king becfixicctt shillings and sixpence per annum if sent by mail twenty shillings vol 13 no 21 chronic nec rege nec populo sed 17troque at ins office hi tvontatreei kingston l c saturday november 19 183 j the raixeqw oh look you on the rainbow in its first exceeding faintnefs like a rising thought or a fine feeling of the beautiful an evanescence so you fear must be the slighttinged silence of the showery sky nor yel dam name its name till breathing out into such colour as may not deceive and undelusivc in their heaventinss oerall the hues that happy nalorc knows although it be the gentlest of them all prevailing the celestial violet to eyes by beauty made religious lo brightening the house by god inhabited the fullformd rainbow glows beneath her arch the flittering earth once more is paradise nor sin nor sorrow hath her dwelling there nor death but an immortal happiness for us msdc angels swifter than a dream it fadra it flics and we and this our earth are disenchanted back to mortal life earth to its gloom we to our miseries literary from the foreign quarterly review death op horer this volume has fallen short of the an ticipation with which we opened it but the fault lies in the title tvhich provokes nnreasooahle anticipations who could helpcnoceivjog the cook of heroes to be a species of authology of feats and individual heroism of splendid and desperate deeds lo short m collective talc of chivalry blen ding the the sober charms of truth with the fascioatiog interest of romance and excite ment of poetical exaltation for this ue looked eod were disappointed the hook is simply a history of what the author calls ihe war of liberation and wo can have do objection to such a history except its delu sive title which we now understand to mean that all who fought against kooa- parte in those wars were so many heroes setting aside the title and cunsequcm disappointment the work has merit aod uc hardly wonder at its having already reached a sixth edition it is ti partial certaioly hut often a very lively rccon of seven memorable years ihat bore upon their blond strained king the destinies of generations yet unborn throughout europe lit pt thu hiatnriao devotes his labours rhictly to the celebration of his compatriot heroes and who shall blntne him it is for germans ho writes and german philo sophers politicians moralists and poets all alike proclaim that the sentiment most important to be shall we say impressed npoo or awakened in gennaoy at this present time is a gcrmno patriotism a patriotism which shall embrace the various mates constituting the german empire as one whole aod teach prussians and aus- triausbavariaosand saxons to deem them selves fellowcountrymen nicmeyer how ever likewise bestows praise upon the al lies of the germans and especially does more justice to englands great cnptaio ihhn is usual upno the coniioeot an in stance of inaccuracy occurs however with regard to the dko of wellington which somewhat shakes our confidence in our au thors correctness upon poins less within our own powers of detection- he has con verted a compliment to the british soldiers into an arrogant boast the duke is well known to have said whenever i get into a scrape my brave army rets me out a- gain which modest words christian ni- emeyerhas altered to if i fall into a difficulty as every man sometimes must tnv brave companions are sure that i shall know how to extricate myself several of the battles here recorded are described with great spirit especially those f the russian campaign of fleurus quatrcbrnsand waterloo as aln the pur- mil pf lb routed french by the prusaov after the latter but all these are sofamih- arly konwn to the reading public by various lato publication that we incline to select ns a specimen both of the matter and man ner of the htldenbuch the suppression of the tyrolose struggle for independence condensing the early part and translating the oarrativeof hofers fate it will be recollected that in the year 1809 oeary the whoio populatiou of the tyrol rose in arms and fairly drove the french troops out of their country this levy enmosse was headed by aodreashofer the landlord of a village public-house- hofer was then fortytwo years of nge a fraokhearted pious man tall in stature with black eyes and beard of a soft voice aod disposition whom a vehement love of bis country converted from a quiet rustic into a hero booaparte sent marshal lefevre duke of daotzig with a strong body of troops lo crush this insurrection the insurgents by retreating before him drew lefevre in to their mountain fastnesses and there where they had the disciplined krcoch army nt advantage the present general aod his halfarmed volunteers attacked and nfter much hard fighting so thoroughly defeated them that the french veteraos fled and the tyrol wasagaio free- in these battles a teoyearold boy busied himself in dig ging up the balls that lodged in the ground and carrying them in his little hat to the combatants to whom young girls brought provisions amid the hottest fire wheo the misfortunes of the campaign constrained francis to purchase peace by the cruellest sacrifices abandoning the ty rol he invited hofer and his principal as- asociatcs to vieona to secure thcio from french vengence these devoted patriots would not leave their beloved country in her distress and resolved to attempt the preservation of their connexion with aus- even without austrian help ooeof tna their leador the priest pater joachim blessed their endeavours again lefevre was seot against them and again was so roughly handled that upon one occasion wl are told he climbed over bis own car nage to escape and fled disguised as a common soldier hofer aod pater joach im now lod their little band of 8000 peasants to defy the french marshal aod bis 25000 soldiers before ospruck aod again were victorious lefevre evacuated losprucki hy night haviug lost 14000 men within a fortoight and on the 15th of august bona partes hirthday the tyrolese re entered their capital the gratifiod emperor of anstria sent hofer a gold chain of honor and to the pater the celebrated order of merit for two months the tyrol was free but could it hope to remain so before the eod of october french troops poured in on all sides under various generals ba- raguay dhiliers and eugene beauharnais respecting or fearing these brave and des perate men invited them to submit offer ing a general amnesty redress of grievan ces and a strict admioistratioo of justice ou condition ef the insurgents laying down their arms- the arehduke joho assured hofer that the emperor unable to assist tbem wished them to comply and hofer thereupon accepted the terms entreating a few day delay of the french advaoce to allow time for the peasants to disperso to their several homes butpending this ne gotiation with eugene the french troops advanced stormed a strong pass and seiz ed a fortified post upon the brenuor moun tain indignant at this breech of faith hofer again called his comrades to the field aod about the middle of november fell up on ruskaaod barbou who with their de tachments were endeavouriog to force their way into the passager that the french were repulsed with the loss of 500 men and an eagle but nnw paraguay dhilliers brought up his whole force and the contest was inevitably over some of the leaders made their esfape to vienna- hofer concealed himself with his wife and children in an alpine hut io the snowy wilderness amidst hareo rocks the em peror francis sent messengers in urge his escaping to austria but his wife and chil dren could not have accompanied his flight aod hofer would not save his life at the price of deserting them m pater dooay of schalaoders who bad jniterty benu llufois utmmtliy fiorf now became bis judas he discovered his retreat to the soowy wilderness and be trayed it to the french commander bo naparte in return made the wretch imperial chaplain at tho shrine of our lady of lor- reito and murat loaded him with praises and presents at midnight baraquav d despatched 1500 foot and 100 horse to seize a single man at dawn on the 20th of january 1810 the guide knock ed at tho hut door hofer opened it and seeing who his visitors were said lam andrew hofer and in your hands kill me but spare my wife and childreo who have no share in my conduct the french then rushed upon him loaded him with chains and dragged him with his wife and childreo to botzeo whenever they pas sed the rooapartists stood in rows sioging merry songs und uiabto to coutroul their joy at having another honest man in their claws- hut hofer was calm and sereoe and in aflectiog accents asked pardon of all whom he fancied he might have offended at bntzen he was freed from his chains many frenchmen taking his part and alle ging that he had treated his prisoners with admirahle humanity one man gavo him a snuffbox adorned with the heads of the duke of brunswick schill aod himself hofer looked at his owo portrait and sigh ed yes such i was here too he had tasted a pang bitterer than daeth his family were separated from him and sent back into the country he himself was at mantua hofer was tried by a courj martial and sentenced to death with j haste desigoed to prevent the ioterpositiou of the emporor francis whose daughter napoleon was then wooing on his waj to the place of execution ho gave a lasj cheer to his beloved sovereign and distri buted some trifles as keepsakes 41 he then stepped into the circle of his executioners they offered him a hand kerchief in tie over his eyes aod bade him kneel down with a onble soldiery pridq he refused to do either saying 1 stand before my creator and standing x will re turn my immortal spirit into his hands he then presented the corporal with hig last gold coio begged him to see that bis men took good aim and again exclaimed alas my unhappy couuirj he theii boldly gave the word fire bui the mi serahle freoch marksmen did not fire true the first six shots only brought the raartyj upon his knees the next six stretched him upon the ground but did not eod hu sufferings the corporal then stepped uj to hioi put the muzzle nf his piece close i his head and shattered it at the thirteenth shot thus was hofer massacred by the freoch as palm had beeu before him it the emperor francis who cculd not save hofer took charge of those he left be hind him made coosiderable presents ttg the widow and daughters aod educated tin only aon in lsbefore austria had j0104 ed the alliance john hofer then barely 1 years old entered into the corps of lutzeu volunteer sharp shooters and fought gal tantly against the destroyer of his fathci aod his country rs the volume is illustrated with portrait of roost of the generals opposed to nopo leor hut we are sorry tosay the faces deli oiated do not tend to heighten our interest io the exploits detailed- if however srqf aretodraw conclusions from the likeness which we are roost competent to judge thc duko of wellingtons we may cherish hope that the deliverers of europe were nc i sjttesuch ujly stupid or mad brutes a- oy appear 10 the plates before us jvm kingston chronicle mr chronuiei have abstained in my va rious com munitions to you from psrucularly noticing the jtfuistu and infidel associations in the united stsrs which have token a hostile or rather menacirg position towards christianity of every name wt on reflection conceive that thess letters wuld be imperfect without bring ing that subject before your readers and show ing them in urjd relief the frightful demon of in fidelity lifting is front of adamant denouncing not merely the sinister policy and movements of sectarian intrigue but denouncing the genius of christianity itelf fiercely forbidding her to ap pear in publics but as thedegradedequal of athe ism in the race of popular power and insultingly snatching front her hand even the shadow of as sistance by means of any public institutions i could say much upon this melancholy topic but i forbear choosing rather to allow satan to ex hibit his own cloven foot and vent his own in- trnul rage in the following article which i have cut out of the working mans advocate pub lished at ncwyork national ltceum the public are much indebted lo the author of the follow ing communication fur the able and con vincing maooer in which be has exposed the designs of certain theological schem ers in relation to the national lyceum all the posilionsof the writer fully accord with our own opinions on the subject and they are efpresed io a manner which caonot we think fail of producing the in tended effect of arousing the intentioo of the public tho consequence of which will no doubt be jo induce the schemers to re trace the ateps they have taken and wait a more favourable opportunity for ac complishing their designs the present attempt to introduce into our common schools generally what is already done partially ih reading of the lliblc is no thing less than an attempt to deprive that portion of tbte citizens who prefer to take chargo themselves of the rttigious instruc tion of tbe cthildren of all benefit from the commob scnool fund unless they w ill sub mit thcr children to the theological train- ins of the chiurch and stato party it is an attempt which cannot he subumfed lutoy the friends of equal rights and lovers of re ligious freedom nod we trust it will share the fate of the attempt to introduce in our common schools the reading of religious tracts which attempt was promptly dis countenanced by the legislature should the recommeodation of the national lyceum be adopted our schools would be no looger common schools nod a large portion of our citizens would he compelled to pay for that from which they could not conscientiously receive the least benefit for the new tork daily sentinel- messrs editors one new project in additino to the hundreds which have gone before it has just been developed by which theologians are hoping to enslave the hu man mind evidences of it will be found in a pamphlet just issued with this title american lyceum with the proceedings of the conventioo held in new york may 4 1631 to organize the national depart ment of this lustitutiou the organization of lyceums town county state and national each save the last subordinate in their natural order to the national ooe and haviog for their ob ject an improvement of our common schools and the system of diffusion know ledge generally is one of the excellent projects of the age and if honestly carried into effect will elevate thr character of the nation and its citizens this the increas ing vigilauce of the theologians has discov- prul nitd fearing the influence of true knuw- ledpe upon their schemes for proselytes and power they have stepped in at tbe very onset to poison the foundation that all the rivulets flowing from it may carry taint and mental pestilence along with them in the pamphlet 1 have mentioned there is much that is good much that is excelleot but with this are mingled the seeds of ruio to the w hole undertaking in the journal of the doings of the national lyceum io this city in may last j find the following resolved that in the judgment of this lyceum a portion of the scriptures ought to be daily read in each common school aod this exercise is hereby respectfully re commended hero we have it then at the very first meetiog tho lyceum a nortioo of the scriptures is 10 he brought into all our common schools what will he the oext move that nothiogelse shall he read there it is hut a fewyearssince ihe then secretary of state in new york was induced hy theologians to recommend officially the introduction of those disgrace ful pamphlets tracsinto all our common schools this was stopped only hy the seoate of the state who recommended that officer to abstaio from such violations of his duty whatever may he said by the class which recommend them the scrip tures are not suitable readiog for a school they neither remove ignorance nor sup press vice io the way they are and must he used in schools they have no tendency tc enlarge the comprehension or expand the faculties 00 the contrary they visibly contract both wheo used thus let a class in astronomy chemistry natural philoso phy or animal mechaoisra be placed be side bible class of which wo bear so much aod all will see how miserably the scriptures cao supply i youihful miud with knowledge aod how wholly they tad in conveyiug at thai nge aud in that school any elevated concquious of i4 na ture or of natures goo hut what oext at page 34 of the pamphloi in tu prnoeeriais of the same lyceum the sxftjtfb committee ftaie earned hrj irimke of charles- too s c to prepcro an essay or addro chain of their operations aod blight the last offort ofhenevoleoceo favour of inco- tal freedom few with whom these designers act re flect upon the subject or suspect the plot they roly upon their own honesty of pur pose and suppose it guides others in like manner the history of the pat should ra ther be consulted aod if it is not aud the lessoo it teaehes observed the present scheme will succeed like all before it from sheer porseverauce 011 the one haod bud confidence and neglect on tbe other horatio a christian sir whoso mind is not poisoned with thu fell venom of democracy cannot read the above without feelings which i will not at tempt lo describe but observethe 4i at lyceum is to be made the pander and the sorceress of infidelity to the proscription of christianity from the sphere of its operations and its influence this is the will and the opinion of the people the commonality the working ptopte or operative multitude by which the christian guardian informs us kincs and rulers must be guided both in church and state what mockery is a national lyceum on such terms to their pretences of toleration reli gious liberty and a willingness that christianity should come even within the atmosphere of an equal chance with her hollbom rival but this is the freedom of a fret country whose privileges are lauded to thekies whose po licy mr hume recommends to our faithful imi tation as a cure all for the sins and plagues of an established church take another sample of religious liberty and democratic humi lity alias savage and brutal insolence expressed by the voice of the people in dictating to their trembling slaves of the legislature memorial we ask attention to the fullowiog articles from the albany defend er they exhibit clearly the monstrous in justice of some of our tain respectiog tax- on aud propose an easy and proper me- upoo the appropriate ose of the bible in common education delegates then who shall assemble at the meeting of tbe na tional lyceum io this city in may oext are doomed to listen to this sermon instead of a detail of the best plan for educating their childreo there will doubtless be such an array of comhataotatoo enlisted and there tnartialed io favor of eoilaving the infant mind as if possible to prevent any opposi tion to thesuccess of tbe bible school par ty shall the nation submit to this new device 1 if it do it shall do so with its eyes open it is by stealth that all these schemes succeed no roan can propound to his fellows aoyuseful measure for the pro motion of intelligence which is not instant ly but secretly fastened upon by the theo logical party to serve them as a cloak to their ultimate designs i repeat the ly ceum system is one honorable to the age and if retained in hooest hands will provg an immense blessing the same rcciark applies equally well to the infaot aod sun day schools both these were the well meant eodeavnnrs nf philanthropists for the benefit of our race and both have been stolen hy the theologians aud are now con verted into cngioes operating to eoslava us the first were instituted solely to mi nister to the wants of such childreo as suf fered from neglect hy reason of their pa rents poverty the latter originated io the manufacturing towns of england and wero confined to teaching reading writing and arithmetic to the childreo in the factories who could have no other time to study- yet all that is to bo found in eirher now is a confused medley of god devil burn ing lake wrath of heaven smiling savi our c mingled with the siopingof spi ritual songs and the repetition of set prayers is this intelligence is this iu- telligence no it euslave the mind and predisposesit to superstition which is pre cisely what its authors wish for by ibfa craft they have their wwer and shall tho lyceum system with all its valuable detail be thus pilfered front the nation and devoted to that nations ruin the present move is only to feel the public pulse let it he prompilf confronted at the meeting iu may and us authors will in- twrlv rotd frnnvi froterio5 their io- icutious were tho reverie of nil 1 have sun posed them and wail the favnruhlo mil rncot to renew the attempt unobserved to return to the pamphlet this is nn and tbe title so indicates devoted solely i in mcd not sumo tbe proceedings of the national lyceum j c pf h id th c itisan octavo of3l pages and ftrtwl portions of it besides those procetrf ings will be found evidences of wlrtv i allege at page 27 certain book pamphlets papers c are recomtneode to all lyceums among them are tfr ecientifick tracts now being published ip boston these are excellent aod sboum engage the attention of every parent at nuts physics too an invaluable work y of the number there proposed but in ih midst of these comes the avowal that tlp education reporter a weekly paper tf boston should be in the hands of ever toacher aod parent of this paper i ha7 long been a reader it is no other thaop theological work copying just so much up reign matter as in the opiuion of its coh ductor will cover its real character frov casual ohservatiofl- a single number oh ly is now before uie in which i find eri of the good and bad hoy l verse a dayl a praying father a good suodn- school would save them articles thtf no one cao read without awarding to tfr paper the character i have given it- tflr number hy the way is the last of the pm per which is discontinued and thesu scription list transferred to the rev ar woodbridge who publishes the aonnf nf education apparently much upon the same plan in support of the position i assume io regard to this paper which i doubt not soma will dispute i quote from the editors valedictory address the follow ing u we feel not a little reluctance at leaving the field we have recently taken in exposing the moral evils of society especi ally as they exist among a crowded popu lation aod in directing the efforts of chris tian educators to early and effectual pre ventives but we trust that the work we have begun will be carried forward io some other manner it must he remembered that the language of our author here 11 all used io its theological sense ho talks of exposing tbe moral evils of society but he has never condemned a h revival wheo weak people lose tbeir senses or a sunday school where not a page of any hook can be found that is nut written to aoswer a sectarian purpose his christian educators are but sec tarian schoolmasters to common parlance and his desire for m early efforts but tal lies with all experience that the constant aim nf these people is to fix tho mind io idolatrous belief before reason cao be brought to preveot it is it asked why 1 spend word upon the education repor ter when it is no looger published it was published when the lyceum punphet was compiled and by showing tbe charac ter it had i bring home lo those who have rccommeuded ft to lyceums tbe design to apply all lyceums to theological purposes the annals of education in the edi tor cf whith the snhscriplion lit of the ii reporter was transfei red w also recom mended hy tho national lyceum lor a specimen of that ffrk toko from the ci-u- itilm uf th september uuwhcr 1i10 follow nz liile of one of is articles jfirjt in heughus litwtion but o- were i ia attempt typldg nil the wifkcdnesn npi 0 the wuktfdne of ihcse lubjeyul should mvr hhvcuihe knouji isihro to cuqvtct rthwotfieo loguni of the country uf the intootion to fc upon the ljeun by tft and thus secure one more important object iq the steps nought at thod of attempting to procure the repeal of such laws tho method proposed is to scntl memorials to the legislature the ob ject could aod would be effected in a very few years hy making itn principle to elect 1 such men and such only as are favorable to equal taxation and the other mea sures of the working men but as the work ing men arc not sufficiently organized ex- ty and a few other representatives at the osuing election it will be well for them to let such men as may be elected koow their views on the subject now before us a well as many others uy memorials if memori als are sent they must be read in the legis lature aod if read they must excite dis cussion upon which they treat aod if those subjects are discussed the result will either be the adoption of the measures for which we cooler or that the public mind will be the sooner prepared to delegate such rneo as will represent them io reality as well as in name we say then to tho working men throughout the state elect meo if you can who are favourably to your mefljkkf if you cannot do this at present forwant of organization seod memorials selling forth your views aod wishes we cheerfully second the proposition of the defenderaud heartily recommend its universal adoption from tlit defender ooiir religious liber ties and right claims of right and krdrfss ofwaonos in this state in which the columns of this paper will aid 1st theadmission of the ctergyto alt ojfioes of profit or honor into which the people choose to place them aod from which 6h soti tab ihiit pwpfeity flwttitfle as the property of others is taxed so that they shall have all tho privileges of other men and nooemore than others 2d the repealing of the statutes ex empting church property in houses and lots from taxes as well as the statutes ex empting colleges and academy property buildings lots given by the state as funds to sell c their bank slock aod stock in funds from the burthens of the state and tbe repealing those which exempt from tax es the rank stock insurance stock and all the stock in foods of the bible societyand the funds of all those religious raonied insti tutions io the name of charity now ex empted from taxes the repealing also of that statue which now exempts from nix ing the publichouses and stores of theclio- too association io new york io short the equal taxation of all property whether i the haod of corporate bodies associations or individuals and whether it be in churches nrwioecellers under them in colleges c oftavernsibutldingsorland bank stuck or elcmogioary institutions equal taxes on all agrariaoism io taxe but not 10 property 3d the repeal of the test act as to witoess in courts of justice 4th the repeal or modificatioo of the statutes now giving bounties mouios aud funds to colleges aod academies fto that the same shall go tbe commooschoolfuod or a fuud for the common education of the poor in each district for the schooling of whom those of the middle cbisseio each district arc now aroused and mnsl pny or to nine fund foriho education of tbe poor i iunca of lia rick fill- the pacing of a law such as the itriiih cotoroiont have fouud i ncccssa- t pi- rendering void nil death bed ccs and vh ivin mtau joitinsiop v institutions go tho arnerlcnn uible society american tract socicsy ftcirith power to examine the inaunfhs and members of tllimo insti tutions and such other persons as the v nny think proper under oith touching the a i mount of that property in hjtiurt oainen thu lilies to their buildings nod jots now stnud kg- reporting to llie legislature the whole amount property reul personal nnd iniftrd hank stock c rhoyown designatiug tho amount that is exempted from taxes jf asked how these claims of right aod redress of wrongs ur eaii of them as you shall deem so are to be obtained we an swer by a memorial ac ono that shall not close and your weidoriaitnu as in du ty hound will ever pray bot in oue that shall eod iu a demand of them as u monr and if you love your religious and civil liberties and tho equal riiit of man then throw your voes aud irotght into the icale for him nominated who will when in tho legislature deoiaoj- aert aod maintain these rights every one of those statutes above referred to i either an itifriogemeot upouyour equal rights or entering wedge or encroachmen npoo vaur religious riphuu and are as for as tlicv go union of church aod state already upou you read over theourfa h clam of suchr and behove mo when i say that lh samepzptr con tains an article in high prtfaeof the british go vernment for fitting out gcfrnlifiq expeditions alludmg particularly to the lat captain foater declaring that all the american charts are nude from british surveys heforethe rrbchwn or by guess and severely ati on the uni ted states government for its niggardliness m regard to the general interests of science but if the will of the people puts down orwtorro- ticat instruction how can its flave the govern ment effect such exclusive and tyrannical schemes compare also rho rourtn clause with tho following from the christian guardian ex pertence has in a thousand instances demon strated that institutions whoc success and usefulness depend upon the general counte nance and patronage of the people fnust ort- hr irfif ffgiw27 ings and exertions of the people this is the case with ail free governments it is tha case with the lawsof every free country it is and must be the case with every niccefut system of genera education and on this very principle aie the above observations of his lordship founded but on the entire rejection of this principle both in theory and practice is the high church jstrn of education established this begins with colleges instead of common schools it edu cates aristocrats and leaves the common people in gross ignorance and thereby creates an aris tocracy of education as in other departments it creates an aristocracy of wealth an aristocracy of power an aristocracy of religion and an oli garchy of government it endows patrician ig- noranceand imbecility and leaves plebian geni us uncultivated and unrewarded it pampers wealth and oppresses the poor it drinks up the resources ofa nation to entail upon it the vices and oppression of npatjpcr peerage it is the foe of knowledge religion liberty and happiness and the right hand of despotism extravagance and corruption may its introduction be check ed in canada may the united voice of the people be lifteed up and crush it in the bud reader can you discover any material difference between the ravings of the christian guardian and the ravings of tbe associated infidels of new york would you not think they hid adopted disifeffngiiff imp fflfm f- ahnfit tgr composed of preachers of all denominations and the upper canada academy too public literary and scientific bat ruction to the exclu sion of christianity we reside on the borders ofa free country which furnishes many lessons of instruction to those who have ears to hear and hearts to be lieve- canadians tihall all be lost upon you 7 can you not believe the elements of con0ict be fore you do you not hear the stern menaces of brutal defiance belching forth the will of the people and yelling out oway with him cru cify him crucify him consider well these u signs of the times before you put forth your hands to overturn the british constitution of church aod state yours e- ce of the people thv or disii rir 1 1 tifh hy 1 he mount iv ck iu religious fitefur the ofioeiaycr when fis cher the celebrated oboeplayer who was remarkable for the oddity ofliii manner played coocertos at tho graod concerts i- veo fifty years ago at the kotundain dub lin a noble lord who had beon enraptured at the rare talent he displayed gave him a pressing invitation to sup with bin the following evening addiug m youll brior oboe with you fncher who was a little netiled at that sort of invitalioo hastily roliped my lord my oboe never sups count m azarin itapt complete collec tion of iho libels writ ro against him it amounted to forty quafto volumes polish pwe- yoo may srrip apoe to bis shirt hut if too ctttwpl to take his shirt he will regain all ofim the fcfwiss historian jofcao- nes mullor oee met at yfftttim with a du- ciitmmi of ao flowbt nrcbivoi reining to the lirt division uf poland thtt reat princess maria theresa had inscribed to the heritiog jifi- families aud making this sketch of the projected ilirfoiftlk evergro n tnuuied institutions 1 the appointment of a ciiinmiitee iicpilairo to euquiro itito the a of property in buildiugj atil lots- irodt bouds mortgage c- of with her own lumd iftftfr vcvifo jo many rfcal slid learned men r ire f hut after i liive heoo inns dead tnto will icaro the coosrjocihw at tbi violation ii all thai tiil bow ttwfeetdjlml and sacred