disease with which several parts of eu rope are it ibia lime visited aod we do strictly charge aod command that the said public fast he reverently aod devoutly observed by all our loviog subjects io oar said province of lower caoda as they teoder the favour of almighty god and would avoid bit wrath aod iodiguatioo aod upon paio of such puoisbmeoi as we may justly inflict on all such ascootemn and neglect the performance of religious and accessary a duty in testitpooy where of we have caused our letters to be made pateot aod tbe great seal of our province of lower canada to bo hereunto affixed witoesi our right trusty and well beloved matthew lord aymer koight commaod er of tbe most honorable military order of the bath oar captain general and go vernor io chief in aod over our province of lower canada and upper canada vice admiral of the same c c c at our castle of st lewis io our city of quebec io our said province of lower caoada the fourth day of april in the year of our lord one thousand eight hun dred and thirtytwo aod ia the second year of our reign d dalt sec of the province united states istbuafim case with cheeks burn ing with shame for our country we copy the followiog paragraph from the chero kee phooii of the 17th iust oo last tuesday a company of the georgia guard visited a school io this place uoder the care of miss sawyer amiistona- ry under the american board it had beeo understood by them that she bad been giving iostractioos to a little black boy aod teaching him to read the bible miss saw yerwat warned by a sergeant who com manded the guard to desist from teaching the black boy it appeared at tbe last sil ting of the legislature of georgia an act was passed making it nolawfol for any per soo giving instruction to auy black person ju the state uoder tbe penalty of a fine not less than 1000 nor eiceeding 5000 and imprisonment until the gne is paid for eve ry such offence whether miss sawyer had ever heard of the eiisteoca of such law before she took tbe boy joto school we at not able to say bat it is very like ly she never had sbe was promised to be arraigned at tbe next superior court in tbe newly formed city ealled cherokee oo the fourth monday in this month pro- tiding ho persists in teachiog the boy tho guard arrested two young white men a fe miles from tbe place robert aoew aod jack murary the former had beeo living in the neighbourhood where he was arrested two or three years the other lives oo the alabama side or the na tion a young lady is teachiog a poor little jjack boy to read the bible tho word of um who spoke as never man spoke and she ii forthwith visited by a ruffian guard with bayonets fined and ordered todesist this too in a laod of freedom in a country where the guard has no legal right to remain on hour nod the president of the ugited states eaocttoning tbe foul ty- raeny jvetf ysrk com ad tr ohirord o vbo if ailonal iotelligencer says wc presffme correctly that the power of the supreme court of tbe uoited states to issue writs of habeas cor pus is limited to those cases io which the party is imprisoned under some authority proceeding from some court or officer of the united states therefore it would seera that if tho authorities of georgia persiit io retaining the missionaries in prisoo they cannot be relieved in tbe re cess f court by habeas corpus unlets it be such as a single judge might graot coold not issue until the next term and when the oext terra shall come if tbe mis sionaries be still to gaol the supreme court ay issue process and execute its owo judgment tbe venerable judiciary act of 1789 provides that io cases in which tbe judgment of a state court is reversed and where tbe case has beeo already before re manded the supreme court way proceed to foal decision omd award execution in tbe mean time it would seem to be quite evident tfaat all the agent of geor gia who are eonceroed in retaining the llfaata ia gatl u aod must one day answer for tbe false impri sonment this ii not tbe erst iostloce by several of a state court taking upon itself to dis regard tho judgment of tho highest judicial tribunal of oar country every case of tbe kind baa hitherto had a lame and almost ludicrous conclusion and we bave too much confidence in the love of country aod ihe common sense of the georgians to ap prehend that tbe present collision between the judicial authorities of tb state and of the united states will terminate tragically let all tbe parties keep their tamper as well as they can let the friends of tbe union stand firm by tbe sheet anchor and let oo one of them doubt the safety of the gallant ship whose flag has brnvd these many years the battle and the breeze georgia- the opposition continue to call op the president to compel georgia by force of arms to obey the mandate of the supreme court aod openly declare that state to be io rebellion well if georgia finally opposes the general go vernment sbe must be punished aod we hope that if the president should be called upon to send a fore to that neighbour hood be will give tho preference to the maisachusetts militia by ordering a few regiments to repair to the south as the new england states geoerally took great pains to puih on excitement relative to the india it is but fair they should take the trouble to put down this pretended rebel lion besides ii will give an opportunity for massachusetts to recover some small reputation io fighting their brethren which they lost during the war by decliuiog to fight the enemy cour t enq lae ontario steam boats we have seen a letter from john hamilton esq the enterprising proprietor of the steamboat great brilaio to a gentleman f this village stating that ibis vessel will commence her trips between prescott aud niagara touching at kingston oswego and york about tho 25th iost we are also informed that he new and splendid steamboat united states of 160 bumo power now building at ogdensburgh will be in readiness for navigation about the 1st of may and will be a regular visitor at tbts port also that the british steamboat alciope a vessel of the first das intends making regular calls at this port the eosuiog season on her trips up aod down tbe lake os- tgr palladium new line or packets a new hoe of packets will be in readioess to commence ruooing daily between this village aoduti- ca on tbe opening of the canal this to gether with the additional facilities for tra velling on the lake by steamboats will ren der the oswego route equal if not supe rior io point of expedition and comfort to auy other and far more attractive from the variety of scenery which it presents to the eye of the traveller 6 atrocious muroee we mentioned a few days since that a woman named cath arine jane taylor was found murdered in the wood adjacent to poughkeepsie the followiog additional particulars we find io the poughkeepsie telegraph on the afternoon of sunday she re marked that she would walk towards the river and gather wiotergreens and tying a handkerchief on ber head she proceeded evening came and she did not return in the morning the family made search for her in the direction she was supposed to have taken out without success about 11 oclock two black men from this viluge on a gunning excursion discovered her body she was found lying oo ber back aod nearher were a couple of buodles or greens she had apparently carried in her hands the ground was not much dis turbed around her but it was evideot she had been drawn by her feet some distance to tbe place wheresbe was found tbe body was brought to this village aod a co roners jury assembled it was evident from the examination of the body by phy- siciaos that she had beeo abused bad made much resistance aod was then tpur- dered by strangulation the deed was done by the left band aod the deep print of the thumb on the left side of her throat aod the marks of the fingers oo the other could not be mistakeo two men both english men living with mr montgomery as la borers were immediately arrested oo sus picion aod brought before the coroners jury an investigation of some hours was made which resulted in their committal they bave since been discharged a public meotiofc has been held in the village of poughkeepsie at which it was resolved to offer a reward of 500 for the prosecution of the diabolical perpetrators to conviction it was also resolved to lay the case before the govoroor as one which called forth a proclamation and the offer of a reward on bebalf of the peoploofthe state k f sty mortal disord letter fc d at lundya lane he describes tlie a not cholera but equally fatal the e 4th april and to ur wc con- appears a contradictory end far from uc- eil a most ted th contrsdictory u the herald would describ satisfactory account siitt writing the above we hive been kindly favour with a view of an extract from an offi cial report written by a gentleman of medical cclebr who states that his present impression is tho the disorder is endemic but appears on thodfthne that it is strongly tinctured with bilious affection and that his opinion undercx- ingippeamncesi that it possesses no posi tive jtytiploina of cholera the report howev er is jiiarded and cautious at ihe same time generally favourable in the most important fea ture thegrcat britain steam boat arrived here from presoq on wednesday evening being her first trip thu season and proceeded on her route to gobowg york niagara c on thursday mor ning this splendid vessel has undergone a llwronjh embellishment in painting and furnish ing dsplaying considerable taste in every thing that rpects the comforts of ihe passengers of ail roius no alteration has been made in her engioy but additional strength and security have lean given to every part of the machinery that ianost liable to accident by the application of stroig double braces rendering her the safest most sibsulitiil and elegant vessel that sails upon iiese lakes she had a cargo of 100 bar rels oftolt and twelve cabin besides many fore- cabin aid steerage pswangers the toronto made ber first irip to prescott on thurathy morning por the last week wc frve enjoyed a choice assortment of piacatorfeil nauries such as have full compensated us fnr rt absence of that sa lubrious commodity for nearly the fast five months in other nspeclaa aught il expected from the state of the mad the inavktla arc dull am scanty fresh butter vriiiga fium 14 to 15 pence per pound lu our notice of ihe netting at merrill ta vern hy n lynneraphiral hww the number was stated at ijo instead of 25 p steam boat notice wetland canal bv a irfrter from a gentleman at st catharines we harn hat the welland ca nal will he open for navigation on the 15th inst jort courier piedon thursday 12th st at the re sidence of sir william campbell ms grandson james robertson esq m d son of dr robert son of montreal at theogef 23 years a young gentleman of most correct habits and amiable disposition and of more tkm ordinary talents and literary acquirements at york on the 1 1th april at the residence of his brother peter mcdoiuall etq mr charles mcdougall merchant of nbrkham at york on the 13th affsl the infant son of thomas g ridout esq satoadat april 21 1832 a having no later dates from london than the evening of the 39ui we are consequently still in suspense upon the only interesting topic of eu ropean intelligence that at present exists the nextamvatwe irustmay terminate this long protracted question and relieve oa fpm those apprehensions which the unforeseen delay in he progrcssofthe measure has more thaaonceoc- casioned us to express the earl grey stands ma most nervous position at this present itfo- ment fluctuating between bis duty to hie sove reign and bis compliance with the dictates of his own conscience regarding the consistency of hts early views on the subject of an increase in the peerage indeed it would appear that to so late a period as that of charles x his lordship loudly deprecated tbe increase to tbe french peerage which might be coniidercd as one of thecausev that led to ihe overthrow of that mo narch this mental hesitation if it can bo so termed may rn the absence of more probable conjectures be one of the causes of delay and toot impossibly defeat the further progress of the measure at least for the present session snch is represented as the state of u d fort un ate ireland that public notice has been posted io the cmbty of kilkenny fnupojtio ihst for e7 penon who wfff be executed at the aeshtet two protestant clergymen will be selected for asss- sinatipn as an atonement immense asaembla gea of the peasantry armed and organized are perpetually to be met with in the county of do negaland other exhibitions of numerical power that indicate a preparation for events which are rapidly arriving at an awful crisis the cholera only in tbe borough of south wark was increasing but it is said very in considerably it appears to have confined itself to the extremities of the metropolis only one case remained at newcastle under medical treat- if ary evidence was wanting to prove the su periority of ihe port of kingston over that of prcscas for sailing craftthe following fact wiiich occumd this week may be fairly adduced- the britamid telegraph and lady colbornc schoo ners amved here from grimsby and burlington on toesday the 17th laden with pork flour and whcal tbe britannia consigned to mr archi bald mcdoncll discharged hercargo and return ed the ame day to burlington with a fair wind the otber two schooners bound for prescott remaiaed weatherbound here till ihe morning of the 20th being delayod nearly fourdays confir ming the well known fact that two trips can be madetretn burlington to kingston in the lime that it requires to make one from the former har bour to prescott n ment we have very great pleasure iupublishing tbe following letter from his excellency the lieute nant governor to mr dawe in rtply to tbe pe tition presented by the inhabitants of kingston praying for a charter to establish fairs in this town this circumstance supplies us with an additional and most convincing evidence of the anxiety of his excell ency to promote by every mesne within hie power the prosperity of the province aod in no one point coom his powers be exercised with more permanent advantage to the agriculturist as well as the housekeepertban in tbus complying with the prayer of the pcti- tioners and promptly acceding to the proposal of the highly respectable individuals who signed the government house york 14th april 1832 sir i have the honor to acquaint you that 1 have laid the petition of the inhabitants of the town of kingston before the lieutenant gover nor which yoti forwarded on the 6th instant and that his excellency has ordered the neces sary jnstrument to be prepared for establishing fairs at kingston agreeably to the request ol the petitioners i have the honor ac edward mmahon jt stcrttary mil w daw secretary lo the committee c kingston a british subject has again reduced us to a necessity that we must ever deprecate of edi torially commenting on communications that may appear in our columns and upon this occasion he f egret it the more because we arc compell ed to tell him lhat what he has asserted of our selves in the 8th ami 9th lines of his present let ter does not in the lotmttednania admiuafliha interpretation he would affix to it- in asking him how he would alter the constitution of the legislative council so as to give general satis faction we defy him to attribute to us any opi nion of that body directly or otherwise by that expression our object was to bring this quas- tion of political discord to a quick conclusion and instead of thus perpetually grumbling about the matter to dtraw from the discontented an opinion which u a british subject on their be half has avowed and here be has thrown off the rmk of brirnfa feeling at least and reveal ed a savannahhoed physiognomy grinning ad herence as the llbac journal expresseait to democratic principle io individual and mu nicipal rights to che sovereignly of the states and the sovereipjg of the people he would have the council cho sen by the people bat not by the same people who cboosethe members of the house of assem bly he would have electors qualified by cer tain tests of blood or possessions perhapaof both and when all this was anally settled both houses would agree to elect their own lieutenant governor instead of importing tne from great britain here i tea the secret which only at this time we could prevail upon ourselves to befieve for a moment here is the sum and substance oftkewmephu mm cil elective like tbe house of assembly and how speedily will the present sute t things be re duced to ihe long wished for standard by this pseudo british subject and his colleagues tbe lieutenant governor through the agency of mr w l mackenzie and his abettors would be driven in disgust ivom his lofty preeminence and his place in the plenitude of the elective ma nia filled by no less a personoge than the rev egerton ryerson or mr wl mackenzie this unguarded acknowledgment of a a british sub ject developes the whole plot and in concluding our notice of his democratic principles we return him our warmest thanks for a confession that no longer leaves his legitimacy a matter of doubt with us or his allegiance a matter of interest to himself or tbe public coinmiswriat kington 17 april 1s32 tenders willie received at this office until mofcday the 7th day of may next at one clock p m for supplying the jeparroieni with eight thousand five hundred pounds weight of sound good merchantable tallow mould candles of net less than six candles to the pound and in such pro portions of long and skort sixes ns may be ordered the caodles to be delivered into the commissariat magazines here at the following periods 1000 lbs by ihe 1st of june 1500 dn by the 1st of august 2000 do by the 31st of october 2000 do by the 30th of november 2000 do by the 31st of december payment will be made in british sil ver coins or hi bills of exchange at the option of the senior commissariat officer if in the latter m the rate of one hundred pounds sterling fo wcn one hundred and one pounds len shillings sterling duo upon the contract tho tenders to express the rnle in sterling for each pound of cnndles security will be required for the duo performance of such contract as may be entered into charles a clarke asst comfflissarv general 00 to the splendid new steam boat great britain capt jos whitney ptvpdud by jicft line- pressure eiiih of ninety horse poteer each the public are respectfully inform ed ilia llie following arrangements have been made for the months of april may and june will leave prcsroti every wednesday morning commene on ihe notice the subscriber begs to inform ihe public that he will not hold him self responsible after this date for any labia thai may be contiacted in the iiumu of george nnd philip ham george ham cobourg gib april 1s32 sw ng we would draw the attention of the public to the advertisement of dr wood of whose merits u t dentist of the firat class so many proofs al ready exist in the experience of the people of kingston we belicvelhot the doctors stay will be limited snd we therefore recommend all those who value the luxury of sound teeth and the in numerable blessings they confer to visit him at his rooms al myers hotel tho dentrifice of his preparation may be used with ihe utmost sfety being reduced to on impalpoblo powder composed of materials highly adapted lo preserve aod beautify the teeih amongst the candidates for the west ward at montreal we find the name of our old and honest friend thos philips esq nd if solid worth and honorable principle ore to reguloie the votes of the electors we know not where they can ex pect a happier combination of these qualities thsn in the past life and charcr of this respectable gentleman w wish him every success may tea sae 132 a public sale of teas wi tajke place at the warehouses of thee agents of the honorable east india cimnpany in qutbee on saturday tb 5tlti and at montreal on saturday- wh may at eleven oclock in ibelbreng catalogues will be ready for delivery and shewchests open for inspection at each place from the monday morning until the thursday aftctnoq 0 the week of sale forsyth richardson co agents to tho hon i co montreal 17h april 1832 information wanted of a young man named william fitch jhawley aged 30 years the author of a poem called tk harp the said person left laprairj- on the 3d october last for upper canada and lias not been beard of since any information respecting biro will be thankfully received by his aged mother or mr j m willard st francois xa- vierstor mrwm brown new market montreal march 31 1832 n- b jwwijmperf in upper canada frill please give the abate one insertion dentistry mr wood has the pleasure io inform the ladies and gfhtlemen of kingston that he has arrjfed and taken rooms at myers kingston ho- tel where he will stay a few days in jepticiechalinrrbijsisosvs itsurauches those who are wishing to eoploy him are invited to call soon thathe may have time to visit the othef tows is his route during the summe and return to kingston the next fall kingston 24th march 1832 commercial bank of th midland district tbtotice is hereby given lhat a i a meeting of the stockholders hebhhis day according to the act qf i murpo ration it was ifesolved that an instalment of 1e perxnt on the capital stock subserj beti be called in payable on or before thelifteenth day of june next at thi offbe- f a harper cashier kingston april 3 1832 spflrit of the times ang life in newyork a3 porting paper on the plan of bellas lift in ipndon the only similsr publication in unttd states devoted to the turf the ring the angler the hunter for eign and domeslic news literature fashion taste the drama police rqprts and scenes of real life frice three dollars payable in atu vame four dollars if not paid within six months or five dollars if not pai wisim the year address postpaid or left in tl po4 office william t porter co chatham sq n i copperplate press first rate copperilate p i in 18lh april 25th april 2d my9lli m may ss mny 3ih moy 6lh june 13lh june 20tli june 27lh june touching at urockville kingston co- hnurg port hope york and arrive n niagara enrly on friday morning will leave niagara every saturday af ternoon at 5 oclock commencing on 211 april 28th april sth may 12th mav 9il may 26th may 2d june 9th june 16th june 23d june 30tb june calling at oswego every sunday room ing after 5ih may next also at kingston and brockville and arrive at prescott on sunday afternoon the ladies nd gentlemens cabins on board ihe great britain are finished in the same manner as the new york and liverpool packet ships with state rooms and no expense has been spared in finishing and furnishing the boat in the most comfortable manner every endeavour will be used to accommodate passengers nnd ensure the greatest regu larity n b notice will be given of the arrangements for the months of july august and september prescott u c 9th april 1832 education thomas ross a m teacher of the kingston grammar school will be prepared after the date of this notice to receive into his family a limit ed number of young gentlemen as board ers who may wish to nfrml hn prfmr seminary in which mr ifott teaches all the branches of a classical mathema tical and commercial education terms and other conditions of ad mission may be learned cither by per sonal interview with mr ios or by letter and reference may bo made to the rev mr machar minister of st andrews church mr ross assures the parents or guar dians of the youths who may be iulntsi- ed to bis care lhat hun attention shall be paid to their morals nnd religious in struction kingston 7h april 1332 if to let the rtd store for many years occupied by thomas bcasley esq hallowell bridge also after the 1st of july the potashcry at hallo- well bridge apply if by letter post paid io tbe subscriber f bigkerton picton march 27 1832 4w m nck yard kinlon 22d march 1832 important sale of naval stores on tuesday the sth may next will be offered for public sole ul the dock yard at kiogstou u c at 10 a m a considerable quantity of tim- l eli consisting of hni sixty thousand feet of oat and one hundred thousand feet of white yellow and red pine one third of which is sound and the re mainder defective there will also be exposed for safe a quantity of topmasts yards and spars of various descrip tions for a fifty io a twenty gun ship and on the 2 1st may there will be offered at public sale at the naval de pot at montreal a considerable quantity of naval stores consisting of blocks corragecablclaid liawsei laid and bolt- rope round square and baflron pitch tar oakum iron spike nails rosin junk paperstuff witii a variety of articles which will be put up in lots to suit purchasers conditions of both sales a deposit of twentyfive per cent immediately f- tcr the sale the remainder of the mo ney on delivery of the articles a rea sonable time will be allowed for their delivery jno r glover naval store keeper alliance office the office of the alliance com pany for kingston and the mid land district is held at the place of bir- sincssof the subscriber in frontstreet where property will be insured as here tofore jas macfarlaneisnm kingston 7th ja i8s2 the board ofeducation for the johnstown district civ notice that from the present time it is tlieir inlention strictly to enforce i-l- tkgfjijliuu n in mime ycais pack by which the use of american books in leaching is prohibited and the mas ters are directed to confira themselves to such works ofelementory instruction as arc compiled by british authors only a copy of mavors spelingbuok may be obtained by each master whose cer tificates have passed the board on ap plication to dr ilubbcll that the compliance of he school masters is desired with a frrnier regula tion enjoining tho use of prayers at he commencement of school in the mor ning and at its clos in the evening a form adapted to general use may be found in mavor spellingbook and is recommended for this purpose by tire board priuled forms for the quarterly certi ficates lo he signed by twotrusteesmay he had on application to adict sarr- wood esq brockville jany 1832 4th con- p of cart- a letter hm been addressed to tho editors of tho commercial advertiser written by loine altrmiflt at niagara upon uis subject of the utc mr- drummoncps new schooner the lady of tho lake of 100 tona burthen which has been bnildme at miwiga bniiery will be launched at 2 oclock this day she i a beautiful model reflection equal credit upon tho cntcrpri aing owner and tho scientific builder j ing press has just been receive hliio chronicle office where visitin cdt will be printed and all ollis ctppcrptatc work performed wi nc and despatch v variety of fashionable visit iitq crds for sale at the chronicle office for sale lot number 18 in the cession of the townshi wright newcastle district an excel lent lot of land in a flourishing town ship and for which an indisputable title will be given apply to a manahan kingston cth april 1832 deaf dumb institution the parents and guardians of deaf ml flijuh nhilmuii of live ge often years or upwards who may tfisn to avail themselves of the provision made by the legislature for the board of a certain number of indigent deafnuites are requested to stud in as oon pos sible to the commissioners entrusted with the management of the fund their applications supported by satisfactory evidence that they have not the means of paying for the board of the children at a rate not exceeding twentytwo pounds ten shillings a year ana that the children are intelligent and free from any disease or vice that might render their admission into tho school objec tionable those who being unable to pay the whole could afford to pay any pari of tbe above sura will make a de claration to that effect and specify what part of it they would undertake to poy the school being open and instiuciion given gratuitously to all who may choose to attend persons residing near the in stitution may send their children as jay- scholars without incurring any expense theagciftnot limited for day scholars or boarders supported by their parents the scharge will be the same for all boarders they will be expected to bring their beds with a proper supply of bed and other clothes the commissioners are the rev dr mountain archdeacon of quebec the rev j demers vicargeneral and joseph roy esq letters oud papers relating to the ob ject of the commission are tobedirect- ed to the subscriber to be post paid editors of newspapers desirous of contributing to the promotion of this charily arc respectfully requested to give the above an insertion by order of the commissioners r macdonald principal of the d d i and sncy to the board of comvs quebec 29th march 1332 for sale lot no 17 in the ninth concession of the town ship of loughboro forparticularsen- quircat this office kingston 9th august 1828 the the notice subscriber hereby cautions public not to trust thomas flemings his son on his account or harbour htm as he will not be account able for the sumo said thomas being under age and having left his house and employment without any just cause patrick fleming kingston april 5 1832 3w wanted by the subscriber about 100000 feet of lumber consisting of plank board and scantling part to be delivered at kingston and part at hallowpll cask whi he paid upon de livery john mcleod kingston 22d march 1882 i painting the subscriber respectfotly in forms his friends and the public lhat he will continue his business of painting in all its various branches as usual at his shop in the market square he will have workmen of the beet abtli- tiejidfe will keop on hand a new and eirfllried slock of pajur hangings paivuyousnd other articlesinhig line he returns his sincere ihanksfor tbe liberal support he has received and hocs stih to merit a share of public pa- tronag theodore brockett kingston marck 24 1832 notice whereas my son almon pot- ur having last night left his home without my consent i herrijy forbid all persons trusting him on my account as i will be answerable for no defrts of his contracting and any person hafbofing or employing him after this notice wll be prosecuted as the law directs cyrus potter cramahc march i9ih 1832 wanted a master mate and steward for the eteamboat john by none need apply but such as can pro duce unquestionable references as to abilities and character application to be made in writing to the subscriber before the 23th of april david john smith kingston 29th march 1832