t this ncit system of opinion and sentiment had its origin in the ancient chivalry und the principle though varied in its appearance by the varving slate of human nflairir subsisted and in fluenced through a long succession of genera- lion even to the time we live in if it should even be totally extinguished the loss i fenr will be great it is this which has given its charac ter to modern europe it is this which lias dis tinguished it under all its forms of government nd distinguished it ic its advantage from the elates of asia and possibly from those states which flourished in the most brilliant periods o the antique woild it was this which without confounding ranks had produced a noble equal ity and handed it down through nil the grada tions of social life it was this opinion which mitigated kings into companions and raised private men to be fellows with kings without force or opposition it subdued the fierceness of pride and power it obliged sovereigns to sub mit to the soft collar of social esteem compelled authority to submit to eleganceand gave a deno mination vanquisher of laws lobe subdued by manners u but now all is to be changed- all the plea sing illusions which made power gentle and o- bedience liberal which harmonized the different shades of life and which by a bland assimila tion incorporated into politics the sentiments which beautify and soften private society arc to be dissolved by this new conquering emperor of light and reason all the superadded ideas fur nished from the wardrobe of a moral imagination which the heart owns and the understanding ra tifies as necessary to cover the defects of our naked shivering nature and to raise it to dignity in our own estimation are to be exploded as a ridiculous absurd and antiquated fashion yes thou venerated seer all is now changed the untoward and rough spirit which thy pure heart deprecated has invaded the breasts of all and driven far away the genius of chivalry al- ranks and distinctions aresought to be confound ed in an ignoble equality of the lowest denomi nation and h all the gradations of social life destroyed and swallowed up in the vortex of a fierce and levelling democracy kings and no bles are to be converted into the tools of heart less faction and the respect paid them is to he measured by the prospect of the weieht they may throw into the scale of piuty ambition they are to become the chessmen of the dark design ing demagogue to be moved as their scheme of expedience may seem to require and be made the passive instruments of casting the game into other hands yes into hands that arc bound by o principle but that of selfishness your obttt scrvt one of the people the kingston chronicle t -r- saturday january 211832 the arrival at new york of tho letters and tapers brought out by the packet ship george canning of whose loss we have already inform ed our readers puts us in possession of london dates down to the 24th november this as well as the preceding arrival from havrefurnish- es no matter of any importance beyond hc pro clamation of his majesty for suppressing politi cal unions we have already expressed our opi- mon of the mischievous tendency of such deceit ful appendages to the government of great bri tain thecircuimtance however may not im probably lead to results not at first contemplated- the union particularly at birmingham have re ceived if not the avowcdat least the understood ipprutiutiun u jvtuitauj ttiji v o4c init ulm taken if lord john russcl has not in very une quivocal language acknowledged the policy and patriotism of this gratuitous confederation par liament was expected to meet on the 9th dec though little business was likely to be transact ed until after the christmas recess a circum stance of an extraordinary character distinguish es the affairs of france a measure for the ex clusion of the senior members of the house of bourbon from france- has been discussed in the chamber and to avoid the appearance of parti ality a similar exile is in reserve for the femilyjof bonaparte we regret to state that the cholera at sunderland is of a more afarming character than was at first supposed the symptoms of the disease appear similar to the indian chofera but are described as milder and less hurtful in their effects it has not as far as we can disco ver spread beyond the neighbourhood of sun dterland and it is highly satisfactory to have the best medical testimony that the disease is not contagious by a resolution of the house of assembly for which the inhabitants oi kingston cannot oe too grateful the sum of l3000ias been ranted in aid of the subscription already in ham for the erection of an hospital in this towiu the ne cessity of such an institution has hccnlnng expe rienced j and while wc corg the public upon this important acquisition wc invite them to cooperate in encrpasing the sum already sub scribed so that sufficient accommodation mov be provided for the sick poor of the town as well os those who may by accidental circumstances be charged upon the bounty of the community vvhilu upon this subject we cannot refrain from again noticing the zeal and fidelity which our worthy representative exercise when ever the interests of this town are placed before the ses sion upon this discussion it was proposed to limit the grant to l1000 but by his persevering energy he overcame thearghments against him and eventually succeeded in securing the sum altcady mentioned if not rewarded by our humble but unequivocal approbation he will at least obtain the blessing of the sick and needy and will receive the benefits of the faithful pro mlse m in the day of trouble pographical correctness to any jeurnnl in the pruvuiceexccpt of course our own preeminent periodical mr wymun has our best wishes for his enterprising undertakin f the house of assembly have transacted a vast deal of important business within the last ten days independent of the grant of l3000 for the kingston hospital the sum of l100 has been voted tocommissioners for obtaining information about penctentiaries l300 for the york hos pital l 2543 to burlington bay a loan of l2000 for port hope harbour l250 for as sisting destitute emigrants at prescott and l100 per annum to grantham academy the motion for granting l50000 for the improve ment of the st lawrence was negatived a bill was passed to encrease the capital of the york bank to 20000 the casting voice of the speak er decided the question mr bidwells humane bill for affording felons the benefit of legal coun sel was carried by a majority of the house the only members voting against it being the law officers of the crown a similar bill was lost in the legislative council of the lower pro vince in a committee of supply on tuesday the pruning knife of modern economy was exer cised in curtailing the attorney generals salary at the last accounts the committee had not deci ded the attorney general was then on his legs defending his own rights with his usual ability the motion for distributing messrs thomson macfciluues revised editition of the statutes was carried on tuesday when each member of the house was presented with threo copies this measure was opposed by mr bidwell we have heard that special constables had been sworn in to preserve the peace on thursday but we hope however that nothing occurred to require their interference in another part of our paper will b found an account of the loss in a fog of the packet ship george canning on her passage from liverpool whence she sailed on the 24th november to new york no blame can be attached to captain alleyn who it appears exerted his utmost skill to save the crew ami pa seniors subsequent accounts mention the probability of also saving the greater part of the cargo the vessel ms insured for 40000 dollars the following jue dsprit from fillip fudge shows how deeply his poetic spirit was wounded hy the advice we recommended lim last week he stems a good natured sort of fellow and therefore a this was more legible we give it as we received it good mr ed- a report has obtained some circulation here that it is in the contemplation of the legislature to memorial his majesty to remove the seat of government from york to kingston the suc cess of such an applicaiiun however becomes extremely doubtful when we reflect upon the vast sums which have been expended at york in the erection of the college parliament house and other public buildings and the disposition of the present ministers to curtail in every possi ble respect the profuse expenditure of the public purse we should however rejoice to bad our anticipations apocryphal for unquestionably kingston from every local circumstance is the only proper position for such a purpose in the province and we have reason to believe that a record of that fact is lodged in the colonial of fice but has been resisted by individuals who mn 3 nalttftlllv dpuvm c rrtmn ih government in its present situation as the people of kingston arc to have it removed we have made very copious extracts from the york courier on the subject of mr mckenzie in corroboration of the opinion we have long entertained that that unfortunate anddementat- ed being waenot expressing the sentiments ei ther of his constituent or the u people in the career of folly and disgrace by which he has for ever terminated his parliamentary existence it redounds much honour upon those whose cha racter and integrity are questioned by their sup posed allegiance to mr mackenzies seditious and inflammatory doctrines in renouncing the trust ho so basely violatrd and flinging in disdain the identity with which he would associate their principles with his own misguided judgment- they are awakening from that infatuating draft with which he endeavoured to intoxicate their reason and wc venture to predict the opproxi mation of the period when such efforts to retard and obstruct the advancement and prosperity of our province under the wise and judicious sys tem ot our present government will be regarded es the darkest era in the history of canada the servility in which so many acquiesced has eve by themselves been considered as degrading and wc are oaaured that notwithstanding all his seditious vni exasperating hurrungucs to provoke the passions of the people and avenge in imagi may wrongs few if any will be found so desti tute of moral honesty atflo relinquish the privi leges and blessings they derive from the protec tion of thoo taw that h infamously demands sid encourages tho violation ot the sale of ships stores c as advertised took place at h m dock yard on wednesday last mr drummond was the purchaser of the st lawrence at l25 a vessel which cost up wards of a million of money the stlawrencc was the only vessel sold no purchasers appearing for the others the standing and running rigging were pur chased by several individuals of this town the whole produce of the sale we understand did not exceed l 1400 the greater part of the materials was in excel lent condition and may be converted into the best oakum that ever was imported into this province the subscriber to messrs thomson mac- farlancs edition of the statutes are informed that the work is now ready for delivery at this office as the impression was unfortunately too limited for the unexpected demand fortius work subscribers and others would require to take their copies as speedily as convenient messrs mephcrson c of prescott have rented mr carlwnghts stores in order to pro secute the forwarding trade from hence to mon treal wc differ from ifrtr herald however in their opinion that this company will trade exclu sively by the st lawrence in preference to the rideau we believe we speak the intention of the messrs mcphersons when staling that both courses will be pursued according to their own advantages and the security of those who may employ them mr i bird and dr turner from new bruns wick arrived in new york a few days ago on their way to this province the former gentle man is appointed surveyor general of upper canada when next yon grudge to print a piece for fillip fudge i think twill do you good i merely meant to give a spice of what the wouldbes want advice but twasnt understood it is a pretty how dye do to be bedaubed by such s you in terms a low as lame it seem indeed the garb is all determines in your judgment hall the meed of praise or blame now couldnt you so cunning con with spectacles your nose upon those chinese thingum bobs and civc to those who need it much a gentle easy sort of touch to titivate their nobs but do not think i mean to crave a place for my rejected stave an inch i wouldnt budge to gain a stroke of your applause and heres the reason tis becaui t wont answer fillip vudge- for the chronicle what is sweet when sadness on the spirit lours mid clashings in a world of strifc tis sweet to muse on by gone houvs and call their incident to life when deep corroding cares annoy and the weak feelings suffer path tis sweet to dwell on former ioy and tread each pleasant path ftgfetou tis sweet when blighting griefs an and wear the pliant mind qwflv iiuu wear ijteiratii hand aury when gazing on the far offvkic to think of some more happy day when friendless on a btniosu shore with those who cannot joy awake tis sweet in fancy to explore for those who never may forsake tis sweet our homeward steps to trace to catch a distant sunny view of boyhoods happy dwelling place anil feel the life blood start anew tis sweet on cherished soil to stand to hear the soothing welcome tone to clasp the proffered friendly hand and have smiles answer to our ovn when ended is the weary way and evcty dark dejection past tis oweet mis swen to hear them say 44 the wanderer has come home at last tis sweet to rest the aching head and have affection hovering nigh bending in silence oer the bed when dreamy sleep lias sealed the eye tis sweet to fly to hills remote to hail the morns coruscant glow to watch the rising vapours float ltwaiffeuwfd ttvili lift 4ile intuit tis sweet o hear the blackbird sin now skuping light from spray to spray now latinuug on expanded wing still cchung out his roundelay tis swert when noontide heats oppress to seek he neighboring grateful shade and woo c zephyrs cool caress beneath che beccheu trees arcade tis sweet to rnam in solitude to scan ihe pathways well known wind to stand where we before have stood in other days far far behind tisswcc on yielding banks to sit where our feet the river curls to sec the fireflics round us flit what tunc the eves brown scene unfurls tis sweet in listen to the swells booming harmonious to the land shrill crackling in the hollow shells which chequered line the sluggish sand tis sweet to hear the voyagcurs pealing n their countrys song now solo through the air career nowtht full chorus sweeps along tis sweet list the bugle blown when ijpfis an roves give back the sound to hear th flutes free mellow nman reverberate oer the deep profound tis sweet o seek ihe churchyard lone may be orne friend some comrade there and piuck the rank grass oer him grown who living claimed our every care tis sweet lo choose a lowly spot here w nkl by 3h j q when worldly luring arc forgot and ite and sense and feeling fade swaran by tho council on friday eeoiogt which state that nn article signed 4i pcikcz y bien which appeared in the mhtcrvc of the dill instant aud that an editorial article in the kmtcaforoftlic 3d intant upon the council and aro direct violntioos of its privileges tho legislaiivo coun cils messeoger used all diligence in arrest ing the two gentlemen natred which he effected with the aid of two bailiffs of the court whose assistance was afforded by the deputy sheriff of the district oo a re quisition to that effect from the sergeant at arms tho proceedings adopted by the council iu these cases ill probably reach us by thursday next s messrs du- veroay and tracey expected o reach quebec by the afternoon of tuesday oo monday last gsonejc keys esq- of the firm of thos stott co the premature and melancholy death of this gentleman has excited equal surprise aud affliction among his numerous friends the pecuniary embarrassments which have beou alluded to might have been surmoun ted by a person of less energy and talent for business than mr k possessed had not the power of his mind givea way under the daily and hourly contemplations of the encreasiog sufferings of a dearly beloved wife caused originally by a most painfu accident in thecourse of last summer this was the domestic affliction which latterly distracted his raiud from the successful pro secution of his business and gradually ren dered him unable to bear up against the accumulated difficulties of his situation the catastrophe of his death does not pre vent his friends from deriviog satisfaction from the general acknowledgement of the qualities he displayed during life lie was an upright aud honorable man just in his dealiogs strict and correct in his morals and deportmeota sincere friend and ao excellent husband his attention to cha ritable duties and his exertious otu hehlf of the poor emigrants on a recent occasiou are better known than several aots of disin terested friendship in private society which will be lotig remembered to his honor quebec jtitrcury onavcdnesday evening the enginery for tho steamboat john by arrived here in sleighs trom montreal on the opening of the naviga tion it is expected that she will be perfectly con plctcd law atlffiitirr yesterday came on before mr justice holland and a special jury the case of mitchell m uriah laflin for criminal con versation with hc plaintiff wife thedamg were laid at 1 000 the panics were both from caldwells m the case occupiedthe whole day and abo lf oclock the jury after retiring for a few mumics gave a verdict for the defend ant mr hoston counsel for plaintiff mr walker and m adams for defendant mont- ordination on friday last beior the festival of the epiphany and oo sunday the 8th inst the gentlemen who had beeu respectively undergoing examination for deacons and priests orders for some pre vious days were ordained by the lord bi shop of the diocese in the cathedral church of this city deacons on friiay mr joseph brown who has been engaged under a private ar rangement by the rector of this parish and is appointed for the present to serve the new chapel at presde ville and mr j g beek lindsay who is destined to a charge among the protestant settlements above threerivers priests on suntfoy the rev j l al exander missionary in leeds the town ships and settlements adjacent l c and the rev fred mack who is stationed at osnaburg u c an excellent ordination sermon was delivered on sunday immediately after the solemn ceremony of the day from 1 cor i xxiii xxiv hy the rev s j l lock- hart m a chaplain and secretary to the bishop 0 q- gttu u i 4 liri we have received the swoud number of the cornwall observer published at cnrnwall by mr w wymaii it is printed upon a handsome imperial sheet- and is equal in selections and t messrs ouenray aud tracoy the pro- prietoreoflhoaimrieand vindicator news papers ul ibis city on sunday evening about blue oclock io the custody of the serjeant at of the legislative council 1 we learn u thee arrests were founded on koluiitfinpad w closed doors qttffc monday 9th jon report of the standing committee of roads and public improvements in this report the committee reported favour ably as to the project of capt lc breton for arresting the ice before the town so as to form a bridge over the river at any time wheu there is sufficient floating ice io two or threo days at a moderate oxpense not to exceed c00 the projector had not generally disclosed the means he proposed to employ hut for the satisfaction of the committee capt le breton had submitted it to two gentlemen of science mr w g shcppard and the rev mr vvilkie who had been examinud by the committee and both had stated that tho explanations were so satisfactory that they conceived the exe cution was not only practicable but would in all probability he successful in obtaining the object proposed the grant of 300 was therefore recommended two hundred co- pics of the re port was ordered to be printed from the york courier voice of the people c as our venerable and veracious contem porary of the christian guardian has e- viuced great anxiety in his last number to inform his readers what is the w general opinion iu the various parts of this pro vince respecting the late public mea sures and he has expressed a wish to be furnished more at large with such items of intelligence with a view to the publication of them in the next guardiaa wo have for his especial gratification published on our firsfpage a few specimens of the ge neral opinions which seems to be enter tained by the people in various parts of the province nd we suhjoia hereunto a couple more of the same kiud inthe con viction that these specimens of the u gene ral opinion will grace the columns of tho next number of that truly pious and movt impartial production the christian guardiau tho first is extracted from aletter written t hy a wealthy and much respected peunsyl- i vaum dutch farmer who has been rttled i iu the niagara district upwnrdsof3u years 1 the second is from a wealthy yeoman a native canadian living in the gor dis trict postcript to a letter received by a mem ber of parliament from the niagara dis trict from a wealthy and independent far mer residing on the niagara in the ultra ship of willoughby dated 24ih december itfjl there is a great ado about mr j mackenzie in the wigwam but i think him well disposed of let the house be firm and put down all factions with him i have viewed with dread such eeinbinntinns as seem to have beeu rewing witbmatkeu- zie at its bead however the house of as sembly i think have made a lucky stroke which i hope will havo the effect of rooting up every yankee machination in the pro vince for as such i have always viewed it extract ofu letter from a highly respectable fanner in the county of vntw0tih to one of tht members for that county barton luth jan 1832 41 from what oetvs ive get from york i expect blood will be shed yet and that the militia will have to be called on to put down mackenzie aud his faction which we will do with a vengeance if required it is most astonishing that the british constitution is no more regarded than it is it appears to be a premeditated thing altogether first to libel the house the goveruincot and the people and then to raiso a mob to support it we do not agree with the last writer that there will be occasion for the services cither of the militia or the regulars for your real ooisy bragadocias who blus ter and spout and scrawl bouncing resolu tions at pot houses aud ryersooian meet- tog houses have always a mortal aversion to cold steel one glance of the eye from the man who has so often doubtlessly can tered through tempests of musket and eao- non halls on the fields of coruona albu- era and waterloo will be quite sufficient to scatter to the four winds of heaven a hostofsuch empty and insolent boasters as those who figured the otherday at the scar borough meeting while oo this subject we may be allow ed to express our surprise at the remiss ness of the commanding officer of the gar rison major bnnvick io allowiog the soldiers of the 79th to attentl the late elec tion he must or ought to know that their presence on such occasions is express ly contrary to law at the late election a number of soldiers attended with their side arms aod wo have heard of some scones which occurred upon that and upon a sub sequent occasiou which we regret to say do not at all enhance their reputation as members of the distinguished corps to which they belong we look upon tho conduct of the commanding officer however to be far more reprehensible than that of the soldiers themselves we have learned that addresses of thanks to the house of assembly for the firm and patriotic conduct on the late eases of breach of privilege are circulating in the gore district and that they are already very numerously aud respectably signed they will be presented in a few days 1 provincial parliament house of assembly monday january 9 ml- perry seconded hy mr bidwell moves that it be resolved that an humble address be presented to his excellency the lieutertant governor informing his excel lency hat daring tha present session of parliament this house has resolved that certain articles published in different num bers of a newspaper called the colonial ad vocate in which some of the members of this house were accused of sycophancy and of being aniexecutive faction were gross scandalous and malicious libels on this house and the government of this pro vince and that william lyon mackenzie esq then a member for the county of york having avowed himself the author of the said articles be expelled this house and ha ordered two thousand copies of its proceed ings relative thereto to be printea for the use of members that the said william lyon mackenzie esq was afterwards re elected and took his seat in this house and that this house has subsequently resolved that certain other articles in another num ber of said newspaper which appeared to have been a communication made by him as a candidate to the electors of said coun ty at the hustings before his reelection was a gross scandalous and malicious libel and has aain expelled the said william lyon mackenzie from this house and has declared him unfit and unworthy to hold a seat therein during this parliament that this house has reason to believe that these proceedings have produced a good deal of excitement in the minds of the people of this province and that this house is anx ious to take the most effectual means for vindicating the character of its members which will be by submitting their conduct to the decision of their constituents and therefore humbly praying his excellency to dissolve the present parliament and summon a new one and that the 32nd rule of this house be dispensed with so far as re lates to the same on which the house divided as follows yeas messrs beardsley bidwell bit- ell campbell clark cookhoward ketch urn lyons mccall a mcdonald d mc donald norton perry randal koblin shaver and white 18 nays messrs attorney general ber- ezy boulton brown burwell crooks duncomhe elliott a fraser iligersoll jarvis jones lewis mcmartin mcnab majoo morris mount rohnison samson shade solicitor general thomson van- koughnet warren werden and w wil son 27 the glorious minority a public en- ia understand wan vesterdav wrtimhwiihvuujcitanu wu ycsierua prepared hy mr mackenzies committee at klliotts tavern in honor of the glo rious minority who were nil invited to at tend m tho glorious minority however we hear from sumo cause or other did not think proper to grace the patriots table irith their presence and so tho patrioticcom- rnittee were left to digest their l pork po tatoes aod politics by themselves 16 house of assembly the subject of the war losses was brought forward in com mittee of supply on wednesday and upon the motion of the attorney general the sum of 57412 10 0 sterling was voted towards the payment of those losses by a majority of four as follows yeas messrs atty general beardsley eerczy boukno brown burwell chu- holm clark crooks duncombe infiersoll jams mccall mcnab macon mount randall shade solicitor general j will- son aod w wilson 23 nays messrs bidwell buel campbell a fraser howard junes ketchuin lyons a mcdonald mcmartain morris norton perry robinson roblin samson vuikfltiehnett wprdon and white 10 i be greater part ol ihursday tvas occu pied in cnmmittee of supply on tho at torney generals motiou for a grant of 50000 for the improvement of the st- lawrence no small scale as it is termed for boat navigation the house were much divided on the subject some being for rendering the st lawrence navi gable for schooners others for postponing any improvement there at present until the effects of the rideau canal could be ascertained and others for the present motion tho ally generals resolution was ultimately lost hy a considerable ma jority and it is likely therefore that no thing will be done oo this subject during the present year yesterday tho house went again into committee of supply when a motion for granting 3000 for the improvement the harbour at port burwell at the mouth of the otrcr creek was rejected by a majority of 5 or 6 a resolution for impnsiug a duty of per barrel on salt and 7 percent on live stock and fresh pork beef aod mutton imported from the united states was car ried and afterwards adopted in the house nearly unanimous the proceeds to he ap plied to the payment of the interest of money granted for the war tosses a motion for loaning 3000 on security to the cobourg harbour company was carried by a vote of 24 to 18 two resolutions submitted hy arac- nab one for granting a som of money to the crown for the payment of district court judges and another providing for the payment of a fee to the crown on all processes brought into court the sum raised by the latter resolution being de signed to meet the expense incurred hy the former and thus in effect rendering the district court judges independent of the suitors while those suitors would never theless cnntinueindirectly lo pay the judges salary were lost by a small majority and thus mr mcnabs bill on this subject will be thrown out for the present session the grand river improvement bill brought down from the legislative couu- cil with several amendments was taken up and the amendments read a second time and committed saturday 4 oclock p- m- the house in committee of supply have this day grant ed 2000 for the port hope harbor and 250 sw the relief of destitute emigrants who arrive at prescott a most excellent measure aud have rejected another ap plication of j c- strobridae for interest monday 19th dec 1831 tllfi solicitor general from the select ine solicitor jcneral iroiti the select committee to which was referred the peti tion of hugh c thomson and james mac farlane esquires and also the petition of robert stanton esq informed the house that the committee had agreed to a report which he was ready to submit whenever the house would be pleased to receive the same the report was received and read as fol lows the committee to whom was referred ihe petitions of hugh c thomson and jrroes macfarlane esquires and of robert stan ton esquire respectfully report that they are of opinion that the house of assembly should take lor its use two hundred copies of the edition of the provin cial statutes published by the firat named petitioners in making this recommendation the com mittee abstain from offering any opinion on the work further than to observe with re ference to the printing paper and binding that it appears to have oeen executed in a manner highly creditable to the publishers the price at which it is offered is reason able and from the difficulty latterly expe- tutittaji in shuttling complete 5flh of tll laws of the province the publication in ques tion must be regarded as afiording a very great accommodation to the people of tins province tho well directed enterprise of individuals in the performance of works of public util ity is at all times deserving of patronage from the legislature and the committee are disposed to regard the publicatiun of the provineialstatutea by messrsthonuonand mcfarlane in this light in addition to which there is a necessity for obtaining a number of copies ef the laws of theprovince for the use of the houfe of assembly very member must be fully sensible tho taking of two hundred copies therefore of the edition referred to will afford encour- agetntnt to the publishers and at the same time supply tho house with a work that is much needed the committee have considered the ob jections of mr stanton to giantinc the prayer of the petition preferred by messrs thomson and mcfarlane but they do not think that the house of assembly in ac- sitesctng in the petition of the latter gen- emett in the manner recommended will infringe mr stantons rights as kings prin ter the publication of an edition of the statutes of the province by authority tor gratuitous distribution has for sometime been very generally regarded a necessary when this measure shall be decided upon the just right of the kings printer in ihir province will of course receive proper con sideration c a hagerman committee room house of chairman assembly 15th dec 1831 i foreign news latest from europe the packet ship havre capt depey ster arrived last eveniog from havre whence she sailed on the 24th of novem ber we are indebted to the editors of the daily advertiser for some french pa- per which complete our gles by this arri val- it appears that the londoopapers of the ldih instant was at paris by which the information was derived that the cholera although abated in violence still prevailed at sunderland tho effects of the bill for the abolition of the peerage io france are already viiible the king has appointed 36 new peers farewell aucient noblesse a new set of actors will henceforth appear in the legis- p x lativeldrama of france pushed upon the on ihe burlmgtoo by awardayes 9- 4 pnmt who the both houses 2ut no th0 kd of gafeog-