urn arc night thoughts the following botitifttlbnil toncbi from h pen of william oullen bryant esq one of the editors of ll new york evening post u gentleman well known both in eng land and america as standing the first among american pools it is indeed the gift of mr bryants poetry to hallow every place in which it moves to elevate the tout by the expression of pure feeling and to dotighi the taste by the most chaste ami eloquent lan guage mr hemans llm paid him a tribute of her admiration bv repeatedly electing from his poem a motto lor her own effusion thi is an honour which has horn hestowed on no other american poctp by ibfa dirtinutahcii woman wc read the annexed line originally in the new york american and copy them from memory j al evening when the leaves are mute and birds arc in their dream and moonlight floats upon the sea in one un broken gleam when the flowers are scald with silence and the meek winds fainl away and the golden stars appear upon the farewell of the day when not a sound of life invades the holiness of night save the lone cry of the nighthawk in her mel ancholy llight then my spirit steals to solitude and with all pasioi fled above the tomb of buried love invokes the so lemn dead oh ye that sleep beneath in the cold bed of tho grave is this the dread shore where the soul is lost in lifes last wave is it here in still oblivion that the light of beinp dies that clothes the laughing infant and illumines beautys eyes that glows in manhoods noble thought that fills the hour of age that fires the lip of poetry and wisdoms hal lowed page aril lio wo close tlie pilfcnmagtf of ilfflh ofilffi enjoyed and shrink into the terror of annihilations void oh never but like yonder sun descending in the west as iroin his bright career he sinks without a cloud to rest on the morrow of eternity in glory wc shall rise and live beyond times shadow in the kingdom of the skies sion with a cockandabull stoiy about the times ncwspiper or his early life or his wifes maul servant or his driving about london bridce a onehoix chaise ho is looked upon as a relief lioni wisdom and vviii is despised as buffoonery is welcomed as change one of ihc most remarkable iliinifs that excito the surprise of a new mem ber is llit great difference between a reputation in the house and a reputa tion out of it many nun receive the closest aliemion nay iic most respect ful deference in the house who have managed lo be ulteily unappreciated and even obscure in the country a new member is surprised to hear the compliments lavished on mr ii n the lespect paid to mr wynne the praises accorded to mr alwood lie would be yet more surprised if he heard the speakers for the first time and before he himself was imbued with the spirit of the house- cut it is not the one speech on purpose to fight the athletic scot j book binding establishment tic latter was working in an enclo- at thk ui a utile distance from his house j sin- kingston chronich office w the noble lord arrived his the subscriber havwfi engaged an i midship tied his horse to a tree ad- experienced and regnlni dred ok- drssed he farmer friend i have binder informs ihe puhli that all kmu irorfld talk a grail deal of you and ive j of business in this line wi be perlorm- lonuway lo see which is the ed at his office with noimctt and des- comic a brat wrcstlei the scotchman with- palfl and on moderate tttta out answerinj seized the noble lord by llin middle of his body pitched him over li hedje and then set about working iiin when his lordship had got up well said the former have you any thing more to say to me no replied his lordship but perhaps youd bo good enough to throw me my horse poetical language a welsh knight of the ancient and honorable order of st ctispin lately called out from the ground j jo flour of his dwellinghouse to his wife i who was nursing the pledge of their lo n the parrot angel descend with the cherub if such language become general among the jobsons of the following is a 1m of lne p when books are brois in by the quantity a small advanc- will be made 00 the single volume binding in calf s d folio full bound io calf ooa- mented do do do do 1 0 0 quarto octavo l2mo do do do do 0 10 0 0 5 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 the devil to pa will he hooted off the stage as libel on the worshipful company of cobblers folio full mented quarto octavo it is the general character of many speeches that obtain for such members j day tho old farce ol the ear of the house a knowledge of detail a shrewd astuteness of reply a particular tact or a particular appear ance of sincerity all these often evin ced insensibly create a reputation with which the public judging only by single speeches often illdelivered and there fore ill reported are thoroughly unable to sympathise 14 some men are celebrated as orators there is a humbler ambition some men arc distinguished as cheerers there was one gentleman in the early part of the last sessions whose cheer of lie chancier of disc was something ineffable be was a tory frimds thero lingers and his house had sufieied we believe hfiirt a strong inclination to look upward j h l by a mob in the late election the e- half binding folio half bound and mented quarto do do octavo do do l2ino do do 1 81110 do do 0 17 0 binding in sheep bouod aod cua- omissions of last werk 77 inprcsiois made upon the heart by jitiius there is a certain charm about great superiority ofiutellect that winds into l2mo our aifectioos which a much more constant f si mo anl even amiability of manners in lesser mm often fiii is to reach genius makes m enemies hut it makes sure ivienils to any she or pattern fn 1 ort r oho and friends ho forgive much fiicuds who en- j fancy liiudiug separatcmarge do do do do do do do do also ledger blauk vrk and rulio 0 7 0 3 0 1 0 i 0 8 6 3 0 17 6 0 7 0 3 0 2 0 1 g 4 3 8 1 buling chive ion who exact litilc ihey partake iplincs as well ns about tho iiuinao james maffaulane kiuzston 13ih anril i0 an asacbeontxc 81 fetch pindar fye sylvia why so gruffly look because ft kiss or two i took those luscious lips might thousands grant rich rogues and never feel the want so little in a kiss i see a hundred thou mayst take from mc but since like misers oer their store thou hatst to give iby savings oer i scorn to cause the slightest pain so prithee take them back again and with good interest be it done thouil welcome to take twoor out bullition of his aristocratic indignation tlumw jvfs i ilnnjwryr misltud into the most prolonged the most sonorous and most unseasonable of human cheers yoiu raced the bricklayers bill in every one of them it is in opposition that men cheer a ministerial majority are singularly cold speeches that would rouse the expaily to thunder fall in a numbing silence on lllfl ears of the party that arc in on the ministerial side moreover every one looks on his neighbour as a rival for ministerial favours he is therefore by no means charmed with the oratorical displays that he considers made at his own expense a party in opposition arc at least free from these petty jealousies and individual rival ships and a name is therefore much easier made amongst the benches to the left of the speaker than those to the right cut commend mc wc re member hearing vox once say com mend me to the cheer of an irish mem ber and certainly there is a gener ous warmth a hearty selfabandonment an exhilarating honesty in the irish cheer that is easily distinguishable from the cold halfchoked halfwhispcrcd ejaculation of the englishman board of education fur the johnstown district give notice hat from the present time it is tuelr intention stnly to enforce to the public the subset iber respectfully begs leave to announce that he has ta ken tho house lately occupied by mr thomas ham foul known as the steam boat hotel but bettor by the comfort it conferred on travellers under his respectable management and hopes by assiduity and attention to preserve thai excellent establishment in full reputa- tiionand credit to this end every possible care will be taken to provide all things conducive to comfort of the best that money can purchase and he doubts not but that all who honour him with heir patronage will find pleasure in recommending their friends to the same treatment and attention they themselves shall have received the stabling and other accomodations for horses and carriages are extensive ami of the first class and diligent and well approved persons will be constant ly employed to keep them in all res pects ready and applicable to the im mediate use of travellers assoon as it is possible the house will be constantly furnished with the iew york monlreal and other provincial papers and the subscriber especially begs to announce that he has already ta ken the means to ptoctuc for the bene- filofhisguesis daily london times ns understanding i to be the most inter resting of all die london prints during the season it is his purpose to keep a never failing supply of the finest oysters that can be obtained theodore brockett pnm rum hniek r nov8tli 183l kiuston t vwsfm am w 5rs hack hy which the use of american books l to revere m this inclination lies the source of religion of loyalty and also of the wor- j ship and immortality which arc rendered so clvrv a ftltf truth it ii a divine admiration seems io some measure to ap- t 1 i 1 tin tear ru is prohibited and the mas- pronnntc to ourselves inequalities it hou- tu rs mothers wc wedwc root ourselves are directed 10 confine themselves to the natures wo so love to contemplate to such works of elementary instruction and their lives grows a part of our own thus when a great man who has engross ed our thoughts our conjectures our hom age dies ft gap seems suddenly left in the world a wheel in tho mechanism of our own being appears abruptly suited a por- tiou of ourselves and not our worst portion for how many pure high generous sen timents it cootaios dies with him bu fiver dosl the augusta chronicle of jan 28 says a friend iti columbus writes us under the late ol the 23d instant aduol took place to day al fort mitchell at half past elevm oclock between mj camp and general wool folk both of this place which terminated in the death of the latter the formvi- received a wound hut i he- i lieve not a as are compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spellingbook may be obtained by each master whose cer tificates have passed the board on ap plication to dr hubbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regula tion enjoining the use of prayers at the commencement of school in the mor ning and at its close in ihe evening a foim adapted to general use may be found in mavors spellingbook and is recommended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly cerii- 11 1 u i ficatesto be signed by two trusieesmay received a wound but i he- j aji c- roceroui one the mail close j 1 had on application to adul mir- t the following paiajraphsiiccxtri ltd from an article in the new monthly mognzine entitled temper of the hotse of commons 11 it is loo much the fashion for men out ol the lloilsu m art- icu infill nation is sine of success great in formation if of the highest and most varied order requires the nicest be j lives dislike to rush into the bold cur- rarest skill in its management nothing 1 rent of extemporaneous speaking of the house so little forgives as a display i incurring the halffinished sentence of superiority greater than the occasion ibe confused rammar the bald i directly 1 have not lime for particulars since vrritiug the above a gentleman of this city handed usthe following extract of a letter on this subject received from a friend iu columbus on yesterday 23d inst i witnessed wood lag brockviiic jany 132 t lithography from canadian stone he subscriber begs 10 announce to the public the establishment of ihiduehietweed major camp and gcueral a lithographic press in kingston by woolfolk they had but one shot each he name of william iv press where hooks for sale he following books are for sale til tltf oniopiele office viz the family library consisting of j fir history of tht jacs from ihe ear liest pciiod to the present lime by the kcv ii h milman in 3 vols 18 mo illustrated with original maps and woodcuts the life of napoleon buonaparte by j g lockhart esq with cop perplate engravings from the 2d london edition 3 vols 18 mo life of nelson by robert soutu- ey esq with a poriraii the life of alexander the great by the rev j williams with a map natural history of insects illus trated by numerous engravings 18 mo the life of lord byron by john gall esq 18 mo the life of mohammed founder of ihe religion of islam and of the em pire of the saracens by the rev george bush a m willi a plate is mo letters on demonoloy and witch- raftc by sir waller scott bart 18 mo with a plate history of the bible by the rev g r gleig in 2 vols is mo with a map of palestine ng- folk liis ball passed through iv above i requited blank deeds an- memorials the heart woolfolk walked so vera i steps r notices embellished with suil- lowanls ibe spectators and said he has i i emblems bills of ehanfo c killed vie the blood gushed out of his liamentary debaters are often another cause of their want of success demands nothing it so despises as re- j i into which even ihe best of pal- mouthlie viewed it attentivelylaid him- fined and new truths it has a great dis like to philosophy a great leaning to a bold commonplace ingeniously put to a wellgraced truism which a man of large information would be too apt to disdain you are far more easily par doned for falling below than for soar- 1 some popular commonplace which in ing beyond the intellect of the house bis heart he despises in order to obtain driven wfupou ita ground and expired nana diately without having again spoken 1 1 a 1 pft llttir i oranuk accessions wo s that ilicy are oflcn loo rcuncu n uen reiisonings- an experienced orator who desires n cheer at some particular moment will plunge voluntarily info i ivcro noi wnro that these processions aud ihe baneful effects of orange lodges cxlendcd toscotlfiod by the loudon courier of ihe ilsi dec we however perceive that or scoilnnd the high court of justiciary tried hi edinburgh on ihc 2oll two men when mrs- siddons was leading in lior i ii it is seldom that tbc philosophical member of orange lodges on a charge of finest manner one of the finest passage fastidious contcmplutivo man of letters having murdered an individual io an affray in mion 0 mfekd oienco ubove lo o lse ns rita you zzo ofgirvnn one of ihcm was round guilty and sentenced to he executed at ayr the lord chief justice in speaking of proces sed ho held such to be legal when i fee c persons wauling any mjj copies ol their own hand writing wil be supplied with prepared paper and che mical ink for that purposr- s o tazewell n b caricatures printed by ihe skmeh being supplied kingston august 12th 1 s3 1 iort tho footman below yawned forth what the old womans at st again the feeling almost the words of the footman are applied in the man once felt to be too great for ordinary usage the veiy perfection of what a statesmans speech ought theoretically to bo on u great occasion was sir james mackin toshs on the second reading of the re form bill luminous elaborate thought ful but thoroughly ineffective a se ries of such speeches and the cholera morbus would not clear the house more completely the favourite tone of pai momen tary oratory is essentially conversation al the house has a great love for the extempore a great abhoicncj of the pre pared yet this is a sohnotboy feeling and a preference of the smart ami clev er othe profound and legislative in formation deeply hoarded lucidly ar ranged and carefully and logically bo died forth may not titovv si much rea diness in the speaker as a sharp person al repartee but it is infinitely more creditable to the talents of the speaker infinitely more honorable lo the charac ter of a deliberative assembly and a- bovo all infinitely more useful to tho country there is a great feeling in favor of a man who speaks not his own opinions only but lhaiol sunie puiticular class thus when inn came into the house ihc representative of the un represented there was a decided in clination to hear him no only as ihe orator but also as lhi nritrf the mob with a belter eduvition ami a lilo mote ability he might uttve obtained for that reason a very remarkable sta tion in the house rut ho is vapidity itself never was there so miserable a twaddler vet from the mere habit ol making men laugh from the mere hab it of relieving u grave aud dry discus- hear from him about the corrupt bojoughmongcrs on the one hand or the downfall of our sacred institu tions on the other but these are minor obstacles to success which a lit tle resolution and a little versatility easi ly overcome the greatest obstacle a man oflctters has to contend with is too groat a susceptibility to failure is not that a great speech said a mem ber to charles fox of the present lord d s maiden effort yes an swered fox but before i judge of the speaker i must see him fail a young officer of the national guard has just received a check which will probably cure him of gallantry for life he had tormented the pretty wife of a dver during a long time with letters and compliments followed her about like her shadow and al last became so ter ribly importunate that she revealed the affair to her husband whe desired her io give him an appointment hardly had the conference began when the dyer and several of his workmen ap peared and seizing the unhappy love gave him a good sousing in a tub of sion for purposes of amusement or to express political opioioo if properly conducted but tlc character of such procession was completely changed if the parties or aoy uuniberolthem went armed trial of the earl of mar on monday the llih court of justiciary at edinburgh proceeded to the trial of tho right hon ourable tho earl of ftlar accused of as sault by snooting in tho direction of john oldham esq on ibo moor of cochrauge in tho county of perth on the 12th of au gust liis lordship pleaded not guilty several witnesses were examined aod the solicitor general for tho prosecution nod mr cunnioeham fur lord mar the subscriber offer for s very low rates for rrsh or approved credit 50 tierces and 230 barrels of mus covado sugar 51 puncheons and 30 hhds of high ly flavoicd and strong proof jamaica hum 10 barrels of first quality plantation coffee 20 bags of pimento 2 pipes of best holland gin 2 pipes cluuanlie brandy he has also on hand 20 cooking stoves of a new and highly admired pattern well furnished with tin utensils ico boxes of sheet iron 30 boxes of t d pipes 10 groce each 10 bands of best english glue 1 cwl each he is daily expecting a large supply iery professor leslie professor jameson and hugh jhurray esq with maps oce 1 s inn life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george oroly with a portrait 18 mo new andimpioved edition narrative cf discovery and adven ture in africa from ihe earliest ages lo the present time with jlluslra- jons of the gnnlosy 1inerlogy and zoology by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh jlur- rav esq willi u map and wood en- gravin is 18 mo mr uuomognam tor lorl mar respect- 1 r a ively addressed the jury and were followed superior wines of different desenp- ny the lord justice clerk who went over jotts and an extensive consignment ol the evidence at great icoth and concluded y remarking that lie thought tho charge j sugar kettles stoves single and double of potash and and hollow ware all of of assault had been made out he did not which will be disposed of at the mon- thiok the case was attended with difficulty j prices the transport from thence thcjnry after a few minutes consultation j a 1 tu unanimously found tho assault proven on ihc suggestion of lord gillies in which lords mackenzie and monericit concurred the lord justice sentenced lord mar to simpiv added amanahan kingston oct is 1s31 i so l hvn months imprisonment ihcreafic dio then in older ihnt ihc dye mil in jfiod security to tlie extent of 5000 to be solid and durable they made him stand before a largo fire till he was en tirely drv unlortmiaihjir was obli ged to attend pa i ad o thu ncxtday and in consequence ho inadrf such plentiful use of sckpand eaudecoiogat that the tint of indigo disappeared but it was to give place to a beautiful sky blue ah ugly custemr a scotch far mer celebrated iu hw heigubourltfiod for his immense strength tuid skill in nil athletic exercises very frequently hnil the pleasure of lighting people wlut led by curiosity came to try if ihey cotild settle mm or not lord d- a rreat pu gilist amateur had come from london keep ihe eacu for five years or to hecou fined for a further period of six mouths fiutn the glasgow hrnnct pee hi this luoniiu lc montreal trader so phi a capt neil arrived at greenock from montreal this ii iho third voyage of toe suplimto and from montreal within niac men tits a tliiog unparalleled in the annul of navigation afield medal was jiresen- ted tv capt- nell- when last in montreal in liumitr of ilia crosiiiiig the atlantic live times iu one season la iho house of comment on ihe i4ih quarry street nearly opposite mr preouss store teie subscriber begs leave to in- foim ihe inhabitants of kingston aad lis vicinity that she has lately arrived from england and commenced business in iho following line leghorn bonnets made to any pat tern old ones sioved pud altered chin and straw bonnets nndr cleaned c according to ihe latest english fash ions and on reasonable terns m haldenby dec sir k vivyan complniueilcfihocx- 1 t j pensu aitrmiing neivspapera sent abroad j sale loinm 17 in tlie h concession oj ihe town and mr spring rico id reply infrnneii the jp of touclhoto for particulars cn- complaioaut thai be niaitcr should bo ia- jqniroat iliis oflice quhcj into kingston 9lb august is2s lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq in 3 vols is mo with portraits history of chivalry and ihe cru sades by g r james esq 18 mo with a plate mary queen of scots in 2 vols by h g bell esq the continuation of tho family li brary will bo regularly received at the chronicle office immediately as the volumes arc issued from the press of the messrs harpers of new york to render the family library still more worthy of patronage ihe publish ers propose incorporating in it such works of interest jtnd value as may ap pear in the various libraries and mis cellanies now preparing in europe par ticularly the national and ihc ed inburgh cabinet libraries ah these productions lis ihey emanate from the press will be submitted lo a committee ofliteiary gentlemen for inspection and none will be reprinted hut such as shall be found calculated lo sustain the ex alted character which this library has already acquired tvew stereotype e- n dition of mavors spelling book tllo subscriber has iu the press an extensive second edi tion of mayors english spelling book stereotyped from the 32ih london edition a d is27 tins edition winch will be printed on good paper front ihc mills of eastwood and skinner of york will be afforded much cheaper than ihc former edition storekeepers and otheis wishing for supplies will please give io their names wiihcut delay jas macfaklane kingston 22d may 1s30 salt rheum this inveterate disease which bag long baffled the art of the mott experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la granges genuine ointment few cu lancous diseases are met with more re luctance by tho physician and none in which he is so universally successful this ointment has stood the test of ex perience and justly obtained an unpar alleled celebrity it immediately re moves the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous re commendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be its only commentator it has m three or four weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had resisted the power of every remedy that was tried 1 1 not only at once gives immediate relief in salt rheum but cures tinea capi- tas commonly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to un healthy children c there is nothing of a mercurial nature contained in it and it may bo used on infants or others under any cir cumstauce whatever price one dollar per bottle for sale by wm binley kingston john musson quebec and oeorge bent montreal sole agents for the canadas kingsion lllh july 1828 mrs parmentier offers for sale at the horticultural botan ic garden brooklyn l i two mile from new york a fine collection of the most desirable kinds of table and wine grapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines apricots c also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection of monthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished to purchasers mr james macfarlane editor of fl paper will receive oiders for fruit and ornamental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangements that whatever is ordered from him will be carefully packed and forwarded without the slightest delay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid alihe office of the chronicle reference john macaulay john kit by john marks stephen yarwood allan mclean esquires n b it may be proper to mention that the necessary directions will be sent along with the different trees as to the manner of treating them trees received in the foil can be safely buried in the ground until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any injury from the frost provided they are entrely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken that several orders will be made up into one package with a view to save the expense of car- the subscriber having been appoint ed agent in this province lor mrs par- mentier is now ready toteceivc orders agreeably to the above advertisement james macfarlane kingston 24th match 1831 illiam johnson barber and hairdresser next door to ihe londun 7vtrn tenders his grateful acknowledgments to the public for the liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and he hopes by close attention and industry to me rit a continuance of the public patronage kingsion 30th may 1829 just received and for sale at iho chronicle office a very handsome and fashionable assortment of visiting cards february 11th 1832 the kingston chronicle is printed and published every saturday by james macfarlane at his office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and sixpence per annum if sent by moil twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2s 6d first insertion and 7l each subsequent insertion ten lines and under 3s 4d first insertion and 10d each sub sequent insertion obovc ten lines 4d per lint for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted till forbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writings and delivered by wednesday noon at the latest no advertisement received after nine oclock on theday of publication ic produce received in payment at the mar ket price agents john bigncll esq david chishohn esq andrew portcous esq james mcintosh esq john cuineron esq r cline eq gcorgt brousc esq alpheus jones esq henry lonef esq josiah taylor esq h whilmarh esq j k hartwcil esq messrs c j mcdonald john dean eq allan moplh rson esq thomas parker esq joseph a ketyr esq james g bclhune esq dnvid smart esq william allan esq daniel uu esq john crook esq charles bizgar esq j d gilbert esq w robertson esq quebcc three rivers montreal lancaster lochiel cornwall matilda prcscott brockville perth richmond bastard gananoque bath napa nee belleville cjamahe cobomg port hope york vittoris niagara murray adolphustn river trent