had our just share in the management dmnbu tionof the revenues which even bow arc derived from imports hy sou but the discussion of this interesting subject ipuft bo defened to a future occasion in my last i did not advert tn many nhjecdons which cxit to the odious tax nttinptcd in low er canada a few of which apart from it uncon stitutional character i will now notice in the hrst place it professes to be a tax in enable somebody 1 do not exactly understand who to forward the sick and destitute to the pla ces they desire to proceed to but nothing ii- ven for the maintenance or suppoit uf these rick and destitute persons when they reach the place of ultimate destination thus oil the sick and destitute are to be hurried out of lower canada by means unconstitutionally wrung from those ery sick and destitute to bo healed and main tained by the voluntary contributions of thecha riiablc inhabitants of upper canada ijttff su trr wjie and maintain and cherish fiem as oe have done we do not desire to escape from these claims on our humanity by such odious such in every senec unworthy means as have been adopted in lower canada who ever be fore heard of imposing a tax on the poor the sick and the dtstutuefor their otvn support ifa tax were necessary whv was it not levied on lite rich and affluent of the province cold cold charity indeed is that which belongs to you vc oise ye patriotic legislators of lower cana da i again j let it be observed thai the tax is con fined to emigrants and passengers from the uni ted kingdom if a ship from constantinople were to land 1000 turks at quebec though they might introduce the plague into our cities ifa vessel trom st petersburg laden with rus sians who might prnd ks cholera throughout the land should arrive at one of our sea ports these persons are exempt from taxation french germcus chinese natives and subjects of every foreign country tn their own ships are to be re ceived free from every thttrgt tax and restric tion is confined to ourdow subjects and thom who sail from british ports alone did a scheme of grosser partiality impolicy or wickedness ever enterintothe minds of men assuming the cha racter and claiming he privileges of british sub jects before really mr editor i feel so indig nant at this ahomioable proceeding that 1 can not proceed with the examination of it tn the temperate aid calm manner i ought i shall therefore bring my communication to a close by merely repeating that i sincerely and earnestly hope that the people of upper canada will raise their voices against the attempt that has been made to strike a vital blow at their independence and prosperity the protest of mr moffttt is wortny of that intcllijtcni hid palibrtu gmtfe man would that more of his spirit and indc- tendence of character were seated in the legls- ative council of lower canada the conduct of that body in relation to this measure as well as some others proves the necessity of adding to their numbers those who like mr moffat t con sider consistency and patriotism as of some value in a public man ana that the surrendering of these to the solicitation of any one however ex alted in station must be attended w conse quences fatal to the reputation of those who make the sacrifice an upper canadian for ac kingston chronicle to the inhabitants of upper ca nada mt fellow coetftfttmex i again continue my address to you from a conviction that long ere this you have been thoroughly roused to the possession of that reason of which your avowed andsecret enemies would rob you and that these tyaporations of political delirium have been dis sipated by the sunshine of honest indignation at being made the tools of a most degraded fac tion conviction of vour delusion will naturally ubside into execration and that confederation u which it was expected you would have yield ed may now i trust be considered as hopeless and derogatory to your dignity to submit lol leave it to yourselves to exercise your vitupera tive faculties in finally crushing the alli- unce and despising and detecting the plot which was fruitlessly formed to involve you in mutual contention and degrading servility to demo cratic interests that the pulpit has been generally resorted to to invoke your passions upon political prejudices is a fact known to the majority of those who re tort the temples of the kycrsonian priesthood uu topics arc advanced with a fecundity and fe rocity hy those pontics of sedition at variance with religion with decency and common sense can they imagine that such a course of mon strous impiety and barefaced hvpocrisv can have no countcipoisc to their evident absurdity in the calm rolfivtiimia itf pvy rammtill fuiod iifwh they so effectually stepped your sensed in lur- gclfuines by their fantastic aid isionary spe culations -i- to render you proof agamst the in- terpietationsof reason and the light of truth ha the spirit of fiendish exorcism in which their legerdemain practices are clothed so far infatu ated your senses as to exclude the admission of facts which your conscience must acknowledge cau you tolerate the insidious arts of lint man who witli one hand raicd front inc pulpit to the creator of mankind distributes the consecrated cup and circulates the bread of sacramental life and with the other pnmt the political map upon which he would describe your progress from real substantial felicity to imaginary re- snon of republican preeminence contemplate the sacerdotal liberiinc converting the humilia ting rite of his relii ri to the gratification of in appetite for political ascendency and then tell me if you can any longer cone tc dupes of these amphibious preachers a systematic organization has been attempt- j replie ed it has generally failed and must fail uniwr- sign for klft news latest from europe ity the packet ship samson cnpt chad- wick london date to feb tstli thirteen days inter lliari previous accounts arc ro- reived the cholera has made its appearance in edinburgh hole uumher ul cases dentds 2 london ffb 4 the most difficult ntn the most extensive ouenttiog clause of the reform hill after the mifouftn ulsfnttichjtffi inenl tho 10 qualification ivn carried last night it is uot w ithnul its uncertain ties hut none of the amendments proposed piesentcd them iu a less decree all exportations of bullion from england to the continent hsu ceased hut the ex changes had uot yet sufficiently risen to bring it hack again don pedro had taken formal leave of louis phillippc preparatory to embarking on his projected invasion of portugal ho was dressed in a portuguese field mut shals uniform conspiracy is paris from the constitutional of friday we have hat another attempt as rrinij naj as impotent against the monarchy of julv 1 lie following are tho particular wiih illy for every effort to eclipse the free consti tution of our country only throws q brighter re flection upon the privileges we enjoy regard every flagitious attempt to spoliate you ol tin rights of british subjects whether it u announc ed from the pulpit or the barroom as leaving you to barter the enviable possession for tho day dream nf american indcncndtnco what have agriculturalists to do with politics how are mechanics interested they will persuade you that you are the victims of legislative plunder thy will denounce from the sacred throne of re- liciou the rulers of your land they will hypo critically pray for ail christian kiny rulerfr and governors but in their preaching and practice they would seduce you from your allegiance and convince you that they arc the beat judge of your interest and with the most puritanical smile assure yuu that a loud a universal a ch- morous shout for glorious independence will reach the ear of utgal justice peruse the or pans of this misguided faction the professed christian character of the guardian of your morale and the chart uf your political crusade see how ingeniously how jesuiticully an infusion of piety and politics is concocted lor yon sweet- enfcd to your respective palates hy an insulated paragraph uf scripture und scanned with the sass of american empiricism tuse cultotiol jugglen would transforni yuu fioin a rational happy contented subject of the inot glorious tonstitutiuit in the habitable world io u systema tic opposition and antipathy to the blcftsiuus it conferv and the liberties it wpphis tiiw spi ritual conuctry with your deartst riht von air hjund to reject with manly indiifnuiton their elaborate rneckne5s and ostentatious hniiiilitj are designed to deceive you bofiftil bcoal idllow no maclnnatiutis under any yarb t alter your present happy condition and ut mc in my next congratulate you on i lie return of that lipht which has been attempted to he objured by in terested detftasoguefl and spiritual venders ol eommodutes for this wnrld nm th ncxti lri tho mau tun i remain vuu fritnd hlbthmcus egartlitiij it ivhifh we have collected care some individuals came n few days nn to breakfast at a traiteurs of the kuedes krouvaires and asked him if he cuultl un dertake t supply n repast fur 20u peruo he refused ou account of u want of rotni however tho same persons returned ye terday the 1st february at 7 oclock trj the evening and announced to the traj teur that they would briog the same day n numerous party for supper ihoy overcame the freh ditficuliies that wero started by depositing an earnest for the cost of the ei tertaiuineot aud even for the value of the silver plate towards ten oclock in the rvciiing the salon of the restaurant was filled ivitliq hoot 100 persons several of whom bad n figure and dress more than equivocal however the repast terminated tranquilly there was no nllusioo to politics but th eumiiny hfldibfl aif ufliiiviiig ibukthihg on their minfls at midnight a quantity of arms nfall sons were introduced into the house and immediately distributed it is even said that the pistols and fusils were loaded without any coucenlmont tho authorities for some days in posses sion of information had taken all measures of precaution necessary for the seizure of the pcrturbatovs before the ererutinnuf their projects the chief of the municipal police accompanied by a detnchiuent of the municipal guards and a city ofheer repaired to the house of the restaurant of the rue des prouvaires where the police knew that the heads of the movement which they had watched were assembled m carlier sent to idem a city officer to summon them tn surrender ppumlet an swered hy the discharge of a pistol which took effect on tho head of tho officer he hasjust expired they then dashed into tho room where the murderer was taken with all tho baud they seized the list of conspirators arms of all sorts money the keys of the louvre c iu the mtttvfc and defence there were so- veral wounded a man was also killed on the side uf the conspirators at the same moment it became known that an asetobtago of from 3 to 4h men wad forming nt the bastile a strong de tacluneot repaired thither aud effected the arrest of about 411 individuals who were conducted to the neighbouring post they were instantly directed towards the pre fecture hy two commissaries of police with the nitftofo the cartridges the pouiards and hie money uf which they were the bearers one of these individuals had on htm a sum of more thuntiou francs it is said thii m courteille the son of a supeiauuuated commissary of police and ex employe of iii 6 if 1 i i i mllllai m ixlitli a half pay geuilanno of paris arommoug the number nf pcjsuus arrested in this assemblage at this place several iudivitiuals were wounded at the same time between two and three oclock in the morning information was received of ao assemblage at the ob servatory a numerous division of city ollirers dressed iu tommou clothes repair ed to this point under the couiiusod ul peace officer vincent and fell in about the kue deufer with a group of individuals who retreated iu disorder and who were deceived hy the dress of the officers tho following conversation look place between a peace ohicer aud the apparent chief of the hand do you belong to us undoubtedly ed tho peace officer the counter llnnor country where are yuu going t we are surrounded there are cavalry there couie with us thei said the peace officer wo will conduct yuu the peace officer conducted these indi viduals to the palace st michael where sufficient reinfoi cement appeared to secure them tho police foreseeing that communica tions would take place between the conspi rators of both sides uf the seine by the poutncuf and that the fugitives of both bides would pass by this impnrtaut point statiunedjihere a strong picqucr with peace aud city officers orders were giveu to slop the carriages passiug uu the bridge aud to seated them these orders pro duced the best results moro than fifty individuals with firearms poniards lint and gold were seized three shots were fired at the public force a conspirator was killed several were wounded among the latter is mentioned tho valetdechaiubrc of m delavau ex- prefect of police he had on hitn linen fur dressing wounds at a quarter past 2 oclock a patrol of eight voltigcurs of the 1st hat 11th legion commanded by m lagrand corporal pas- siuft by the croixitouge perceived at the entrance of the kue dll knur a group of individuals towards which was approach ing a patrol of the hue of the post of tho abbey wheu at the same moment he heard the cry of to arms iu the kue du drajou haviog repaired thither toge ther with the lice they found the sieur kersausie struggling with two police ageuts who had arrested him and who threatened to firo ou them with two pocket pistols which he bad on him and of which ono was armed ttnnc it is said that the urrcscs exceeded the number of a hundred the authorities have possession of many individuals of rank documents seized on them arms mum i ii j in j considerablo sums of money- ami all that is necessary t the maiiifesta- ion of the tiuih rcepfctiflfs the authurs uf he conspiracy and tinhjett- it appears that divers circumstances had fur several days nut the police on the track nf ibis infamous conspiracy several of the old gunnl du corps fiirived in paris whilst iu a popular society a mould was made of he mask nf ruhcpierrc there were distributed iu several quarters nf pa ris casts representing ihis personage uf icrriblo memnry there were also distribu ted medals with the effigy of henry v white and red labels againsi louis philip and his family they were thrown into tho guard rooms where the soldiers of the line aud the national guards tore them with indignation the journal des debates says that 11 nearly two hundred individuals are arres ted they form it issaid a mixture of all parties car lists k una pari ists and re publican but as fat as wo can believe the greatest number helnog to ihc carim party the same paper adds thai the public tranquility was not disturbed a aiugle instant the funds rose and ihcscrcstaurani street aud boulevard conspirators have at most exciied pity paris kcb 3 the conspiracy disco- the night before tall is said to have interests to forward viz prin cipally of the friends f the restoration in the prison nf henry v of confusion and plunder under the uameofa republic of military government and toiry under the name nf napoleon 11 tfud uf tho just milieu who wished to crush the spirit ol insubordination of which the growth has been cucournged by the factious press and by the turbulent and in a preat measure unprincipled opposition that would sac rifice thr peace and welfare of their coun try for the mere advantage of place aud powerful some months 11 more than l5u0perros are known to have been implicated in this buisness two vcred ou had four vicioity has been alarmingly rapid on monday the official report were received from mussclhurg of the caes which and occurred from the first appearance there on wednesday up to sunday inclusive ex hibiting ihe number uf 6 r aud 23 deaths on monday nnd tuesday tleiv wore 3 new eases and 1 1 more deaths aud a private report of yesterday slates 1 new cases and 10 deaths matkiug iu all 114 cases aud 44 death the rloihes of the deceased are burnt the dissecting rooms are ordered to he shut up the theatres closed aud every possible precaution taken to arrest tthe progress of the dismse don pedro od the eve off his departure from uellcisle fui terceira issued a man ifesto on his mute fronu pnris to his place ofcmbnrkaiioudou fcdrn was every u here received hy the peojple with accla mations it appears to he ibis inteutiou to organize his forces at tercitira and from theme direct hi attack on dou miguel the portuguese emigrants in different parts of france on learning his dpnure were hastening to terceira a letter from belle isle states that don pcdnvs squadron is all rnanued hy british seamen that the vessels aro in excellent order nnd that the steamboats which are tu accompany the expedition are remarkably spacious aod well fitted up a trench division it appears has em barked fur the papal tcrrimics io ko- magna ihe people bad risen against the go vernment of the pope a u engagement between his troops aud the insurgents as they aro termed took plac near ceseua aud after a long resistance the lailer were routed ceeua and forli vera taken pos- sessiuu of hy the troops of tje pope head ed hy cardinal alhaui aud there ihe arcounts say they cnnnnilied the most horrible barbarities bologna resisting the cardinal be called upoo the austrians tor the assistance guaranteed to the holy father in case of opposition of need hy the unanimous promise nf tho allied powers the presence of tho austrians restrained tho pontifical troops iu their excesses the object of the freuch expedition is not clear- hundred and fifty uuly have been appreheu- i ly defined it is probable however that it ml awfcft wtam mi a m pmtteu si h timkfixkttt at iht awwiurtimnipaj ami not in opposition t will of tho aus trians tho cabinet of dclavaux and the presiovot of tho society des amis du peuple b we understand that there have beeu tho cabinet of v- perter was not m a found upoo the party takti io the rue des j situation to proceed extremities but prnuvairessums amounting to 550u0f in profiting by an exprc in lc declaration gold a great quantity of gold was also of tho ambassadors lo ilc holy father he seized i brought under disc in a couucil at for some time past th carl is i party or i which the king wn p lhe 0 persons acting io its name have been seek- i as to whether it wou advisable to throw iug an opportunity to stride a decisive blow j into tho koman freuch corps agaiti5t the present government asysiwith a view of ann there the in tern of enlistment had ecn mtamished j fluence of the autti nnt which were and its execution eotrustfd to agents who j no ihe borders of or occupied the papal were enabled to distribute money tn such j territories very animated denies ensued but those opinions which wol f a serious tlemoustration peded aod now one resiinolll is no lon- talked of three or men as engaged in the eiuse and even to pay them a daily nllowanttf each of these ageuts undertook to produce a huudrvd men aod each of them hid delivered a list of names forming a full complement jfouraru to be senr equal number of thejailits from thetf rerkuoed upon troops io thoso whi he imperialists have a force of from 15000 coio000 men ready j in the larches of api antl bologna to rise in arms in one niffak but the greater ordera have hcenn n telegraph to part of the names were fictitious aud wheu fit nut at toulon tv mpeomholioo and five frigates and ti charter at marseilles and at cotte merrh to he used as transports tho ttwhi 3th aud 27th regi- i meots a i peditiou- e it is sait iu v destined for this ex- nco all js anqutk the ministc- t the lato conspiracy n tnd tltat impor- u still tn rial papers re pre having beeu very taot disclosures in ration to it ten crioni he made have been ic cl peei of isaaed iu jt i iio j v i guto and the time of actiuu arrived uot g00 of them appearcih fjhmii an authentic ilocuuifut iu ihe hailds of the government it appears that there was a coaliiiou between the car- lists and the republicans who however are still of accord upon one puiui only that of overturning the present uidcr of things this eud accomplished they were to as semble a national cooress lo chouse ho- twecu a monarchy aod a repulilic if the former was decided upon llcnry v was to ho immediately prockinied the conspirators however were per fectly alive to their own mtercsis for it is said hat the same act stipulates that a sum of 100qgooofr was tu be divided the principal actors italy the news from italy u to the 24th jan tho fiiucral firabowwi fittol m itneialul the austrian force had rereivrd ilepatchcs from colonel uatbieri in which ihe colonel requested the assistance of ihe jrr des chambres of the olll u tollow- antrino army to favour tho etrauce of the ing effect the government ha received ttifical troops into j o w hich w as i ibis day from 8t pctershurgh a despatch by a considerable corps uf pat- i which announces the approac ratihca i the civic guards bad retrograded i lion nf the 24 articles by the emperor i- bolnena cholas tho mtmtjft i a semiofficial atiiougbi france is said to aod ai laisquett the prelect ofpolii who discovered aud suppressed it has h created a council lor of state- genet sdbasliaoi the min ister of fonu afl bite recovered his health but m peri- j charge with ihd porte feuille treasury caused krsner is calculate u amount lo nine on the subject of belgium be only im portant item we find is one j the missa- lhe deficit iii the public in the delinquency uffll- hand being liberated at low duties a mo derate demand is experienced for fresh i- rish wheats hut oats are of very dull sale- of free american lluur little remains here that if good indian corn is very unsale able in grain aud flour under the lock but little business has been done the last sale of flour was a parcel of sour vir ginia fur which 21s per hrl w as paid the enquiry which wat lately to brisk is im pended the duties for the ensuitig week are oo wheat 27s 8d aud on flour 16s 7d frtchtftl muaorb or a clkroymaw extract of 0 letter dated cashel janu ary 2o i have to inform you that oo last eveuing between the hours of four and five oclock a most horrible murder was committed within four miles of cashel in the county tipperary the rev irvine whitty the protcstatit cleipynian at gold en on his return from the sick bed of b pa rishioner was attacked hy ruffians who stoned him to death and left him io that state in n field his absence from home being noticed by the family with alarm ihe servants and police of an adjoining station went in search of him they fnund him ijing in the field almost dead and quite io sensible from the manner in which he had uvvd struck i believe a more exemplary character could not he found than mr whitty he had oue fault as the liberals say he asserted his right to the tithes of his parish i never heard any other if this he one evmmg mail- having already given our opinions in detail upon the several grievances of the tithe system we did not intend to advei i again immediately to the subject were it not for the occurrence of an event which renders such advertence indispensable- ky accounts received in town yesterday rom tipperary it nppeurs that the very rev archdeacon whitty was stoned to death on wednesday last in the vicinity of his resideoce the cause of this melan choly catastrophe we have heard from a very respectable gentleman it seems thai the archdeacon and his parishioners have been for some considerable time at varianco about a composition of tithe the former not chousing to come into the terms of the parishioner niduhling f lujrurrswri about a cnuuth ago to have taken place for the purpose of coercing tho archdeacon to accept of their proposal a fair one we aro told the stipendiary magistrate attended on the day of meeting aud a large mul titude having been present ho read the riot act some of the peasantry retired others refused to disperse and about forty uf the latter were arrested sent to bridewell and thence fully committed to clonmelganltn abide their trial at theeosuing assizes on a capital charge these are the circum stances which it is supposed led to the perpetration of the frightful aod detesta ble crime wo have mentioned dultn frumans journal thr armt- the late colonel hreretoo was the son of mr hrereion of ashgrove kings ounty his moiher was mis coghloo of the same county sister to thu late countess of dnoraven the governorship of scarborough cas tle aod the chief colonelcy of the 31 regiment of buflv are vacant by the death uf general sir george don sunday aud monday two troops of ihe 17th lancers with captain lawrensnn lieutenant forbes cornell shcdden nnd williams arrived in limerick from caber where they have been the lust three weeks aud replaced captains jones and pouson- bys it oops of tho carbineers who have marched for head quarter at caber lieutenants crosse aud mutiroe 90ib rifles and blaydes 5d regiment left gibraltar on the 27th december ult for the fcpaoish mountains ou a shooting excur sion ou their route they were intercep ted by a murderous gang headed by jose maria who kept as hostage ihe two latter j officers until lieutenant crosse went to gibraltar and returned with 12000 teals nnd it surely will not be supposel that io knglish parliament could limit llr rights of an irish subject the duke of sussex could therefore contract a legiiimaimnar- riage with imly augustus muiray mi irishman and transmit unimpaired to hit children the property and privilege of til own high duicent morning chronicle sir nathaniel burton g c il lieuten antgovernor of canada died on the 20th instant at bath aeed 66 this lamented cntlenuo was twin brother of the mar quis conyngham and a colonel in the army ngna fortnight paper p rtnre esuihazy thu has left na a the surfta f which in defended riots a upon it is said that within the last m- de mcucrnuh has addressed to the london for vie trench government a diplomatic note in places h was austrian atnb od which he declares thai austria whenever i where he signed as rpreo t bat she has intcifered in ihe affairs of italy court the protocols in regard to belgium was nut actuated hy a spirit of conquer tl is supposed will prevail ou ihe lmperor norelyhya coneervative feeling aud j of austria to ratify ihcm sir walter scott is still iii italy from whence it is stated he will travel through germany at naples a fancy ball was to ie eiven in his hontir at whirb the various the board decided on mi thk wavt- of admiralty have finally giving up covo ns a naval arsenal their secretary says that ves sels of war may be with greater ecouu survey made io the gardiner it was found that fifty sail of the liue might be laid un iu ordiuary at cove harbour in three fathom of water at low tide oo a soft grouud and safely land locke meeting in bhl rkt district from the perth exa7niner io consequence of a printed notice wide ly circulated by wm morris esq a nu merous meeting of the inhabitants of the townships of bathurst drummond la nark dalhousie nnd north aud south sherbrook took place at baldersoos ion oo the lanark road on tuesday last for the purpose of taking into couideriiioo tho political condition of the province the house being too small lo contain the number that atteuded they adjourned o the church to that neighbourhood john powell esquire was called to the chair mr moiris explained the object of the meeting viz that as a great degree of ex citemeut had heen created throughoot the province by the machinations of a person oamed win lyort mackenzie whne de sign was to persuade the public ihej la boured under oppression aud grievanceo many of which nobody ever dreamt of but himself and to iuduce them to sign a petition to his majesty complaining uf ihe same aud calling upon his majesty to al ter the constitution of onr country he thought it incumbent un the inhabitants of this district who were known tu entertain very different sentiments in take some me thod of counteracting the unfavourable im- presjion which such proceedings were cal culated to make on hia majestys mind respeciiug a loyal colony which has every reason to feel grateful for the generous treatmeotit has ever experienced from tha government nf the parent country hdhra- fore proposed the adoption oiao addrese to his majesty of which the followiog is a copy and which was unanimously agreed to to the kinos most fxckllent majesty most gracious sovereign the petitioo of the undersigned inhabitants of the district ofbathnrst in the province of upper ca nada most humbly sheweth that while in dividuals ere representing to your majes ty that we are ho oppressed aud injured penple we are impelled hy a sense of duty to approach the throne of our sovereign to acknowledge with feelings of graiitude the many advantages we have eujoved since our residence in this prosperous and highly favoured country in the midst of plenty in the possession of peace aod freedom from oppression of whatever nature secured is our liberties hy mild and salutary laws proprietors of the soil which supports aud comfuru our wives and children wecanuui understand the objects of those who are endeavour ing to disturb the public peace hy calling upon us to subscribe our names to rum- plaints agaiost all the institutions of tho country f we implore your majesty to protect us iu the enjoyment of the british constitution aud not to listen to persons who represeoi us as wearied w iih a connexion which it is our proudest huoortoowu a connexion which proclaims us the fostered children of au auxious and indulgent pareat a pro vince of that empire which forages has stood forth in defence of civil and religi ous liberty to all the world we reluctantly trespass on the attention of your majesty at a mninent of great na tional distress aud engaged as yuur ma jesty is in tho arduous task of alleviating the sufferings of our fellow subjects yet we rvnrm allow your mftiysiv to vwtftftmt that we are indifferent to the benefits and excellence of the british cnostituliuo and i therefore we snppltcate your majety to j reject any application to alter our form of government satisfied as we aro that no evised for the pro- mr liberties we feel it a duty also to express tn your majesty our conviction thai your majestys representative iu this colony has tery disposition to promote our best interests and we rest with confidence in the hoi repaired plyniowli happier scheme n le d my arcordldg to the e flllir jilerl tune ol admiral lord iifs mat this motive induced her to intervene j second time with respect to romania c dna we resl with conbdeiico in the hop the surgeons of tho navy are allowed i lt st p count ordinary time lo last may lor vz ltt p t item nod increase of pay hi o i l 5 lf six 3avslatkr from franck from thi a courier and enquirer tho packet ship sully capt pell from foreunon hy ircr our iris and havre journals brought o chnracters drawn by him iu vaverly were io be personified 10 rc further time will he iu ordinary service the commanders second captains in the navy arc by allowed bv coumed j m s anj that your majesty may long reigo io the hearts of a loyal and affectionate peo- llavrc our v ts hoarded terdj jwsschooner courier and knqu nod shortly afterwards we received hies of 1 by her ifao latest of tli former is dated the k hruary aud of the latter on the lltli iris the navy arc by order iu couucil to share wl rt j ciiona pen prizemoney with lieutenants mthe order pl rijps m properly states they are considered to stand h ul f m gth p coutatuing paris news of ihe 10th our previous advices from paris re ceived by the way of england were of the jih february by this arrival we have intelligence from london to the 7th oue day later than we bad before received we have a cholera report from london ofthesth february it contains nothing remarkable a general fast ha been oi- dered by tho british government to be observed iu foglaud on the 2ut of march on account of the danger with which ihe couutiy is threatened by the progress tfn grievous tlisease hilherio unkuown iu this islauu puochkss of the colkba in scot- lad the advance of the cholera into scotland has created the greatest conster nation in the cities of edinburgh aud glas gow n edinburgh the uumher of cases suddenly broke out threw the town into a fright state of alarm and dismay the cases were reported to be of tho most viru- ajnd terrible kind- the magistrates mmediarely aod a deiermiun- is taken oo the instant to close all ools public establish men is find churches another ortur immt i i london janujuy 30 irelniid again sup plied m inst week wilt ccd2 tuiriers and smtlnod wiiti 2870 qtuinew n haw whirh with tli kngluli made a loa of 15078 quarters- as iho spirit of h sjccultin is completely broken these wlieiis ore ial pressed oo the millers who boy them 1 pretty much on their owo terms vou- huntntiao is nin uu as iisuiil i londoo iit lull 25000 sacks a week which is near- j ly equal to tho supply from all sources hut i tlc dread that irclaud may ronfiaue aod scotland now begiu lo feed i freely eu- dors every one doubtful whether they shall oil at livornool really lllocn lent i assembled tiou the v even iih uiuuljf fallowed for the arrest of alt ltcgrars and tyttgrants who are to bo placed in a state oil temporary confinement tho cal- eduni mercury of jan 24 says iuceour last publication the nrosreu of ih doaoy good by holding a stork aud lhoj time is bow drauin near wheu hour usu ally ets hot aud the dampnrt of most ol our wheat wilt cause much rf it to do so curlier thanusuul our irish letters have been the last three weeks telliuj us their prices ic getting up fur wheat aud are itifler for tats j we can y say that our future supphes here and w ill soon jtiew il ibis has been so li verto01 february 4 our corn mar- i kct vw tuesday last week wa 1 at a e- ineral decline iu priee yestefday again a j very limited demand was experienced al still lower rate withiu llw past few- weeks tho immeuttc import from ireland and elsewhere received heir aud in lon don hegiustu shake the confidence ofspecu- intort the demand with this object has sub sided for the present nor arc the holders as sanguineus thuy have beeu lor the scasou advaoees fast and tho averages continue very low so that ilitfrc is uot an eaily frightful malady in our immediate prospect of the large alock of foreigu ou in the situation of first lieutenant an interesting question im lately arisen to disturb the even and festive life of the royal circle at brighton our readers will rn doubt easily rocall lo their re membrance inc circumstance of the mar ringe of bis koyal llihues the duke of sussex willi the lady augusta murray it appears that the children of that marriage sir augustus dete aud miss ellen i- kste from a proper aud filial regard to the memory uf their late parents aud a desire auu to be reinstated iu the rank and pro perty which have hitberiu been most un justly withheld from them have taken the professional opinion of dr lushingtou and mr richardc uf the circumstances of their mothers marriage aud their own claims to legitimate descent from george iii nine different question have been proposed to these geoilunicn nil of them most perii dtruily bearing upon the matter we have just stated the answers aro clear and satisfactory giving the decided opinions of the two eminent lawyers whose names we have men tinned thai sir augustus aud mis desto are legitimate children to whom the stain of hastardy caouot iu any case at melt and that they may aod must succeed to all property titles aod privileges which any child of the puke of sussex cuuld io any circumstance inherit the lawyers aro clear that ilie royal marriage act does not apply in this case and indeed not to any cam out ot the uiugdom the duke liam the fouith and for sir john colhorne the thanks of the meeting were unani mously voted to mr morris for the zeal aod ability he has evr manifested io support ing the interests of his constituents and particularly for his conduct on this occa sion the thanks of the meeting were ako vo ted to mr lo well for his able conduct io the cbair n an jrish kewise u nt well as an euglish 1rince of tho blood bussex is lcer and i royal of ireland irelaud had at that pe riod a separate tagisluture and jurisdiction johnstown district to thk kings most excellent uajkstt most gracious sovereign we your ma- jestytnust dutiful and loyal subjects inha hitauts of the district of johnstown beg leave to assure your majesty tbat we duly appreciate the many advautages we enjoy under divine providcuce as a colony of your majestys glorious empire we feel convinced that no part of your majesty dominions has ever enjoyed a greater purrioo of your majestys pateroal care than this most favoured laud and that io 00 portiuo of the globe is civil and religious liberty more fully enjoyed or law aud justice more impartially adniiuistered fosiered aud protected io all respects by your majesty this province is flourish ing in a most unprecedented degree the labours of the agriculturist and the enter prises of commerce arealike prosperous enjoying as we do the hlessings of a free constitution and a government most liberally aud impartially admiuistered wo cannot but view with feelings of abhorrence and detestation the wily machinatioos of a factious party iu religion aod politics oo deavounog by the most unhallowed meaot to sow disaffection in this happy land aod to