Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 24, 1831, p. 3

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p increase ijrnntr fr thai pon the sceond england- the ontario has arived from london icith ia ndm jxtpcrs to the 3d of november dreadful riot at bristol biisiol has brcn tho irene ordisgaocfol trtjr rttlijttp frwr th ctrctrnibmnco of sir charles werhcrelk h r theaofi reformer coterinr ilial city oo his return ftotn lon- don sir charles is the recorder nf bristol nd entered ihecirr attended by ihe mayor and sheriffs in eotiformityio ancient usage a great crowd of per sods attended the pro- etiod throwiog biodcf bdo committing other outrages after the mayor sir charles and the company entered the mansion houe and had set down to dinner a conflict took place botweti the mob nod the constables inn hich thelatler were over powered the crowd then made anattack upon the mnnsion house which they carried ity storm the inmates escaping by the riot the mob then proceeded ro the celler and intoxicating themselves with the wines were soon ripe for the perpetration of the dreadful outrages which followed this was on saturday night 29th oct on sunday the riots recommcoced and the following is a detailed account of them in the square with the exception of the scenes nfdruokeoocts which were efillgomg on nothing particular transpired until the evening with the exception that ao individ ual mounted thesiatue of king william and fixing a tricolnured capon a long pole pronounced aloud the cap of liberty the soldiers were drawn up io front of the mansion house and ihe moh seemed no wise disposed to molest ibem after a while however they manifested a restless- oessforaetionanda party by no means nu merous proceeded to the brideweel for the purpose of rescuing the prisoners on their arrrivul they inst no time procuring sledgehammers from the nearest smiths shop aod immediately proceeded tn knock in the doors having suceeded in opening the doors ihey became apprehensive that ihe large foldiug gates which at night shut up tho thoroughfare would be closed upon them and they directly set about removing them this they accomplished with most nstoniihiog facility aod disposed of them by throwing them over the bridge in to the flom they theo proceeded to liberate the p en du lertqt ruble house tipon the same subject during the last session and having obtained some additional tmtimony t be wing the increased necessity which exists for taking measures towards the accomplishment of this object they are of opinion that the improvement of the navigation of this great and common highway to the ocean is becoming daily more an xbject of the deepest intevert as well to our agricultural as to our comtner cial prosperity and that the only points re- rirding which we apprehend there can ex ist any difference of opinion are the extent and manner of effecting the end contempla ted two plans have at different periods been proposed the one for effecting a sblp navi gation lor vetfiels drawing eight qr nine feet of water the other for boats requiring four feet of water two method have likewise been sugges ted fur accomplishing whichever plan may he adopted the one to incorporate a joint stoik company to undertake the work on their own responsibility and to be solely composed of private individuals or of indi viduals in conjunction with the provincial government the other for the government to undertake the whole expense on behalf of tho public the latter of each of thew tuggeslions has appeared to your committee to be most in accordance with the interests of the coun try it is useless in the opinion of yonr com mitter to attempt improvements on that part of the river st lawrence within our territory which will not meet something similar to correspond therewith in lower canada and as a boat canal of the depth of four feet is the largest that has ever been seriously contemplated by the legislature of our sister province your committee con ceive that there is little reason to expect that any corresponding work will be under taken in lower canada upon a larger cale than the one recommended by your com mittee and at the same time they beg to express their conviction that a canal for boat drawing foor icet of water is m ex tensive an undertaking as there i any prob ability of being immediately useful to com merce or productive in its return for the capital expended th expense of this latter project your committee feel every confidence ned not exceed 50000 and the immediate return by way f tolls they have little doubt from the evidence before them will at no time be so little as 5000 per annum which al- iiwine five per centum as the interest upon the mm io be expanded would leave 2 fioo a a sinking fund to redeem the princi a although they arc not satisfied that the of trade would afford a sufficient nbict point your committee are also decidrd io their opinion that the whole work should bo undertaken at the expense of the province first became the st lawrence being the grand outet of he country t hould never be in the remotest de gree under the control of a private compa ny for reasons too obvious to require reca pitulation and also because when the cap ital in a few years shall have been realized the government will be in a situation to re mit the greaterparl of the tolls or o derive a considerable revenue from their contin uation add to which that should a canal upon a more extensive scale be thought ad vantageous at any fvture period the under taking may be entered upon without any sacrifice of private rights which must yield to the public interests your committee therefore respectfully recommend that 50000 he placed at the disposal of commissioners to construct a canal four feet in depth upon such parts of the st lawrence within our territory as hall afford a safe and easy navigation both up and down that great thotoughfare ah which is humblv submitted h j boulton committee room 7 chairman 6th december 1831- s samo time about 2 oclock about tho a stronger party of rioters comprising iobeed almost the whole body proceeded to lodge the si the new gaol a strong modern building having been built about ten years since at a cost of about 100000 when we first heard of this movement we regarded noy attempt on the prison as the wildest scheme that could have been imagined but we lost no time in icpairing to the spot the scene which there preseuted itself will never be effaced from our memory along the new cut in from of the gaol n deise mass of the rioters had assembled and on the opposite bunk of the river nod in deed wherever the eye could range the people were posted in thousands the moh hadilredy succee ded in forcing an entrance intnthe yard and the governors hnuee nod uere busily em ployed in throwing every moveable article iqto the new river aod ut the tide was fast ebbing all was carried off by the stream the caravan used for conveying the pris oners to guildhall was launched into the water entire nod thither also were con signed the governors hooks and tho ap paratus for coniiructiox the drop the rioters we learo procured immense ham mers from the adjoining ship yard nnd with thern the massive locks on tho iron doors of the different v ings uere smashed to atoms the prisoner were now releas ed and the scenes that followed were be yond description many of ilicni both male nnd female stripped of their prison clothes aud proceeded ou their way al most io a state of nudity as they passed along the mob cheered them aod followed after them with exultations many of them met their friends on the outride and it is not easy to depict the extravagant joy with which they mutually embruccd each other after the prisoners had been liberated a- mounting altogether exclusive of debtors to more than 100 the next step taken was that of setting the pruuu on fire aod a black hanckcrchtef having been tied to the weathercock on the top of the porters over the gateway it seemed to he nal for commencing operations for immediately after deose clouds of smoke were seeu to issue from every part of the building the flame wcro break out from the tread mill which burnt with fury until it lrnsquiio consumed in nbnnt ru hour the governors house over which was the chapel was completely en veloped in flames and tho reacrttun on the heavens was gnmd and terrific the wings however ming built almost exclu sively of stone nnd iron will iron roofs wan4wc ttdlfl jwmhtmljby ti9 jin though the rioters left bebiod them every possible mark of wanton outrage duriog the pro ceedings and while the prisoners were iu course of liberation a party of the 3d dra goons arrived abont 20 in number hut the mnb appeared nothing intimidated oo thecooirary they cheered the troops who acknowledged the compliment by taking ofttheir caps and almost immediately af terwards turned round and departed as soon as the work of destruction was here completed the rioters divided themselves into parties the one proceeding to the toll house at prince street bridge another to the one at wells aud another to the one at st philips these in the present state of things were considered minor affairs and were speedily in flames the tenants we were informed had liberty given them to remove their effects while these were being destroyed the fire at the prison raged with the greatest fury they then set of about seven oclock to gloucester county prison lawfordsgate which in a short time was broken into the prisoners nil released nod the building also fired hero tho flame wereasappaling as at the new gaol at the same time also a party proceeded to bridewell which had only partially been destroyed aod kindled up the wing occu pied by tho keeper so that three prisons were oo flnmc3 at tho same instant there was not now even the appearance of a check to the iicentinusnes of tho mob nor indeed had there been since the firing of the soldiers io the morning hut they now teemed to revel in the consciousness of their security accordingly r neoe fttmrtildl v the miscreants proceeded to the bishops palace canons marsh and having effected an entranceimmediately commenced the work nf destruction a few individuals bow- ever were hastily collected ami for a while succeeded in staying their diabolical de signs- orders were then sent for the mili tary who had been guarding the mansion house to repair for the protection of tho bishops residence they havl no sooner however left for that purpose than the mob who had all day meditated the total destruction of the mansion house commenced opera tions and io a very short period set it on fire commencing in the kitchen under the banqueliog room on the arrival of the troops at the bishops palace they found things there tolerably secure but the flames which even then arose from the mansion house too plainly indicated thnt they had gone to the protection of the one place at the expense of thedesiruction of the other they however turned back nain and the time of their return to die square the re flection on the opposite side of the room made it apparent that by their endeavors to protect both places each had been sacrificed to the fury of the iucendiaries when they arrived in the square ihey found tho whole ofthe back premises of tho mansion house burning with fury and the appartmeots in front ofthe building were occupied by wrotches facilitating the de struction by firiogall panssimultaneously- but to return to the square after the destruction ofthe mansion house it wan hoped the fury ofthe mob would have been appeased but unfortuumely it was other wise the military having oo orders to act otherwise than as mere spectators were immediately after their arrival withdrawn aod we believe joined the remainder of iweir comrades altogether few in number in pro tecting the council house which it waex- pectod would bo the next public build stacked it was at least hopod that house while vvo rcoord fiendlike conduct that fol owv te riocnt coociverf he p the adjoining bouses and by 14 at night she whole mass from tho mnnsion house vo the middle avenue including the custom house ww aq the back buildings io little king- tpkf t lwcr one imnieoso mas of fire ihe custom house may readily be fuppuc- ed a large building nnd the expert- uess of ihe wretches in lighing it up here u is certain proved the destruction of many who wfe rnuging the upper appartmems lany ftf ih u seen as they approach whwows to drop iuto the flame nnd 11 others among whom was u femafr threw themselves f desperation from the win dows xbe latter was carried to tha in firmarj where she has since died again the hopfc wn9 fu x dreadful work would how cease but it was in vain a small hand chiefly boy who go wbnut their work ns if they had been regularly trritoedjii the hellish employment proceed ed to extend the devouring element pre- ceedi of their operation by giving half an hours untie to the inmates to retire the windows were afterwards smashed in the furniture thrown out and carried off and the premises ignited nidi a rapidity truly attouishin in this manner they swept hway one whole side and pro ceeded in another cornrnenriri with the excise office at he corner to follow up the account to this tirncjj oclock io the morning would only be n repetition of the details at uhfh our heart already sicken unrestraiued as were the flames ihey extended to the booses hf the parnllelircct and ns in this quftrter of the city arc many of the principal wine and spirit stores the fury of the devouring element cau scarcely bo conceived altogether there have been destroyed 42 dwclliuu houses exclusive of the mansion house fcxeise office custom house the four toll houses the three prisons aod the bishops palace x he ttnal number of killed aod wnucded as far m wo have been aide to ascertain is as folhiws four men nnd oue woman the latter in consequence of severe bruises received in one ofthe bouses where she had been engaged in plundering a little boy tho bowels is uol expected to recover fiftyono other persons including four wotnen have also injuries some of them very severe the burning houses in this enumerate the cases taken to received 30th ins in henry on the and first first seen to also who was shot throng received ones from account we the public hospitals ony many lives were lust iu the flames nod several pcrsonswho received injury wiving been taken tnthir the requisite information respecting thcin the conduct of the miiitai y is complain ed nf the mth drogooas are accused of cruelty in cutting down the people they were subsequently withdrawn and ihe on dragoon tinrd substituted who are on the other baud accused of taking part with tho people- both these accusaitoos are denied by the courier it is certain hnw ever that the mayor and magistracy were very remiss and that the troop who in the first instance could have easily suppressed the ifoceeditigs were left without orders froniihe civil authorities tranquility was restored at the last dates aod the funds re- mailed firm at 32 7r side at the cuotaiuing life of sir walter ew books for jj chronicle office te woke far 1833 the atlantic souvenir for do tho wjfordo also tho life aud death of lard edicard fjfsmtyua by moore the history of amerirn enmaininc the history ofthe spanish discoveries prior to 15211 0- 3 cabinet iibrary containing the autobiography at sir walter scott bart no- 400 raltigh lerdneij cyclopedia consisting ofthe htsto f scotland by sir walter scott history of england by sir james mackin tosh outline af history from the earliest perifld to the present time history ofthe tftlheriattds byt c grattan histonoi frahce by ere kvaos crowe the ele- mtnts of mcciumies by dr tadtv 4 captaiukater also discourse on the study of natural philoso phy by jfw herschel treatise ou baths and mineral watersby john bell m d- and dyrpepsy forestalled uod resisted by edward hitchcock 21th december 1831 commissariat kingston 23d december 1831 sealed tenders will ba re ceived at this office until thurs day tho 12th day of january next at one oclock p m to supply such of the following materials and perform such of the following services as may he re quired by the royal engineer depart ment at this station for the year 1832 viz lumber ofall kinfe as per specification f cut shingle naiu lime sand hair and bricks also for such glazing per specification and for team hire and cartage the tenders must be separate and specify in sterling the rates at which the articles will be delivered at king ston orany part of point henry or point frederick and each tender must also ress the names of two persons of expi as sureties for the known property undertaking the specification may be seen nnd every other information obtained on ap plication to this or the commanding royal engineer office the payments will bo made as usual in british silver or in other cuirent coin at th rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys 1 treasury otthe rate of 100 for each 101 10s sterling due upon the con tract c clark 4 c q i commissariat ealedtlcnderswill be k7 j i this office until friday tho at one oclock p mfor contracting to con vey fuel wood trom ihe fuel yards to the respective guard bouses and cells in the garrison ot kingston point point frederick commencing day of january nxt the tenders to express iberafe in halifax currency for wblch the service will be per formed information as to the number of guard houses and cells nnd the usual quantity nf wood to be conveyed can be obtained at this office security will be required charles a clarke a cg kingston 19 de ib34 clwumssttmer of crown lands office york 1st dk cmbfr 1s3l hphe following summary uf the rules e- lftblishcd by his majesty government for regelating the disposal of lands is pub lished for the information of persons desircus of settling in upper canada once in every year oroltcner he com missioner of crown lauds will draw up his report ofthe land which it mav be expedi ent to offer for sale by public auction nilh- in ihe ensuing ycjr and the upset price per acre at which imj would recommend it to be offered the land ao offered baviug been pre viously surveyed and valued tlte land will be laid out in lots of one hundred acres each and plans prepared lor public inspection which plans mav be in spected in the office ofthe surveyor general or in lhal of his deputies the commissioner of crown lands will gtvft public notice in ihe upper canada gaz ette anil such newspapers as may he circul ating in the province of the lime and place for the sale of lam in each district and of the upset price at which the lands are pro posed in he offered the lots will be sold to the highest bidder and ifno offer be made at the upset price the land will be reserved for future side in a similar manner of auc tion the purchase money will be required to be paid down at the limenf sale nr by four in stalments wilh interest the first jnstalement at the lime of the sale and the second third and fourth installments at the interval of a year any further conditions sales will be hund in ihe the cofee sours c subscriber icsieriiuly begs e io acquaint his friends nnd tlie public in general that hr intend keeping soups coffee lunches c during ilte winter from ten oclock a- m until ten p- to john belonge kingston 10h dec removal thomas askew beps lenve to inform his friends and the public lie has removed io the stone house in clarence stieet near to mr myers hotel and returns his most grateful thanks for the liberal support he has many yen 1 5 received and assures his former customcts he will dispose of his remaining stock nf prime goods cheap er than hitherto offered forsilc among which are superfine cloths pelisse cloths flannels linens prints shirt ings and sheetings carpctings hosiery a general assortment of haberdashery a few ladies real beaver bonnets drabs black and hair brown leases drab and black beaver hats and bonnets ladies cloth cloaks also 5 casks real day martins black in 7 in pots and half ho 3 quarter casks superior white wine tea coffee x c kingston 14th dec 1831 l 3 j removal ohn watkins has removed his hardware establishment to a erv extensive premises in store strjfit nearly opposite lomr jno blakevtl- vern where he is now opening in additi on to his former stock fifty casks and cas es of hardware cutlery c which were selected by himself in birmingham shef field and olher manufacturing towns in england j watkini returns bis thanks to his friends country merchants sind the public generally for the liberal iup- port he has met with for many jears respecting tiew i i t0 inform them thatllie ar- prnted advertise- j ran2emcni be has mfldc eng an ments giviue notice nf them i i h to indigent sutlers who may be unable to i f occasional yimi personally no avanthemsolvciilihcopporiunilmofpurj m he panadas can supply them chast lands will b- assigned by private mi ion foetlor terms- in certain specified townships at rui crtimnt- kingston dec 10th 18s1 fid value and iherfirat pavmeni will he accept- tavern licences for issi office of the clerk ofthe peace n n ed at the end of tthrcc years without interest and the remainder oft lift purchase money to hoprtit in ihrw wn1 installment inters tocommencc after three yean tiom thu pur- thnsc free grants arc not marie by any but u e lovalims or such persons as have served his majesty in ihe navy or regular army persons nf cither of these classed will forward their applications for land acconi ponied by official documents in support their claims ris heretofore to ihe civil secretary of the ltcutcuant governor and will tvrcive an- savers to them onapplytiw o ihe wrk of ihe j executive council andlheir location tick- i ets from the survevor general pet sale ok croytn lands otice is hpreby riren that a portion nfilic tract of land recmtlv survey ed by mr lewis burwell on both skirt ot the road passing through the indian lands from the iownshipofcanborouch to die township ofruinham in i lie district of niagara wiil he exposed ti sale hv at the upset price of ten shillings per acre at the school house near the dwelling of warner awzs esq on ihe omnd river unwednksdaythe 38th hav of de cember next at 11 oclock am on the following conditions viz the purchase money o he paid by four instalments with interest the first instalment at the time of sale and the second third ami mirrh instalments al the interval of a year between each a plan exhibitins the situation of the lots may be seen n the commissioner of crown lands office york or al the office of mr lewis burwell deputy surveyor brant- peter robinson commissioner ofcrown tandsohce york 21si november 1331 midland district i ft pursuance of do wil j jb tlie act in thai behalf mnde notice is hereby given that an adjoined general quarter sessions will ho held al the court house in this town on thursday the fifth jnv of j a nil- arv newt for i tho gan line and renewing licences to 1 nn keepers for ihe ensu- ing ytmr bv order james nick alls jr clerk of the penco m d m 1 tl notice is hereby given that ihe tract of land in the township of paslinch clergy block in ihe district of gore recently surveyed by mr gibson together with the lots re maining unsold in the former surrey will be exposed to sale by public auction at the up set price ofl5s currency per acre at mr james flynns tavern on lot 18 west side ofthe road leading through the tract io guelphoii wednesday the41hday of janu ary neit at 10 oclock a m on the follow ing conditions viz the purchase money io be paid in 10 instalments the first instalment of 10 per cent at the time of sale and ihe re mainder in 9 years by annual instalments of 10 per cent with interest on each instalment as it becomes due a plan exhibiting the situation of the lots map be seen at the commissioner of crown lands office york nil mr james flynns peter robinson commissioner of crown lands office york 24lh november 1831 steam boat notick the annual meeting of the stock holders in ihe john by will tike place at ihe offic of the subscri ber on wednesday the 4th day of janu ary next at noon david john smith 1831 kingston 24th dec removal mrs fowler respectfully in forms the ladies of kingston and its vicinity she has removed to part of the sione house in clarence street oc cupied by thomas askew where she continues the millinery and dress ma king and solicits a continuance of the ubenl support she has received since her commencement in business aingstnn 14th dec fl for sale ot o 33 in grave street kinpon apply t the editor of his paper his majestys dock yard kingston u c- isa november 1831 notice is hereby given that on the lsih day of january 1832 at 10 oclock a m the hulls of the following ships as ihey now lay on the shore off the kings dock yard at kingston upper canada will be dis posed of by public auction viz st lawrence of 102 guns kingston of ifi burlington of 42 montreal of 24 also ihe frames of tne wolf and canada each pierced for 110 guns as thev stand on the stocks in the dock yard immediately after the above sale a quantity of standing and running rig ging laic belonging to ihe si law rence kingsion burlington and mon treal will in like manner be disposed of as ilii kigging ibaiuceniuitftivleuto and is in good condition it may be ad vantageously relaid or otherwise con vened- the ships will be disposed of separate ly nnd the rigging will be divided in to lots to suit purchasers a reasona ble time will be allowed for the removal of ihe articles from the kings premi ses which must be done at the purcha sers expense a deposit of twentyfive per cent will be required at ihe time of saleand the remainder of the purchase money previous to the removal of the articles further particulars may be learned at the naval store keepers office at kingston dock yard and of mr witft- am lunn clerk in charge of naval stores at montreal on the opening of the navigation in 1332 about twelve hundred spars for masts and yards of from four to thirlyfnur inches in diameter will be disposed of by public auction timely notice will be given ofthe days of sale thespars may be previously examined for which purpose application must be made at the isaval store keepers of fice j r glover naval store keeper ublic notice- mr john brewer having deposited wilh the subscriber all ihe money that re mained at his disposal after settling with the workmen employed by him on the rideau canal a dividend of pour shillings and two pence in the pound will be paid to ihe creditors of the said john brewer if they see fit to call at ihe office of the subscriber within twen ty days from ibis date and receive ihe same in full satisfaction of their respec tive demands as stated in the schedule jno macaulay kingston 3d december lsfll p f of british letter remaining in ihe post office at kingston ob 3d december 1831 jean auriol lucius atwood harvey abrams james black 2 wro barrie 2arz ballaid robert ioaiy matthew bai- ntt isaac barrett walter beckwith bradley c bam- cornelia brady win bote john bates margaret brad ley james bream john briereywm birmingham abmham bultimer hen ry burley 2 james w brown ann bleakley james batchley john blown john bolton richard bradley mrs h campbells john coyle george clark john crawford 3 sa muel chestnut james campfield mi chael casel abraham charlion lucius cunningham john cameron duncan campbell josiah cnr alexander ca meron philip caffrey john campbell albert cook john cross thomas conklin john cloase michael mc- canning john cochrane patrick col- lery or patrick bowman alexander coppy abraham collard john davis lewis daly humphrey desmond patrick daly margaret dougherty prospere dulue henry dorian john dix timoiby driscoll edward dunne pascal deioche jo seph dubue lowan dewey 2 j tho mas duffy james dixon miles duna- gun pascal desroches2 mr a y eversion john ferguson john finlnyson w ferguson james finigan henry falk- abery nathan ferris matthew farrelr jobannafoley thomas fraser ross gray richard gough aterjr ciltcll daniel gun john gordon w graham john gras francis guess richard gooinisduncan graham abel gales thomas gregorysamuei good rich james gray micajah guess mr gillgan cgffttt c guitan john gondy mrs harvey mary holehan thoma harmon john lhodgson robt haven joseph hoot wm hall john hogarth henry hoi brook solomon huff wro hall david ones william johnston tim- mas johnsion t ingram michael juy henry keech matthew kelly john aw benjamin lake james la e- ry thomas little richard looinis adam andrew martin alexander mayberrv daniel mctnpeart joho alcconnell j walter maxwell ronald mcdooeljjosph t mosure samuel mcniece andrew mc cardie roger mahon james maguire james mcconnell callahan mccarthy t mccahe william merrell john mclauch- linthomas mcfatridge mrs mcmullen michael mullens john mulligan sitasmi- riam peier madding johu magao jamet j mardooald john mcvicar james mc- cutcheon william martin anthony mc- guin john mccraedaniel mmuilantho- mns murphy eftey mcgillivray donald mckin donald mca lister archibald mc- doooel william millscharles mouaghari james muirhead william moore jame mesmicbael murphyjane moreqtdeo- nismurray andrew niveo augusta noble james norris george odonnell james odellpatrick oneill william omeara andre w oswald robert odoonell widow purvisjoseh pattoo jaoies parkingtoo rebecca perry g parker oscar f post mary annepar- ker ogden quigley michael reilly david ross mr ryn philip kohlio mrs john ross j ralph john redden eliza richardson john rider joho rerain snider john shibley wal ler scou james shortell gideooshurliff william sheehan porter sackett john smyth pat slevan m 8mio jaine stnughioo thomas stuarimrssontherliin samuel smitbjohdsmithbedsmitbjn thaospoooer edwd swainshuba smell- james tutile mercy tuttle tobias ten- s jyiui j john twin- ard t tertheway lambert vanalstine alfred willson joseph wood dmih white william workman mary wam william wilson lyman wallsirortb jhi f willet mary wbeaten robert wil- hamsun john wilson abraham wilden john vvrisht amunal waggoner eura ward johnynurex ttotlce is hereby given iliit al sealed tenders will be received at this office till 24th december for washing the following articles of bar rack and hospital bedding for a peri od of twelve months from 1st january to 31st december 1832 biiuuck double rnund towels at palliasses at bolsters at blankets sheets rugs barrack sincle palliasse bolsters at at at at at blankets at sheets at rugs at hospital palliasses- bolsters blankets- sheets rugs at at at at at also for sweeeping chimnies th prices to be stated opposite each article in slcrling dollars at as 4d two securities will be required for tho due performance ofthe contract for further particulars apply to the- barrack master at the tenders to be addressed to tho respective officers of the ordnance kingston upper canada ordnance office kingston d november 1s31 f

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