Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), November 19, 1831, p. 3

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mmmmm xxr r the waters of the warthe the vistula the dnieper tbe bug and the dwina did not present to ua the inheritance of our fathers which again re conquered we will couvey toour children who then would treacherously violate the sacred oath we have sworn to shed the last drop of our blood in the defence of our native land no the pole is too proud to fail in a pledgo given in the face of the whole world or to look forward with a doubt of victory while he is still a- ble to lift an arm he who can value li berty who calls himself a freeman will also know how to break the fetters attempt ed to be imposed upon him poles yet one moment more of endu rance and resignation and the end ofthe glorious i contest whose result will be the restoration of our freedom independence and rights is at hand the scale of vic tory must preponderate in favor of the zeal and resolution of our soldiers and the sa crifices our citizens history exhibits so example of a united nation striving to obtaio one great object being deceived in its hopes did not our enemies nioeteen years ago loose their capital and not withstanding was not their nationality and independence secured never let us for get that we owe every tbiog to our coun try our common mother her existence is oars we wear her chains then let us once more renew in onr hearts the already worn oath that we resolve to be a free people that we will not lay down the sword of our fathers until we recover liber ty and independence henceforth let our motto be death or victory and when we shall stand in order of battle we will meet the eoemywith the crylive the couo- try and thus will we conquer rozisky the messager de chambers of sept 28 affirms itbat the first acts of the russiao authorities at warsaw have not been cha racterised by that rigour and vengeance which we ntfirst feared would be the case butit is added in order to forma correct judgment of the clerooocy of nicholas we must wait till the fate or the polish army shall have beeo decided upon to know if the amoesiy will not include conditions d uislmelfd jtoenwlcorifl aminfflt mod calling upon all the citizens to deposit iti the arsenal all the arms in their posses sion which belong to the crown all persons having arms belonging to them selves are alliwal to retain thorn provi ded they form pun of tho national guards the third proclamation is from baron korff announcing that the ufficers beloog to the polish army may remain in warsaw provided that within twentyfour hours ilicy present themselves at his office and deposit a declaration that they will never a- gno hear arms against the russian troops ail who neglect to do this will be consider ed and irentedas prisoners of war ihe fuurtli is by cencral count witt giving notice thai all officers and persons attach ed to tha polish army intending te quit the capital must leave it by two oclock in the afternoon ofthe lotb and cross the vistula or in default they would be con- sidercd as prisoners of war the filth and last is from the president of the muncipnliiyby orderof the cummadaot enjoiuiug all functionaries and other per sons employed in the administration of the hospitals as well as all the functionaries nnd oiher persons employed in the munci- pafity of warsaw to continue to oxcrcise their several functions uuder the penalty oi being tried by a couri martial the hamburg correspondent contains the following letter dated berlin bept 20 yesterday m de seidlitz aidde camp to ihe prussian colonel count kan- u who attends the russian head quar ters arrived hero with most traoquilisiog accounts from warsaw several divisi ons of the polish army however refuse to comply with the capirulatioo it is therefore probable that the russians will be obliged to carry on for a lijnea petty warfare in some ofthe palatinates obifikhim another correspondent states l miaulis was prompted to destroy tho hellas and the other ship because he had understood that capo dlstrias intend ed with the squadron to visit the greek is- ands to compel the payment of taxes and to punish by punishmeot fine imprison ment and execution various persons who were inimical to bisdespotism the lossof lives sustained by the russians was in an action between a fort which miaulie had hastily run up and a sloop of war tele- maque wbich endeavoured to cut off a provision vessel sent from hydra wtth sup plies to him and which vessel succeeded in her object capo dlstrias had banished trecaoussi and prince caradja with se veral others for having been concerned in this revolt the conferences respecting the bounda ries of greece and a choice of a prince for that country are resumed the gov ernment of capo dlstrias give general dis satisfaction and will lead ai it has already done io particular instances to much blood shed and confusion uns it ii ii from the boston daily advertiser madawaska it would seem from the following paragraph that the execu tive government of maine now feel the embarrassment in wbich they are in volved by the improvident measure of incorporating a town within the limits of the territory hitherto under tho juris diction of the province of nova scotia and sending agents thither to induce the inhabitants to organise the town under that act in direct violation of the under standing between the british govern ment and ours that the occupation should remain so long unchanged as the negociations for the adjustment of the boundary were pending we do not perceive that there is but one course to be pursued oy the government of maine this is to indemnify the sufferers under the act in the best manner they can and to urge the general government to iieis wc tftf nditj see what the executive of ihe slate can do unless it is to renew their appeal to the general government and perhaps mnke provision for the comfort of the families of the prisoners hi case they need assistance mr deane one of the agents of the state who visited tho madawaska set tlement doling the past summer arrived in town last night probably to make re port to the governor and council there are various opinions expressed by the different papers in the state and by individuals with respect to the pro per course to be pursued whilo some i think it best to keep cool and wait the motions ofthe general government and the adjustment of the difficulties by ne- gocialion others and apparently a large majority appear to have their patience exhausted and are for driving the state to assert its own rights and protect its own subjects they admit that the stale has no constitutional authority his nbjestys dock yard kingston u c istk november 1831 mtotice is hereby given that on -i- the 18th day of january 1832 at 10 oclock a m the hulls of the following ships as they now jay on the shore off the kings dock yard at kingston upper canada will be dis posed of by public auction viz st lawrence of- 102 g kingston of 56 burlington of 42 montreal of 24 ate the frames of the wolf and canaft each pierced for 110 guns as they rfand on the stocks in the dock yard immediately after the above sale a quantify of standing and running rig ging tale belonging to the st law rence kingston burlington and mon treal will in like manner be disposed of as tw rigging has been but little used and is in good condition it may be ad- vantatf ously relaid or otherwise con verted the ships will be disposed of separate ly an the rigging will be divided in to lots to suit purchasers a reasona ble tie will be allowed for the removal of the articles from the kings premi ses wbich must be done at the purcha sers expense a deposit of twentyfive per cent will be required at the time of saleand the remainder of the purchase money previous to the removal of the articles further particulars may be learned at the naval store keepers office at kingston dock yard and of mrtfiivi- am ltinn clerk in charge of naval stores at mdptieal on the opening of the navigation in 1832 about twelve hundred spars for mfsts and yards of from four to thirtyfour inches in diameter will be disposed of by public auction timely i notice will be given ofthe days of sale the spars may be previously examined jrfcv mwhrtfniiprmki nnntfinttqn must ibn with the country have suslatnedbytlfe i death of the late captain alexander mcdoneil and that they feel deeply sensible of his faithful discharge of the duties of agent treasurer and secre tary to the committee resolved that the vacancy occasion ed by the death of captain alexander mcdoneil as treasurer and secretary be filled by john mcdonald esq resolvedthat the thanks of the com mittee are due to mr jesse wood for his assiduous attention to the interest of the stockholders in building the steam er william the fourth and for the f1he subscriber offers ft sa al very low rates for ca or short approved credit 50 tierces and 250 bar of mus covado sugar si puncheons and 30 hhtf of high ly fla voted and strong prq jamaica rum 10 barrels of first quality plantation coffee 20 bags of pimento 2 pipes of best holland oin 2 pipes charanlie brand he has also on hand 6 cooking stove sofa new and highly admired pattern well furnished with utensils 100 boxes of sheet iron 30 boxes of t d pipes each t o let the stabling at- r tached to the premises occupied by mr robert kidd in king street apply on the premises or to mr james meagbar ngston 1 6th nov 183 1 10 groce 10 bands of best english glue 1 cwt each he is daily expecting a la supply of superior wines of different descrip- tions an extensive consignment o stoves single and double of potash and sugar kettles and hollow ware all of which will be disposed of a the mon treal prices the transport from thence simply added amaflahan- kingston oct 18 1331 to let and possession given immediately lots no 1 and 14 in the 5th concession of pitts burg on the leading road to perth and 12 miles from kingston containing 350 acres with 100 acres of cleared land on the premises is a superior two sto ry log house with the other houses necessary to complete a farm it is al so in an excellent situation for a ta vern the farming stock together with the present large crop can be given by approved security the term of lease is such that it can be taken from one to ten years further particulars can bo obtained from mr joseph bruce merchant kingston or to the proprietor on tne premises john lavery pittsburg september 7th 1831 oticesteoabottl 1 the public 8 re- respectfully in- formed that the steamboat queenston capt meneillkv with mr t w coming sailing waster has commenc ed her regular trips and during the season will leave niagara for prescott every wednesday night at 12 oclock touch ing at kingston and brockville and ar rive at prescott every friday afternoon where as usual stages will be in at tendance to convey passengers to mon treal will leave prescott every sunday morning at6 oclocktouching at brock ville kingston coboufg port hope york burlington bay and niagara the rates of passage and freight the same as are charged by other steam- mayvoi n t t plated w report of the dfc in the ensuing session op parliamnt- courier office w york 29th oct i e beg respectfully lo j that we have engaged a compe tent stenographer to repn lne pro ceedingsofthe ensuing ses of the provincial legislature and hat in order to furnish our readers with as prompt and detailed a report of ih debates as possible we shall issue two papers per week from the commencement of the session the two week will be issued at the lional charge of one dollar per fun hers per small atldi- vear m cuii 0 u year 14 g is to say at the rate of2 u an- 29 iro otice is hereby given that sealed tenders will be received at this office until the 1st december next at 12 oclock noon from any per sons wishing to purchaso the whole or part of the undermentioned metal in charge of thestorekeeper at this station the tenders lo specify the price per ton in sterling which are to be addressed lo the respective officers ofthe depart ment the purchasers to be at the ex pense of the removal and the truuni- ons for the guns will bo knocked off pre vious to the sale kingston artillery square cwt or 22piecesbrassordnancewcigbinp 19 1 iron 127 3 orrfnan yard point henry brass 116 3 lb 12 1 t workmanlike and in every respect sa tisfactory manner in which he has com pleted the vessel x to invade tho british territory but they grcccc the following from a london paper is another venioqof the af fair io which thegreek fleet was destroyed jiapoli di romani aug 17 affairi here still partake of an unsettled aod tran- tant character the apdroiis have acted against capo dlstrias he having given them great offence by it was understood celling the ilelas greek frigate lying at iv ros harbour to the russian government the moment this report reached hjdra old admiral miaulis proceeded to poros with 700 men aod boarded the hella hhich was guarded only by about 8 or 10 russians completely rigged her in seven days will sails bent and ready for sea he then sent 100 men ou board of a corvette mounting iti guns and 100 men each on board two steamers one of the latter h placed as a guard lo a narrow passage to prevent the troops of capo dlslriaa from passing and attacking the tovro capo dlstrias aware of ihe determined conduct of ihij old admiral with a russian frigate and twobrigs blocked tbe port and prevent ed the hellas from putting to sea the greek seeing his plan thus frustrated sent all his crew back to hydra and told the kucsiao admiral that if he attempted to fire at the hellas or any other ship ia the har bor he would blow them all up the rus sian admiral treated this as an idle threat but the next dy while tbey were at pray ers the corvette blew op and before the russian admiral had time to get upoo deck hellas shared a similar fate admiral mi aulis managed to make his escape back to hydra but very nearly lost his life in the attempt the rufliiant lust i killed and had23 wounded- half the towo is burned down qod the harbour u covered with the floating wreck the french admiral ri suggest that il has tho right and the power to exercise tho law o relation we can make reprisals upon some of his majestys liege subjectsand they contend that we should forthwith arrest some of them say twice as many as there are of our citizens confined at fredericktown and imprison them till the americans are released the matter is now in a very perplex ing situation and it is very difficult to decide what course this state ought to pursue that the general government has been guilty of a gross negligence in relation to the subject seems now to be pretty generally admitted it is stated otice the stockholders in the steamboat william the fourth are requested to pay into the hands of the subscriber on or before the first day of december next a fur ther instalment of twenty percent on each share john mcdonald n the argus we suppose on the autho rity of judge preble that in january last the british government officially but secretly made known to the king ofthe netherlands its entire satisfac tion with his deeision and that for more than six months the government has folded up its arms and preserved an unbroken silence gananoque slst oct 1831 montreal gazette the proprietors of the monhval gazette announce their in tendon of having a competent person resign in quebec attending upon the provin cial legislature and reporting the de bates in both houses as far as circu stances will permit a prompt and de tailed account of all the public docu ments before the house will also be regularly furnished intendingsub ers will find it to their advantage to make an early application so as to have their file ofthe debates perfect fttm the opening ofthe session tho afbn- treal gazette is now published three times a week tuesdays thurady and saturdays at the moderate fat of 25s per annum postage included montreal gazette office farm to sell o be sold the west half of corner lot no if in the fifth concession of pittsbuig mntaining 100 acres of land 14 of whnh are cleat ed and well seeded down wiuh clover and tymothy on the fairai is a small loghouseand a neverfailing stream of excellent water running past its front the farm is in a very desirable situ ation for either a taverrt or pot ash work lying on the direct road to perth nd in the centre of a thickly settled ountry should the above property not sell to suit the wishes of the proprietor the farm can be let for further parti culars apply to pmcninch kingston oct- 15th 1831 notice the subscribe- is about publishing in pamphlet form a revised stteclum of the letters of one ofthe ptople which re cently appeared in the columns of the kiogston chronicle persons wishing for copies will please leave their names at thi office as soon as aodwuuant james wacfarlattfe kingstort 15th october 1831 u u ii ihickmh uhi 753 21 10 iiiiua hl c ly married ai brockville on the 23d ilt by the rev vv smart mr thomas s buell deputy sheriff of the district of johnstown to miss julia eleanor prevost both of brockville at fort niagara on the 27th ull by the rev thomas cren johnson clench esq son of the late colonel clench of niagara u c to mies eliza whistler daughter of major whisuer of us army commandant of fort niagara in kingston last evening by ihe rev robert mcdowoj mr henry mayo to miss mary whelpley died at brockville on the 17th inslant william jones esq 7k ut 1c e the subscribers to the jli kingston assemblies are request ed to meet at myers hotelan tuesday next at 12 oclock noon for the purpose of making regulations and appointing managers for the ensuing season kin 18 nov 1831 otfstehst the subscriber begs to acquaint the lovers of good oysters that he has just received n quantity of a rich and deliciuus flavor direct from albany james mcdonald october 22d 1831 nov 10th 1831 the rev john waudby 0 the british wesleyan methodists respectfully informs the inhabitant 0 kingston that he intends opening a school in the house lately occupied by mr morio opposite the residence ofthe sheriff j mac lean esq for insifuc- tion in reading writing arithmetic english grammar composition flna geography with ancient and modern history an evening school will be commenc ed on monday the 14th of nov at 6 0 clock p m e7 terms and further particu may be obtained on reference to j p hetherington or any of the gentlemen connected with the british wesleyan chapel kingston november llth 1831 for sale lot no 358 grave street kingston apply to thoeditor of this paper in ttotice the subscriber hav- 21 ing resumed business in kingston as a general commission merchant begs to inform the merchants of upper canada that he has received a pajt of his fall supply of west india prodaco consisting of brown fair and veryfair muscovado sugars leward island and jamaica rum plantation coffee pi- mento hollands gin and cogniac and other brandy all of superior quality also a large supply of cooking and double and single stoves of different patterns the cooking stoves superi orly furnished with tins pot ash kettles sheet iron english glue c he also daily expects a large and ge neral assortment of dry goods crock ery hardware and such goods as will enable hi in to supply many of the mer chants usually resorting to montreal and the whole will be sold urffenn so advantageousas to dispose many of item to get supplied from him and preclude the inconvenience risk and expense at tending the purchase of goods in the lower province upon the arrival of the expected sup ply the subscriber intends to detail the advantages which his establishment here will afford to the upper canada mer chants which the limited time aftorded by the publication of the chronicle to day precludes his doing now a man aran kingston october 15th 1831 wanted drafts on london and british silver for which the highest rate of premium will be given by f a harper kin 22q oct 1831 for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughboro forparticularsen- quireat this office kingston 9th august 1828 due fulfilment of the contract when at ihesame place said proposals will be o- pened and the lowesi accepted provid ed the same be approved of by a majori ty of the commissioners for a plan and specification of the building apply to cither of the undersigned donald atcdonell noah dickins guv c wood george s jarvis philip vankoughnett cornwall 20th sept 1831 government contracts rotlce is hereby given that 1 sealed tenders will be received at ihisoflke uniil 12 oclock ofthe mor ning of monday the 21st november proximo from such persons who may he willing to undertake the furnishing of the following supplies for the use of ihe troops and departments ai kingston and its dependencies from the 1st janu ary next to the 31st december 1832 viz tendc no 1 fresh beef best quality per lb to 2j bjpajlbjuitaiidrlqur do do 3 salt pork mess do do 4 forage rations per ration do 5 charcoal per bushel tho whole of the articles must be of the best quality and the forage rations delivered by the contractor from his magazines which must be situated con veniently for the garrison payments will be made monthly either in british silver or other current coin at the rale of 4s 4d sterling per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at the rate of 100 for every jllol 10s sterling due upon the contracts a supply of biscuit flour pork forage rations and charcoal will be required to be kept in store by the several contractors to answer such de mands as may be made upon them from time to time agreeably to the exigency of the public service each tender must state the price in sterling and nominate two respectable persons as sureties for the faithful per formance of the contracts the terms and conditions of which can be fully ascertained on applying at this office jno hare 4 c g commissariat office kingston 13th oct 1831 t is hereby notified that the staff and departments are to be suppli ed by the beef contractor with their rations of beef eilher from the mar ket house or from one of the most con venient commissariat magazines at kingston c he shareholders of the rideau canal steamboat john by are requested to pay into my hands on or before tho 23d day of november next a sixth instalment of two pounds len shillings currency on each of their respective shares david john smith treasurer kingston 22d oct 1831 jewelry plate ware jackson begs leave to mmf acquaint the ladies andgentie- men of kingston and its vicinity that he has received by the canadian from liverpool a cask and a few caswof jewelry plate plated warefartcy goods4cc which he will open fof inspection on monday the 10th instant his assortment having been selected by experienced hands and in the best and cheapest market he requests the public to call and examine for them selves as he will sell at the lowest pos sible prices r j being now disengaged from the military he tenders his services to the beve line at the bouse formerly occu- edbymr stennet and mr tazewell uccessively adjoining the hardware store of john watkins esq where he hopes from the quality and prices of hi goods and unremitting attention to his customers to merit the public patronage kingston october 8fa 1831 tuinip guns fishing and shooting purchase and he doubts not but that all who honour him with their patronage will find pleasure in recommending their friends to the same treatment and attention they ihemselves shall have received the stabling and other accomodations for horses and carriages are extensive and of the first class and diligent and well approved persons will be constan tly employed to keep them in all res pects ready and applicable to the im mediate use of travellers as soon as it is possible the house will be constantly furnished with the newyork montreal and other provincial papers and the subscriber especially begs to announce that he has already taken means to procure for the benefit of his guests the daily loo- don times as understanding it to be tho most interesting of all the london prints during the season it is his purpose to keep a neer failing supply of the nneii oysters that can be obtained theodore brockett steam boat hotel kingston nov 81b 1831 i 1 i t revised statutes the last sheet of the sta tutes will be put to press on the 29th instant and in about ten days af terwards the work will be ready forde- livery persons who have not sub scribed and arc desirous to obtain a complete edition of the provincial sta- tutes from 1791 to 1831 inclusive will please forward their names without de lay f7 the editors of all the news papers in the province will please give the above one insertion send in their accounts for payment h c thomson jas macfarlane kingston oct 12tb 1831 th e subscribers have just received and offer for sale champaign wine in cases of 3 dot of jolys celebrated brand vidonia wino iubbls of 3 doz bottled in london port and madeira wine in hhdi of very superior quality old jamaica spirits having been on wards of two years in bond best holland gin bourdeauxand cognac brandy twankay hyson kind do common young hyson souchong congou and other teat in boies and chestb sheet iron in boxes window glass 7x9 olive oil in boxes of 1 do each tobacco pipes t d and wax end mus catel kaiin muscovado sugar in hhds and bbli double and single refioed loaf sugar and a variety of other articles daily ex pected io arrive with a general assortment of dry goods c c c which shall be mid uocoromooly low mckni geddes co 22d october 1831 v kingston

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