Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 17, 1832, p. 3

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mao taking the hiot cry prodeotly reformed himself out of the chair aod march ed off with the glorious minority the chair having thus heen deserted it became nccesshry 10 nppoint another chairman aod mr thomas clappe betog now called to the chair by a uoaoimous vote aod t slicer appoiotcd secretary the chairmao vra carried to his seal amidst the load aod hearty cheers ef the whole assembly the follotvjog resolotioos had previously been moved by j h- samson eq- secou- ded by t parker esq theiirst had beep pot aod carried hut the second the ex- chairman had refused to pot to the meet iog aod consequently do vote had been ta ken upon it it was now therefore agaio moved and carried with cheers 1st resolved that it be expedient to ad dress his majesty to express the senti meats of the inhabitant of the couuty of hastings apin the preseotcouditiou of the prouioce nod also to state our opinion upon the subject of certaio petitions now in circulation complaioiog of alleged grie vances 2d tetolre1 that the following address be adopted for that purpose to fhk kinos most excellent majesty most gracious sovereign we ihe in habitants of the county of hasiiogs io your province of upper canada hombly desire to express our sincere affectioo to your majestys peroa and our unabated aod unalterable attachment to the const thfi kingston chronicle saturday masch 17 1832 tuiion given to us by your majestys royal father we have witoessed with indignation the attempt of a tew designing and interested men to mislead our fellow subjects in other parts of the province ami to alieu- ate their feeliogs from those priociple which iuduced many of us to nbandoo our relations aod property rather than submit to any disunion of the british empire the persons most industrious to create disaffection are iu themselves contempti ble but as their schemes are cooducted under a pretended wish to redress alleged grievances we fear that io some instances they may be successful and unless we ex sress our honest opinion to our gracious jhj it is possible that oursilence may be considered as an approval ot the conduct of men who are now striking at tfae root of our constitution our attachment to our king and our government does not blind us to the de fects which exist io the institutions of up per canada nothing of human origio is perfect hut we rejoice in the belief that we have less cause of eomplaiot than any people on earth and the meaos of redress are io our own power we feel every confidence that the mis representation of a few men opposed to british rule aod british institutions will iww induce ymir mjtiy m iftbitbl ft any viulatioo of the constitution of our hap py province when we hear of the misery aod oppres sion which exist tn other countries we feel that we have reason to be grateful for our peace and bappiner and for the unequal led prosperity of upper canada we earnestly pray that your majesty may long continue to rule over your exten ded empire aod that ujj per canada may for ages participate tttfbe blessings which flow from a connection wilbgreat britain thomas clap chairman thomas slicer secretary between four and five hundred persons signed iho above address on the spot we have not time to make any remarks in ibis impression march 14 1832 sim we the undersigned inhabiiants of kineon satisfied of the great benefit the town would derive from the establish men t of annual fairs entreat of you the kindness to call a pub lic meeting of the inhabitants in order to con sider upon a proposition to petition his excellen- sr the lieutenant governor to exercise the oyal prerogative so far in our behalf john kirby h duptty james rettes j macmtiay s gornau smith john brennan wm bintey chester hat thomas dalton chas thomas jr w dow william mackenzie jr j jtfacowon jjernj brennrn jnihoh jot f hope francis baby jl j ferns benjamin olcott rob triff titer t emerson burfry by the arrival of the silas richards dates from england to the 24th of january have been re ceived there isnoihing in these pnpersof any political information the reform bill was still undergoing its ordeal in the house of commons where a majority of two to one was again anti cipated in eta favor confidence in its ultimate success in the lords was at one time so power ful as to render the acquisittun of peers to thai body a matter of doubt such a measure how- ever must be adopted as without it success i beyond any probability amongst the candi dates for these honors are the children of his royal highness the duke of sussex they claim their privilege upon the precedent adopted in the hjghest branch of the royal family the accounts of the cholera are very unsatis factory some alarm prevailed in the neighbor hood of london hut a mysterious ambiguity prevails over all the reports we read and it be comes difficult to arrive at any faithful detail of its progress it does not however appear to be subsiding the special commission at bristol has been concluded five of the rioters sentenced to hanged were likely to be reprieved by a nume rously signed application to the clemency of the crown w have made such extracts from the various arrivals as will tend to shew the state of the jesiys regular forces while listening to the song of the death of abercrombie ably line by lieut crawley i must confess i wtt deeply affected i experienced a sort of pleasur able melancholy if may so express myaelf ll broichitony recollection days long cone bv and hat i once was n boldier ftrhapa sir it may not be known to many at thi happy meeting thai this is the anniversary of day glorious to british arms the battle of ihe 13th o march was fought thirtyone years age this day in that once highly favoured coun try egypt under circumstances most difficult and trying it will be remembered that the gal lant and veteran abercrombie commanded the expedition he was sent to overthrow the french army and restore egypt the enemy w was composedofthefkiwcrofthe french troops tsvrrvrin it was the army of ilay the pride of bonaparte w kf and the conquerors of that country- neverwas i tieetin british valour more conspicuously displayed both by navy and nnny than in the landinc at abu kir ind the battles of the 13th and 21st march britons sons ultimately prevailed and tore ita lian laurel from galliaa brow the conquest of egypt was not accomplished without n heavy and afflicline loss the immortal abercrombie fell and with him many a brave and gallant sol dier i would now ir propose a loast in res pectful silence to the memory of sir ralph abercrombie and ths brave fellows who fell in the conquest of egypt t a tlie coimrcial hank 1wxtce is hereby given tlc jl depsitf ten per t on aiboum of 3tok subscribe w be call ed in payible at the office 0 this in stitution h tic house lately occupied as the monreu dink agency in front street jo 01 before the first day of april next ersuiig by jrder of the crd f a harper cashier kington mvcfa 17 132 in order to address his excel- i 25ili theprivitepe of j the practice of dbnt4l suftobm march 12 1832 united kingdom during this nervous period y public dinner to colonel t tuesday last being the day on which colonel by accepted the invitation of the principal inha bitants of kingston to a public dinner upwards of 70 persons including tho military heads of department commodore barrio and several o- there who wereinvited to meet the colonel sat down to a most sumptuous dinner prepared in mr carminoe best style the rooms were em bellished with various appropriate paintings and transparencies representing the chaudicre bridge the john by steamboat passing thcca- nal and other devices explanatory of the great work of which colonel by was the founder and finisher and in commemoration of which toge ther with his private worlh and professional ex ertions for the province this was intended as a lasting testimony after the cloth was removed the president the hon- john kirby who filled the chair with his usual good temper and honest beneficence proposed the health of the king and queen j both of which were received with an enthusiasm the deafening effects of which are still reound- wg m wm fflb thfc wa ttwa wfeh re ceived with an equal exhibition of feeling was onr distinguished guest colonel by when silence was with difficulty procured the colonel in a short manly and spirited style returned his sincere thanks for the honor conferred upon him and although evidently labouring under the influence of those feelings which occasionally stifle all human utterance proposed prosper ity to the town of kingston to which every glssa was filled to the brim by the happy multi tude who appreciated his unwearied exertions to promote the object of his toast by several years of unparalleled difficulties and most dis heartening obstructions several other toasts elicited the oratory of those eitjier directly or indirectly identified with thorn and it was not until a very early hour that the happtedkpimt convivial and harmonious as semblage flttt has ever been remembered of the inhabitant df kingston separated from this scene of affection and social enjoyment the occosion combined with the stimulating influ ence of copious champaigne libations rendered many a tongue loquacious which only through that medium was taught to believe it possessed the powers of eloquence for those whome ver spoke before now spoke ten times more and as a proof that all was uttered upon the spur of the occasion only one speech was deliv ered to us for insertion upon questioning the orator wc discovered that it was the one he intended to deliver but neither himself or his in another part of our impression will be found the sfaerifts compliance with a requisition to convene tho inhabitants of kingston and its neigvjourhood lency the lieut governor for establishing fairs in this town this has been effected in compliance with a suggestion ex pressed in a communication signed u british subject in the last patriot there cannot ex ist ft difference of opinion os tn the advantages that he farmer the merchant and the house keeper would derive from this species of traffic and we hope to see a full attendance of all those commercial bank e s hereby given that n g of tlie stockholders of the camnerciiil bunk wjjj be held ut the cant house on frij next the 23d ins ant at 12 oclock noon for the purpose of deciding o the itlie for calling ii the remainder tf the stock subscribed agiccubly to he act of in corporation ey order of the bftawl f a- harpe cathie kingston march 17132 dentistry mr wood will be a myers mo tel kingston on or before the inst and remain the h short lifne b credit sale auction will be sold on tuesday the 20ih of march insl at messrs mckuj 4 rtdpatk esta blishment at jones falls south cros- by rideau catul ihe following pro- intetcd upon the establishment ofa martthat fcv 1s bmta pork o 6 rr i li ensure a successful recompense to the buy er artd seller the requisition is most respects bly signed and we hope the meeting on thurs day wl be numerously attended aeountor meeiing of the inhabitants oflenox and addingion is advertised for thursdsy next barrels floar 5 barrels whiskey 1 puncheon do puncheon spirits 3 bar rels beer 4 barrels m sugar 2 firkins butter 2 boxes soap 6 boxes candles 3 barrels herrings 5 t dty cod fish do putty 1 lot canadian beef shoes 1 dozen strong mens shoes 2 atbab in order to afford his majesty a faith- double and 3 single stoves with a loi f ittimnny of their loyally and allegiance and to mjhtks the effects of the last fclcbrafed concl th people of these counties have fount it necessary to disabuse the public mind of th unfavorable impressions which the late proceedings hcrc have occasioned and we hope lhat mi atonement may effectually restore them to that respectability which they had near ly foffcitcdby permitting the memorable address looli general repute as the mtund teilti- nentl f thc people of lenox and addington a valuable freehold property for sale or to lc and possession given im mediately or on ihe first of may ftcjtt consisting of a brewery malt house and kitn nil in full and complete operation together wiih an acre of hop land mid garden ground the whole about on ncio and u half in a vorv cood state of cultivation if lot good security will he required for the payment of the rent and a lease given for seven years any person desirous of taking the above concern con have any information he may require by ma king the necessary arrangement soon as the propiielor is going to europe lo reside application to be made on the premises to john nickalls tf brewer kincton uc- sale ok valuablelandsin ilttsburg by auction the subscriber will sell by auc tion ai his office in kingston on monday ihe vjih inst t 12 oclock j if not in tin interim sold by private sale 1 190 acris of lot no 0 and 195 acres of lot no 19 in he 13th concession of piitsburg terms cash tipon delivery of the tide which is indisputable amanahan atictumeer notice government house vork 23u fibiury 163 kders in council which relate to petitions and memorials for grants of land or connected with that subject will in future be communicated to memorialists by the clerk of the executive council persons who may not receive answers to their petitions will apply to the clerk of the executive council ofpipe 1 complete bake house fur niture c c a broken assortment of dry goods hardware boat ding- house utensils a quantity of second hand blankets and a few new do h box list of letters remaining in the post office si kingston w the gib of march 1832 o at the annual meeting of the stock holders of the steam boat wil liam ivth held nl gaoanoque pursuant in public noiico of the gib march 1832 col stoke whs called t ihe chair aod mr sidney jooes was requested to actus secretary john mcdonald esquire arcot for the that as 373 imd tea a quantity of hounhod farm- building c n i i iy i near us cmt il be hscerlnuea x7 ture con of ledseads and bed- bcen cxpemct ding chairs i ables carpels kitchen the amouni of slock subscn appoint tlmrtefey the 22d march next at ihe court house of this town at 12 oclock to con- mdur iho proposilion auudcd to jno mclean sheriff m t married in this town on tuesday eve ning list by the rev archdeacon sluart mr thomas glutup to mrs mary dirley birth al brock viue on saturday the 35th ulu the udy of the hon c jones ofa son died at york on the 7th inst mrs mary thomson wife of mr edward thomson and daughter of jesse kelchum esq aged 27 years in the township of pittsburgh on tb 24th nit mr johnridr depnty surveyor aged 57 years an old respectable inhabitant of thin province the occasion he had not forgotten the most no postscript chronicle office saturday morrvng 8 oclock we stop the press to announce the arrival of th sampson from london bringing date to the 6th february our limited space will only enable us to afford a short summary of the most important intelligence an alarming and well organized conspiracy to destroy the government of ihe king of the french was discovered on the 1st of februaiy aad but fr the seasonable interference of the po lice the prediction which we ventured a week or wo ago would rc this have been verified in ihe dethronement- of louis philippe ths conspira tors consisted of the carlistsbonapnrtists and republicans tranquility appears to have been restored on the 3rd england and france have ratified ihe belgian treaty without the cooperation of russia prus sia or austria the reform bill wqs progres sing slowly the secretary of war sir henry parnell has resigned not from any motive con nected with reform but from a difference of opi nion otlio subject of foreign policy four of tlie bristol rioters had been executed a rev mr mapcnnis a franciscan friar has been committed to the jail of kilkenny as implicated in the police outrage ftt knotktopher italy ap pears m a most unsettled state ccssary ingredient however we give it as he famished it to us and have no doubt it would have been most suitable and appropriate had it not heen unluckily colled for after the bewilder ing influence of a few bumpers of champaigne and madeira had rendered the recollecttve facul ties tather imperfect the band of the 66th attended and echoed the toast by tunes expressive of their object the evening was such as to afford a stranger a specimen of canadian hospitality of which all the enemies of our constitution and our happi ness never can and never shall rob us of the free and cheerful enjoyment it will be remembered as long as the waters of ontario and the rideau are united and will form an era in the hospitable history of kingston which never yet was back ward in appreciating merit and rewarding the exertions of those who contribute to the success and prosperity of her enviable position we cordially ish colonel by oil future feli- city and congratulate him upon the triumph of virtue over the infamous attempts to sulljhis- reproachable imputation speech of lieut colonel raynts upon the healilx of the militia of the upper province teotf proposed sir i feel highly flattered by the honor you have done me in associating my name with the militia of upper canada to his excellency sir john colborne 1 am indebted for the honor of my commission as lieut colonel of militia i wish sira more able person had leen selected to return thanks for i feel myself inadequate when speaking of so highly respectable and for midable a body as the inibtia of upper canada to do them justice i do not stylo them formida ble from lhir numbers but for their valour and devotedness to their king and country the late war proved their valour their king acknowledged it and their countrymen expert enced tho advantage of their courageous oxer- tions to dm the expression of one of his ma jestys secretaries ofsui they fought they bled and they conquered i have now to return thanks for myself ond on behalf of the militra of upper canada suffer me sir to trespass a utile longer on your pa tience by digressing from the militia io his ma- by a private letter from york we leam that an dpwncj fflgffflgtf ttftftwhtt cww took placfc thereon monday last bishop mc- donell in ihe chair but in consequence of the interference of the reprobate agitator the mcet- ing wasqhtiged to retire to the bis imps house where lhv business of tlie day terminated in a inyal add thnt hodv exclusively lokis majesty while upon this subject we cannot but depnta this precedent for independent ad dresses fi roman catholic community to the king it is a subject in which there ought to be a uflity 0 sentiment among all religious perfuaiqh without any distinction of creed or p tid we have no doubt that in point of sound loygity and attachment lo the person and principles d his majesty the roman catholics caiapprvhend no suspicion of question the kingston meeting comprised every religious persuasion j the town and a more unanimous or cordial display nf feeling was never so power fully eviifted this country will not admit of party distinctions and whenever and by what ever part they are indulged the effects arc dan gerous mi cannot be tno carefully avoided we have given from the belleville phrenix the report nf the boisterous proceedings tn that vil lage on saturday wc have no reason to doubt hut that the wretched tools of discord and ogita tion will yet feci hke the people oflenox and addingtott a compunctious visiting of con science lor their past delusions and will be the next to acknowledge their transgressions by a unanimous tribute of respectful humility to the uocior ami itinih fh bfltidvmwn the public will pertrive from the advertise ments of the commercial bank of the midland district fihe progress of that valuable institution and the fltmut of the meetings which took place on thufday and friday we conpratnlatc the town nn t acquisition of this spirited and use ful undeirtaking and wish it the success it so justly nrit ling chairs tables carpels kitchen utensils sec twenty horses best ca- nadian draught 2lsei second hand har ness 8 set new do complete a lot of old harness ike 32 carts or ton- breaux 9 trucks with low wheels 3 mil nw can wheeu two alitrji of f 3rift cows 6 purchase crabs mounted f oallv infonilc the amount of stock subscribed and nnid iu u g750 and ru estimate having heen made it in expected she will cost 10000 complete consequently the stock still romaioing for sale will umnuut to 3230 or tinti hundred and thirty shares to omsp0sdcnts- several poetic effu- sionsartfl out for more substantia and less romantitf tfratkude cannot expect fmm thecnro stone shears to match a lot of carpen ters and coopers toou cross cut and whip saws 9 dozen best cast steel smiths files assorted size 3 do hand and pit saws 8o 10 ctfa bar iron assorted 2 cwl btistev and cast steely 1 blacksmiths belfews 1 anvil and a lot of tools with sundry other articles too numerous io jletail sale to commence a 12 oclock noon and to continue eachday until the whole be disposed of conditions purchases to the a- mounl of 25 and under cash from 25 to 50 ninety days credit from 50 to 100 four months and from 100 and upwards six months credit by furnishing the broker h approved endorsed notes march 12 1832 rcf the above sale is postponed io friday the 23d instant at the same hour and place the subscriber returns thanks to his friends and the public generally for the liberal encouragement he has received since be has commenced business in this town his factory for making rifles being tho fiist established in this part of the country the ecellence of his rifles now circulated h the btrict- ejtweatwrbeof worked modera tion in charges will he hopes induce a share of the business connected with his profession daniel moore armourer and musical instrument maker c a journeyman of general abili ties and of sober character wiu meet with employment kingston 17tb march 1832 3m 4 niclesf insertion of his personal letter names are thing wc never meddle with but as gra titude f a ve t ise f the name of the poreov alluded to in his idler let him give us ftj 7te and then wc will fenrlessly publish the conflk we shall never lendnur- be ta destruction of any mans pnliiieal reputation when the author hides himself under an anon signature tppcr canadian has oor best thanks for his investing and highly important commu nication j that and on equally irfbortanl one from af englishman came o late tor to day btf both shall have a prominent place in our next- u nits uaui t oally intended to ply betweeu prscytlt ano the hond of tho hty uf quinte hut cer cumstances having transpired since its com- mencemeiit which in ihe upioion of niaoy nf the stockholders reodcri it expedient to alter tho mute and a vote being taken to ascertain the minds of ihe stockholders it ws decided by 174 to 17 that she shall run from wescuti lo burlington bay and queeimou touching at tho intermediate places g w yarker esq proposed a voto of thauks to the cornmifcee which was car ried and h request tnat they would cooti- oue to act for the ensuing year but henry jones ksq having declined acting mrsid- ney jones was appointed in his place it was therefore resolved that j r glover john mcdonald i leory guildcrs- leeve alexander mcmillan esquires and mr sidney jones do constitute the new committee for managing the stork pro perty and affairs of the boat for one year the stockholders having examined the boat expressed their entire satisfaction with every thing relating to her aod resol ved a vote of thanks to juhn mcdonald esq agent for his zeal and ability in su perintending the building thereof it was resolved that two shares of the boat be offered to the widow of the lament ed late alexr mcdouell for his services as ageot from the commencement of the boat till his death the thanks of the meeting were then voted to the chairmao signed untyy jone8 gnnaooque 6th march 1832 secrtlmry abbott jollo aykroyd charles 13 atkinson evans abbot zelotas anderson alexander ashley william 2 armitage john adsit william g beattie william barnhnn philip r bennett alvah baker elizabeth s bell henry baylies mr benny robert 2 bell george bcausejour j b barrett oliver boonett abijall brown joho b brown johnson p 3 black james birdsall richard bradley richard 2 buttimar abraham brewer philip boon stephen brass joho badgley james e blackwood james boland eleanor chapmao parish crawford john camble bernard chapman jubo case joseph carrel eliza cnribato peter caughlan david collins patiick christophe susanna coxshew elizabeth cohuro lewis connors thomas clark samuel crawford mark collins william craig johu 2 couuor francis carr elizabeth cumming tims if conklin joho m connor walter divcrtissaotraptiste donaldson martha donoghue patrick doooghuc joseph daley patrick doooghue thomas dorland patrick daltoo henry deroche pasrhal enkein j w g edwards adonijdh ellison nathaniel flam michael porbujivjunmh farceur alley franklin adam firth francis fawcett wm- fanell matthew fair william flaonigan michael gilbert ohn giimartin michael gray james gsribaldo pox hinckley br 2 harris george haggard john hickey james hedger priscilla holditch samuel and john bridge 2 halley elizabeth harper george horning george hurst william hall james hencty william hughes james herchmer jacob heodersoo george hogao john hopkins john harvey robert hughes george hughes hiram home george huol jaaeph hengy john irwin jlames b m lrqffujfegfgmphn logramwpwo joyce valfcitioe list of letters remaining in the post office at nanee on the gth of march 1832 brathour samuel q0e of thr commercial bank of the midland district march 16 1s32 pursuant io a public notice a meeting of the stockholders of uiecoflimfcial bank of tho midland district was held on thursday the 15th instant a ibfl court house of this town for the purpose of electing directors of the said institution when the following penilcntfin were declared duly elected john ffonee john marks george w tarker robert drummond johntfoioau abraham truaz jno9carttoright g parker david john smith john watkins at it meeting of the directois held this dy john s cartwrioiit esq was elated president afier which they jrved f a harper esq cashier john s- cartwright jvestrfen f a harper cashier barrett isaac babcock john 2 bradshaw william bellwa leo bowen william bebee s s close peter carscaleo isaac cochran mary card stephen calkin william dedit matthew dcmling john drydeo thomas emery jgeorge file benjamin file joseph fortuoo thomas frasier mr fairfield joho forshee sarah haynes charles f heck paul hill isaac jennigrcnjamio key john kimmerlypaoiel 2 killurrey christo pher 2 kimmerly henry lewis larty lockwoodi- b laosing wnhiam larrawayjohn i lewis thwnas miller radtel mcdooaldatonald price t phillips sawuel redman l rose william strattoo a sweeney michael shannoo aniel sier james sopper william thomsoowilliam john wilson edvard whitcombjoel appoi notice all persons indebted to ne sub scriber either by note or book account are requested to call and settle the same immediately and those to whom he is indebted are requested to present their claims 1 theodore brockett kingston march 3d 1832 boots shoes leathert x the subscriber begs leave to in form the country merchants and other dealers that be has now on hand a yery extensive assortment of mens stout pegged boots and shoes calf und kip do women and childrens boots and shoes of all descriptions suitabbvlor country trade warranted to be of the best materials and workmanship and wilt be sold wholesale at as low a rate as the same description of articles can be procured from montreal also se veral tons of spanish and slaughter sole leather of all kinds from damaged to best new york inspected several dozens hemlock tanned calf skins a few do best philadelphia oak tanned do upper leather lining and binding skins and all other materials in tha shoe and leather line lie begs leave also to return thanks for the support he has received for se veral years past and to inform his cus tomers generally that he expects by the first arrivals a much better assortment nf goods in the shoe line than any he has hitherto imported all kinds of best quality boots and shoes now on band and manufactured to order as usual a good assortment of best english made portmanteaus carpet bags moose skin riding bools c c a j ferns kingston march 3 1832 tf notice marmora fovndry company in conformity to the act incorporat ing this company a subscriptioa book is now open at the office of thos kirkpatrick kingston l6lh may 1831 leonon dennis lee edword loochrey alio 2 lymau daniel lapish thomas lamhley jnines livingston 1 loughrey james langlais louis lake aaron meaghiiu john mccusker james mcdooald mr mahoncy micbl 3 mcdonald john jmahouy jeremiah mealy john mcljnuough michael merehcc samuel mccarthy charles montgomery thos mccxrveoiok john macdouald jqines mcanhur robert mcgill patrick macaulay margaret mackoy peter mcdonald william macdoncll james mclean joseph mcgowan john macdouald jane mclaughlin john mccrae john martin elias mccoooell julia menard joseph miles james 2 murphy michael mellou john morgan ladjhlio middlehols joseph moore joho moore wriliam master nichofaa noble augusta newton richard nevios alexander nicol william nemsey bryao obrien patrick obriedjaneormrev baker ocarrol john ovens john page joseph purchase thoma prior j p poller thomas purdy micajah bjstdy jacob purdy aon j purdy jesse post james peterson thm pane robert wt bankavhhhwj v rees mary rutherford geoifc rileymichael roister susan raokio james g ross william 5 rohisonbeojaroiat reilly bridget shibley jacob slavio patrick and eliza savage hiep slmrtleff joseph siinpsoo thome f shalterjw smith haae stoliker isaac 3 smithjessephilip godfrey 9troog james strong normaa stiles joshua snee mary spencer mary stevens levi thomson james tate joseph tolaadjohb thomson daniel tweddell james turnouth mrs tuttle james tuttle mr trayner patrick and sarah vanalsiine jonas wyeott aodrew winter tfiomas ward joho jamiesoo william walker weedon jookins mr jack sod jacob jnnoswi thomas kedoedy james kimble stephen kelly patrick keating joseph kerr joseph keeoao uweo lypt jfco lapnn jaoe loughrey samuel luce morgan wi ffly john wood henry ware william wilsoe waller wilftams t o warren s- walters anne wood john wheatoo mary rwwwo robert wulcott c wolff john waldroo william unpaid letters from the united states adams f h adah william or stephen p paaer aogiu p abbott williatn crawford w w crawford john dewey loan dorn rachel davis sushnoah evans lucius elliot william edmonson andrew huffman john mckittrick aon mctavish mary mcelbattod patrick macfarlaoe andrew mcneil william oflaherty charles prendergas thomas periott frederick payne w p 3 potter thomas shearman eliza g stiles bc truax john waters bultfey wood dr s wright josopb s mcphurdy capt qsuch of the above mentioned let ters os are not retired within six weeks from this date will be transmitted as dead utter to the general post office john macaulay p m- notice the stockholders of the john by are requested to pay into my hands on or before the 1st of april next the ninth instalment of ten per cent oo their respective shares david john smith treai vrer kingston feb 25th 1832

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