Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), December 24, 1831, p. 4

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iu2r3b the stag magoibcent creature no biatoly and bright id tbe pride of thy spirit punning thy flight for what hath tbo child of the desert lo dread wafting upon li owo mountains that far beaming head or horuo oo h whirl m ind dmrn on the vale hail king of the wild aud the beauti fulhail hail idol divino whom nature linth homo oer a buodred hilltop since thu muu of the morn ybom the pilgrim lono w anderiog oo mouotain aud moor as the visioo glides by into muy blameless adore fortbojoy of ibo happy the strength of the free are spread io a garmeot of glory oer thee up up to you cliff like a kiog to bis throne oer the black sileot forest piled lofty aod looe a throne which the eaic ii glad to resign unto footsteps so fleet and so fearless as ihtae there the bright heather springs up io love of thy breast lo tbe clouds iu the depth of the sky are at ten and the race of the wild winds is oer on the hill lo the hath of the mountains yo autiers lie still though your hraoches now toss io the storm of delight like the nnn of tbe piue oo yon sheltress height oae moment thou bright a pparitioo i delay then melt oer the crags like the sun from the day w from the new monthly magazine an episode of bbal life during the remainder of that day lou don was to mo as a peopled solitude the saturations of one or two as i deemed them obtrusive acquaintance grilled upon mine ear the words gently intended seemed forced and harsh and i longed to escape from the multitude that pressed me in ou every side aud eveu from those who meant me kindly when they enquired if i was ill or unhapyy how wayward i man i who so often taste the sweets of friendship thought in my perversity of spirit how few know how to soften or to sootho how thoroughly i hated myself for morosencss which at the time 1 could not conquer the world appeared too much with mo ami i villi it 1 was out of tuno u itli all things aod night itself brought no repose a few days afterwards 1 resolved upon a straugo expedient suggested douhtleu by a secret wish to ascertain il b had visited poor cicelys grave i resolved in go to old you had boasted of your security you had openly defied ine you had baffled me io more ways tliau ono you had preserved your temper your equanimity in all our differences iu a esseutial ihiogs you wore more than my superior hot the pecu liar tact that can call forth all the fascina tiug littleness of every day existeoce iut mould them to tbe best advantage was fa tally aw anted to me to mortify vou nod show forth my own power a best i mieht i resolved to try my success with the inno cent cicely at first i trifled in mere but nicked waotooess at i had done with o- thers but gradually i felt her acquiring a powerful asrendeocy her innocence her purity her lull aud perfect simplicity and the celestial character of her beauty which ga instead of loosing by more intimate acquaintance overpowered mo i might well be compared to a second satan temp ting n second live who dwelt iu the para dise of pure anil holy imaginings i had little faith in woman whom i had long re garded only as the object of mutual pleasuie a compound ofihe affections but destitute of themeuul powers thatelevate oar high er uatures tor a length of time the un taught girl of eighteen baffled the practised libertine of fivoaodiwcoty but ia tbe and a secret winmage as i called it gratifi- ej uiy passion and gave nothing more to woo for the rifiedflowcr withered at my touch cicely was too holy too refined to enchain a wandering profligate her si lent but visible virtues row up in judg ment against me her voice leyden you lemcniber her voice its very tones gave me positive pain her small white hand when resting on my bosom fell hea vy aod cold as lead and all those utile offi ces ofkindness which woman only can be stow became absolutely disgusting to rnc- when with blushes and many tears she tolj me that she must in time heenma a mother aud begged me fr my infants soke to confess our marriage 1 thrust her from me wheo ngaju we met she did not curse but blessed mc i ured my uu- clo to procure for me the situation in india i had ui w otice the subscriber iiv- in resulted business m kingston as a general commission merchant begs io inform ihe merchants of ljiper canada that li i received u pan of his 1i supplv of west india piuiluce consisting of ui own fair and very fair muscovado sugars leward island and jamaica bum plantation coitfc pl- monto hollands gin and cognmc and other brandy nil of superior quality also a large supply of cooking and double and single stoves of different patterns the cooking stoves superi- pointing tfte subsci bt leave to re turn thank uer lti thu public of kligsioii and vicinity for the eiicfuric e mve st raiely received iu their residence a- mongsl ihrm tliov auo wii lo inform them that ihcv i an esiablishnunl in the subscriber offers very low rates nave open quarry street pposue mr i pren- lis dry good mort dcrtho fiim of ifjuk bu1w ornamental tfta carriage mm rami es chjers faperhmgers c e lion their wuu known wwjities a fr- i i t loin iiicir oily furnished with rim rot ash lco kingston with a kettles sheet lion englsh g dcifrmilhion rf be pw1 they hope he also daily expects a large and ge- idll wil ofpatonaue ye from a disccrnhi a generous public ja kekk jofiepii heathers kingston mxi l notice for sale at for cash or short approved credit 50 ticices and 230 barrels of mus covado sugar 51 puncheons and 30 ilhds of high ly llavoied and strong proof jamaica hum 10 barrels of fust quality plantation coffee 20 bags of pimeiro 2 pipes of best holland gin 2 pipes cliaianlie brandy lie has also on hand 20 cooking stove sofa new and highly admired book binding establishment at tin kingston chronicle ojficc the subscriber having engaged an experienced aud regularly bred book binder informs the public that all kind of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and dci- patch and on moderate terms the following is a list of the prir when hooks are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made on the sinele volume binding in calf harmoka fb company n conformity 1o e act incorporat ing this c sibcription liuuic is uow opef nl lie nffice kirkkiatrick kington 16th ma 181 i a co it uncudvd iiiu ity rcluuug to it v sir i vo ul stis lmt ilia windsur lo louk upon her inourniu loinb and seo if the clematis and flowers iliad plaoted with uiy owu hand weic flourish ioe there mill every cirrumttaace of her death is as ivell known to you as to tne the an he uod to draw upon himscltaflectious which ooco thought iniite inino only then l naininr haviug secured those flections the colduo9 i s waited f witli which ho treated her and her heing j found drowued near miltnu solo altr his oeparture for india a step tnat we fell j convinced had urged her to selfdestruction her miaerablo father wrote ro him all the particular but he never acknowledged the commucication what made hi conduct appear now so tiuaccouutahlc wan the ii- tor heartlessuess he had iheu evinced con iraftted with hii present anxiety to learn ifhoro her poor remains had in eu platted j it teemed ineplicaho fullofthom feelings i took my way iu ulhudc and sileuco ii ihe churclivard so retired and is i havn i aomotiines thought pictarrque i itood for n moment by the little whito turustilc 1okiu2 down that solemn avenuu ofdtulely i rreesifb6 thmrt4 i- lf i3 own sweet will a broad and pulislicd mirror rellectiii eve rypassiuj cloud and nuiiiberiug 1 1 j n hurt at they betokened the coming nighu all lie seemed pleased at he expressed my recovcriog my 6eoses and fc much conner lhau 1 amicipaied i w as informed that my departure was immedi ately required i wrote lo cicely whom under various pretexts i had declined to see from time to time aod whom i now sought most parcularly to avoid for ns i said to oue of my companion in iniquity 1 i hated ticeqes 1 enclosed i er a sum of mouey scathed with the intelligence that the was uot my wife hut wretch that was containing the cold tueurnaee ofmy friendship and nod wishes this i sent from shipboard where we were under milling orders waiting only for a fair wind while i waslounin the uext evening on deck aod inuring for tho moment when he sails should fill ami we should go re juicing over tho cleat blue waves a unto was presented to me from cicely turning the money containing no word of reproach but abjuring nie the most solemn man ner lo meet her for five miiinutes for ihe last time tho simple appeal concluded a little creek where she said r mc my spirit re- notice ll notes w accounts due to the estate of ile frederick keelerare to be settled with j n samson admr dellvile 24ih pcc 838- william johnson barber and hir- dresser nextdoor lo the london tai lenders his grateful acknowledgements o the public frr the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and lie hopes by close attention lind industry to me rit a continuant of the public paiio- neral assortment of dry goods crock er hardware and such goods as will enable him toupply many of the mer chants usually resorting to montreal and the whole will be sold on terms so advantageous to dispose many ofiheni lo et supplied from him and preclude tho inconvenience risk and expense at tending the purchase of goods in the lower province upon the ai rival of the expected sup ply the subscriber intends to detail the advantages which his establishment here will afford to the upper canada mer chants which the limited time allot ded by the publication of the chronicle to day precludes his doing now a manahan kingston oct 15th 1831 to let and possession given immediately lois no 13 and 14 in the 5th concession of pitts burg on the leading road to penh and 12 miles liom kingston containing 350 acres with 100 acres of cleared land ou the premises is a superior tw sto- iv log house with he oilier houses liectfcsuiy io complete a taim it la al so in an excellent situation for a ta vern the farming slock together with ihe present large crop can be given by appicved security the term of lease is such that it can be taken from one lo ten years further particulars can be obtained from mr joseph bruce merchant i trees and shrubs greenhouse and kingston or to the proprietor on ihe herbaceous plants a choice collection pattern icell furnished with tin utensils meu ico boxes of sheet iron 30 boxes of t d pipes 10 groce each 10 bunds of best english glue 1 cwl each he is daily expecting a large supply of superior wines of different descrip tions and an extensive consignment of stoves single and double of potash and sugar kettles aud hollow ware all of which will be disposed of at the mon treal prices the transport from thence simply added a manahan- kingston oct is 1331 folio full bound in calf orna- quarto do do octavo do do 12mo do do ismo do do s d 1 0 0 0 jo 0 5 n 0 s n o 0 half binding in calf folio half bound and orua mcnlcd 0 17 0 quarto octavo l2uio ismo do do do do do do do do o 7 ii 0 3 o 1 ft 0 1 x nape no inn v ih may 1s29 t rs pattientier offers ur 1tm sale at ihe hoi itcultural bolsin- garden drofkiyn i i two miles from new york a line collection of lie most desirable kinds of table and wine crapes puars apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental ooia was signed c b- i fell iniiand that tho should pre sume in use a name lo which i had said she was unentitled yon caunoc conceive how thai small circumstance rankled in my hnsom i had canud more thuo usu- al with my ship mates my braid was fttvcrcd and confuted my resolves bewil dered aud cliaugiij from the deck i could discern the trtingphire aud ditin- fiuish ihe hiitering of a white robe 1 do i tenuinod at inst not to adll ink from a tiiec i ling with h hkimtfni and asked the captaiu premises john lavery piltsbure september 7ih 1831 montueal gazette the proprietors of the montreal gazette announce their intention of having a competent person resident in quebec attending upon the provin cial legislature and reporting the de bates in loth houses as far as circum stances will permit a prompt and de tailed account of all the public docu ments before the house will lso be regularly furnished i mending subscri- era tvill find it to their advantage to make an early application so as lo have their fde of the debates perfect from the opening of the session the jom- treat gazette is now published three times k week tuesdays thursdays and saturdays at the moderate rale of 25s per annum postage included montreal gazette ojicl nov 10th 1831 tflio would it- 1 me a boat add bravo lone and a hravos fee affair cifkallfttili v called mc ou g ag tthb a that nn shere for vvaanted drat f british silv about au hour is on london aud or for which the best rate of premium will bo given by r a harper kinssmn s2il orr 3i- hi b ok f sale loi no 17 in ijic niiltjl concession of ihe town i ship oflougliboro foruurticulaiscn- wu deeply heauufulystil fur ihe occa- quire al 0ffice on ishout of noisy clulilren hrnukhl unon i the icfotma llweei illa of dim g- augu accninpauied at intervals by the deep 1 iso i 1c hark or querulous yelping of the household fwliie stockholders of tho john t dogs rendered more intease the silence j jl by arc roquhstcd to pay into my that ucceeded it was an hour and a place bartdfi on or before the 7tli january next fitted for tam instalment of 10 per cent on nation aod dare i coufesa it eveu to you r for commuuioo with the invisible spirits that draw dearer lo our world when the bustle and business of life yield tn that ro- poe which the soul ctclislits in i lingered where i had first strayed until the iwftdm of the early moon silvered the clustering ivy that climbs the church yard wall this par tial light while it deepened the darkness of the avenue warned mo that the mm was cotne a single beam like a thread ofsil- vvr rested upou tho urn when i kuelt upon her grave 1 could hardly distinguish the flowem from the k but all whs soft and greeu aod i confess that it afforded me a melancholy pleasure to think that uo rauk weeds viulated the little mound which r but i woary my friend with tho recital of foelins that if the world knew they would tcolfat ia a man whose hair it grey aud who has numbered 50 year i thought i heard au approaching foot atep the little ray vanished and loukiog up 1 beheld b himself resting agaiust the monument while his eyea were fixed upou me with an expression i cannot l tempt to desciibc 1 marled from the grave but ho seized my hand with a strung srasp and throwing himself upontho spoil had just quitted almost dragged me to the earth the time is fitting the place is fitting he murmured hear with me for a little aud you shall know all more ay much mora than you auticipate i only interrupt his narrative clcaveland to say that after the firit or second sentence hid maimer was calm and collected but theu hii iniuil was so evidently wound for tho exertiou that a fearful might well have heen inoked for strange i should meet you here ley den but there is a fate in all things aud a david john smith 7rtaurcr kingston gill dec- is3i t up reaction cruel ooe has been mine there arc thoie i know who disbelieve this hut you bhall btfhr i need uot ask if on remember arr or the anxiety with which i strove to wiu astictioui thai at the very time were coin- paruitvcly worthless iu my eyes you xeern astonished but no it was i was unthalf a eager loputjeas hir uu 1 wus tu rival yot to the public the subscriber respectfully begs leave to announce hat ho has ta ken the house lately occupied by mr thomas bumfoid known as bo steam boat hotel but better by tho comfort it conferred ou travellers under his respectable management and hopes by assiduity and attention to preserve ihet excellent establishment in full repuia- tiion and credit to this end every possible enre will be taken lo provide all things conducive to comfort of thu best that money can purchase aud he doubts not but that all who honour him with their patronage will find pleasure in recommending their friends to the same treatment and attention they themselves shall have received the stabling and other accomodations for horses and carriages are extensive and of the first class and diligent and well approved persons will bo constan tly employed to keep litem in all res pects ready and applicable to tho im mediate use of travellers as soon as it is possible the house he constantly furoished with the new- york montreal aud other proviucial papers and the subscriber especially begs to aunouoce that he has already taken mean to procure fur the benefit of hu guests the daily lon- ifall times as uuderstaudiu it to be the most interesting of all thu london lrinu during thu season it is his purpose to keep a never failing supply of ibo uei oysters thai can ho obtained theodore brockett steam bom lluiel kingston nov 8tb is3l tftolt sajue lot no 30s in crave street kingston applv to th editor of thispappr he mansion house ho1elt the subscriber havitig rented this exteusivo aud well known estahishment has now opened ihe same for tho accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly rituat- ed ou store street being the priucipal aud bios central street iu kitigstou and uo establishment of the kind iu the province can surpass it m the excellence and comfort of its apartments regard hnth to parlours aud bed rooms all of which are fur uished iu the very best style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience iu that line and he trusts that with unre- mttiug aueiiiuu to the comforts of nz guests ho will merit a share of the public patronage in rear of the mansion house is a large yard iu wlmh there is au extensive aod commodious ianc of stables and where a livery stable will he constantly kept for the accommodation of the public s cakmino kingston 34th ortoherlftm alualile farm for sale on leusonablc turms that beau tiful farm ou tbe road leading to rath and 2i miles from kingston the property of and lately occupied by tho subscriber consisting of about 100 acres of excelteut land the most of which is in a high state of eultlvmino- there is built on the pre mises a large and commodious dwelling house almost new with extensive sheds and other outhouses altogether forming it most comfortable establishment for a res pectable family tho ivhole front ef the lot is fenced with a substantial sloue wall 5a few blgbi there are two living springs of excellent water ou the premises aud several bearing fruit trees- for further particulars apply either nt this office or to tho subscriber iu store street kingston duncan vanalstine kingston 21st oct- 1831 notice the subscriber is about publishing in pamphlet form a revised selection of the letter of one of the pevptc which re- contly appear in the columns ot the kingston chronicle persons wishing for copicu will please leave their names at this office as soon as convenient james macfarlane kiogilon 19tl october 1831 ol jonthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting arc furnished to purchasers mr- james macfarlaue editor of this paper will receive orders for fruit and or namental trees from her collection airs p will make arrangements that uhntever i ordered from him will be carefully pack et aud forwarded without the slightest de lay catalogues rnn he obtained gratis post paid at tho ollice of the chronicle reference john macaulay john kirhj john marks stephen vnrwoud allan mclean esquires 24th march 1831 n ft it may be proper to mention that the necessary directions will he sent along with tbe different trees as to ihe mau- uer of treating them trees received iu the fall can he safely buried in thta prouud until the spring when they can bo plauted without receiving any iujury from the frost provided that they arc entirely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will he received and care shall be taken that several order will be made up into one package with a view tosnvti the expense of carriage the subscriber bavins been appointed ageutin ibis province for mrs rraieu- tier is now ready in rirrivo nrdei- m bly to the above advertisement james maokaiuane kingston 24th march 1831 s v alt rheum this mveterat disease which has long baffled the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereipu remedy iu dr la uraogcs genuine oiotmoul fcv cutaueous diseases are met with more re- uctanct by the physician none iu which be is so universally uosucessful- this oiutmcut hasstood the testcof experience and justly obtaiued an uoparallclcd cele brity it immediately removes the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessel so tbe skin and its original colour and smoothness numerousrecormne ndatious might be obtained of itr superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a ftih trial should be ilsonly commentator il has iu three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every remedy that was tried it uot only at once gives immedi ate relief iu salt rheum but cures tinea capitns comtnuuly called scald head and all scabby eruptinus peculiar to uu- oalthy children cp there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contaiued in it aud it may be used on infants or others uuder any circumstances whatever- price one dollar per rottle for sale by win binley kiugston john ihussun quebec and geoige kent mon treal sole ageut for the cauadas kingston llthjuly 182 lithography from canadian stone the subscriber begs io announce to the public the establishment of a lithographic press in kingston by ihe name of william iv preks where will be executed all kinds of work ap plicable to tllhl useful art such as maps flans views circulars music head ings of meicbants ujiis and sicam uoat notices with tbe sketch oflbo roat if requited blank deeds and memorials funeral notlccsi embellished with suit able emblems rills of exchange c c c persons wanting any kind of copies ol their own band writing will be supplied with prepared paper and che mical lukfot that purpose s otajsewell n 11 caricatures ptintid by the sketch being supplied kingston august 12lb 1831 hooks for sale he following cooks arc for sale at the chronicle office viz tbe family library consisting of 7ie history of the jews from the ear liest period to the present time by ihe rev h h milman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original mops and woodcuts the life of napoleon buonaparte by j g locuhart esq with cop perplate engravings from the id london edition 3 vols 18 mo life of nelson by robert south- ev esq willi a portrait the life of alexander the great by tbe rev j williams with a map natural history of insects illus trated by numerous engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by john galr esq 18 mo the life of mohammed founder of be religion of islam aud of tbe em pire of the saracens by the rev george bush a m with a plate 18 mo letters on dcmonology and witch- raftc by sir walter scott ban 18 mo willi a plate ffistorif of the bible by the re g ri gleig in 2 vols 18 mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas ami regions with illustrations of their climutece ology and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and hugh iuurray esq with maps c 18 mo life and times of george k with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by tbe rev george cioly with a portrait is mo new andimptoved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the cat ltest ages to the present time willi illuslta- lions of the geology ilineralogy and yoolojv by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh jlur- riv ei with n w and wtu n- gravings 18 mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq i- 3 vols is mo with portraits history of chivalry and the cru sades by g r james esq is mo with a plate mary qnccn of scots in 2 vols hy il g bell esq the continuation of the family libra ry will he regularly received at the chro nicle office immediately as the volumes are issued from the pr th of the messrs harpers of new york ess tu reoder the family library still more worthy of patrouage the publishers pro pose incorporating id it such works of iu btcro and value as may appear iu theva driest libraries aud miscellanies now pre paring iu europo particularly the m na tional and the edinburgh cahtuet libraries all tficse productions as they emanate from the press will be submitted to a committee of literary gentlemeu for inspection aud none will be reprinted out such as shall be found calculated to sustain the exalted character which this library has already acquired binding in sheep folio full hound aud orna- 0 17 mentcd v quarto do do v 0 7 fi octavo do do 0 3 4 ismo do do 0 2 3 31 mo do do m 0 1 8 also ledger blauk work and ruling to auy size or pattern for port folio and faucy liimliug separate charge james macfaulane kingston 13ih april 1829 hfkw stereotype e- ih dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber has in ihe press an exteusivo steonh edi- rioti nfmavors english spelling book stereotyped from the 3 3 tit london edition a d 1827 this edition which will be printed on good paper from the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers nnd others wishing for supplies will please give in thoir namo without delay jas macfarlane kingston 2d may 1s30 offerplate press a fui raw cupperplate pliltting press has jnsl been received at the chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all other cofpcrphte work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office jala 2iti 1s30- v t the hoard of education for the johnstown district give notice hat from ihe preseoi lime it i ttietr intention strictly to mforco the regulation made some years hack hy which the use of american books io teichio is prohibited and the master are directed lo confine themselves to sueli world of clementary instruction as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained hy each master uhme certifi cates have passed tho board oo applica tion to dr lluhhelk that thu compliftnco of the school mastcrd is ilesircdwith a former regulation eujoilling the use of prayers at the com mencement otschoul in the mortiiug qj nr iis cmsi m hit avmii a minn adnptetl tu 2roeral uvd may he found in viavnrfi spellingbunk mntl is re commended ur tins purpose hy tho hoard printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to he signed hy two trustees may be had ou npplicaliou io adiel shcnroodi esq lirockvilie juh i6u9- quarrystreet nearly opposite mr prentiss s tort til li snbscriber begs leave 10 inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity thni she has lately arrived from enttlaud aud commeuced hubioos iu il 9 filov iop line alsot leghorn itunitets made to any pattern old ones stovm and altered chip straw hoouets made cleaned c accordiog to the latest english fashions and on reason able terms m haujenbx the kingston chrcmcib is printed and published every saturday by jambs macfarlane at hiu office ia front street kingston terms seventeen shillings sixpence per annum sent by mail twenty shillings subscription t be paid in advance colling- bourricdoeii private memoirs of napo leon sketches of naval life with notices oj men maooers aod scenery 00 the shores uf ihe mediterranean with mups by a ci vilian annals of the peninsular campaigns by the auihor ofcyril thornton correspondence of admiral wood with memoirs of his life a year in spain by a young american rerthaa visit lo her uocle in eogland the grooms oracle and pocket stable directory lawrence oo tho horse the boston revised edition of the wa verley novels with plates the heiress of bruges a novel by t i crattan maxwell a novel by the auihor of sayings and doings tho barony a novel by miss afioa maria porter tbe talba a romance by mrs bry price of advertisements six line and under 2s 6d first insertion and aod 74 each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and lod each nub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted lift brfrirf and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements it be in uriting and delivered by vvedkdat nook at the latest no advertisement received after ten oclock on theday of publication c produce received in payment at ibe mar ket price agents john bipncll esq- quebec david chisholmo esq three utters andrew porteous esq jfato treal james mcintosh esq lancaster john cameron esq loehiet kcune esq cornwajl georpc browse esq matilda alpheus jonek esq prtvctt henry jones esq breckvitte josiah taylor esq perlh hwhitmarsh esq richmn j k ilurtwrll es bastand mess c i j mdonald gananqite john dean esq bta allan mcphcrson esq jflrpnne tboa puiker esq bcuulte joseph a kcckr esq crarmuie james g bethune bm omitofc david smart esq port ipe william allan esq ycrk daniel koss esq vwria john crookd esq niagara charles biggar esq mirray j j gilhcrt esq twpwteik wt robcrtoon esq river trent

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