is tho thermometer at st joho n b an the23rd was thirteen above zero new fioanical difficulties have started up io princo edward inland between the council and assembly tbe latter house had addressed his majesty on the subject the question relates to the lands which tbe council refused to assent to the dates from england at st john were to the 26tb march from falmouth by the alcbymist in 24 days tbe report of the cholera having actual ly appeared on board the passage ship mentor from london now at the quaran tine ground grosse hie is calculated to create and in fret has occasioned some a- larm in this city the mentor it appears lost four passengers on her voyage aod one seaman james colteril who died at sea on the 12th april the case of this man bore a resemblance to cholera and he died after dine hours aod a half illness the statements of tbe master and first mate of the mentor are to the following effect the deceased came on deck for the morn ing watch on the 12th april at 4 a m aaid be had been poorly in his bowels for several days and complained much of cold snd fatigue about half an hour he went be low at 5 the mate went to call him and found him very unwell and not able to come on deck at 7 be was seized with cramps all over himhe had siifht touches before that is to say in the space of no hour or two tbe captain gave him 30 drops of laudanum with gruel aod some rum id it at different times rubbed the body with warm cloths and applied bags of hot salt to his stomach these applications gave him some temporary relief but fiodipg no permanent improvement the captain did not repeat uie laudanum but added some essence of peppermint to the gruel and rum he did not vomit or purt he died at half past 1 p- m and at 4 his body id his hammock with everything belongingto him was committed to tbe sea tbedeath it will be observed happened on the lji april 27 days before the vessel reached grosse isle- the other deaths were john ffiuioa who died on the 3d may off grand etang the deceased was about 30 years ef age shortly after leaving port he had a heavy fall upon the deck in lifting a quar ter of beef he was never well afterwards a few hours before his death he complain ed of a cramp io his legs and throat tbe captain put him in a warm bath and put him to bed gave him some warm drink- ac had no vomiting at that time or purging- died about seven io the evening kaivhwabb discharged soldier the kingston chronicle satordat mat 19 1832 and wwh dted on the 18th april at sea he had the asthma had suffered severe ly on service from flux he had no cramps or vomiting- a child of 18 months died at oa on the 4tb april of teethiogwith the usual symptoms another child died on the 23d of tbe same month aged five years she was ill aboot 7 days aod the pareots stated their opinion that she died from cold change of living and weakness we have been particular io giving these details gathered from official documents to which we have been permitted access be cause io all such cases we conceive that the real estentof danger wbotr4y- will be found much less appalling than the erroneous reports bruited about on vague and uncertain information west ward electiow this uoparalelled contest is still main tainedbut is evidently drawing to its tor minatiod the numbers at the close of each days poll since our last are as fol- oo thursday tracy 599 bagg 58118 on friday tracy 616 bagg fall 5 on saturday tracy 633 bagg 6330 it is truly arousing to perceive with what effrontery the minerva and the vindicator talk of the bribery of the corruption of the periurv i of the menaces and ot the violence which they say cbarw- teriw the proceediogs of the friends or mr bagg- it might alone be supposed that in ibair idea aa assertion has only to bo roada with hardihood to give it the character of truth to reply to them now when our time is constantly engaged in the affairs of the election is next to impossible but we shall show up tbe friends of mr tracy in connection with such amass of corrupnoo that they will be sorry to have alluded to charges which must inevitably fall upon their owo heads several of mr traceys voters have beeu arrested for perjury and from them it is hoped some evidence may be elicited thai may lead to tho djmpvery of those who are the suborners of flpse de luded iodividuals montreal gazette by the arrival at philadelphia of the monon- gahela london dates of the 7fh and liverpool of the 8th have been received we have made very copious extracts from these papers which although not materially important are neverthe less full nf political interest the creation of new peers assumes a degree of certainty as far as the nomination of a particular number goes to indicate the belief that such a course will take place and the necessity of this measure may be justified from the consideration that without adopting it the probability would be that the bill in its original shape would be totally lost or so remodelled as to render its rejection by the commons a matter of absolute and inevitable certainty the times limits tho majority expected to six but io an assembly amounting to 400 it is one which cannot be safely depend ed upon the struggle was fixed for the 9th of april and we may reasonably expect the result nf that eventful period by the next arrival in the house of commons it will appear that the ty the bill was read a second time and earned by 119 to21 thus will one of the most violent sources of excitement be removed from that un happy country and a spirit of confidence be tween the episcopal clergy and roman catho lic population established the evidence of doctor doyle a roman catholic prelate of dis tinguished ability in ecclesiastical as well as po litical polity has contributed materially by the accuracy and powerful validity of his evidence before the committee on that question to pro mote the discontinuance of a system which al though founded upon immemorial usage and considered more sacred than even private pro perly was attended with incongruities which na turally excited the jealousy of those upon whom the support of the protestant ministers chiefly depended and who were besides assessed for the maintenance of a church to which they do not belong what effects may result to the church establfahment by this concession of her primitive rights the experience of the future must reveal ah probability of an amicable adjustment upon the question between holland and belgium is removed by the fact ibat troops are pouring into the frontiers by the belgic government and a compromise appears beyond any expectation un der such circumstance a fresh cause of excitementhas been produced in paris by the detection of a gang of unprinci pled beings engaged in infusing poison in milk and wine some arrests bad consequently taken place nd the confusion remained undiminished ot the last accounts the cholera was increaa ing fearfully through that capital on the 2d of april the disease hod attacked 212 and the deaths had amounted to 100 in 24 hours an insurrection also took place among a class call ed chiffoniers whose occupation consisted in the collection of rnga from the rubbish deposited in the ilreetaor watcltyr w y rendered the removal of these piles of filth im perative and lolaing their only means of sup port they becamf desperate and aviolent con test ensued between them and the municipal guards ir the harbour when each vesscl was cast pfescntcd the appearance of a formidable fleet t vc3ge j wi tue flag3 0 their rjpecjjve countries and tacking in every direct iij t secure q sa anchorage the scene wafl sfand beyond description several of the schoofj were rouged f their bondage at the poj lne rem after the steam vessel had en lne i this proves incontro vertible parallelled strength of the great britain as wc ag lne importance and utility of steam j enabling sailing craft to overcome all the npediments to their progress occasioned by a continuation of unfavourable winds and wea ther- the following is a catalogue of the pro geny that with all the sublimity of maternal pre ponderance she faithfully deposited in the har bour of kingston vessels kames wetland canal rebecca and ellxo carolineam red roer canadian general brock george the fourth mohawk chief prosperity margaret 1 batteau pres- cott brothers rochester am ladycolbornc john tvaikins by i supplement to the last gospel messen ger published at auburn by the rev dr rudd the zetfous and laborious editor of that most va luable periodical it appears that one third of the amoum of future subscriptions is to be applied to the hijhly laudable purpose of rebuilding the parocsaal church in that village which had been unfortunately destroyed during the winter by fire fcuch a noble and disinterested sacrifice on the pit of the estimable pastor accords with the general tenor of his useful and indefatigable ex ertion to advance the interest as it is beauti fully tapressed in the motto of his journal of chratt and his church the annual sub scription to this paper is hut 7s 6a and no episcopalian should withhold such a mite towairfls the maintenance of the most elegant and ateomplislied religious periodical on this side of the allan firr commissariat kingston 19th may 1832 government contracts sealed tenders will be re ceived at this office until saturday the 2d day of june next at one oclock p m for the following services in ihe ordnance department at this station viz for erecting a stone building within the tete du pont of 120 feet long and 40 feet broad a plan of the building and specifica tion of the work may be seen with a form f tender and every other infor mation required obtained at the com manding royal engineer office for supplying the ordnance depart ment with 400 lengths of stove pipe 50 kl- bows and 24 stove pans patterns and description of which can be obtained at the barrack office kingston security will be required for such contracts as may be entered into and payment will be made by an ordnance draft on the military chest to be pnid either in british silver or bills of ex change on the treasury at the option of the senior commissariat officer at 10s a commndvtrc barrie and lady left here on wednesday last in ihe sir james kempt and proceeded ttouuebec to pay their respects to his exccllemcy uie governorinchief we understand that col bt who arrived at kingston om sunday from york purposes re turning to by unfd on thursday next in the steamboat ibuilt by mr drummond about two yesrs since the canal being now in such a state of complelioin as to render it navigable with per fect safety and certainty william koorth steamboat at g oclock this morning this magnificent vessel commanded by capt t c thorn arrived here on her first trip from fiananoque having made the voyage in the unprecedented short space of one hour and three quiartcrs- she is remarkably chastly and elegandly finished and appears on the water nearly as barge as the great britain her pow er is 100 horse with a low pressure engine- the gentlemens cabin is most commodious con taining 36 most comfortable births and the la dies contains 26 yd u manner suited to the accommodation and convenience of passengers- she remained here a short time and proceeded teprescott and on monday will leave that port t pursue her regular trips to tho head of the lake touching at kingston york and the intermediate ports on her passage upwards- ihe rate of l00 for each 101 sterling charles a clarke assl commissarv grnrral just received and for sale at the chronicle of fice review of the proceedings of the legislature of lower canada in the session of 1831 with an appendix containing some important documents now first given to the public kingston may 12 s32 art of da llfonsieur pie thomas late m professor in life v s mi academy at west pom re in forms the ladies aod of king- ston that he intends cq teaching the above accomplishing j a jt vari ous branches on tuesu the 15th iustaut at myers hotel the hours for ladic instruction will be from 2 to 4 p m th gentlemens class from 7 until 9 days tuition tuesdays thursdays and sat phe most modern steps and quadrilles will bo taught together with waltzing twentyfour les sons will constitute ths term f the be ginning of the school ttrms for each scholar 2 10s payau wued tbe lessons are half out- notice at myers hotel for a few days only mr seager respectfully adver tises that he has returned to kingston for a few days for the purpose of taking profile likenesses at one dol lar each as before fie likewise intends taking striking portraits in oil co lours in ono sitting at eight dollars each he recommends those who in tend sitting to make an early applica tion as his engagements elsewhere pre clude the possibility of staying many days hours from 10 till 5 kingston april 2 1s32 notice ll persons indebted to the sub scriber cither by note or book account are requested to call and settle the same immediately and those to whom he is indebted are requested to present their claims theodore brockett kingston march 3d 1332 bank of upper canada tbctotice is hereby given that the -i- annual general electionof stock holders will be held at the bank on monday the 4th june next at 11 oclock a m to choose directors for the en suing year thomas g ridout cashier n b the editors of the several pa pers in the province will bo pleased to insert the above as usual and transmit their accounts for payment to the bank t g r bjmbam boat notice uid canal tollswe have great plea sure in being able to relieve the public mind from the esxitement occasioned by the proclamauon of his excellency the lieutenant governor on the rates payable upon the abovo canal the memorial from the people of this town was re ceived as we foresaw it would be with the same spirit that has ever prompted his excellency for the advancement of the public welfare accom panied with an assurance that the prayer of the petition would be immediately considered do- m 1mhte until wte ptmntti ihe ptu tion as also the addresses to his majesty from the town of kingston and county of frontenac sicnedby 1393 persons received the following satisfactory answer from his excellency to the latter sir i shalltakean early opportunity of for warding to his majestys government these addresses to the king from the inhabitants of the town of kingston and county of frontenac by whom you have been appointed to present them and 1 request you will have the goodness to express to them my thanks for their kind as- bitrauces at the cjose of the poll on tuesday at mont real after a contest of 21 days tracey was one ahead cess baggs friends are still sanguine of suc- monsieor pierre thomas commenced his aca demy for teaching the arts of fencing and dan cing at myers hotel on tuesday last as this gentlemans stay depends entirely on the encour agement be receives he requests those who are disposed to avail themselves of his instruction to give him as mfly i hi their convenience will permit fenc monsr t will also make up a c fencing small swqjj j wde this clo- taot healthy and i gfeotiemanly exercise will be taught id the ro0gt n style of the best academies of p pay of tuition mondays wy and fri days from 9 in the m uot 4 j the afternoon the fup can les sons at any time with lnesq hours ach lesson takes about jj ad hours time terms for the course 3 payable the term is half out i and foils found gratis those who may he desirous to attend 10 monsr ts instruct w please apply soon aa his stay will i k p e in i on tho patron age that he may recej private fami lies or seminaries a if required monsieur has taught different parts of upper canada niagsbrockvillft perth the last summer aod winter in york and received io all those different places the patronage of the most respectable fami lies and seminaries monsieur can be sg at myers hotel at any time of tho day kingston may 12 lg32 to let and possession given immediately the fulling mill at the stone mills marysburgh this is a new frame building 3g feet by 24 two and a half stories high having a water wheel 15 feet in diameter and the fulling ap paratus ready for use the lower sto ry is sufficiently large for fulling dying and dicssiog of cloth and the second m uuuau flui uuuy rimw to propel the whole there is a constant supply of water the abovo will he let at a very moderate rent apply to the subscriber on the premises ii macdonald marysburgh 23d april 1832 jf mansionhouse hotel the subscriber continues to occu py this extensive and well known establishment for the accommodation of the public thb mansion house is pleasantly situated on store sticet being the prin cipal and most central street in king ston and no establishment of the kind in the province can surpass it in the ex cellence and comfort of its apartments the splendid new sicam boat great britain catt jos- wfhtnet prophud by txoo lowpressure engines ojiinety horse pvtctr ccfc the public arc respectfully inform ed thai tho following arrangements have been made for ihe months of april may and june will leave prescott every wednesday morning commencing on the i8i1 april 25th april 2d mt 9tf mav 16ih may 231 may 30th may 6th june 13th juno 20th june 27ih june touching at isrocfevillc kingston co- bourg port hope york and arrive at niagara early on friday morning will leave niagara every saturday af ternoon at 5 oclock commencing on 21st april 28th april 5th may 12th may 19th mv 26th may 2d june 9ui june icih june 83d june 30th june calling at oswego every sunday morn- ing after 5ih may next also a kingston and brockville and arrive at prescott on sunday afternoon the ladies ftftd gentlemens cabins on board the great britain are finished in the same manner as the new yoik and liverpool packet ships with state roorns and no expense has been spared in finishing and furnishing the boat in the most comfortable manner every endeavour will bt- used to accommodate passengers and ensure the greatest regu larity prescotr u c 9t1i april 1832 b notice will be given of the arrangements for the months of july august nnd september in regard both to parlours and bed rooms j all of which are furnished in the n omen in ftiiebec on the 1st inst by a r gordon watts mica marv soong of that city- tbe address to tho king from and frontenac with thirteen hunartd and ninety seven signature waj delivered to sir john colborne on tbe 11th inst to be for warded to his majesty- this address was presented by dooald bethone esq an address of a similar description was also delivered a few days ago to hu excel lency io bo forwarded lo tbe king from the township of cbiogoacousy jod the goveof torontosigned by or im and ninety two yeoman of those piacasme owoof land concessjon of each subscriber being added to their wednesday last being tho day appointed by proclamation as a day of general feat and humili ation the same was observed here in a manner gwjflg 0 colborne highly credi table to the religious character of the ireland sss8tf5tz 5th may bv the rev wm h- gunning tbe rev rchard harte reciorotbeekwith swfild cond daughter ums maehor capt william john to miss clara atkinson both of ki nifnat york on the 26th april after a diku at mr henry madden in nnmber of address which have been forwarded to his majesty and to m excellency within the last few weeks nnnosition tothe grievance addres- town every church was crowded to excesa by their respective congregations and aermons cal culated to inspire the hearers with that solemn ty and awe which the occasion required were deli vered aod imposed with peculiar energy and effect every shop was closed every occu pation discontinued and a general tranquility prevailed which rendered the day undsungursh- able from the usual sabbath wis jk3 3e yeara public notice tenders wi be received at this office until wednesday the 6th day of june next fop he conveyance of the mail twice a wp on a post route about to be establishes leading from this office to macgreg6 mills sim mons mills and clar mills the contract will commenc on tne 6tb july- next and continue for three years t wo sufficient sureties wil b required for the performance of th contract john macafclay pm post office kingston 10th ma 1832 sale at auction without hfeserve on thursday the 2 instant and the subsequent days until the whole stock be dispose of will be sold auction without reserve at the vv mylc the subscriber having kept i avern for several years has acquired experi ence in that line and he trusts that with unremitting attention to the com forts of his guests ho will merit a share of the public patronage in the rear of the mansion house is a large yard in which there is an ex tensive and commodious range of sta blesand where a livery stable is constantly kept s carmino kingston may 9 133 painting he subscriber respectfully in forms his friends and the public that he will continue his business of painting in all its various branches as usual at his shop in the market square he will have workmen of the best abili ties and will keep on hand a new and well assorted stock of paper hangings painisyoitsnd other articles in his line he returns his sincere thanks for the liberal support he has received and hopes still to merit a share of public pa- oftice of ordnance kingston 26th april 1832 j mtotice is hereby given that at this office until the 1st june next at 12 oclock noon from nny persons wishing to purchase the whole or part of the undermentioned metal in charge of the storekeeper at this station the tenders to specify the price per ton in sterling which are to be addressed to the respective officers of the ordnance the purchasers to be at the expense of the removal and tho trunnions of tho guns will be knocked off previous to the sale uncston jklllleiv square cwl urs lbs 2 nieces brass ordnance weighg 19 1 it 2 iron 127 3 23 ohdnanctt yard tolnt hcnrt 4 pieces brass ordnance weighg 116 3 21 0 iron 367 3 4 n b the tenders to be endorsed lenders for gun metal j b smith ordnance storekeeper t lrw brockett kingston march 24 1832 opposition jm and condemning and lodig futnr tn pack of trumpery falsehoods which the syersonian republican faction have home to england by rueko esq v lady which are ju by xhiu of he province only 6 district address johnstown new nitric addresses are yet come sssm new castle niagara an gore the addretses from the london and wes tern pietricts the counties of lenox and addiogtoo the k ingston reading room attached to the herald office was opened to the public on thurs day last and furnishes abundant proof of the taste of the enterprising conductor who has spared no expense in rendering the interior arrangements wm worthy oftho public patronage theroomsare neatly fitted up fie supplied with nearly 60 new pb periodicals ot the best desenpion the list of subscribers is increasing and this da- fa viz i ideratum so long required in engston s hkey uecome the resort ofal the taents-avau- a tothedaily increasing advanta ges of the town and a repository of useful a edwards hastn inforrno mr thomson ments t ltitudeof the inhabitants for fa anxiety promote their interests new books mor sale t the chronicle office jf flife of sir isaac netotm 1 z khe3uthoroftremaine denc thc aulh iw if the pomimvs legacy 0f of paris b horofwav- may 19 1i ie au- il utffertnt townships of be home dtret thh are now io u p- york brilih conmauonil socio hr which y wo ball pubib al of the addrene wh 1 exact number sssss o each io nutaequent number courier to n mo wrt has the p the ladies and gentlemen inform has arri and at store of tbe late jams lynch all the stock of merchandfte on band con sisting of an extensive assortment of fine and superfine cloths i goods gro ceries glassware crockery wines and liquors togethe w all the fix tures and utensils in tffe shop 2vtfis purchaser under 25 cash 25 and upwards days credit up on affording good endorsed notes sale to commence eacn day at 10 oclock in the foreno9n at the same time will be sold a valu able lot of land in the township of carlwright newcastle district being lot number is in the 4 concession also on the firs day of sale at 1 oclock fifty kegs of tobacco of dif ferent qualities and other merchandize household furniture c michael moran auctioneer kingston 12th ma 1832 alliance office the office of the alliance com pany for kingston and the mid land district is held at the place of bu- sinessof the subscriber io frontstreet where property will be insured as here tofore jas macfarlane4genf kingston 7th january 1882 wanted by the subscriber about 100000 feet of lumber consisting of plank board and scantling part to be delivered at kingston and part at halloweli cash will be paid upon de livery john mcleod kingston 22d march 1832 ontario house and general stage office corner of main and broad sis sackete harbour james a smith respectfully in forms his friends and the public in general that since he leased the above house it has been filled up in superior style and that no exertions shall be wanting on his part to entitle him io pub lic patronage every attention will be paid to the comfort and convenience of travellers private parties or families can be ac commodated at all times with separate aparynenis furnished in good style the table will be well supplied and the bar furnished with choice wines and yards and baggage conveyed to and from the boats free of expense stages leave ontario house every evening for walertown champion denmarklowvillts leyden boonvi he remsen trenton utica bellville sandycreek pulaski oswego and syracuse may 12 1832 albany temperance house lr safford late of tbe oneida jl temperance house utica has taken the spacious and convenient buildiog iu the city of albany koowo as the albany temperance houe and belonging to e c delnvan esq it issituated on the cor ner of north market and steuheo streets a short distance north of the post office the house will continue to be conducted on tbe principles of that great reformation which is blessing our land and the friends of these principles are requested to patroo- ise the house so long as its accoromoda- 09 are such as to entitle it to their pa- that with in have undoubtedly the inhabitant- of kingston were gratified on wednesday last with one of the grandest ghts that was ever exhibited on the lkcj-0- vai of the great britain having in tow jtfn schooners and a durbamboat brought from prescott and brockville against a strong hoad wind and at the rato of from four to fivo mdes of kingston t m kin ho- taken rooms- slay a few days in tcf where h oental surgery in all the practice c those wn0 are wishing its branches are inv t0 call soon to employ h time to visit the other that he may l during the summer towns in is kingston the next fall and return to l2lh mavj l832 kingston steam boat john by age n era l meeting of the stockholders of the abovo boat will take place at the office of he sub scriber on saturday fhe 19th of may at noon for appointment of master of said boat by order david john smith 0 tire establishment kingston 30th april 1832 i albany april 23 no i tronago for evidences of his fitness to take charge of an establishment which has such an im portant conneiion with the interest of tbe i cause of temperance be is permitted to re- ferto the followiog gentlemen utica-speo- cer kellogg william clarke a- b john son samuel stocking william h- may- nard nicholas pevereux peterborn gerrit smith rochester ashley sam son evnrard peck j k livingston al bany willard hurlbert smith ij b mr safford would inform the public that his successor in the oneida temporance house is capt j m ropes a gentleman every way qualified to suataiu the character and extend the respectability oneida temperance house the subscriber respectfully informs the travelling public that he has taken for a term of years the spacious and pleasant mansion in the cl or utica known by the above name and heretofore occupied by mr n safford who has re moved to the albany temperance house the location of the oneida temperance house is in all respects convenient and pleasant situated no 53 genesee street opposite the ontario branch bank at tho centre of business a few rods from tho packet boat landing on the canal sufficient ly removed to be free from tbe noise and dot incommoded by the distance ihe house is large embracing suits of rooms and private parlors approprately furnished fcr itartim and all the necessary convem- for parties and cures and elegancies the house will continue to be kept upon the strict prioreiplea of temperance all ar dent spirits heing expelled from it and no efforts will be spared to maintain for it the excelleot reputation which it has acquired under the superintendence 01 the table will alw proprietor the former ays be fur- 3w 1832 dished in the fit order and attentive ser vants will always ba in employ the pre sent proprietor sensible that hs main de pendence must be upon tho friends of tem perance confidently appeals to them te sustain him in his enterprise a porter will be kept in waiting for tb arrival of the packets and baggage will b carried to and from m bxpph h utica april 23 1832 3w