Kingston Chronicle (Kingston, ON1819), April 7, 1832, p. 2

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nione prevailed in england amount the medical practitioner upon the itrl appearand of i he dlmam ol sunderland some caution in yivin implicit faith to such certificates may ho without blame encouraged i would therefore preps the consideration of this subject upon the public and hope lo see by a unanimous sentiment our 11 abiding place so managed a to leave no loop- holeopen to adinitthc introduction of this awful and appalling visitation 1 am sir your constant reader and ardent admirer pliilanthuopos foreiftx news choxkha in london home of commons monday colonel fcvaos rave notice th afc 20 at ho would oq tuesday present a petition from seve ral medical men praying for nn inquiry in to the altered existence of cholera iu lon don mr ftobiosou thought that as consider able doubts existed in the city and also a- mougst medical men whether the cholera had really made its appearance in loudon ai all and also whether it was ft contagious disease some facility should ho afforded at the customhouse iu giving hills of health lo vessels quitting the port of london mr p thomson would not take upon himself 10 decide whether cholera existed iu london or not but ministers had adopt ed every mode of obtaining accurate iofor- raatioa on the subject by cousultiug the ablest medical meo who had seen the drs- ease iu iodia and they could not with pro priety or good faith towards other countries have pursued aoy other course than that which they had takeo on their conscience the linviug megullved sllill the house however di responsibility of an ameudmcut divide for the i iu majoiityfor amendment 55 agaiust iihuiiii- the refrenco to providence 45 the knglisb cholera prevention hill passed through all its stages in tho lords hist light he bishop of london having previously moved the insertion in the pre amble of the same words which had been inserted iu the preamble of the scotch hill by lord advocate jeavcy tho amend ment nas agreed to by the commons where tho stuck hill was read a third time iud sent up to the lords irism tithes the following is wc un derstand au outline of the plan which ministers intend to submit to parliament the firsi step which the committee recom mends for the acconiplihmcut of those oh j jrm is that of enabling his majesty m 1 advaoco to incumbents of parishes not 1 having received llicir lithe sums of mouey proportioned to the income of each for the year 1831 hy this operation the tithe will he converted into a debt 10 the crown aud enforced if necessary under a less oh- noxious form the attorney general to proceed for the recovery of the same in va rious moded to he proscribed by tho act of parliament hut the most impnrtaut re commendation of tho report is that which suggests the total abolition of lithe and the substitution of an equivalent either iu the form of a lax ou land ov an exchange iu land spain and portugal we wcro able to state exclusively on saturday upon the secretary to tho hoard chairman mailing i purser commissioner couulant 1 secretary t ieputy of vic i ac- trca- clerks of the check of the victuallingyards i at xjih1 stewards of the llospimls2 at jcrll agents at malta and hermuda hospitals 2 at jj45u aenls surer in prize he an of transports 0 at c4u0 the necessary offices are to nc rocoi structcd in the following manner five departments are to be created the func tions of which aro indicated by tho desig nations of tbu following officers who will be nppoiulod lo proido ovev each depart mcol respectively a surveyorgeneral an accuuulantgcnerul a storekeeper general a superintendent of tho victual- ling department and a superintendent of tho medical department sir 1 martin sir george cockhuru and sir george clerk offered various objections lo the plan the force nf which we shall better understand when ihe measure is discussed in detail there arc to bo jive commissioners of iho admiralty each to have tho supovisiuii of one of the five departments and their superintendents and the whole lo ho under the joiut cootrool of the supreme hoard master gksfral of the ordnance the merits of this distinguished officer i have been acknowledged hy his rapid nd- vanemeru in his profession and he is now in n political siioation of high rank and chfuacieriu the state hut looking bock jfora low years we find the present kijjht lion sir lames kempt o c b nod g c ii ami late capiaingeueral and j governor inchief of north america authority of our paris correspondent that u clerk at adesk intho agency office of the french miniver of foreign affaire had messrs greenwood cox and co his igned to tho spanish ambassador in pans i promotion is not more honourable to him self ihftn to tho service ami it i one tains somoothcr itiformatioo which though of a moro privaio nature will ho of gene ral a p n teres t here and we have transcribed riion of his cpistle a liberty for which we havo no doubt be will excuso us on saturday the uili february was n mcetinir of the cauada club the meet iik was unusually large between forty and lonoon cowrikr wo find in the lon don courier of february 17th an article upon thn subject of tho reform hill tho lone of which is somewhat at variance willi the doctrine which havo been for ftolltq 1 1 mo past maintained in that joornal the courier as is well know n was re garded as i he official organ nf the govcrn- ment under the late tory administrations ami since the victory of the whig paity we have not noticed any backwardness on the part of ill conductors to support ihc mea sures of tho present ministry tho article in question docs not oppose them but it certainly tives ihom rather a cold support it express ihc hope that karl grcys counsel in regard to carrying tho reform b r hill through the house of lords will be he was thanked from the chair and his sod adopted admitting at the saino time that welcomed it being reported that sir r it was unwise on the part of that nobleman vyviao wo dining in the house there in propckiin bill of sit extensive yet at i collection of his valuable services oo the iho same lime so partial a rharactrr h timber question caused the company to declares that if england wero in lhe same j drink his health with threo times three siumiion now as at ihetimo wlien the duke antl notice of the same was seot to him of wellington retired from office the which he acknowledged handsomely it lonu would do well to reject a hill in subsequently appeared that he was diomg which there are so many penalties anoua- in compauy with h t- sadler esq ml i lies and irrvguliritiw though it assorts i lockhartscotts son inlaw dr gifford there are no evils ia it wliich a reformed dr crole gait hogg the ettrick shep- parliament would not readily correct it herd and three others adeputatioo wait- proceeds to remark that it will he well if ted on the talented party requesting them the opponents of the hill can succeed in to honour the club with their company proiniing sme modification of tho iu thoy expressed themselves highly flattered qnaliricatiuo because the editors cannot jhutooly hogg and gait accepted the inyi- lliin- themselves lo a belief that ibis a- taiion the shepherd was received with niouiil of qualification will not he atteuded the most cheering applause with state tend fifty the enjoyment was greatly heightened by various fortunate circum stances mr gould was in the chair mr l hrown vice chair mr cuff master of the freemasons tavern where the meetings of the club have beeo held for tweotyone years having iven up the con cern to his son came to pay his respects j township of drummond to tho company ho had so loog catered for iiicnut euience if not di ill tho determination of tho french govern- 1 iog in loudou papers f i u i ment not to permit the king of spaiu to i mr hume said that the public had no l o i r ii iu t send iroopstothe assislanceol don miguel l cooqdence in the board of health which i b cousisted enlirely of cootagiouisis and wo find the follow thought that additional members of a cou- of the lotli february trary opinion ought to he appointed mr- p thomson said that dr russell one of the board was an anttcoutagionist imoug ird in nailers willis v barnard this was au action to recover compen sation fnrcriiiicou the facts of the case iit l fknj m i jih willi rllllfl f0tw4 wn dp rnann sifod thn d- i rw tftdtltjivti in avvftfituir uti rlliiti mfei cumeot recenily put forth admitting the willis was a gcotlcman at the chancery priociple of contagion sir robert peel said the question was whether the disease was tho spasmodic j cholera or not and expressed a hope that i the board of health would state their opinions on the subject the chancellor of tho exchequer defend ed the proeeediogs of government aod contended that they were justified io the steps they had taken there is not a man to be met with nn the excbaoge who now believes that the cholera isift london which belief they are bar and was engaged in the conduct of suit there for tho earl of strathmore the ueecssity of constant professional inter course led to habits of intimacy with the family which finally ended to a closer con nection and he was married on the 8lh of august 1624 to lady mary bowes 22 years of age a daughter of the noble earl after living three years at headou with the plaintiffs mother they quilted eoglaud for upper canada mr willis having been appointed to a judicial situation at york soon after their arrival an uupleasant to some circumslau- eug- thc supported in by the very meagre returns 1 difference arose between the governn made from the council office and there will be great dissatisfaction among them if what they consider but an act of justice and cropriety should be much longer delayed e have oo positive accounts yet of ihc nature of the quarantine regulations to be imposed in holland at ao twerp by or der of ibe belgian government it is to he for a period of 40 days aod into the port of ostcqtl all vessels from the thames of r aj the plaintiff relativ ccs connected with the court and ml lis deemed it necessary to return to and in order to lay his case before privy council intending to return when the difference was settled he according ly set sail for england in 1828 leaving lady mary and his sister miss willi at york it was considered that mr willis should not resume his judicial functions iu o whatever description are refused admis- j america and he wrote to lady mary d sion this is owing however to there ho- reeling her to come to kogtaud she lin ing oo station near to ostend where quar- mediately started for montreal jnd there antioe can be performed for lo enter the she became acquainted with captain bar- port would bo to expose the whole town to nardthe defendant an officer in the osttl thedanger whateveritmay be ofinfeciiou light infantry upon arriving at mnn- the last steamboat of ostenj ha conse- ireal she stayed a day or two at the hotel queatly put back to margate with all her aud then look lodgings at dr leodeli passeogers not a vessel will venture to clear out for spain portugal or any of the porn of the mediterranean until they hear what regulations are to ho adopted as they expect them lobe of the most rigid kind and prefer keeping the vessels with their cargoes at borne to the encountering this uokouwo danger london couritr extraordinary debate signs 0 tuk times house of commons feb 15- the eng lish clidlurutreoin fifttt wg sideration mr briscoo wished io introduce into the preamble that the cholera was an affliction of god mr uume thought it might with quite as much propriety be denounced a blessing of god he would oppose tho amend ment mr lefroy and mr shaw profowed themselves of npioion that tho words were neeuliary applicable and exhorted mr hriscoe to persist io moving their insertion mr kriscoe however oo the entreaty of lord althorpwilhdrew his motioa protest ing that his only reason for calling the dis ease nn affliction from god was that il had baffled human skill on tuesday in roior into committee j oo the scotch cholera hill whirh was in troduced the previous evening lord ad vocate jeffrey moved the insertion in the preamble or the words by the iulerposi- tion of providence i mr hume objected to the words thoy i were uncalled for by aoy feature of the bill or of tho disease lord althorp approved of the amend- mcot and deprecated a division on such a subject mr iftiot could see no reason why the protch should monopolize the interpnsiiion of providence if proper it ought to have been also made iu j the english bill- u i mr warburtou asked if occasions of evil were to be attributed to special interposi tion why should not occasions ofadvan- boardinghouse where the defendant was occupied a bedroom adjoining his were on very intimate terms o though many proof that merit without great intercut often reaps high few the state even when all public t are broadly declared in require reform british currency it seems to have been coufidently expected in england ihat the government intended to propose some al- ratitit tu fnj uttll out litulh cmiuuiy and allow a reissue of small notes tho chancellor of tho exchequer however sla- ivd in tho house of commons on ihe 14th february llmt these expectations were en lirely without foundation for that govern prieot had oo intention whatever to inter- tore with the currency bristol riols captrtin warrington who ya second io command under colouel ftrereton during the bristol riots aod who las been tried by a court martial has it is aid been sentenced lo be cashiered anil it the same lime recommended io mercy literaturt in england the presentstato tf england is particularly uupropitious to literature a late literary journal stales hat constables miscellany was either sold ir to be sold mr murray hesitates to u- uo more of his family library and dr lordlier has clipped the wings of his cyc- opsdia advertisements henry hunt m p this iudividuil la prosecuted the london times lor a libel ivhich consisted in stating that the elligy jf ihoreereaut hunt had been burned on the imous6eld of peteiloo where he addressed housatuu porsonx hot niui jancttfsroiod the ashes of his efll ver saw in the dsvs f his the consequence jr hunt said that his blacking trade was miirely ruined for his men anil horses durst not go about the streets of loudon he ublaiocd a verdict of 50 damages cholkra when papers on ihe cholera verc presented to the british house of com- jiuns mr croker naked whether it wns rue that the first death at uotheihilho was thai of a man who had caught the dicoase hy unloading a vessel that had arrived from sunderland mr i thoiopsin laid such was the truth mr croker said he eonsi- as to their proposed attempt io ex e number nf representative of the metropolis it observes ihat london hy the bill will get nothing approaching to its jimshuiu of representation but that con- mderiug all thiugs the provision nf the bill iu this particular ought to bo maintained the argument of the aiticlc throughout seems almost ludicrously hostile to its con clusions it deouucialion of the charac ter and provisions of tho bill at the very moment wteu its friends arc apparently about io venture upon unusual ifuuides- l u be recoiicilcl with a zealous iuteresi iu lc cause of reform such is ihe courier l mrttoftw exhibi ted the new yot a mdominaiea lint p of lhe government which bv lho blu aul one which has fouk baonor of reform thal l viilinntly uuder the certain but we we could ho considered press lho sentiment iijjcr to tho idently affected oinnt iocs- su hishlv erati tn o tho 1 valiantly tiudcr the that it has fought banner of reform is io not aware that il as authorized to ex- uf the present ininis- qucstioos our h the ailminis- organ of tho try on iciidiog poh persuasion was th nation of karl grey ll m chr elo has been codlidi li government so far h plied to any paper- boston patriot pufulation of g battainthe population returns f be jt prioied ap- rc il sims y than be ys of his prosperity of thii siatement was bv order of parliwn f e sum mary of ihilocumtt wefiad tftn m- pnlati ifknciam m iwliwm- 434 in 11105 37 f 5 of j4 per cent iu ing au increase of l ltfsl i cent vlw iocrau tyyeam bus been 4 the snmmaiy oft properly iu eulai wales 215301 and was evi ho said he bad not been highly gratified at any of the very flat tering receptions he had had in loodoo t and saog two of his songs 4i whtn the kyc came homef and tvulty teas a uxtnton wag or as he called it a new god save tho kiog at the request of the compa- 1 nj be said he would write out the latter und send it to the chairman who promued j that it should be kept among the archives of the clob- mr woodehouse of the cos toms was a guest he stated ihat the signa ture to the minute constituting montreal an independent port was attached that i h tijt th rorrnnorxdpnr wfls fr take place via quebec during the open season aod via montreal during the winter the same officers are retained with increas ed salaries the north american colonial asso ciation has prepared a report to govern merit on the abuse and the neglect of tho passenger act it may be expected that to quiet alarm on your side as lo importing cholera that stricter regulations may be a- dopted on presenting the prepared re port for approval to the committee of the society of ship owners this day the 14th preparatory to handing it to government the matter was considered of such impor tance thattbey would not sanction it with out consideration and discussion so that i believe it most be sent in without their support and government will be referred iu the society for further information government is getting information on tho currency question and banking affairs in expectation of the expiry of the bank which is aoproachioir it the inhabitants of the township of hey- tesburylaie fro impressed with grati tude for tho impartial couduct manifested by wellcsley uicliey esq government supet inteudent in the allotments of laad issue of provisiooh and other duties en trusted to bim by the lieutenantgovernor have requested his acceptance of a souff- box of the fifty members of the upper ca nada house of assembly twentythree are said to be of the church of england seven teen presbyterians six methodists threo catholica aod one lutheran the new english church erected iu tho oo tho lanark road and on a lot jnoted by mr balder- son was lately opened when a sermon was delivered by the rev michael harris to a congregation of nearly 300 persons it is a neat edifice aod having been built by voluntary subscriptions reflects great credit upou that part of the district enterprise in penh seems to have de rived a wonderful impetus from the pros pect that the tay canal will be comple ted early in ihe ensuing spring and every day are io be seen sticks of oak and other kinds nf timber drawn from the hitherto useless forests of canada such as no other country in the universe can produce in tended to be rafted to quebec aod thence to englaod a piece of squared oak was brought ioto perth tho other day which il required lea yoke of oxeo to draw aod was deposited no the side of the projected basin of the tay caoal it measured forty- three feet io lengh and nearly three feet square per cent aud iu increase of j per ill in ilio inst ibir h4 iie anuual value of real d was 49774 jl22io in scotland b- and sme gone itnd be r ram for lho injury be bad sustained returned a verdict for tho plaiu- thk gigantic lirtok e translate the following paragraph from lc globe of vbo itili uh tim largest book il i ever went in london eon of kn it ud tiicj not a sufpiciou was excited that an improp cr connocliou had taken place between ihcmtbuton tho arrival of mi willis from york where sbo bad remained to dispose of soilio property capt barnard save up bis room to her aod removed from tho house very shortly after lady mary t eloped with ilio defendant and they wcro lowul ibis was the strongest and most eui i not lizard of until traced in lodingd io rtisfaol thai bad yet oirnrrtril i westminster where they were lmj a mail and wife mr willis bad i nut as chief justice of domernra i brought lho present action to iccuv i peusatioo f utma the jury liif damages 1000 fu thursday mr willis formerly a puittlo judge in tho supremo court of upper canada obtained a verdict for 1000 against captain barnard nf iho usth regiment for tho seduction of airs willis mr willi in bis professional cha racter ai a barrister had had some corres pondence wiib lord straihmoro in 1824 concerning a bill of equity and thus became acquainted with lord strathmore family whore he won the jood graces of lady mary isabella bowes lyon the dnujhter of ihat uobletnan whom ho subsequently j tlite which whs related to him by u ftcu- mnrried in 1827 be was appointed a ilontnn lately arrived from paris wo ive judge in upper cauada and carried thither ir in lu own words m wandering near with him bis lady and mother and sister- the palace i saluted wilbwnuld having some difference nftenvards willi mmmeur like in sceihe kins i i tvillslmw t charter which approaching it is a lb21 1 1 liu i 437 be- j most puzzling question difficult to be un derstood even by bankers and practical men some articles by a correspondent of iho montreal herald sigoing himself a citizen have great merit much good sense conveyed in good lanuae pervades a pamphlet by mr shireff which mr walker gave me last eveuiog aod which i read with much plea sure a very interesting communication from the moutreal committee of trade was read at tho last sitting of the colonial as- itjos js iu 1821 jcciatioo at which meeting thero was a sh 23g5 groat deal of detail and answers are not tin- summary ol li briiainh as fl- y writton mtmtnal gazette imvsln m hisi4i in 1811 12 70jxil being an incrense otl5 percent 652655 making r lolal of 58551076 the population o wales stands thus in 1301 541546 io lmiwubs 101821 7174 mid in i8iu 805236- that ofscotlund as nloi in 1801 i5990cisi in lil 21450 nod in v ol we havo given some extracts from the llpper canada papers which have reached us to the 24th instant it is pleasing to observe that the loyal people of the sister province are oot disposed to allow the cultivators of imaginary grievances to carry to the mother country their load of pouoo without seodiog an antidote to counteract it the meetiogs called io oppo sition to the mackenzie and ryerson mobs table individuals of the districts ortown- shipsin which they were held and conduct ed with great decorum except wheo at tempts have been made by mackenzie ifchis adherents to interrupt their proceedings oo one occasion at hamilton we regret to learn ihat some indiscreet hotheaded persons have been guilty of a gross outrage on mr mackenzie a notice of which we have copied from an upper canada paper the mode of attack was disgraceful io those who planned aod perpetrated it and they should he exposed by their party for theircooductis calculated to casta stain od the good cause which oeedsoo such outrage out assistance a to an attempt to assas sinate mr mackeozte thatis n colour given to the matter to suit the purposes nf bis party the matter was carried we have oo doubt to the utmost verge iotended by the conspirators when they had ioflicted upon him the drubbing he is said to have received the conduct of the assailaui however deserves the severest punishment of the law quetac mercury an increase of 14 per 10537393 au increase press will appear oet yea it will bectuiiiiil m glish heroes kvery page will be twenty four feet hish by twelve broad and ihc tellers half a fool ion it has been neccs cry tn construct a machine expressly fov the fabrication nf the paper fliii gigantic work will be printed hy tneaus of a swum cogitig aud instead of black ink gold var nish will bo used only one hundred copies will be struck off intended as tho orna ments of iho principal english libraries lu gazette tun lions ok paris a respected cor respondent has sent u lho following auee- in ihjj mjliii cent aud in lid of 15 prtrpnt in i lit uiv tiuniitf afav w uritaiu was 5 lojjcili in lhiawmw an increase of 1 115 per i ri 18l 7y5l613 nil iumas of 13 1 por cent and in ikm tfarstfo an increase of lo- 5 prrccnt tl the schooner lirock sailed from bur- lington caoal for york about a month ago with whiskey pork c- aod a number of passengers on hoard which shows the did oil udvtniar v snrtion fif tho cnun try enjoys by a harbour which remains open at all seasousof the year wnile nearly eve y mher is shut up particularly io spring mr gait is appoioted secretary to a new association for promoting emigration lo british north america notwithstanding the management of mr galtdid uot at the time satisfy ibe directors of the caoada company it must be admitted that the plans which originated io his liberal and extensive views in the management of set tlers aod the improvement nl roads c of the companys waste lands have mainly contributed to its present prosperity mercury o population of innflr mwmpolis wtt in 1901 81 iu is2lj in 1831 ttf 1441 malcs 76 sir y ercgnno mn- ulil tho govt wa upper canada judge willi ded and iu august 182 returned in bug- protni nor nl him lot a fraoc suspeo- sn mean though surprised bow nno in appeara 1 accepted laud to appeal io lho privy council my franc my i dnrioft the iniervol his lady who with his lagn equally- jistcr was left iu america became intimate with mr barnard then a lieutenant wiih ihctuuendrncut wcn subsequently eloped from mon- treal and returned to bnland aheuily has since gone to france and tho geulle- man to dcinerara sergeaut tspankie ai- iflmpted to raise a question on barnards identity but did not succeed lie aficr ward treated ibe jury and court to three stanza of burns address to lhe m unco gunl but tho jury would neither bo ar- ued nor suns nut of an acquitial first lord of the co could realize bis tho offer and paid j riend immediately corn- 1 at the lop of hi luns louis philippe kcepi i a rattling accompaniment n ith hi stick hinst lho iron railings- the crowd cu- rnenceii sbonti louis pliilippi ng i icvtttl and echoed with lippc when tho lord advocate said ho bad not seen ihe preamble of the english bill i le fell convinced ihc words would be agree able to the people of scotland who univer sally attributed thu dieae to the interpo- bitiou of trovidcuce uud only to ho cured jy its aid mr- gordon lord uodens nomiucc hoped that the questiou would be presseil to a divisinoi that ihe nnnm of thuu who thnusht fit to venture to reject aucii nu a- mendrnem might be put on record and ihe names of tfto0 who mnikit up to vindicate ticir priuciplet might equally he known mr jumj ukkosied if these discussions sir james graham vint admiralty has brought before parliament a plan for reforming lho navy which together with other measures of reduction will effect a bbviu nf about one million joining in the cry the welkri louis philippe lout jmit- ibe obedient monarch thus summoned made his appearance at a win dow bowing repeatedly to the crowd more moriilied at my conspicuous appea rauuo in such a dirty crew than gratified il the attainment of my object 1 was endea voring to effect my csctpc when my friend the showman arrested my progrcih with many thanks for prut favor and tend u thai is th jms iieil iuyr4i 1474060 males during the ufotimo of the lord by ron tiicrc was found in the 1 at new tcad where it is supposed to have been thrown for concealment by the monks a large brass cnle in the brdy of which on its being sent to bo cleaned was disco vered a secret aperture conr within it a number ofold leal pap connected null the rights aod privileges ot the fouu- daiinn of tbu priory of xmhuw at tho salcjof ihe ohl lords effects in iwo7 ibl angle together with three canelabra found nl ihe vaine time was ptiwhwnd by a watchmaker at xottiniinm t whom the cnncmilod manuscripts wen discovered and having from his hands pa ioto those of sir richard kaye a piheiidary of southwell format picscnta wry remark- able nrnailicnt of the cathfl of that place pobuc diwvertho dinner prepared io commemoration of lhe triumph of con stitutional british principles at the great meeting on the 23d march was held nt the steam boat hotel agreeably lo advertise ment on thursday evening last length of the large ball room wbich was tastefully decorated for the occasion aod about 7 oclock a very large party of rea- tants uf the town with a and fall when lho roads arc so bad and carriage of goods by laud so expensive pectauie tonan a meeting of the subscribers for erecting few k from lh c0ulllr io au episcopal church in hamilton was to sum entertainment prepared for ihc lake placo ou lho 26th ult a subscrip- camas deputy chainnau of were iu ic continued thai lho house should l vicluallin- board medical coinmissiuncr meet on suodiy fur thai purpose and put of ditto i commissioner of navy poard ring uh services for a freh exhibition would monsieur like tn sou madame i w ill show her for another franc politely declining sterling per annumthis is truly cheering i offer i retreated lo ponder on iho fallen newc under lhe present alarming state of 1 majety aud the respectable l-m- the national revenue the navy and the j subhtng between lhe feovercu iv victualling hoards are to he abolished aod pwaml lilian king london ptcr sir ruben eppiogs dismissed tho fol- lowiug ofllcm suppressed in 1631 will save 5ih1u per annui h wns do our intention in kive taken or publulud auv further noliic ll emi- trrant act but an appeal having been mndetoutfby the kingsion uhromcle to repeal a eouununicaiioii sig aalp- tion is also in progress for lhe erection of a canadian vvesleyan church io that place for which purpose mr macnah has made a present of a lot of building ground and a number of individuals have subscribed most handsomely it is hoped that the mem bers of the church of scollaod will exert themselves to erect a house of worship also for which thtiy have been offered land gratis by mr hamilton a meeiiug h to he held at porl dover on the td of april for receiving subscriptions for stock and incorporating a company for the improvement of that harbour the creek at this place is described as being for ahout a mile from its mouth navigable for vessels of any size tho water imme diately after crossing the bar being ten and in somo places fifteen feet deep aod wide enough for lhe largest vessel to turn in the sand on the bar is loose aod moving in ihc spring and fall vessels drawing six to nine feet have frequently been admitted bv extending j occasion by mr feohan wm b jarvis esq tho member for lhe kiog town of york president and john esq m i acted as vicepresident during the whole evening lhe utmost hiurity and bar mouy prevailed a number of good songs were sueg and a variety of other volunteer toasts were given duriog the latter part of the night the music was excellent aud we believe there are few persons who were prcseot who will not concur with us io saying ihat it was ono of the most agreeable and gratifying public assemblages ihat has been held in york for many a year york courier ii- piers it is anticipni per cs ft j a it ad lho wi an we comoly wth the wish and edilof pfdwt journal up the chaplain iu the chair mr hume aid ihat being dared io a division he would divide lhe country would uot mis take fii motives mr ii inghs hoped that no division huuld lie taken 00 the object llu wished ur their ovu aiiku thai uo meu should have irveynr 1 cummurauncr of jamaica 1 s of iho navy luipccting agent of trans ports aud the following which are in be tttppiewttd in lc2 will effect a nuluctiou of iruut per anomu ucplfurd pock- yard is also to bo suppressed comptrol ler of tho navy deputy comptroller pie aud ils cilize the comkt it is kuuwn that iu ihc year 1702 mr johu indiar ofmanehestcr england spun by machinery 278 hanks ol yarn from 1 lit of raw cotton which formed a thread 135 utiles in length the nuna- lity ofeolluii consoiiktl in creat brit nil in 1s5l was s5ti00uoui 11 kupotlll wllieh to be spun iu tin ainu way it would yeald atbrcad u4ld6ulhuu0 miles ion this thread would bo of sufficient gxlbttt to lie one etui uf it to the tail uf tho tanked for comet it is given io another part of tfi tnutiber two sentences being struck a winch are not material to the point nf lh letter fi shall 001 offer any remarks ur 1ie lppcr canadian his reasoning r- siatemcnts are clear require no eommon- nu serve loshw the liahlitt which tnew tax is regarded mermfu in th isier proving quthic ipn 1 receivro idler fr be i lib liv il liverpool im it i in i- kebruny enctoing proceedings at the mcetiuku in for ihs inrmatiou ol british a mcrican land company a j f much imporlnoee to the colntjl reader we loo nn lime iu laying lhe heron tbu we h packet si ion datei to us 1 1 london led thai little or no dredging will be required the shore of lake erie abound with stone and can be procured without any quarry ing within a mile and a half of the spot and limber is to be had in ahundauce io lhe immediate vicinity it is iu tho centre of a nourishing agricultural country lho re sources of which are yearly increasing last season the imports and exports were very considerable aod would have been much larger could vessels have entered ai all times there is now a steam vessel building at chippawa for the navigation oflake erie and there being no place to discharge goods between tho mouth of the grand itiver aod port staoley to insure lhe success of that important undertaking it is absolutely necessary that port dover should bo made nf constant and easy access the caoada company advertise for 100- 000 feci of building lumber to be delivered at luelph many improvements are about to he made in cuelph aod in a few years in st joho n- b recently according lo the colooist a pair of 4 lovers true were arrested on a charge against the man a country schoolmaster of the new school of abduction and theft having eloped from near fredcricton with the wife of a respec table farmer 87 in cash aod other trifles the frail one left behind five children ono 3 months old in the cradle georgia a letter has been published in lhe georgia journal from mr troup ti late governor of georgia aod now a seoator in congress io which he says ihat ihe decision nf the supreme courl in the j cherokee case will prove lo he brulum fulmtn aod that the judges know yon will notyield obedience to their mandate he says that the president will if i mis take not defeud tho sovereignity of the states as he would the sovereignty of the union the meaning of which undoubtedly isi that in the opinion of gov troup the president will countenance georgia io resistiog the decision of the court it will rank amongst the finest villages in puhl iioihcr l ihcy will ho found ai length in m- cujutuu found our fnwitrs ihe province or probably be he capital of a new district cut out of tho extensive wilderness which lies botween itaodgo ilericll and thence along navigation of the hudson the 9tcam boat constellation arrived yesier- day morning froo albany with about 300 passengers the ico gave way at kio- derhook on sunday aud the navigation of the river is now entirely unimpeded thence letter con- 1 huron to lake superior the borders of quarantine the mayor of boston has notified ihe collector of that port that a quarantine has been ordered on all vessels from england ireland and scollaod

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