lonf ftntimeof his inferiority ami degrade him ilifi hid condition i u for lie mun in ium bio life and to raise hi nature and lo put lum in niindofa state in which i he privihca of opu lence will cease when he will be cpial by na ture and may he more than ctjmal by ntu that thlfl portion of the general ivcckii ufhiafcuttu- tiy is employed and sanctified i assure yon 1 do nut aim at singularity 1 give you opinions which have been accepted nithrt us from very early limes to this mo ment with a continued and general approbation and which indeed are so wotted ini my iiud that 1 am unable to jislinguwl what i have learned from other i rum the rccull uf my ou meditation it n on some sirh principle that the major- hvofthc people of england far from ihinfcmea tcliioui national establishment unlawful hard lv think it lawful to be wtlhojionc in france ynu are wholly mistaken if you do notbelhrve us above a other things attached to ilaud be yond at other nations and when this people has acted unwisely and unjustifiably in its f four as in some instances they have done most certainly in their veiy errors you will al lensi discover their sea this principle rune thro the wliole system of theit polity they do not consider their church establishmtnt at contenisnt but as es sential io their state not as a thing heteroge neous andaeparable something addtd forme commodation what they may either kp up or lay aside according to their temporary ideas of convenience they consider it as th founda tion of their whole constitution with which and with every part of which it holds an indissolu ble union church and state are ideua insepa rable in their minds and scaree is the one ever mentioned without mentioning the other 11 our education is so furmed as to confirm ndfillllil impression o i in a manner wholly in the hands of ecclesiastics and in all stage from infancy to manhood even when our youths leaving schools and uni versale enter that most important period of life which begins to link experience and study together and when with thru view tboj visit o- ther countries instead of old domestics whom we have seen as governors to principal men horn other parts threefourths of those who go broad with our young nobility andgentlemtn are ecclesiastics not as austere masters nor a mere followers a but as friends and companions of a raver character and not seldom persons as well born as themselves with them as rela tions they most commonly keep up a close con nection thro life by this connexion we con ceive that we attach ourentlemen to the church and we liberalize the church hy an intercourse with the leading characters of the country ie so tenacious arc we of the old ecclesiastical modes and fashions of institution that very little alteration has been made in them since the fourteenth or fifteenth century adhering in this particular as in all things else to our old settled maxim never entirely at once to depart from antiquity we found these old institutions on tie whole favourable to morality end diaci- pine and we thought they were swceptiwe of amendment without altering the ground we thought that they were capable of receiving anil meliorating and above all of preserving the ac cessions ofscienee and literature aa the order of providence should successively produce them and after all with ibis golhic and monkish ed ucation for such it la in the proundwoik wc may put in our claim to as ample and as early n share in all the improvements in science in art and in literature which have illuminated tion in europe we think one main cause ufthi improvement was our not despising the patrimo ny of knowledge which was left u by our fore fathers it is from our attachment to a church estab lishment that the english nation did not think it wise to entrust that great fundamental interest of the whole to what they trust no part of their civil or military public scrficc that is to the un steady and precarious contribution ofindividu ajs they go further they certainly never have suffered and neverjwill suffer the fixed es tate of the church to be converted into a pension to depend on the treasury to be delayed with held or perhaps to he extinguished by lineal difficulties which difficulties may eonciims he pretended for political purpose and are ia fact often brought on hy the extravagance ne gligence and rapacity of politicians the peo ple of england think that they have constitution al motives as well os religious against env project of turning their independent clergy inio ecclesiastical pensioners of state they tremble lor their liberty from the influence of a clergy dependant on the crown they tremble for the public tranquility from the disorders of a taciiuu clergy if it were made to depend on any oilier than the crown they therefore make their church like their king and their nobility inde pendent 14 from the united considerations of religion and constitutional policy from their opinion of a duty to make a sure provision for the consola tion of the feeble and the instruction of the tffto rant ibey have incorporated and ijcnliiied the estate of the church with the mass of private property of which the state is not the propria tor either for use or dominion but the guardian only and the regulator they have ordained that the provision of this establishment rnigh be as stable as the earth on which ir stands and should not fluctuate with the euripus of funds and actions your obdl scrvt one of the people svund rnpital of trance under the infl cf f p that spirit nf dlegilation which through ihr entire of europe is assuming n motfl farming ami dangerous progress from luwi to lmi individuals are said lo imvti been wiciifii an sitcl pain are employed m he french papers tn diembarra the public of ilu opinion ihi noth ing political was cuunccud willi these jifocviw ing the cholera has now ktciidttl h t9x4c- rs to newcastle about 13 miles froui t ontji- nal source of riaful cour ninl the me had it not hern for thi an naiimrnitr inn usually r l i hieycj it and believe it still- to ho the twwbiiwoftlw inis n now litlus uufc of omvtlvcv hu ii- 1 haveaprtad round the adjacent nvbury ttrrlv of the ws ftdd pri-iu- f fsim vvhrcli wirriiithesomc progns if wiuj anilerurtiy tl propem uxu rl us that of mr ashley to anv ifflti of on ruicl i titn n join jnuforthc steady lin i lit i tli li late ilt vlcs 11 io 11 i tiiaintrnmco tit i tfrl viiv-kt- tt will ill i 0 li n bad ilc ntcj cl wrll idl iff it l will i r to ihr iv 1 nr sigin li imipics- me itiihc 3 tiiiktl iliuent onrohltnarvof thtedity rrcortu the awmcr ank wofi nl i lcsbjtitti micxpeeiedleiuir x iiisiilno1 fttfasriilh mvh agttmir named uihh man fteranulincim ibuiifcirtf hut ill prnnfnf the cxiicijcc f mi li ivdiiicv io i lit towft r f alumil i ai- n p i htru oftht prrss wo hnvo tuily tt ffnt orld i h with my si i wl liyrt lit tie us elir to ntiar ii i h t rr a nmi hre- rro xwxi i r i at uork l nw i l ti m in ihebjud vcarofl ccjt the cnlontm advocate tluhiftrl read hywftmifae bnll hy vviuhih i ai ill tt re llttuntit rwnry and i ally lwfr niulieatrif rutftim hihlren and nndtit tmty an4jimie tls pfu vvj- rnthoaii nndluik h oiiien an ir traiujajortotftfi have triurtftt worlt i at nisd hvlhv china t a ri- inkers cli meec 7 net be profrae ted hi yoad flw uh ur oth a report prevails of an insurrection h tartu gal and that don miguel had lied it appears however to want confirmation the november english mail ives arrived at quebec after a postage of 65 rjqve record oi tial eventful period that nun hundanl evidence of the persevering cr with which he liiviifd his iiihinry career rw nony if isic security of properly look t to insignificant mxci vet pny fur its pro cctiou peeled awl ejieiim hy tim sc are tjio uffminn thai we mh uhom he had ilie hormir of serving in mae cluous and protracted campai j yiy midertfjo nr mhinia lhl man bv birih a native of the coutltv ofitf t been so r ceml vimtetl nnrt ikht sed hy tck and full of the national ambition of his v lour late keirosentatiyr lrvmn fr a military life he entered the iv n the 20th year ot his ae id pervej f sivclv to the 120th ftatlij 44imi and li si hvy wliuh we pt- ftv recordef hiheittf iitfa in was iu i tmiioa in irc veai 176 where he iras yo is m lu aior ne to f the llo f il ttnfiuisbci hy hnirtim lr h cdnnn dii- on our anticipation as o the result of mr mac renzie meeting at york on the lthhave been iheline th nrvt action i fully rcalited it was in the tame ratio as sue- ce- fill c the tanner whieh ua piovidvd the week before for that izti t tiux nd which wts voraciotisly ronsnnird by the ten gentlemen who o generous tendered their erfkm as stemtdi upon that impnrin r memoration- the mob to a much smaller a qlliartcrmejtervhip of the ulseitjiil01 f rkfv the citadel having wrapped thptftloundhss o tccooipuh hs galiarrt purpose his wji itpon thi and ruhripicnl trtcnts tttractcd notice of th mvenil ci mnmndin who attd his seniesby thekewarfe first et uf ftmefubta should le rcouired in bo k j only nnpiunly ot geulmu io the world i that htil be ilvbftrretl frutn kviniiuios in- inence and vulxriij if hlf a ilozea aenivie nil uot buhiiitt tti wfh iiidifuiry i u a private room w by should half a huu- j div i 4 public one to attack a hotly w othnffflti naj icfvphbla 10 defend ifsvlf roy hy eooio of 1 you bo called hmvervi bnt vy tiosi of ynu i will clid bravado xtn mount than could be expected when a public up- t whci he wasprumoledtoaliemmtaihc c0wf to slaner niu hlklisa n ghtle it r n raa r lfei7 rnd obtained anezchaneo irtte f v poridoirj of seeing bu licellency ntimt c b vmvian bauau0n in lftw hc also lan who it t vdj kum n nnw ievc assembled an harrannc suited lo the pars o in the 4th and toh garrison kails si lc tne a hluw but on la ltm l imi tb- hi hv ih- tin pv the uiy if lm vthi jf he ehametoiiai jin there for mippniirr on may whistle or sneeze thou an ratl in rh uu cf japan al java borneo summatra lv the ohl man unardio tin tpas aarjii these alliiits at bolanvbay thtt a niw zealand min eaer thv einse nl so mrfnoih and frank he st had been taken ivom ibo jhil the pnity proceeded to mr chit f justice sor- 1131 hose when thev repeated ilp mtftq eiies mil nne piirt ol a song hpfmitfuijy i jien fur tle mi ruii mm binplttl to i k i iiui tli linienne it nkospu kril of ki oni thence thry pfufceilrd jiinnst lwis street mopping it mr siiiitir clerk of tho tooneil u hu had ined the wanani bbotjiig nml hmitme a the chatmh ftftle fries of m vive iord ayioer vive in c limn b re dow n n the council irero rw entfi f tho pttrtv ihotl cntne tloiui lo ine imim ol assembly ivhcre ibry cried vive rrmcr r some cries lo mi lrnoh lieii beard an hv ijii i am ihi kiof aft savage jn2gtna yankees w beauties and an eah fovtajr anak th have rt uvfxtevm tat hftlfhor alligator mnl thnu ever itv jjonf tiitt or w nulth or svah t ion at commentator 7 u what a mha rhrorh all these parts sir my rf is t- fi nj rivi t kl j hai m h lt out th party separated htiuls nvlock tho only damage tlono u the hreakin of a pane tfb at the chief justice by an iodivflnal who is known it i perhaps unnecessary to slate that the persons who called tho meeting look no part io this prorectliug and that it ap pears to have originated in n spirit of fun more ihnn any thiug cue asnmhlttei of persons disposed to make ch pnrde of tbmr public spirit are ivhv4 however of a ilpgeooa tctoleocy by culluciiu kiln vokcc i lc i i rnn i sakt pai rmon ir and ehcaripfr i r in iuw mm v thtu hnr h v chain previous to hi entering the idlti emiba r was disulavedthe medal fhstenod in all tl ijj j- wl thia juiiritryin t mamsenee of mmnpi grandeur with tfte j ij ti0 siujlfion akttt f simple exception that instead of the head of ieid of miliria and hcdnuftl airoroenise- a george the fourth with whiehtlic substance it militia ofthocnuntry to the cnire atisfar s composed of was originally digmliud that ol j j rcwari by lilft nopomtnent or tom william lyon mackenzie waa displayed ns that j major and asitant adjt general the lai- ofthe traitor who basely bartered the privileges rrr ntuation btbg dispensed with he rotmn- of hie late constituents for the paltry gratification fo itft s ft t i i supermtemlunt of the uuartertoasler lniff- of popular schism and endeavoured with wlj department in 1s2 both of which the violence but none of the discretion of hi i he retained to the moment rf his dtmhc prototypes in pohlical villainy to entrap the un thinking into the adoption of hisfdemocratic opi nions and enslave ihe ignorant in the factious recoeni lu hho never yt hd iy but iu ijk cituutri the guvrxnur i ainc rciijcalo atroait ii he that wa bii tobte i rotiri lion we sec in mm iiosn bill the ifteeti- iivm cf ilia lamb- so nloiomt i h rtm be is the fricuil pnniu the ehumpiob njnnivcisalcdoratmniihmjh ib province ri an trtr fic we uf ttl mt intoirant t omnili of be tlaat avii luveaj isnt true fo v iu i iipfhon finds a idio s ze tbeonk ftjiive in v pro limp 1101 n r mwe ttltjts discharging their reclv a stendiness and regularity consistent aratnthe rfcticral tenor ol hi character and m the merited iiirohatiou f tverv euveaakve oommardint nit hi u itrtt to o nitt tui i itnprtvi ml our perinnoeot lfiipijir be ti as unfy ibttf mvj i aohf it i rtiv asreeil ifi by the eru i llr tiuardinid the war olfi- lfcatm ukaiitw ofewtrco yars shnll hivc iue and proniolii- tn as taftiinc vi ol ih year ifflo ibe onioo of null ta t ottiv ttwhi prevewts tta onlr h be i tj it i r k oo ful o point now at lieiiic ee if fip of charneters niany of n horn are disposed tubraak the pence nnd bring about ilis- i nrceamo c0llcqufnct s ucnron nod jos tica jre butbclrtoin of the pany nod noro harm rh fin good is done to nity muse neither in the bnalfch or the fremh ae- cojut ptlblulirtl in i be old cazetlc is the oh ma of the prcsidiuii miirait rneniion- ed from which it nuy he micrreil that tha efeutu rfnutuvoi njyed by ibis sentleman would iot a the old sentiment um it m haar the moruine reflection hut it ti to bo ft rwi thnt icflection diu not come earlier u the aid of this public functionary nod keep him away from such a meeting a to the old raites con chilling passages exeifriox the peron who railed and promocd the tneetioi froth the conscqoenre which ensued it u a flitnj screen efilv seen ihrotih and to them we t m itnff triif inj 1 folqpl the only differrorrithh rroi tienti j j 1 8ll icihu itifr lie rircjnliiv rk- ti hutfwv t mill iositiis i he f i rv r fir iliv fully by mliicb his short but eventful history in officer in t ieanijn totholaal moment ofing for lliu pnperity of the country the the provincial parliament has been dialinguinh- i his ilt- w rcctied from sir h vivian and other oilier for iiv destruction sued they nrcbtriciiy ntcounuhie for we n ill put question ittlbv qualified genila- nreu wh fiyurid to the chuirit is mhfth r ir he had siven permission to a parcel of u ihilv nlluivaiie uhereastfir ivorhin to celcbratt ihoannivarsary of iho5ih uwill hwhaarnf more than 5s f nutfmbw hy the autiquutail anil a hope non to lie foroten custom ot horumg guv fux he would not have thought hinm if bound to take precauins that oo damage aosuatl from the squibs and crack ers be had tiqctioortl and hetherif the ttin stajieo lixtnck ghttmi il rntnourcd iu tiifl iwiliiary rbcb thai ri brevet wilt certainly take pbice iv notice in t lt knamh pper ka teemen ny fleplet a a ftnklwff i rbij 7tcr a nvio ottrrs that ive kiso uot of dutch authnrilh 113 very anowieu 1 treod andaman heww equally fortunate j lot uie cuircnt uu bt te implore yon the bqiatirou bfitbg rndy ausvveriog all the iuenjcd purpoaa intimidation was to be tlnn to hide from the puhirc gaie thoe merited honours hich proudly wean as the rowird of jis gallamryhis in citrine in those nspeciivs eapaeilhm tc in- skill aud hie dcckion ii thffiem the same spi- j fcw awuflbirfoil of all his einn hw- r 1 t cipn osmted thi ontkc tenor ot ins yutac umi nt of dticrmmaiion has juid him in his polm- j tonfuajm tlf ecahnw cal controversies ami we hesitate not to pro- i re uede to the mrre f phecv that the individual who his aealouslv i who sorrowfully sorrounjctitht conch of waw contended fortheintercstsoftbatcommuniivover 1 4 die happy- i sm conscious liat 1 brh i inred or wroaevj an individual ni tecoorst ns vou vftliic the ucurity of your prnpflnj ibo lieppiuess ufynit richiv tbitdieti y rafctciijlfili thu ulmui05wiliiii lionet nrftii no necgcu and it will shortly be dis- tbc several shipe ilmpatrhail iu or rratt ctjteiup sicd v hi rue 1 whose real pnvimea he ptwrvu the most ac- j jjy rveq kl he atieadud qimhim fl art 30 jtimni hid 4et very owi none sac uiu ile ill 1 iacc be trimi fv iccfi ottawa to live vgilanee be handed down to his sucecs mpnttjiil trtlrt as in example porv ui snndjv tm a he r r d sor ov ami un arid on the fiillowhif tuesday went tranqnil erv quahncatioitnecwmn uconstitnetbejist inhiarierial rwt perfectly cujcioj f bam r t- ntual repnnsihdnv and pocawoa ot iiuhp d independent character of a lctonaittoo- tu cici1 fr tr cmwiiic vernor of lw p wince tra trillion lets t lttrijeian utiiui cv ni k aftcfld eart 1 1 acj eottaa the jiiiveratk chahtoplip north iq auas ki a liinn acjrsed o erfirm the rwpcliv dotl inijiwd lo onrb the jiuttfetfr uo ubfbr4btil hu ul- rcnly to rivuonth 10 cotuplete nr cqiiiptncnl ftr fo- tatt iniltus i i in i liu at the little nora waitiui tor orders lowejz caaa tlmttttk mi rcitr iii in v wethii day republish lor two reatof r t tr tianvi because wc understand there is a pi in ael s the it uernaiid for it between lh4 and montreal 3 l ln j upper portion of the province as well asfuflhe purpose of correcting a few verbal alterations liiary spruce a wv jormii tf fjww lawr 1 him 3 hmevv writer r n ai hihll stfcfw vj hit m ltalb jej on i1 nav o t nhiiiurt 0 iiiatltviiajv b rh al inr v ojr poetic friend hav o civinm that vt must apojjo for nilhhoitnk tor till 1 won re of anil ila ulnehthounh immaterial in thcgrneral features i 5urnc0 ihrir valoaldc coitnhut of the uill iniiiht perhaps ilefiad fi orn its pure mon 1 which irr m j icjitiinary and aflord a fuhjct for siihacoueiit fci0 niludc of our nlturl andrcnerasly t 11 ohservatian wonow present a correct edition nia wt have unrcremoniouiy set them of it to our readers and avail oursces ofthbi i a 0 btt an address to ourschts opportunity of so far reporting the rwnvs cf w found undof the signature vc ll stoe whereby we arc cnahbd to say that up wards ol llofijq is now guiwrutvu in the town of kingston alonewhile mr harpera cx tions at montreal and elsewhere with the above sum have exceeded lso000 idv seen toe ijukj ticl uihlisd laity and unconseiogslv over our weather had so iii 1 psfa as v prrud in tribute to our m- nthirvuiid have smiled at the acchion thai lueul ran ueor n oowjiiiftin iih d y yoti and ail your irihv 1 tei- if iu dare ntr in ibe 10 his week j and wjniee but m thu more rd nian j now w liic civrt fail o jcc ciroui le irrr ii il i thou whfjlcflofjife iiibc one do re uniitkee tmcomp in hattdliu 1 he pen of tho w none daiewilh lh to romp in wearinj editorial mitv all of thvni sr4iv in lb sa iuiq 1101 ftunct bjrtrr an hi i ci 1 1- u cr wa rir a- 1 blighter on tiutijjy vuittg nteciins w m 1 lmitiiini tntein iirh a ientlfi u wt lord hy nlmut i50 s kij mhrrj were tare ov ha lihvo lccrii iol ihni wiluin ifutlrun j i q u iuirjili nf ihi f kirict ttmk or w 15 i nrtl 11 ib clinir rud rtaikfiiiu wi mr by bfclaamiiou no hili f civim i i iiimi rbfi m tiio s iijutriiiy rml repfiiaby buelr u ln prof ititi ic vh hu h rreni irtfii nl j ihic wliu tihk iiri i iliii urlrrly nnd hlnucuil iiipelit pfooeeilrll in ll conduct of ll leailrinil llwir mluimrt vu puwhumnuus uii tcmiijtilile wo hitb been otouf h cwpy of lbs iiumvi or irrtmi wh iiin bj hire mmber of r legtblaiite council ii ii m fiilni becttuh a ih luiaiiv council ii5 nfir ml utrcitml ih powr of rrie we caiifcoi couitlmic cmci m ji4iifvii the flrai curl to a njmwt f ho roctl a charaotrj wh rsra mimi lo briux iuui iotice hl piiila imjiur- uute opiuiubftwi arwni oiuuihisi con- leinpiiuia nud iuaifrilfir tiec-iusf- tti pumiciubt io qvtttiud biit libelbtu r oluoniiu lo pfmacu- i bfre it orjiuury trtbuodb of ilia ball i echo ibv hnnr sin t pay i a disposition baa bircn manifesied in quebec in iinltalion of tlo fr5cs whicli bavc bccoiih inncb tin fashion of the day in eunvpr lo c- viucc public opinion by an rxhjbi ofprtp-ita- srrcnplb and brutal viulcncc hc eeniicinen of ibfi press who are now incarcerated for the cacotbfsscribendimhal has i this provinre is well as the loirovnlrc riviles nil usporar- iroaueui so imusual a pticiiori nf editorial in- mcfiur and it was not until he tlwnnometer unk ii many chilling dferctfl below zero that we found the unexpected etterls of tiis attribute f innitvie bad been unissded by our natu- f ril but not in tealliif bus ofsujimis pali- diy what eflcct socoinphmentary an cstuiuti may produce upon uawhio wowcioopfmi i yet toil lined nntitrallv narvuuis wc but honor 13 of parliament have had their out dutvauxiiii to stimulate tho friends of the chuc for w hub i tliey cocidcr lltenislvofl martyrs thiacausi bas been ill defined the liberty of the press aud the latitude ih which that liurty has been abused lias found a salutary limitation bv the justifiable steps which the legislature baa a- dopied for bringing the jruilty amhors ofseditton before jtheir own tribunal they are now en- frying rant free the coinforlable aecuiomoda lion wbivhsbcrifff peculiarly supply utaucfa cmcisencies pn c o latrr lor this tpre53iin a pit vat c letter of ihd s frttni vak mentimis t iv iw uuum tjrvl k r cfleifc fr the purpoiftof extending the vw win till thursday iw ti wc hau n- duh if ilia ircclenc conf harcu with the wihiii cf thu niniihers tuk after u tuit uitfw which continued fur several days we hail alwnit two inches of anow on toe day evening at e oclock on thuioy moninjr the thermmneur foil i7dcprecd bvulw zero a circumstance scarcely credible ai kindlon the cold still continues inten onddkidun has revived with cncreascd animauoa the ice however is very deceitful kingston chronicle lutttrday jantuuy is r3 the arrival of the li coluinhtt has put us in possession of london dates tothftsolh novcih- ber we have mado alch cxinets from twtu tis could iei ilain ihetfiaie or fenucntautn u which l701m and its neighbourhood hu hen junked hj u wwuve u hwvifi ef 4 ie firf on wednesday last between lie hours of 12 and l a fre broke out in the new two sto ry house of mr john ashley in this town aud notwithstanding prompt assistance was randrr- edihe whole of the interior togrtlter with the roof was speeddy consumed the fire o-iatnar- ed from the carelessness of the nierharnrstho were working in the building in nut removing the fttavuijtj from the neiyhbmnhd of la- stoynwhcti they went to uicit dinner this tecidetil aflorded u unothtr instance of the drll cienoy the town labours under from h hc lijlluwin very excrllent and sensible nd- dn5k u tho krechldcra of the county o voik tuts been ircgatcd rntoogn that infiun- rtclont dufguided body aud we have much j plusjr- ommyiugwhhcwishrsofa fieud j in giviii it p fpjaco in l rtn vjncftl ll3i a r w iiv powerful upprau fia neo- j pie dnaxtintumcd to he addreajed in the ian- guage if uomq justice ur convnon www i would tiretitally prevail in rettaimiju ssk the ihvindin bondare with which the canaan j rltzf lt civivcd uieif undeistandii to the fmhoutrsof ihzcountn of york it in fy tdtlren vu ni this momtci hut soil uo i in vour couuiv how cnn uaz c tin ui of aii ihrsj tnl 4 tlie free pvrojul dunr- cm iaincinjr mjwm mr de wlcn ovit thy pilt wrvp f tnff if the roofhmihl cek ir j hadsij 1 fear we would herd not the hinginjj thy pacs are conm over all ajv pr05l men and ni r poorc and rach pu rlircrrdi t vrra vicr in virjut ihv ir of a saturday mnrnin r bnw 1 stale it every one a fnperi cryiiijronl with t hn mee ocli where i the chronicle fper the sf atrsiiian i hut ill nt rn 1 till in iiij chair h statin thy brod sict iaid open ikirf anrl avrrv wofd mdv rp id the lawyer frwnwwittns hb ewo will fiy lo attend rh frith pfcw cio ny ermt he cuh fnch a dh o hctwccn both lie i sldura al usuc mill ghiii v hi mm r hy luml hustft nnj ihu with cricto i 6ffsr ct 1 ughuif a ins u jthfyf in chirl a 6rj vs amtlute r procidvd in the hotuc uf th chief jusikc where nnr tit in- pairioihrnkftr window iftpi tome yetag and khiatiog im niali dupertd vrithoit hoy fttrthf r utlempt al imiiatiiig he itktohntv in their rtreut exploit hot f fiirnpt in iirfe they nmy iift- du not hear ibht the mnu- itu prorecded willi the wrty ihisn prove we traie kftiru ttfkrr it left lim place of mvetia t i cuuotry f signed johl calowrll wtlliat ft iltox m bmt mersrs foh coffin mod hntmilrfo di ifind to th motion fof uil njprehiiiou uf iu oront iud trnry hut without iini rat mj nd mr kylaod tnr r4 mtu whifli he limtd l xlwtl itiih vom fc monifrot ticzftu tho liuu of asemhly hae already revt iri ihc ir vote fl thf judpos ind- pn donee bill which derlurii rhat ihe clinf jollier should not tin a sat in th le xitultccoutlfih vtdneiuy na 31 to 4 1 hey vniva or hi rtlrnihiu in rhat hod hwly ihe tote for wluniafl la vi eek tiotieod in our paper of the 14t w w ri carried hy j4 u 9 while we art plled wuh ihe iim iletermiunthtn uf the mem- hers of tho h mie we jr at h lo 10 e- rouoi for this entire change of hir npini- ois in a tlzm utt tizehiiienu who hnike thr chief t su im ujuu rl jltebilou uf v lijouu 111 olliei i justice hiiidutr nnd uhn ffn taken in i the net he two wwi disposel persons plead arm- th merchants jfoneoih of h hnp and i is ciistotitttv weftiv ar r iiia stucctiictal hysiitnlf htwovw lv txrtfd pnrioj j af ont hfany man a rhftxd frftin ei rtftfit tataffient lui iin 1 ar m u nai us driuks froin the fount of vicrit lb appear presumptuous in me fo mmj rny heios th tnecoaife apjrreniire tr i vuh vwruiiou hatent hiw thij hted ii i nn ony lliry fi u llll out aodfilit 10 fid wiiorbl ilwiad iu tin fthnrd urchin avn h su ii 11 ri hi i ih ijo iioa a riy over ijiirltr p u aiuivij paiticnlur lnittt- 1 si ru irmc cr iim hut what interests von in of yo tud what 1ivvw l- tuuoiv cstg to whoie i he- gives me your coufrittvr sides ii hciag n flruncc 1u1iu lo tliiiika u greater c atiuii itisthmw about eleven years since i too a fareuaii 0 ni unlive homo why did i evo n because thai i frrortu ha1 rjath in hr ciail a s miii irv thou art hs wi i jyi handl 11 thou rt ih v i rtii it rlow r cbrfrftrle rrtnc lihtv iuicter i oi a kj- t in pov jv imqumivo uric woa honei 1 wrucr uiy pr e notrefj 11 our i ist that mr bourdn- zfs rfsolations tela five o ihe cniupnaiiu fid intokiimtjita yclonlay muiniu and wa 0n 0h lthiiivt ioumil weru thronii pardtmed there was some hnzvallis ami uul j nciuon moving that the chair- shuuudjj hefurc the houses of some patriotic imjii hiuld lenre the chair thedivisiimi rooflemelli who when they appeared i- i wh s im arehamhaoli ha- hroad yesterday seemed to hear the honour elux cmgraiu courleoo covilikr he eouferred oo i cm hmhiiflyand asthuueo ronhta dwflwini dionne duttwotio more than as iwff asdiomvd of the high d- j i uodhue tiuey llcitey llrriol linelion they had acquired the old que- j hunt lnntiedoe laroe latcrri bee ghzmiocif yesunuy airw tho fuliow- l telic lctoorncau imalhrut imeihot tug arenunt ol iiis affair an litti ealeuhiirtl nod paoei qtiesnel uuimuet korhnn scott soliritur general slrart f e tarhereau taylor ivrijiht wur- tele yoang 37- rays aiiiint blnucbarrf i bouidiijeee bureau caeaa dvaisooue p a dorion fortin girouard joielu lagueuxfl lee 31isson homlelei wnfio panitieau pmulx kaymood thihaudenu v vicr 22 iijuiiy 13 out of a house of go iu the rouiue business of ihe leislatrre council on tuesday ill he found a nttlico of ihc proceedings iu regard to flesjrs du rcmay and tiacey who were u that jf to promote tho y liberty of the pre or any rootl end as it was disgraceful to those concerned in it public meeting iafjfor of messrs tracy en j zfuvtmay ivj held at lh cohur fjuencc j no ad ttllw papers ami the nd hilis about four drcd peimmis were prevent iist oishl i niptiit cfawn more in eirmeit tlcrieil cmcihilro1 or soihil i 0 hv hi oujim ivere aottniinuiui wrceil 10 mi jhe vnhjrci of mcwrj tracy ami dover- f ukys do lu j linn in gaol for a breach uf the j tcrucioii committed lo prison for the resf of privileges nf liio council j the sessinu fail ton 8 gazelle sives ihe fau r he persiijs io adilresfed the meeting lier uodkrdi ksq ki- pareot aud soon as the meeting broke np n party ffoui till hotel of about itlo totjoo pewoof cone totfajds the gaol ciin oos io wke ivi ot bought thai i foresaw n cnereacd c- ue to tpper cauadlf because j lil the mean tiaie a iffrtllletriaa pinch i jik- from u ims in my pockel r ivi9 befio io expand my rye glauca ii 1 fofiet hurra for the trial my mead laic and quiks bat became are gyk io reciiun- iki iie fry nd d0vc ip flll eieaii i f viiit of hlyeiorcd siomiv uay hjh railed for them ctii of yttx la tiuttt ifc la rfcr ahitsugottsciltfyc wore nuo heard ir ppnw tlutu couple of scuttles hud sisoii itctj ou tic lctf of the gaol thai tho guard ivai turned out and drawu ttjj iu jtbc iatte a j n- some prccautioury lowing notice of the committal which we insert as it appears lo contain mure do mils of what look plico 11 mr dttverott ivosfirt brought before lb couueit in jeson the naiuro of tho rharue being explained to him hy mr chief justice sew ell be answered cliilereut quel- lions tliiti hu was ihe primer and puh- luher of tlo nhterte lhat he had ua surh publuhcd tho article in the paper of the 9th iutftanl rdstied b uitn hot trai oot himself tho authur being asued if he had any tiiiug to say in his defence he in- swered ho had uot the hod air jvloltar pat the qucuoo bc wa the author oa