anotheropportuoiiy of expressing his sen timents tpon thifi resoluiinn the house here di vided as follows yeas messrs ttirf well buell howard mccall perry randal and shaver 7 nays messrs attorney general here- zy boultoo brown chisholm clark cronks duncomhc elliot a- fraser k i fraser ingertoll jones kctchum jar- vis a mcdonald mcmanin mcnoh ma con morris mount rnltinsoo samson shade snl general thomson vankough- net warren aud werden 29 from the christian guardian t hit excellency sir johw colborne kcb lieutenaut governor of hit province of upper canada and major general commanding his majestys forces there in ifc 8fc mat it plkae yoor excellency wc his majestys dutiful and loyal siih- cline iu nothing but jects the cooforcnce of the methodist epis- copal curch in canada lake the liberty to enclose to your excellency an address to his majesty with accompanyior document most respectfully requesting your excel lency to transmit tbem to his majestys principal secretary of stale for the colonies to he laid at the fool of the throne premit us to avail ourselves of this oppor tunity to express our best wishes for your excellencys spiritual aod- temporal pros perity and to assure your excellency of our siocerc desire and firm deienninatinn to second your excellencys exertions fur the public cond by doing all in our power to promote the interests of morality and pure religion the essential precepts of which arc fear god and honorific king rience nor judgement to appreciate the va lue or advantages ofa liberal education but t he british government will i am coufideot with the aid of provincial legislature es tablish respectable schools iu every part of the province aod encourage all so cieties to follow their example a semiuai y i hope will not he styled ex clusive that is open to every one merely be causd the classical masters are brought from our own i diversities it may he mentioned without giving of- fenco to the members of any church or per suasion that ihere arc but few individuals who think ibai ministers of the gospel cau conduce political journals and keep them selves unspotted from tho world and put uxray all bittcness and wrath clamour aud evil speaking which the attacks of their adversaries may engender or that their avocation will ont force them to spend their time like the athenians in their do- cither to tell or to bear some new thing i am persuaded that the friends of religion will strong commend ministers of the gospel to labor to increase the number of christians rather than the number of their own seels or per suasions to close their churches and chap els against all political meeiings and in deed all meetiugs for the transaction of se cular business and never to permit their consecrated places to he profaned by the party spirit of the hour j ax vary tea sales 32 the agents to the honorable east india company in canada givo no tice that there will bo put up to public sale aithir warehouses in quebec on saturday ile 7tli january a quantity of teas equal to about 500 chests and at montreal 01 saturday the 2 lt jan uary itbnllt 1750 chests catalogues will be ready fordoliverv and shew chests open for inspection at each plhco from monday morning un til thursday afternoon of the week ol sale the sales to commence at eleven oclock in the forenoon foksyth richardson co agents to the hon 2 india co montreal 26tll december 1s3j list of letters post office of n remain ng in the 5th temperance meeting the anniversary of the k tups ton tim- ly re- 1 peranccsovfty will he holdeu next wednes day evening at fi oclock in the ioinn church an address will be delivered on the occasion hy one of the clergymen in town nfi which it i expected that ev- ral resoliiionswill be proposed and support ed with appropriate remarks it is hoped there wil he a foil attendance of ladies and gentlemen all who feel an iulereai in the tcmperauce cause paneeon ine december is21 samuel jsrcathonrlco hell wn william braikhnir christie boiie joseph brown kacbael bnlwock john benn jour wil- iliam cnlkuis 2 j samuel car well ivter close edward r carscallen isaac car- jcallen 2 henry cnnipmi 3 michael ltirie hohert edgar george emery isaac fetchel frasier john c garrisoi claraiy hawley 2 ilirnm hawlev isaac hill john lltiwley pn heck beoj jen- ma christopher kiloiurny peter keshr joseph jncksou joseph it lou j it loclt- wooiljb lewi john macdunaw ca therine murray thomas mowbrnv john meixler john ik ewen mathias more william mclaiicbbn pairtrk mcdonald hervy miller kachael miller william angent michael piercy thomas d pen- firld john petcries john perry samuel lhilips thomas kieman william rose nathan robinson james sier bradford tuttle william tallow william john thomson j f taylor daniel lusuine zay warner jane williams james walk er mrs susanna whiielnck davirl willi ams edward wilson aaron yoiimans summary the eastern counties in england have been visited by a severe hurricane in essex some hundred trees were root- ed up in thorndon park the beautiful by order of the conference of the metho- ct j n v ol u f i seal ol lord retre disi episcopal church in canada wcask presidmt d richard whately has been pro- jamks richardson secretary motedto the archbishopric of dublin york sej t8 1831 and bishopric of gjendalough vacant by ihe death of dr wm magee extract of a letter dated london 29m september i have just received a i shall oot fail to transmit to hescrretary ecms ofa ncw company called ol mate your memorial addressedohekmg i fc l in returning my hest thanks 10 yon for your good wishes i may venture to aliirm jvs ti wmcti his kxrellency was pleased to return the rohowlitriwwer ukmtlkmen thru ihe assurances nf your desire and de termination lo promote the interests of pure d company capital l 250000sterling to be raised in 5000 shares of l 50 each of parliament and several members nathaniel gould religion will afford general saiisfaciion i esquire are named as directors john because a very unfavorable impressinu lias gall esquire to be superintendent been made from one end of ihe province this company has been proposed in to tho other as regards an imputed secular j conse of the success of the cana- inicrtvrmcc on the part of your preachers i cmpany- anionj other particulars nti imuhtsion i am nfraid thai must kmhi i to counteract ih si1iiiiry effects thai ought in result from the active piety ami 7 fll nf voirj socio iv i rcov with kluctmiee lo aw fiupiic n nil lull uirnictl oi tfjt micirtuos inculcated by ministetsof any denomination of christians or the principles which they are said to espouse but on this occasion i think it right to acquaint you that although books for sale at the ronicle oincc thetftfrfltiw 1833 the yitantc souwnir for do the w lor do also tho life a aa of lord etluard fitzgerald by moore the ih f america containing the history tlf l spanish discoveries prior to 1520- no 3- cahioet library containing the autobhtrwphy of sir wquzt scott bart no 4u- contaiuin life of sir ffalttr rauigk lardnrrs cyclopedia coniitinj of the history nf scotland hy sir walter scott history ttfevgtand by sir junes mackin- j tosh- ouiuntaf history from the earliest j period to bo piesern time history of the netherlands 6yt c grattnn historyov france hs ero evans crowe the etc- menu of mechanics by dr larduer and captaiu kaicr also p sons wishing to bniitf out heir friends from thu north of lrelnndto quebec oembnrk from lon- rioflderryi can have ilieir passage se cured by paying the fillwing ratosnt the office of messrs buchanan co montrral for adults 2 12 children from 2 to 14 years of ago 1 f under 7 years ofage 17 tho abovo sum includes water and fuel for tho number of days prescribed bv law no piissengers will be receiv ed on board unless provided with pro visions for that period r s buchanan exchange chargeable on the above no letters received unless post paid montreal nov 25 1831 csig 3 6 prospectus ofa ncw weekly paper on a plan attempted before fur wllcicftfl oijij never mi ill yes let it be reiterated thou touo try of wondeis assemblage of emer alds thy comets thy phmet thy ui of paul ami another i an of ap- central start of genius ware never hmnm t kngston assemblies hk ilxi asscmmv will istkt plirp iho prospectus slates hint inn company ptnj by j ncrscnci tnihi had already received a proposal from a j and mineral waters by john hell propriemrofa inrgo seiiinr itv with a d ad ri dtthtw nn the study of natural phihso- phot by jpw hcrsclid trurthe on btitkt resutel by at myers hotel on mo vening the 2d january 1r32 dancing to commence at s oclock kingston 3d december 1831 ay e- sand acres of township lands a handsome fee three thousand gui neas have been given by mr alt wood of birmingham lo sir kdward sugden as a retaining fee and two thousand blrthatyorkon the 21st dec mrs g crawford ofa son marriedon the 6th inst hy the rev ob deacon mr peter montcrif aged 73 to miss eliza mcwatty aged 15bothof adolphus- town died on the 29th inst in this town betty powell a colored woman aged 109 years ahe had been for many years a pensioner of st georges church and retaiued hr facilities with the exception of her sight to the last moment of lr unusually protracted existence on the 22d instant at his residence at the cntenbaron robert griffin esq late cashier of the bonk of montreal aged 73 years and 4 monthn mr g if not the eldest was certainly one of the oldest of onr english residents having come to this country in the year i779shurtly af ter which he established hiniself as a merchant in montreal where he has ever since resided a few days ago in york of scarlet fe ver alfred and horace wells 5ons of the hon col wells aped one six and the other four years- they were both buried yesterday in one grave at york on the 20ih inst emma daughter ocaptrichardon aged 2 years and 8 months on the 13ih jftcat yot rohesuchftde son ofrobert stanton esq aged live years and three months the character of your ministers ia probably aspersed and although they may noras it is said take advaotae of the influence ac quired by their sacred nfllce to conduct tho sel mr a it wood is the defendant in political concern nf the penple committed 1 n suit instituted against him by one of to their care to he instructed only in tho the mining companies the sum sought words of eternal life yet 1 caimm imagine o be vc is upwards of live bun- thai r there were mi some s lor the j lhosand poun imputatuiu ol flieir incnuvernnt aiieriium tn secular concerns a desire fnr the return nf the wesleyen missionaries to resume their pastnral labors in this province would not have been generally expressed thi conclusiun may he erruneonsi but i am in some measure ted to it from the reports which f have received of the absurd advice offered by your missionaries to the indians themselves tho civilization of whom loo superintendents of the indian dcpaiuneot arc endeavoring to accomplish with our excellent couslitutinn in this province i trust we shall always find a mifficiem number of supporters of civil and religious freedom without the interference of the ministers of the gospel your preachers whether they arc brought from the united states or any other foreign country will i hope experience while they net honestly and respect british institutions the same protection ami encouragement and freedom which all americans enjoy w ho have fun rid an hm duo among us and rhooso to live under the itritish government in this province ami securely enjoy the rights of our colonies which are assured to every donmninattoo party sect or per suasion your dislike to any church establish meut or tho particular form of christianity which is denominated the church of eos- land may be the natural consequence nf the constant sources of your own cflicaci- ousorganized system the small number of our church is to be regretted as well as that the organization of its ministry i not ndapted to supply the present wants of the dispersed population in this new cnuntry hat you will readily admit that the sober- minded of the province are disgusted with the accouots of the diraceful dissentions of the episcopal methodist church aod its separatists recriminating memnrials and the warfare of one church with aoother the utility of an establishment depends en tirely on tho piety assiduity and devoted zeal of its ministers and on their abstain ing from a secular interference which may involve them in political dispute the labors nf the clergy of established churches in defiance of mural or religious truth will always be remembered by you who have access to their writings and benefit by them in common with other christian societies you will allow i havo no doubt on reflec tion that it would indeed with the consi derable population in ihe province he im prudent to admit ihe right of societies to dictate on account of their present numeri cal strength in what way the lands set a- partas a provision for the clergy shall be disposed of ample information on the question has been laid before the imperial parliament and no ioconveoience while it is pending can arise in respect to the occu paiion of these lands for there aro more acres now offered for sale than purchasers can he found for them in a few years the provioce will be peo pled by millions of our own couolrymen and many of the arrangements of his ma jestys government will have reference naturally to lb population ul the mother country destined to occupy the waste lauds of tho crowo tho system of education which has pro duced the best aud ablest men iu thobuit- ed kingdom will nut be ahnndnned here lo suit the limited views of the leaders of societies who perhaps have neither oxpe- 21th drcembr 1p31 steam boat notice the annual meeting of the slock holders in the u john by will take place at the office ol the stibscri- guineas to mr jervis the second coun- her on wednesday the 4th day of janu ary next at noon david john smith kingston 24th dec 1831 me removal fowler respectfully in- 1 cnnadu each piercedor commissariat kingston 23d jfceinfcrlssi giealed tenders will h re- j ceived at ihisoflice uniil thurs day the 12lh diiy of jamtnry next at tine oclock p mi to supply such of ihe following materials and perform such of ihe following services as may be re quired by the royal engineer depart- meut at this station for the year 1832 lvmber ofau kinehas per specification cut shingle nails lime sand hair and bricks also for such glazing per specification and for team hire and cartage the tenders must be separate and specify in sterling the rates at which the articles will be delivered al king ston or any part of point henry or point frederick and each tender must alto express the names of two persons of known property as sureties for the undertaking the specification may be seen al every other information obtained on lip- plication to this or the commanding royal engineer office the payments will be made as usual in british silver or in other cuirent coin at tho rate of 4s 4d per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury atthe rate of 100 for each 101 10s sterling due upon the co- ri a clarke a c q oysters the subscriber bees to acquaint die lovers of good oysters that he linsjustrecoived a quantity of a rich aud delicious flavor direct from alliany james mcdonald october 9211831 ms ihe ladies of kingston and its vicinity she lias removed lo part of the stone house in clarence street oc cupied by thomas askew where she continues the millinery and dress ma king and solicits a continuance of the liberal support she has received since her commencement in business kingston 14i dec 1831 cofee soups p the subscriber respectfully begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public in general that he intends keeping soups coffee lunches cc- during the winter from ten oclock a m until ten p m john belonoe kingston 10th dec removal john watkins has removed his hardware establishment lo a very extensive premises in siore street mnfrffrfsiuff- jm slwlteta vern where he is now opening in additi on tn his former stock fifty casks and cas- esof hardware cutlery c which were selected by himself in birmingham shef field and other manufacturing towns iu england j watkins returns his thanks to his friends country merchants and the public generally for the liberal sup port he has met with for many years past begs to inform them that the ar rangement he has made in england and from his occasional visits personally no house in ihe canadas can supply them on better terms- kingston dec 10th 1831 tavern licences for 1831 office of the clerk of the peace kingston dec 12m 1831 midland district tn pursuance of do wit jl the act in that behalf made notice is hereby given that an adjoined general quarter sessions will be held at ihe court house in his town on thursday the fifth jay of janu ary next for the granting and renewing licences to inn keepers for the ensu ing year bv order james nlckallsjr clerk of the peace m d majestys dock nk km5ttw c isth vlcmri itl ttotice is lierelv trivett on 1 the 18th dav of january 1832 at 10 oclock a m the hulls of the following ships as hey now lay on the shore off the kines dock yard at kingston upper cantku will he dis posed of by public auction viz st lawrence of 102 cuns kincsion of g btirlinion of 42 montreal nf 24 also the frames of the wolf and 1 10 cuns as they stand on the stocu in the dock yard immediately afier tlie above salr a quantity of standing turd running rig- gine laie belonging to the st law rence kingstnn burlington and mon treal will in like manner be disposed of as this rigging has been but liule used and is in good condition it may be ad vantageously relaid or otherwise con vened the ships will be disposed of separate ly and the rigging will be divided in to lots to suit purchasers a reasona ble time will be allowed for the removal of the articles from llio kings premi ses which must be done at the purcha sers expense a deposit of twentyfive per cent will be required at the time of saleand tho remainder of the purchase money previous tn ihe removal of the articles jfwiuw parambifs mny be iwfled at ihe naval store keepers office at kingston dock yard and of mr willi am limn clerk in cbnrge of naval siores at montreal on the opening of the navigation in 1832 about twelve hundred spars for masts and yards of from four to thirtyfour inches in diameter will be disposed of by public auction timely notice will be given of the days of sale the spars may be previously examined for which purpose application must be made at the naval store keepers of fice iln the undermentioned hempen cables viz 13 inch i no of 101 fathoms public notice- mr john brewer having deposited with the subscriber all ihe money that re mained at his disposal after settling with ihe workmen employed by him on the rideau canal a dividend of four siiii linos and two pence in the pniukd will be paid to the creditors of the said john brewer if they see fit to call at the oflicrj of the subscriber within twen ty days from this date and receive thu same in full satisfaction of their respec tive demands as stated in the schedule jno macaulay kingston 3d december 1s31 m i 100 14 1 100 m 1 100 17a t 95 23 1 100 j r glover naval store keeper polios and yet another i am of cephas and as all say i am of clint therefore robert jefpers proposes publishing in ihe town of kings- ion province ol upper canuk new weekly paper to be styled the alembic of truth this paper i lo he conducted upn apian never attempted bkfoue jtsllftllnot b confined to the advocacy nor tu be in terest of any particular sect or party its columns shall be equally open tu the reli gions of every persuasion the editor has perceived that most pe riodicals set out with vast professions of moderation a declared avoidance of al controversial subject giving numerous pledges which they never redeem the alembic of truth makes no such premises on the contrary its conductor being persuaded that truth can never suffer from investigation he therefore in- viiesuch investigation he challengesauch discussion hi columns shall be a com mon ground where every bigotted crery enthusiastical as well as every mod- erateensibleandable man of every profes sed section of the christian church may unhesitatingly tiate his own particular view and have then proved or refuted according as they may he found solid or chimerical when weighed in the impartial scales oftruth provided that instead df foul epithets and giving odious nainett he contents himself with producing his best argument in fine the intention of this publication i the demonstration of what is truth and if there be an amount of disposable mind on this continent suf ficient to attain this migbly object it shall be attained js this age or is it not an era of light docs not the womb of time appear as if teeming with new productions the 1 episcopalian comes forward certain he as found the truth the presbyteri an with no less pretensions the cath olic fully as confident as cither the methodist bnt here it may be necessary to pause while the conductor of the alembic oftruth declares he knowfl of no religious denomination which he thinks lo be entirely right or wholly wrong he helicveq hn is impartial and is free to declare ilia if he could findthe man whose religious creed was more liberal than his own he would take up thai mans views and lay down hisown and he is equally j free lo declare thai if it can be satisfactorily proved that any particular church is right m it f ol in cf ciivsicii7rve-fr4- doctr1nes discipline and practice it shall from that moment become impos sible for him lo abstain from entertaining similar sentiments and he hereby pledges himself fearlessly to avow them 91 he does not intend that his paper shall wear the aspect of sour godliness nor that it shall be exclusively religious he trmts that it shall he found at least equal to any other paper in ministering to the gene ral information and recreation of his sub scribers that it shall furnish subjects for innocent or second best conversation to the exclusion of the holy bitter of reli gions slander too often found in the skirts of longfaced brothers andlong- bometted sisters it is pleasing to see every man attached to his native land that man who is not true to his country will not be true to any thing else those who are not acquainted with the editor may be curious to know what country has ihe houour or stigma of his birth to such he would say that although his ancestry is of english origin he is by birth and education an irishman in this he clones yes notwithstanding all the faults and crimes att ributed to that portion of its refuse population found in this and other countries notwithstanding all the faults and crimes flowing from the neglected state of that portion of its refuse poptdation who have left their country lor their countrys good he glories in his country he is proud that he feels as an irishman because it enables him the more fully to feel as a man the generous sympathies of his country know no narrow nationalities borne forward by the fraternal glow they extend tue fundthe hettft ftf e brave the great the good of every clime and of every country he has no objection to the gude old land ncakes her enlightenedsons have fil led their lamps with beaten oil his english friends must not mistake him he faults not the origin of his ancesstry no he cannot have any objection to that 11 sea girt gem of heaven ox he has per ceived that the union of english firmness with irish fire has in many cases produced a human composition he had almoft said unequalled indeed america exhibits the great results consequent upon a mixture of nations but yet his friends cf every coun try must still excuse him while from the full tide of his impassioned soul he de clares he is an irishman btgotted nationality has termed hibern ians a nation of blunderers he is one yet he hopes to write without blundering the supernatural vigour of intellect urged on by the high wrought feeling which belongs to the first class of legitimate irish mind stoops not like other nations to the drudgery of ideal creation like the to he grouped together in their native mass for iu proportion as they arestiewed and scattered they relieve the dull uniformity of the human race they bespangle adorn aud beautify mankind the first numher of the alembic may be expected tu issue as soon as a svjji- cient number of aiihfqribeta ae obtained terms three dollars per annum exclu sive of postage if paid in advance or four dollars at the end of the year all publishers of respectable journals are respectfully solicited to insert this pros pectus and all who wish well to the cause oftruth and liberality whether publish ers clergymen post masters or others are requested to become agents for the alem bic oftruth to wnoin as liberal an allow ance will be given as is granted by any other paper orders for the alembic oftruth have been received from some of the most remote sections of the empire therefore its friatidi are requested to send in their lists of sub- scrihers a3 soon as possible as it is intended the first number shull sue on the receipt of a competent number of names the public whether merchants or others have now an opportunity of advertising in a paper the circulation of which is likely to exceed that of any other paper iu the province not excepting our estimable brother egerton advertisements inserted as low as by any othrr paper the editor does not pledge himself to any party whether in religion or politics but shall follow that plan which to himself shall appear best calculated to promote the public good jc those who take this paper will no well to preserve every number corefuthj from the beginning the editor has thought onidnallt fearlessly and peco- liarly on several subjects and wishes to leave behind him a record of his opinion that they may pass for what they are worth atthe time of the former publication of this prospectus a number of redoubted cham pions started with their religious torches professedly to enlighten the world but real- ly as others thought to set it on fire the alembic oftruth it is hoped will produce a different result all communications addressed post paid to robert jefveri kingston will be prompt ly attended to notice is hereby given that the tract of land in he township of pusiineh clergy block m fh bitlffrt of csttwv ffcenhv swveved by mr 0ibson together with the lots re maining unsold in the former survey will be exposed lo sale by public auction at the up set price of 15s currency per acre at mr james fiynns tavern on lot j8 west side of the road heading ihrough ihe tract lo guelphon wednesday the 4th day of janu ary lhkrt at 10 oclock a m on the follow ing conditions viz the purchase money to be paid in 10 instalments the first instalment of 10 per cent at the time of rale ami the re mainder in 9 year by annual instalments of 10 per cent with interest on each instalment as it becomes due a plan exhibiting the situation of the lots map be seen at the commissioner of crown lands office york oral mr james fiynns peter robinson commissioner of crown lands office york 24th november 1881 removal fslhomas askew begs leave to iniorni his fritiids and ihe public he has removed to the stone house in clarence street near in mr myers hotel and returns his most grateful lhinks for the libeial support he has many yeais received and assures his formercustomerts he will dispose of his remaining stock of prime goods cheap er llinn hitherto offered forsile among which arc superfine cloths pelisse cloths flannels linens prints shiri- ings and sheetings carpetings hosiery a general assortment of haberdashery a few ladies real beaver bonnets drabs black and hair brown 2 cases drab and black beaver hals and bonnets ladies cloth cloaks also 3 casks real day mortins blacking in pints and half do 3 quarter casks superior white ine tea cofiuc c c kingston 14th dec 1831- immortal fox its perplexity is to select not tu create what is termed irish blun dering is a something not felt not under stood by other nations it is the cox- course of ideas too vast for theout- let- it is comparing great things with small like a large congregation striving to press through a small church door they hin der each other and choke the passage so that sometimes those who are expected hit rush outers much loved hibernia region of won ders the very vices of thy national charac usr arc interesting are magnificent as yeast vben unmixed with other substances exhibits little else than unprofiiablermenf- ation yet when mixed with flour the ma terial of the stalf of life of nations it chang es its sedentary quality raises and forms it into bread that palatable as well as profit able aliment which is paramount in all the enjoyments of civilized life- so thou land of gems thy unrivalled sons from their excitative quality when mixed with the ponderous quiet dulness of other nations raises them to all that is palatable in pleasure great m enterprise and daz- ig in gwry commissioner nf crown lands office york 1st december 4631 the following summary of the rules es tablished by his majestys government for regulating the disposal of lands is pub lished for the information of persons desirous of settling in upper canada once in every year or oflener the com missioner of crown lands will draw op ht report of the land which it may be expedi ent to offer for sale by public auction with in the ensuing year and the upset price per acre at which he would recommend it to be offered the land so offered having been pre viously surveyed and valued the land will be laid out in lots of one hundred acres each and plans prepared for public inspection which plans may be in spected in ihe office of ibe surveyor general or in fha of his deputies the commissioner of crown lands will give public notice in the upper canada gaz ette and such newspapers as may be circul ating tn the province of the lime and place for the sale of land in each district and of the upset price at which the lands are pro posed lo be offered the lota will be 6olcl to the highest bidder and if no offer be made at the upset price the land will be reserved for future sale in a similar manner of auc tion the purchase money will be required to be paid down at ibe lime of sale or by four in- staleraenls with interest the first instalment at the time of the sale and the second third and fourth instalments al the interval ofa year any further conditions respecting these sales will be found in the printed advertise ments giving notice of them to indigent settlers who may be unable to avail themselves nf these opportunites of pur chase lands will be assigned by private sale in certain specified towmhips al an estimat ed value and he first payment will be accept ed at the end of three years without interest and theremainderof the purchase money to be paid in three equal instalments interest to commence after three years from the pur chase free granls arc not made by any but u- e loyalists or such persons as have served his majesty in the navy or regular army persons of either of these classes will forward their applications for land accompanied by official documents in support of their claims as heretofore to the civil secretary of ihe licuteuant governor and will receive an swers to them on applying to the clerk nfthe executive council and their location tick ets from the survevor general tpeter robinson ust received and for sale at the chronicle office tnr kings secttev bv the author of u the lost the young 2fe by the- zui j author of ll vivian grey also tho island 2nd volume of the family classical library and the three first volumes of ilut dramatic series of har pers family library kmcston 12th nov 1831