1 address to my nose what leads me on whereer i go in tun and shade and joy and wo through fog and tempest rain and snow my nose in youths most ardent reckless day and when arose disputes at play what would be foremost in the fray my nose and should my tongue rude blows provoke what would protrude and brave each stroke till coral streams its pains bespoke my nose and falling in an airy bound in chase of some new charm or sound to save me what came first to ground my nose when some dark pass i would explore with neither shh nor open door what oft for roe hard usage bore 7 my nose and when in want i yearned to eat and hunger might my judgment cheat what prompted mc lo food most swett 1 my kose mid violet banks and woodbine bowers and woods where bloomed the fairest flowers what fed mc with their fragrant powers my nose each eye may need in age a guide and when young helpmates i provide thy back thoult lend for me a stride my nose and can i eerin care or glee tfcviuai uy ojh uj tun iv tsjtl who thus has felt and bled for ms my nose no when cold winters winds blow high and bite thee hard and thou shalt cry thy tears with sympathy ill dry my nose and if for snuff thy love shall come thy slaves my finger and my thumb shall faithful be and bear thee somo my nose still aal follow thee along oh mayst thou never lead me wrong but thou must hush our sleeping song my nose of doubtful existence and a spanking jewelry plated goodsbook binding establishment young sister of ihe faithless fair la- 1 perfumery tkc king pity on the foilorn lover boldlyj jackson stepped forward and shaking donald by m ecs i o return his llianks to the hand oflcred 10 supply the vacancy j the officers of the 66th regiment 1111 co of and he military stationed hi kingston s i generally foi the encouragement they nave given him since his commencement he sister the generous offer gladly accepted the clergyman had the satisfaction of joining them together both seemingly very happy at the change in the aspect of affairs which had just taken place a friend in need is undoubtedly a friend indeed scots man womans first love loves first steps aieupon the rose says the pro verb its second finds the thorn like the maiden of the fairy tale we destroy our spell when we open it to examine in what characters it is written in its ignorance is its happiness there is none of the anxiety that is the fever of hope no fears foi there is no calculation no selfishness for it asks for nothing no disappointment for nothing u expected it is like the deep quiet enjoyment of basking in the bright sunshine without thinking of either how the glad warmth will ripen the fruits and flowers or how the dark clouds in the distance forebode a storm i doubt whether ihis mor ning twilight of the affections has the same extent of duration and influence in man that it has in woman the necessity of exertions for attainment has been early inculcated upon him he knows reputation is a propcit that be longs to every man according to the genera interpretation of the term an individual may boast of ii good may be contented with a questionable or distill- guished by an evil reputation as far as i morals are contcrned whilst in physics i he may possess a reputation for skill for ingenuity for strength or ability or possibly for dulness and stupidity if we regard the word as connected with any degree of excellence we at once associate it with very lofty qualities such as goodness and greatness of soul benevolence generosity and all the train of virtues thai exalt humanity in their possession and befriend humanity in their practice public opinion at- laches a reputation without however positively establishing a character in asmuch as the latter has always some foundation whilst the former at ises from icpuit uiiii in uccaifrtumuhv piovi de ceitful the possibility of reputation being understood is a great drawback to its absolute value and as there is nothing angible in it as in character we are necessarily compelled to take it upon trustjohnson has observed that reputation is commonly lost because never was deserved and was conferred at first not by ihe suffrage of criticism but by the fondness of friendship but with all the disadvantages that may ac crue from the possession of a pseudo or false reputation it is nevertheless de sirable to confer it where we can il may stimulate to virtue and establish the real character from a love of the good report of others american advocate in the above line and at the same lime lo assure them it is his intention and will be his endeavour to furnish an as sortment this year more woithy their pa tronage than what his slock was during the year thai is past kingston 25th feb 1s32 tf at the kingston chronicle ojice the subscriber having engaged an experienced and regularly bred book binder informs the public thai all kinds of business in this line will be perform ed at his office with neatness and des patch and on moderate terns the following is a list of the price when books are brought in by the quantity a small advance will be made volume binding in calf list of letters renaming in the post office at kingston on the gib of march 1832 ienoon denois on the single jewelry plated goods perfumery c r jackson begs leave grate- 9 fully to acknowledge the liber al support he has met with since his commencement in the above line from the ladies and gentlemen of kingston and the public generally and likewise lo assure each thai it will be his con stant sludy and unremitting attention to merit a continuance of their patron age r j has now on hand a small assort ment of good jewelry plated goods perfumery c at unusually low prices and is in expectation of an excellent as sortment of the best sheffield plated poods and london jewelry lows per- lumrry c of the most approved kinds by the first spring arrivals likewise a mens wilting desks and dressing ca- se furnished with the best materials also ladies work boxes dinner lamps ground glass shades chim neys tea trays double and sinle percussion and flint guns patent le vel and common shot bells and pouch j i es pi go nit and willi- powder patent shot and a rood assortment of ihe bcsl fishing tackle all the above and various other articles will be had from in- manufacturers and sold unusually low kingston feb 25 1s32 tf folio full bouud in calf oria- meuted quarto do do octavo do do israo do do lftmo- do do 1 0 0 0 1g 0 5 0 u 3 0 0 0 0 half binding in calf folio half bound and orta- mentcd 0 0 0 0 quarto do do octavo do do l2rno do do isroo do do binding in sheep folio full bound aud oroa- i merited quarto octavo 12mo 81 mo do do do do do do do do 0 0 0 0 0 7 3 1 1 17 7 3 2 1 0 8 6 3 6 6 3 a also ledger blank wotk and ruling faucy binding separate elarge james jhaciarlane kingston 13th april 1821 choice of a wife when it shall please god to bring you to mans estate use great providence and circumspection in choosing thy wife for from thence will spring all thy future food or evil and it is an action of thy life like unlo a stratagem of war wherein a man can err but once if thy estate be good match near home and at leisure w bank of upper canada otice is hereby given that books will be opened on the first day of august next as there is a re strictive clause in the late charter to piohibit ils being done till six months afrcr the passing of the act for subscrip tions to the increased capital of this bank at the following places to wit in ihe towns of kinpston niagara yoik brockville penh sandwich amherst- burg london cobourg cornwall and hamilton in the district of gore weak far cb and quickly inquire un the direction of persons hereafter diligently cf her disposition and examine lo named thos g ridout that if he would win he must woo and aw or a tool for by the i vaw fctawmm a lmmiph his imagination acls chiefly as n stim ulus but a womans is of a more pas five kind she has no motive for ana lyzing feelings whose future rests not with herself more imaginative fiom early sedentary habits she is content lo dream on and some chance reveals co herself ihe secret she would never have learnt from self investigation im bued with all the timidity exalted by all the romance of a first attachment never did a girl ycl calculate on unking what is called a conquest of the man she loves a conquest ie the resource of weariness the consolation of disap pointment a second world of vanity and ambition sighed for like alexan ders but not till we have wasted and destroyed the hearts first sweet world ef early love let lord byron say what he will of bread aud butter girl hood is a beautiful season and ils love its warm uncalculating devoted love so exaggerating in its simplicity so keen from its freshness is the very poetry of attachment after years have nothing like it to know that the love which once seemed eternal can have an end destroys its immortality and thus brought to a level with the beginnings and endings the chances and changes of tifca common place employments and pleasures and alas from the sublime 10 the ridiculous there is but a step our divinity turns out an idol we are grown too wise too wordly for our former faith and we laugh at what wc wept before such laughter is more bitter a thousand times more bitter than tears romance and reality by miss landon carefully how her parents have been inclined in their youth let her not be poor how generous soever for a man can buv nothing in flu market without gentility nor choose a base uncomely creature altogether for wealth for ii will cause contempt in others and loath ing in thee neither make choice of n one iliou llir nthc i ace and it i vl i will be thy continual d will virko thnn nothing more luuonie thnn ol lord jsurleifs advice to rank of upper canada casiitr york 4th tub 1s32 n b in addition to the current half yearly dividend a bonus of not less than eight per cent is intended to he paid to the stockholders cm t g r heo to hear h talk for shall find it to thy great grief that there is she foi his son the present king of of mark ha such perfect confidence in the ve of his sub jects that ho is never auerded by a guard and eveu sleeps with hiscmher door un fastened a short time f0 lilt majesty was suddenly roused ahuui two oclock iu the moruing by a youth employed in the gardens who having got by stealth into the palace entered the kings room nad tapping him oo llic ahoumcr presented a petition baying in the moil familiar terms father i was determined to find an op portunity of speaking to jou io private and therefore chose this time to ask you a favour the king though thus taken by surprise was neither alarmed nor angry hut with his usual good nature recom mended the lad to have patience aud he would do all in his power to comply with his request at the same time begged when ho again wished lu speak to him he would choose a more seasnuahlo hour his ma jesty was much amused hy this uocturnal adventure french paper clergy reserves commissioner of crown lands office york 1st february iftfe xsroposals for the purchase of clergy reserves having already been received at this office for a greater quantity than arc authorised to be sold during the ensuing year the commis sioner is compelled hy his instructions to decline for the present receiving any more applications for the purchase of clergy reserves and to prevent dis appointment he requests it may he dis tinctly understood that applic nions re ceived after this date can be of no be nefit lo the applicant as to preference or otherwise peter robinson 3m conmriraioncr of crown lands lithography fnm canadian st the subscriber begs announce to the public the establishment of a lithographic press in kingston by the name of william iv press whet will he executed all kind of work ap plicable to that useful art nocil as maps plans views circulars music head ings of merchants bills and steam boat notices with the sketch of the boat if requited blank deeds and memorials funeral no ices embellished with suit able emblems bills of exchange ate c c persons wanting a kd f copies ol their own hand writing will be supplied with prepared per and che mical ink foi thai purpose s o tazewell n b caricatures prtd by the sketch being supplied kingston aueust 12th 1831 rjhhe subscriber offet for sale at very low rales for rjsh or short approved credit 00 tierces and 50 barrels of mus covado sugar 51 puncheons and 30 ilhds of high ly flavotcd and strong proof jaiimicu rum 10 barrels of first quality plantation coffee 20 bags of pimento 2 ppes of best holland gin 2miia cilm unlit bianov he has also on hand 20 cooking stoves of a new and highly admired patlol ii wcllfurnithrd jclth kfvi ico boxes of sheet lion 30 boxes of t d pipes 10 groce each 10 bands of best english glue i cwt each he is daily expecting a large supply ofsuperior wines of different descrip tions and an extensive consignment ol stoves sinnle and double of potash and sugar kettles and hollow ware allot which will be disposed of at the mon treal prices the transport from thence simply added amanahan kingston oct is 131 wanted drafts onlondon and british silver for which the lizhcst rate of premium will kingston gfe oct 1831 e given hy p a harper p ersons wishing a friend in need is a friend in deed some days ago a singular cir cumstance look place in the parish of alness county of ross which proves that friendship is often but a thing of degree and that mortal love is not al ways stable as the hills in a house no k distance from the parish church a respectable young couple were to be joined in mairiagc the friends met and so did the minister when the cere mony commenced and went so far that the reverend gentleman come to that part of it which renders it his duly to icqueslthopjiiiies to join hands to this however the young lady would not consent an uproar of course took place among the friends the astonished bridegroom swooned away in the arms of a neighbour while the bride at this critical moment shape or shade what ever she was vanished l from the pres ence by the aid of cordials tho tho mass of the people of spain says a recent traveller take liule heed of the vi- cusnf the government and are entirely in different about poiiiicnl privileges the for adults basquo provinces which arc ihe most en lightened have liule to complain of for they enjoy a multitude of privileges and ex emptions which are well defined aud jea lously maintained anil as for the spaniard in tho southern provinces kivo him his shade iu the summer jind his sunshine in winter hi tobacco hi melon his bread and his wine give him a hole lo creep io- to and put him within sound of a convent bcm and he nski oo more or if you rise a degree or two iu society and speak of tho respectahle peasant theo to give him his embroidered jacket his tassetled hat his guitar and his maja sweetheart iu the dialect of andalusia and it is a mailer of indifference to him whether spain ifl ruled by a caligalft or titus to bring ou their friends from the north ol ireland 10 quebec lo embark from lon donderry can have their passage se- i cured hy paying the following rates at jthe office of messrs buchanan ic co j montreal 2 12 6stg children irom 2 to 14 years of age l c 3 under 7 years of age 17 j the above sum includes water and fuel for the number of days prescribed bylaw no passengers will be receiv ed on board unless provided wilh pro visions for that period r s buchanan exchange chargeable on the above no letters received unless post paid montreal nov 25 1331 j oh ire information wanted n mcqueen a native of reland emigrated from glasgow scotland to upper canada in 1830 he wrote for his family in a letter dated near gananoque and his wife and six children arrived in 1ssi in distressed circumstances any information re specting the said mcqueen addressed 10 mrs mcqueen matilda post office will receive bet arateful thanks january 9th 1832 for sale lot no 17 in thc nim h concession of the town- ship of loughboro for particulars en quire at this office kingston 9lh august 1s2s abbott inbn aykroyd charles q atkinson i evans abbot zelotas anderson alexander ashley william 2 armitace john adit william g tteauie william barnhnrt philip r bennett alvab baker elizabeth 2 bell henry baylies mr realty robert 2 bell george benusejuur j- b barrett oliver benneii ahijnh brown john b brown johnson p black james 0 17 0 birdsall richard bradley richard buitimar abraham brewer philip boon stephen brass j oh 11 badley james e blackuond james bdand elranor oiiipnian parish crawford john amble bernard chapman john case joseph carrell eliza carina to peter collins patiick christophe susanna cnxshew elizabeth cohurn lewis connors thomas clark samuel crawford mark collins william craiy john 9 connor francis carr elizabeth gumming that h cnklin john m connor walter divertissautbaptistc donaldson martha dnnoghue patrick donnghue joseph daley pairiik dotnightie thomas dnrland patrick dation henry 5 deroche paschal eakein j w g edwards atlonijrifa ellison nathaniel flam michael franklin joseph fmbes william farcelar alley franklin adaiu firth francis pnwcett win farrell matthew fair william flanoignn michael gilbert john gihnanio michael gray james garihaldo peter hinckley b r s harris george haggard johu hirkey james hcdgcr priscilta hohliich samuel and john bridgo 2 halley elizabeth harper georgo hortiloft george hurst wtilm hall james henchy william hughes james htrchmer jacob henderson george hogun john hopkios john harvey rohert hughes geurge hughes hiram home gcorgo huot joseph hengy johu irwin james b m iru us levi orstcpho lugram john joyce valentine jamiesun william joukins mr jackson jacob johnston thomas kennedy james kimhle stephen kelly patrick keating josoph kerr joseph keeuau owen lynch johu lapon jiioa lnngluey samuel lace morgan usefil custom at munich there pre vails a singular custom every child found hewing in the streets is arrested aud carried to a charitable emahlishmeot the mo- meul he enters ihe hospital aud before he is cleaned aud gets the new clothes iuten ded for him his pnatrnit is paiuted in his ragged dress anil precisely as he was found when his educaiiun is finished wk- iu the hospital this portrait is givea 10 him and he promise by an oath to keep it all his life iu order that he may he reminded of the adject condition from which he had beou rescued and of the obligations he owes to the institution which saved him from misery and gave him the means by bridegroom was soon restored to a kind which ho was enabled to avoid it iu future- valuable farm for sale on icasonable terms that beau tiful farm on the road leading to bath and 24 miles from kingston the properly of and lately occupied by the subscriber consisiiog of about 100 acres of excellent land the most of which is in ft high state of cultivation there is built on the pre mises a large and commodious dwelling house almost new wiili exiensive sheds and other outhouses altogether forming a most comfortable eslahluhineni for a res pectable family the whole front el the lot is fenced wilh a substantial stone wall 54 feet high there are two liviug springs of excellent water ou the premises aud several hearing fruit trees for further particulars apply either ai this offico or to tho subscriber in stoic street kingston duncan vanalstine the board of education fur 1 be johnstown district gives imlice that from the present time it is their lee edward lnughrey ann lyme 1 daniel lapish thomas lnmblcy jame livingstoo d loughrcy james lauglait louis lake aaron meaghan john mccutker james mcdonald mr mahoney michl 3 mcdonald john mabony jeremiah mealy john mcdounugh michael merchec samuel mccarthy charles montgomery thos mccnrvening john maednnald james mcarthur kuhert mcgill patrick macaulay margaret mackay peter mcdonald william macdonell james mclean joseph mcgowan john macdooald jane mclaughlin john mccrae john martin elias mcconnell john menard joseph mile james 2 111 111 ii miiiimoi mellon john morgau laughliu middlehols joseph moure john moore william mosier nicholas noble augusta newton richard nevins alexander nicol william nfmsey bryan obrieu patrick obrieujaneormrs baker ocarroll john 1 veus john page joseph purchase thomas prior j p poller thomas purdy mi rajah purdy jacob purdy auo d purdy jesse post james peterson nancy pane rohert rouell william rankin charles rees mary rutherford george riley michael roister susan rankio james ross william rohisoo benjamid reilly bridjt shibley jacob slavin patrick and eliza savage hiel shiirtlefx joseph simpson thomas shaher john smith isaac stoliker isaac 2 smith jesse philip godfrey strong james strong normno stiles joshua suee mar spencei sievens levi thomson james tate joseph toland john 2 thomson daniol tweddell jamos turnoulh mrs tuttle james tuttle mr tray tier patrick and sarah vanalstioe jonas wycoit andrew winter thomas ward joho walker wecdoo wiley john wood henry ware william wilson waller williams t o warren s co walters anne wood john wheaton mary warren robert wolcott c wolff john wntdron william ilary r mary salt rheum this inveterate disease which has long baffled the art of the most experienced physicians has at length found a sovereign remedy in dr la cranges genuine ointment few cu taneous diseases are met with more re luctance by tbe physician and none in which he is so uoiveisally auecossul this ointment has stood the test of ex perience and justly obtained an unpar alleled celebrity it immediately re moves the scabs gives a healthy action to the vessels of the skin and its original colour and smoothness numerous re commendations might be obtained of its superior efficacy but the proprietor chose that a fair trial should be its oaly commentator it has in three or fowr weeks cured cases of fifteen and twenty years standing that had resisied the power of every remedy that was tried it not only at once gives immediate relief in salt rheum but cutes tinea capi- tas commonly called scald head and all scabby eruptions peculiar to healthy children flt there is nothing of a 1 roercurral nature contained in it and it may b used on iniants or others tmder any cir cumstance whatever piuc e one dollar per bottle for salt by win bioley kingston john musson quebec and george bent montreal sole agents for tbe canadas kingston 11th july 1828 mrs parmlntier offeisfor sale at ihe horticultural botan ic garden brooklyn l i two miles from new york a fine collection of the most desirable kinds of table and wine crapes pears apples cherries peaches plums nectarines aprirois tfce also forest and ornamental trees and shrubs greenhouse and herbaceous plants a choice collection of monthly and hardy roses print ed directions for planting are furnished le purchasers mr james macfarlane editor of his paper will receive mders for fruit and ornamental trees from her collection mrs p will make arrangement that whatever is otdered from him will be carefully packed and forwarded without the slightest delay catalogues can be obtained gratis post paid at the office of tbe chronicle fifftrfnce hain macaulay john kirby john marks stephen yarwood allan mclean esquires n b it may be proper to mention that the necessary diiections will be sent along with the different trees as to ihe manner of treating them trees received in the fall can be safely buried in the ground until the spring when they can be planted without receiving any injoryftonr the frost provided ihey are- entrely covered branches and all with earth the smallest orders will be received and care shall be taken that severaf orders will be made up into one package wilh a view 10 save lite expense offa nagc the subscriber having been appoint ed ageni in this province for mis par- mentjer is now ready iu leceive orders agreeably lo the above advertisement james macfarlane kingslon 24th match 1831 unpaid letters from the united states adams f h adsit william or stephen p parker angiu p ahhfit william intention strictly to enforce j crawford w w ihe regulation made some years back hy which the use of american ttooks in leaching is prohibited and the mas ters are directed to confine themselves 10 such works of elementary instruction c rait ford joho dewey loan horn racbel davis susannah evans lucius elliot william as are compiled by british authors only 1 edmonton andrew a copy of mavors spellingbook mav huffman john be obtained by each master whoso cer tificates have passed ihe boaid on ap plication lo dr tlubbell that the compliance of the school masters is desired with a former regula tion enjoining the use of prayers at he com meure went of school in ho mor ning and at iis close in thru evening a foini adapted lo general use may be found in mavors sellnngbook and is recommended for this purpose by the board printed forms for the quarterly certi ficates to be signed by iwo tmstee6may he had on application to adiel sher wood esq brockville jany 1832 mctnvish mary mcelhatton patrick macfarlane andrew mcneill william oflaherty charles prendergast thomas penolt frederick payne w p 3 potter thomas shearman eliza g stiles bc truas john waters uulkley 3 wood dr s wright joseph s mckiltrick ann mcphurdy capt 7 such of the above mentioned let- ten as are not retired within sis weeks from this date will lie transmitted as dead utters to the general post office john macaulay pm t notice he stockholders of the john by ate requested lo pay into my hands on or before the 1st of april nexr the ninth instalment of ten per cent- on their respective shares david john smith treasurer kingston feb 25th 18s2 william johnson barber and hairdresser next door to i ik lund mi tavern lenders his gratefol acknowledgments to the public forth liberal support he has met with since he commenced business and lie hopes by close attention and industry lo hl tit a continuance of the public patronage kingston 30th may 1829 i ust received and for sale at the chronicle office a very handsome and fashionable assortment of visiting cards february 11 ill 1832- the kingston chronicle is printed and published erery saturday by james mactawlahsz at iti office in front street kingston terms seventeen shillings and sixpence per annum ii sent by mail twenty shillings subscription to be paid in advance price of advertisements six lines and under 2a gd first insertion and 7jd each subsequent insertion ten lines and wider 3s 4d first insertion and lod each sub sequent insertion obovc ten lines 4d per irnt for the first insertion and id per line for every subsequent insertion advertisements without written directions in serted tittfarbid and charged accordingly orders for discontinuing advertisements to be in writing and delivered by wedncsdat noon at the latest no advertisement received after nkhi oclock on the day of publication jcproduce received in payment at tho mar ket price agents john bipnell esq david chisholm esq andrew pnrteotts esq jamea mcintosh esq john cameron esq r cline esq george browac esq a i phe us jones esq heory jones esq josiah taylor esq h whil marsh esq j k hartwell esq messrs c fit j mcdonald john dean esq allan mcpheraonesq thomas parker esq joseph a keeler esq jamrs g bethune esq- david smart esq william allan esq daniel ross esq john crooks eaq charles biar eaq j d gilbert eq w robertson esq quebec three riven montml lancaster loehiel cornwall matilda prcfcott brockville perth richmond bastard gananoque bath napa nee belleville ctamshe cobourg port hops york vittoria niagara murray ariolpmistn river treou