ol alarming the tlu-vve- forthc chronicle on the expulsion of the indians from the territories of the united states 0 shame looolonilifo tou boaster of freedom tliat drivcfl lift imltan from chiniry qpiq llotooj to knowledge religion utid aria didst thou lead him no longer a vagabond limit cr liutl roam from time nmiwniorm liis iribw have ncp the bitd ofthcii tuilurs by charttr ulukftj thy childicn nr tinlv inlimlew ill hosl the title of indian w bcucr ibart iliine hu warriors i aw in the pridfctiflhcirmighti exulting like calcs as upward ihey soar rapacious oppressors inwided ihtir righi the spoiler prevailed and their triumphs are oer vet the sons of i he forest though fallen are free hav spirits of energy passion and tire and would if adopted and nurtured by thee to rival thy patriots wisdom aspire thy forests and prairies by nature are rude and cumber the earth for immortals designed j industry and science adorn soliiude and the wilderness glows with intelligent mind the ruler of nations has piven thee command to succour the friendless and cherish the poor in judgment before him how darest thou stand if the right of the indians those siill will devour- their alliance was sought when the demon of war spread havoc and death like the storms of the deep most solemnly binding thy treaties till are but no faith with the indians republicans keep- thy lineage is noble thy fathers were true how art thou degenerate mean and unjust has slavery ruined thy mind as it grew and buried thy honour and truth in the dust less guilty was spain when she banished the moors dragooned to hypocrisy exile or death the curse of that frantic proceeding ewinrc9 and scourges the kingdom of bigotted fifth like ahab willi nalmth thy covetous race ttegnrflless ui tiunv injure tut wiir j beholding an outrage so cruel and base if justice were silent the forest tvould speak expel the red man from his ancestors grave then virtue and freedom insulted will flee for the enne of the lord and the scorn of the brave i shall wither thy merciless children and thee justcs woe unto you scribes and pharisees hy pocrites for ye devour widow houses and for pretence make long prayers therefore ye shall receive greater damnation 1 lg from the keepsake a highland anecdote by sir walter scott the same course of reflection which led me to transmit to you the account of the death of an ancient bordcrei h had received induces mc to add the particular of a singular incident affording a point which seems highly qualified to be illustrated by the pencil it was suggested by the spirited engraving of the gored hunts- mm in the play said he was my friend man which adorned the first number of j but the temptation of a heart of grease oflriing as it were his throat to the knife would have subdued the virtue ul almost any deerstalker whether the rnirinlp w woith ritwliiicr nr descr vlug ui illiimuuion icuuiius lor your conside ration 1 have given you the stoiy exactly as i recollect it a new inllamniabl dktnvered b a you contra could have been more agreeable but as he had mil ibis advantage over the donton ifthe wiideiness the meet- in was in the highest fefifrvu unuel- come noilher party had lu owm of retreating for the stag had not room to turn himselfin iho uurov plh and if duncan had lurnrd ins lick 10 0 down lie knew eilougli ot tffe ere atures bubtlslo be mruuii thni he would rush upon him while engaged in tin dihicnl- ty of the retreat fliey stood ihercibre perfectly still and looked at each othci in nuiluai embarrassment for some space at length the deer which was of the largest size began to lower his antlers as they do when they are bi ought to bay and are preparing to rush upon hound and huntsnihik duncan saw the danger of a conflict in which he must probably cmie by the worst and as a last resource stretched himself on the little ledge of rock which he occupied txyntnmcuum and wrvcil odlta hndnd bo solution which j j7 oh i lo liquid hasinbtlecnitfcffus parmfintye jffis fot mc chemist in lipuihm- ivsl mlat tin- horiic botan- the influence of lid discovery will be felt urooklti l uvo bjhw in every departmeul of chemistry as il- r y s1 j n oilie om demralile uiiitl nt t hie and wine publishes that lilitis qoittbusltblo bodies the pleasure nt sots had 1 alt the miincy bays paley iu his p lie i iliu- tiyupllyi m which i pay in taxes loduvern- ttt i jt at lihciiy loiiv out upon umieniciit oiid diversion i know not whether 1 could find greater pleasure than what i receive frulil hearing rxpcciiuz and rehiring pv- lie news readio parliamentary dehates and pruccedius cauvassiu the pulitieal arguments projects predictions itd intelli gence which aiccnnveycil by various chan nel to every corner of i lie kingdom fieucral alav who is now on a viit to tho duke of wellington hi wiilmer was aid dc camp m his grrcc at wfttcrilloi and thn only member of the staff of the ro downed conmaudcr cliief io that me- iimiame cunflict who it is mid escaped unhurt t rapes ptaciitm t p o cars m ttjui cherries os aim icnls 1 orhimcnlui 1tgps nncl slmilis cii il hmlmevons ilaws tl- collodion oluomlily iinil lliircly r p d directions fui planvins furuwied io tin ret isrs mr james mncfarlnuo erfhpr of ihb r ivuit a od or- mis p will make rrin lllt whatever u ordered from irim will be rcfnly park ed aud forwarded without slightest de- the subscriber oivcis very low rales for sale at for cash or short approved credit iu tiotcos and 230 barrels of mus covado suir 51 puncheons and co iiius of high ly unvoted i strung pi oof jamaica rum 10 carrels of first quality plantation coffee jo dacsof pimento 2l les of best holland gin paper ill receive ciders r truii namental trees ivrnn hr c he gi lay post ilie deer should take not making the least motion for fear wild and suspicious animal mained in lliii postuie for three or four hours in the midst of a lock which would have suited the pencil nt sal va lor and which afforded barciy room e- nougb for the man and the stag oppo sed to each other in this extraordinary manner at length the buck seemed io lake the resolution of passing over the obstacles which lay in his path and with tltis pur pose approached towards duncan ery slowly and with excessive caution when he came close to the highlander he stooped down as if to examine him more closely when the devil or the tin- tamely love of sport peculiar to his country began to overcome duncans caliiffues can he omiind prfttis paid at me office of ilie inni general is one of the jif joln iacaul- jon john marks stephen garwood allan mclean estjuiros 54th dnrch 1s31 n it may he pioj- uieoiion lirectior will lie sent i as to the man- v ilic most striking instance of iutjjwisitt h that of uariiiojeuiy wllowniu poet iron li infancy and uiiu on his i ihfiinc lekiu do i llunim defended biinsctf in an ndmira may icccsiirv iit ijiiiin jtiu mai leurfi jotiug gently he totally forgot the dangers cf his position and with one hand seized the deers horns whilst with the other he drew his dirk but in the same in stant the buck bounded over the preci pice carrying the highlander along with i every one of which has within the last entirely in vere and aomuid throughout with a hih order of poetical imagery jnpc john pope toho vim nas a prnlcite of sueh ctleminatc hnliiti that a medal was struck with the epijirnjm pojm joan ilcnce he fable of si jt matt having orfi made lupc di awing koum ticruii 8ctfj imperial meagre while two or liiree crruies with their wives were siitiuy mie iiiltl late in a pnhlic house cli inking whis key and discussing the reform bill nne of llitm said if ibis hill be o i wuoder iv r ai niensnro ihey will lirin iu next measure exdamed jane taeasure jominy my man what measure ivmt ye hoa hut itifl imperial vm vre i tl muck lest edinburgh iaptrj soldiers clothing the appearance of a regimental mess is at present truly laughable iu some you will sei iindin almost all three different unifom that tin 1 for puh- long with the different tr ne at paris i oe- if troatinr them jr received iu irahlo speech the fall can he safely huricv he prouml until ihe spring when they n h planted t receiving anv injur from the frosi wmd provided that they are cittly covered branches and all withean thn smidlest rrderi wiii uo received and care shall he taken ihn several orders will he made up into one pcuajjo it a viw to ave the expense arrie tfio snheriber bavins hi nnnointed aenliit thisprovircc for parmeii ier is now ready to receive orders ajjrecu- inlvertieii is macviitake kitism lh march i bly to too above li jad is imeicrul 2 pipes chat aniie uraiidy lie has also on hand 20 cooking stove sofa now and hiphly admired pattern toeltfontisftetl with tin utensils 100 boxes of shaft lion 30 boxes of t l pipes 10 groce each 10 bands of test english glue 1 cwt each he is daily expecting a largo supply of superior wines of different descrip tions and an extensive consignment of stoves sinsle and double of potash and sugar kettles and hollow ware all of which will he disponed of at the mon treal prices the tiuusport from hence simply added a manahan- kineston oct 1j is31 four him they went thus down upwards of a hundred feet and were found the next morning in the spot where they fell fortune who does not always regard retributive justice in her dispensations ordered that the deer should fall undei- neatli and be killed upon the spot while duncan escaped with his liebut will the fracture of a leg an arm and three ribs in this state lie was lying on the carcass of the deer and the injuries which rendered him for ihe remainder of his life the cripple i have described i never could approve ot duncans conduct towards die dcor in amoral point of view although as t lie four years been strictly nccotdillg to re gulation aud nunc of which will be so after the slst of next december iii fact one of the late regulations hd not come into complete force before it was superseded by another i must here allude to a late attempt at saving she paitry sum of 2s per mn for alluring soldiers clothing the clothing as now stent io legtintiiis rendy uinic wouhl disfigure the apollo celviderc i lliittk it impossible if lord iihi saw ttuy re- gimeoi dressed tlius s i have before j alt uhkcm iltseasc which hi long bafllcnj ili wt f the iwmi ftpr rirtl physicinm hfw ui length ruuud a ov i remedy in ut hn granges genuine iurjncut few irittailcoikt diseases areuw- with more re- uctnucc iy the physician a- nunc in w liirh lie is so universally unccvslul- this ointment hsisslnotl ihe rctuf experience nail justly obtained an nnpamlleied ctlc- brity if iinnicdiately rcraovus the scabs jives n healthy action t the vessel so the skin aud its origin eoluur mid sitioeihiivss- nuniernusrt iidaliuus tnilt be ehtmncd f iirstperior ctiicacj hut the proprietor chose ntktajai friffijpiio of lot tdionld he its only eommentor it has in throe or lour weeks cured cases ofiiftecn arrl twenty years standing that had re- sifcd the newer of every riinedy that was tried it not only ut ohm giva iinmeili- stlo ielilin salt fiheumiut cures tinea captli coinuiunly eillel eald head and n cenhhy erutious peculiar to uu- culthv children your work and perhaps bears too close a resemblance to ihe character ot lhat print to admit of your choosing it as a kiittffwl tinnflum of this vfttl ire the only compcioni judjre the story is an old but not an anci ent one ihe actor and sufferer was not a very aged man when i heard the an ecdote in my catty youth duncan for so i shall call him had been enga ged in the affair of 1745 wiih others of i his class and was supposed bv many to i have been an accomplice ifltol ihe principal actor in a certain tragic affair which made much noise a good many years after ihe rebellion i am content with indicating this in order to e iheir clothes had been altered by the 3i fo no ol mercurial na- meu themselves that he vruuld purmil cure contains in it and i nny be used on iislaiiis or uthori uuder aly cireumsiauces uiiuever rhicone dollar pir bottle for sale by win- iiinlc kiuslon john mukoii uutbeeand ucmhc ueiit mon treal sole aent for ihe auuda8 kindlon 11 ti july lfa- second tattypiageft the eciilnr of the boston moining post is pariicularly severe against second marriage whilst he editor of the rhiladelpbia aibuin cnnimonds them i tic diijloniqii lias he following concluding paragraph the present regulation lo remain iu lurce a day in my opinion if ihe muehals and a scaled palicm were sent down to each reimeni ihey could make them up by faltwir own tailors equally cheap and certainly much better ihan tltey ire n ltfi n wmwi mn rni llir-titimbii- ol iln rimhing im ani iir nj hi im a ciimiiriible t trricr journal hooks ran sale rnile following books are fcr sale j at ihe ihropicie oflice vizs the family library consisting of j he history of the javs from the ear liest period to the present lime bv ihe ilev ii u milman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the li fe of napoleon buonaparte by j g lookuaitt esq with cop perplate engravings from ilu id itife of nelson by robert soutii- bi esq- with a porii ait the life of alexander the great cv the rev j williams with a map natural history of insects illus trated bv numerous engravings 13 mo the life of lord byron by john gait esq is mo the life of mohammed founder of the religion of islam and of ihe em- saracens by the rev george bush a m with a plate 18 mo letters on demonohgy and wucfa rafte by sir waller scott bart 18 mo with a plate history of the bible bj g r gleig in 2 vols is a map of palestine aarrative of discovery and adven ture in the polar seas and 7egions with illustrations of their climatege- oloffv and natural history and an account of the whale fishorv bv i book binding establishment at t1i3 kingston chronicle ojfice the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book- binder informs the public that all kinds oibusincss in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des- putch and on moderate terms the folloriua list of ihe price when bffeftjjk oroughl in by the quantity s mahtadvance will be made on the single rffilume biding in clp folio full bound in calf orna- n a meuted l quarto do do 0 30 0 ociavtw lo do 0 5 0 12mo tlo do 0 3 0 18mo do do 0 2 lf 0 half binding in ca folio half bound and orua- meotcd 0 17 0 quarto do do 0 7 0 octavo do do 0 3 8 l2ino do do 0 1 6 18mo do do 0 1 3 binding in sheep folio full bound aod oroa- men ted 0 17 6 quarto do do 0 7 6 octavo do do 0 3 4 12mo do do 0 2 3 8i1110 do do 0 1 8 the rev niu with ofissor lesliei professor jameson saving i ui hi iuniuat s r the subsci inercbtioipd business in k bei jiv- ucslou il u second marriage is bn li so- i lomou must have been a migluy happv some idtta of the mans clturaclcr wliich was bold fierce and enterprising tra ces of this natural disposition still re mained in duncans very good features and in his keen grey eye but the limbs like those of the aged borderer in my former tale had become unable to serve the puiposes and obey the dic tates of ins inclination on the one side of bis body he retained the pro portions and in iiinrss of an active moun taineer on the other he was a disabled cripple scarcely able to limp along the streets the cause which reduced him to ibis state of infirmity was singular twenty years or more hefore i knew duncan he assisted his brothers in for ming a large grazing in the highlands comprehending an extensive range of mountain and forest land morass lake and precipice it chanced that a sheep or goat was mixed fiom the flocks aud duncan not satisfied with despatching his shepherds in one direction went himself in quest of the fugitive in ano ther in the course of his researches he was induced to ascend a small and nar row path leading to the top of a high precipice dangerous as u was at first the toad became doubly so as be advan ced it was not much more than two feet broad so rugged and difficult and at the same time so terrible that it would have been impracticable to any but the light step and steady brain of a highlander the precipice on the right rose like a wall and on the left sunk to a depth which it was giddy to look down upon but ditncati passed cheerfully on now whistling the gather ing of iris clan now taking heed to his footsteps when the dituculiies of the path required caution in this manner he had more than half ascended the precipice when in midway and it might almosi he said in middle air lie encountered a buck of the reddeer species running down the cliff by the same path in an opposite di rection if duncan had a sun no re- fellow the german lady lately exe cuted who had such a passion for mar riage and murder must have been ex- ticinily happy there was mistress minas second marriage the honey moon and linker are yet lo come but enough samson lost his hair bv a se- cond inurrittzc and napoleon his em- jjirc we will not conclude without nil authority which we ought io have pla ced as a caption it is fiom ihe great observer of human natme and ihe poet of nature one who was not happy in his first marriage and therefore did not seek a second thr instances that second dmfriagc mow are bast respects of thrift but ftoneuf love ilamttt foi our part we cannot believe that unhappiness necessarily follows a second marriage x general commission merchant lo inform tin merchants of ilmttr fjnult that ho has received n puit ul his fall supply of west india 1iodiicc mulling of brown kair and very fail muovado sugars lcward island and jarrmcfl ruin plantation cofice pi- hieoi hollands iin cugiiinc and oihcr craudv all of superior quality alstfa large supply of coofciftg and dmthleaiicj single stoves of dtflbreul patterns ihe cookbj stoves superi- ail furivtshcd widi tins pot ash keiuei sheet iron english glue c- ie also daily cxpccla a large and ec- nerl assortment oi dry goods crocks ry- hardware and such goods as will enable him tosupply many of t he imor- cbaeis usually resorting to montreal and the whole will be old on terms so advantageous as lo dispose nunvofihcm joet supplied ivoni him and preclude ihe inconvenience risk and expense nt- tenuing he purchase of goods in the loer province rpon tho aitival of ilieexpected siin- ph ihe subscriber intend jjll ijoui taiiadian siuiip psjpiik 5ihsvribi his 10 anmiunce jj to lii public ihe et- mishment ol t lithographic press in kingston by ihe name ol vwlliasi iv 1 where will be executed all kind ot uolk ap plicable to thai useful lirti scii as maps plans views ciirulars music utsid- tngi of merchants hills anc sieimi uoal notices with the keich btlhu bout il rtfouiied blank deeds an memorials funeral notices embellished with suit able emblems hills of exchange c c c persons wanting anv kind of copies ol their own hand writing will be supplied with prepared paper and che mical ink foi that purpose s 0 tazewell n h cairicatures printed by the sketch being supplied kintnu auciist i2ti- 18s1 jyth tmes esq is mo to the pudl1c r if subscriber respcctfuilv hecs r niienns to detail lite j advantages which his establishment here extraordinary decrease in the con j will afford lo use upper canada mer- sumption of spirituous liquors lp chants which ihe limited time afforded 10 1s2 there was a progressive in- by the puhlicalion of the chronicle to- crease in the consumption of spirits in dav precludes his doing now iieland in is30 there was a decrease on homemade spirits alone of 210903 gallons and in the first half of lssl a decrease of 721502 gallons while in scotland during the same time thede- a iwanauaiw kingston october 15th 1831 t ilio inst year a decrease ol s4s03 gal lons being nearly one third of the whole consumption belfast xavs litter o list ami possession given immediately lois no 13 ciease was 513697 gallons in lhentl 14 ill tho 5ili concession ofpitts langan district comprehending bel- j burs on tlio lenilin road io perth and fast and its vicinity there has been for l2 miles from kingston containing 330 acres with 100 acres of cleared land on the premises is a superior two sto ry log house with the other houses necessary to complete a farm jt i- jij so in an excellent iiiuaiion for a ta vern the farming stock together with ihe present aiav crop can lit given by approved secuniv the term of lease is such that it ciij be taken from one lo ten years further particulars can bo obtained from mr joseph bruce merchant kingston or to the proprietor on the prvrtyises john lavfky tea and coffee are now tieiog substituted io several vessels of the navy in place of erogtftad hi the option of thocrerc cof fee was very liberally dispensed in buckets lo ihe band while admiral cndrifitfteiis foot lay recently at cork liiqtrick chron ica j3 leave to announce that he has ta ken the house lately occupied by mr thomas damfoul known as the strain joiii hotel but better by the comfort it conferred on tritvehors under his respectable management and hopes by assiduity and attention to preserve tliei excellent establishment in full reputa tion and credit to this end every possible care will be taken to ptovide all things conducive lo comfort of the best that money can purchase and he doubts not but that all u ho honour him with their patronage will find pleasure in recommending their friends to the same treatment and attention they themselves shall have received the stabling and other accomodations lor horses and carriages are extensive and of the first class and diligent and well approved persons will be constnn- f mediterrauc tly employed to keep them in all res- 1 vuiiu pocts roudy and applicable to the im- annals of the peninsular campaigns by jlurrftv tsq with maps is mo 4 tamer vgfvrgt v aihirlii f irniiihi ii ihe iini fuvv vens by ihe ilev ioar truly with a poruaii is mo new and itnpioved edition aarralirc of discovery ami advcn- ture in africa from the eaihcst aces to the present time with llltislra- lions of the geology jineralov and xoolov by piofessor jameson james wilson esq and hugh ilnr- ray esq with a map und wood en- gruvings is mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tom by allan cunningham tsq 1- 3 vols is inn with portraits history of chivalry and the cm sades by 0 r j with a plate 31aru qntcn of scots in 2 vols ji c beu esq the continuation of ihe family libra- i ry will he regularly received il the chro nicle ollico immediately as the volumes ars issued from the press of ihe messrs harpers ofnew york tu render the family library still more worthy of patronage the publishers pro pose m corporal oft in it such works ofiu- rtwe and value as may appear iu the va- uriost libraries aud ulncellanies now pre paring in europe particularly the na tional aud the edinburgh cabinet libraries all these promiciioox as ihey emanate from the press will be submitted io a cononitiee of literary gentlemen for inspection and none w ill he reprinted mil such as shall he round calculated to sustain the exalted character which this library- bus already acquired auo ledger blauk work and ruling to any size or pattern for fori folio and fancy binding separate charge james macfaitlane kingston 13th april 18s0 ev stereotype e- dition of mayors spelling book the subscriber has in the press an extensive second edi tion of mavors english spelling book stereotyped from me 328th condon edition a d 1827 this edition which will be printed on good paper froin the mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than the former edition storekeepers and others wishing for supplies will please give in their names without delay jas macfaitlane kingston 22d may 1s30 10pperplate press a firstraie copperplate printing presshasjust been received ul the chronicle olfice where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed with neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable visiting cams for sale at the chronicle oflice july 24th 1s30 the board of education fur the johnstown district give notice hat from the preseol time it if their intention strictly to eofnrce th regulation mad soma years haek by which the use of american books io t kkmmmsiilisiii sjftitrs are directed in confine themselves such worn if elementary instruction as aro compiled uy itritiah authors only a copy of mavoks 8pcllinlink may he obtained ly each master whose ccnifi- cntes linvo passed the hoard on applica tion to r ilulibcll that the compliance of the school- masters is lesred with a former regulation enjoiniog the use of prayers at the com mencement of school in the morning aud at its close in ihe eveuio a form adapted t jeiierat use may bo found in iuavors spellinghook and is re commended for this purpose by the board iriaicd forms for the quarterly certifi cates to he ftigned by two trustee may h had on application to adftt sieruvod hrockville july 1629 h quarrystreet xtarlij ofijtqsitt mr prentiss store the subscriber begs leave to inform the inliiuititnis of kingston and its vicinity thai she haa lately arrived from england and commenced business io tho hdunvios liue leghorn limmets mde to any patternj old nues stuvd aiul altered chip strar isnoiiets made cleand c according to- ihe latest english itubtoot and nn reason able terms m 1iaidenry also liourriconed tritaie memoirs of nnpo leon the kingston chronicle is piintedandpnblighed every saturday by james macjauase at his office id tront sf rctm kingston tirms seventeen shillings sixpence prr annum- sent by mail twenty shillings subscription u be paid jnadrance sketches ofrsnval life with notices oj men manners aud scenery on tbeahorci au with maps by a ei- 6 oiler k li the deaihofbe lairdv jok published in tho kcepsakr lor i2 ed tht ketdult i uucuvn that from the j itjff ofcauoou and vuiieul rnncusions of di tho magnetism of the compass j iiredlo becomes dornoffed or confttficd in j which time u will be h found to have several instead of ocil v puled nnd its directive power u constantly ilrstroyed- a iiiettuid of restoring the power of the doodle has bceii recently fouoj out it is hv striking it transversely n eft eh idde of iueeotroi vhioh inatftomoeousl and per- fecity retiioroi its power pittslitir september 7th iu anted oralis on london hd british silver for which lite highest into of premium u ill be given hv t a harper kingetoai sal oct tt lacditite use ot travellers as soon as it is possible the house wilj he conitaotlyfuruithcd with ihenewyoik montrral and other provincial papers and the subscriber especially br to annnuueo that he has already taken iderofl to procure for the hcoelit of hi guests the daily lon- don tiroes as understanding it to he the must interesting of all tho london prints during the season it i i keep a never feiliug supply oysters that can he ohiaiiiid tiiefimebuockett steam ilvat hotel colling- jis purpose to of the finest ov th 131 t kiiiion or s alu lot otti ninth concession of ihe snip otl ouhheuo quire at ij is cflicf in the town forparticdlarscn- ihe auiliororciil thoruiou cjnrrespondeoce of admiral wood uith memoirs of his life a year in spain by a young ainericao uonhaj visit tolicr uncle in england tlio grooms oracle and pocket stable directory lawrence on the horse the boston revised edition of the wa- vcrley novels with plates the heiress of bruges a novel by t c jraltan author of mis anna the talba a romaace by mrs bray maxwell a novel by ill 11 sayings and doiugs the barony a novel by maria porter price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and and v each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and jod each sub sequent insertion above ten lines 4d per line for the firt insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted till forbid and charged accordingly oiders for discontinuing advertisements- to be in writing and delivered by wednlsdat noon at the latest no advertisement received after tin oclock on thedav of publication c3 produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bigncll esq qiierc david chisholme efq three rivers andrew porteous esq jun trial james mclmosh esq lancaster john cameron esq loehiet r cliue esq corn ir aft george browse esq matilda alpheus jones em presclt henry jonc esq brcckritlt ionian taylor esq perth hvvlwmarsh esq riehmmt j k hartwell esq btsland mess c j mdonald gahattque john dean esq bulk allan mcphersun esq jvapane thos parker esq uellville joseph a keeler esq cramalie james g bcthunc efq hamilton david smart esq port hope william allan esq york daniel ross esq vittria john crooka esq iaara charles biggar eq murray j d gilbert esq mdpustcnam roberlten esq rivir trent