Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), February 4, 1832, p. 3

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merit ha attached to those statements for when hi neighbours arrived rl the house- although the distance it quite short the principal part nf the bodies were cold and nad btty appearance of being murdered for 4dme length of time helsiiles ihe hoily of the iufant liad remained ion epough in the fire to hum to n cidder the parts which were exposed a large jackknifojjfeiind in his pock ct completely cofltfmbcnfilpwji aud a mallei which had htjpflut seeq tmm ihq hjsa proviohh the time ua foil morn ivith rfcjent vtarks citi iiffhffjn mrtd fftfhih dreadful raosarron- those flnj otmrcirunistan ces taken io cnaneciion tviihfireai pre piously made hy him together with his e neil character which was not iery good all trod to confirm the litflief that he wa the sole perpcmitcr of these foul deeds hamilton free press caution we have learned that mr mackeorie hasstruck of a new hatch of petitions otaddrewm to his majesty which arc about to be sent through the country for the purpose urbcaioio natures and dollars xih which to proceed himself to england we take it for granted how 4ver that this humbug of signing pdtilinos for and paying dollars to mr mackenzie is oow lau well eeo through hy the farm r of the country fur them to he again jrnuht in so hallow a suarecqnadiati fret man fire at st thamas the fhiuft tnbh arrived at charleston rpoko no the 10ih jnalanr the barque roman ike dtfys out from st thomas hound to baltimore who informed that twelve hundred hofises tere dmtroycd hy the fire of the 1st of jao- jotellireice from gaspe of the 27ih of pecember has been received the bach wfrnrn halifax fur this port with ruin nd suarto i dubord has put in there fjooe of the passencers or crew of the schooner charlotte akew from quebec far ganpft the middlo of november last have been heard of john duuclns mcconnell esquiresuh- collector of h- m ctmmht gspe m iteen appointed agnt for lloyds for ihe pislrivf of gape including iho custom i louse survey hy commission dated jndoo 2ist april 183l qwfrc mtr calcutta lord wilmah bewtiwck throiiehout his journey into the interior ftm received with marked disapprobation lord lafhoustt with n manifest proof f popularity ronton paper the st andrews herald of theloih intf flirea the following extract of a letter from the island ufbarbadoes which may be in teresting to persons preparing lumber for the west india mnrkf t ft i worthy of notice that soveml car- nes fmm bath u s- have been lauded at mtjl m ruw yolil- port f they coiilitiii to brin such ihey can certainly vie wiib you ewm pay tny the lone duty menr maguire boutelleand emerson of iho senate aod messrs williams o brien clifford ceriish mgrate dum mer steele and jarvis of the representa tives of the slate of maine hnve been ap pointed a commitie on u much of the governors message ai relates to the n- e boundary the writer of a letter from washington to the editor of the age printed at aogus fa mc say the ljooodary question will be discussed by the senate with closed jlonrs and no inforrfiation io relation to it trill traoipire uutil we seuate has define lively acted upon it we understand that letters from lon don of the 22d nov have been received in town which ttate that oo dcciefoo had ta ken place at ihe colouiaf office up to that date respecting the attorney general the doy bxed fur the early meeting of the provincial legislature was theo known io ljondun aud it was reported that instrnc itons relating to the nffiirs of this colony were io a state of preparation to he for warded for the usual period of the session- which will probably arrive by the decemhcr mail the disposition of the colonial minister it i mentioned continued the innel favorable to the coluoy the atior- oey general it is added however express- led himelfwih his usual confidence of a uccesful result in bis case upon the whnle it imj bat fc paltw m fe favor nre lessened although he has some tery active and iuflueotial npporiers letters from london hy the last ameri can packet itt that the port of montreal lias finally been declared a separate port of entry od that the deciiioo of the bnards ml home has been in favour of adrniums flour of american manufacture iqto tbe xoglitb market as cutouial- from the montreal gazette the army majorheoderson7lst regiment arrived ml halifax io the november packet from falmouth captain dirom 8th regiment with his lady aod family sailed laiely from st john new brunswick for eoglaod the prince regent aud marquis of huullry transports arrived at portsmouth the beginning of november from halifax they took home the 52d regiment and two companies of the koyal artillery the court of enquiry at bytnwn will rcassemble on the 3d of february the herald says its is understood that orders have iveen received by the last ha libl mail for the dismantling of the mili tary posts at three rivers william hen ry chainbly aod cuieaudu lac the wanderer transport has arrived nt portsmouth from quebec lientenant cnlnnel roberts r a aod captaiu melhuish r e- with a company of sap pers and miners wcot to eoglaud iu this vessel the tight nouae on partridge island new brunswick has been lately destroyed by fire temporary measures have been a- dopted for exhibiting the customary light until a new building cad be creeled bxiog tbe period of the night at halfpast eleven shock on sunday the weekly morning ranif n saturday tbe 28ih j o dublia nov 2bhan accooht reached ton this morning of n drenlful affray he- ureh a pary f miliinry aod police and j hody of tiic peawnrryma place called ever m zv kilkcony ei lain hfstn mes fioin cnrliiw and ihrce fro cade their daily paper conner f appm ihni on tuesday fno paper wii police arrested trih penoos iu that dei iviih ihe f u v r jfrsasrtkif sass anuary in tapo the proprietors of tbe mor- uiuk courier and new york enquirer lend publiriiio on thu largest fofin sheet uctla weekly newspaper in con- ppears during the week mi r dfulv mam it will be pullisbed on ev tvpe aod to olace i tbe re- nuuuin were detained in custody of the police till friday pvililie tho police heiiip apprehensive of a rescue sought the aid of a military parly and an that evening twenty men of theclih rpgt- commanded by capt mathew arrived to their asiistancft they hd scarcely brri- eed at the turnpike rate on their way to the county gaol when the friends and re latives of the prisoner preyed so closely around tbe party thatcapi maihew called on his troop to form in a square and re monstrated with the crowd hut without a vail- so far two accounts i have seen a gree but iho disastrous result and the cir cumstances that immediately preceded it are variously stated- one account states thflt the officer ordered rdiftcjuiffta of blank cartridges which failed to disperse tbe crowd a volley wa then sent with deadly effect amnng the peasantry who were un ffhnad- it is also asserted that iho firins wnt repeated and kept op after the malli tudfl who ufferd no retaliation bail disper sed five unfortunate men named grout unyleuogau riu and blancbficld were kiped on the spot and iiiauy were wounded some daogerously conwqutiiicq of other pers board vessels and receive their to news oii sunduj publishers of the cour- lit- and equiier havu lately invested j thirteen tuusand dollars in a suparule news wtawisltmont consisting of one schooner of ninety tons one of sixty tons and necessary towboat this establishment is supported at an annuo expense oil nine thousand dollars aiul vessels cram europe are boarded at sen and their aews disseminated through the country wtb great dispatch lorn before they reacbtltu harbour in ils jajiiics ihe courier is purely defthcrnuic adhutiog to the principles and usage of tbe hepnblican party and advocating the icuieciion of geii- eral juckon to the presidency its columns me alike devoted to foreign and domestic intelligence morals li terature and fine arts in morals however it docs not act upon iho creed of fanatics or bigots but on tbe con- irary includes those principles of mora lity und iclfginn only which are found- ed upon peace end goodwill to all man kind the fruit of which is tolerance and biotherly alveclijn instead of per secution fur opinions bake upwards ol lour thousand copies of the courier and enquirer are published djily und more than three thousand office of he cataraqui bridge company j w w in he cit of new kingston january 30ml832 york its daily circulalion is known o be more than an hundred per cent great- i er ihan any other paper these facts are referred to as affording the only com mentary llio proprietor can with pro priety offer on tbe quality of tbe matter which will be found in their contempla ted weekly publication it is intended to publish 17500 of the first number of the paper which will be distributed in different pans of the country d one copy sent to each kingston assemblies the next assembly will take place ai myers hotel on monday e- vening the 6tb february 1832 dancing to commence at 8 oclock kingston 4th february 1832 at a public meeting of the stock holders held this day according barrack canteens wtotice is hereby given that the xii canteens in the undermentioned burr ack arc to be let upon the follow- ini conditions for twelve months from the 25th march next no person but of an unexceptionable character nor any person for more than one canteen or who will cot undertake bona fides o reside in the canleen and conduct the business thereof in bis own person will be approved and two sureties will be required for the regular payment of the rent and of all sums which mny become due in respect of tbe said canleen and for the due perfor mance of the several conditions and sti pulations of the lease tbe person whose proposal shr11 be accepted and bis sureties must execute the indenture and lease of covenants relating thereto the particulars whereof may be known by applying to this of fice or to the barrack masters at the several barracks the names of two respectable per sons with their christian names pro fessions and places of abode who will join the tenant in executing the inden ture as bis sureties must be inserted in the proposnisand the tenant is to pay for tbe stamps and the ordnance de partment does not undertake to procure the tenant a license sealed proposals addressed to the rc- speclive officers at kingston with tbe government coatract8 steamboat transport ttotice is heieby given that ai sealed tenders will be received ftl the commissariat oflice at kingston until 12 oclock of monday he 27th day of february next from such per sons as iisr be willing to undertake tbe transport of government stores gunpowder and heavy ordnance ex- ceuled troops baggage horses par cels c until the closing of the navi- gatioli of this year viz fromprescott to kinpslon ftoni kingston to york port dal- housie niagara and queenston also from york to port dalhousie niagara aud queenston and from those places back again re spectively and it must be clearly un derstood that whenever required the contractor must forward passengers and stores by the earliest conveyance with out detention to fuvor the interest of any particular boat all ordnance store must be landed or received as relates to kingston at the ordnance wharf at point henry the tenders must state the several rates insierlingacreeable toa prescribed form io be obtained at this office where tbe conditions of the contract ti t ti ai may bo wvrds reference to two the outside cover will be received nt this j r p b office ou or before 12 oclock noon the lo public notice and igrceiblu to lie act of incorporation the following gen tlemen were in inimously reelected di rectors for the ensuing year viz tut ilov john kmov jno r ulover jno macaulay jno marks and henry briscoe esqrs qfo f cobbktt sec treat c b 0 a qffiet of the cataraqui brittgf company kingston jan 30i 1832 t ft meeting of the directors of the cataraqui bridpe company held this day john r glover esq was unanimously reelected president fjr the ensuing ye ar gbo p corbett secy v tnaa c b- c- post mailer in the united slates in or der that specimen of the publication may ijt examined terms pajattc in advance daily paper 10 per annum snrni- weekly paper 4 per annum signatures to the tenders are not re quired payment will be made ot the option of the senior commissariat oflice either in british money or in other specie at the rate of 4s 4d sterling per dollar or in bills of exchange on his majestys treasury at 100 for each 100 lbs steiling due upon the con ti act charles a clarke acg commissariat 1 kingston jan 24lh 1832 prospectus m march tutt rent of pounds t per annum for the house as a 4uuijf ani spirit fgmb8j a life sih of march next after which hour any proposals received cannot be noticed by the mutiny act canteens are not liable to have troops billeted on them all persons making tenders lor canteens are to take notice that they will be held to the strict pettbrmance of the covenants of their leases and full payments of their rents without any re mission or reduction further than the covenants of the lease itself set forth the furm of the tender toh as follows hereby offer for the canteen ia the bar racks at for twelve months from the 1 ii n nu m hi eight in new yohk n undertaking ihe publication of a paper deviled as this is designed lobe lollic pleasures amusemcnis fa shions and aivertiscments of life the subscribers have been animated bv lite lo bo proinpd at tha 0hm mated oppo- persuasive encouragements and gratui- m each in the following u therefore tous promises of support of many ol e most influential enlightened wtmkly paper 3 per ftany person who may fli snbscribers to ihe weekly paper and ro- mtf the amount shall bo furnished with a cftpy gratis and to companies of ten subscribers who associate and remit w p vv dollar it will be sent for x 2 56 each per annum nurse applyatihe clo- j masters who have no objections to del as our agents are requested to receive subscriptions and remit the mo ney at the risk of the publishers hi die lime of ordering the paper ii is ex pected that they will retain in their hands 10 per cent of the amount recei ved as a remuneration for their trouble ceditois of papers with whom we exchange are requested to give the a- dove an insertion and the favor will be nurse applyaithe clno- rricle office kingston t eb 3d 1832 notice- th e stockholders of ihe commer cial bank of the midland district are requested to meet at the court elouse in the town of kingston on thursday the 15th day of march next at 12 oclock noon to elect directors for the said bank pursuant to the act j reciprocated of incorporation by order of ihe actin committee f a harp eu sccy kingston 31st jan 1832 the subscription book for stock is j left a the oflice of geo mackenzie esq tkt further rtnt of per moiilhfnr every i non- commissioned officers and private sol- diets who may occupy the barracks during that period and pmpos mr of und mr of as my sureties fur the same the rents of the canteen as dwellings tiro site eaeli in tno loliawidg ihe hiddius will ha upon whai is offered fur every ten men oecopfing tlteharracks tliii dumber will be nvcertalaed from the llnrrjick musters monthly mturns which arc made upon the firstday nleveiy moiirh and no chncres in the itcctpfttioot of the barrack which nwy take phec in ilia pro gress of the month either luitr ngaiust tho tenant will he taken into account no less uiimhcr than ten will lie charged n- gaioil the tenant nor will anj odd number he calculated thus ifthc barracks should he fee u pied hy 143 inen oarhe first dy of the rnomh only 140 will he calculated for that mouth the bidders are also desired to iutruduce no fractional parts of a penny in their olters as they will not nor will any tender ho noticed except as arc strictly according to the aboe form i tele de point l4 0 0 1 kingston point henry 2 0 0 sterling per frederick moof annum york 5 0 0 j fort george amherstburch office of ordnincp kingston utli jan 1332 lid respectable members of the new- york community it is to a certain extenl a field unoccupied by others and one which is deemed important to be filled for while the politicians the theologi ans and tbe literati ofour country have each their separate oracles which like that at delphos proclaim aloud and de fend their several opinions and interests the cause of fashion of pleasurable en- tcitainmenis of taste and recreation find but few publications of a periodical kind appropriated solely to their en- be noueed and support to paint rxcept such ihfc as ll w the aftificinl em jrotice a third dividend will be -i- pnyahle at the office of john kirov esq iu kingston od wednesday the jsth day of june next to the creditors of the late allan taylor esq- and to ibe late firm of taylor and parker john kirby a o petrie t parkell trustees kingston 9th may 1831 removal john watkins has removed his hardware establishment to a very extensive premises in store street nearly opposite to mr jno blakes ta vern where he is nov opening in additi on to his former stock fifty casks andcaso esof hardwnie cutlery c which wern sclncted by himself in birmingham shefs field and other manufacturing towns i- england j waikins returns bis thank- to his friends country merchants und the public generally for the liberal sup port he lias met with for many years past begs to inform them that the ar rangement he lias made in england and from his occasional visits personally no house in the canadas can supply them on better terms- kingston dec lqth 1331 the commercial bank e stock book ibr this institu- ion is open at tbe office of george mackenzieesq in storestreet janua 7 1832 persons wishing to bring ou their friends from the north of ireland to quebec to embark from lon donderry can have their passage se cured by paying the following rates at the office o i messrs buchanan co montreal for adults 2 12 children from 2 to 14 years of ago 1 6 under 7 years of age 17 the above sura includes water and fuel for the number of days prescribed bylaw no passengers will be receiv ed on board unless provided with pro visions for that period r s buchanan exchange chargeable on the above no letters received unless post raid montreal nov 25 1331 notrce a li notes or accounts due to the im estate ol the late frederick keeleajtto w bellvile 24th dec 1828 william johnson barber and hairbressot nextdoor lo the london tavern tenders his grateful acknowledgements to the public fnr tbe liberal support he has met with since be commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patrtf nage kingston 30th may 1829 6sig wis mirjests dockyard kmgslon uc 23th of january 1832 he navy board bein desirous of rock elm t obtaining some timber on trial any person willing to supply twelve pieces of the same to be twenty four feet in length and tofquate from six to fif teen inches will send to the naval store keeper the terms on which the same will be delivered into the dockyard on or before the tenth of may next john r clover naval storekeeper land eor sale lot number eightyone in the 4th concession township of amelias- burgh county lrince edward mid land district containing two hundred acres the soil is excellent and well timbered which will be sold low for cash for particulars enqirire of the editor kingston february 4th 1832 notice the subscribers have just received and offer for sale the following assortment of teas purchased at the last fcmsi india sale via hon skin twankay dm ilivxsni koiuk young hyson hyson gun powder bohea congo and souchong the young hyson is of a very supe rior quality and for the accommodation of private families is made up in boxes of 17 pounds each also i c nnd ix tin in boxes english soip in boxes of 60 pounds patent loaf sugar in hogs heads as well as a general assortment of dry goods x etc the whole of which will be sold for cash or short approved credir mackenzie gedde9 co kingst feb 4h 1832 aluance office he office of the allisince com- t medical society the midland district medical so ciety will hob its annual meet ing at myers hotel kingston or tes- l p o le aq day the 14th february a 12 o clock a lo miles from kipgvteo the property of pany for kingston and the mid land district is held at tbe place of bu siness of the subscriber in frontstreet where property will be insured as here tofore jas macfarlane agent kingston 7th january 182 valuablefarm for sale on leasonablc terms that beau- m a van dyck secy bath 31st january 1332 the late earthquake we learn from a letter just received from dundeo was eoe- rallyfeli in that township aud iu godmao chester aud in the adjacent portioim of the bmte of new york we uotice hy the brockville paper that it wai experienced there also all tbe accounts concur i removal miss fowler respectfully in forms lie ladies of kingston ano iisvicinhy slic has removed lo pirt0fsyg the sione house in clarence street oc- cupied by thomas askew where she continues the millineiy and dress ma king and solicits a continuance of the liberal support sho has received since her commencement in business ongtoo 14th dec ibsu mil laiely occupied by tho subscribe tomrilio uffthouf 100 acres of excelleot lliid the mdst of which is in a high state ruliivsititio there ia built on the pre mises a targe and commodious dwelling house almost oew with extensive sheds and other outhouses altogether forming a most cfltn for tall la establishment for it res- tho whole front ef tho let is fenced with a substantial stoue wiijl 5i lect hifche thcro are two tiviog spriais ol excellent water ou the premises ami several bearing fruit trees for further particulars apply either at this offico or to the subscriber in store street kingthtn duncan vaxalstine notice is hereby given that tenders will be received at ibis oflice until he 1st march next from ble frenchman any person or persons willing to rent the property well known as the kings ton tannery containing opwards ot 3 acres and a quarter of und now the property of government situate adjoin ing uia loariliofi kjurmmnyinnriini substantial brick dwellinghouse cur rying shop stables sheds barkmill sixtytwo vats 25 of which nre under cover with an excellent garden a con- slant runofwaier through the premi ses laid out and adapted to an exten sive scale of business in the tannery and currying line the above property will be let from the 1st april next for a term of seven years subject to be resumed by gov ernment during any part of the said term should it be required for the public ser vice upon giving twelve months notice and it may be rented either with the dwellinghouse which is separate from the tannery premises or without as may be required or it will be lei for gardfin- ing for which the ground is well calcu lated or fen any other purpose for which it may be suitable should no eligible offer be made for it for a tannery for further particulars apply at the ordnance oflice point henry or at the royal engineer office kingston the rent to be paid quarterly to the oidnance sorekeepnr at this station in british silver the names of two persons willing io become security for the due pcrjormnnce of the conditions of the lease will be required to be in serted in the tender oflice of ordnance j kingston 12th jan 1832 j wjotice john strange esquire j having relinquished the business of auctioneer ihe subscriber takes the opportunity of informing the public tint he has taken out license to act in this that capacity his attention to busi ness and moderation in charges will he hopes nducc a share of the busines of kingston- a manahan kingston isth jan 1832 bellishments of romance to speak 6f rs propensities for enjoyment its appe tite for pleasure and indulgence and ils tendency io enier into occasional fouics is to do what many must approve and no one can condemn for it is certain ly no more improper to record the acts of men than to promulgate them orally lo the world pleasure says a no- is the chief business of life and however seemingly incor rect the mnxim mnv bein theesiimation of some yet it is literally true for the devotee certainly takes pleasure in he exercise of his religion the merchant miltnnnmnixini iheirr soytmllltinainhfasi of employment and the man of letters in his books while the sportsman who chases the hare or attends the ring or ihe race is only pursuing pleasures in congeniality with his natural or cultivate ed tate in presenting this new candidate for favor and patronage to the pu lie it is the intention of the publishers n render it as interesting as possible and to please all if they can without wounding the feelings or disturbing the prejudices of any the language will be always chasie so that the most delicate mny approve the paper will treat of fa shion taste and scenes of real life gathered from the every day exhi bitions of the world theatres md- seums and ouier fashionable places of resort will receive appropriate notices while ihe sports of the turf the ring the pit of iho fisher and iho fowler will engross no inconsiderate portion of attention the proceedings of the courls civil and criminal will as far as possible be given when matters of in terest occur and more especially ihoso of the police where life in all ils forms and colorings is so faithfully portrayed it is also the intention of the editors to devote a considerable portion of each paper lo the compilation and dissemina tion of the news of ihe day in asnnnna- rial form which will serve as a brief and faithful record of all important passing events condensing a large nviss into a comparatively small compass willi these intentions fully and fairly proclaimed and with the most perfect good feelings towards allour colaborers in the same vocation we present our selves before an enlightened community as candidates for their patronage und their smiles william t porter james howe notice marmora foundry comtahy in conformity to the act incorporat ing this company a subscription book is now open nt the office of thoskirkkpatricft kingston 16th may 1881 notice jhe stockholders of the johrt b by are requested to pay into my hands on or before the 10th feby next the eighth instalment of 10 per cent en their respective shares david john smith treasurer kingston 6th jan 1832 information w anted john mcqueen a natrve of lreiundotintedfrftmi glasgow scotland touppercanaao rawso he wrote for his family in a letter date4 near gananoque and his wife and six children arrived in 1881 in distressed circumstances any information re specting the said mcqueen addressed to mrs mcqfucirn matilda post o fticc will receive her grateful thanks january 9th 1332 coffee soups c the subscriber respectfully begs leave to acquaint his friends and the public in general that he intends keeping soups coffee lunches ofc during the winter from ten oclock a m- until ten p- m- john belonoe kingston 10th dec extensive sale of dry goods and groceries mr askew being about to re tire from business will offer for sale iit public auction his present stock of goods on wednesday the 8th day of february next at 10 oclock in the forenoon at his residence iu clarenco street near myers hotel the stock is extensive and well se lected tho principal part of the goocs being of laieimportation and will be sold in ibis to suit purchasers without reserve the terms are very favourable and merchants innkeepers and private families will find this a favorable opporv tunity for making suitable purchases terms purchasers under 10 cash q to 504 months credit l0 to 1006 months 100 and upwuds y menths credit on frrnishing two approved endorsers a manahan auctioneer tuesday january 24th 1832

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