Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), October 29, 1831, p. 3

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celege of boulogne by bo immense pa- c honor to ths department of the pssde calais which hat thus taken upon itself to acquit a debt made legitimate by so inauy circumstances ond which the name of navarin rendered itill more respectable bkiluk aug 24 the petition seot to ihe russian goveroraentby the magistracy of konigsberg unfortunately exhibit but loo faithfully ibe public feeling ii is said that the duke charles of meckleoborgh commandant general of the gardes do corps is going to the spot furnished with unlimited power jc is doubtful however whether be will be able to effect any thing more ban ike temporary dismissal of the presidoqtofcvv there is a misunder standing among the seoatory commission dr rust belter in the contagion while bis adversaries do not adopt it without re striction people have no doubts but the disorder will soon reach berlin it is ho ped h6weve sufficient time will elapse for the weather to become cooler when the disorder will perhaps only assnme the form of a cold fever as was the case at daozic and will canse the cholera to dis appear entirely the city breslau has baked permission to organize a national guard a ministerial rescript has just heen issued forbidibg political conversations in the college and village schools it is also forbidden learning to write to do so from copies containing political maxims au- burg gazette poland we extract from the hamburgh papers the orders of the day issued by thccooimandergenerdi skrzyoecki on relinquishing and by gen eral dembiuski on assuming the com mand of the national army of poland it would be indeed most vain to say a word in eulogyof the maoner in which the former falls back into the ranks of his comrades it has perhaps no parallel but that which ins own history afforded when we saw old and experienced commanders give way and place him over their heads we can not of course pronounce positively on the wisdom of the new appointment but it may be that theextraordioary and recent exploits of dembinski in his retreat from uthuoia had given to the army that con fidence in his powers of active warfare so necessary at the hour when their last strug gle was nbout to come on and it may be ihat the diet appreciating the importance of that confidence had with the occurrence f skrzynocki himself given to dembioski the chief command of that army thousands of which owed their lives to the almost wta rswrcettf m rofowry v warsaw aug 13 bt wat or cracow order of the day head- quarters of bolinow soldiers called by the choice of the nation and yoorcoofideucc to exercise the commaodiucliief over you in the sacred cause of our country i share at your bead io all the glorious privations and dangers to which you have been exposed far from all feeling of self love i never sought the power which was confided to me i accepted it 1 have hitherto exercised it though i was sensible that it was accom panied with many and great difficulties it wi doc my intention to yield to iboso di- fitulrics but i was resolved to be the first to give the example of that preseverance of which we bavo so much need in our present situation a deputation named by the diet found it advantageous for the good of the coun- tryto confide the chief command of the ar my to other hands while i submit with resignation to this interference i will ad dress you for the last time to testify to you the entire esteem with which i am filled fur your bravery your devotedness and zeal- your coontryjudges by what you haw hitherto done of what it may expect from you is fnture the commander whom the representatives of the nation have placed over you is already known to yon by his bravery and his resolution since by overcoming the greatest difficul ties he saved your comrades from that destruction which for a less resolute man would have heen inevitable let us sur round him with the coa6dooce and affec tum his merits deserve implicit confi dence obedience the first virtue of a sol- well as miaelet us keep away every thing that might weaken tbe moral strength of the army and free ourselves and we nail leave to our posterity a free country commander in chief ad interim of the armed national force henry dembinski with respect to the choice of a future commanderinchief the votes are divi ded between four persoos pradxniski uin- nski lubienski wladislaus zamosski the deputation of the diet sent to the headquarters is returned ment that the physican could scarcely be lieve hi own eyes the effect however did not long continue and he succeeded io getting bis patients back to the hospital though not without the assistance of some attendants nnd others on the spot for the greater part soon became so exhausted that they could not return without assistance 1 he polesto a deep reflective cast of postscript madawaska it appears by the portland gazette that mr- baker who was imprisoned by the british authorilios in frederickton jail io 1827 aud a mr harford were soli citing protection to enable them to return to their homes whither they were afraid to repair fearing that they would be lodged in the same jail us they would not take tho oath of allegiance exacted hy his excel lency the governor of newbrunswick weextrect the following explanation from the gazette madawaska was incorporated last win ter by iho legislature though the ques tion as to territory was unsettled it was thought best to incorporate the town so as to give the settlers the power to do cer- taio acts and to enjoy certain privileges which they could not obtain without an act of incorporation in pursuance of incorporation the settlers organised them selves in august last chose selectmen and town clerk and two constables the war rant was made out to walter powers a resident on the united states side adopting the netberland arbitration nnd it may have been carried to him by the maine commissioners messrs deaneand kava- naugh in the annual election of septem ber tho inhahitauts of madawaska met on the united states side of the netberland ar bitration and chose a representative to represent them in the state legislature the inhabitants on the british side camo over and voted but the vote was taken in the maine territory tbe whole number of ballots was about 36 and a mr lezant or lehart was elected representative mr baker absolutely declining though he received at one trial a large portion of tho votes this organisation and election was noi sed abroad aud soon reached frederickton whereupon he governor of new brun swick his attorney geocrallho sheriff of york a justice mac lufra hftd others filling up auout twenty canoes set out fur the madawaska mr baker mr harford aud eight or ten other yankees saw the governors party before their airival and koowiog what they were after fled tothe woods other yaukces also fled to the woods wheu they learned that the sheriff was out with the military mr ii thinks he saw noother large boat in the rear of the canoes ou board of which was martial music this was on saturday sep 24 tbe sheriff aud his party landed and a- mong other houses went to the house of baker and demanded admittance of his wife who after some parleyiog admitted him and he and his posse searched the cellar wad tweiewrw- fttfew ryot 4vwker wasnotto be found being in the neighbour hood carefully watching tbeir operations the gevernor and bis party assembled and reorganized the local militia took what prisoners they could from those who were engaged in the town meeting some of whom we understand are now lodged in frederickton gaol awating their trialit maybe for treason if the british antborities deem it advisable to proceed thus far tho visitatioo of the governor aud his suite above referred to took place on the 23d septcmhcr and it appears from a la ter accouot that he was accompanied by two lieutenants two ensigns and a body of militia on tho 25th and 26tb they made prisoners of david savage one of tho select men jesse wheelock town clerk barnabas hunawell moderator of the meting aud mr d bean it also ap pears that they were treated with every humane attention by the sheriff at fre derickton but having been taken from their houses in the middle of harvest some of their families were left in a destitute just as our paper was going lo press we receiv ed the new vork courier and enquirer which furnishes intelligence from liverpool tothe 10th there is not a syllable of foreign news the extracts being confined to the voluminous details a h p i pomtics qre t oflhe ctin of their majesties which took which klsffiznvtjl d p 0 8hl and v0ri0u9 socks whom napoleon betraying the cause omiberiy while he effected to encour- age it led to waste their blood in fiehtioir against the independence of spain carried about with them hits of their native earth with which they wished to die aud that even n the grave they might not be separa ted at tlie time of the partition of pol and the regalia were secretly conveyed away from cracow by the poles aud are now koowo to be buried io nn obscure pro vince never to reappear till o has a king of her own on raising ihe great iu- luulous which records the glories of kosci usko tbe scenes of hi battles were resort ed to for earth appropriate to the monu ment extract shes beautiful amiable wit ty refined full of music poetry nnd feeling hut shes married talking to such a being is like owing a ticket iu a lottery already- drawn novel mode of going to far the vehicle in which the duke of orleans and nemous took their departure from paris to the field of battle was of a very uncouth construction and certainly not much like tho equipage which cuglish pukes koyal would have put their bodies and baggages into though probably far more appropriate it is no immense machine fomethiog like no omnibus and was drawu by six lorses three abreast it is divided into three compartments the first of which was oc cupied by the dukes aud their aides-jc- camp the second formed the bedroom aud a third was ft kitchen which contained n seivcnt of all work and a very modest set of cubuary apparatus silver money was lately bo scarce nt jamaica ihdt a 5 check has been given io ooe or more iostauces for 4 in change a pulpit pun a clergyman preaching a sermon on intemperance choo for his text the 0th verse of the 8th chapter of job and the gin shall take him by the heel vittoria and her mother the duchess of kent upon this occasion the ceremony occupied nearly four hours and the preparations for the illumination in the evening were of the most splendid description their mijesties were cor dially greeted by the populac and appeared io excellent health prince talleyrand attracted considerable at tention the members of the house of com mons aredescribed as resembling a military body so great was the proportion of those who wore the military costume there is no allusion whatsoever to any naval or military t vct end even parliamentary intelligence us been excluded to make way for the details of the ceremony which are far too copious for our pre sent attention a birth on thursday the 7ih inst at i omt henry the lady of john b smith esq ordnance storekeeper of a son wanted drafts on london ond british silver for which the highest rate of premium will be given by f a harper kingston 221 oct 1831 government contracts mtotice is hereby given thai jyi scaled tenders will be received at ihisoffice until 12 oclock of the mor ning of monday the 21st november proximo from such persons who may be willing to undertake the furnishing of ihe following supplies for the use of the troops and departments at kingston and its dependencies from 1 lie 1st janu ary nextto the 31st december 1332 viz tender no i fresh beef best quality- per lb do 2 bread biscuit nnd flour do do 3 salt pork mess do do 4 forage itationa per hntion do 5 charcoal per bushel the whole oflhe articles must be of the best quality arid the forage rations v j vt delivered bv the xontrnciot innu if nnd managers of the fo- ffl agii7 which must be situated con- zsspa j1kj j veniently for the garrison payments will be made monthly cither in british stiver or other current coin ut the rate wf 4s 4d sterling per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate ofl00 for every 101 10s sterling due upon the contracts a supply of biscuit flour pork i forage rations and charcoal will bo required to be kept in store by the several contractor to answei such de mands ns may be made upon them from ttmtllrilmiigrowriiy tot ttleoxigetk of the public service each tender must state the price in slciling and nominate two respectable persons as sureties for the faithful per formance of the contracts the terms and conditions of which can be fully ascertained on applying at litis office jno hare a c g commissariat office kingsto 13th oct 1831 proclamation vrraa canada j colbfi frt cmfjnt ht f0vrtrf h the grate f i i a h b ki j vreal rrimu and ireland wing defender of the frith ft c e to our kkvad and faithful legislative coun cilors of tur province of upper canada and to citizens and burcecs of our eaid t our provincial parliament at our btam n of october in- nritowllflf hew calledord clcclcd wlifrfri grcetint the tenth f jv proclamation bearing date tosess r parliament to the at our a l n8an ot a z ju of york you wcre 1ed and roiiven ro the ease and fiu z 3 wsubjectphavcthought council w h lhe advce of our executive attrmw y each of of our kin- and4 t afoewid hereb conv eaeh 2 t sp p wb you and day of nav s thureda the seventeenth ou a b ncxt en8uin eet us in voa tre porlament qt ot town of york 55p to take into consideration the aosi- state aeilt f p rf uprcanaz ojo asmav seem neceaaan therein f npu t ii nhhiia jf ldies direct resses male bencvoh house of the vcncrublc archdeacon of kingston on saturdny the 22d of oc tober it was resolved that in cowejucice of the small size of the hospital there being but two rooms they wc obliged their relief to persons in the town nf kingston points henry and fiedcrick- by order of the directresses m dobbs- secretary- kjnesion orlex- s4lk may seem necessary and n nui in tcstr3toj- wepeor we have caused these ourletterjtcbe made patent and the great seal ofouf said province to be hereunto affixed wltmflcj our trusty and well beloved sm john coubbmip k c b lieutenant oovernof of our ssi province and major general com- msjidmeom forces therein at york this twelth dayofoufttcr in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred pnd thirtyono and in the accvm yc of our reign j c by comnumd 0 excellency henbf r boultou atty gewl d c m secretary oysters thr subscriber begs to acquaint 1 he i iers that j lovers of good oyst ucllcous flavor direct from albany james mcdonald octolwr22d 1831 to confine as are living groce olue 1 mtdtice is hereby given lhal l sealed tenders will be received at this office until tho 1st december next t 12 oclock noon from any per sons wishing lo purchase the whole or part nf the undermentioned metal in charge of thestorekeeper ut this station the lettdcrs lo specify the price per ion in steriing which aro to be addressed lotliq respective officers of the depart ment 5 the purchasers lo be at the ex pense of the removal and the truunii ons lo the guns will be knocked offprei viouatothe sale kingston artillery square cwl ar lbs dier of every rak will be n powerful sup- 1 situation the militia are said to nave penetrated the forest to st francois and compelled the inhabitants to fly to the woods as baker bad done unless they wished to be made prisoners there is as might natutally be expected much as- kority on both sides in tbe tone of the laiue and provincial papers in reference to this transaction port on our aide to the new commander and i who had tbe honor lobe at your tieid may now be allowed to aspire to a- nother that of fighting io your ranks and giving you an example of the discipline which i have hitherto required from you and to which i will with you willingly sub mit soldiers let us always unite magnan imity and obedience with courage and zeal and with gods help poland will still rise from iu ruin poland forever tho commander in chief of the armed national force skrzynecki order of the day head uuarteri boliciow aug 12 soldiers called by the will of the diet from your ranka to your head i tako on me this post full of confidence and hope the exercise of the ehief command is not difficult where all are animated by one feel- inp that of sacrificing themselves for the deliveraoce of tbe country yes it will certainly 6od it in your courage and in the perseverance which is able to conquer very tbiog citizens and soldiers i fcave served among you during this nation al war i therefore know the spirit that animates you and will not exhort you to obedience and order so much only 1 will say that extraordinary efforts are requir edonly one thought shall direct all our movements that of renouncing every thing that m on prize most highly in order to te- core our independence whatever these movements may be tbe zeal which inspires you io battle must not cool during the pre parations for it if my military life hith erto and bringing back to their families some thousand of your brethren wboro you perhaps alroady gave up as lost can eive mo any title to your confidence 1 claim it of you in the name of god and our country i know that lean only be strong through your slreogthl know also tho demands of the nation and the army and will not disappoint your expectations you shall see me every where partake in your hardships aod dangers but i must also be allowed to hope that when we go altogether to the combat you will depend on me as i do 00 the country and on you i s deliverance atoue guides your steps as varieties tho late amiable ruler of the poles when tbe grand duke coostanline was travelling in germany heon oqo occasion weary ofihe slow progress he made or dered the postboy repeatedly to drive faster but tu no purpose he threatened to shoot him if he did not quicken bis pace tbe postillion presisted io jogging 00 at his own rate which so provoked the grand duke that he drew a pistol and shot him dead upon the spot jlumsdens journey life of acentuman he gets up leisurely breakfasts comfortably roads the paper regularly aud dresses fashionably lounges tediously eats a tart gravelv talks insip idly dines considerably drinks superfluous ly kills time indifferently sups elegantly goes to bedstubidly and lives uselessly french paper polish enthusiasm a german physic ian at warsaw gives the following singular i instance of the enthusiasm of the poles in the cause of their unhappy country he states that on the day following the last proclamation addressed to the army hav ing gone to the hospital at which it was bis duty to attend about thirty soldiers he was astvnished to find the hospital quito empty the attendants told him that the patients on hearing of the proclametioos had repaired lo the appointed rendezvous the physician went in search of his half dead patients whom ho very shortly found and whom on seiog him declared they were perfectly cured at tho samo time requeai- 2 pieces brassordnanccwcighing 19 1 11 2 iron 127 3 23 ordnance yard point henry 4 brass 116 3 21 29 iron 753 3 10 dock yard point frederick 3 iron 48 0 12 nb the tenders to be endorsed tenders for gun metal ojfite of ordnance kingston 13th october 1831 resolved that to prevent surprise and to afford time for proper investigation in matters that may affect the private rights of individuals it is expedient to make it a standing or- tder of the legislative council that no i petition for a private bill which can af fect the vested right interest or conve nience of any person or persons other than the petitioner or petitioners shall be received after the twentyeigth day oflhe session and that no private bill of the nature above described which may come up from the assembly nfter the thirtieth day of the session shall be proceeded upon in the legislativecoun- cil truly extracted g powell cleric legislative council journal legislative counch upper canada 6th march 1830 editors of papers throughout the province will give the foregoing three insertions and forward their accounts for payment to the gazcttcofficeyork 19th oct 1831 mr kibbee professor of penmanship respectfully in forms the ladies and gentlemen of king ston thai he will he happy to give iostruc- tioos either in plain or ornumental writ ing at myers hotel his first class having completed their course of instruction be offers should sufficient encouragement be given to commence a second course nod from bis undoubted knowledge aod experi ence of tbe art trusts to merit that pa tronage be has hitherto met with io the va rious places he has attended persons desirous of seeing his or his pupils writing are requested to call upon him at the kingston hotel kineston oct22d 1831 ide him to interpose in tbeir favour that ihey might be rosiored to their respective corps although a great many of these brave fellows were sick with typhus and tbe remainder in a very feoble state enthu siasm had so strengthened them for the mo- notice the subscriber is about publishing iu pamphlet form a revised selection oflhe letters of one of the pcojae which rr- centlv appeared in ihe columns of the kingston chronicle persons wishing for copies will plcaac leave their names at this office aa soon as convenient macfarlane kingston 15th october 1831 moticf a third dividend will he payable at the office of john kirhy esq- iu kingston on wednesday tho 15th day of june next to the creditor ofthe late allao taylor esq and tothe late firm of taylor and parker john kirby a o petkie t larker trustees kirogslon 9tb may 1831- painting the subscribers beg leave to re- tarn thanks to their friends and the public of kingston and vicinity for the encouragement they have sepa rately received during their residence a- mongst them they also wish to inform them that ihey have opened an establishment in quarry street opposite mr d pren tiss dry good store under the firm of kerr u heathers ornamenfai sign carriage if house paint ers glaziers paperhangers su see from their well known abilities and practice in kingston with a determination to be punctual they hope to meet still with a share of patronage from a discerning and generous public jas kerr joseph heathers kingston may 4th 1831 voticesteamboat queenston 11 the public are respectfully in formed that lhe steamboat quemisron capt meneilley with mr t w corning sailing daster has commenc ed her regular trips and during the season will leave niagara for prescott every wednesday night at 12 oclock touch ing at kingston and brockville and ar rive at prescott every friday afternoon where as usual stages will be in at- tl subscriber offers for sale at ve low rales for cash or short approve credit 50t an 250 barrels of mus covado ugj m puncheons and 30 hhds of high ly havoied and strong proof jamaica rum coffee 20 bags of pimento 2 pipes of best holland gin 2 pipes chaiantie brandy lie lias also on band 20 cooking stove sofa new nnd highly admired pattern well furnished with tin utensils 100 boxes of sheet iron 30 boxes of t d pipes 10 each 10 bunds of best emjlis cwl each lie is daily expecting a large supply of superior wines of different descrip- stoves single and double of potash and sugar kettles and hollow ware all of which will be disponed of at the mon treal prices the tiansport from thence simply added a manahan- kingston oct 1 8 1331 jewelry plate sf plated w a re r jackson begs leave to acquaint the ladies andgcnlle- men of kingston and its vicinitythat he has received by the canadian from liverpool a cask and a few cases of jewelry plate a plated ware fancy goods4cdcc which he will open for inspection on monday tho 10th instant his assortment having been selected by experienced hands and in the best and cheapest market he requests the public to call and examine for them selves as he will sell at tbe lowest pos sible prices r j being now disengaged from the military he tenders his services to the above line at the house formerly occu pied by mr stennet and mr tazewell successively adjoining the hardware store of john watkins esq where he hopes from the quality and prices of his goods and unremitting attention to his customers to merit the public pationage kingston october 8th 1831 n b guns fishing and shooting tackle kept constantly on hand to contractors the undet signed commissioners appointed to superintend the e- reclionof a gaol and court house hi the town of cornwall will receive at the sheriffs ofiice in this place propo sals for the same until 10 oclock a m on the 21st day of novcmberlnext such proposals to contain the names of two good and sufficient securities for the due fulfillment of the contract when at tbesamc place said proposals will be o- pened and the lowest accepted provid ed tho same be approved of by a majori ty of the commissioners for a plata and specification of the building apply to either ofthe undersigned donald hcdokelt noah dickins guv c wood george s jarvis philip vankouchhett cornwall 20th sept 183 1 jtotice the subscriber hav- j ing resumed business in kingston a a general commission merchant begs to inform tho merchants of upper canada that he has received a part of his fall supply of west india prodoce consisting of brown fair and very fair muscovado sugars leward island and jamaica rum plantation coffee pi mento hollands gin and cogniac and other brandy all of superior quality also a large supply of cooking and double and single stoves of different patterns the cooking stoves superi orly furnished with tins pot ash kettles sheet iron english glue dec j i also daily expects a large and ge neral assortment of dry goods crock ery hardware and such goods as will euable him tosupply many of the mer chants usually resorting to montreal and the whole will be sold on terms so advantageousas io dispose many of them to get supplied from him and preclude the inconvenience risk and expense at tending the purchase of goods in the lower province upon the arrival of the expected sup ply the subscriber intends to detail the advantages which his establishment here will affordlo the upper canndavmer- chums which llic tiklited time afiorucd by the publication of the chronicle to day ptecludes his doing now a manahan kingslon october 5lh 1831 revised statutes the last sheet of the sta tutes will be put lo press on the 29th instant and in about ten days af terwards the work will be ready for de livery persons who have not sub scribed and are desirous to obtain a complete edilion of the provincial sta tutes ft om 1791 to 1831 inclusive wilt uciiac ivnvaiuauuiiamcs witboutok- qt the editors of all the news papers in the piovince will please give the above one insertion dt send in their accounts for payment h c thomson jas macfarlane kingston oct 12th 1831 farm to sell to be sold the west half of corner lot no 19 in tbe fifth concession of pittsbuig containing 100 acres of land 14 of which are cieaied and well seeded down with clover and tymoihy on the farm is a small log house and a never failing stream of excellent water running past its front the farm is in a very desirable situ ation for either a tavera or pot aih work lying on the direct road to perth and in the centre of a thickly settled country should the above property not sell to suit the wishes of the proprietor the farm can be let for further parti culars apply to pmcninch i kingston oct- 15th 1831 t he shareholders of the rideau canal steamboat john by are requested to pay into my hands on or before the 23d day of november next a sixth instalment of two pounds ten shillings currency on each of their respective shares david john smith treasurer kingston 22d oct1831 valuable farm for sale on reasonable terms that beau tiful farm on the road leading to bath and 2 miles from kingston the property of aod lately occupied by the subscriber consisting of about 100 acres of excellent land the most of which is in a high state of cultivation there is bnilt on the pre mises a large and commodious dwelling house almost new with extensive sbods and other outbouses altogether forming a most comfortable establishment for a res pectable family the whole front efthe lot is feoced with a substantial stone wall 5 feet high there are two living springs of excelleot water on the premises to let and possession given immediately lots no 13 and 14 in the 5th concession of pitts burg on the leading road to perth and 12 miles from kingston containing 350 acres with 100 acres of cleared land on tbe premises is a superior two sto ry log house with the other houses necessary to complete a farm it is al so in an excellent situation for a ta vern the farming stock together with the present large crop can be given by approved security the term of lease is such that it can be taken from one to ten years further particulars can be obtained from mr joseph bruce merchant kingston or to the proprietor on the premises john lavery pittsburg september 7th 1831 oswego canal packet boat line a boat will leave oswego and syra cuse every morning sundays excepted throughout the season boats is constructed tendance to convey passengers lo mon- and several bearing fruit trees r for further particulars apply either n cj this office or to the subscriber in sto ounday will leave prescott every morning at6oclocktouchingat brock ville kingslon cobourg port hope york burlington bay and niagara the rates of passage and freight the same as are charged by other steam boats may 1831 ai re street kingston duncan vanalstine kingston 21st oct 1831 or sale lot no 353 grave street kingston applyto ihe editor of this paper in on one of the bromweir spring deck patent her days of leav ing are as follows oswego mondays wednesdays and fridays and syra cuse tuesdays thursdays and satur days the other boat will leave each place on the intervening days passengers taking this line will meet with every attention and no delay as it runs in connection with the erie pack et line lo and from schenectady and buffalo and the lake ontario steam- boats oswego july 1st 153 1

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