Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), March 24, 1832, p. 3

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bring toio contempt and disrepute the io- cnl goeeromeot admioistered to our emir ssfcton by hi excellency sir john colborno whose every act is prompted ly a most laudable leal x promote the true tbi kingston chronicle saturdat march 24 1832 we have no later than that of which prol ini6resrof the cnuotry am contribute ro iho hjppneis of hosts over whom he has been placed umeihe country fa rapidly improving id us mtcroal cnramuoicaiious nod io lis knrulture ami commerce audit luhnbi- lauu daily enjoying more of the comfort 11 h of life the contented nd well affected havehereiofnre regarded with too little iutereat the iuoiivc and conduct ofthe discontented aod disaffected fetv and many iroorant thuuh tvell intentioned in dividuals ar thereby unwarily led but their base aod unprincipled proceed ings have at lenglh aroused the ivell-dis- poaed to a expression ofopinicm opposed tn their wicked aud malignant views that your majesty may nut by their misre presentations be induced to entertain an urtjust estimate of the loyalty and nffvction of your majestys stihjeew in this province the rrent majtmty of whom are contented z4 happy under the mild and beninani sway of y mjesty mo illustrious hinse many of cs hive heretofore pro ved our loyally and attachment to our kid and cousiiiution in the defeoce of our couoiry a most gracious sire we will all or us with equal alacrity fly to arms ifneed he to repel foreiro g5suo or suppress domestie insurectioo that your majesty may long contioue t reun over us is the enjoyment of health aad unmixed happioess is the fervent bnft of the lower orders prayer ofymir majestys subjects the in hahitnuts uf iho distrirl of johnston u uu dersiuedbfocant7e gazette intelligence from europe w gave a short nummary in oir postscript of saturday hat and of which we nave given to day such extracts as our very li mited ppace for foreign politics would admit the opinions on the subject of british reform continue as diversified and unsatisfactory as ever there does not appear the same feverish anxiety for the result as marked its slow and tedious progress last session nevenhelcss the friends ofthe measure are sanguine in the pros peel of ultimate success even without the adop tion of that proposal of making peers of suffi cient quantity to secure its reception in the upper housc a ridiculous and awkward attempt at a con spiracy to overthrow the bourbon dynasty was discovered in time to allow the kins of the french a longer but more precarious hold of his present unenviable possession the determined and sanguinary opposition to the tythc system has been recently marked by an atrocity ofthe most barbarous character in hie murder of the vcn archdeacon whitty in the noon day by a mob who actually stoned thir victim to death we have given such n ticulare of this atrocity as have reached us they require no comment but mark the horrid whom io concep- a4 oclock about thirty gentlemen sat down 0 excellent dinner prepared in mr davys b style and had mr- perry but heard the a the speeches the harmony of sentiment fi prevailed he would no doubt be the firsl 10 r his recantation and becomca steadyand sa friend lo the nobte people that assembled upon that occasion we have heard it hinted that day is likely to be commemorated by tn minimi public dinner it happened on lhi e and as that event produces a change in ou reasons hopes arc entertained that it may hc period from which mr- perrys conversion 10 actional beings from an infatuated butdisap- piofcd dtfinocrot may be registered by auction will be sold at the ordnance wharf point henry on the sqih day of april a quantity of setters stores consisting of scythes amplify leaping hooks itakzs pitchforks hoes harrow teeth saws axes j gers brush and bill hooks in lola to suit purchasers conditions will be made known at the time of sale snle to commence at 1 1 oclock a jvj office of ojdntincc kingston 2ut march 1832 the election for a second oiemhor for tbecouoty uf outlet ou termiuated oti wed nesday last io favor uf h piohey esquire the numbers bring for 11 pinhey eq 384 furg lyoo ksq 335 a meettwg was held yesterday at carle- ian place conisling of the inhaniiints of beckwith ramsay aod other atljacenl townships which was very numerously at tended and the same address to his ma jesty unanimously adoptee the other pro cpedins beint also of a similar description perth examiner ion cn conciliate aod who are unawed by the repeated examples of legal violation which every commission and assize render it necessa- ry to make to secure the peace and tranquility of that illfated portion ofthe british empire into the house of 7 traders mr stanley intrnduced commons his bill for reform in the constituency and representation of ireland five new mem bers are to be added this concession howev er is not likely to meet with general approba tion as twen1y6veis the number spoken of ne cessary to establish a constituency proportiona ble to the population the scotch reform bill wa brought in and read a first time it would appear that the irish and scotch antireformers intend to combine with the irish reformers in opposing the bill for ireland letters from liverpool dated in janu- mentioo that several of the quebec were to sail earlier than uual th short passage made last year the higher homeward freights obtained by early arrivals as well as the prospect of fair prices for timber in the home markets next spring have probably ltd to this utep it appears to us well established that the rulf is free from ice duriog the whole uf the winter aid that the ico which encumbers in is seldom detached from the newfoundland and labrador coast before the middle of april vcls arriving in the 6 before that period would always find a free pas sage the port of quebec is open for ves sels in nine years out of ton between the 9th and 19th april aod its navigation is interrupted for three or four days after by the descent of the lake ice between the 19ih md 24th- n oinn year ityr t therefore vessels may very safely arrive at i a po tnx upon x distressed emigrants hijrlfff vuhipflimni ml lf bill april after which period do new tee is tunned sutfietcttt to interrupt the navigation o q- gin a numerous meeting assembled here on thurs day in compliance with a requisition to the she riff in order to memorial his excellency for the privilege of holding fairs in this town several resolutions which wq have inserted today were passed and a committee appointed to drafi the address the chair was addressed by mr dawe in a most appropriate speech in which he warmly and powerfully advocated the establish ment of fairs and suggested some excellent plans for their future organization we observe by the halifax royal qmettc that the bill imposing aa regards nova scotia a similar tax to that to be levied on emigrants arriving at quebec after passing both houses received the royal sanction on the 21st ultimo- jvrttams gazette pursuant to a public notice given by the sheriff in compliance with a requisition of a number of the inhabitants of kingston a meeting was held at the court house on thoraday the 22d march 1832 for the purpose of taking into consideration theproprietv of petitiorriog his excellency the lieutenant governor to establish annual fairs m the midland dimrict johk mclean esq in the choir- h c thomson esq secretary moved by thomas dalton esq seconded by mr wm dawe u resolved that the daily increasing popula tion and importance of this province imperiously require more open and general marts for facilita ting the sale and purewse of merchandise and sencestabb8hedcarried mavedv henry smith esq seconded by w hgmyjgiq 2 resolved tnat in ths united kingdom and other old countries of europe the constitution of wirs has proved iiiutftfjfecttfahconduciveto the furtherauce of the desirable objects referred to in the foregoing resofuiion and we uniformly segmented the trade and prosperity of all cvmaff towns and villages in which they are held and that similar institution in the various towns and villages of this province would be productive of the same beneficial results carried moved by mr- a j ferns seconded by mrmackftniie 3 resolved that from the central sanation of kingston with refeience to the other parts uf the province aod its other local advantages uje establishment of fairs for the sale of goods wares and merchandiie live stock and other agriculture pmduce of every description would not only tend in an especial manner to promote tfie traje and prosperity of the town but also prove sn incalculable convenience and advantage to the comruercial and agricultural interests of the whole province of upper canada carried moved by mr webster seconded by mr 4 resolved thai a petition from the inhabi tants of kingston embodying the previous rcso- liiiinns be presented to his excellency sir john co1borne our lieutenant governor praying thai he would by virtue of the royal prerogative with which he is invested as the representative of our gracious sovereign bestow upon the town a grant ofthe privilege uf holding fairs in every year each to commnce on such daya and to continue for audi periods a the committee of the inhabitants to be appointed for that purpose shall deem requisitecarncd moved by mr binley seconded by mr drum- mond a a 5 resolved that a committee of three and a secrctury be appointed forthe purpose of pre paring the petition to his excellency and for managing and conducrin all mailers necessary to effectuate the objects of una meeting snd that messrs smith gray and dalton be said committeeand mr dawe the secretary car moved by mr manaban seconded by mr g reave resolved tltat these resolutions bo pub- liahcd in the patriot chronicle and herald newspapers carried hcaat smith esq having been called to the chair the thanka of the meeting were voted to tueshsriff hc thomson secretary we would draw the attention of our readers to the several communications published in tins days paper upon subjects vitally connected with tkn wrlfare of th province the imposition nf a pof tnx upon the distressed emigrants who fly utliioiinlry for an asylum from llie inierir of the over populated portions of the ijmtctl kingdom is unjust illiberal and uncharitable and we call opon the inhabitants of kingston instantly to meet and forward such a remon strance to his majesty as may induce him to withhold the royal assent from auch an iniqui tous law- to the rings most excellent majestt ku gracious sortrcipt we the under 8 inhabitants of the united counties of le- n rinrl addington in your majestys province l canada deem it necessary tinder pre- semtrcumstflnccs to address ynur majesty a h lay at the foot of your majrstys throne his uimhle testimony of our faithtul and devoted atlaoiment to your majestys sacred person aud government we humbly trust thot the relations which sub sist tetween great britain and upper canaoa wh lc long continued for wc are deeply and ffratfftdly ir ji-i- with a sense of the great bcnnlts which we derive from our connection withihe parent state uider the conslitution anxnxed to us in 1791 by viur majestys father of glorious memory we biv enjoyed and do continue to enjoy as greor n degree vf prosperity and happiness as nny oplc under any form of govcnimcnwhich we lave any knowledge of and in consequence of lbs protection which we receive from great brin w are required to make fewer sacrifices m rokirn for those blessings than any other pco- lejtxcept those who have the happiness to five mm beneath your majestys paternal sway iq british north america wb therefore humhlybeg to assure yourma- testylftat wc are not only opposrd to any change in oir present constitution but that we sincere ly rejret iho attempts which have been mado to impws your majesty with the belief that we arc demtius of o deparvme from its principles w are convinced by pat experience of the readiness ofthe ttonnrial government io remove and emedy as far as possible every just cause of oimplatnt and wc arc soiisfied that any change which may be required by us or the re moval of nn v real grievance which may bfi found in ciisl con be effected by the local lcitislafure throtgh our own representatives to whom the privjrge has been granted to assist in making law for our peace md good government fueling in common with all good pubjccls tha yow mijestys approbation is the highest reward whh a servant uf miecrown canospire to and bmryr sware ihnt a faithful and honest discharge of dcty is the suresl road to your majestys roy a favour we feci ourselves called upon to a- suryour majesty that wo approve of the ad- ininwtraiion of tlio government of this pro vince by hi excellency sir john colhorne and that bis excellencys zeal to promote our pros perity and happiness entitles him to our grateful thank 5 satisfied with our lot sensible ofthe many be- nefik which result fiomonr connection with great britain feeling confident of your majetvsgra- cions disposition to perpetuate the enjoyment nllheni not only tons but to our posterity we as dutiful and loval stibjccts humbly and fsrvenl- ly pray to almighty gnrl that your majesty may jong continue to retcn in peace and happi- nest over q united m prospcrou empire wc ore requested to state that on extensive sale oi the household furniture ot tbelalcma- jr corbclt will lakr place on monday the 2nd april tf w pojytftbstt sctmitlhl to coimrsi british subject did not come to ialc for th wcck bul is de red to make wy for communications shut out last week m editorial articles are unavoid ably deferred fy wan 0 space we are told that a fiale of 1000 barrels of ro chester flour of beach gos best red brand superfine has been mcidc to mr john counter of this town at 4 62 deliverable in kingston at the opening ofthe navigation we have given the loyal address ofthe inhabi tants of brockville to his majesty and regret that we have no spacq for their excellent reso lutionsi we rejoice to see so many and power ful demonstrations of canadian loyolty and con tentment proceeding from such respectable quar ters v attended aft thursday the tlhjtlay of lay alty which the counties of lenox and addingto presented on that day at bath in pursuance rf public notice allan macphereon esq was i the cbtir the resolutions which we are unabftt to publish laday amounted to seven in numbei and from these the address to his majesty win draftedwhich follows it was read and adopft ed amidst the most deafeniog acclamation mr perry attended and asked the chairman for permission to make motions or add amen a ments to those that might be produced everjy facility was afforded him one amendment woa proposed and upon a division was rejected three to one he subsequently moved a resolution orn the subject of the settlement duties upon ttofc isnds of u loyalists that they were unjuefc and requiring to be abolished this also spfe rienced the same fate as the last mr perry exk demly discovered the futility of any opposition and was more ah object of commiseration to tlwe assembled crowd than of any olher fueling he was unsupported by a single individual titae fabric of his popularity tottered in every expre sion he used and it was with difficulty the chaj- man could procure him an audience he reunad a monument of disappointed ambition t the meeting was opened by a manly and spi rited speech from samuel casey eq and ws addressed in reply t mr perrys observations by the indefatigable friend of lenox and addinjg ton geo mackenzie esq he completely moved as the issue testified any attempted in novation upon the proceedings ofthe day by iwlr perry and wsa loudly and enthusiastically cheered by the assemblage which consisted of about 400 of iho yeomen of these counties the motion approving of sir john colboruies administration wascarried by shouts of a and before we left bath near 300 names hmd been added to the address to his majesty thus have leno and addinglon redeemed their reputation and given a public and issuing testimony that in loyalty and attachment to tihe crown and its representative in this provimw they are not to be eclipsed by any other poruton of hia majestys subjects etorotftecaronicre sir i wish fo be informed through the me- dmmofyourjqh whether the authorities of the town are justified lt permitting s real or pre tended maniac go nl large annoying every person in the sf calling them by name en tering houses a expressing loudly and pub licly the most miuting and obscene language that such a hamcter at present disgraces this town in the fofhi of a well dressed female is too notorious to quj and if such istolers ed by law of course w must endure the inconveni ence the gcrfefil impression is that her mad- nea is fictitiom consequently such an imposi tion should be punished if it be real for the public quiet it u be advisable to place her in some secure place and relieve us from the are hourly exposed to 1 am sir one of the annoyed married on the 10th december last at lislo chnrch near court mas herry county cork ireland john jeffers esq of scartb near kin- sale eldest eonof robert jeffers esq of jne- vileto gathering only dauglrter of rtravers eiq of court matiherry cork reporter birth at ernest town on monday mor ning last the lady of david taylor esq r n rfa daughter died on saturday last lieutenant george w lemonj of the royalengincers new booxs just received and for sale at the chronicle office a few copies of the following works the last series of the talcs of my landlord comprising castle dangeruui and count robert of paris 3 vols by jedediah cleishbottom of gander- cleugh eugene aram 2 vols by the au thor of pelham the disowned c the smuggler 2 vols- by the au thor of u tales by the thara family c kingston march 24 1832- to be let the house of the late major cor- bett- possession io be given on the 1st of may- application as to terms c to richard corbett esq kingston mar 24 1832 wanted by the subscriber about 100000 feel of lomder consisting of plank board and scantling part to be delivered at kingston and part at hallowell cash will be paid upon do- livery john mcleod kingston 22d march x832- h m dock yard 1 kingston 22d march 1832 j important sale of naval stores on tuesday the 8th may nexl will be offered for public sale at the dock yard at kingston u c at io a at a considerable quantity of tim ber consisting of about sixty thousand feet of otfa and one hut dred thousand feet of white yellow and red pint one third of which is sound and the re mainder defective there will also be exposed for sile a quantity of topmasts yardsy and spars f of various descrip tions for a fifty to a tweniy ship- and on the 21st may there will be offered at public sale at the naval de pot at montreal a considerable quantity of naval stores consisting of blocks coraecablelaid hawserlaidand bolt- rope round square and flat iron pitch tar oakum iron spike nml liusin junk papcrstujf with a variety of articles which will be put up in lots to mil purchasers conditions of both sales a deposit of twentyfive per cent immediately af ter the sale the remainder of the mo ney on delivery ofthe articles a aen- sonable lime will be allowed for libeir delivery jno r glover naval siore keener ltt 0 ric e- john strango esquire x having relinquished the business of auctioneer the subscriber tikes iho opportunity of informing the public that i he has taken out license to act in this that capacity- his attention to bttsi- 1 ness and moderation in charges will he hopes inuqce a share of the business of kingston a manahan kingston 13th jan 1832 commercial bank rajotlcis hereby given that a 1 mooting of the stockholders of the commercial bank will be held at the court house on tuesday the sd april next at 12 oclock noon for the purpose of deciding on the time for calling in the remainder of iho slock subscribed agreeably to the act of in corporation by order of the board faharper cashier kingston march 24 1832 notice government houso york 23d fehrrtarv ih32 rfrdkrs in council whirli rotor t in petiiions aod memorials for gmnis of land or connected with idut subject will in future be communicated io memorialists l i clerk of tho- executive council persons who muj not receive answers io their petitions will ppy t tho clerk ofthe executive council marmora notice foirjry company in conformity o thu act incorporat ing this company u subscription book is now op thos n it ihe office of kirkpatrick kingston kith rjav 1831 commercial bank tj0tice is hereby given that jj1 deposit of ten per centum on the amount of stock subscribed will be call ed in payable at the office of this in stitution in the house lately occupied astiie montreal bank agency in front street on or before the first day of april next ensuing by order of the beard faharper carter kingston march 17 1832 a clerk wanted the committee wilt receive pro posals from persons wishing to apply for the situation of clerk on board the steam boat william iv un til the 15th of april next addressed in writing to the subscriber stating tfretr lowest terms by the month for the sea son of the boats running and also by the year at the option of the commit tee which to accept none need apply without good testimonials of character and ability to fill the situation john mcdonald gananoquc march 21 1332 m dentistry rwood has the plensme to inform the ladies and gentlemen of kingston that he has arrived and taken rooms at myers kingston ho tel where he will stay a few das in the practice of dental surgbry i all its brunches those who ure wtffting io employ him arc invited to call jooii that he may have time io visit the filter owns in his route during hie summer and return to kingston the next fajll kingston 24th march 1832 notice the kingston religious tract so ciety has issued from its deposi tory from the 13iii september 183i to the l6ih march 18321438 books and 2501 1 pages of tracts painting fit he subscriber respectfully i m forms his friends and the public that he will continue his busines 0 painting in all its various tranche as usual at his shop in the market square he will have workmen of the best abili ties and will keep on hand a new and well assorted stock of paper hangings paints 0tband other articles in his line he returns his sincere thanks for the liberal support he has received and hopes still to merit a share of public par tronage f theodore brockets kingston march 24 1832 sdpthe herald patriot and watchman will insert the above advertisement t 8 alliance office the office of the alliance com pany for kingston and the mid land district is held at the place of bu- sinessof the subscriber in frontstreet where property will be insured as here tofore jas macfarlanegem kingston 7th january 18s2 removal john watkins lias removed his hardware establishment to a very extensive premises in store street nearly opposite to mr jno blakes ta vern where he is now opening in additi on to his former stock fifty casks and case esof hurdwaie cutlery ice which were selected by himself in birmingham shef field and other manutacaring towns in england j watkins returns his thank- to his friends country merchants and the public generally for the liberal sup port he has met with for roauy years past begs to inform them that he ar rangement he has made in engwhd and from his occasional visits personally no house in the canadas can supply them on belter terms kingston dec 10th 1831 notice all persons indebted to the sub scriber either by note or book bccouot are requested to call and settle the same immediately and thosu to whom he is indebted are requested io oresent their claims p theodore brockett kingston march 3d 18s2 office of ihn commercial bank ofthe midland district march 16 1832 pursuant to a public notice a meeting of the stockholders of the commercial bank of the midland district was held on thursday the 15th instant at tho court house of this town for the purpose of electing directois of the said institution when the following gentlemen were declared duly elected john strange john 3iarks george w yorker robert drutmnimd john jlotoat abraham tniax jno scartwriglttjohn q parker david john smith john wathins at a meeting of the directois heid this day john s cartwcight esq was elected president after which they appointed f a harper esq cashier john s- cartwr1ght president f a harper c the subscriber eturns banks to his fri ibera in ends anil ilic public generally for thu liberal encouragement he has received since he has commenced business ibis town his factory for mak rifles being the fiist established in this pari ofthe country the excellence of his rides now circulated with the strict est attention best of work and modera tion in charges will he hopes induce n share of the buincs connected with his profession daniel moore armourer and tuakuiaiauu 05 a journeyman of general abili ties and of sober character will meet with employment kingston 17th mch 1832 sin boots shoes leather c the subscriber- begs leave to in form the country merchants and other dealers that he has now on hand a very extensive assortment of mens stout pegged boots and shoes calf and kip do women ad childrens boots and shoes of all descriptions suitable for country trade warranted to be of tho best materials and workmanship and will be sold wholesale at as low a rate as the same description of articles can be procured from montreal also se veral tons of spanish and slaughter sols leather of all kinds from damaged to best new york inspected several dozens hemlock tanned calf skins a few do best philadelphia oak tinned do upper leather lining and binding skins and all other materials in the shoe and leather line ho begs leave also to return thinkn for the support he has received for se veral years past and to inform his cus tomers generally that ho expects by tho first arrivals a much better assortment of goods in the shoe line than any he has hitherto imported all kinds of best quality boots and shoes now on hand and mannfactnred to order as usual a good assortment of best english njnde portmanteau carpet bags moose skin riding boots cc a j fens kingston march 3 1832 tf notice a mjea notes or accounts due to the m estate of thehte frederick keeler are lobo settled with j h samson admr bellvile 24th dec 1s28 list of letters remaining in the post office at napance on the gih of march 1832 c a valuable freehold property for sale or to let and possession given im mediately or on the first of may next owsisting of a brewery malt house and kiln all in full and complete operation together with an acre ofhop land and garden ground the whole about an acre and a half in a very good state of cultivation if let good security will be required for the payment of the rent and u lease given for seven years any person desirous of taking the above concern can have any information he may require by ma king the necessary arrangement soon as the propiietor is going to europe to reside apphcarioutoiueniaovintlih premises to john nickalls tf brewer kingston 0 c to the public the subsciiber respectfully begs leave to announce that he has fa- ken the house lately occupied by mr thomas barafoid known as the steam boat hotel but better by the comfort it conferred on travellers under his respectable management and hopes by assiduity and attention to preserve that excellent establishment in full reputa tion and credit to this end every possible care will be taken to provide all things conducive to comfort ofthe best that money can purchase and he doubts not but that all who honour him with their patronage will find pleasure in recommending their friends to the same treatment and attention they themselves shall have received the stabling and other accomodations for horses and carriages are exieusive and of the first class and diligent and well approved persons will bo constant ly employed to keep them in all res pects ready and applicable to the im mediate use ol travellers as soon as it is possible the house will be constantly furnished with the new- york montreal and other provincial papers and the subscriber especially begsto announce that he has already ta ken the means to procure for the bene fit of his gueststhe daily london times as understanding it to be the most inter- resting of all the london prints during the season it is his purpose to keep a never failing supply ofthe finest oysters that can be obtained th eodore brockett steam boat hotel kiogston nov 8th 1831 brathour samuel barrett isaac babcock john 2 bradshuw william belhvu leo boweu william bebce s s closo peter carechllcoi isaac 7jirhrm jvliiv card aicpneo calkin william deilit matthew dowli d john drydeo thomas emery george file benjamin file joseph fortune thomaa frasier mr fairfield john forshee sarah haynes charles f heck paul hilllsanc jenoia benjamin key john kiinmerly daniel 2 killurrey chriito- pher 2 kimmerly hcarj lewis larry lockwood j ii lansing william jrrnwny john i tahnttn mcdooald ronald price t phillips samuel redman l rose william stralton a sweeney michael shannoo daniel sier jamca sopper william thomaoowilliam 6c john wilson edward whitcomb joel books for sale the following books ore for sale at the chronicle office vizr the family library consisting of ihe history of the jews from the ear liest period to the present time by tho fcuv in rtihwiw fln adkfljb mo illustrated with original rftfps end woodcuts life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished persons of the last fifty years by the rev george croly with- a portrait 13 mo new andimpioved edition narrative of iliscowry and adven ture in africa from the earliest ages to the present time with illustra tions of the geology afineralogy and zoology by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh jtur- ray esq with a map and wood en gravings 18 mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq in 3 vols 18 mo withportraits history of chivalry and the cru sades by g r james esq 18 mo with a plate mary queen of scots ii 2 vols hy h g bell esq the life of lord byron by j ohn gait esq is mo the continuation ofthe family li brary will be regularly received at the chronicle office immediately as the volumes are issued from the press ofthe messrs harpers of new york to render the family library still more worthy of patrouage the publish ers propose incorporating in it such works of interest and value as may ap pear in the various libraries and mis cellanies now preparing in europe par ticularly the national and the ed inburgh cabinet libraries all these productions as they emanate from the press will be submitted to u committee of literary gentlemen for inspection and none will be reprinted but such as shall bo found calculated to sustain tho ex alted character which this library has already acquired

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