were receiv ed here hy the inailon saturday and cup tain king of the 52d went off express on sunday with answers that regiment n was to have embarked this week nil remain here until something decisive m known as to the course which the cabi net at washington intend to pursue wo shall not at present enlarge upon this io nic as we have uo desire to create a feel itij that further iuformation may show to ho uucalled for hut should it be necessa ry we shall iu a future no confidently ap peal to every man from sixteen to sixty wiihin tho province of novascotia from the hotifax free press mada waska a somewhat martial report has for some days past been circulated of an invasion by the americans upon our ter ritory a correspondent informs us that some dozen squat urs from the state of maine had assembled in a field at mada waska and cooly proceeded to elect their magistrates and dominate their sttect mat our readers are aware that neither our government nor that ofthe united states has yet officially recognized the award of the kin of the netherlands nor can we learn that the americans express any dis position to abide by the limits assigned them hy the arbiter this attempt there fore by a few officious individuals of maine to excercise acts of authority or ownership upon our soil must he regarded as unau thorized by the general government of the united states and most assuredly will never he tamely submitted to our own vi gilant executive a detachment of five officers aod 142 men two companies ofthe kifle brigade including the bugle hand the whole un der the command of copt kelly left town vcterdny mornjog in tho steamboat juhu ward frcderickton the chebuclo also we are informed takes a detachment of the kifle brigade to st andrews to relieve the ih or kiogsregt- which is to return to halifax iu rnasequeoce ofthe embarka tion ofthe 52 regt for eoglaod from the boston daily advertiser the governor of maiue under a resolve of the legislature of tho slate lately appointed messrs deane aod kavanah commis sioners to visit the disputed territory oo the river st john to enquire into the con dition nod dispositions ofthe iohahttauts and ogive them information of the procec- diurs and view of the government ofthe state in relation to them thee gentle men entered no their mlwioa about the the end of august having accomplished ihe objects of their appointment on their arrival at the madhwftskn srtinent no lice of it was immediately iimihicmi the tiritish authorises at fitujericfctuti- they i ere soon nfter met hy lle wjmltu of he disputed territory by direction of the provincial government who ioqnired of them the objects of their mission these hcins frankly explained to him he protes ted agaiost their proceeding nod told them that if they persisted it would he his duty tocootinue with them they expressed their regret at giving him the trouble but told him they were bound to carry their io structions ioto execution he continued with them two or three days hut offered no impediment to their proceediugs from the boston crnit the portland advertiser received last evening says reports are iu towu that difficulties have occurred on the madawaska letweeo the british soldiers sod the united states ci tizens tho hitter it is said undertook on the strength of a deed to take possession of lands upon a quarrel ensued which terminated in the death of seven british soldiers and four failed states citizens we give this report as circulated frnm sources tolerably authentic but it is well not to eive it io much credence before it is confirmed from the quarter itself a parasragh in the st john n b 06 jerwr states that the americans at madi wnska had lately proceeded lo the election of magistrates officersc received at qnehf c on monday the result of the couri martial no peputv com gen fvrhtn h wn reeeivfd the court ii uptrtn found tr iwx puiuy of lh frt pari lb fttt clt otdns lotflll- prrittfl fend major colli mid acquitted that anil of the i the huf fciipl him of the dm ttriper ii remainder of u hole of the second and third char the seotcoce ww that the deputy cum general should he repriman ded which sentence his majesty hasbceu pleased to remit those who attended the proceedings of i court martial will recollect that mr iorbe admitted and a poloiscd for that part ofhts conduct which the court has pronounced to be censurable lo consequence of the approaching de parture or col durnford r e from the garrison at quebec the justices ofthe peace residing in the cityat a genet al meet iug held ou thc3d instant passed the fol lowing resolution that on the occasion of the approach- ins departure from quebec of colonel duroford ofthe royal lugtoeers com- maudaot ofthe garrison it be communi cated io that officer on the part ofthe ma gistrates that deeply regretting as they do that his presence should now be withdrawn they entertain the highest sense of his me ritorious conduct during the long period throughout which his peculiarly assiduous exertions iu fulfilling tho arduous duties of his station rendered hit residence ia this place so eminently useful this rrhoution haviujr been duly com municated hy cnh ducheosay and other gentlemen on behalf of the magistrates to col durnford he returned the following answer w gentlemen i can scarcely express the sense i entertain of your expressions of regret at my approaching departure from this station where i have had the pleasure of beiug employed above fourteen years that my cooduct and cxertioos should have come under your observation affords me much gratification aod i can siocerely assuae you i shall evcrentertaio such tes timony hs a high honour cnofered on geutlcman your most obedient humble servant e w durntord colonet corps of royal engineers october 4 1831 it is stated that the duke of wellington has been consulted touching ibe brevet and to luvr ivtti his opinion decidedly iu favor of taking 10 the whole ofthe colonels of 1825 as otherwise the only peoplo ex cluded would be a highly deerviog body ofmeo and belougius o the only corps io the army that realty stood io need of promotion the followiug is an extract from the mu- riny act nflast year it ill he perceived that sodiers may be eulisted in the colo nies and transferred from corps to corps should they prefer to remain iastend of re turning to the mother country by a late new bnmswick royal gazette we perceive that a warrant addressed to the justices of iho peace nod other civil magistrates for that province eiaed by the secretary of war has hcon there received hy which this section of the act has been ordered to bo brought into operattiuo there and whereas it i expedient that pro visions should be made for the enlisting and attesting of soldiers desirous of reeu listing and others detirous of enlisting r- hroad be it therefore enacted that it shall be lawful for any person duly ap pointed by his majesty hy any warrant signed by the secretary at war in that be half and not being a general officer nor holding any regimental commission to en list aod attest out of great britain or ire- land any soldiers or pertous desirous of enlisting orreeolistin ioto his majestys service aod aoy pcroo so appointed shall havethesame powers in that behalf asarc given to justices in tbe uuited kingdom for all such purposes uf enlistment aod at- lestfltioq nrnl any piinoo so enlisted or re enlisted hi1l he ririmird to ho on attested irr mttl an often ns any corpi shall he ltmilcii i miinoo or i hsdlhe imtfulfor nnyoffi rij nrizrd hy the officer mnroftddingiii hwf at tuh tiafinu m rfjut ui rimov i hr 4hlifn hcnicillc to wju icavuft o l lloo ft shall he mid fir for r vice foraoyrorpi a of five per cent by the way this nffair hows the weakness and poverty of the russian empire the government mn- not mluct a province without a sulucrip- itou loan- a prrti power this toeuter io- lint ceitetal war there has been littlo business doing in ho stock exchange today hut prires are a shade lower which is attributed to the new russian lotto and to the king of hoi- land having increased his army consols for money aod the account opened at 87 hil and ns k hi ynnd tho ten i pen thrrfthilii hojl the willing qui pointed io remain and ip- every soldier so enlisted is hereby deemed to be disehareed from his former corps aud an attested cer tificate of transfer shall be delivered to the soldier we learn that a number of ladies of this city have set on foot ao infant school the orgaoizatioo of this useful establish ment is not yet complete hut subscriptions have been solicited by the ladies who pro moted theplao aod iheyhaveas mighthave been expected met with a success which promises to enable them to carry their be- ncvolent design into execution at an early day quebec mercury exglaxd londo aug 23 a striking change has come over ihe speculations ofthe ultra royalists and friends of tho bourbons in france they have become more violeot- ly hostile to england to the english peo ple and tho english government than the jacobins aod the buooapnrtist were after the battle of waterloo the overthrow of j napoleon ami the restorntiou of legitimacy europe the gazette de kranreaod the army the layton transport from halifax arrived at quebec oo moodv e- vening with a dctachmeut ofthe c6ih re giment and the following officers of that corps captain warren lieut jenner ensign parker and afisnrg mgregor copt shaw h p 87th regiment with his lady and five children were also pas sengers in this vessel on tuesday even ing the mantius transport arrived at que rn ihe quoiidienne take tho lead in this wai fare aod contain daily artirlm the most bilfei im i written iq i mol biifer spirit of hslilil to enpih sst7e jft nt teraisftr enlbh influence iliwo tj v vsti p memo ho read hey must sfsft s th 8 p culcul they te on the nipmbaiinn of the parly ulmso envso iliey hivc esnousd aud ou w linse pairounge they depend tho kmperor of russia iibs nt length induced n capitalist to nccept le inanage- im perial majesty could not married at balh on the 8th ult by the rev jstoughton mr j hicks to miss mary anc boh of ernest town ijirdat nnpane on the 19th ult lieut uonalu mopherson half pay of the 15th reel ol foot r at amherst 0 the 30th ulr eliw iofknl daughter of 1 umy rutuo f4rq sheriff of the nval district i miijesiv couw not find nv io tjcl forie wrf 32dj contract for hia loan con ami 7v rrrs in ihi4 cominnml consistiue hcen brought out unnn minni of about 250 officers billow inc officers have ml man say 2l likut regt in tln comionnil consistiue aiul privates the arrived in thi vos- 15th regiment cnpraini cd cole- ud t- culemnn aiul e2otiga mutld- rcgi- brevni mnjor stviobnrn while and ens forsvlh 7jch t is odclu v it has vsion ihat is the new slock is in he soli roviiljn i- ny one will buy it ami iho pm ll haoiled to ihe emperor of ki arc rrjoited to loaro ihat no egjjjj house robld he induced to uodcrtake va rh mil m m tie m rf ney for the desirucnou uf the p a capt a macdaimld ensign came- j dutch firm has ot the commi tl run siffausurs frazer amount of ibe intended loan u 3 400 000 bt bcknrhh un ma via halifax uod it u offered at 38 bearing tu5w fj hc engtib augu r in n nt- w 7 8 were theo done at 82 when ihey gave way and fioally left off at 81 34 78 there has been very little doing in the foreign market russian bonds were first done at 91 they closed at 92 from the correspondent of the liverpool courier ijopboif august 22 by accounts re ceived today from amsterdam it appears that a loan for russia has been introduced into tht market by the house of hope co but as a commission lo0 solely and not as a contract- there is no capitalist probably in europe who would take the respoosihilityof a fixed engeinenuo lend money to russia under all the circumstanc es of the polish contest though none would nfcoure hesitate at a good commission for such an amount as they may be able under the sanction of their names to get into circulation this is a description of loan now brought out at amsterdam hut not till after the expedient of a contract had i been tried in most ofthe money markets iu europe the intended amount of ihe new loao is twenty millions of roubles stock e- quivalent to three millions sterling but as the stock is offered at 78 per cent it will prnduoe if the whole is takeo about 2 300000 it is to be at 5 per cent stork with dividends payable in june and de cember some of it has been subscribed fur in amsterdam but to no great extent and it is generally expected that it will not be cot off with regard to the polish loao attempts to raise which aro now making here there are hopes it will he taken uphy some of our capitalists- several eminent city names are mentioned as having the affair under consideration th6 liverpool courier or the wib euu- tains the fohowiog the question of peace or war has occu pied the anxious thoughts of men during the week the opposition in parliament have sounded loud as to fraoco and if there he aoy raeaniog in their words they must have intended to recommend that we should place ourselvei in a warlike attitude at once against her ministers are more cool about that matter aod io this we do not blame them it is easier for ao oppo sition to decide on a question of war than for a ministry which must bear all tho res ponsibility aud have all the maoagenteal but probably tho only object of opposition was to drive the administration into a di lemma either to condemn the foreign poli cy of the late ministry when the outcry would have been raiaed against succumbing to france or to push it to declare strongly on the nther side which would endauger its popularity with the peoplo of eogland ministers have been prudently silent aud autimis and the manner in which the freuch ministry has recovered itself in the chamber and the large majority by mhirh it has carried the address in answer to the kings speech with few aod unimportant alterations has tended to smooth their dif ficulties and gives stronser assurance that good understanding which now exists be tween great britain and franco will be in terrupted the right hon- charles bragg ba- thurst died no saturday the 13th instant at his seat sidney park gloucestershire aged 78 tho right hon gentleman was collaterally related to earl bathurst aod was a member of lord liverpooli ad- ministrationjin which he held the lucrative iinecure office of chancellor ofthe duchy of lancaster having previously passed through the siatioo of secretary at war and other nffirinl appointments mr ra liuith fttitatl frjinniililii- lifr ip1r23 wltqfl lord rexley succeeded him as chancellor of th duchy sir rrnjnmin hohhnuse died oo saturday af hi house iu berkeley square aged 75 pir henjamrn was nn accomplished gen tleman and in every respect a most amia ble and valuable member of society he is succeeded in his title of haronet hy his son now sir john cam hobhouse fa i for westmioster w have authority to stale that captain the hon aurumus rrnwno43d regiment third brother of lord kilmaine was drown- ed by the upsetting of a boat on a lake in ihe county mayo but that his brother the hon and rev henry browne who is sta ted to have been also drowoed was not present instead of making his majesiy be slubber ed and sworn to by some 300 nr 400 peers il is proposed at the approaching corooa- tion hat the eldest liile of each grade shall perform the ceremony for all the rest this would certainly he considered by some noble lords as a dangerons iuuovatioo nay we should oot he surprised to hear ii denounced as jacobinical and revolutiona ryallied to tho reform rill aud destruc tive of the ancient and undoubted rights of their lordships did wo not happily find that in the good feudal anti- reform times of george iii the abridged form was in troduced whilst tv deum was sipgiog says the annual register in giving an ac count of this pan of the ceremony at the coronation of the father of our grueiouc sovereign the duke of devonshire lord chamberlain pronounced the words ofthe the marquess marquesses- earl talhfti for alt the earls viscounts say aod sele for the viscouots and lord henley lord high chancellor for the ba- nus kii ofihein taking off his coronet touching the kings crown aod kissing his left cheek till conceoiratioo of the es sence of a very absurd ceremony is a great improvement oo the old practice proba bly a till cheater improvement would bo iu entire bbfiiitioa by a recent decision of the court of king beoch clergymen of all denomina tions are toleratod in preaching in the o- pen air where they please provided they du not interrupt a public thoroughfare deho maude brother of lord hawarden succeed to the archdeaconry of dublin oo the elevation of dr- torreos t the bish opric ofkillaloc her majesty presented to poona mari a ffw days since a pair of ron niflrent bracelet on on of which were ibe initial of her mnjety nod ou the other the ini tials of ihe king we regret to learn that there are serious divisions in the cabinet on the subject of some of ihe recent nlterinino io the re form bill a country paper the brighton gazette which has always been supposed to he tinder the influence of the duke of richmond speaks io very uumeasured terms of condemnation ofthe extension f the suffrage to weekly tenants of houses in towns we trust ministers will hear i mind oo an occasion like this their para mount duty to their country and what the consequence might he of allowing dis greement among themselves to deprive tba peoplo of a measure from which so much is expected morning chronicle ll was very geoerally reported on friday evening that in consequence ofthe succeu nf the amendment moved by the marquit ofchandos ministers had determined to resign the report is uutrue ministers will probably meet the next attempt ofthe antireformers to delay or defeat the hi with great firmness and will wave the order of the day so that the successor failure ofthe bill shall stand oo the isue such at least appears to be the internum now but probably lord althorp will pre viously call together the members who art favourable to reform and explain his views the king has expressed a deter ininatioo to support his ministers to the last court journal it is said that had mr humes motion for colonial representation passed into m law there would have beeo a great deal of contention ns to the representation of cer tain places it is runmured that hume ipse turn mncauley cobbett hunt o- coonell borden and hu man now a co- baronet lordnugeoti bear ellice don key sir r biroie st joho long moses a by poole aud maoy other gentlemen of equal celebrity would hrt started for bo tany bat ae the army u is reported there will bea very large brevet oo the approaching coru- oatioo nearly 0 geoerals includiug all cofuuefrf ii ivm are to ho atfuttf to toe ar my seveoty were made on his majesty accession 22d july 1830 so that in a short space of one year and a few weeks 160 geuerals will be added to our army but il is understood an invalid battalion is to be formed consisting of general officers com manded by fietdmarshali for the defence ofthe tower ns soon a he reform bill passes there was uo brevet on the ute king geo vths accession to the throne it was put off till the coronation 19th july 1821 when not more than 44 colonels wero made majorgenerals tha additional ex pense of 160 generals to our peace estab lishmeut is aoothcr proof of the economy of the present ministers opposit ion pa- rr foreign france the harvest throughout france is represented as unusually produc tive the quality of the grain is also de dared to be very 6oe the hopes of the vinegrowers had received a check tit quantity of win expected from the ap proaching vintage will it was feared fall short of that of average seasons but it will bo superior io quality to any obtained d ur- ingsevcral preceding ones the following is the answer ofthe king of the french to the address of the cham ber of deputies gentlemen experience lively satis factioo at fiuding iu the address you pre sent to nie an expression of the same ieo- timoots i manifested to you at the opening ofthe session this accord of opiuioos and desiros which ensure the uniform ac tion of all the powers of ihe state is a pledge to france of that happ futurity which will set at rest every disquietude- and reestablish public confidence since your assembling the unexpected invasion of tvelyiutn iiy ihe dutch force made me form the immediate resolution io send an army to the assistance of the king of the bflglhiu nod uftord lo that oation which is so dear m us on many grounds the succour of which they stood iu so urgent need this measure has been crowned with complete success tho kins of hol land has avnidrd to eneagiug hostilities a- ainst ui and his troops are at thi- moment reiiriog tu the dutch territory i hope that our army will he able also shortly to return to france aud i shall has ten to recall ii as soon as io concert and accord with the other powers who mith myself arc guarantees for the independ ence and neutrality of belgium i can be assured that the return nf our army will not expose belgium to fresh aggressions 1 1 ia most agreeablo to me to find that you ap preciate the zeal displayed by mysontoo this occasion und ihe eagerness they have shown to participate ofthe ardor of the ar my when it haltered itself that the country required iis services i thank you for the confidence yoo tes tify to me powerful from your support my government will be able to repress the factions who may still disturb the interior aod will continue so to conduct our foreign affairs as to eosure a coniiouaoce of peace without ever compromising the national houor or the real interests of france tt portugal we copy the follow- iog nrtirlofrom tho pari consiilutiooel of august 20 letter from pon miguel tq don pedro we stated io ihe cnnsiiiuiiooel ofthe 9th of aoust ihat a letierliad been wrir- tpii hy don pedro to his brother ordering him io embark oo hoard the john jv lo come io london nod declaring in case of his refusal he hhuuld take bis daughter to lisbon and we have noticed that don pedro not having taken advantage of iho freoch fleet beiug in the tagus and exe cuted his plans in favor of hi daughter at that period it now appenrsexlremely diffi cult for him io establish the rights of his daughter the arrival of doo pedro wh has taken up his residence at tho chateao of mcudon induces many to buliove that hi project iu this particular has been de ferred for tho present nod wo know that plans deferred are always without effect wo have learot ut the nroe time that doo miguel has oddrewod t letter to b brother