Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 17, 1831, p. 4

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f m from the edinburgh literary journal to a jewess of altona tho following fragment by tho plea- tares of hope has never so far rs we are aware appeared in prior except in the pa get of tho i4 south african journal a ma- jjazioe commenced nl capo town in is24 by air thomas pringle of which only one or two uumhers appeared oh judith had our lot heen cast in that remote and simple lime when shepherd swains thy fathers passd from dreary wilds and deserts vast to juuabe happy clime mj iftng upon the mouotain rock had echoed oft thy rural charms and i had fed thy fathers flocks oh judith of the raven locks to win thee to my arms our tent beside the mormur calm of jordan grassyvested shore had sought the shadow of the palm and blest irilh gileads holy balm our hospitable door at falling night or ruby dawn or yellow moonlights welcome cool with health and gladuess we had drawo from silver fouotain on the lawo our pitcher brimming full now sweet to us at sober hours the bird of salern would have flung in oraoge or in almond bowers fresh with the bloom of many flowers like thee for ever young but ah my love thy fathers land- it sheds no more a spicy bloom nor 611s with fruit the reapers hand i but wide the silent wild expand a desert and a tomb yet by the jood and golden hours that dawitm those rosy fields among by zioos palmencircled towers by salems farforsaken bowers anil lungforgnitcn song ii hnuimtikitmit cklhlltla uiiluilfivi an episode of real life i am sure cleaveland you have been as tonished at tny sileuce and i cauoot ray that either amusement or occupation has witheld me from performing tho chief du ty and pleasure of niy existence one en tire aud absorbing interest has lately taken possession of my whole soul and as it were nil my powers into itself it has been said that love is the business of womans life but only aneptsopk in that of man though my youth has sobered into manhood and manhood is gliding imperceptibly into old ura yet one episode if sol must call it of my early days has been treasured up with but too faithful arcinetnbrauco jude then my chosen friend my second self in ell except the weakness of my nature what my feelings must have been some weeks ago when ghastly and attenua ted being who leaned his head languidly on the velvet lining nf a splenpid landau 03 it crept along pall mall 1 recokofsfd the once handsome and animated ii an uncontrollable impulse led me to remain near the door of the united service club which he was about to enter his tremb ling frame was supported at either side by two footmen as he asceuded rite steps good god how painfully altered he ap peared his cheeks yellow aud wrinkled his teeth fur his bluish lips parted over them as he endeavoured to inhale the fine breeze of an april morning were broken nnd decayed bis eyes onco so brilliant black and penetrating darling and catch ing light now were sunken and changed both in colour and size and unmeaningly ttrayecl from object to object it was only when their dulncss rested upon me that any thing like a feeling of life passed over his countenance then he paused pressed the servants arm with his gloved hands and raised himself to hisfull height as he peered into my face with a wandering undefined expression of dread and uncer years of worldly prosperity of mental nn- cuishanguish anguish be repeated in i low and monotonous voictlrol sounded like a death wale anguish more than ihot years of feelings that have render cd this inwrtttl and he struck it with i clenched band a living nod eternal bell what could i say cleaveland t hm ynu seen him at that moment as i did you would have forgotten the injuries he heaped upon your friend in witnessing the misery be eadurcd you could not have looked upon nnd not have pitied him tell me be continued reading doubt- les ihe softened expression of my coun tenance fur you must remember how fa tally skilled he was in every movement of the human face ns well as in every wind ing of tho human heariiell me vhere they have burled her v little as i bad anticipated luch a question flt it was one that he ought to ask and without fal tering replied a small black marble urn supported nn a slight pedestal in the south corner to obi windsor churchyard mark the spot it is near the vault of her ancestors who be inquired who raised the tablet v 1 did he gazed cleaveland as if inlo my very soul and then muttered in an under tone m hiaek why made ynu it of black marble she was pure as gods own light 1 ought to koow it best aud i say it and why did they exclude her from tho vault was her flesh less fair than theirs 11 after one of those distressing pauses which come when the mind is too lull fur utterance he cootinucd leydeu you are not changed us i expected your brow is smoother than mine though you are an older man aud thero is a look of peace inward peace about strange that alter an absenco of twenty years you were the first of my old acquaintances to meet me you whom 1 would have most avoided and yet most wished to see there is only one other there is no other i interrupted her father died hrokenhearrrd within a year after her fatal net was known cleaveland i caunnt describe to you the shudder that passed through bis frame as i ivirv4i tftiwht imtt4ia h i iiiiiyt t n- vitlsion and sensible of tho hideous effect it produced he covered his fare with his hnnds while bis limbs quivered as ifin mortal agony when the paroxysm had subsided i collected myself sufficiently tu say that having communicated the infor mation he seemed so anxious to obtain i would now leave him sincerely hoping that he might experience a return of the tran quility be had inst he raised his eyes in mine and though they iostaotly sank to the earth in that one look there was more of despair more of hopelessness than 1 ever beheld conveyed by human expression there is something like it in a picture i once saw but cannot remember where that re presented in fearful reality the betrayer u his saviour flinging back to its purcha sers the price of bis masters blood me then rung tho bell nnd with forced composure inquired my address i pre sented my card aud bo bowed with some what of his once courtly air as ihe servant couducted me to the door to beconlinved w otce the subscriber ittv- i resumed business in kingston is i geifml commission merchant bcg3 lo ink l wcrcliihilsof upper clin ail a tl- li hw received a pail ol bis fiill supply of vesi india produce consisting brown fair and very fair mnscoviid sugars lewaid island and jamaica r- p ltnf sition coffee pi mento hollands gin and cogniac and other brandy all of superior quality also a lagc supply of cookinj hfld double and single stoves ol different patterns ne cooking stoves superi- orly furnmed with tins pot ash ketiles slcel iron english glue c he ulsodnily expects a large and ge neral assdiwmhofdry goods crock or hard and such goods as will enable hin losupply many of ihe mer chants usrthy resorting to montreal and the wbole will he sold on terms so sidviinlngc dispose many of ilicm loet supplied from him and preclude the incongruence risk and expense at tending tke purchase of goods in the lower piovincc upon ipe airival of the expected sup ply the subscriber intends to detail the advantages which his establishment here will afford to the upper canada mer chants wfich the limited time affoided by the publication of the chronicle to day dtecwdes his doing now a manahan kintrstit october 15ih 1831 to 1et nl possession ghvn immediately lots no 13 and 14 in he 5ih concession of pitts burg on ihe leading road to penh and 12 miles tiom kingston containing sso acres wiih 100 acres of cleared land on the premises is a superior two sto ry log house wiih the other houses necessary to complete a farm it al so in an excellent situation for a ta vern the t aiming iocl together wuli the present large crop can be given by approved security the tevn of lease is such that it can be taken from one to ten years further particulars can be obtained from mr joseph bruce merchant kingston ti to the proprietor on the premises t painting subscribers he leave to the r ur lurn thanks io their iriemt i re- iml blic of kingston and vicinity for the encouragement they have sepa rately received during their residence a- inonjst them they also wish to inform them that lliey have opened an ksiablishmenl in quarry street opposite mr u pren tiss drv good store under the fiimof ke1m1 heatueh6 ornamtntut sign curtiugt sf house paint ers glaztsra paptfhqhgtrs ic c from iheir wtfh known abilities and practice in kingston wiili a deicrtuinatinn to he punctual they hope to meet still with a slimo of pationae from a discerning nnd eencrous public jas krrit josepu heathers kingston may 4tl 13 ncfflebt marmora lolndky company n conformity t tho act iacnrponil t offers for aile at lor cash or sliorl i john layer y piitsbur september fill 1831 t begs to the public he subscriber respectfully leave io announce ilint lie has in ken the house lately occupied by mr thomas bimloid known as the slcail boat hotel but boiler by ihe com fori it conferred on travellers under his respectable management and hopes by i5srduity and aitenirnn lo preserve tuf excellent cstahlishment in full repula- tiiontuid credit to this end every possible earn will be taken lo provide all tilings conducive io comfort of the best that money can purchase and he doubts not but that all who honour him with lhcr patronage will find ploisuie in recommendins motkal gazctte the proprietors of the montreal gaxtttt announce then intention of having ti competent person resident in quebec attending upon the provin cial legisliiuip and reporting tiie de bates in ifrtli houses as far as circum- stances wijt permit a prompt nnd de tailed account of all the public docu ments before the house will also be regularly furnished intending subscri- ers will find it lo their advantage to make an farly application so as to have their file of the debates perfect from the opening of ihe session the jtfi- trcat gazette is now published three limes a week tuesrays thursdays and saturdays ai the moderate rale of 23s per annum postage included mantrttt gazette ojfia nov 10th 1831 f ng tins company a bulcriptiuu book is now open at the office of thus khikkiatiuck kington i jhn yj l notice 4ll notes or accounts duo lo ilie estate of the jale frederick klelrarc to be settled with j h samson admr brllvile 24th per 1s28 william johnson darber anil ilnirdicsser nexuloor to hc london tavern t lenders his grateful acknowledgements o the public nf ihe liberal support he has met wiili since he commenced business and ho hopes by close attention and industry lo ine- lit a continuance ol ihe public putro- nape kingslon 30th may 1s29 us f aumicntiernlnt tlbi sale at the hoi iiculiuial ootan- oaioen l t f v 1 j l 1 um uitius from new york a line collection of ihe moat desirable kinds of table and wine crapes iears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection of monthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished lo purchasers mr james macfarlane editor of his paper will receive orders for fruit aod or namental trees from her collection mis p will make arrangements that whatever u ordered from liim will he carefully park ed aud forwarded without ihe slightest de- lay subscriber iv low rates improved credit m tieices and 250 carrels of mus covado sugar si puncheons and 30 hhds of high ly llavoied and strong proof jamaica it u in iu hurrels nf fust quality plantation coflec 20 bags of pimento 2 pipe of best holland cin 2 pipes chaiantie brandy he has also nn hand 20 cooking stove sofa new and highly admired pattern well furnished with tin utensils ico boxes olsheet lion so boxes of t i pipes 10 groce each 10 bands of best english glue 1 cwt each lie is daily expecting a large supply of superior wines of different descrip tions and an exienive consignment of stoves single and double of potash and sugar kettles and hollow ware all of which will be disposed of at the mon treal prices the transport front thence simply added a manahan- 13 1331 book binding establishment at the kingston chronicle office the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his ollicc with neatness and des patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the price when hooks are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the single volume binding in calf folio full bouod in en if orna- 1 i o 0 mented m quarto do do 0 10 0 ocmvot do do 0 5 0 12ino do do 0 3 0 w idmo do do 0 3 0 half binding in calf folio half bouud nod orua- j q 17 mented kingston oct m mil he vmraxted drafts on london ww british silver for which highest rate of premium will he given ly f a harper k 28 oct 183l for s ale- lot nottos in grave street kingston ay ifituc- ecliidi ol this pppe catalogues enn he obtni lira post neil emus paid it uic ollicoof ihe chronicle jteftrenct john micauly john kiihy john rlnrks stephen varuood allan mcleau esquires 24th mnrclu 1831 n- b it may he proper iu incoiinn that the necessary directions willl tnj sent along w ith the ditrercnt tree ns u the man- uer hftraatluf them trees received in the fall cao tie safely huricd in tho ground until the spring when ihey can he phinted uithout receiving any injury from tliefhui provided that they are entirely covered branches and all tvithearili the smallest order wiil he received and care shall he taken that several nnlers w ill hft wwde up tfftp pcc tfl view to save tlir expense iifrarriue- the subscriber havtn been appuntcd aont io ibis province for mrs pannen- tier is now ready to receive orders bly io the above advertisement james macfarlane 24tb marrhi83l tgrcea- klnff8ion taioty tbilwm the aciion of a moment uieir mhosnmo rcalmcnt and his grasp relaxed nnd he proceeded up attention they themselves shall have the staircase wiih ihe same restless nud ho- 1 received trildered air my henrr ached within me at the full tile of recollections that rushed upon it i literally gasped for breath and involuntarily hastened towards tho park eager to escape from tho vision that you g webstkr begs most n-s- lw pnctlvely to inform ilm inha- trill readily believe mv ifnaxinauoa conju- i he stabling and other accomodations a stjck of cioflis cassine lor norscs and carnugns arc exlcnsivo nnl of the first class and diligent and well approved persons will bu constan tly employed to keep them innllres- rd up at thi strange meeting i ivnlkeil p 0iml applicable lo the im- rapidly onward as if memory conlil bft f wjinlo oje of travellers obliterated by violence of motion it was i so is pssillo the house wilj ouly natural io suppose that be would re- j hoconstauilyfuroished uitb the new- york turn to his native land iu ihe eveniqs of mnnlreal and oilier provincial papers and his days to enjoy the riches and repuiaii- 1 l sttbfcriber especially begs to announce 1 ntlemen eottusting liim with their od his fcrtuno and his cnurase hnl aequi- ne tiken mean to procure orders that they shall be executed agree- bitants of kingston and its vicity thai he has just returned from london wuli res and vest- ings of the most fashionable colours and of the finest qualities together with an assortment of buttons of the most ap proved and latest patterns and having succcded in making purchases at some of the first establishments he is enabled to execute orders for cloathing at ex ceeding low prices and begs so assure s o twin persouifica- red enjoy his appearance forhado the den thai he could now enjoy any thin nod 1 could not straoge as it may seem avoid repoatiog to myself why is ho again hero t he had sullicienuy trium phed over me before his departure he hud woo golden opinions in that rich land where slavery and magnificence are born and he looked the very tinn of those twuevjft hiffrome worn and degraded as slavery itself his garniture the extravagance of luxury i had scarcely turned the corner of st jamess wheo a powdered menial arrested my sieps and ptliiely enquired if my name was uot ley- lieu i replied in the affirmative aod he requested that i would accompany him back to the doited service club h bis master wished particularly to ce me i retraced my path and was shown into a btivate room at the upper end of which sat or rather reclined upon a sofa oo entering i felt a chilliness steal over my frame as if tho atmosphere i breathed was tainted as i approached he endeavoured to stand up but tho effort wasupailin nod while extending his hamirie buried his face in the cushions that supported him for maoy minuiea we were bulb silcut hut though uu breath came quickly aud heavily and though when ho did speak his delivery was slow and broken yet he wa the first who acquired self possession cooueh to articulate years have pnssed mr leyden he eommenred since we have looked upon each other- i could oot reply ami a long and painful pause eotued sudden ly starting from his scat nritfo more energy than i imagined he possessed he exeiaitn ed ytlt sir j yart c8 ftswd- ti for the benefit of his guests the paily lon don times as understanding it to ho the mst ioterestiogof alt tho london prints during the season il is his purpe to keep a never failing supply of the finest oysters thai can he obtained tiikonoreurockett steam boat hotel kingston nov 8th 1831 v- aluaclefarm for sale on luttsonablo terms thai bfaii- llful farm ou the roftj loading to jsaih anil miles from kingston iho properly of bofl iniely nocupieil by the subsciifier consifttiug ofatiaut 100 acres of excellent lnntl ilie must of which is n a hieh state of cultivation there is limit on iho pre mises a nrtsa ami commodious dwelling i lmsf almost new uith extensive shnu anl other outhouses altogether forming w most ciimforrahle estahlishmcut for a rei- pectahle family tho whole front ct the lol is fenced uith a substantial stoue vvall 5j feet iiish there aro two living springs of excellent water oo tho premises and several hearing fruit trees for further particulars apply either ni ihi ollicc or to tho subscriber iu if tore street kingston di xcan vwalst1ne kiotnni1si oct lett able to the present fashions and in the first style of workmanship at the same time ho begs to return liissincero thanks lo his friends and the public for thesup port he has received for the last nine years and it will always be his study io merit a continuance of their favours naval and military uniforms p g w has made arrangments with one of the first houses to supply him with the latest fashions kinttjtn ath drcrmher 1830 t i t alt imieum this invetoral disease which has long ha med the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la grunges genuine ointment few cutaneous diseases aro met with morere- uetanceby tho physician none iu which he is so universally unsuccessful this ointment 1ms stood the testcof experience and justly obtained an unparalleled cele brity it immediately removes the scabs give a healthy action to the vessel so the skin aud its original colour and smoothness numcrousrecomme nv latinos might he obtained nf hr superior ellicacv but ihe proprietor chose that a fais trial should he ilsoulv commentator il has in three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had re sisted the power uf every remedy that was tried it not only at oucc gives immedi ate relief iu salt kheum hut cures tinea capitas commonly called scald head and all scabby eruptious peculiar to uu- ealthy children q5 there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained io it and it may be used on infants or others under any circumstances whatever price one dollar per bottle for saluby wm uinley kingston john musson quebec and gcorie kent mon treal sole azat far tho canada kiogstou i lth july 1826 isooks for sale the following cooks are for sale at the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of j he history of the jews from the ear liest peiiod to ilie present time by the rev ii ii mitman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts thv li ft of napohon buonaparte by j g lockllartt esq willi cop perplate rllgrnvlngs from the 2d loudon edition 3 vols 18 mo life of nelson by robert soutii- ev esq willi n poritait iic 2ffc o jtxtimmi tnv cirua by the rev j williams with r map natural history of hneets illus trated by numcious engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by john gait esq is mo the lift of mohammed founder of the religion of islam and of the em pire of the saracens by the rev george bush a m with a plate 18 mo letters on demouology and wieh- rafte by sir walter scott bart 18 mo with a plate yutarjf of the bible by the rev g r oleic- in2 vols 18 mo wiih a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions wiih illustrations of their climalege- ology and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor llie professor jameson and hugh ilurray esq with maps t 18 mo life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of ihe last fifiv years by the rev george croly with a portrait is mo new and imptovid edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the eatliest ages to the present time with illnsira- lions of the ceoloev mineralogy and jzfoolojiv by piofessor jameson james wilson esq and hugh aftrr- ray esq wiih a map and wood en gravings is mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq 1 3 vols is mo with portraits history of chivalry and the cm sades by g 11 james esq is mo with a plaic man queen of scots in 2 vols by g ihll esq the continuation of the family libra ry will he regularly received at the chro nicle office immediately a the volumes lira issued from the pr th of the messrs harpers of new yorkcm tu render the family library still more worthy nf patronage the publishers pro pose incorporating in it such works of iu- stere and value as may appear in iheva- oriost libraries aod miscellanies now pre paring in europe pnrlirularly the na tional and the imlinbnrgh cabinet libraries all these productions as they emanate from the prcsa will he submitted to a committee of literary gentlemen for inspection and none will bo reprinted hut such as shall be found calculated to sustain the exalted character which this library has already acquired quarto do do octavo do do l2mo do do 8mo do do binding in s folio full bouod and mented quarto do do octavo do do 12mo do do 81mo do do orna- 0 7 0 0 3 8 0 1 s 0 1 3 0 17 g 0 7 g 0 3 4 0 s 3 0 1 8 also ledger blauk work and baling to any size or pattern for pri folio aod fancy biodiiig separate charge james macfarlane kingston 13ih april 1829 wtew stereotype e- il dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber has iu ihe press ml exiensive second edi tion of mavors english spoiling book stereotyped from the isih london edition a d 1s27 tins edition whicllvill beprinted on good paper from liie mills ollnstwooa and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than ihe former edition siorekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in iheir names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d may 1s30 copperplate press a first rate copperplate punting press has just been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed wild neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office july 24a 1830 the board of ethicotiun for the johnstotcn district give notice that from the present time it if their intention slrictly to enforce iho regulation made some years i atk by which the use of american books io teaching is proliihiied and the masters are directed to confine themselves io surh works of elementary instruction as arc compiled by british author only a copv of majors spellingbook may he obtained liy each master whose certifi cates have passed the hoard on applica tion to dr huhbell waaikfflfflnliflpftinste j former regulation notice the subscriber is about publishing in fcniliki ftnm a revised releethn i litui tc one of iht jffjiu winch re iciitly apjmirrl in the rotamnfl ol the kiitgflon chroiiicli jvrfun- wirliins fir rotirs wilt pko leavo their minis at ilns ofire as foon ith convenient jami mftarinf he mansion house hotel the subscribe having rented this extensive aud well i itlifr 1 piiv kuown cstahlishment has noxv opened h a i thenamo for tho accommodation of the om f bonc pulilie i rhllik subscriber begs io announce tho mansion homo is pleasantly eiiunt- b io fee public tile establishment of ed on gtcire street bciiir the principal and a lithographic press iu kingston by moat central btrcet in kingston and nojthe name ol uiiuam ivpprss wlteit- establishment of ihe mud in the province j w executed all kinds of work ap- can surpass it in the excellence and comfort ii l0 use ilri such js maps i in itoitiiij liiit t i 1 mnlcr is esircd with enjoining the use of prflytra at the com- mrncernrdi ofscllofl in ilie morning ami hi its close iu tho gvftdingi a form ailapteil tn senernl use may ho fount in mnvtirhpehitijlmnk anil is re cmnniemietl for tliisi purpose hy the board priilted forms fur llto quarterly certifi cates to he signed ux two tnisteer roay he hml on applichtioo to a diet shentoodtesq hrockvillc july 1829 quakhystreett searly opposite mr prentiss store til t subscriber begs lisivc io inform ihe inhabitants of kingston nd ifa vicinity llldc she hftl lately airivcd from knlatml and commenced buioebs iu the iuowii line leghorn bonnets made to any pattern old ones tovd and altered chip straw itnuuch made clean d c according to ihe latest english fabliions and on reason able terms m haldenby also of its apartments in regartl huth to parlours and bed rooms all of which are fur- onhed in the very best srylc the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that line and he trusts that with mm- miting attention to the comforts of hi icuesiy ho will merit a sharo of tho public pa i rou ago in rear of tho mansion ilouee is a yard in which there is an extensive commodious range uf stables and where a livery stable w ill be constantly kept for j tliafifcomniodittion of tho public s carmino klogstoo 2lih october 1630 large plans views circulars music head ings of merchants bills imtl sighui boat ntjiices with the sketch of ihe uami il repiiied blunk deeds and alcnnvnaul knneral notices ombrllished wiili lit- able emblems bills of exchange c c c persons wnnling any kinl ol copies ol thtir on hand writing w ill be supplied willi prepared paper and che mical ink foi thai purpose s o tazewell n s cnrricijttrcs printed by iho sketch being supplied kincon august 12th 1931- rourrieooe private memoirs of napo leon sketches of naval life with notices oj men manners aod sc enery on the shores of tho mediterranean with maps uy a ci vilian annals ot the peninsular campaigns by the author of cyril thorotou correspondence of admiral colling wood with memoirs nf his life a year in spain by a young american berthaa visit to her uncle in england the groom oracle and pocket stable directory lawicnce on ihe horse tho rosiou revised edition of tile wa vcrley novels wiih plates the heiress of bruges a novel by t c crailan the kingston chronicm3 is rrmted and published every saturday by james macfarlane at his otfice iiv front street kingston maxwell a nnvrl 11 sayings aod doiugs the barony a novel by maria porter j ihu by the author of miss anna tbetebt terms seventeen nhiltinps k sixpence pcronnutr sent by mad twenty ahillings subecription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s gd 6rst insertion and and 7 j each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and igri each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per lino for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted litt forbid and charged accordingly otdcrs for discontinuing advcciistments to be in uniting and delivered by ivcdkesdat nooh at the latest nn advertisement received after ten oclock on the day of publication ic produce received in paymcnl at the mar kct price agents john bipnell erq quebec david chisholmo esq three rivers andrew portcous esq mm real jiiru mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron efq loekiel r clinc esq cornwall george browse esq jdatiida alpheus jones esq presctl henry jones esq broekvitu jonh taj lor esq perth hwhitniarh esq richmrui j k hartwell esq fiastmd mcss- c j mdonald gcnanquc john dean esq hath allan mcpherson dopant thos packer esq helttille joseph a keeur esq crumake jame5 g bel hunt efq hamilton david smart rett port hove william allan esq ivfe darnel uof9 esq- vittria john crooks esq aiogwk charles bippar fi murrey j d iilbert esq rfdvipurtew w by mp br7 i bmerikm esq jkrw trati

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