united states from the sew york fnquirer the religious frenzy cask tbe slaofonl sentinel of monday brings us a report of the trial of milter w khd liit twocliildreu a short time tiuce the prisouers couaael admitted that liis client had doue the deed of blood but pleaded tbat it was committed under iho influence of religious frenzy the gentleman gave the following statement of what occurred between him aod the prisoner io prison witness called at the jail for the purpose of conversing with miller not as counsel but as a private citizen found the window of his room darkened by a curtain knock ed the prisoner enquired who was there witoess gave hira his name prisoner theo removed the curtaio aod at request of wit ness gave witoess his name the names of his parents also his master with whom he served ac apprenticeship at the aboemak- ing business told of his marrying of his u citing himself with the church aud many other incidents of his life as also of the cau sed which had transpired to bring him into the condition in which witness then saw him his conversation throughout was ve ry connected tranquil aod reasonable ex cepting that relating to the killing of his children prisoner stated to witness that he united himself with the church at north stanford a number of years past but that be never experienced true religion until last march at this period four days meet ings commenced in our vicinity said he then became convioced that some of the doctrines of his church could not be sub stantiated from scripture stated his own religious belief on the point with which he differed from the church aod cited texts of scripture in a very rational manner and applicable to prove his position he made his views on the subject known to his bre thren and from tbat time he discovered iu them a coldness towards him not long afterwards prisoner said mr wilcox preacfredatinortft stamford flfrtt was at four days meeting thought he preach ed very well but could not relish his doc trinetold his brethren wherein he differ ed with the church which was on the sub ject of christian perfection in which pri soner believed his difference with tbem toon became a matter of public conversa tion and prisoner discovered their colduess towards bim increased on sunday pre vious to the fatal 8tb prisoner attended church at north stamford when mr ful- x ler preached on ftrftction the doctrinal poiot at issue between them and prisoner thought the sermon particularly pointed at bim on monday morniog he told his wife ibat his clergyman aod his brethren had become his eneroie and said he mut live closer to god to that end he com menced fasting and afterwards took little or no food and spent most of his time in reading and prayer on thursday the 8th a person came to his house and took him by one hand and bis wife the other that his hands felt soft and different from that of men hands in general and thro the eye of faith he saw the stranger who had called on him was an angel from heaven bis wife called him beggar but she bad not faith and was blinded the man put a slip of paper in prisoners haud and prisoner retired to another room and read it it pur ported that the bearer had fallen among pirates aod been robbed of all he possess ed and was solicitioj the assistance of the in piayer asked the lord what he should do when a voice from beaveu directed him to render such assistance as was in his power he returned and gave the angel his pocket book aod contents it was subsequently ascertained that the pocket bookcoumined 5 that night the prisoner aud family retired to bed at the usual hour iu the night he heard a noise like chariots rolling with great speed over pavement aud he bad no doubt they were the same as des cribed io revelations after hearing these chariots he fell asleep bis wife however soon aiyoke bim and said it thundered ve ry beavy ho told her it was not thuuder but the last trump of god tbat the judg ment day had come aod the earth was a- hout to melt with fervent beat prisoner left the bed and kneeled down by its side io pray his wife likewise to prepare them selves for the chaoge while at prayer three devils entered the room one large and two small ones prisoner knew they were devils from the intolerable smell they brought with them the largest of which he describes as being something like a woman with large horns this devil attacked his wife he attempted to rescue ber from his clotches tbey bad a great light but the de vil overpowered hira and carried his wife off io the mean time a dragon came from under tbe bed beized hold of one of bis children and pounded it so tbat the poor child screamed terriblyprisoner prayed for renewed strength and then at tacked the dragon they fought hard and be gnaliy got the child from tbe dragon and threw it out of the window to keep it out of the monsters way another dragon had seized the other child and while attempt ing to rescue that he heard the one out doors scream and knew from its cries the dragon had again attacked it the lord in this crisis be said give him reucwed streogthod enabled him to tbrust the other child out of the window aud then to plunge out head foremost himself that ho might defend his children together and in his descent from the chamber window he said a sbeki was letdown from heaven which entangled in his feet let him carefully down so that be received no injury iu falling here he had another severe engagement with the dragons who had now transformed themselves into his children be caught tbem by the heels aod after boating them against the wall through ouc into the cel lar and the other amongst the weeds pris oner related the circumstances of his neigh bours coming to bis houso that night aud mentioned sumo of their names said they told him he had killed his children aud that be was now in pruou to be tried for that offence but ho said they had no faith that through the eye of faith he could see bis children who were not dead but uuder the power of the devil which would con tinue five months whootbey would roturu to bim the prisoner during his recital of the affair gavu uoevidonce 0 au compunc tion of conscience for what ho had dune ni exhibited ftelingi of coiumiftftratton for thn condition his family must contiuue in until the expiration of the five months on nil other subjects ho reasoned wtdl appeared perfectly rational ami pure-miu- duj imd with readiness would tun to texts of scripture iu a bible he had 10 prove the doctriou he advocated other witnesses stated that immediate ly after the fatal deed they found miller ftittiog at the window of the cellar iu which the body of the eldest child was found ha ving iu ins hand a stick on the eud of which an old hoe was attached and swiu- giog it to and fro he was very raving aod crying out0god 0christ help blood for hlood blood for blood c would occasioally smite his club agaiust the cellar window and strike with his bauds which were much lacerated aud bloody v gainst tbe glass he had no clothing ou ex cept his shirr which was wet torn and bloody he handed bis club to one of the witnesses and desired he would assist in fighting the devils in tbe cellar he called witnesses by their proper names aod a ft it a little conversation became more quiet conversed rationally on any subject hut what related to the doath of his children the case was submitted to the jury with very little commeo aud they returned a verdict of not guilty on the ground of m- sanity the prisoners friends have takva such measures as will protect society from him t he mansion house hotel the subscriber having rented ibis extensive aud well knowu establishment has uow opened the same lor the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly rituat- edon store street being the primipal and most central street in kingston and iio establishment of ihckiud in tho province can surpass it in the excellence aud coinlort of its apartments in regard both to parlours aud bed rooms j all of which are fur nished iu the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for severalycars has acquired experience in that hue and be trusts that with wire- ratting attention to the comforts of bis guests he will merit a share of tho public patronage in rear of the mausiou house is a large yard- in which there is an extensive aud commodious range of stables aud where a livery stable will he constantly kept for the accommodation of the public s carmino- kingston 24th october hs30 c e io qteamboat hotel m j5 i ear of the murkct and a lew rod west of the steamboat wharf the subscriber begs leave to return his sin cere thanks to his friends and the publi for their very liberal stippotl during in last eight years of which he hopes merit a continuance by a strict attention to business his lloufco haviniz under gone n thorough repair has placed it more than ever in his power io contri bute to the comfort and accommodation of travellers fca few boarders can he accniiimodaicd the tabic and bar will bo furnished with the best the market affords and on the most reasonable terms is b extensive stables and sheds together with a large and secure yard til os bam ford kingston february 1 1s31 ejmoval-tliesubscri- her begs leave to acquaint his the copartnership between the undersigned under the firm of john mcpherson co is this day y mutual consent dissolved the subsci lit ers are severally authorised io settle the affairs of the late copartnership all pet sons having demands are requested io present them at their office at prescoti signed john mcpherson alexn mcmillan samuel crank prescott 12th january 1831 new forwarding establish ment the subscribers beg leave to in form the merchants of upper canada and he public in general hat they have entered into copartnership under the firms of mcmillan mcdonel co at prescott and ogdensburgh and that of mcmillan link co at montreal they will he prepared on the opening of the navigation with good durham boats and bateaux manned with experienced masters and conduc tors to transport any produce or mer chandize that they may be favored with on as favorable terms as that of any res pectable house in upper canada the business at prescott and ogdensburgh i ii be carried on at the old stands for merly occupied by the laic firm of john mcpherson co alex mcmillan angus mrdonel watt iii art link the proprietors steambooia bes to inform the publi k iricnds and the public generally that he has removed to the corner brick building recently occupied by mr wm uinley druggist where he is now iecemtig a very general assortment of staple am fancy ooods well adapted for the season which he intends to sell unusually low for cash or short approved credit he has also on hand a great variety of school books and stationery and a case of c hristvs best waterproof hals w driscoll kingston october ihh 1s30 oh 3f booth ummum tailor most respectfully begs loive in inform lit fctf md ind awsur- lie that he has removed to storest opposite mr yarkets ironmongery shop where he continues his em ployment in all its varieties and execu tes work in the latest fashions he also embraces this medium of conveying to his friends and the public his sincere thanks for the patronage he experienced at his former stand and row solicits a continuance of that sup fort with the assurance that his utmost efforts will be used for the satisfaction ij all who may favour him with their custom he likewise begs leave to intima te that having received a large and fine tssortmem of clotis cassiwercs fes- ngs trimmings of every description t is enabled to furnish anyquan- lity on the must reasonable terms n b constantly on hand u veiy fashionable assortment of readv made clothing kingston 11 ih november 1ss0 notice marmora folndry company in conformity to the act incorporat ing this company a subscription book is uow open at the office of thus k1rkkpatrick kingston ltilb may 1831 notice 4 iifj notes or accounts rlue to the estate of the late frederick keeeer are tohc settled with j ii samson admr bellvile 24th dec 1s2s william johnson barber and hairdresser nextdoor to the london tavern tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patro nage kingston 30th maj the provincialstatutes the undersigned b eg to inform the public that their revised edi tion of the provincial statutes will be leady on or about the 1st of november next it will contain all the british laws which relate particularly to the canadas the ordinances of quebec proclamations issued by lord dochester and governor tiimcoe and the whole of the provincial statutes now in torce front the year 17j2 to 1831 inclusive with such notes of reierence as circum stances appeared to require and a most copious index in preparing the work for the press the utmost attention has been paid to correctness the paper is of the best quality and the publishers trust that its typographical execution will equal if not surpass that of any work ever pub lished in canada none but the most competent printers being engaged in the office from which it is to issue it may not be amiss to add that all persons who subscribe for this edition will be annuity furnished with the suc ceeding provincial enactments at a mo derate price and printed in the same form as the work now in the press h c thomson james macfarlane kingston june 14 1881 book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle 0ffee the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the sinele volume binding in calf half binding in calf folio half bouud and orua- roentod 0 17 0 t books for sale he following books are for sale at the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of ihc history of the jews from the ear liest pciiod to the present time by the rev h ii milman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon hvonaporte by j c locuii art esq with cop- quarto octavo l2mo 18mo do do do do do do do do 0 7 0 0 3 3 0 1 6 0 1 3 binding in sheep folio full bound aad oroa- n 17 6 mented v v a quarto do do 0 7 6 octavo do do 0 3 4 12mo do do 0 2 3 61mo do do 0 1 8 pcrplate engravings of the nndcrrmcnlioned pi that they have esiabliucd the following kates for the season 1831 fok passage from prtscott to brvckvittt and vice versa forech cabin passenger l 0 2 6 from prescott brcekville to kingston vice versa foreach cabin passenger including fare 0 12 g for each deck passenger 0 6 3 from prescott brockvitte to ceburg portjivpe and vice rcrsa for each cabin passcngcr including fare i 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 10 0 front prescott fy brwkvitte to york burlington bay niagara and vice versiu for each cabin paascngeroncluding fare 2 0 0 for ftach deck passenger 0 12 6 from kingston to coburg 4 port ilope versa for each cabin passcngcrmcluding fare 1 0 6 for each deck passenger 0 7 0 from kingston to roffi burlington bay pro niagara and vice crsa foreachcabinpaengerincludingfarc i 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 10 0 from coburg fy port flope to york burlington bay 4 niagara t and xice versa for each cabin passengei including fare 0 15 0 for each duck passenger 0 7 6 from york to burlington bay fy jfiagaru and ue versa for each cabin pasengerincluding fore 0 12 6 for each deck passenger 0 5 0 from btoitngton bay to jfiagara for each cabin passcngerincluding fare 0 10 0 for each deck passenger 0 5 0 g mrs pakmentier oilers lor safe li le bkaltl bean- fj j iu from the 2d garden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a fine collection of the most desirable kinds tf table and wine grapes tears appfoi cherries peaches plums netiarines apricois c also foievt and ornamental trcrs and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants choice collection of ilonthly and haijy roses print ed directions for plhg arc furnished to purchasers mr james macfaroe editor of this paper will receive avion for fruit nod or- nainental trees from r collection mrs v w ill inak e arrangements i that whatever carefully pack- it ordered from him will be ed and forwarded wjilout the slightest dc lay catalogues can be obtained gratis post onicle john kirl paid at ilie office of the chi rtftrencv john macaulay john markv stephcu yarwood allan for freight from burlington bay niagara york porthoye cobourg sfprtscott for every barrel of ashes l0 2 6 for every bbl of pork ceef lardc 0 1 iua for every barrel of flour 0 13 all other articles in ihc same proportion for every horse 15 0 for every ox or cow 10 0 for every purccl too small for weight 0 1 g from the above places to kingston for every barrel of ashes 0 i 10 for every barrel of porkbecflardc- 0 1 6 for evefy barrel of flour 0 10 all other articles in the fame proportion for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 13 0 from prescott and brockrilc to cvbourg yorkporthope burlington bay niagara for every cwt weight uf merchandise 0 1 3 for every horse 15 0 for every ox or cow 10 0 for every parcel too matl for weight 0 1 6 from kingston to the above places for every cwt weight of merchandise 0 i 0 for every horse 10 0 for every ox or cow 0 15 0 for every parcel too small for weight 0 i 6 jko hamilton j leamboa great britain steamboat qucrnstim r hamilton prjh slearnboat alciopo john mosier steamboal niagara prescott may 2d 1831 webster begs most res pectively to inform the in ha bitiints of kingston and its vicity thai lie lias jut returned from london wuli n stock of cloths cassimeresand vest ings of the most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities lose her with an assortment ot buttons of tho most ap proved and latest patterns and havin micceded in making purchases at sonic of the first establishments he is enabled o execute orders for loathing at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure gentlemen cnti listing him with their orders that they shall be executed agree able to the present fashions and iu the lirst style of workmanship at the same time he begs to return his sincere thanks to his friends and the public for ihestm- port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study to merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms 1 s g av has made airangments with one of the fust houses to supply hira with the latest fashions kingston 4h dectmber 1830 life of kelson by roueut south- by esq with a portiait the life of alexander the great by the rev j williams with a map natural history of insects illus trated by numerous engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by john gait esq is mo j he life of mohammed founder of the religion of islam and of the em pire of the saracens by tho rev george bush a m with a plate 18 mo letters on demonology and witch- raftc by sir waller scott bart 18 mo with a plate jfistory of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols 13 mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions mclean esquires with illustrations of their climate ge- 94th march 1831 oloev and natural history and an n b it may b proper to mention acciunt of the whale fishery by that the necessary dn c will he sent i p leslie professor jameson uetk maps ihe fall cao be safely buried io tho grouud until tho ipripj when c be plained i 0 iimjirv from iliefroil ivtihout rcrciv provided that covered thev ftw entirely branches and all frith earth the smallest orders will he received and care shall be taken that sevrral rfttari will he made up into one package with a view to save the expense of camao tho subscriber haviug been uppointcd a east this 1 raviora n for mrs 1 i ilkll- i issojlution the co parr ttotice the share holders i- in the kideau canal steam john by aie hereby required to pay into my hands on or before the 1st day ot november next a 5th instalment of two pounds ten shillings currency on each of their respective shares by order of the committee j smith treasurer kiitcstcfl lit october ij nership between ihe undersign t ed under the firm of john macphcr- son i c s this day by mutual con sent dissolved the subsciibersares e verally authorised to settle the attvr of the late copartnership all person having demands are requested to presen them at their office signed john macpiierson aifxr mcmillan samuel crane prescott january 12th j83i the forwarding business wil be continued by john macjihcrson and samuel crane under the firm of -1c- pherson and crane here and at aon- treat under the old firm their stores and wharves at the upper end of the town where their bu siness will be transacted are to be con sidcrably enlarged and will be conveni ent for receiving and shipping wheat in bulk prescott 12th jan 1831 c is mo life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rv george croly with a portrait is mo new andimptoved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the curliest ages to the present time with illustra tions of the geology mineralogy and zoology by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh jtfur- ray esq with a map and wood en gravings 18 mo nveteral j lives of eminent painters and sculp baffled tors by allan cunningham esq i- the art of the most experienced physicians 1 8 vols iu mo with portraits has at length found a sovereign ncmcdy iu j history of chivalry and the cm dr lp granges genuine oiutmcut few j sades bv g r james esq 18 mo cutaneous diseases aro met with more re- w a pl uctaucehy the physician none n which i c he is so universally unsuccessful this 7 sco 2 vols by ointment has stood the test of epcriencc i lieu jsq and justly obtained an unparalleled cole- j the continuation of the family libra- iiy jt immediately removes the scabs ry will bo regularly received nt the chro- mmediately as also ledger blank work and ruling to any size or pattern for port folio and faucy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13th april 1829 ew stereotype e- dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion ot mavoijs jbnglisu spelling poos stereotyped from the 32sth london edition a d 1827 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their name without deftiy jas macfarlane kingston 22d may 1330 opperplate press a first rate copperplate printing press has just been received at the chronicle oflrce where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office jutu24ta 1s30 tier is now ready m receive orders agreea bly to the abuvc advertisement ja1v1es macfarlane kingston 24lu march i3 6jalt kheum tli y disease which has is long the board of edxteation for the johnstou district give notice that from ihe preseat time it w heir inteotioa strictly io rnfurro ihe regulation made some years back by which the use o american hooks in teaching is prohibited ono the masters are directed lo couliuo themselves to such works of elementary instruction as ar compiled bv hritiah authors only t if j hfi t it mil hilf nil b a copy of mavor3 spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose certifi cates have passed the board ou applies lion to dr hubbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the moruing at its close in the evening aod it immediaiwy remove the scabs ry wi gives a heullhy action to the vessel so uicle office the skin aud its original colour and i arc issued from the press smoothness numerous recommendations harpers of new york might be obtained of its the volumes of the messrs superior efficacy i to render the family library still m ill civ s es tinea ii1k subsaiber having been tried it not only at once ale relirfiu salt itheuin cztpitas comcuouly called scald uct0 and all scabby eruptions peculiar to un- ealthy children qj there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and it may he used on infants or others uuder any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottlk fur sale by win bin ley kingmon john musou qoebecj and george iteut mon treal sule ageut for the caoadas kingston ijthjuly 1h28- lithographvs from canadian stone the subscriber begs to announce to ihe public ihe establishment ol lithographic press in kingston by e name ofwilliah iv phess where ill be executed all kinds ot work ap plicable lo that useful art such as maps plans views circulars music head ings of merchants bills and steam boat notices with the sketch of the boat i requited blank deeds and memorials itinera notices embellished m-ithviit- able emblems bills of exchange etc ivc c persons wanting any kind of the following geoilemeoare agents in copies ol their own hand writing will be upper canada j supplied with prepared paper and che- j mical ink for that purpose sotawll n b car matures printed by tl sketch being supplied kingston august uth isci hut the proprietor chose that a fair trial worthy of patronage the publishers pro- should be itsonlv commentator it has in pose incorporating in it such works ofiu- threo or four weeks cured case nffifteen i store and value asmay appear in the vi and twenty years standing that had re- furiosi libraries and miscellanies now prc- isted the power of every remedy that was paring io europe particularly ihe na- give iinmedi- a form adapted to general ue may be found inmavorsspclliughook and is re commended for this purpose by the board jriotcd forms for iho quarterly certifi cates to be signed hy two trustees may be had od application to aditl sherwood esq brockvillc j j820 quarrystreet nearly opposite mr prentiss store rinfle subscriber begs leave to inform jl iho inhabitants of kingston ana lis vicinity thai she has lately arrived from england and commenced business in iln following line leghorn bonnets made to any pattern old ones stovd aud ahercd chip straw bonnets made chand fcc according to ihe latest english fashions aod on reason able terms m haidenby tional aod iho edinburgh cabinet libraries all these productions ne ihey emanate from ihe press will be submitted to a committee of literary gentlemen for mspcctioo and none will be reprinted out such as shall be found calculated to sustain the exalted character which this library has already acquired also tilt suoscih pointed agent lo b ap- the alliance assuranco company begs leave to an nounce to the public lhat he continues to assure against loss or dumago occasioned by fire iu any part of the provinces of up per or lower canada from ihe liberal conditions and exteusivo scale on which the buiuessof the company is conducted he trusts tho public will find it advantageous to assure at their office c tait alliance office st gabrielstreet j montreal llth july jh a ll w james macfarlane esq kingston james ii icthune esq vobaurg samuel krdout esq york ouv f wood esq fornwttlt mesmv a aw mwiiitozwfrftfiffi ib bourriennes private memoirs of napo leon r sketches of naval life with notices of men manners aod scenery on the shores of tho mediterranean with maps by a ci vilian aonals of the peninsular campaigns bv the author of cyril thornton correspondence of admiral colling- wood with memoirs of his life a year io spurn by a young american berthas visit to her uncle n england tho grooms oracle and pocket stable directory lawrence on the horse the boston revised edition of ihe w vorley novels with plates tbe heiress of bruges a novel by t c ciattau the kingston chronicle j8 printed and published every saturday by james macfarlan la hit office io front street kingston terns seventeen shillings sixpence pcrtnnum sent by mad twenty shillings subscription to- be paid in advance price op advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insercion and and 74 each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3b 4d first insertion and lod each buv sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for ihe first insertion and id per line for evert subsequent insertion advertisement without urifr directions in serted lilt forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advert i semen te to bo in wnling and delivered by w noo at the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on theday of publication id produce received in payment at the mar kct price maxwell a novel by the author of sayings uud doiugs tho barony a novel by miss anna maria porior the talha a romance by mrs bray agents john bignell esq qtteice dvid chishdme esq three rhert andrew porteous esq afno- treat james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq lochitl r cline esq comtoatl oeorge browse esq matilda alpheus jones esq pretclt henry jones esq bnckwilu josiah taylor esq perth h whitmarso esq richmnd j k hartwell esq battmul mesa c 5 j mdonald gananque john dcn esq balk allan mcpherson esq jvapane thos parker esq beuviue joseph a heeler esq cramahe james g bethunc esq hamilton david smart esq port hope william allan esq york daniel ross esq yutria john crooka esq magara charles biggar et murray j d gilbert esq udpustovn w rcberton esq itktr trent s d polio full bouod mented in calf ornaj q 0 quarto do do 0 10 0 octavo do do 0 5 0 l2rno do do 0 3 0 18mo do do 0 2 0 i i 1 t