from the metropolitan been punished si seem rolmvo liveil sonnet an eierniiy of icnuorse fcich niglu i oh how u doth ut lonely fancy please see her at my bedside with i ounsirech- in a green lane by moony nigliis to walk upon the shadowdbranchesof the trees tliat tremble neath the feet and ed arms and tlie same sad and ume- roaehlul face as when she sank into jig niiiless waters how could i reply with the whis- musine talk in thoughtful converse pering tilings that congregate almost in silence there to give to solitude the hum she sings that fills but breaks not the deep listening air this is delight in every gentle scene cut oh how much more in the neighbourhood of her whose jove unto my heart has been amid its desert life the mannafood there is a melancholy joy in this almost as dear as certainty of bliss from the new monthly magazine an episode of real like concluded as i rowed towards the creek the spire of milton church stood coldly and i thought reproachfully out against the sky there was nothing else which indi cated the proximity of human habitati on for the little town of gravesend then only a straggling village was con cealed by a sudden winding of the river amid this solitude the fiend was busy with me and whispered devilish sugges- tionsin ray ear cicely seemed resol ved to retain my name i felt that sue would be an everlasting barrier to my advancement as i called it and the for years i ss i tried to he- drank ihe 10 her lathers leiter wrestled with my frelifl liee there was no iod i dr richest the most intoxicating wines they blisterrdin my lb rout the jest and the song was as funeral music in mine ears the young and the beau tiful would have been mine mine only but i could not brine the earthly to meet the spirit bride honours pnnrcd upon me gold cursed me with its yel low and pestilential abundance i was called brave brave t be very moment when i felt that i only rushed into the battle courting death lo he released from misery how little does the world know of the motives that actuate men how little dons it hare provided its own comforts are not distui bed by the mis fortunes of those who excite its curio sity cicely is mver absent from me by day or night itis there now and he pointed his linger upward as he spoke there pure transput ent that i can count the stars through its shadowy form and yet with that ever before me the world call me fortunate o rare world oh wisejudging mor tality i fortunate ay as hells own devils loud and terrific laughter succeeded this horrid summaiy and af the same inslan the bright moon discovered fea tures riven as it were by madness i conducted him lo the inn where his valet assured me that his master was any gayest friends i believe i was cow- grange things ard enough to dread the resentment of a compassionate one but her eravhcaded father i tremble at soon passes i must hast attair if bruited abroad was almost too u serious to receive the applause even of s lo such f w said the old man the wild- istetl to con clude the wretched man was dying detail of his last agonies ihey are over oh it was awful to hear him imploring the departed cicely to stand away from between him and heaven gray inv own imasininjs and passed my hand across my burning luuu as it 10 dissi pate ideas which congregating there became loo strong tor my cnfnebled brain my boat touched the strand and cicely sprang upon my bosom cod jiow i hated her even when her arms were clasped with all the intensity ol womans love around my neck when unmindful of the injuries i had heaped upon her innocent head she coveied my hands with kisses and crouching at my feet implored me not to desert flt 0 t i c k the suited iber buv- a in resumed business in kingston as a general commission merchant bogs to inform the merchants of upper annua that he lias received a pait of his fall supply of west india produce consisting of ijrown fair and very foil muscovado sugars lew ard island and jamaica rum plantation coffee pi- montof hollands gin and cugniae and oilier brandy all of superior quality also a large supply of conking and double and single stoves of different patterns the cookiufi stoves superi orly furnished with tins pol ash kettles sheet iron english clue c he also daily expects a large and ge neral assortment of dry goods crock ery hardware and such goods as will enable him to supply many of the mer chants usually resorting to montreal and the whole will be sold on terms so advantageous to dispose many of them lo get supplied from him and preclude the inconvenience risk and expense at tending the purchase of goods in the lower province upon the arrival of the expected sup ply the subscriber intends to detail the advantages which his establishment here will afford to the lpper canada mer chants which the limited time afforded by the publication of the chronicle to day precludes his doinir now a manaiian kingston october ldth 1s31 to l et and possession gien immediately lots no- lo and 14 in the 5th concession of pitts burg on the leading road to perth and 12 miles from kingston containing 300 acres with 100 acres of cleared land on the premises is a superior two sto ry log house with the other houses necessary to complete a farm it is al so in an excellent situation for a ta vern t he subscriber having been ap pointed agent for the alliance assurance company begs leave to ao- nounce to the public that he continue to assure amnios loss or damage occasioned by five in auy pan of the provinces of tp- her not to leave her to shame and mi- j per or lower canada from the liberal sery to the scorn of the scorner to cooditious and extensive scale on which the the bitterness of self reproach her lusl0c ul co conducted he i j i i i t c trusts the puttlir will hud itadvaotaseous to lon d hair clusieed over her fipure assure offim and iier soft eyes were turned upon iic q jait as the dove turns in its agony is last gaze upon the vulture that destroys its iiiosl sweet life yet in that hour loy- den i hated with a deadly haired the tow choking ofltis voice and the james wocrariane esq impeded imemnce with which ho ro- ftj 1 t i f j samuel khiulm bsq nouncen the last words made my blood f y u run cold lie paused hut 1 could nei ther speak nor move every power of vitality was paralyzed and when he recommenced i listened with swollen pev is ji alliance office st gahriclstrec montral 11 th july 1831 the fallen ing geutteuicu are agents in l canada kingston f cabourg york cornwall a w morris co lirockvitte i he ssis veins and straiiiini evehall otick a third dividcud will be payable at the olfico of john kirby i i am sure she read my purpose for l kinw0 00 wednesday the isth implored that for the sake of the t lc c of 1 i late allan taylor esn aud to the ate firm jrn i would spare her hie i 1mm ofta parker she uhbo her fjoui me with violoneo he bud- dered and exliausicd by exertion farn- ted at my feet i gazed upon iter jv and beautiful features which grief jad touched bitl not destroyed why whispered the ready dennm tnat dwells wuhijl the boom of the wicked aud im pels him to destruction why should she awaken to the shame and disgrace that must await her why should she awaken to mar your fortunes what is death but everlasting sleep v ley- den i raised her in my arms and turn ing away my head consigned her to hie everlasting waters o god o god that this had been all that she had de parted without the knowledge which for a brief moment she acquired the sudden plunge revived her paralyzed senses and with a wild and fearful shriek she sprang upwards she would have grasped the boat but i i cleaveland the blood rushed foam ing and boiling through my brain i was no longer master of myself cice- kioeston john kilt by a o tfstftir t parker trust fib mav usui ml ttrrnimg dinju cogelllui wllii the present laiye crop can ho given by upfnoved security the term of lease is such that it can be taken from one to ten years further particulars can be obtained from mr joseph ismce merchant kisgston 01 to the proprietor on the prtmiax john lavery iits sept 7th 1831 montkeal uazette the proprietors of tlie montreal gazette announce their intention of laving a competent person resident in quebec attending upon the provin ce legislature and reporting the de bates in both houses as far as circum staiees will permit a prompt and de tailed account of all the public docu- mtiis ln1ore ihe house will also be reidarly furnished lntendinsuhscri- era will find it to their advantage to make an early application so as to have heir file of the debates perfect from the opening of the session the mon- tnil ruzitte is now published three limes a week tuesdays thursdays ami saturdays at the moderate rale of 23s per annum postage included montreal gazette office nov ltnh 1831 pa1sti3m iik subscribers bug leave to re turn i banks to their friends ami the public of kingston and vicinity for the ciicoiiralemeni llirv have sepa rately received duiiiigilieii residence a- 11101111 lllllll tbev akn wish to inform them that they have opened an ksiiblislunent in quarry street opposite mr d pren tiss urv aood store tmilfr tite firm of ornamental sign caning house paint ers hazier iuytfbohgi s c e from their well known abililie and practice in kingston with a determination to be punrtual they hope to meet still with a shaie of patronage from a discerning aud generous public jab klkk joseph heathers kingston m 4lh issl notice har3ioba foldkv company in conformity to the act incorporat ing this company a subscription cook is now open at the office of tiios kikkkpatrick kiortnn itth may ikil notice 4 lf notes or accounts due to the estate of the late frederick keelerare to be settled with j h samson admr be 24ih dec 182 william johnson uatber and hairdresser nextdoor to xhelsimdon tavern lendeis his grateful acknowledgements to the ublic fr the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business ind he hopes bv close attention and industry u ine- iit a continuance of the public patro nage kingston 30th may lvo rsxhc suhsciiher olturs for sale at -d- erv low rates for cash or short approved credit jo tieices and 2j0 barrels of mus covado sugnr ji puncheons and 30 hhds f hich- lv ha voted and strong proof jamaica uuui 10 uarrols of first quality plantation collee 0 bags of pimento pipes il best holland gin 2 pipes chntnnlic urandy he has also on hand 20 cooking stove sofa new and highly admired folio full bound pattern well furnished with tin utensils meuted ico boxes of sheet iron it boxes of t d pipes 10 groce each 10 hands of best english due 1 cwi each he is daily expecting a largo supply of superior wines of different descrip tions and an extensive consignment of stove single and double of potash and sugar kettles and hollow ware alio which will be disposed of at the mon treal prices the nansport from thence simply added 1 amanahan- kincston oct is 1331 book binding kstaisijsiiwkint at tllk kingston chroniclr qfliet iih siibscribori liaving emjayod an experienced and reynhirlv brtu bnok- ijiudcr informs the public ibal hi kinds ol business in ibis line will be jeiiorm- i i at bis atlice willi neatness mid dos- ifticll jincl on moderate terms tlie following is n list ol the price when books arc brought in by i he qumttuv a small advance will be made on tin single volume binding in calf in calf orna- i i or sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship ofloughhoro forparticular quire at this office ainsion 9tli august j s2s scn- nni notice he stockholders of the john liy are requested to pay into my j hands on or before the 7th january nem i a further instalment of lo per cent on each share david john smith treasurer kingston fitli dec- issl to the public the suhsciiher respectfully begs leave to announce that he has ta- lys murderer was therehere before lt llrt i occupied by mr me her acknowledged murderer his vile sentence remained unfinished for my grasp was on his throat and the wretched being twisting like a reptile among the tombs was at my mercv suddenly i remembered that your friend was but anticipating the hangmans o- fficc and letting cose my hands and throwing myself upon the long grass which contained her mouldering tomb i found relief in a violent burst of tears one weight one dreadful weight was removed from mv mind sue had not thomas bain foul known as the steam boat hotel but belter by the comfort it conferred ou travellers under his respectable management and hopes by assiduity and attention to preserve that excellent establishment in full reputa- tiionand credit to this end every possible care will be taken to provide all things conducive to comfort of the best that money can purchase and he doubts not but that all who honour him with their patronage wil find pleasure in recommending wanted drafts on london ami wrhuli mw l ugliest rale of premium will ic ivcn by i- a ijaklkk kingston 29d oit n ok salk- lot no xs in grave street kingstoi ap to the kditor nf this aper the masihtox isoiwk hotjkl the suhsciiher having rented iris extensive and well known establishment has now opened the same tor the accommodation of the public the mansion house is pleasantly ritual- ed oo store street being the principal ami most central srreein kiogsiou i and uo establishment of the kiud in the province van surpass it in the excellence and comfort of its apartments in regard both to parlours and bed moms all of which are fur- uished in the very tiest style the subscriber having kept tavern for several years has acquired experience in that hue and be trusts that ivith unre- rntting atieniin to the comforts of his guests he will merit a share of the public patrouage in rear of the mansioo housn a large yard in which there is an extonire aud coininodinus ranjee of stables and where a livery stable will he constatiily kept for the accommodation of the public s cahjiixo klnjeston 24th october lcmt imffks parmentir oflersibr 1th sale at the ilorliculural botan- ouiuoli iiinil n i- 1 two nitjus from new yik line collection of the most desiiabk kinds of table and wine grapes pfars apples cherries peaches pjuttis nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and hrubs greenhouse and herbaceous lants a choice collection of jonthly l hardy roses print ed direction for planting are furnished to purchaser mr james macfarlane editor of thii paper will revive orders for fruit and or namental trtfis from her collection mrs p will make nrangemeuts that whatever is ordered frail him will he carefully pack ed aud forward without the slightest de lay catalogues ww be obtained gratis post paid at the tilice of the chronicle- reft rente john nlacaulay johu kirby john marks stephen yarwood allan mclean esquires 21th march 1831 n b it may be proper to mention that the necessary directions will be sent along with the dilferent trees as to the mau- uer of treating them- trees received in he fall can hi safely buried in the ground until i in- spriii when they can be planted without rcceiin auy injury from the frost provided that they are entirely covered branches and all with earth the small t orders will bo received and care shall be takcu that several orders will he made tp imo one package with a view to save the expense of cv the subscriber having hci appointed akciu in his province for v parmen- licr is now ready to receive o decs agreea bly to the above advertisement james macktblane kingston ujih march 1831- ijs mvelerat i long ballled the horrid guilt of self destruction on her u treatment and soul for that i fervently blessed the almighty and when i turned and be held the creature who was clothed in purple and fine linen and fared sump tuously every day crawling amid thr receptacles of the tranquil dead unable to arise like a man and stand erect be fore his maker but trembling with fear and sin even in that hallowed solitude i fck ashamed that i had degraded my self by viciding to tlie momentary im pulse of revenge i desoi ved it leyden he exclaim ed in a low and broketl lone m but justice shall not be deprived of her prey i came to england n4tli the intention ol dl mvself us a murderer to the olindcd laws of my country for i could no 1ol i soimiort the load of miserv support he load o mat buli yrar brings more iivliy on udi oilitv have i not met ry attention they themselves shall have received the stabling and other accomodations for horses and carriages are extensive and of the first class and diligent and well approved persons will be constan tly empoved to keep them in all res pects reidy aud applicable to the im mediate use of travellers as soon as it is possible the house wil be constantly furnisficd with thoieiyork montreal and other provincial papers and tho subscriber especially begs to announce that he has already taken mean to procure for tlie benefit ot his quests the daily lou- uen times as understanding it to be the most iutiretingofall the london prints during the sea sou it is his purpose to keep a uovvr failing supply of the lintst o slurs thas can be uhtniuatl tinoinnaniiockctt steam lat iiu-l- kiugstou nov ou lc31 valuai5le karmfuttsalt on leasonable terms pliai beau tiful farm on the road leading to bath and 2i miles from kingston the property ol and lately occupied by tho subscriber consisting of about ichi acres of excellent laud the most of which is in a hiefa state of cultivation there h built k- the pre- f miscs a large aud commodious dweliin house almost new with extei s f aud oilier outhouses altogethei loniiioal most comfortable establishment f a pea peetable family the whole t c lot is feuced with a substaiuj stone wall 5g feet bifth there are rwoltviug springs of excellent water on thu premise and several bearing fruit trees for further particulars apply cither at ihisollico nr lo the subscriber j store street iviuston dlncan vaal- kingston 21st oct 1831 ivoticktic snhscrit i j im i l r hf mhiiivit iifllil liltits lif on uftkt k cmllv ittmicurrtl lit idf r iuiiis i ghruiiicli 1iisiir wvlinia iir pliiir icivc ihcir juim al litis ujfit iamks mactu 1 1 11111 m lfithi will mkiji i- lam- jalt kiium 1 disease which the art of the most experienced physicians lias at length found a sovereign remedy in jlr la images genuine oininent few cutnueous diseases are met wtn more re uctaucc by the physician fciniie in which he is so universally uusuccsful this ointment has stood the testcol experience aud justly obtained an unpaialleled cele brity it immediately removes tbe scabs frjvcs a healthy action to the vessel so the skin and its oriual colour and smoothness nuincrousreconiuie ndntions might he obtained of itr supciior ellicacj but the proprietor chose that a fuu trial should be itsonly commcntatni it has io three or four weeks cured cpes otfifteen aud twenty years standing that had re sisted the power of every rcmdy that was tried it not only at once pives immedi ate rclinfio salt itheuin but cures tinea capitas commonly called cald head aud all rcnbhy eruptions peculiar lo un- ealthv children fly there is nothing of a mercurial na ture contained in it and it may be used on infants or others under auy circumstances whatever piuce one dollar per bottle for sale by win isinley kiugston john mnssou tiiiehecand george kent iwou- treal sole agctit for tbe canadas kinstnn ilihluly 182s lltl fl ogra phy from canadian stone the subscriber bees to announce to tho public the establishment of a lithographic press in k ngston by the name of wimiam iv pnessi heie will be executed all kinds ex work ap plicable to that useful art suh as maps plans views circulars m head ings of merchants bills and swam boai notices with ibe sketch of the boat il requiied blank deeds and memonasl funeral notices embellished with suit able emblems hills of exifemt sc c c persons wantin- y t copies i iluir own hand wt v suppliinj wiili prepared pnpfrawl che mical ink loi lluit purpose s o taxi- ttlvll n p oniricatures piin h lllj sketch huiti siiiiplitd hooks for half iil following books are for sale at the chronicle office viz the family library consisting of j he uutory of the jews from the ear liest piiiod to the present time ky the rev ii ii miiman i 3 vols is mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon buonaparte by j g lockhait esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2d london edition 3 vols is mo life of nelson by robert soutii- ev esq with a portiait tnr lift oj htevunhcr im fhf0 by the rev j williams willi a map natural history of insects illus trated bv mimeious engravings 13 mo the life of lord byron by j ohn gait i mj is mo the life of mohammed founder of the religion of islam and of the em- pilo of the saracens by the rev george bush a jvl wiih s plate 18 mo letters on dcmonology and witch- rape by sir walter scott ban is nut ivhh a plate listnrif of the bible by the rev g i gloiif in 2 vols iy mo with a map of palestine narrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and regions with illustrations of their climate ohly and natural history and an account of the whale fishery by professor leslie professor jameson and ilugh ivurray es wilh maps c h mo life and times of george jv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george jrolv with a portrait mo new andimpioved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa from the earliest ages to the present time with illustra- in ihr cnnnllifi wiwhn am yooloirv by professor jameson james wilson ksq and illicit ilur- ray esq willi a map and wood en gravings js mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq i- li mils is mo with portraits distort of chivalry and the cm sades by u r james ksq 18 mo with a plate mary queen of scots in 2 vols hy ji c bell esq the continuation of the family libra ry will be regularly received at the chro nicle otlice immediately us the volumes are issued from the press of the messrs harpers of new york tu render the family library still more worthy of patronage the publishers pro pose incorporating iu it such works ofiu- atpre ami value as may appear in the vn- uriosl libraries and miscellanies now pre paring in europe particularly tho na tional aud the edinburgh cabinet libraries- all ihese productions as they emanate from ihe pres3 will he submitted quarto octavo l2mo irini do do do do do do do do s 1 0 o io u 0 0 5 3 0 1 m i 0 half binding in calf folio half bound anil meuted quarto octavo ir ldmo do do do do do do do do orna- u 17 a binding is sheep folio full mooted quarto octavo i2mo til mo bound and orua- do do lo do do do do do 0 7 0 u 3 8 0 1 8 0 1 0 17 g 0 7 6 0 3 4 u 2 3 o 1 8 also ledger blank work and ruling lo any size or pattern for port folio anil ale charge fauey biudiuq separ james macfaklane kingston 13th april 1829 new st30reotypk e- dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber has in ihe press n extensive second edi tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from the 323th london edition a 1 is27 this edition which will be printed ojfc good paper from the mills ol eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfarlane kingston 22d may 1s30 coppeuplate tpress a first rate copperplate piinung press has just been received at ilie chronicle oflice where visiting cards wiil be printed and all other gpperplat work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cards for sale at the chronicle office jul 24th l830 tht board of education for the johnstoun district gin notice that front the present time it is their intention strictly to enforce the regulation made some yean hack by which the use of american books in teaching is prohibited and the masters are directed to couljue themselves to such works of elementary instruction us are 18 compiled hy british authors only a copy of mavors speinhook may he obtained hy each master whose certifi cates have passed the board on applica tion to dr lluhhell that die compliance of the school imivtora mi iibsiiviviiil i tgrtnotreguifrfon enjoining tlie usc of prayers at the com- meucemeut ofschool in the moruing ami at its close iu the ovenlug a form adapted to general use may he found io mavors spellinghunk and is re commended fur this purpose hy the board printed forms for the quarterly certifi cates to he signed hy two trusices may he had on application to adiet shttwooitmn brockville july 12d to a committee of literary gentlemen for inspection aud uone will be repriutcd hut such as shall he found calculated cosustam tho exalted character which this library has already acquired also bourrienoes private memoirs of napo icon sketches of naval life with notices oj men maooers aud scenery on the shores of the mediterranean with maps by a ci vilian- the author of cyril thornton correspondence of admiral colling- wood with memoirs of his life iuarhystreet srarly opposite mr 2mtti store the subscriber bcjs leaven inform the inhabitants of kingston and its vicinity that she has lately arrived from england and commenced business iu the following line leghorn bonnets made to any pattern old oucs stovd aud altered chip straw itonuets made cleand c according to the latest english fasliious and on reason able terms m haldenby the kioston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by james macarlake at his otlice in front street kingston tekms seventeen shillings sixpence peronnum sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d tirst insertion and aud 7a each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s id tirsl inscition and i oil each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per lino for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advei vemcn without written directions in serted tutforbitl and charged accordingly n orders for discontinuing adveitisenients iq bo knmu of he pemosular campaigu by ji wrmg and dcivcrcd we noon at the latest no advertisement received alter ten oclock on ihe day of publication icy produce received in payment at the mar- a year in spain by a young american- j ket price u ijlgi hvwji iiiu j1 berthas visit to her uncle io england the j rooms oracle and pocket stable directory lawrence on the horse the boston revised edition of the wa- verley novels wiih plates the heiress of bruges a novel by t c grutlan maxwell a novel hy the author of lfc sayings and doiugs the barony a novel by miss auna maria porter thctalbaa romaofo by mrs- bray agents john bignhi esq quebec david chisholme es three rivers andrew portoous esq jtftio- treol james mcintosh eso lancaster john cameron esq loctitl kcline esq cornwall george browse eq jtiutitda alphcits jones txq presclt henry jones eso krockvitte josiah taylor esq perth hwliirmursh esq richmntl j k uartwdl rn rantand mess c j mdnnald ffokmrnrr john dean esq hath allan mcpliersou ksq aapane thos parker esq btttvilu jowph a kcelrr esq crnmahe jan g bethune esq hamilton david smart esq- part hope william allau rsq york daniel ros ksq viiria juhu crooks esq a rasyira charity bicr ksq tlftrjytfjr j- d gilbert esq vief piutotcn w robertson esq rivo tstat