Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 4, 1832, p. 2

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i confess qo small nliinii nt the prevn- leoce of iioh lorniocs especially when i know them to lie zealously promulgated iu the name of religion yours one of the people december 10th 1632 p s tho mnrquh of kingston bea leave w return his thaok to syiva jtus for his n on- years gift thais all january 22nd 1832 ktxgstox chroxicte sttlunlmu fthnutry t 1838 the total absence of all european intelligence since our last has left oar columns unusually scarce of political information h is slated that fogato great extent have prevailed in the har bour of new york and that two packets at least are supposed to be obstructed in their passage by this circumstance we have however had a leisure moment to direct our readers attention to domestic matters which are not without con sidcrable public interest the lieutenant governors speech at the closing of the provincial parliament will bo found elsewhere as also the unhappy and untoward misunderstanding between the two branches of the legislature that has caused the rejection of come important hills passed by the house of as sembly that of the supply billfrom itsinade- quacy to enable the government to conduct the affairs of the province has been the occasion of all other money bills suffering the same fate every friend of justice and humanity must de plore the loss of the felons counsel bill we have regarded thi anomaly a a most dcanulinjr blot upon the parity and equality of the british statute book and have not yet discovered a en gent reason why men professing the spirit of rhariiy which thrftfcetb no eril ihosid iriifc- hold ths privileges of local defence from an un- fortunate felon and afford them to the indiscri minate catalogue of criminals who every day crowd the bar of justice howeverthis desira ble reformation in the code of british jurispru dence may and we have no donbt will result from the measures now pending in the imperial parliament and we shall cordially welcome the auspicious period when the abominable distinc tion may be entombed in the grave of obsolete prejudices considering the obstacles with which the provincial parliament had to contend tht y have transacted much business for the be nefit of the country and ome salutary laws have received the governors sanction that must con tribute to the growing prosperity of this happy province his excellencys anxiety to promote his object wc trust will ever find in the coo peration of the house a cheerful and cordial compliance and the people will gradually be assured that it is not by the turbulent and abu sive voice of factious indolence that canada is fo be governed hut by the rational and enlight ened system which prudence will suggest and which justice demand every hour furnishes abundant testimony of his majcstysmmister solicitude for the interests of our colonies and could the people h be persuaded of the fact whichever travellers experience confinnsthey would rejoice in the privileges which evfin ihe widrne9i afford of 0 frisl and impartial admi discord and contending passions and which will yet render canada the most attractive por tion of ihe british dominions- we have more than human authority for the prediction that wisdom and knowledge shall be the stabili ty of the times the opportunities fur ac quiring both these attributes are perpetually en- creasing and we hope to see them fulfilled in m faithful application of f talents that only require the skill of the artist to clicitand illumi nate facts of the earthquake whuli wan felt at urock- vjllc prcscolti oplciisburgh lnti montreal all uceounis agree a to the eiltiti at which it occurred though perceptibly exempt from such a calamity in our good town w have imdottroun terrors from the cry uffirc which noon four ncr nsioiiy latelv drove us fiuur our edi torial chair to ascertain llio pruximiiy oft his dun serou element to our depnitury of what has been in ihe language of the press oblhfd by the title of ropy satisfied that we and uuf trea sury were beyotld its reach we retired execnit ing the carelessness of indtviduauwhu preferred the horrors of a condarotiun to the periodical operation of sixpence worth of friction down heir hues ridcau canal a friend to justice and merit has published at the patriot office what appears to us lo he a reinaikablv fair and candid n spring and statement in the furm of a pamphlet entitled notices of the rideau canal the author i ow leaftoro from them by ihe passing blast ffffuhtghfqnkh a rhapsody liij tt itcditse continued xut oh iw a fearful thine to sec death wave his scjthh ausuiiy the lluwcrtf spread fli rhihts lo trap the youthful in their crave son lo set tin richly chimcicd head i i imp loth dust umohd among tliu deed to noedeeav the young checks iihiiiiig bloom jlw kindling eye the fiwnhktlnmstfslivud the spirit flow oh sad the shafts which doom youth breuly promise love to perish in the tomb xiv cene from your spoil ye lower crooned young- illg4 cease y mav not revel in nn hour like this behold ye nought hi mar your tftmlws pence our hearts young recluemussj vuur bo soms bliss tho the old forest branches do not miss who is evidently a scholar und a gentleman in an unaffected style clearly dcliniales the advan tages of this great workthe difficulties it wai ex posed to in its progrcsand the ungenerous spirit of clandestine and public hostility through which colonel et had to wade in the discharge of his important trust assnperintendant- the pamph let which may be had at the patriot office should bo curef oily read by every person inter ested tn this 4eat undertaking as welt as bv those who may be hereafter employed on a simi lar service and if all the facts therein slated br true of which we have no reason to question our only surprise is that overwhelmed as col by appears tu have been by local difficulties private and malicious enemies his work derided and his skill questioned above all hi conduct insidiously represented at home by a degraded clerk as meiiting the minutest investigation he was enabled to overcome by his indefati gable mental and bodily exertion the torrent of fjor nights hiighl wreath when duwit the blue abyss fine star in atoms from its seat is cast turn yr and look fur joy hay irani your path way passd xv see where n death the blooming edwy lies le who laic sliar d your tports who threw mirth from the quick black eye whose mysteries time scarce had yet revcalm who atium so true ashe the mot lied taw from whose hand rew so euro the selfpoisd top whose fellowship was eer so dear alas we love lo rue the noonday pestilence strides faith strip youths buoyant win and bliyht his u delete heart and ho xvj see where he lies the parents joy and pride i lid eye oil qucuchd and sunken no smites blow around his still cold lip with him have died their cherish d llopcs their branch has falpfl in woe loup wil their bosoms throb their tears oer flow aenmon v that even hour furnished fresh resist- foelinjf in vivid memory the rod ance to the execution of his design and enabled him to complete an own labours with a imperishable record of bis which smote hut litartsand laid tljeif ghrfy low but oh ye may not mourn if here he tiod fuccesa and apparent sta- guided und tuuyht by yuu the path which leads to gud xv i l yea joy ye then that from this earth is taen the child ye chtspdso fondly to your breast others have toilni ihvir course of woo and patu and reacted thro gates of tiro the laitliluls rest but he than they or ye in tears more blest has sought like fitoftlfa dove a resting place crown i without couflict clvaiud without a tet his scidcao there a mothers love retrace as with the vtewicss hosts lie treads uiu realms ol puec xyiii mans scud mans essence is by birthrisht frco and locutt shall be death does not accord a limit to he mind but bids us sec and be unseen und een perchance afford a case uvr those we rtveiened ur udurd whispering around uwm of dangers bmk ve then who ueliu presence of your lotd ashw itltn ye ire nolj tinnk mii think how fail 1 1 youj deeds unseen surroundm ftpiiils thnuk bilityill at ease with the multiplied enemies of his personal and professional reputation the pamphlet is embellished with a lithographic plate of the chaudier bridge executed nt mr 1 tazewells press jn this town and furnishes a most accurate and beautiful specimen of the in genuity with which that channel of communica tion is established the legislative council of the lower province have passed without an amendment tiic judges independence bill it is not however unlikely that it may be reserved for his majestys sanc tion owing as the montreal gillette states 11 to tts not prcserriyi to his majesty th right of veto over the judgements of the court of m impeachments which ought lo be secured to 41 the king as an attribute of ihe pardoning pnw- er he enjoys enabling him to liberate from pu- nish merit everyone found guilty in any court we present our readers with a mersngede livered by his excellency the lieut governor from his majesty on the subject of the clergy reserves whereby the o long controverted question of the established church ol scotland j coming under the denomination of protestant pi w it ftifmriffi fu ic5rth rfwif esof england and scotland by uh liji-lature- a motion wc understaml was proposed to the house on tlie subject ottho message by the solicitor general winch wss nje a simi lar message was delivered to the lower canada assembly from his excellency the governor in chief on the motion of the solicitor general a day was fixed for its consideration we publish this day the prospectus for a new ami improved edition of the ncvyorkcourier and enquirer a pnper from which we in com mon with other editors have hitherto derived the earliest and most important european intel ligence the weekly paper which is o issue from that press is the least expenscrc periodical we know and we trust will redound the utmost success to the entcrpiising capitalists who have embarked such an immense sum in this usetul establishment we refer our readers to the par licnlars of this fact as recorded in the prospectus while upon this subject wc cannot avoid of fering a suggestion to the gentlemen conductors of the courier and enquirer which they will perceive is designed for their own advantage and one which has been urged upon ourselves by several military men in this province and that is to devote a certain portion of their weekly journal to military intelligence gazettes ex changes courts maitials c of which they will finda constant supply in the english and irish papers but more especially in the limerick chrotiicle a journal long distinguished fur the earliest and most accurate military ioformaton thepursuance of this course would without in fringing the character of the journal add mate rially to its circulation in these provinces and fill up a vacuum hitherto unattempted suicide wc regret to announce on awful in stance of self destruction which occurred here on thursday morning at nine oclock the un- fortnnuie victim of the name of edward walker had formerly been pilot of a gun boat under sir jarncs yco and was distinguished during the jate war for many gallant and determined exploits he had latterly kept the bar of mr olcotts tavern and from a combinatioo of cir cumstances which appeared lo have harrasscd his mind he committed the dreadful act by s jv the cfumule a fre31 est case fair truth has ofiened suffered wrong by artifice and guile the weak being injured by the strong and uilt worn virtues smile sttccc is oft the test of riiht jm vlf turtj tohhir to a csine and lalk swuitlv tvlul and this perchance the author mourns ijurlruih his only may till her all searching power turns liis darkness into day fur shes immutable no art i jan cover long her face but through all guise she will imparl tier own peculiar gaec and vindicate the right to shed her lustre where bcturc dceeption fraud and falsehood spread their cloak of falsehood oer an exile for tht chronicle jfr chronicle the writer of the following having a mortal antipathy to those who abuse people for faults which it may be impossible for t them altinirs to obviate and also wishing to hooting himself with a fusee loaded with buck- give a sort of tiuivating as your witty corrcs- spkecii of his excellency the lien governor at tliu close of the provincial parliament on satttrtluy hist ihmvurahlv gtntkmtn of the legislative gvuncit out genthmtn of the house of a ty in relieving you from your legisla tive duties it is satisiittory to ob serve that yoti have dueled your attention lo several cbjls ol great interest to the colony oatttmtn nftkt house of as 1 tbaiik you in his mestys name for the sums voted lor public institu tions and works carryifg on in the province honorable ctntumtn and qnihtetn the extent and ferthkv of the un occupied lands will cortinue to at tract to this country tfgfi portions of the redundant population of the parent state iain therefore persuard that on your return to your respective coun ties your influence may c usefully exerted in organizing soteties for the purpose of wording information to emigrants which they to much re quire at the ports wheie they first disembark and facilitating their dis persion in the districts ii which they may readily obtain emphvmtmt the increasing value o lands the harbors canals and steail boats now constructing the namter of acres brought into cultivation n most dis tricts the projected inernal com merce by steam vesstls on lake simcoe and the rice late are the favorable results v reent emigra tion 55 peters point light house- n a 5ti bnrlinjxton canal completioiu u- a 57 granting to his majesty a sum of mo ney- h a ale house licenses n a 58 parliament liuihlinsjcumpletion o supply 00 batlnirst uonresentatton ha tl purl ijurwell llurbor it a- i2 purl dover harbor k a 0 rnail cnnitninsioncrs apfinintniont bill t4 war losses appropriation speci m recorder s h a og jail limits kxlcnsion thasffynarked l c originated in the lc- tnciti tnatktd tu a received the royal as- gisltttivc council thus sent agricultural agreoahly t ihe constitution of the mituantl imrictasricultiinil society their quarterly iueeiiu was hold at adulpltus own on he second day ol the quarter ses sions on the 25lli ultimo present j wo macavlav esq- president two vice x and thirteen direct ors it was diseuspd whether the society shonld oiler premiums on live stock and do mestic manufacture next fall or lay out their money in an importation of improved breeds of stock and seeds of sorts resolved that to offer premiums on the best stock owned by the farmers in the district and on sundry articles of domes tic manufacture would at present be most desirable resolved that tor this year the meet ins are of opinion that our general cattle show should be held at bath in the month of october next resolved that a general meeting ol directors shall lake place some time iu the mouth of february at mr conlineer to to make arrangements for the cattle show and draw upu scale of premiums lo he tiller ed g the representations which have htdif wot times been made to hi majesty nod his royal predecessors of the prejudice sustained hy mis faithful suhjeri in this province from the approbation of the cler gy reserve have engaged hi imajtyt most attentive consideration hi majesty has with no less anxiety considered how far inch an appropriation ftf territory u con ducive either to the temporal welfare of th minister- of religion iu this pruviocd or of iheir spiritual influence bouimi no less hy 1 1 personal feelinsi than hy the swered ohliatiunsnf that tlattna lo which prnvidenre has called him to wateh over ihe interests of all the proles tant rhurche within hi ilontinions hit majesty could never coosent to abandoo those interests with a view to any objects uf temporary and apparent expediency it has therefore been with peculiar satis faction that in the result of his enquiries into this subject his majesty has found that the changes sought for by so large a poi tina of the inhabitants of tlti provj rnay he carried into effect without sacrifieiog the just claims of the established churches of kngland and scorfaod the waste lanrit which have been set apart as a provittoq fur the rlersy of those venerable bodies have hitherto yelded no dthponfile revenue the period at which they might reason ably ll- fixpijied e become inuro productiv is still remote ili9 majesty has solid grounds for enter taining the hope that before the arrival of that period it may he found practicable n afford the clergy of those churrhes och a reasonable and mnderaie provision n may he necessary fur enahlju thrm properly to dieharce their sacred function his majesty therefore invites the house of assembly of upper canada to consider bow the potvers piveo to ihe proviociat lejrislrtureby uteconmitntiomtl act to vny or repeal i part uf its uoviinns can u railed into exeicise most atlvaogeouly fur the spiritual and temporal ioterets of list op bills pasted during the m session lit a provin cial parliament 1 commercial bank ofmidland dist u a 2 prevention of lirttcriiue of lufanticide l c n a 3 ditti ii crimes committed on lakes and rivers l c it a- 4 reuiiviugtlotiit respeeting jurisdiction of cinuuissioners of customs in this province lo 5 repeal chaplain of the house of as semblys salary fi concerning the law of libel 7 appointing commissioners to treat with lower canada p i i f tl et c ing of the a lam ciic- t 12 respecting the place of sil court ot kiiik uonch l t u 31 to uhtaliliiui a police in lie town of brockvillc it- a m for the relief ol john coojer douglas lo ti facilitate the erection ol the county ofp 16 shot through the heart an inquest was held on the body when the jury returned the unusual verdict of felo de se the deceased was co years of age pendent 4i fudgo expresses it to the nibs ol nther5 gentle bint in men t their ways he submits the accompanying to the notice of your impartial junta hoping you will find a cor ner wherewith to slow it iu it dear mac send you these few lines j some folks will call thciii doggerel rhymes btltdeil tnav care i want to know we are extremely pleased at peeing the recluse again peeping from behind his poetical retirement and gratifying us with an additional i tfyi eer ficaid of pirolico a riifht poojleltow staunch and true tishc that now tduresseu ym and very chaste specimen of the purity of bis imaginalive power in his private notice to our selves be fnukes a very generous and just allu- su that my hoes but piove fiood metre sion lo the truly poetical genius of swaran i wtehj dye seemo speak of rodgers aye pm the man dont care for peter hint clever prince of corner codger fell me does he put stoius and s amps t comer lo break pimmiles r us tf r the gentlemen editors who have impunged the privileges of the lower canada legislative council are to- be honoured with medals and chains in imitation of lie ork medalionist these honours are likely to become vulgar from nn indiscriminate application and will ofibrd a utrong illustration of the wealth of canada when the respective wearers present themselves at the colonial office arrayed not in the badges ol waterloo nor salamanca nor the tower and sword nor qneenstnn nor nogara or any of the memorable battles of the age but with the disgraceful emblem uf the licehtiojsnosis 0 tbeir press in which we cordially coincide though not girted ourselves with the fascinating faculty we real ly kgret not again meeting fillip fudge for i does iu think tltal uisl his la3t piece redeemed all the imprecations wc lavished on him when condemning us to the tor ture of deciphering the first we really speak in sound earnest when we lcl turn that wc made four msuccewful attempts at the opera tion but if he would look in at us at our private dwelling or copy the piece in a band nut so much rfdwfawt he would not only confer upon i think this gsmol maratlamtzw i u u with his wizar miglrt pastliesput where bianton snnlcd of recreation could v a better pater xosier by knuckling on his marrow bones and woriupping a ilid hione now good tom rodger 1 may say the liuisatlces might clear away these useless pyramidicd son unite close by f rs ihire is one to pajisengima very dread the caust of mam a broken head the treasurer of the kingsi awcubltos will attend nt myers hotel on wednesday next from 12 to a oclock to receive the unpaid sub- scnptions tjentlcmn v10 have not paid their buhsciiptionsare requested to meet the treasur er at the hours appointed and with hi own iwa ecu so mild look and uitttk well bow many a sleigh is br ke again it every day for tod i1tv it- s hiryour stumps wft have made mjfth extract fiom tho various rpera ibatjlavs reached ui i colltanvd the tltencw vork albion of the 2 nt only rack ed the town erday 3 teba that uapftr of in l tho 5 has not yet arrived we hope nhitvgoai hn occaiioned the delay in fa and patriot like avo n bumps tin rob sat fioznrounij and r j snfl gns can now be founds if rot wil this httuo stum remove io a vour irivinn voull plainly prove that iii havi trieif l do vtur bist to llaveu nfeotinv then biavc the rest com- stir mid ael lliojtitltlms part and f til lisjlhw hand and heart dii hi other peoples way iil httvo nwiiy haptiy days i nw maeflflaiw- aco rrt ha kwh rnillca nee edward itto a siparate dis trict lost l o tn conslitotfl a now court d appeal for revising tl judgments of the court of kinirs bench j c- 17 regulating the prices to bt charged for printing official auvcrtisenents is to repeal part of 33 geo s respecting the holding of the court of quarter sessions at kingston und eellevillc 19 for holding the london ubtrict scliool iu the town of london 20 to authorise the iransportilg of offend ers l c 21 to amend the charter of idle niagara canal company it a 22 for relief of it 0 man catholc congrega tions in this province f 23 to incorporate a joint slmk company to improve the grand rive navigation h a 24 to regulate line fences and water courses 2o for the more equal dislrihition of the prcperty of persons dying intestate 26 to attach the property ol absconding debtors n a 27 to facilitate legal remtdiesagalnst cor porations t c 25 bill to make valid certain proceedings in the home district court c it a 29 to confirm british subjects in their ti tles lo real kstates dervetl through aliens l c r a- 30 to extend the charter of tie upper ca nada bank n a 31 ftr relief of certain penons holding lands in the niagara distict lcha 32 for relief of captain shaw l c re served 33 felons counsel 34 prioners bail committneitfl 35 to protect lauds sold for taxes l- c 3u prince edward separation n a- 37 niagara boundary l c it a 3s joint stock responsibility c 39 broekville police ft a 40 road and budge approptution 41 contingency k a 42 niagara anal charter n 43 shop liquor license it a i ljjejardin canal loan b 45 cohourg harbour loan it a 4g warsubblxw relief 47 emigrants fskk destitute relief n a 48 port hope iljrbour loan r a 49 war losses additional find 50 grantham academy ol kingston hospital aid towards r a 52 penitentiary conumssiones r a ol york hospital aid n- a 5- arbitrator compousatijn ihe received for the present year also the amount of arrears received resolved that it be submitted to the next meeting the propriety of appointing a committee to examine and re best cultivated and the best iu the district resolved that the treasurer be author ised to pay mr mepherson the cost of binding a newspaper called the new eng land farmer after which a list was submitted by mr n fellows of stock and other articles re commended for premiums thi year or dered to he laid before the next meeting submitted hy mr marks that premiums be oflered on the following articles of do mestic manufacture made in each county ol the district for the best piece of flannel not less than 20 yards for the best piece of fulled cloth not less than 15 yards for the best piece of linen not less than 10 art is for ihe best two pair of stockings knitt ed plain for the best two pair of ditto knitted rib bed ordered to be laid before the next meet ing mr- macanlay the president submitted to the consideration of ihe meeting several papers on agricultural subjects one of the said papers described a sort uf wheat eall- lhlttsvmihieskirl wlevod j atvs roi ffirfitig and selling cattle two in each year at kingston and two at such other places as may be considered most convenient or dered to be laid before he next meeting by order of the board j marks for ii c thomson secv feb 11331 government house 25th jan 1832 earlhquakeayoot 25 minutei befor i appunink a miln on sundliy the fihock of resolved that it will be expedient that m each director shall furnish at the meeting u majisty faithful subjects iu thu pro t in february the board with an aecount nl i fiuce tjie exports ol htapto pruautas ol r b aoamftciitft iewtiefljaaa vxitoieio this province last season amount l a third more than those of the pre ceding year the sa f important articles have beeil doubled in three years such are the prpofs of the property and independence which in a few years have been created wholly in the province by tlie industry and la bour of the great body of settlers and also of the general prosperity and progressive advancement of the inter ests of the colony- from the montreal herald we have much satisfaction in laying be fore our readersacopy of a letter dated 1 9th november last uu mr rice one tif the secretaries of the treasury to the chair man of the north american colonial asso ciation and communicated by the latter to the chairman of the committee of trade of this city by which they will learn on the best authority that montreal has been es tablished as a port of entry for general pur poses separate from that of quebec copy sir iu reply t your memorial solicit ing at the instance of be committee of the rwrlh american cbmial association t be informed whether american wheat manufac tured into lour iu canada may be imported into great britain as canadian produce and also requesting t be favoured with the de cision of thi board up tin certain memorials o the merchants of montreal praying that i be said port mav be constituted a port of entry forseneral purpose i am crtuman- ded by the lords commissioners his ma jestys treasury to acquaint you that it ap pears that american wheat manufactured into flour in canada is intttled to be enler- ed as british colonial produce and that di rections have been given accordingly and with regard to the mem trial of the mer chants of montreal alluded to by you 1 am f n city and varied in the degree of ifs vroleoce in the different quarters of the lowu ju some part rbeie was a previous uot very loud but very distinct nnise forpomo ennds before the shock was felt this xnt tho case iu the st louis ami iu ihe st lawrence suburbs in which latter quarter a gemleman of undoubted veracity affirms that his attention was particularly ntiracied hy the sound u hlch as ho describes it was like the pasripg of an exceeding heavy waggon crushing pieces of jea beneath its wheels the gentleman rose and imme diately feeling the shock teas induced to look out at ibo weather which was clear and perfectly serene ooe ladv was so sensible of the shaking tif the bed in which she was lying that she could with difficu ty be persuaded but what a large dnf he- longing to her sou had found his waj iuto her rouin md beneath her lied another instance has come toourkoow- lede when a lady not yet retired in rest hearing the movement of the poker and toitgs actually went into the adjoiniog mom ioe who was there although we believe those convuujons of niifure ae common in cansda yet fnr a areat miny veais nothing so decided has been frit it mtvtiihfrhp lli vmftvvir tlitlrvimiga wai very icrer and continued between two and three minutes such was the sen- satiiin pruduced that in niauy intaores before the real cause as knnvvn families and individuals were seriously alarmed montreal courant twa slight shurkfl of an earthquake were felt in this place on the night of sunday gsr which we learn extended through some of the townships and gave much alarm tn the inhabitants- they were accompanied hy a vibratory mntiiw ami ratrtrng of different small artitles or domestic economy hut no have not heard that serious injury wu sus tained hy any one for smutf days ive will not be nhle lo judge of where the pro bable seat of the volcanic energy may he but at present from the weakness uf t e shocks wo are inclined to think it inuttt he seated at a great depth or at h great lat- teral distance perth eqininer the last gazette say that the officers hairacks nt bytowo have lately been des troyed by fire we have heard that letters have been received in town from quebec stating that the city bank bill had passed the council the bill provides ihat 40000 of the nock shall be paid in before the bank goes imo operation and 60000 in the first three i month after its cnmineneement j dreodful murders the proprietor of this paper when at the west a few days since gleaned the following particulars respect ing one of the most horrid butcheries that was ever recorded in the aouals of crime in tbis or any other country- a man by the name of enry scvereign a farmer resi ding at a place called the round plains a s south of mount pleasant early customs their lordships have been pleased lo constitute montreal a separate port for general purposes as requested i am kir vour obedient servant signed spring rice treasury chambers 19th nov 1831 to nathaniel gould enquire north american colonial association committee room s3 curiihill to inform you that under i he circumstances lie ronrbilij of monday lar alarmed represented bv the commissioners uf the hi neighbours with h report that two into had broken iuto his house and commenced murdering his family- they immediately repared til the place and there witnessed a most bloody aod disfessiog scene a mo ther and seven children who had fallen hy the bauds of ao assassin- six of the chil dren and the mother were dead aud tho seventh child was so shockingly mangled that no hopes were entertained for its life at tho time we received our information the youngest child an infant was found in i ac jire partly consumed aod the rest were scattered about in different parts of the house odd round the dour on the out side the story which sovereign told was so absurd aud improbable that he was im mediately suhpetted of perpetrating this 1mm id deed himself aod was consequently taken into custody two wound were found on ins nwo person which he says were iofitcted by the men who entered his house but that be succeeded in getting a- way frotnmicm aod immediately pave the alarm no credit cao however foraiuo- the follow in highly important commu nication from his majesty s governmeut on the subject of the clergy ijycrtcs was this day transmitted to tho two branches of the legislature by his excellency the lieu teuant governor colboknu the lteuteuant governor has received his majestys commands to make the fol lowing communication to the house of as seuibly io refereoce to the atnls which iu pursuance of the constituti onal act of this province have been set apart for the sun- port aud maiotcnance of a protestaut cler-

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