Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), November 19, 1831, p. 2

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the kingston ciiromclk xatttrdau novnhtr id 131 since our last the packet of the lt of octo ber has arrived from liverpool bringing london dates to the 2thh of september the only ad dititional hiicuiifcik conveyed to us on the ubjcclofthopoleewwnuiiiud in lite spirited vroclamalionorticncrallloskilothatpoflionol that callant army that had riot joined in the capi tulation this document is highly calculated to rouse the polish spirit to the utmost stretch ol excitement and although their capital has been sacrificcd moscow was under similar circum stances we arc far from the supposition that the ardor of independence has been thereby crushed or that their struggles have entirely ceased pans has with its usual inconsistency again recovered from the prostration of feeling lhat lately distinguished that barometrical people and tranquility at the latest accounts prevailed a most important pamphlet at this particular crisis ha3 been published in london upon the reform bill and its probable success in the house of lords this pamphlet is entitled what xoilt the lords do v a curious question certainly and most ably met want of space prevents us from affording our readers extracts from this work it is one however calculated in the highest degree to create an excitement in the lords lhat would render their decision in the adoption of the measure beyond a moments doubt or hesitation the next arrival will relieve the public from the suspense that the 3d of october has occasi oned and we regard the intelligence as replete with the most nervous interest and the most un happy though we irust ill grounded apprehen sions for the public security icj we received new york papers thismor- ningbut no later arrival than is above mentioned machvnrievi double patent udiouietcrlhc cor rectness of which baa been proved by a fruitless democratic voyage from lokoontartu t aucon ion sir basil hull en liw journey from loo- choo to the united slates was not in th hum blest degree roo particular or more amusing in the detail of his interesting adventures and for the sake of the country we sincerely hope hat the dodors hive enabled the member for york county to become the hro of his own tjlt without any injury to lus slight cold and hoarseness 11 ut vcllcm his pot i us nugis lota ilia dedisset tempora sarvil ii in the advertising part of our it impression will be found that the four larjc vessels in tins dock yard are to be sold on the ifiul january next however useless and unnecessary ihey have latterly been we cannot avoid expressing our regret that one of the great bulwarks of our province and which formed an object of univer sal curiosity to traveller should be removrd we understand that all the warrant otficeis belonging to these ships have been ordered to england we have copied from the upper canada he rald the circumstances of the death of two indi viduals of tins town within ibe last week both of whom by the verdict of a coroners inquest met m the last enemy of mankind from the ef fects of the most unparalleled intemperance this degrading vice which predominates so unhappily in this town and which seems to encreas from the very measures that have been adopted to suppress it acquires an additional aggravation when it seicctsfor its unfortunate victims those who are beyond the reach of hu man misery and within the pale of respectabi lity the cares and anxieties and disappoint ments of life have driven many an unthinking spirit to this deceitful refuge from the effects they produce but in these cases there were nu re- i di4jiiij ttitltlfttl clfcb vivulii k vtciugirpiruttvjll the provincial parliament agreeably to the m thtir circumstances and from habit weic ren- stmplo but it i results may be in times of peril of the utmost iiiitorlance 11 in all ili trainboat son the river tay the machinery is fitted that by the simple motion of a small handle or index placed on dck in hearing and r view of the pilot or master of the vessel every movement which the enpine inca pable of pivir j5 to thr paddle wheels may heal oneecoiiiiuurjed without rcferenco to the en- ginoofi the vesl may he advanced or hockrd n stern or she ay bo merely checked m her vc- lucity mr lie rirtirily stopped at any given mo ment bw in y turning with a flight hlbrt of ihc hand a i nzmiial bar alnul two feet tun tins hurts nwrlcd with a dial plate furnished with a small band like that of a clock lotell whither the machinery is so placed a to urge the boat ahcvl or astern or to slop hor the belleville phieuix should have quoted his postscript ftmtvtbti kingston chronicle and not from the supplement of the n y albion 11 verbnmpt spection with vigour is absolutely necessary but it is extremely difficult we arc now mem bers for a rich commercial city this city howe ver is but a part of anch commercial nation the interests of which are various muliiformund the stockholders of tlw tenmrr royal w mtricate wc ore members for that great na- fiflm at their late meeting separated without i von w however is itself but a part of a prea of sept in which 9000 persons art aid tohave pemhed we trust this report is witlioutfoun- dation though it is given with confidence mont herald corning to any decision on the question for which they had assembled that of determining whether thesieamer should procetd to england this fell fo wc copy the following from the york courier qiitvfth pcopurwe observe lhat the series of idlws which have appeared m the kingston chronicle within the last few months under the above signature arc about to be pub lished in the pamphlet form these letters- making due allowance for their leaning towards j happen m it tdtrahmtv the cleverest productions vhichwc whcf his conslilucnt8 scn him instruction have met with in the canadian pressthe au- to the editor of the kingston chronicle sm mr fisher a very respectable mer chant ard one of the representatives for mon treal ha lately addressed a letter to his consti tuents requesting their opinion on a certain mat ter to be debated in the parliament of lowcrca- nuda and the editor of that generally correct and well conducted journal the old montreal gazette makes some very appropriate com- mentsnol only on mr fishers utter butalso on the general question of instruction to mem bers as on is a constitutional question of no slight importance at all times it may be well lhat electors as well as members in this and the lower province should understand it fully and know exactly how it becomes a representative may lieut governors proclamation the legislature was to meet on thursday last for the despatch of public business the moment his excel lencys speech arrives a supplement will be issu ed from this office on sunday last archibald mclean esq speaker of the house of assembly with several other members of that honorable house left this place in the steamboat intension for the seat of government on thursday morning the hon john kirby the hon a grant hugh c thomson esq m p for frontenac and alexr macmartin esq mp for glengarry proceeded in the sir james kempt steamboat for the car rying place and from thence by land to york the lord bishop of quebec and his chaplain were also passengers from hence in the quecn- eton on sunday col douglass tilth highlandeiehaa received the honour uf knighthood from the king and ihe military order ol the bath has been confer red upon col nicoll of the 66th and lt col mitchell r a both these officers ure at pre sent stationed in this garrison it is now general ly understood lhat the hopes which the army entertained on the subject of the usual brevet at coronations are not to be realized the following dragoon regiments are redu ced to the establishment of one major 2d light dragoons cth or enncskillen slh hussars 10th hussars 12th lancers 13th light dragoons a 17th lancers the heavy cavalry continue to retain their second majors dercd insensible to such vicissitudes it is a species of suicide lhat tin legislature should distinguish by some appalling mark of reproba tion and of such a premeditated characterwillful in its design and gradual in the accomplishment ol its horrible progress worse even than that of the sudden and unpremeditated phrenxy that hurries a man to his own immolation by the ra zor or the pistol ihors style i bold nervous and perspicuous and the manner in which he handles the politi cal and aiiii1 religious factions who arc now so indcfatigahly labouring to sow the seeds of discord and sedition among the people of cana da is most unceremoniously severe- is in fact to make use of the language of the lan- 0y really lt boxing them without gloves there has been a good deal of speculation re garding the author the guardian advocate and other worthies who have been made to wince under llm writers merciless flagellations have ascribed the production atone time to a gentleman hiifh in office in this town and at tiuullicr tu a highly tulcnted gentleman of king ston but we are very much mistaken if they arc not very wide of the mark are not quite sure that we much more successfully upon the authorsname we think but wc could speculate pursue a course at variance with his own delibe- rste and mature opinions the sentiments o that eminent and highly gifted patriot the im mortal burke on all matters of public policy arc entitled to our deepest reverence and are i may say decisive on this particular question in a speech addressed to the electors of bristol in the year 144 when he was most honourably returned to parliament without previous solici tation on his part he honestly and manfully de clared his sentiments with regard to his duties as a british senator in the following eloquent terms i am sorry i cannot conclude without saying a uimluiia topic touched upon by my wuily colleague i wish that topic had beenpassed by at u time when i have so little leisureto dis cuss it but since he has thought pnper to throw itout i owe you a clear eiplanatioi of my empire extended by our virtue and our fortune to the farthest limits of the cast and of the west all these wide spread interests must be consid ered must be compared must be reconciled if possible we arc members for a free coun try and surely we all know that the machine tf a free constitution is no simple thing but as intricate and as delicate as it is valuable wc are members in a great and anlient monarchy and we must preserve religiously the true lcga rights of the sovereign which form the keystone that binds together the noble well constructed arch of our empire and our constitution a constitution made up of balanced powers must ever be a critical thing as such i mean to touch that part of it which comes within my reach 1 know my inability and i wish for sup port from every quarter in particular i shall aim at the friendship and cultivate the best cor respondence of the worthy colleague you have given me would to god that all legislators throughout the wide range of the british empire entertain ed such just and lofty views of their duties and responsibilities pubuus england pilcher and all the crew eicept the mate and two carpenters who were left to assiit in breaking tip the vessel and iccuriog tha remainder of the cargo p 3 poor from wobile tvhicb wat driveolahor at lybam has gone to pieces nbout230 bales of cotton 1ms been land ed and the roat of the cargo was wotted aloo tho cost foreign news but be he who he may however wc are glad j p ntimenison that subject his productions are about to make their appcar- ince in the cheap form which wc have above joticed as it will bring them within the reach fthc public generally who could not have ac cess to them through the columns of the chron- elc fortunately juggernauted a splendid monument has been erected to the memory of the right honourable william ilus- loroners inquest fin salurdav last an mnuest kisson near ww spot on the liverpool railroad was held on the body nfmredwardmefatridge where that distinguished gentleman was so unlwhowas found dead in his bed the same mor ning krjtcf that the said edward mc- featndgq came to his death by drinking of ardent ipiritg to excess and from the want uf care on die purl of the person in charge on monday last an inquest was held at point frederick on the body of mr elizabeth mr- donald found dead in her bed on sunday mor ning krrfw u that the said elizabeth mc donald came to her death by intemperance herald tht rirmy it will we arc convinced afford much satisfaction to the numerous friends in these provinces of colonel douglass of the 79th highlanders to learn that his majesty has been pleased to confer upon him the honor of knighthood lieut col nicolls whose appointment as commanding officer of engineers in the cana jqs has been already noticed arrived st quebec on wednesday with his lady and famil by the royal william steamer the marquis of hastings transport has pro- the erudite editor of the colonial has pub lished for the information of mankind in gene ral but more particularly of his numerous friends and subscnbera pleading intelligence of bis return safe and soundafter oil the vis- sicitudes disappointments and distresses of his late perigrination- his only damage as he pathetically describes such a national calamity bein a cold and slight hoarseness contracted tfn the night of the 29th of october atglengarry the cold without the additional catastrophe of the hoarseness is more than sufficient to pro duce a universal occular deduction and must have originated from the incaution of the stupid bar keeper at glengarrywkoit is saidneglected the operation of airing the wig block before the owner had removed the indispensible coverlet of his pericranium the hoarseness is a misfortune peculiar to orators and was contracted in the discharge of his gratuitous embassy in resisting the officious interference of mr gowan the uncourtcous speaker of the house of assembly and the other liege subjects of his majesty na ture however cruel as she sometimes is has too much pity upon an unfortunate colony to deprive it of such a prodigy- mr mackenzies statisti cal journal from williamstowu to the head of the lake will b perused with infinite delight by travellers in general he heads the volume of his address by the words climate of upper canada in november and as a proof of its ex traordinary mildness he tells us it rained all one day that he breakfasted comfortably at willianistown took supper with a friend mr gowan we suppose at brockville met with comfortable accommodations on board the queen3lon took a lunch at fort george dined with another friend at st davids supped with an old acquaintance in the classical frontier town of quecnston rode down on sunday morning to niagara stepped over for live minutes to the united states to bear the fall of warsaw and the reform bill took leave of jonathan whom he correctly styles brother and by the aid of the canada steamer wasuejd up in winter quar ters not he concludes this tedious ar ticle these favorable prools of the mifdnnj ol our climate what a bright specimen uf na tural philosophy has he afforded the world by this ingenious discovery and should out friend stanton tuvour willi ml almanac for 1832 wc ntrcat of hitu on the approach of mild weather to conftill mr mackenzies appetite more par ticularly if it happens lu he appeased as it ge- jicially ii ri lu ho vti his tuiir by thimonlri- bntions of hi friends and his old rvqilaintad cs at diensiau we hope rh rrslaturo it is exceedingly to be regretted that so much and so many of the public prints should be de voted to the subject of cob by mr burgess and the merits of their respective disputes be cause such discussion cannot possibly benefit ci ther side and should in decency be avoided while the matteris under investigation in another quarter villilicatjon of character cannot de cide a matter which it appears depends chiefly upon documentary testimony if mr burgcs has copied the journals of the office of course the originals are to be seen and it strikes us lhat if any misapplication of money occurred these documents would speak for themselves in an authentic form books open to evcrv person in that office could contain no secret but we must repeat that unjustifiable liberties have been indulged in by the pressand it is impossible for i cmhch ne m pmndang the character or motives of any man he tells you that the topick ofinstrictions ha occasioned much altercation and ineasi- ness in this city and he expresses himlfifl understand him rightly in favor of the oercive authority of such instructions certainly gentlemen it ought to be he hap piness and glory of a representative t- live in the strictest union the closest correspondence and most unreserved communication vith his constituents their wishes ought to ijp great weight with him their opinion high rspeel their bo i unremitted attention 1 is his duty to sacrifice his repose his pleasures his sa- tislactions to theirs and above all cvtrand in all cases to prefer their interest to his own but his unbiassed opinion his mature judgiwnt his enlightened conscience he ought not to sacrifice to you to any man or to any sect of men li ving these he docs not derive from yojr plea sure no nor from the law and the consitution they are a trust from providence fir the a- buse of which he is deeply answerable your representative owes you not his indusvv only but his judgment and he betrays instetrt of ser ving you if he sacrifices it to your opinioi my worthy colleague says his will ought lobe sub servient to yours if that be all the thug is in nocent if government were a mattei of will on any side yours without question oujht to be superior but government and legislation are we invite the attention ofour readers to a com munication signed publius which will be found in our columns upon q subject of much importance at this crisis the opinions of the illustrious burke were the oracles of his day- and have since been perpetuated as the solar stir of popular measures we shall ahvavs feel grateful to 4i publius for such valuable contri butions which would be materially enhanced by his occasionally gratifying us with his own views on thij or any other subject which his pen is so capable of embellishing the public attention has been for the last few evenings attracted by the delivery of a course of lectures by dr thomas howe on the iden tity and general resurrection of the human bo dy the connection between religion and learn ingthe immortality of the soul c as far as dr howe has gone he has been peculiarly happy in his illustrations clear and concise in his description and eloquent in his style dr howes talents appear peculiarly adapted to the treatment of these difiercnt topics wc invite the attention of the skeptical in particular to this opportunity of having their doubts reinnveutheir difficulties overcome and this subject from which the whole machinery of the moral as well as philosophical world is suspended conveyed by the most convincing and infallible ccnclusions to their understandings the fourth and last lecture will be delivered this evening at halfpast six it will be con ducted in the form of a discussion and the af firmative of the question supported whether that state of society which leads to the formation of great manufacturing establishments and a large manufacturing population is favorable to the cause of a free and just government ecdod from bermuda to halifax to entbark the i malloisof waoq wijtdjbhf and mkotdn clinatiou and what sort of reas thiu m which the determination precedes tft in which one et of men deliberate anu another jcants 1 surgeon staff asst 2 subaltcrnsof i tlcciclc and where those who forto the conclu- thc7l regiment and 50 privatrs i serjeanl s are perhaps three hundred ples distant 52d rflgnnent lor england the i ransport marquis of hastings lately arriv ed at liermuda has brought 141 privates 2 ser- we strongly recommend to the proprietors of steamboats the extract from captain sir ba sil halls letter to the editor of the united service journal by which accidents in steam navigation produced by collision can by the most simple process lie avoided we think that iho experiment would bewvll worthy of adop tion as will upon our lakes as in the narrow passages of the ltidcau canal steam navigation captain basil hall has written a icllter to the fditor of the united ser vice journal in which he details a plan pursued on the kivirtay by whiuh steam vessels may in all ucathcis im- guided mwh more correctly and 3 subalterns of the 37th under the com inand of capt r w myddleton 7st- ca- doyle 21th foot the hop r boyle aideflcamp to sir peregrine maitlnnd were passengers in h m ship paget arrived at ha lifax 0 lh isth ult from portsmouth cobmel ready late governor of prince ed- vard island with miss ready capt moor som d regiment mrs moorsom end lieut cromrs sailed from halifax in the zephyr pack et for england wt understand that the sappers and mines- wfao have beeu employed forth last two or three years no tho kideau ca nal nre expected here immediately as io consequence of orders having been recciv cd from england for their reduction they will proceed to england this fall lieut euinn r e proceeds to eoglaud ju cmnuiitod of those who return for in con sequence of government having granted to thce tneo the option of remaining io tho country many doubtless will cot proceed io britain captain hastings doyle of the24th foot has joined his regiment in quebec this gentleman was lately on the staff of the duke of northumberland wheu that no- hlemati was lord lieutenant of ireland an american paper states that the british contemplate making a military establishment at madwsska when sir archibald campbell lately visited the place he sent over one of his aidesdecamp to present his compliments to the commanding officer of the united states troops at houlton mont gazette tho expectation of our military friends has been raised by the promised coronation boon to the army of which we spoke some time agu and voich was at the dato of the letter on the authority of which wc made that statement fully deicrrjined yestcrdayhcard with regret that tracings hismajesty has been lhat his gra cious ntenlions on this subject should be carried into tffthe has not been able to accomplish his wishh as the positive expense which must a- riscfrm promotion to an extent worthy of the occason intended io be so marked proves in ihc pbcnl state of the country an insuperable bar tathe accomplish men t of his majestys bc- ncvohnt designs towards a branch of the ser vice tt whose merit and whose claim he is fully li v caf rcury from those who hear the argument 1 to deliver an opinion ia the right of all men that of constituents is a weighty and respecta ble opinion which a representative ought always to rejoice to hear and which he ought always most seriously to consider but authoritative in structions mandates issued which the member is bound blindly and implicitly to obey to vote and to argue for though contrary to tho clearest conviction of his judgment and conscience these are things utterly unknown to the laws of this land and which arise from a fundamental mis take of the whole order and tenour of our con stitution parliament is not a congress of ambassadors from different and hostile interests which inter- estseach must maintain as an agent and advo cate against other agents and advocates but parliament is a deliberative assembly of one na tion with one interest that of the whole where not local purposes not local prejudices ought to guide but the general good resulting from the general reason of the whole you chose a mem ber indeed but when you have chosen him he is nota member of bristol but a member of par liament if the local constituent should have an interest or should form an hasty opinion evident ly opposite to the real good of the restofthe com munity the member for that place ought to be as far as any other person from any endeavour i to give his effect i beg pardon for saying so much on this subject i have been unwillingly drawn into it but i shall ever use a respectful frankness of communication with you your faithful friend your devoted servant i shall be to the end of my life a flatterer you do not wish for on this point of instructions however i think it scarcely possible we ever can have any sort of difference perhaps i may g you too much rather than too tittle tjoub from the first hourl h from the london gazette sept 27 1831 lmd chamberlains office sept 27 the lord chamberlain hai appointed thomas colly grattaa esq one of the gentlemen of his majestys most honour able privy chamber in ordinary whitehall sp27the king has been pleased tolrecommend to the dean and chapter of the cathedral church of st clerk m- a to be by them elected canon residentiary in the room of dr carr translated to the see of worcester downing street sept 20 1831 the king has been pleased to ooroiuato and ap point the following officers to be compa nions of the most hod military order of the bath capt r cursf r n hon f p irby r n d woodriff r n hon g eliot rn james sanders b n- hughpigot r n s p humphers r n john tow er r n whennahrn- w pcum- hy rn hon j percy rn a king r n i col r payne hompescvs rifles c nicol 66th foot h kiog 82d font f r tackerav r e j b savage r m j f birch r e heorv philot r a rm cleverly r m whkers- kine branshaws levy hon l stan hope uoatt john grey 5th foot sir h wastoo kot c a acourt 1st greek light lofantry c w pastey r e g gillies 40th foot ii e v graham unattached col sir r j harvey r waller a q m g alex thomson 98ili foot john duffy uoatt j tonson 37th foot w a gordoo 95th foot lord g w russek uoatt j ferguson 52d foot a creagh 81st foot r pym r a arcb campbell 46th foot lt col r gubhios i4th foot t h blair uoatt r lisle 19lh drag w g fower r a w ralviard unatt j macdonald 92d foot e faoshawe r e wc seton88th foot e lawrence r ftl w c e hoiloway r e c s campbell 1st foot g turner r a t a brandreth r v p camhnll 52d foot j bogle uoatt j mitchell r a e c whinvates r a major sir j s lillie 31st foot t a parke r m h r gore 89th foot his majesty has been pleased to nom inate and appoiot the following officers of the service of the hon east india com pany to be knights commanders of the most honourable military order of the bath major general alexander knox bengnl francc paris papers are to the 27th of september inclusive every thing was perfectly quiet in the capital somo disturbances have taken place at touloo lyoos grenoble aix and other towns ia the south of fiance the news of the capi tulation of warsaw produced a strong sen sation io the former city aod about 150 in dividuals ran about the streets fiioginp pat riotic 8o05 nod uttering cries of an inflam matory tendency the authorities how ever were on the alert aod by leu oclock tbe parties had dispersed and all was qui et at aix they coinmeoced io conse quence of some persons of the carltst par ty having been elected as officers of the national guards during the dispute a cry was raised that the carlists were ar med with pistols aod a brace having in fact been found on a sieur c he was with some difficulty rescued from the fury of the populace by the police a few blows with the list constituted the exteul of tbo mischief done these trifling difficulties aod other sceoes of disturbance in a few more provincial towns have beeu promptly suppressed and no serious consequences are appre hended it is stated froui lavendee that tho chouans are very much reduced in num ber the national guard requested per mission to inarch against them but this the government very properly refused for they knew that the natioual guard would not spare a man and they were anxious to prevent such an effect of excitement tk rfkil pitifln thw firftrtik qurfffth iar but they have beeu steadily endeavour ing to put down the carlists by legal means aud although many of the leaders have shamefully abused the ranfsconduits which given to them the system has on the whole been benecial poland some of the german pa pers still flatter themselves that the cause of poland is not lost acenrdiag to one of these the takiogof warsaw by the russians wasouly the result of a plan con ceived by the poles who wished by this means to wenkeo the russian army by at cast 20000 men tho number necessary to it altu lofaotry j w adams c b of tho ben gal infantry henry worsley c b of the bengal infantry h s scott c b of the madras lofantry robert scot c b of the madrns infantry a mdowall c i of the madras infantry his majesty has also been pleased to no minate and appoiot the following officers in ihe service of tho east india company to be companions of the said most hon mi litary order col j rose bengal infantry g pen- ningtoo ben art j d greeohill mad inf j dove ton t madras cav f h pierce bom art r pitman bengal inf h m kelly madras inf john mayne bombay infantry wc faithfull beu lofaotry lt col f w wilson mad inf h roberts beo cav lt col alindsay ben art j caul- field beo cav r ticket ben eng c fitzgerald bengal cavalry s hughes bom inf r smith ben eng major a manson bom iof j n jack son beo iof a irvine boo eng iafnt v- thun tow and fflistftkw and rnnfusionuunvoida- will runsidpf tlm discorwy worth id a psttnt i able under the pr- sent vtcni onlwlv avoided which wc kc no objection should bu called i the plan which wo give in a lew wortls ia very tht lat halifax mail which arrived on atoft- day imgs a report in the acadian of oct 21st of another sale at barbadots on the 22d as encouraged to court your favor to this happy day of obtaining it 1 have never promised you anything but humble and persevering endeavours to dv my duty tho weight of that duty i confessmak me tremble aud whoever well considers w j j 0 things in the world will fly froi whot the least likeness to a positive and precipitate en gageinent to be a good nemh is let me tell you no easy task especially at this time when there is so stroi to run into the perilous tcemc 0 servile con plianc or wild popularity ti un tho london courier intimates the opinion lhat the reform bill will pass the house of peers is gathering strength bets to this effectare offered at odds of two or three to one the same paper adds 11 it is earnestly said that if contrary to expectation the bill does not pass the peers parliament will bo immediately prorogu ed the american minister mr van buren transacted business with viscount palmer- ston on the 26th september liverpool october 1 shipwrecks on monday senight a- bout 11 oclock the brig peru pilsher for this port with a cargo of cotton from mo bile was driven on one of the sand baaks about three miles from lytham the crew took to their boat on tuesday mor ning and arrived at lytham all safe at eight oclock the captain was sick at the lime but has since partially recovered on tuesday a steamer was sent from liver pool aod an attempt was made by her means to drag tho vessel off but without effect her hull having become deeply im- beded in the sand tho steamer returned circum- on the same day having on board captaiu s a disposition i occupy warsaw nod to leave to the care of keeping down the rising popu lation of that city the defeuce of the poles had for its object only to involve the destruction of as many russians as possi ble there are now only about 10000 troops and natioual guard which took part io tho defence another german fditnr maiotaiuing the sumo opinion says general szrm heck w stationed at sandomir with 20000 men on the rear of the russian army to whom the destruction of the bridge of the vistula near ionx and dossiek ha rut off all communication with russia plock is free and general ramorinn who obtai ned a brilliant victory over general golo- win occupies lublin io cracow lhu inud sturmis under arms this body it uumerous and is supported by 10000 re- j gular troops such favourable views accord so well with the puhlick wishes lhat ne maybe led to htpe the state of the case to ho bet ter than it actually is one ihiok however the general supposition to the contrary it is rendered certain by tho anoexcil pro clamation to the polish army unless the document should turn out to be a forgery aod it does not look like one that the po lish army which evacuated warsaw toqm not included in the capitulation ofttuit city the mtsager de chambers of sept 2tf thinks the hopes which some ol the papers nre attempting to revive will provo base less and illusive but the london courier thinks all may not be tost it adds military gentlemen of experience in tho peninsular war with whom we have coo versed thiuk that tho polish iusurrorttoq resembles in a great degree that of the war in spain and may be curried on by the poles id the same way they consider ihe situation of the poles as far from beiog desperate and found their opioioos on the following circumstances the hatred which may he called national of the poes against the russians similar to that of the spaniards against the freuch during the peninsular war our own impression however is that the contest is in the maiocuded the fol- lowiog is the proclamation gabove refer ed to proclamation issued by the polish com- j launder inchief after the army had retired from warsaw headquarters atmonow sept 12 pole four days ago a most sanguin ary aud obstinately contested battle was fought under the watts of our capiral be fore the ryes ofour wives sisters aod mo thers under the view of the wholecityof warsaw the polish troops have slain more thao 20000 of the enemy and tho entrench ments which were formed by the labour of your fellow citizens have now become the grave of the invaders tosavo the town from destruction to weaken the force of the enemy our troops have evacuated the capital the cannon ammunition aod all implements of defencethe government the deputies all tho magistrates have with drawn with the commanderinchief and the army to modliu geoeral krukowiec ki is no longer president of the govern ment in consequence of an armistice hosti lities are for a moment suspended bur my countrymen let not that moment be for you n period of repose which might di vert you from the great object of the deliv erance of your native land employ it ra ther to redouble your strength in new ef forts to establish the existence and inde- peudeuce of poland is warsaw alone our country do its walls and its iuhabitnots within so narrow a circuit lorm the limits i u nation after so many great sacrifices after so aa- uy uoaiiy achieved victories which liava

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