Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 10, 1831, p. 4

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adieu to scotland land of my koui what meet farewell shmll trembling lips like mine address thee such struggling thoughts my hosam swell that words i scarce ran find to bless thec fume to lli v sons of noble race joy t thy maid olmsilchlriis grace peace to my fathers dwelling place r and health to all that love uico what child of thine may hope tu hirl amid he clime where tale may lead him the virtues dint he leave behind thy truth thy homnir and ihy freedom they shun iho tlloodstoincrl soil of trance in home they sleep in deathlike trance helvetias utniiiitsims knew them once and for lliy sake 111 lovelier yet there cvttl ihcre thy heathclad hill thy clear brown streams the woods that lino them thy fairy lakes shall haunt me mill and mock the buida that would outshine them in vain stall alps invade the sky and rivers roll majestic by and mightier lakes expanded lie- like thine 1 cannot love ibeni sounds too there are as al have known upon the soul resistless stealing from voice of friends the mingled tone of scotias music mirth and feeling oh italy thy matchless heart a moments raptnrc may impart like these it neer can reach he heart from infancy that loved them there is a spot a darling spot whose charms no oilier scenes can borrow whose smiles can cheer the darkest jot can double joy and lighten sorrow through marble halls ill coldly roa m unenviousof the princely dome and from their state my lowly home still more ill learn to love the but for that friend who guides my way that lie which death alone can sever unable or to go or stay my heart would litrcer on for ever but duty calls the sail is set and eyes with friendly tears are wet adieu adieu oh neer forget till i return to love me from the athcmeum mrs sherwood and religious no- velists mrs siikrwood has published oftener than any other femalo writer whoever liv ed ninetythree publications we know of varying 10 size from a tract to the present threevolume novel and in price from two pence to tweutyseveo shillings she has issued a perfect shower of tale forallnges and a complete collection of her works would form a juvenile library her popu larity has been extensive hut peculiar many of her productions have reached nod several have passed their tenth edition some hav been translated into very 1111 muni iftflfmgj there ar few ehiuren aod young people ia the kingdom unac quainted with her writings aod yet her in tellectual reputation is considerable she revolves io aa orbit of her own and is a kind of couuecttng link between what is technically termed the religious world beiug evidently unfamiliar with tho stylo of knowledges that circulates in the latter ood declining to recognize many opinions cliaraetciestic of the former she is an avowed champion of fiction b to keep the balance true n invariably makes it the medium of religious instruction sho has frequently done this iu n highly judicious and affecting manner but sho has done it best io some of bur bit milhilioufi works which were sumo of her first 310 has a great talaet for arranging incidents nod dc bcribiug costume c into the hearts of children she has great insight of vftuog are upborne by a grave pure earuestenthu pbant kraely let hw have dovcukceye let her be an angel let her have a eousiu who s an nngcl ultto and let his name he menry let llifiol grow up as brother and sister let them at lasi find out they arc in love let henry find nut when at college that he is less of an angel lluui he thought and let these he unhappiucss catastrophes am long very long letters for a hundred pages let him return to the beautiful vil- inge and hi beautiful cousin quite peni tent let the vicar he a combination of the twelve apostles give the heads of several of his sermons introduce deathbed scenes both happy aud awful finally let henry lake orders marry and he the vicars cu rate ami ivith cate to make every thing in extremes every body very rich or very poor very good or yery bad very wise or very foolish very beautiful if good aud very ugly if bad be assured you have produced a religious tale we frankly admit there are several excep tions to this description hut the majority are in spirit described by it instruction is rarely interwoven with the fabric of the fiction itself but appended as a fringe and the youug readers cuts it short jo mrs sherwoods m lady of the manor seven volumes of talcs ou confirmation which a circle nf young ladies aro represented as assembled to hear every tale is closod with prayer and discussion which the young ladies io the hook join in but winch the majority of young ladies out of the look will pass over how good it is of the people who writes books said a little boy to his mother how good it is of them to put moral in large letters to show you what to skip this is a fact aud we suspect that many not children are of much the same mind unless the delinea tions of character and circrnsianco be stii- king and instructive do moralizing will make them so thero wauls a cumprom ise betwceo the two great parties of wri ters of fiction those who systemati illy in troduce religion and thoo who systemati cally avoid it one should become aware that to introduce it ou petty occasions aod to endeavour to ground excitoment upoo it is trifling and tho other might learn with advantage that to stop short of in troducing it on great occasions is irreve rent neglect a neglect too that very often uj tires the literary vahjc of a work- we should not think very highly of that per sons taste who would expunge tho con flicts of andrew liell from mr galtv lawrie todd j or the presbytery sceoe from the heart of mid lothian or uececca from ivanhoe yetchristiao principle either jo a slate of conflict or tri umph is the mainspring of all works of fiction that aspire to a high raok must not appeal to ephemeral tastes but endu ring principles they must auchor in the deep places of tho heart if they aspire to any thing beyond amusing for the sea son fiction might and perhaps one day will be mado a powerful engine iu the a- melioration as well as entoriaioment of so ciety but it will not be by embodying a sermon io every chapter mill less by ma king worldliness however disguised and painted the foundation of the readers in terest our literature already possesses some tale nod novels that without pro fessing theology make high appeals to the noblest of our faculties to tho poetry dwel ling in our hearts that are not satisfied to amuse idleness or find wit for malice but set in three minutes after the accident his ryes were then red his lips swollen and quivering he said he should die and was in ihe act of foiling when he was assisted to bod in ten lutnutcs afterwards every muscle in the system appeared affected with a twitching which continued until he died vomiting com menced in ten minutes after the acci dent and coniinuod for an hour no pulse was disco voted after lliirty min utes from the lime the occurrence took place he appeared to he sensible nf all that was passing until about two hours before his death at which time his breath became more difficult which t ii f subscribers he leave to re turn thanks to their i irffllti and the public- nf kingston nnrf vicinity fur the encouragement liicy have sepa rately received during their residence a- llinilgst them they also wish to inform tlicm that they have opened an establishment in quarry street opposite mr- i pren tiss dry good store under the firm of kj3kis 4s lieatiirus ornamental sign carriage sf hwse paint cr utazitft pflperaottgcta swr from their well known abilities and practice in kingston with a determination to be punctual they hope continued to increase until he breathed f moc aj whh ft s 0 p his last lie died in six and a half hours from the time be poisonous fans enter ed ins flesh a melancholy instance of human folly the deceased was a native of frank lin county by trade a tailor about twentyeight years of age without a fa- mil and was much respected by the community in which he lived his last efforts at talking were spent in request ing those around him not to slight the advicp of friends s he had done to view the situation that he was then in and never handle a snake no occurrence that we ever witness ed wrought more powerfully on our feelings the recollection of it even at this tirnc strikes us with terror it is in deed a melancholy instance of the un certainty of huniiin existence specta tor two ladies ofilisiinciion stopped in a carriage at a jewellers near charing cross london one of them only got out and the coach stood across the path way which some gentlemen wanted to cross to the othct side aud desired the coachman to move on a little the fel low was surly and refused he gentle men remonstrated bet in vain during he altercation tho lady came to the shop door and foolishly ordered her coachman not to stir from his place on this out of the gentlemen opened the coach door and with boots and spurs stepped through the carriage he was followed by his companion to the great discomposure of the ladv within as well as the lady without to complete rhe jest a party of sailors coming up obser ved that m if this was a thorough fare they hd as much right to it us the gem- men n and accordingly scrambled through the caniagc from a discerning and generous public jas kerk joseph hkatiieus kingston may 4tli 1ssi notice marmora foundry companv n conformity to tho act incorporat ing this company a subscription book is now open at the office ol thus kirkkpatrick kingston hiih may 1c3k notice xjja notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frederick kklerare to be settled with j h samson admr d 24th dec 1s2s 1lliam johnson barber and hatrdrcsser nextdoor to q london tavern tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public frr the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business aod he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance ol the public patro nage kingston solh may 1 829 siasm upon fiction of tb which satire takes no hold s order demands the service of a miodand heart though sensitive yet io the weakest part heroically fashioned may tho uumhershe increased if obliged to state that kotobcl is a fool ish book we do not the less recotiize mrs sherwoods abilitv aud excellence aud abmilil itn flurry hi fmgf tbp vtx hllikf instances iu which sho has done tho juve nile stato great service if she had not formerly written so much sho would not have written badly now people she knows less and about men and women she knows nothing- llcrdcserip lions of the world are frequently unnatural and her sketches of character shadowy and uuimpressive her good peoplo aro cardinal virtues with christian aud sur names her had pisoplo are vices with christiau and surnames also and the good and bad alike make long speeches nearly thesaratiio point of contraction jh in goldsmiths company ufplftyern komoou coat serves when turned for alcrcutio she waatsdiscrimiuniion and variety and ivould bo improved by a more exteonvo acquaintauce with tho books thiugs aud persons around her if a landscape be looked at through a blue glass it wit ap pear blue but if the hue of tho glass ho changed to yellow tho landscape is none the nearer appearing natural very nearly all the religious novelists with mrs sher wood at their head are wanting 11 truth of portraiture they put forth opinions des cribe situations dispose events iuto plots but they only paint in body colour their characters aro persons not th characters cidents bound together by staremeots ofior court visited on tuesday morning religious seutimcut hveo religion itself he house occupied by mr j fo the is seldom treated with adequate dignity purpose of seeing what was to us a natu- at a church where here was a call for a minister two candidates appealed whoe names wvre adam and low the hitter preached an elegant dis course from the text u adam where art ihou in the afternoon adam preached from those words lo here am ir wanted drafts on london and british silver for which the ighest rate of premium the rattle snake mtlton n c nov 22 melancholy occurrence most of our readers have doubtless seen the account published in our paper o the 2d inst of a rattle snake in the keeping of mr john ii bobbit at person court mouse du ring the last week the editor of this pa- rperim8pcrin company with several rcspecta- their tales are bundles of in- 1 blc gentlemen attending person supert ax that mighty agent which whilo it works in the heart works aud shows its fruits in perfect accordance with the natural bent of the human beiug as capable of miogliog with all the powers of the iniod as consist ing less io the adoption of a new opiniou than in discerning the amazing scope af forded for tho dcvcloperaent of a well- koowo but neglected principle kemem ber thy creator very many of these re ligious tales and novels are badly written even iu point of composition either florid enough to remain one of the frouch mar chioness who fancied prayer acceptable in proportion to the fine words employed or so bare aod meagre so intellectually bitten that one wishes iho wri- ral curiosity mrcobbil willing 10 gra tify us took the reptile out of the cage with his hand aud held it by the neck on account of the approach of cold wea ther it had almost at rived at its torpid stato and appeared quite docile which will be given by t a uarpuk kingston 221 oct 1831 for sake hoi no 17 in the ninth concession of ilic town ship ofloughlioro for particulars en quire at tins office amcslon ttl august 1s2s for sale lot no 35s in grave street kingston apply to the editor of this paper b s p a k m e n t i f ix oilers for jtjl sale at the horticultural botan- garden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a fine collection otihe most desirahle kinds of table and wine crapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection of jlonthly and hardy rose print ed directions for planting are iurilisued to purchasers mr james mncfarlane eilr of this paper will receive orders for fruit and or namental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will he carefully pack ed aud forwarded without the slightest de- t till pko vinci alstatutes he undci signed beg i inform tho public that their kevisod edi tion of the provincial statutes will be teady on or about the 1st of november next it will contain all the british eaws which relate particularly to the ganadas the ordinances of quebec proclamations issued by lord dochesier and g over dor simcrtc and the whole rl the provincial statutes now in lorcc fiom tlie year 1792 to 1831 inclusive with such notes of relcrcnce as circum stances appeared to require and a most copious index in preparing the work for the press the utmost attention has been paid lo quarto correctness tho paper is of the best octavo quality and the publishets trust lint its typographical execution will equal if not surpass that of any work ever pub lished in canada none but the most competent printers being engaged in the office from which it is to issue it may not he amiss to add that all persons who subscribe for this edition will be annuity furnished with the suc ceeding provincial enactments at a mo derate price and printed in the tame form as the work now in the press h c thomson james macfarlane kingston june 14 1ss1 book blnilnfi establishment at the kingston chronicle offcf the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book- hinder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when hooks are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding is calf folio full bornd mented in ca 1 21110 itjiuo do do do do do do do do if orna- 1 0 0 0 0 u u 1g 5 y i it o u half binding in calf folio half bound mentcd quarto octavo l2mo ldmo do do do do and iijl- do do do do 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 i i binding in sheep t lay post catalogues can be obtained k paid in the office of the chronicle reference joho macau lay john kirby john marks stephen vai wood allan melcau esquires 24th march 1831 i r it may be prnpei to meotion that the oecessary directions will be sent along with the different trees us to the man- tier nf treating them tree received iu the fall can he safely buried in the ground until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any injury rom the frost provided that they arc entirely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will he received and care shall be taken that several orders will be mado up iuto ouo pafkago with a view to save the expense of criage the subscriber having been appointed agcdl in this province for lrs- parmen- tier is now ready i ici mucia blv to the above advertisement james macfarlane kingston 2ith march 1831 ivt hooks for sale he following books are for sale at the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of 7 he history of the jeus from the ear liest period to tho present time by the rev ii ii milman in 3 vols 18 tno illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon jiannapartc cy j g lockiiapt esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2d london edition 3 vols is mo life of nelson by robert soutii- ey esq with a portrait the lift of alexander the great by the rev j williams with a map natural history nf insects illus trated by numerous engravings ih mo the life of lord byron by john gait esq is mo the life of moh amine ft founder of the rolicion of islam and of the em- 1 pire of the saracens by me kev george bush a m willi a plate is mo letters on demonology and witch- raftc by sir waller scott bart 18 mo with a plate ffittory of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols is mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions with illustrations of their climatcoe- ology and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and hugh jlurray esq with maps c 18 mo life and times of george 7k with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george crolv willi a portrait is mo new andimpioved edition narrative of discovery and adven- tare in africa from the earliest ages to the present time with illustra tions of the geology jliueralogy and folio full mented quarto octavo isuioi 81 mo hound aud orua- 0 i do do do do do do do do it 0 u i 3 0 3 s g 4 3 8 also ledger blauk work and hiding to any size or pattern for port folio aud fancy binding separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13ib april 1829 new stereotype k- dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber has in ihe p ress ui extensive second edi tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from the 32slh london edition a ix is27 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the milts of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give iu ihcir names wiheut delay jas macfarlane kinrston 22d mav 1s30 c lofpeuplate plfikss a iirsi rate copt krplate piiminj press lias just been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will he primed and all oilier copper- plate wort pei formed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable i uitih cards for sule at ihe chronicle oil 24th 1ss0 the hoard of education for the johnstotm district give notice hat from the present time it if their intention strictly to enforce lie t regulation made some years hack iy which the use of american honks in teaching is prohihited and the masters nra alt khfum- this mvcierai disease which has long baffled the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found n sovereign remedy in dr i a granges genuine ointment few cutaneous diseases are met with morore- uctnncchy the physician uone in which he is so universally uusu ccssful this ointment has stood the tcstcof experience webster bcs most rcs- o peclively to inform the inha bitants nf kingston and its vicity that he has just returned from london with a stock of cloths cassimcrcs and vest ing of the piost fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the most nn- ii iii and tustlv ohtained an unparalleled ccle- proved and latest patterns aud having rily it imrn amoves the scabs the vessel so ginal colour and 0 execute orders for loathing at ex- smoothness numerousrecommc ndatioos cceding low prices and begs so assure might he ohtaiucd of iir superior efficacy gentlemen entrusting him with their hut the proprietor chose that a fau trial orders that thev shall be cxccutcuagrec- should be uaontywinmeptator uhwin l i 1 z a three or four weeks cured cases ol fifteen le l i ami bmtljn hat had re- iirsi style ot worknianslnik at iliesanic r u t lirity it immediately rem succcdpi in makupnrclinsesat somelgive a healthy action to ol ilio first ostabushments he is enabled the skin and its orieina al liunrr ter3 mind a full meal of ktigluh the higher faculties are rarely hrought iolo ac tion either iu the work of producing or ajv- preciatiiir thought is passive and imagi nation dormant no new light is shed upoo old truths ho ivho has rend eleven of these tales may iftolcrablo quick of apprehen sion confidently undertake to write ihe twelfth nothing hein needful hut a kaleid oscopic change of incident lm tho re he a fair meek womau whoso hushund i dead let her fall into consumption aud die com mending her infant to the cure of a friend or lister let the bister or fricod ho vcrv perfect too and livo in ftvillflfgo givo si long history of every person ami thins in tho vi del uml asc frequently episodes couccruins dioglcd near tho vilhigc and nior than one description of rural festivities held in vcoutti of them have a air proportion of delightful oltl ivnmen ftooil children and stuhbura people of middio ngcsj introduce a great many schcmu make numerous re- flietions let yourrpadior chsirhcci have fitifoutntuoicatino with thoworfd atlare iim1 nlliird no pimif thai there 9xuli such a thin a sc06fitl luijrutatiuns m1i the or shop and found him in great agony tuis was near sunset before mid night mr i was a corpse vc are indebted to a kind friend who was one of lire attending physicians for the following particulars of this melan choly affair 41 the deceased was not bitten by the snake as was at first supposed by those who wore not present he told our infor mant at the time when his month and tongue were so much swollen that he could scarceh snake did who were present say thiil mr i the snake out showing t to them hold ing it in bis lutt i hat by an effort of the snake to draw his head hack one of hn fanjs came in rontact with one of mr bs forefingers about half an inch i low the upper joint lie dropped iho snake but iinincdiatclv picked it up put it in the iaje and commenced sticking the wound a pby- merit a naval and military uniforms i o g v has made airaninienls wth mm of ihe drst houses to supply him willi he latest fashions kingston uk ifreemher 1630 ren simcd the power of evnrv remedy thai was lime he beirs to return his sincere i hanks tricc xt not only at nnco rives immedi to his ft iends and the public for thesup- ate relief in snlt rheum but eurcs bv the keeper was mistaken for tame- p lias received for the last niuclcnpta commonly railed scald head ness alter having been cautioned by ys nd it will always ho bis study io and all scabby eruptions peculiar tot one of tho company of he danger to erit a continuance of their favours- which lie was exposing himself we ifi him in the evening standing not far from the shop of mr bobbit the editor was informed that the snake bad bitten its keeper in a few minutes we went to mr us il eallhy child 15 there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it mid it may be used on infants or others under auv circumstances whatever price one dolhir per bottle for sale by wm biidev kingston lohn musmmi uuehecand ccorge bent mon- the jaxsiojf 2iouski trail side bsotfii the subscriber kinston gent for hie cauadas ufiijttlt 182 is extensive ami well bdt has now opened a accommodation of tli having vented ti known vsiablishu thesatnb for tho public the mansion house is pleasantly ritual ed ou stare street beiug the principal and lltftjoguaphy from oimiiiliin sionc ill subscribe begs io announce lo ilu public lli cslublislimcnt of t uitiograpiiic rrosq in kingsion by nosl chira1 street in kingsioo ami uo ilio name ol william iv press where establishment of die kind in the province will be cecuiel all kinds of work 90- can surpass it in the excellence and comfort phcnblo io that useful yr such as maps l m l lil vi circulm music head- inns of merchants uill and steain uoat notices with the skoich of the boat i vernl y has acquired experience j reqmt ed jhunk uciuand memorials it to tliem hold- that im ami he trusts that with nine- funeral noiiccs om with sult- hand rather loosely initio intention m ihe comforts of his i able omblcms dills of exchange c rcelv orticulalc 4i ilio rooms j nil ol wja is ii i it i ntm i msitcii ihe vcrv wt style not uoiunleiiiiuiiullv j hose j i i humnocr liaviii- kept iic which tavc rur- fiir llitc lnrjc icion was riilliul i i i a llw lllmm iiucsw ti u in merit a shnro of ihe pill parrvnsie in rp of the mnnstan honsc is a vnrtliii which lltcro h an cxtousive nutl rninnni rany nf malilcs sititl where n iivrrv siftltle will ho coiisihuiiv kept lor thoucui of iho puhlie s oaiouno ou itli oitobcr c30- c- c- prrsons ftnntinj any kind ol copies ol their own bond tvriting will he mipplicd with prcpari j paper and che mical ink fbi ihal purpose s o ta2e1veu n h- cricatihs printed by the urh h illmill supplied zoology by professor jameson i nucemeni of school iu die iborniug auu ray esq willi a map and wood en gravings is mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq- i- 3 vols 18 mo wilh portraits directed to confine themselves to such works of elementary instruction as are compiled bv british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may he obtained by each muster whose cerrifi- cates have passed the hoard ou applica tion to dr huhhell that the compliance of the school masters is desired wilh a former regulation enjoining the use of prayers at the com- tl a form adapted to corral we may be found iu mavors spellinghook and i re- 1 commended for thiptirpuu by the hoard printed forms for the quarterly certifi- j cates to be signed by two trustees may he had on application to aditt sherwood esq history of chivalry and the cm brfckvil jul mit sades by g r james esq lsmo with a plate quaruystreet mary queen of scotsin 2 vols by yearly apposite mr prentiss store g jbctt rwtlk subscriber beys leave to inform the continuation of the family libra- a inhabitants of kington and ry will be regularly received at the chro nicle office immediately as the volumes t its vicinity thai she hill lately arrived from england and commenced husincds iu the are issued from the pr th of the alessrs harpers of new york ess tu render the family lihrary still more worthy of patronage the publishers pro pose incorporating in it such works ofiu- stere and value as may appear iu theva- uriost libraries aud miscellanies now pre paring in europe particularly the m na tional aod the edinburgh cabinet libraries all these productions as they emanate from the press will be submitted to a committee of literary gentlemen for inspection and none will be reprinted tui such as shall be found calculated to sustain the exalted character which this library has already acquired following line leghorn bonnet made to any pattern old ones stovd and altered chi itoooets made cleand c the fatcst english fashion and on reason able terms a haldenby p straw ccording to collin also bourricnnei private memoirs of xapo icon sketches of naval life wilh notices oj men manners and scenery on the shores of the mediterranean with maps by a ci vilian annals of the peninsular campaigns by the author of cyril thorntoo correspondence of admiral wood with memoirs of his life a year in spain by a young american berthas visit to her uncle iu england the grooms oracle and pocket stable directory- lawrence on the horse the boston revised edition of the wa- vcrley novels with plates the heiress of bruges a novel by t c grattao maxwell a novel by the author of sayings and doings the barony a novel by miss aooa maria porter the tidbit a roidtnuc the kingston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by jaws macpahlaxe at liis utficc in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpence per annum sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six line ami under 2s gd first insertion and and 4 each subsequent insertion ten line and i under 3f 4d first insertion and lod each sub- 1 sequent insertion above ten lines jd per linfr for the first inaeriion and id per line for every gubscqnent insertion- advertisements without written directions in eetted till forbid ami charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to b j in writing and delivered by wedxe4daf noom jftt the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock i on the day uf publication i jcr produce received in payment at the mar kct price agents john bigndl ksq quebec david chislmbne krq three hirers andrew portcous ksq jw treat james mcintosh ksij lmeusttr john cameron emj lotkitl rcunu esq comtetttl gcore browse ksq jihitittta alpheus jone eq iwsctt henry jones fsj brochiltt josiah taylnr esq perth hwhltraanht eq rxchmmt j k ilrtwell eq bastand hcs8 c j minnald gananque john dean esq dath allan mcpherson eq jtapane tho parker esq btitviltc joseph a keeli r esq cramahe james g licthuue tm htimtitoit david smart eq port hope william allan esq york daniel hos eq vittritu john b mrs brav 1 rovkei esq ftlfwiivy j 1- aftf ctlttftfti biicr fq gilbert eq tftttytutvietk a i ffri 7 tf i

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