titc kingston chronicle saturday october 2d 1831- bi the arrival of the birmingham ffom liver pool wc are enabled to present our readers with london dates to the stlt from which we have made neb copious extracts upon the aspect of foreign and domestic politics as our limn would permit a degree of additional interest and importance may now be infused into iho affairs of poland a well from the construction that the british and french diplomacy attache to the treaty of 1815 m ftvm the circumstance of which there can be but little doubt of a revolt having occurred in ihc russian military colonics the effect of such occurrences upon the affairs of poland must inspire the national army of that country with renewed vigour the interference of the french ambassador at st petersburg in the hope of reducing the autocrat at least to clemency has terminated it is said by the noti fication that his passports were ready to be de livered to him this important intelligence however does not proceed from any authentic source and may he reasonably questioned as we consider that the immense army of the poles at warsaw in uniting with any disciplined force from france would be a sufficient intimidation to so hasty a measure we also think that a similar line of conduct would at the same time that it banished the french have consigned the british ambassador to his native shores for both arc reported as having united in the remonstrance in the absence of all confirmation of these re ports wc ore willing for the sake of humanity to credit one at least which wc hope the next accounts may justifythat an armistice at pre sent suspends all hostilities between the conten ding powers a brussels paper of the 21st an nounces the important fact that the american government had insisted upon an indemnity from the king of holland for the losses sustain ed by american merchants in the conflagration of antwerp any hope of the reform billlpaosin that house he muji be convinced that itt would he one of the first evils that ihc axe of reform would be levelled at t the entire statute bnjk no doubt would be revise and amended tfor many improve incuts and alterations are nnw projecting under the auspicift of the first legafcl authorities of the land we slate lhvsc ideas as thvy arc sugges ted by passing events a pocket or two will we trust allay our fears nfld in the meantime wc arc bound in duty well as principle to pray that a constitution so admirably calculat ed to benefit mankind and vhich like the divine system upon which it is founded has stood the test of ages and triumphed onrer the envy hatred and ma ice of the world may long continue to bless the land by the equity of her laws and the wisdom of her counsels the kilkenny journal ao irih paper of some celebrityt contains the following extraordinary instance of the march of revolution in the human heart we have it on authority so high and respec table that cannot admit of a moments doubt that mr pope once the most strenuous advocate for unrestrained scripture reading and whose celebrated polemical discussion with the revd mr magutre is yet young in the memory of our readers is at present studying in rome with the intention of taking otders in the roman catho lic church sensibility and without trial or proof of tho imputed oflence they consigned the unfortunate warbler to his native land as usual upon such occasions the popular fury was directed against the inoffending and inoffensive parts of the house and considerable damage ensufd- had he the prudence of matthews or keanhe would have reserved his critic upon the republican na tion until he had returned to england and had secured the profit of his experiment in ihe na tional depository he now retires no doubt with fewer votes than he imported finding american judgment two sharp to overlook his thorough bass impudence he has fully illustrated the monkish moral of mel in ore fcl in corde a court of enquiry of which cot nichol of the 86th regt is president is now sitting at by town various reports have reached us as to the object of this proceeding but from theircon- tradiclory nature wc arc as yet unable to ar rive at any satisfactory conclusion assisstant commissary general clark arrived here on saturday last to assume the duties of that department on the removal of acg here to barbudoes the i riidi papers continue to furnish frighfu accounts of atrocities committed by the peasan try in that country the harvest is described as abundant but moral depravity cannot it ap pears be checked even by the bountiful provisi ons of him vho has changcti a season of unpar alleled famine into one of puenty abundance an important and amusnog discovery of o spanish physician is recorded in the lost num ber of the medical gazette it issoconsolitary to our brethren of the north that wc cannot re sist the temptation of giving fuither publicity to a fact that ia more than sufficiently calculated to excite the ironcst feelings of their proverbial nationality cholera always spares a certain number of persons and of these invariably arc thoscindivi- dualj who have uu itch under this impression ihi hitherto iuqiihomc disease is likely to become not only a fuftona blc but really most comfortable appendage to the public health and security and an cxcrllem substitute fur embargoes and quarantine klwfc the beautiful steamboat win iv is to be launched at gonanoquc this forenoon the john by steamer built at this place by mr drainmond is now finished and will be launched early next week fsal medical prescription the citicbec papers nniify the intcntioi lv some benevolent persons in that city of stnb- ltbw ti t r v i v 0 that too at a period of existence scarcely cre dible and to all human appearances presenting many insurmountable and discouraging difficul ties but the humane task has been pursued both at home and abroad with that success with which divine providence has watched over every human scheme thattends to the moral improve ment of his creature and the triumph of art our parliamentary intelligence is not devoid of public interest the duke of sussex in the house of lords on the 6th september present ed a petition on fheatthjert nf a revival and a- mendmentofthe criminal laws by drawing a distinction between the simple invasion of the rights of property and crimes of violence and wood and by abolishing the penalty of death in all cases in which the legislative power cannot justify in the eyes of god and man that last and jreadful alternativcthe extermination of tho r3t i bccoillf 1ic oitcudera the petition was signed by 1 100 merchants tradesmen ac men who had discharged and were liable to discharge the duties of jurors his royal highness in a the reform bui has at length passed the com mittee and at the last accounts was awaiting lbs ordeal of a general debate public patience and public convenience have been long exercis ed on this subject and our opinions upon ftm i- timate success arc in perfect unison with those a present entertained by its warmest advocates soma circumstances upon a anperficial view af ford us room for conjectures which we seriously hope may not be verified to the extent we ap- prehend and without fearing the imputation of lannitflwe shall rimply notice them living our readers to draw thr own conclusions the ntroduction into ireland of 20 or 30000 of eng lish militia and the natural consequence of the withdrawal of the regular troops to england is measure scarcely accountable except from the apprehension tit some national disturbance m which the regular troops chiefly composed of irish recruits could not be depended upon in thejeene of their native partialities the insh militia it appears art not embodied nor could thatmeaaurenowbe adopted unless by recur rence to the unpopular system of ballot the re gular army affording so many encouragements to the system of enlistment over the terms pro posed to the militia this counteracting princi ple we confess appears under present circum stances to forebode events which arc far from being sources of hope or encouragement- it may be asked why the dutchess of kent and the presumptive hcircm of the crown of england weft not to be include tn the royal pageantry of thctitu can it bo supposed that she dissent from the political spirit uf the time or is she un willing to expose w ihepuhiic gaze england future mistress or in the cbsencc of uer- ilic same that stimulated her linum to so mr murmy master in the royal navy has recently arrived at this dock yard from eng land in room of mr taylor who has gone out upon half pay wc hail this appointment as indicative of the continuanceof this important naval establishment of which so many appre hensions have been lately entertained on thursday morning after several hours of heavy rain we went visited with a regular snow storm which continued for some time impres sing us with all the horrors of a premature and unselllcd winter the weather is still precari- ons the roads bad and our markets consequent ly indiflltciit vtv bee leave tocall the attention ot our mid- crs to ihc advertisements of the iv5pective wholesale merchants who have addcj y the variety and advantages of their stoefr mo convenience and commercial reputation f our town and neighbourhood every artiel suitable to the wants of both can now be furt at nearly montreal prices without the hbour or risk of the former system and we cordially b0w that these enterprising gcnllwrtn mav meet with that success which their exertions fur the public convenience so justly debfvc with winch tin objection might he good if it wc during the season of navigating the 3t lawf but wc apprehend that the object of the l clegialaiarc wvlbe met by extending the interco cum toother places than halifax at a son when the legislature expected that the vessel must either lie idle or be so engaged the question cannot we think admit of a doubt a regards the lower canada legislature tv ateam ves- e3 have already crossed the atla one from the uniudsiatfs and another frorstjohn n b a few examples of the pract of the thing would bring into operation l p of sailing steamers from valentia to halifax and tend to advance thcperiodofaregiitrcourse by steam between the continents europe and america a subject of greal importance the royal william is admirably catenated for the navigation of the atlantic a an ore of copper which we be to be the 3ulphuret is said to have been foufld in conside rable quantities in this province ftf ftn individu al who keeps it a secret mr armt the silver smith in mountain street from bvh penny weights uf the ore obtained six pnny weights of beautifully pure copper i6 jonas jones esq mr philemon pennoekdr church and mr hiram norton tf candidates for the representation of greivile- tl latter was nominated by a largj meeting of the elec tors on saturday last and will probably succeed recorder england l l halifax oct 5th captking52d regimen returned from new brunswick on monday with despatches for his excellency fir percerine mailland capt king had to proceed as far as madawaska where he found his excellency that sir archibald campbell he informs us and patience and pereevcrence were never i process had been issued by his majestys at more fully exemplified that m the extraordinary j u v general for the arrest of fifteen individu exibitions that these schools present of the ca pabilities of the human mind when early and judiciously organised and put in motion a sys ats who had been themost active in exciting the disturbances in that quarter and that two of them hnd been apprehended and sent to frede- 18 without drudgery of labour without toil there with the utmost ingenuity planned and prajaied nd these blossoms of future promise instead of being a helpless and burthcruooie portion of the domestic circle ara engaged in pursuits that a quarter of a century ago would be deemed hopeless in practice and absurd in theory we cordially anticipate the benefits to be derived from such an experiment amongst the infantine class of our kingston community and we have ro reason to suppose that the blessing which has been so graciously promised to- wards every good work will be withheld from 0iosc who may be so engaged wc shall revert to the subject again and in the mean- lime shall receive most acceptably any such suggestions upon so important a subject as y of our readers may furnish us with tern of discipline without restraint ot learning r in consequence of their refusing to give bail for their appearance when called up by the authorities of new brunswick captain king further states that two members of the congress of the united states of the names of kavanogh and dean had been at madawaska and exert ed their influence in promoting the disturbances tho step taken by the attorney general was in strict accordance with his duty and it will soon be ascertained the parties on whom he had ex ercised the power of the law had from the go vernment of the united states or that of the statu of main for their proceedings and what proti ction will be extended to them from cither quarter the reform bill passed io to commit tee oo the 17th of september and was to be considered io the house the 13th wheo the debate would again be renewed a lotidoo paper ofthe8tlisays various are the conjectures as to the length and difficulty of the ordeal which if has yet to pass before it can mak its way into the up per house hut we think tho hope of the corruptionists will be disappoi in this respect the priucplc haviog bn already discussed over aod over and tho limit of human patieuce having ueceanly somo sort of refereuco to the shortness of human life io the house of lords oo the 6th ult tho duke of sussex presented a petition the object of which to abulia the punishment ufxtatui iu aft cm vxwpi loose of vio lence aod blood it was mgoed by up wards of eleven hundred merchants trades men c ivhohad sorved or who are li able to servo as jurors seven of whom io the course of the post year were foremea of sevea successive fraud juries the itoyal duke advocated the prayer of ihc petition the loru chancellor objected to the proposition that society had no right to inflict capital puoislimeois except for murder or robbery accompauied with vio lence hut thought tho penal code nii cifekr reform bill would come up on monday aeooikht for which day it stood if the english bill had then passed through the hojjse nod it was propoted to take the ir ish bill lat- canada rtvenuer biu io the house or lords on the 7th of september lord goderich moved the third reading of tbecaoadiao revenues bill the noble lord stated that the object of the bill was to place tho revenues of the caoadas at the disposal of the legislative assemblies he however thought it most desirable that a fund should be set apart beyond the controul of the legislature for the purpose of providing for the salaries of the governor the judges and the civil government to what they pleated with their revenue he therefore agreed with the noble earl that some qualifying provision ought to be introduced into the bill after a few words from lord goderich in explanation the bill was read a third time and passed foreign from the copier and enquirer four days later from eu rope josurrtction in liibm revolt in russian jttqvintupassagc of the reform bitt in committee resignation of skrtynecki dernbitiski assumes command of the polish army our newt kboooer ihe i courier aod enquirer boarded the packet thip bir mingham capt harris yesterday at half pa3i teo oclock about 90mile east of san dy hook capt- harris tailed from liver pool on 9th of september aod ha politely furnished ug with liverpool papers of that date london of the 8th and lloyds aod shipping lists to the latest dates we fee indebted to capt harris for his kindness to our new collector in affording facilities to our boat for boarding aod in laying to for that purpose it will be perceived that the rumor of divisions in the polish councils are confirm ed and that skrtjnecki it no longer at the head of the army the times of the 6th septembor says- the accounts from warsaw by yesterdays hamburg mail are full of deep and melancholy interest two orders of tho day were brought to us by the above conveyance signed respectively by generals skrzynecki aud dembioski the formeron resiguiog the latter oo assuming tho commaod of tho patriot army of poland skrzyoeckis address to the troops is im bued in every lipe of it with a spirit of generous and self- forgetting devotion to his countrys service at the same time that it requires from thtf soldiers io terms of af fectionate solicitude that they will follow the example he himself proposes while fighting in their ranks to set them of im plicit obedience to the authority of their new commander andofuoconquerablezeat and courage in tbe cause of liberty there is an apparcut calmness as well as modesty iu all the public documents that have been published with skrzyneckis name which possesses an iodeecribabie charm but wo have heard it hinted even by those of his own countrymou who uofeigo- edly admired that distinguished chief that the constitution of his mind was not fitted for occasions which demanded extraordina ry and daring enterpize a revolution had broken out in lisbon io favor of donna maria but was suppres ed by the troops of the tyrant miguel many of the provinces of kussia as also the greater part of hungary are in revolt and some faint hopes are entertained that these movements may yet givo encourafie- recun ui puftitc dtiluvu it ih2 v f of power has beromo too violent to be borne the king of england by yielding to the reasonable desires of hi people and repairing those energies of a free coostitu- lion which abuses had corrupted or timu impaired makes the foundation of the ibrooe itself moro 6rm aod draws arouod his own just prerogatives the impregnable defence of a peoples lore the french troops are retiring from belgium london sept 8 at leogtb the reform bill bas passed the committee the report if to be brought up oo tuesday next when the debate upon the general measure will be renewed various are tbe conjectures as to tbe such an arrangement the assembly of up- and difficulty of the ordeal which it tim 71st rcgt embark tomorrow and sail wednesday morning it is understood that their destination haa been changed from bermuda io pursuit in transports having orders to keep be forgotten all selfish interns entombed and j company and put in there tins has been done which all persuasions should unite heart in cunsi qucurc uf despatches from novscotitti ami hand in ghlfifi itwtant and zealous in-pcra- j received here some tunc ago wc observe i uon tg tin execution uf per canada was willing to accede and be believed that the legislative assembly of lower caoadahad no objections to it of so formidable a uature as to render the prospect of their removal improbable he certainly should not be disposed to advise his majesty to give his assent to the pre sent bill until tho caotuliao assemblies a- jreed to provide io tbe manner he had pointed out for the expense of the civil government and the administration of jus tice earl bathohst was f opinion that no thing could be more improper than to leave has yet to pass before it can make iu way into the upper house but wo think the hope of tbe corruptionists will be disap pointed in this respect the principle having been already discussed over aod over and the limit of human patienc hav iog necessarily sorpe sort of reference to ihe shortness of human life it is truo that rhe corruptionists affect to treat the bill now that it has come out of committee as a different bill from what it tvas ou going into committee aod on that ground will attempt to give their opposi tion ao air of novelty favorable to the delay judges to be provided fur by an annual vote j u is still their only dependence- no one doubts that sir charles wetherell could speak for two hours aye for two man economy royal brother of gdyum w sell the cffrtawca of curcmunj i uofujjal io add u iwritm j p theatre at nc yorkhns become 13c her motive a otindiagribamc lumul in contscquwico 1 ihc vm wiled from halifax lor england on the 4lh instant 0 an robe for this bpetibl occasion what it mav her ahbtiicc has added to the bigiw tppranuwe there of a mr- andcron nftheuincfi and wc shall rejoice d the h vwalisi and ihe dekrmincd rcsnlniioiis the wlitarv cae olhcr ufticrwwe ull ciliwm nm afford him the inut paimn- wi indies hut some doubt xt whether by j bo enquired a bf rime appear- 19 hv iaki tuowbsel onto hcrcounwofnavmauon the royal william srcamshi sail to- 11101w fur halifax on her last tup this huasoit ulms beiii 8uggtd lht during the winter she iiiih4itlier make airivtii england or the i of iho legislature but ta thought tbat tho noble lord before iutiiduoing this mea sure ougtt either to hae obtaioed ihc con sent oftbe legislative assemblies of the cauadas to make pewthneot provision for iho civil government arid tho judges or should have ioscricd io ihe bill a proviso to reuder it inoperative unless euch an a- greemeut was come to lord ciouerich said ihnt tho assembly of roper ciiuada had agreed to tbe propo sition ard tho assembly of lower caoada wcic willing to accede io it provided tho were made a latter xc unscconnult reiiital u may why ihc duke of ksex introduced the me uttfw ihc abouhnteni of death when iwd been tlif cxpree ogt viu tllfl t 4ill uf iuid crime appear- 01h ifciitnil nip il his dwogaiet v aacran hi luijlil ill l nut extm ic proprpiora io the w iitiuii luled hv the lceiaulure thai days upon that or any other subject and sir e b sugden for two days more but many persons doubt whether the house would listen to them- to take the benefit of this doubt which we trust will not appear unreasonable we may venture to cooclude after all that the forthcoming portentous debate cannot last for ever indeed there aio somo syptoms amongst the opposition from which we augur still more favourably the shout of triumph on the one side whon the last resolution appoioiiiteni of the judges permanent ooe i c aud ll0 feeie ad5wcr which ihe duke of vleiaimtfotf sflij thai if tt made to il by tho other give room i tins bill wa agreed to hcdidnoi see what ihat tho party aro beginning to see io prevent the cauaaibn legislatures doing i cir cauc is desperate tho decision of the common couocil too which has over set at ooe blow h whole host of raiirepre- sentaliods may be expected to produce it effect in tbo house of commons colonel evan reseated a petition from tbe iohabitaots of vestaiiaster complaioiog of ihe injury u our commerce from the war in poland upon moving that the petition be brought up sir f burdett seconded ihe motion and mr oconnell spoke in favor of jt but tbe mioisters gavn oo explanation n io tbe stale of the oegotiatioos on tbat subject lord granville somerset moved that new district of boroughs be formed in moo- moolb for ibe pur pore of seodiog one re presentative to parliament lord john russell opposed the rnotioa which was oe gatied without a division after som petitions had been presented and rarroo conversations taken place the house toe the last time resolved itself into a cow raittee on the reform bill oo ihe motio of the chancellor of the exchequer a claus was agreed to allnwiog five guineas a day over and above their expenses to the bar rister employed in deciding on the claims of the voters mr hunt then moved bis resolution imposing a fine of 10000 and a years imprisonment upon any one convict ed of interfering at elections lord j russell opposed tbe motion which was negatived the house haviog resumed the report was brought up and ordered to be takea into consideration on tuesday a long discussion followed on the wine duties for the particulars of which we refer to oar parliamentary report iron tkt liverpool mercury sept 8 insurrection at lisbon capt rolston of the brig ann paley which arrived at this port from lisbon last night called upon us after midnight and politely favored us with the following im portant intelligence oo suuday evening of the 21st ult at ten oclock the 4th regimout of infantry at campo do rie barracks turned out aod declared for donna maria ii a cadet of the regiment weot to the commanding of ficer and demanded the regimental color which were refused and in ibe act of drawing his sword the cadet run him thro the body and took the colors pan of this regiment not thinking themselves sufficient ly strong or that matters were not well concerted refused to accompany theircoo rades and oaly 400 about one half of them undertook the task of overtormag don miguel and his tyrannical government they proceeded through ihedifferentslreeu with their colors flying and band playing the constiiutiooal hymn and as they pass ed through the people io geoeral from the windows cheered them with viva donna maria don pedro villa flor c they sent detachments to several of the barracks part of whom only turned out they marched to the rocia square where they were soon surrounded by the different regi ewre fomttaojjiwsrtrau xbejfr hospital and was found to have received two sabre cuts and seven bayonet wounds the british consul made a spirited re monstrance to the secretary of state san- tarem but received no answer in conse quence of which he ordered the british corvette despatch to anchor in front and as near as possible to the commercial square to give all protection to british suhjecta in case of need trade it com pletely at a stand all is terror aod dismay in tho city no one dare show himself out of doors for fear of being insulted the gazette of 25tb uli shews that the tyrant intends to lose no time in putting his absolute power into execution ft cootaina decree for the immediate trial or rather execution without trial before a military commission of all who have taken part in the insurrection russllu we learn by the brig croostadt which arrived at quarantine in this port on sunday that on the 25th of august tbe day when the vessel sailed from cronstadt information was received from st petersburgh that the russian gov ernment had notified the french ambassa dor that bis preseuce was no longer neces sary aod that his passports were ready to be delivered to him this information was derived from the deputy of the american consul at cronstadt who considered it au thentic aod was confirmed by the captain of the grand house at croostadt who signed tbe passport of the above named brig from the temps of sunday insurrection in russia a terrible revolt has broken out in rus sian miliiary colonies they speak of frightful massacres of geoeralsaod officers this event intelligeoce of which reached the government last eveuiug by a courier of the duke of de morteman may have a great iuduedco on the fate of poland from the metsager des chambres dated monday admiral do rigoy minister of marine las been appointed deputy to the electoral