r the kingston chronicle saturday april 7 1832 by the arrival of the york from liverpool we re furnished with london dales altogether unimportant toth 22d of february the panic which he cholera produced in london nnd ihe vicinity of that motropolia appears to have sub sided although 28 cases out of 45 have proved ilio malignancy of the disease we regret that the fluctuating position of the ice so far retards the arrival of the american mail as to preclude us from affording our readers the debate on the english reform bill which look place in the house of commons on the kingston is at length extending herself in every point and will eventually be the most nourish ing spot in tho upper province wc under stand that the great britain steam boat is to touch at one of the above new wharves discussion of schedule b stratagem of sir ft peel tets their project on the contemplated addition to the peerage it failed to afford any bint that rnightha constrned into nn admission or denial of the fact the bill moves on with a tardiness that can scarcely he reconciled with the feverish anxiety that marked its original progress and daily devrlopes 1h most marked antipathy from the aristocracy of ireland when we see such name as the earl of rodcn the marquis of ely and his sons associating themseues with the orange societies pr ireland in defending the act of union and opposing the reform bill we are naturally led to apprehend the most alarming effects from a collision of public opinion so unc- jawocahy expressed england appears compa ratively passive during this awfnl suspense but in ireland the torch of party discord has been kindled and in the present mercurial state of that country a defence of their primitive privi leges will be found in an adhesion to those char ters under which iheorange parly exist and in tbe natural opposition of the roman catholic bodr whom they conceive having obtained emancipation will look forward to ascenuan- tyu the ultimatum of popular ambition a preat conservative meeting took place in dublin and an appeal to the protestants of england and wales to support the constitution has been published it is signed by the earlofroden this document cannot be perused without the most intense anxiety the belgian treaty remains still unrati6ed- a postponement to the j5ih of march bad been granted in other respects the files of english pipers which we have seen are destitute of fur ther interest we have authority tor stating thai ihc queen- aton steamboat caplain t coming ma speedily be expected a kingston on her way to york and niagara touching at cobourg pom hope and burlington bay as sbe only waits the further opening of the navigation to com mence her regular trips the great britain eteamboat captain whitney will commence her usual conre about the 20th of april both of these vessels have been during the winter un dergoing several important alterations ami in notwithatanding a j no rense has been spared by to elicit from minis- ener proprietor to render them emi nently deserving of ihe public patronage the ice still lingers in the hay in front of king ston but the channel of the river is open with the exception of a slender sheet of ice extending from the ninemile point to the lower end of the iglc of tanti now forminc the only barrier to the free navigation of lake onario from pres- cott to niagara and acted for himself and has thereby acquired the confidence of the people in a degree never sorpaned by any ruler uf hi province what ever h political mats of dr strachan mat have been iliey cease to influence our present political condition and his well known private virtues in which 1 lulieve no man surpasses him should i think he some shield to him from bavins ins name made use of as a bugbear bv every scribbler who may wish to figure in the newspapers when your correspondent would animndvcil on the kingston address i should expect him to quote it correctly he says that it oetlans the constitution to be the gift of englands great est statesman it says no such thing it de clares it tn be the gift of a great and glorious nation framed by finland jrreatefit states mem and if pitt foar and burke who did frame ii n ere not englands grenicststatesmen i should like to know who were bui then to consider it h a gift gives sad of fence to m a british subject it appears ihnt he has been lauphl lo consider it bulliiight u an unalienable rich according othto no briton leaves the shores of kngland to dwell in any portion of i lie kins dominion no matter if there were not a dozen inhabitants in it bill he nuikt carry the biitish constitution with him in his breeches pocket and should it so happen that your correspondent would prove the first discoverer of some uninhabited clime and lake possession of i in the name of his britannic majesty i suppose he would immediately resolve himself into the british constitution and become the kin lnrci inil commons of he country it matters till lo however by whatnameit may be called whether a birthright or a gift in ei thcr case 1 deny the constitutional right of any power on earth and i do not except the british education thomas ross a m toucher oftlic kingston gra4h school will be prepared after th dnlo 0 this notice to receive into his htmilv a limit ed numberof young genuekio crs who may wish to nlteiir ins public seminary in which mr jftaw teaches all the branches of a clatttit mathema tical md commercial edliculinn terms and oilier conditions of ad mission may be itnrnerl aiiher by per sonal interview tviili mr- kos or by letter uud rufrrence mnj made to the rev mr m achat ministoi of si antltewv chnrchi mr ross assures the patents or cur- dians of the youths who iy intrust ed to liis care that due ftieotlon skill be paid to their morals aiij religious in struction kingston 7th april issj tf is rrnftfin ici o we congratutateour readers upon the absence this week of all allusion to mr mackenzie kis defeat at ork wc sincerely hope may ena ble him to pause in hia career of folly nd re- parlianii pan of gard his past attempts to revolutionize the pro- if without tbe consent of the people of upper vinceasthe offspring of unparalleled weakness canada j and tf1 the people will not consent wa wku tt t ii shnqid hope been made sufficiently mani d vulgar ambition he has 1l fate of every popular agitator of which w have correspond apt yours kc any historical record and when hia prospects of success were most apparent he has been abandoned by the faction who pushed hi for ward as the champion of their pretended griev ances with all hia imperfections and innu merable have been his political errors w can not but regard tbe outrage on his person u ha milton as cruel and cowardly with whatever john bull birth at ilnllowell on sunday morning the 1st inst mrs charles bockus of a son commercial bank of the midland district mtotigk is hereby given that al a t meciinp of the stockholders antipathy lus prtncples have been received there held lhi d l0 the act of and elsewhere such treatment admits of no ju- incorporation it was location time and past experience may ope- resolved hat an instalment of ten rate m redeeming him from his delusion and p cent on the capital stock subscri- whenover reason resumes her empire over him hed bo called in payable on or before his reflection of having fruitlessly devoted the t the fifteenth day of june next at this prime of his life in the service of civil discord oflicc information wanted f sally hamill f the town- land of kepnck ormtv of ty rone ireland who came out with wm and james brown of said ounrv to ca nada in 1s24 any account or her will be thankfully received by her cousin in kingston to be left at he chronicle office with thi libera and imperishable motto we commenced the arduous duties of a public jour- naltau undismayed by the adoption of those prin- eipleaivilh hich earliest asaociuiona were idenfified and expeobng by a rigid adherence to such a muim to defy the shafts of envy hatred or malice and above all lo avoid the imputation of all uekaritabiem to the opinions of those who may differ from aa on points of foreign ur domestic politic it was therefore with m inconsiderable acnwtioda of regret that we have heard ouraewee availed for what has been deemed an iajudictotw exercise of our judg ment in admitting within the colotnoe of tbe last chronicle a commnnication under tho tfig- nature of a british subject that the colomnaefa public journal hoihat all times be epen to a fair and candid diacusnon ofts erentsthal are hourly passing before our viewhas never till the present occasion been qoes- t ieaed and ahhoaa we expreasod in our editorial comments upon thatcommanicattonour unquali fied diseent from the opinions entertained by the author it appear to have failed in extracting the poison it was intended to circulate and to have given offence t those who aoppose that our pa- geaipuet bo exclusively occupied with one part ticutar description of opinions suited to tho pecu liar taste of one particular description of readers ttiia doctrine ao at variaocc with common can dour and juatice we bad hoped in this eolighjen- edbllum em ofthcwtiridwouldhave foufid pmation in the good sense ofthepub- will become the most unenviable period of his declining existence the communication of john bull which will be found in another place is an honest and manful refutation of thedoclrines of m british bubjtttf we always are and ever will bo hap py to find such a champion for the privileges of real british subjects as enjoyed by thorn in these provinces and we rejoice to witness the mijx wttwiftn tfstaonqfiii and osmuittj0it to a cauiaalooly requires a little opposition to ex hibit tlaeirm colours that defy nil human sophis try te disparage or abuse civis in our last has found a warm auxiliary in philanthropes and we are exceedingly happy to perceive so general an interest in a proposition that justly merits the public atten tion we cordially coincide with the sentiments of each of our correspondents upon this impor tant qobject a nd hope that no delay will occur in completing a plan of municipalautbority as just as it is expedient for tbo preservation of the peace and the security of the health of tho inha bitants of kingston for the kingston chronicle miu editor 1i the last chronicle i perceiv ed a communication signed m a british subject in which the writer with great professions of neutrality displays his political venom against the institutions of the country by his abuse of tbe inhabitants of kingston for the unanimity displayed by them in on address to his majesty praying that ibe charter of hetr liberties may not be infringed upon tiis is the hd and front of their offending one of two thing must be true with respect to your correspondent he is either a late importation of scotch or english radicalism as yet a stranger amongst us and viewinfftho happy political condition of our conn- uyuughttheuirtiktjfflpthvsmhlmwiiuvu t the real abuses that exist in the representative ce is tojpm i aystem of hireta or an erremy in dfegnieeone of that hopeful ryentonion minority whose wiclced machinations have united all rank and f a harper cashier kingslpn april 3 1832 d strmice wul we seawly can cltf- i hat any effort of own can reclaim f all ihy fiwbe to of lhfr prti f fca beion tbe for- j i i bve some hopes of him for ihe mosl ela- bmwlbemmiia 0 of cobbett will ebon be- corne disgnsted at the jintibritish principles of i he heonian parly and connot remain alto- gether bliod to die superiority we enjoy over tbe british people in resptct to the purity of the re- pw ftitit itiffl fltstem aoperinity which in some decree we will continue to- enjoy even after tbe present reform bill liaa passed into a tav let me teq your correspondent that hore are times when neutrality becomes n cowardly de sertion of dnty j and- h er the inhabitants of this decide vhethct ware arenttaded some writer would appear more qualified than quraetvebtd overturn hi oomct btb etrmaouw ww aos in rinfnyfifttj by thawnbrtbte letter of m joha bah to which we particuurly ref our roadera we were not deesired another communication of this peudobritih subject occupies a pefwoftof this days imprea- ion and the anthwr willscc that wa have lopped off some espreaaions with regard to indmdoal merit as being obsolete and inapplicable to the defeat of hie entree we cawe not whether he j- pieced or nol at such n courtf but onr paper wiu never becorne tbe reticle 3f perapnol slan der nr indiiduel abuse hi opaajona with re- gard to oorselrea he ia a liberty to place as ho has this day before the public we are raised to such an emincace that a missile cast from the band of a child can reach us but we possess the power of ffinging back the weapon and recoiling it on the head of the assailant we have unfor tunately displeased the writer and a few of our friends in sentiment and political feeling we consider that we have done on act of justice to both andifwc hare failed we can only con sole oursclrcs with tbe reflection of the ancient orator tis not in mortals to command success but we may do more wemay deserve it for sale lot number is in the 4th con cession of the township of cart- wright newcastle district an excel lent lot of litnd in a flourishing town ship and for which an indisputable title will be given apply to a manahan kingsto 6th april 1832 to let the red store for nrony years occupied by thomas boasley esq harwell bridge also after the 1st of jttjy the potahery at hallo- well bridge apply if by letter post paid to i subscriber f bickerton piclon march 271832 4w spirit of the times and lite in newyork a sporliig paper on the plan of belps life in londoru the only similar pubbcation in the united sts evoted to the turf the ring th angler the hunter for eign and domestic news literature fashion taste the drama police reports and scenes of real life price three dollars payable in ad vance four dollars if not paid within six months or five dollars if not paid within the year address postpaid or left in the post office william t porter co chatham square new- york deaf dumb institution the parents and guardians of deaf and dumb children of the age often years or upwards who may wish to avail themselves of the provision made by the legislature for the board of certain number of indigent deafroutes are requested to send in as soon as pos sible to the commissioners entrusted with the management of the fund their applications supported by satisfactory evidence that they have not the means of paying for the board of the children at a rate not exceeding twentytw information wanted of patrice and tbrknck doonan from killyshandry county of cavan who left dublin t jne 1830 their old father nnd mother is desirous of hearing from them as tfeoy have been since last summer in soaf 0 ihcm any information about them will be rendering a service by addressing it in patrick duggan tavernkeeper mon- eai apy a 18s2 printers in upper canada will confer a favour by inserting the above notice the subscriber hereby cautions the public not to t thomas fleming his son on his account or harbour him as he will ly b account able for the same said thomas being under age and having uft his house and employment without any m cause patrick fleming kingston april 5 1832 3w to printers a pell brotiieu late wm itagar d co have removed their type and stereotype fuuodry tn no 2g gold st corner of john st- new- york and having greatly enlarged their premis es mo prepared to execute orders with the greatest despatch all articles required by printers furnished to order a the manufac turer prices chases composing slicks cases c constantly on hand ihey have complete series of fonts from plea to diamond of a light face auil beau tiful cur which ihey offer willi great con- fidtnrn a being very superior articles the following aro their prices uniform willi oilier foundries at fi months credit or 7j per cool discount for cash per lb nxlmc pica nnd all laipr canon to si line pica dmihln english in double p orem primer to double pki engliii ami p long primer lloutgeofa ijpavwr minion nonpareil agmie pearl diamond all other articles of the type foundry in proportion ca pkll oc broth fr cast their hook and newspaper font of a metal much lighter than that commouly in use and wlich they will warrant much more du rable a p b are agents for the saie of the smith press manufactured by k line co and for the wiishingtuo press iu- venied by rusf the following are the prices at g months credit medium or royal 230 super royal 240 imperial 2fq no 2 2ti0 no 3 273 newyork jan 20th 1s2 ft printer of papers throughout the d state and tho canadas who wi eive ihe above advertisement a few inseriion will bo n 1 lowed in settlement of thiir accounts or in articles from the foundry provided four times that amount be pur chased- t to uf- let house of the late major cor- tt possession to be given on the 1m of may application as to icims fcc tn richard cornell esq kingston march 24 1832 wanted s3 m i 30 40 4 fxi 70 h 110 140 200 b5 iim- subscriber bout 100000 mjp fet of ltimnki consisting of i lank hoard and sc part 1o be delivered al kings ion and part at llalluwll cash will be paid upon de livery john mcleod kincstnn 22d march 1832 notice alt persons indebted to mrilmr either by noti idiolui the stiiuu vvlomi he pi cue n i their claims theodore crockett kingston march 3d 1832 the sub- by note or book re reriiifsicd t call and settle imnnmlatcly ind those to is indebted are icqueslod u province were called upon lo decide whether frwin- or onfl that ihey ahoald stand by their precht happy con- pounds ten shillings n yotf and w ititution or run headlong into revolution the the children are mielligent and free from might render a strong proof of the increasing prosperity of kingston maybe witnessed in theoctivity which prevails along the river eido in the neighbour- hood of mr ives snd the missismgua batter- several substantial wharves are in progress building for the firm of macpherson at co the enterprising forwarders at prescot and several store and dwelling houses are erecting which will render that part of the town the emporium of water commerce at the battery two lorge schooners are in forwardness snd higher up the lake mr drum is preparing to build an f v tensive brewery and distillery upon the farm be lately purchased from mr thomas smith present is tbat time the call sir is the call of their country of the const ituionof liberty for liberty has been well defined as synonymous with w and govern ment that call has been nobly and gallantly answered from one end of the province to the other the present is not as your correspondent would have fts believe a contest between two political parlies between whiss snd lories it is i anion of whigs and tones of all who love british rule against revolutionists aeatnat men who hate british rule and will never be satisfied so long as a british standard is reared in this country it ia not when tbo enemy is at the gates of the constitution that the british garrison within should he occupied in amending any reul or fan cied imperfection a wipe man would not think of improving or ornamenting his comfortable dwelling at the moment incendiaries were set ting fire to ihe premises or a mob aboit to pull down the whole fabric about his ears the sneer of your correspondent st tho inhabitants of kingston being soimiwenuy led to sirjn the address thoy will treat with the contempt it de serves and treat with equal contempt the silly vnnityand miserable imbecility that would die tate to them passive obedience and nonresis tance to the efforts made to rob them of tho charter of their rights neither do they fear that by their loyal and dutiful address they have thrown themselves into the arms of a parly of which dr strachnn is the head and soul dr strachan has for se veral years taken liitlc or no part in public af fairs and binee the arrival oftho present lieute nant governor there is hardly a man in the pro vince who has been lew consulted on the mea sures of government indeed sir john oot- hnno has studiously avoided lending his ear to thoso who wero the advisers of hs predecessor and while ho spares no pains to acquire informa tion from men of all pnrlieshohas hithcrtoihought any disease or vice that their admission into the school objec tionable those who being unable to pay tho whole could afford to pay any part of the above sum will make a de claration to that effect and specify what part of it they would undertake lo pay the school being open and instruction given gratuitously to all who may choose to attend persons residing near the in stitution may send their children as day- scholars without incurring any expense- the age is not limited for day scholars or boarders supported by their parents the scharge will be the same for all boarders they will be expected to bring their beds with a proper supply of bed and other clothes the commissioners are the rev dr mountain archdeacon of quebec the rev j demers vicargeneral and joseph roy esq letters and papers relating to the ob ject of ihe commission are to be direct ed tn tfcesubscriber to be post paid editors of newspapers desirous of contributing to the promotion of this charity are respectfully requested to give the above an insertion by order of the commissioners r macdonald principal of the d d- i and secy to the board of comvs quebec 29th march 1832 b rucks newyork type foundry established in 1813 the subscriber hn completed q new edition of bis book of specimens with which his customers nnd other printers dis posed to buy from him may he supplied un mppsitxttttit rfffrk fmrrrdrv a 20 augustus street behind the city mall he would remark for the information of thoic who have not been in the hahit of dealing with him and because a different practico has been extensively introduced that this book enntaios ootb but the ac tual productions of his own foundry and presents a true specimen of tai will he fur- oished to orders the assrtumcnt is very complete has been delibernt3y aoctcarctuf y m twenty years broughtto its present high state of perfection an ftmbraces a variety of styles adapted todlflereot tastes uud to the various departments of printing newspapers book and job hghly finished and cast of the mutt terwzeahle metal not to notice the varieties which are dis tinguished hy their numbers in the book it cootains of roman and italic 27 sizes from twelve- line pica to pearl twofine and title 15 sizes twoliae co lumbian to apati- shadfd 13 sizes twoline pica to loug primer italian 7 sizes sevenlit pica to long primer ntiow 17 sizs tenline pica to noo- pareil black 12 sizes fonrline fica to minion optn black 5 sizes fosfline pica lo greatprimer script 2 sizes double ma pj ao great primer besides musie black slope ornament ed letters and lottery figures piece frac tions superiors astronomic au other sigos space rules brass utiles orna mented dashes long braces more than 200 kinds of flowers and 100q cu and or- oaments for school books oehspapen tfkl irniihc works orders for any of these find alio for presses chases composing slicks cases furniture printing ink or fety thing re quired in the printing business will be ex ecuted on tbe most favorable terms and wild the utmost promptitude n large stnek of foundry articles always on hand george bruce newyork jan 28 1832 05 printers of newspaper wd pub lish this advertisement and fn a pa per containing it to the foundry will he nllowed 3 fur it if tbey purchase from tho foundry to the amount of twelve painting rilhe subscriber respectfully in- jl forms his friends and the public that he will continue his business of painting in all its various branches as usual at his shop in ihe mnrket square he will have workmen of ihe best abili ties and will keep on hand a new and well assorted slock of paper hangings paints oils nnd other articles in his line he returns his sincere thanks for the liberal support he has received and hopes still to merit a share if public pa tronage theodore brockett kingston march 24 1832 notice whereas my son almon pot ter having last night his home without my consent i hereby forbid all persons trusting him on my account as 1 will be answerable for nn debts of his contracting and any person harboring or employing him after this notice will be prosecuted as the law directs cyrus potter cramahe march 19ih 1332 new books just received and for sale at the chronicle office a few copies of the following works eugene aram 2 vols by the au thor of pelham the disowned c the smuggler 2 vols by the au thor of talcsby the oilara family wanted a master mate and steward for ihe steamboat john uy none need apply but such as can pro duce unquestionable references as to abilities nnd character application to bo made in writing to the subscriber betotc the 25ih of april david john smith kingston 29th march 1832 we the underpinned inhabitants of the counties of lenox nnd addington having been presenl at tho meeting held at fralicks inn on the lglhnf february last and perceiving an attempt made by a writer in the heiald of the 7th instant to invalidate the state ment of the proceedings of the said meeting published by george macken zie esq do hereby publicly declare that lo the best of our knowledge and belief mr mackenzies statement is iruu in substance and in fact s h macaulay colin mackenzie peter davy b f davy w j mackay ben scymore asnrpupmnjiinbil d l thorp bath i7h march 18 by auction will be sold at the ordnance wharf point henry on the 19th day of april n quantity of settlers stores consisting of scythes complete reaping hooks rakes pitchforks hoes tfarroio teeth saws axes au- gtrs brush and bill hooks in lots to suit purchasers conditions will be made known at tho timef sale sale lo commence at if oclock a m office oforrfnance kingston 2ltm8reh is32 h m dock yard kingston 22d march 1832 j important sale of naval stores on tuesday the slh may next will be offered for public sale ot the dock yard at kingston u c nt 10 a m a considerable quantity of tim ber consisting of about sixty thousand feet of oak and one hundred thousand fittof white yellow and red pine one third of which is sound and thore- mainder defective there will also be exposed for sale quantity of topmasts yards and spars of various descrip tions for a fifty lo a twenty gun ship aod on tho 21st may ihere will be offered at public sale at the naval de pot at montreal n considerable quantity of naval stores consisting of blocks cflrdagcublelaid hawserlaidand bolt- rope round square and flat iron pitch tar oakum iron spike nails rosin junk paperstuff with a variety of articles which will be put up in lols to suit purchasers conditions of both sales a deposit of twentyfive per cent immediately af ter the sale ihe remainder of the mo ney on delivery of the articles a rea sonable time will be allowed for their delivery jno r glover naval store keeper a clerk wanted rblde committee will receive pro- pnsau from persons wishing 1 iipply lor the situation of clerk on board the steam boat william iv un til ihe 15th of april nxt addressed in writing to the subscriber slating their lowest terms by ihe month fotthe sea son of the boats running and also by ihe year al the option of the commit- icc which lo accept none need apply without good testimonials of character and ability to fill the situation john mcdonald gananoqtie march 2l 1332 alliance office the office of ihc alliance com pany for kingston and the mid land district is held al the place of bu- sinessof the subscriber in frontstreet where property will be insured as here tofore jas- macfarlanei4gaif kingston 7th january 1832 information wanted ill lielleville for ih william john oibsonkft ttelleville for the township of bastard near brockvillc about the 10th of decemper last and has not since been lnard of he is lately from fhe north of ireland is 12 years of ag and has dirk red hair any person knowing of him will confer a great favour on his father isaac gibson by dropping a letter to him at killy post iiriflvjrfiumeaid dm in im r nhri bastard n b editors in kingston and belle ville will please to inseit the above dentistry mr wood has the pleasure to inform the ladies and gentlemen ol kingston that he has arrived and taken rooms at myers kingston ho tel where he will stay a few days in ihe practice of dental surgery in all its branches those who are wishing to employ him nre invited to call soon that he may have lime to visit the other towns in his rcorie during the summer and return to kingston the next fall i kingston 24th march 1832 copperplate press a first rate copperplati pi inf ing press has just been received at tho chronicle office where visiting cards will be printed and all other copperplate work performed wtlh neatness and despatch a variety of fashionable vtstfin cards for sale at the chronicle office jwjf 24 1330- t books ror sale the following books are for sale at ihe chronicle office vie the family library consisting of 7 he history of the jews from the ear liest period to the present time by the rev ii h miuban in 3 vols 18 mo- illustrated with original maps and woodcuts life and times of george iv with anecdotes of distinguished tersons of tho last fifty years by the rev george croly with a portrait 18 mo new andimptoved edition narrative of discovery and adven ture in africa front the eailiest ages lo the present lime with illustra tions of ihe geology jvineralogy and zoology by professor jameson james wilson esq and hugh jfur- ray esq with a map and wood en gravings 18 mo lives of eminent painters and sculp tors by allan cunningham esq in 3 vols 18 mo wilh portraits mary queen of scotsin 2 vols by ii c bell esq the life of lord byron by john gall sq is mo the continuation of the family li brary will be regularly received at the chronicle office immediately as the volumes nre issued from ihe fressofthe messrs harpers of new york to render the family library still more worthy of fjatrooage the publish ers propose incorporating in it such works of interest and value al may ap pear in the various libraries and mis cellanies now preparing in europe par ticularly the national and the ed inburgh cabinet libraries all these prorluclions as ihey emanate from ihe press will bo submitted to a committee oflitetary gentlemen forinspection and none will bo reprinted but such as shall be found calculated to sustain the ex alted character which this library has already acquired i